Conan Doyle Best works. Arthur Conan Doyle - Conan Doyle: Sci-fi works

Conan Doyle Best works. Arthur Conan Doyle - Conan Doyle: Sci-fi works

Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle Born on May 22, 1859 in the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh in the family of the artist and architect.

After Arthur has reached the nine years, he went to the boarding school Hoodder - preparatory School For Stone Sheerst (a large closed Catholic school in Lancashire). Two years later, from Hodder Arthur moved to Stonchnorst. It was during these difficult years at the boarding school, Arthur realized that he had a talent for writing stories. On the last year of study, he publishes a college magazine and writes poems. In addition, he was engaged in sports, mainly a cricket in which he achieved good results. Thus, by 1876, he was educated and was ready to meet the world.

Arthur decided to do medicine. In October 1876, Arthur becomes a student medical University Edinburgh. Learning, Arthur could meet many future famous authorsSuch as James Barry and Robert Louis Stevenson, who also visited the university. But one of his teachers did the greatest impact on him, Dr. Joseph Bell, who was a master of observation, logic, conclusions and error detection. In the future, he served as a prototype of Sherlock Holmes.

Two years after the start of study at University, Doyle decides to try himself in literature. In the spring of 1879 he writes little story "The Mystery of Sanasass Valley", which is published in September 1879. He sends a few more stories. But it is possible to publish only the "American story" in the magazine London Society. And yet he understands that he can also make money.

Twenty years old, learning at the third year of the university, in 1880, Friend Arthur suggested him to accept a surgeon for the Kitoboy "Nadezhda" under the command of John Gray in the North Polar circle. This adventure found a place in his first story relating to the sea ("Captain" Polar Star "). In the autumn of 1880, Conan Doyle returned to classes. In 1881, he graduated from the University of Edinburgh, where he received a bachelor's degree of medicine and a master's degree in surgery and began to look for work. The result of these searches was the position of the ship's doctor on the MAYUBA ship, which went between Liverpool and western coast Africa and October 22, 1881 began his next swimming.

He leaves the ship in mid-January 1882, and moves to England in Plymouth, where working together with a certain Calling torrent, with whom he met on recent courses learning in Edinburgh. These first years of practice are well described in his book "Letters Stark Monroe", in which, in addition to the description of life in large quantities The author's reflection on religion issues and forecasts for the future are presented.

Over time, there are disagreements between former classmates, after which Doyle leaves Portsmouth (July 1882), where he opens his first practice. Originally there was no customer and therefore Doyle appears to devote his free time literature. He writes several stories that publishes in the same 1882. During 1882-1885, Doyle bursts between literature and medicine.

In one of the March days of 1885, Doyle was invited to advise on the occasion of Jack Hawkins disease. He had meningitis, and he was hopeless. Arthur suggested put it in his home for permanent care for him, but after a few days Jack died. This death allowed him to get acquainted with his sister Louise Hawkins, with whom they wrapped in April, and on August 6, 1885 married.

After the marriage, Doyle is actively engaged in literature. One after another in the magazine "Cornhill" will be published by his stories "Message Hebeck Jeffson", "Space in the life of John Haxford", "Run of Tota". But stories by stories, and Doyle wants more, he wants to notice him, and for this it is necessary to write something more serious. And in 1884 he writes the book "Trading House Gerdloston". But the book was not interested in publishers. In March 1886, Conan Doyle began writing a novel who led him to popularity. In April, he finishes him and refers to Cornhill to James Peyne, who in May of the same year he is very warm about him, but refuses to publish it, since he, in his opinion, deserves a separate publication. Doyle sends a manuscript to Bristol Errousmit, in July, a negative feedback comes to the novel. Arthur does not despair and sends the manuscript Fred Warnu and K0. But their novel was not interested. Then follow the Lord Ward, Lockers and K0. Those reluctance agree, but there are a number of conditions: the novel will come out no earlier than the next year, the fee for him will be 25 pounds, and the author will transfer all rights to the work by the publishing house. Doyle reluctantly agrees, since he wants his first novel to be given to the court of readers. And here, two years later, in the "Christmas weekly of the Biton" for 1887, the novel "Etude in bagric Tones"Who introduced readers with Sherlock Holmes. Separate publication Roman came out in early 1888.

