Russian prose of the 19th century. XIX century in Russian literature

Russian prose of the 19th century.  XIX century in Russian literature
Russian prose of the 19th century. XIX century in Russian literature

The collection "Contemporary Erotic Prose" includes erotic works by writers from St. Petersburg and Moscow, as well as Russian-speaking foreign prose writers - traditional and innovative works, lyrical and tough, aesthetically beautiful and shocking, funny and tragic. But all of them are united by psychological reliability, the skill of the authors, the absence of any moralizing and high degree erotic tension. This book includes the story "Humanitarian Aid" and the stories of Lev Kuklin. The collection confirms once again that ...

Sleep in the Jade Pavilion without an author

"Sleep in the Jade Pavilion" is one of major works old korean prose early XVII century (the author's name remained unknown), refers to the genre of dream novels, popular in the Far East, close in plot to ancient mythological legends and adventure stories of the late Middle Ages. Published in Russian for the first time.

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Pascal Quignard is one of the most significant writers in modern France. Critics admit that the work of this prose writer, rightfully crowned with the Goncourt Prize in 2002, hardly lends itself to the usual classification. For his images hovering in the magic triangle between philosophical essays, novel and high poetry, there are no ready-made expressions, words familiar vocabulary... At the end of the 4th century AD, a fifty-year-old patrician woman living in Rome begins to keep a diary, or rather, something like a diary. On wax tablets, she writes ...

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Twenty years later Igor Kubersky

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The nineteenth century in Russian literature is the most significant for Russia. In this century, A.S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, N.V. Gogol, I.S. Turgenev, F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy, A.N. Ostrovsky. All their works are unlike anything and carry great sense in itself. Even to this day, their works are held in schools.

All works are usually divided into two periods: the first half of the nineteenth century and the second. This is noticeable in the problems of the work and the visual means used.

What are the features of Russian literature in the nineteenth century?

The first is that A.N. Ostrovsky is considered to be a reformer who brought a lot of innovations to dramatic works... He was the first to touch upon the most exciting topics of the time. I was not afraid to write about the problems of the lower class. Also A.N. Ostrovsky was the first to show the moral state of the souls of the heroes.

Secondly, I.S. Turgenev is famous for his novel Fathers and Sons. He touched eternal themes love, compassion, friendship and the theme of the relationship between the old generation and the new.

And, of course, this is F.M. Dostoevsky. His themes in his works are extensive. Faith in God, the problem of little people in the world, the humanity of people - all this he touches on in his works.

Thanks to the writers of the nineteenth century, today's youth can learn kindness and the most sincere feelings through the works of great people. The world is lucky that in the nineteenth century these talented people who gave all of humanity new food for the mind, opened new problematic topics, taught sympathy for their neighbors and pointed out the mistakes of people: their callousness, deceit, envy, renunciation of God, humiliation of another person and their selfish motives.

Several interesting compositions

  • Analysis of Platonov's work Love for the Motherland or the Journey of a Sparrow

    The work, in terms of genre orientation, refers to a parable, an allegorical story that has the author's moral teachings, the main theme of which is reflections on the true moral human principles

  • The image and characteristics of Pavlusha from the story Bezhin lug Turgenev

    Pavlusha stood out strongly against the background of the rest of the boys, both in appearance and character. The guys had blonde hair, and he had black and disheveled hair. Strong and stocky, with a large head, he attracted attention.

  • The image and characteristics of the Dyakv in the story The Night before Christmas by Gogol composition

    One of the characters in Gogol's The Night Before Christmas is Osip Nikiforovich, a village priest. The author describes the appearance of Osip Nikiforovich as rather unsightly and not particularly outstanding

  • Analysis of the story Zhivaya hat Nosov

    Soviet creativity children's writer NN Nosova is imbued with sincere love for children. The story "Living Hat" was written in 1938, when the career of a writer was just beginning.