The beginning of 1887 marked the beginning of studying and researching such a concept as "life after death." This Question Doyle continued to learn the entire subsequent life.

As soon as Doyle sends "Etude in the crimson tones," he starts up for a new book, and at the end of February 1888 finishes the novel "Mikhai Clark". Arthur always attracted historical novels. It is under their influence that Doyle writes this and a number of other historical works. Working in 1889 on the wave of positive feedback on "Michee Clarke" over the White Detachment, Doyle suddenly receives an invitation for lunch from the American editor of Lippincotes Megazin to discuss the writing of another work about Sherlock Holmes. Arthur is found with him, and also meets Oscar Wilde and in the end agrees to their proposal. And in 1890, the "sign of four" appears in the American and English issues of this magazine.

1890 was no less productive than the previous one. By the middle of this year, Doyle ends the White Detachment, which takes to the publication of James Pain in Cornellla and announces his best historic novel since "Ivanho." In the spring of 1891, Doyle comes to London, where he opens up the practice. The practice of success did not have (there were no patients), but at this time the stories about Sherlock Holmes are written for the magazine "Strend".

In May 1891, Doyle sick influenza and is a few days at death. When he recovered, he decided to leave medical practice, and devote himself to literature. By the end of 1891, Doyle becomes a very popular person in connection with the appearance of the sixth story about Sherlock Holmes. But after writing these six stories, the editor "Strend" in October 1891 requested six more, agreeing on any conditions from the author. And Doyle requested how it seemed to him, such an amount, 50 pounds, hearing about which the transaction was not to take place, as he no longer wanted to more engage in this character. But to his great surprise it turned out that the editors agree. And the stories were written. Doyle begins work on "exiles" (graduated from early 1892). From March to April 1892, Doyle rests in Scotland. Upon returning begins work on the "Great Shadow", which ends towards the middle of the same year.

In 1892, the magazine "Strend" again proposed to write a series of stories about Sherlock Holmes. Doyle in the hope that the magazine refuses to exposes a condition - 1000 pounds and ... The magazine agrees. Doyle is already tired of his hero. Because every time you need to invent new plot. Therefore, when at the beginning of 1893, Doyle with his wife goes to his holiday in Switzerland and attended Reichnbakh Waterfall, he decides to commit to this annoying hero. As a result, twenty thousand subscribers refused to subscribe to the "Strend" magazine.

This mad life can explain why the former doctor did not pay attention to a serious deterioration in his wife's health. And over time, he will finally find out that Louise Tuberculosis (Chakhotka). Although she was given only a few months, Doyle begins late care, and he managed to pull her departure from life for more than 10 years, from 1893 to 1906. Together with his wife, they move in Davos, located in the Alps. In Davos, Doyle is actively engaged in sports, proceeds to writing stories about Brigadier Gerard.

Due to the illness of his wife, Doyle is very much permanent positioning, as well as in that it cannot live for this reason in England. And so unexpectedly he meets the grant Allen, who, pain like Louise, continued to live in England. Therefore, Doyle decides to sell the house in Norwood and build a luxurious mansion in Heindhead in Surrey. In the fall of 1895, Arthur Conan Doyle, along with Louise, goes to Egypt and during the winter of 1896, is where he hopes for a warm climate that will be useful for her. Before this trip, he finishes the book "Rodney Stone."

In May 1896, he returns to England. Doyle continues to work on the "Uncle Bernak", which was started still in Egypt, but the book is difficult. At the end of 1896, he proceeds to writing the "Tragedy with Korosko", which was created on the basis of the impressions of the obtained in Egypt. In 1897, Doyle comes to the thoughts to resurrect his sworn enemy Sherlock Holmes for amendments to his material situation, which deteriorated somewhat in connection with high costs of building a house. At the end of 1897, he writes the play "Sherlock Holmes" and sends it to Birbom three. But he wanted to significantly remake her for himself and eventually, the author refers it to New York Charles Froman, well, he, in turn, handed it to William Gilletu, who also wished to remake her to his taste. This time the author waved on her hand and gave his consent. As a result, Holmes married, and the author was sent to the approval of a new manuscript. And in November 1899, Gillerian "Sherlock Holmes" was well adopted in Buffalo.

Conan Doyle was a man with the highest moral stuff and did not change during life together Louise. However, he fell in love with Gin Leki, when he saw her on March 15, 1897. They loved each other. The only obstacle that Doyle restrained from love intrigue is a state of health of his wife Louise. Doyle acquainted with the parents of Jin, and her, in turn, introduces his mother. Arthur with Jean is often found. Having learned that his beloved was fond of hunting and sings well, Conan Doyle also begins to get involved in hunting and learning to play banjo. From October to December 1898, Doyle writes a book "Duet with a random choir", which tells about the life of the usual marital couple.

When in December 1899, the Anglo-Board War began, Conan Doyle decided to go to her volunteer. He was counted unsuitable for the service in the army, so he goes there as a doctor. On April 2, 1900, he arrives at the place and breaks the field hospital to 50 seats. But the wounded turns out many times more. For several months in Africa Doyle saw large quantity Soldier who died from fever, typhoid than from military wounds. After the defeat of Drins, Doyle was sailed back to England on July 11. They were written about this war, the book "The Great Borde War", which underwent amendment until 1902.

In 1902, Doyle finishes work on another major product about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes ("Baskerville Dog"). And almost immediately conversations appear that the author of this sensational novel stole him with the idea of \u200b\u200bhis friend Fletcher Robinson journalist. These conversations continue so far.

In 1902, Doyle was assigned a knightly title for services rendered during the Anglo-Board War. Doyle continues on the stories about Sherlock Holmes and Brigadier Gerard, so he writes "Sir Nagel", which, in his opinion, "is a high literary achievement."

Louise died on the hands of Doyle on July 4, 1906. After nine years of secret courtship Conan Doyle and Jin Leki marry on September 18, 1907.

Before the beginning of the First World War (August 4, 1914), Doyle enters the detachment of volunteers, who was completely civil and was created in case the invasion of the enemy to the territory of England. During the war, Doyle lost many people close to him.

In the fall of 1929, Doyle departs on the last tour of Holland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway. He was already sick. Arthur Conan Doyle died on Monday, July 7, 1930.

Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle was born on May 22, 1859 in the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh on Picardi Place. His father Charles Altamont Doyle, an artist and architect, married aged twenty-two years on Mary Foli, a young woman of seventeen years old, in 1855. Mary Doyle had a passion for the books and was the main storyteller in the family, probably because, later, Arthur very touchingly recalled her. Unfortunately, the Father Arthur was a chronic alcoholic, and therefore the family sometimes disadvantaged, although the head of the family was, according to his son, very talented artist. As a child, Arthur read a lot, having completely versatile interests. His favorite author was Main Reed, and his beloved book is "scalp hunters."

After Arthur reached the nine years, the rich members of the Doyle family offered to pay for his training. For seven years, he had to go to the boarding school of Jesuit in England in Hydder - a preparatory school for Stunchersta (a large closed Catholic school in Lancashire). Two years later, Arthur moved from Hodder to Stonchnorst. There were seven subjects: ABC, score, basic rules, grammar, syntax, poetry, rhetoric. Food there was quite scarce and did not have large diversitywhich, nevertheless, did not affect health. Body punishment were harsh. Arthur at that time was often subjected to them. The gun of punishment served a piece of rubber, the size and form of reminded the thick galosh, which was beaten through the hands of the hands.