  • Analysis of the story of Hamlet of the Shchigrovsky district of Turgenev

    The work, in terms of genre orientation, refers to a story that has autobiographical features, which is part of the prose collection of the writer "Notes of a Hunter", which considers

The period of the late nineteenth - early twentieth century can be safely called a "turning point". Social upheavals were brewing, changing public consciousness, there was a reassessment of values. Literature also changed. Many new directions appeared, new topics and problems entered the field of literary consideration.

Russian prose of this era is very diverse. Then many talented authors wrote, and each brought something new to literature. First of all, it should be said about the change of genres. If in the sixties of the nineteenth century the form dominated in literature great novel, now it was replaced by short story(although novels were also written). Small form implies a much greater concentration of information than a large one, hence the authors' attention to artistic detail. Writing about life with the help of such details that create a comic effect is the basis of the work of Leikin and early Chekhov - Antosha Chekhonte. The detail carries a huge informational load in all of Chekhov's work, as the “weak hands” of Misyus in the “House with a Mezzanine” tell us about her mental weakness, and the smell of fried onions in “Ionych” further emphasizes the vulgarity of the Turkin family's existence.

Bunin's artistic detail is primarily aesthetic value. His prose is the prose of a poet, we must not forget about it. He lists details that may not carry specific information, but are absolutely necessary to create a mood, to convey the author's intonation.

In Merezhkovsky's novels, the detail always has symbolic meaning... He - the theorist of symbolism and almost the head of the school - does not write anything in vain, and every detail is a symbol. When Peter in "Peter and Alexei" accidentally steps his foot on the icon and splits it in half, this in the context of the novel acquires a philosophical meaning. In general, Symbolist prose is very significant. She is characterized by an interest in philosophical issues, in the problems of Christianity. Hence their interest in antiquity ("Julian Otsupnik" by Merezhkovsky, "Altar of Victory" by Bryusov), in the Middle Ages ("Fiery Angel" by Bryusov), in mysticism and in general everything mysterious.

L. Andreev's stories cannot be attributed to a certain direction. He himself called himself a "neorealist" and strove to show the "unreal in the real". Hence the quite symbolist theme of his stories, purely realistic in form. His favorite theme is the relationship between man and fate, and the whole pathos of his work is pessimistic. Along with "neo-realism" there was also "neo-romanticism". Early stories M. Gorky, such as "Chelkash", "Old Woman Izergil" are saturated with a romantic attitude.

We see that Russian prose of the late nineteenth - early twentieth century developed in several directions, groped for different paths, in a word, lived a full-blooded and creative life.

XIX century. rightly called the "golden age" of Russian literature. Already in the first half of the century, literature made a giant step forward. V early XIX v. classicism and sentimentalism were replaced by romanticism. In literature, this is most vividly reflected in the work of the poet V.A.Zhukovsky (1783-1852), as well as in the early poems of A.S. Pushkin (1799-1837). Romantics in their works turned to historical events, legends, oral folk poetry.

At the turn of the 20-30s. a new direction begins to develop - realism. One of the first realistic works there was a comedy by A. Griboyedov (1795-1829) "Woe from Wit". But the true founder of realism in Russian literature should be considered A.S. Pushkin, he was also the ancestor of Russian literary language... The author of lyric poems and caustic epigrams, a novel in verse "Eugene Onegin", poems " Bronze Horseman", "Boris Godunov", " Captain's daughter"And others, A.S. Pushkin not only showed himself as great poet, but also managed to comprehend the essence of the most important phenomena of Russian history and reality, depicted by him in all its diversity, complexity and contradiction. Realism is largely inherent in the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov (1814-1841) "A Hero of Our Time". N.V. Gogol (1809-1852) developed critical realism, whose purpose was to detect the vulgarity of life, as well as social criticism("Inspector", " Dead Souls"). Gogol deepened the topic “ little man"(" The Overcoat "), introduced into Russian literature by A. Pushkin (" The Stationmaster ").