It was during these difficult years, studying at the boarding school, Arthur realized that he had a talent for writing stories, so he was often surrounded by a meeting of admiring young students who listen to the amazing stories he composed to entertain them. In one of the Christmas holidays, in 1874, he for three weeks, at the invitation of his relatives, rides in London. There he visits: theater, zoo, circus, museum of wax figures Madame Tussao. It remains very pleased with this trip and the heat responds about his aunt Annette, her father's sister, as well as Uncle Dick, with whom, later, will be, gently say, not in friendship, due to the incompatibility of views on his, Arthur, place In medicine, in particular, whether he should become a Catholic doctor ... but this is a distant future, and the university still has to finish ...

At the last year of study, Arthur publishes a college magazine and writes poetry. In addition, he is engaged in sports, mainly a cricket in which it achieves good results. He goes to Germany in Feldkirch learning German, where he continues to engage in sports: football, football on stilts, sledding. In the summer of 1876, Doyle rides home, but on the road he clings to Paris, where he lives a few weeks from his uncle. Thus, in 1876, he was educated and was ready to meet with the world, and also wanted to fill out some of the shortcomings of his father, who by that time was crazy.

The traditions of the Doyle family dictated to follow the artistic career, but still Arthur decided to do medicine. This decision was made under the influence of Dr. Brian Charles, a powerful, young tenant, whom Arthur's mother took to somehow bring ends with the ends. This doctor was educated at the University of Edinburgh, and therefore Arthur decided to study there. In October 1876, Arthur becomes a student of the Medical University, faced with another problem - not to receive a scholarship deserved to him, which was so necessary for him and his family. Study, Arthur met with many future famous authors, such as, James Barry and Robert Louis Stevenson, who also visited the university. But one of his teachers was the greatest influence on him - Dr. Joseph Bell, who was a master of observation, logic, conclusions and error detection. In the future, he served as a prototype of Sherlock Holmes.

Study, Doyle tried to help his family, which consisted of seven children: Annette, Constance, Carolina, Ida, Innes and Arthur, who earned money in their free time, by accelerated examination of disciplines. He worked and the pharmacist, and the assistant of various doctors ... In particular, at the beginning of the summer of 1878, Arthur is hired by a student and pharmacist to the doctor from the poorest quarter of Sheffield. But after three weeks, Dr. Richadson, so his name, parted with him. Arthur does not leave attempts to work out while there is an opportunity, go summer vacation, and after a while I get to Dr. Elliota Khore from the village of Rampon from Sonshire. This attempt was more successful, this time he worked 4 months before October 1878, when it was necessary to start studying. This doctor reacted well to Arthur, and so the next summer he again spent from him, working as a assistant.

Doyle reads a lot and two years after the start of education decides to try himself in the literature. In the spring of 1879, he writes a small story of the Mystery of Sasassa Valley (The Mystery of Sasassa Valley), which is published in Chamber's Journal in September 1879. The story comes out strongly chopped, which grieves Arthur, but the 3 Gineas gained for him inspire him to write further. He sends a few more stories. But it is possible to publish the American? S Tale in London Society magazine. And yet he understands that he can also make money. His health is worsening, and it is placed in a psychiatric hospital. Thus, Doyle becomes the only breadwinner of his family.

In 1880, twenty years old, learning at the third year of the university, friend Arthur, Claude Augustus Kururie, offered him to accept the position of surgeon, which claimed himself, but could not accept her for personal reasons, "Nadezhda" under the command of John Gray which went in the area of \u200b\u200bthe northern polar circle. At first, "Nadezhda" stopped near the shores of Greenland Island, where the brigade went to the hunt for seals. The young student was shocked by the atrocity of this. But, at the same time, he enjoyed the spirit of the partnership, on board the vessel and the subsequent hunt for China fascinated him. This adventure found a place in his first story about the sea, frightening the story of the Captain of the Polar Star (The Captain of the 'Pole-Star'). Without big enthusiasm, Conan Doyle returned to classes in the fall of 1880, having fluted a total of 7 months, earning about 50 pounds.

In 1881, he graduated from the University of Edinburgh, where he received a bachelor's degree of medicine and a master's degree in surgery and began to look for a place to work, spending summer, working at Dr. Chora. The result of these searches was the position of the ship's doctor on the MAYUBA ship, which went between Liverpool and the Western Coast of Africa and on October 22, 1881 his next swimming began.

Floating, he found Africa as disgusting as the Arctic of seductive.

Therefore, he leaves the ship in mid-January 1882, and moves to England in Plymouth, where it works with some Kalling torrent (Arthur has met him at the last courses of study in Edinburgh), namely from the end of Spring to the beginning of the summer of 1882, during 6 weeks. (These first years of practice are well described in his book Letters Stark Montro (The Stark Munro Letters). In which, in addition to the description of life, the author's reflection on religion and forecasts for the future are presented in large quantities. One of these forecasts is to build a united Europe, and Also associations of English-speaking countries around the United States. The first forecast did not come true so long ago, but the second one is hardly happening. Also, this book is referred to a possible victory over diseases, by their prevention. Unfortunately, the only country in my opinion, which is She went to this, changed its internal device (meaning Russia).)

Over time, there are differences between the former classmates, after which Doyle leaves Portsmouth (July 1882), where he opens his first practice, setting up in a house for 40 pounds per annum, which began to generate income only by the end of the third year. Originally was not customers and therefore Doyle appears the opportunity to devote his free time literature. He writes stories: "Bones" Same 1882. Living in Portsmouth, he meets with Elma Welden, which promised to marry if it was earned by 2 pounds a week. But in 1882, after repeated quarrels, she fears with her, and she leaves Switzerland.

In order to somehow help your mother Arthur invites you to live your brother Innes, who asks the gray weekdays of a novice doctor from August 1882 to 1885 (Innes leaves learning to a closed school in Yorkshire). During these years, our hero is broken between literature and medicine.

In one of the March days of 1885, Dr. Pike, his friend and neighbor, invited Doyle to advise on the occasion of Jack Hawkins disease, the son of the widow Emily Hawkins from Gloucestershira. He had meningitis and he was hopeless. Arthur proposed to put him in his home for permanent care for him, but after a few days Jack dies. This death allowed to get acquainted with his sister Louise (or Tui) Hawkins of the 27 years, with which they wrapped in April, and on August 6, 1885 got married. His income at that time was approximately 300, and its 100 pounds per year.

After the marriage, Doyle is actively engaged in literature and wants to make it his profession. He is printed in the magazine "Cornhill". One after another will be published by his stories: "Jeffson Hebquook" (J. Habakuk Jephson's Statement), a space in John Huxford's Hiatus), "Tota Ring" (The Ring of Thothh). But stories by stories, and Doyle wants more, he wants to notice him, and for this it is necessary to write something more serious. And in 1884, he writes the book "The Firm of Girdlestone: A Romance of the Unromantic). But the book was not interested in publishers. In March 1886, Conan Doyle began writing a novel who led him to popularity. At first he was called a Tangled Skein. In April, he finishes him and refers to Cornhill to James Peyne, who in May of the same year he is very warm about him, but refuses to publish it, since he, in his opinion, deserves a separate publication. So the authors of the author began to attach their brainchild. Doyle sends a manuscript to Bristol Errousmit, and while he is waiting for an answer to it, participates in political events, where for the first time it is successfully advocated before the multitude of audience. Political passions are fading, and in July a negative feedback comes to the novel. Arthur does not despair and sends the manuscript Fred Warnu and K0. But their novel was not interested. Then follow the Lord Ward, Lockers and K0. Those reluctance agree, but there are a number of conditions: the novel will come out no earlier than the next year, the fee for him will be 25 pounds, and the author will transfer all rights to the work by the publishing house. Doyle reluctantly agrees, since he wants his first novel to be given to the court of readers. And now, two years later, this novel was published in Beeton's Christmas Annual (Biton's Christmas Weekly) for 1887, called Etude in the Baghro Tones (A Study In Scarlet), who introduced readers with Sherlock Holmes (prototypes: Professor Joseph Bell, Writer Oliver Holmes) and Dr. Watson (the prototype Major Wood), who were soon famous. A separate publication Roman came out in early 1888 and was equipped with drawings of Father Doyle - Charles Doyle.