In the 40s. a school of realist writers is being formed (" natural school"), Rallied around VG Belinsky (1811-1848). Realists strove to portray truthfully daily life... They described the details of everyday life, peculiarities of speech, emotional experiences of peasants, bourgeoisie, petty officials. The map of Moscow and its environs at that time already numbered thousands of objects used by writers as a scene of action in their works. TO the best works of that time include "Poor People" by F. M. Dostoevsky (1821-1881), "Notes of a Hunter" by I. S. Turgenev (1818-1883), "Forty-Thief" by A. I. Herzen (1812-1870), " An ordinary story"I. A. Goncharova (1812-1891).

In the 1850s-1870s. aphorisms, parodies and poems, signed by Kozma Prutkov, began to appear. Kozma Prutkov is a generalized image of an official-bureaucrat of the Nikolaev era, who considers himself a model of wisdom. Kozma Prutkov's aphorisms are a sharp satire on bureaucracy, stupidity, honor, vulgarity and careerism.

An ideological, political and literary struggle flared up around the peasant reform of 1861. The most radical of the " people's defenders"- the revolutionary democrats, whose leader was N. G. Chernyshevsky (1828-1889), and the main mouthpiece was the Sovremennik magazine, even called for" Russia to an ax. " In this atmosphere of intense struggle, such masterpieces of Russian literature as "Who Lives Well in Russia" by N. A. Nekrasov (1821-1877), "Past and Thoughts" by A. I. Herzen, "Crime and Punishment" by F. M. Dostoevsky, "Fathers and Sons" by I. S. Turgenev, "The Thunderstorm" by A. N. Ostrovsky (1823-1886), "What is to be done?" N. G. Chernyshevsky, “Oblomov” by I. A. Goncharov, “War and Peace” by L. N. Tolstoy (1828-1910), “Lord Golovlevs” by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin (1826-1889). In these, in the full sense of the word, classical works, and this series can still be significantly continued, the most vividly expressed are the high civic consciousness, the depth of the image of life inherent in Russian literature. The dominant literary genre there was a novel.

V recent decades XIX century. the talents of A.P. Chekhov (1860-1904), V.G. Korolenko (1853-1921), V.M. Garshin (1855-1888) were manifested. In their works, they were able to show that dissatisfaction with autocratic reality is becoming widespread among the people, that protest is brewing even in the souls of the most downtrodden and humiliated "little" people. The melancholy of Chekhov's heroes, their characteristic sense of the strangeness and unreasonableness of life, acquired a global meaning. VM Garshin already outlined the overcoming of naturalistic tendencies and an attempt to unite romantic and realistic principles in lyric prose.

In the 1890s. "Old" literature, as the poet Z. N. Gippius put it, "was on the tip", it was replaced by literature " silver age"(Art Nouveau era).

XIX century spawned a large number of talented Russian prose writers and poets. Their works quickly burst into and took their rightful position in it. Their influence was influenced by the work of many authors around the world. general characteristics Russian literature of the 19th century became the subject of a separate section in literary criticism. Undoubtedly, the prerequisites for such a rapid cultural take-off were the events in political and social life.


Major trends in art and literature are influenced by historical events... If in XVIII century public life in Russia was relatively measured, the next century included many important vicissitudes that influenced not only further development society and politics, but also on the formation of new trends and trends in literature.

The war with Turkey, the invasion of the Napoleonic army, the execution of oppositionists, the abolition of serfdom, and many other events became striking historical milestones of this period. All of them are reflected in art and culture. A general description of Russian literature of the 19th century cannot do without mentioning the creation of new stylistic norms. The genius of the art of words was A.S. Pushkin. This great century begins with his work.

Literary language

The main merit of the genius Russian poet was the creation of new poetic forms, stylistic devices and unique, previously unused plots. Pushkin managed to achieve this thanks to comprehensive development and excellent education. Once he set himself the goal of achieving all the heights in enlightenment. And he reached her by his thirty-seven years. They became atypical and new for that time Pushkin's heroes... The image of Tatiana Larina combines the beauty, intelligence and characteristics of the Russian soul. This literary type there were no analogues in our literature before.