The beginning of 1887 marked the beginning of studying and researching such a concept as "life after death." Together with his other Bolon from Portsmouth, they conduct a spirit session on which the elderly medium, which Doyle saw for the first time in his life, being in a trance, recommended the young arthur not to read the book "Comediographers of restoration", over the purchase of which at that time he was thinking . What it was: an accident, or a deception, now it is difficult to say, but this event left a trace in the soul of this great man and eventually led to spiritualism, which, I must say, almost always accompanied by deception, in particular, the founder of this movement Margaret Fox In 1888 he admitted in deception. This happened not so often, but nevertheless there was a place.

As soon as Doyle sends an "etude in the crimson tones," he starts up for a new book, and at the end of February 1888 ends the adventures of Micah Clark (MICAH CLARKE), which comes only at the end of February 1889 in Longman publishing house. Arthur has always attracted historical novels. His favorite authors were: Meredith, Stevenson and, of course, Walter Cattle. It is under their influence that Doyle writes this and a number of other historical works. Working in 1889 on the wave of positive reviews about Mickey Clarke over the White Council (The White Company) Doyle suddenly receives an invitation for lunch from the American editor of Lippincotes Megazin to discuss writing another story about Sherlock Holmes. Arthur meets with him, and also meets Oscar Wilde. As a result, Doyle agrees to their proposal. And in 1890, the "Sign of Four" appears in American and English issues of this magazine.

Despite his literary success and prosperous medical practice, harmonious life Konan Doyle family, an extended by the birth of his daughter Mary (was born in January 1889), was restless. 1890 was no less productive than the previous one, although it began with the death of his sister Annette. By the middle of this year, he finishes a "white detachment", which takes to the publication of James Paine from Cornellla and announces his best historic novel since "Ivango." By the end of the same year, under the influence of the German microbiologist Robert Koch and even more Malcolm Robert, he decides to leave the practice in Portsmouth, and travels together with his wife in Vienna, where he wants to specialize in ophthalmology to find a job in London. At the time of this trip, the daughter of Arthur Mary Guests at Grandma. However, encountered with a specialized german language And after studying 4 months in Vienna, it realizes that time is wasted. During the period of study, he writes the book "Opening of Raflza Haw", according to Doyle, "... not too significant thing ...". In the spring of this year, Doyle visits Paris and hastily returns to London, where the practice opens on Upper Wimpole. The practice of success did not have (there were no patients), but for that time they are written short stories About Sherlock Holmes for the magazine "Strend". And with the help of Sidney Paget, a Holmes image is created.