Answering the question: "What is the general characteristic of Russian literature of the 19th century?", A person with at least basic philological knowledge will remember such names as Pushkin, Chekhov, Dostoevsky. But it was the author of Eugene Onegin who made a revolution in Russian literature.


This concept dates back to the Western medieval epic. But to XIX century it took on new shades. Having originated in Germany, romanticism penetrated into the works of Russian authors. In prose, this trend is characterized by a desire for mystical motives and folk legends. In poetry, there is a desire to transform life for the better and chanting folk heroes... The opposition and their tragic end became fertile ground for poetry.

The general characteristic of Russian literature of the 19th century is marked by romantic moods in the lyrics, which were quite often found in the poems of Pushkin and other poets of his galaxy.

As for prose, new forms of the story have appeared, among which the fantastic genre occupies an important place. Striking examples romantic prose - early works Nikolai Gogol.


With the development of this direction, Russian literature of the 19th century begins. General prose is about sensibility and emphasis on the reader's perception. Sentimentalism penetrated into Russian literature even in late XVIII century. Karamzin became the founder of the Russian tradition in this genre. In the 19th century, he had a number of followers.

Satirical prose

It was at this time that satirical and journalistic works appeared. This trend can be traced primarily in the work of Gogol. Starting your career with a description small homeland, this author later switched to the all-Russian social themes... Today it is difficult to imagine what Russian literature of the 19th century would be without this master of satire. The general characteristic of his prose in this genre is reduced not only to a critical view of the stupidity and parasitism of the landowners. The satirist writer "walked" through almost all strata of society.

The novel "Lord Golovlevs" became a masterpiece of satirical prose. dedicated to the topic poor the spiritual world landlords. Subsequently, the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin, like the books of many other satirical writers, became the starting point for the birth of

Realistic romance

The development of realistic prose took place in the second half of the century. Romantic ideals proved to be untenable. There was a need to show the world as it really is. Dostoevsky's prose is an integral part of such a concept as Russian literature of the 19th century. The general characteristic is briefly a list important features this period and the preconditions for the emergence of certain phenomena. As for Dostoevsky's realistic prose, it can be characterized as follows: the stories and novels of this author became a reaction to the mood that prevailed in society in those years. Depicting prototypes of people he knew in his works, he strove to consider and solve the most topical issues society in which he moved.

In the first decades, Mikhail Kutuzov was glorified in the country, then the romantic Decembrists. This is clearly evidenced by Russian literature of the early 19th century. A general description of the end of the century can be found in a couple of words. This is a revaluation of values. It was not the fate of the entire people that came to the fore, but its individual representatives. Hence the appearance in prose of the image of the "superfluous person".

Folk poem

In the years when the realistic novel took the leading position, poetry faded into the background. The general characteristics of the development of Russian literature in the 19th century allows us to trace a long way from dreamy poetry to true novel... In this atmosphere, Nekrasov creates his brilliant work. But his work can hardly be attributed to one of the leading genres of the period mentioned. The author has combined several genres in his poem: peasant, heroic, revolutionary.

End of the century

At the end of the 19th century, Chekhov became one of the most widely read authors. Despite the fact that at the beginning creative path critics accused the writer of coldness towards current social topics, his works received indisputable public recognition. Continuing to develop the image of the "little man" created by Pushkin, Chekhov studied the Russian soul. Various philosophical and political ideas that were developed in late XIX century, could not help but affect the lives of individuals.

In the late literature XIX century, revolutionary sentiments prevailed. Among the authors, whose work was at the turn of the century, Maxim Gorky became one of the brightest personalities.

The general characteristics of the 19th century deserve closer attention. Each major representative of this period created his own art world, whose heroes dreamed of the impossible, fought against social evil or experienced their own little tragedy. AND the main task their authors was to reflect the realities of a century rich in social and political events.