In May 1891, Doyle sick influenza and there are several days at death. When he recovers, he decides to leave medical practice, and devote himself to literature. This is happening in August 1891. By the end of 1891, Doyle becomes a very popular person in connection with the advent of the sixth story about Sherlock Holmes: "The man with the twisted lip). But after writing these six stories, the editor "Strend" in October 1891 requested six more, agreeing on any conditions from the author. Doyle calls how it seemed to him, such a sum, 50 pounds, hearing about which, the deal was not to take place, since he no longer wanted to more engage in this character. But to his great surprise it turned out that the editors agree. And the stories were written. Doyle begins work on exiles (The Refugees. A TALE OF TWO Continents) (finished in early 1892) and unexpectedly receives an invitation to dinner from the magazine "Aideler" (Lazy), where he gets acquainted with Jerome K. Jerome, Robert Barrh, with whom Subsequently made friends. Doyle continues his own friendly relations From Barry from March to April 1892, resting with him in Scotland. Having been on the way in Edinburgh, Kiririmiyir, Alford. Upon returning to Norwood, it starts work on the Great Shadow (era of Napoleon), which ends towards the middle of the same year.

In November of the same 1892, living in Norwood, Louise gave birth to the Son, whom they called Alleoun Kingnels. Doyle writes the story of 1815 veteran (A Straggler of '15). Under the influence of Robert Barra Doyle reworcts this story in the Waterloo single acting play, which is successfully placed in many theaters (the rights to this play bought Brem Stocker.). In 1892, the magazine "Strend" again proposed to write a series of stories about Sherlock Holmes. Doyle in the hope that the magazine refuses to exposes a condition - 1000 pounds and ... The magazine agrees. Doyle is already tired of his hero. After all, every time you need to invent a new plot. Therefore, when at the beginning of 1893, Doyle with his wife goes to his holiday in Switzerland and attended Reichnbakh Waterfall, he decides to commit to this annoying hero. (Between 1889 and 1890 Doyle writes a play in three acts of the "Angels of Darkness" (according to the story "Etude in the Baghrovy Tones"). The main acting person in it is Dr. Watson. Holmes in it is not even mentioned. The action takes place in USA in San Francisco. We will learn a lot of details about his life there, as well as that at the time of marriage to Mary Mostchen, he was already married! This work was not published during the life of the author. However, then it still happened, but in Russian The language has not yet been translated!) As a result, twenty thousand subscribers refused to subscribe the Strand magazine. Now freed from the medical career and from fictional hero (The Field Bazaar's only parody of Holmes (The Field Bazaar) was written for the Journal of the Edinburgh University "Student" to collect funds for the reconstruction of the crocket field.), Which cooked him and overshadowed what he considered more important, Conan Doyle devotes more intensive activities. . This mad life can explain why the former doctor did not pay attention to a serious deterioration in his wife's health. In May 1893, the Operette "Jane Anni, or a prize for good behavior"(Jane Annie: OR, The Good Conduct Prize (With J. M. Barrie)). But she suffered a failure. Doyle is very worried and begins to think about whether he is able to write for theater? In the summer of the same year, Arthur's sister Constantia marries Ernest William Horningoma. And in August, he, together with Tui goes to Switzerland to lecture on the topic "Belletritism as part of the literature". He liked this and he more than once before, and after that he was engaged in this. Therefore, when, on returning from Switzerland, he was offered a tour with lectures in England, he enthusiastically took up.

But unexpectedly, although everyone was waiting for this, the father of Arthur - Charles Doyle dies. And over time, he will finally find out that Louise Tuberculosis (Chakhotka) and again goes to Switzerland. (There He writes the letter of Stark Monroe (The Stark Munro Letters), who publishes Jerome K. Jerome in "Lazy".) Although Louise and gave only a few months, Doyle begins late care and he manages to delay her leaving life from more than 10 years, from 1893 to 1906. Together with his wife, they move in Davos, located in the Alps. In Davos, Doyle is actively engaged in sports, starts writing stories about Brigadier Gerard, based, mainly on the book "Memories of General Marbo".

Being on treatment in the Alps Tui becomes better (this happens in April 1894) and it decides to go for several days to England in their Norwegian house. And Doyle, at the suggestion of Major Pond, performs a tour of the United States with reading passages from his works. And at the end of September 1894, together with Brother Innes, who by that time ends with a closed school in Richmond, the Royal Military School in Woolje, becomes an officer, go on the Elba liner, Norddoylcher-Lloyd, from South Adjeton to America. They visited more than 30 cities of the United States. His lectures were successful, but Doyle himself was very tired of them, although he received great satisfaction from this journey. By the way, he first read the first story about the Brigadier Geraré, "Medal of Brigadier Gerard. In early 1895, he returns to Davos to his wife, which by that time feels good. At the same time, in the magazine The Strand begins the publication of the first stories from the feats of Brigadier Gerard and immediately the number of subscribers increases.

Due to the illness of his wife, Doyle is very much permanent positioning, as well as in that it cannot live for this reason in England. And so unexpectedly, he meets the grant Allen, who, pain like Tue, continued to live in England. Therefore, he decides to sell the house in Norwood and build a luxurious mansion in Hindhead in Surrey. In the fall of 1895, Arthur Conan Doyle, together with Louise and his sister, Lottie goes to Egypt and during the winter of 1896 is where he hopes that the warm climate will be useful for her. Before this trip, he finishes the book of Rodney Stone. In Egypt, he lives near Cairo, having entertained by golf, tennis, billiards, horse riding. But one day, during one of the horse walks, the horse drops it, and he also hits the hoof. In memory of this trip, he impose five seams over the right eye. There, along with his family, he takes part on a ship on a steamer to the head of the Nile.

In May 1896, he returns to England and discovers that his new home is still not built. Therefore, he removes another house in Greywood-Bix and all further construction goes under his emergency control. Doyle continues to work on Uncle Bernak (Uncle Bernac: A Memory Of The Empire), which was started in Egypt, but the book is hard to. At the end of 1896, he starts writing a tragedy with Korosko (The Tragedy of The Korosko), which is created on the basis of the impressions of the Egypt obtained in Egypt. And by the summer of 1897, settled in his own home in the county of Surrey, in Andersho (Undershaw), where Doyle on for a long time There is a private account, in which he can safely work, and it is in him that he comes to the thoughts to resurrect his sworn enemy of Sherlock Holmes, for amendments to his material situation, which has somewhat worsened due to the high cost of building a house. At the end of 1897, he writes the play "Sherlock Holmes" and sends it to Birbom three. But he wished to significantly alter her for himself and eventually the author refers it to New York Charles Froman, but he in turn handed it to William Gilletu, who also wants to remake her to his taste. This time, the long-suffering author waved on her hand and gave his consent. As a result, Holmes married, and Doyle was expelled to approval a new manuscript. And in November 1899, Gillerian "Sherlock Holmes" was well adopted in Buffalo.

In the spring of 1898, he finishes three stories before the trip to Italy: a hunter for beetles, a person with a clock who disappeared an emergency train. In the last of them, Sherlock Holmes is invisible.

1897 was significant for the fact that the village of the Queen of England Victoria was celebrated (70 years). In honor of this event, the Allper Festival is satisfied. In connection with this event, about two thousand soldiers of all skin colors are tightened to London, from all over the empire, which June 25 passed the march under the educational of residents in London. And on June 26, Prince Welly took the Parade of the fleet in Spinhead: on the raid, four lines, military ships stretched for 30 miles. This event caused a burst of mad enthusiasm, but the approach of the war was already felt, although the victory of the army was not at all in the wonder. On the evening of June 25, the Waterloo Conan Doyle, adopted in the ecstasy of loyal feelings, took place at the Lyceum Theater.

It is believed that Conan Doyle was, he was a man with the highest moral implications, which did not change in the course of his own life Louise. However, this did not prevent him from falling, he fell in love with Gin Lekki immediately as soon as she saw her on March 15, 1897. At the age of twenty-four years, she was a strikingly beautiful woman, with blond hair and bright green eyes. Her many achievements were quite unusual: she was intellectual, a good athlete. They fell in love with each other. The only obstacle that Doyle restrained from love intrigue is a state of health of his spouses - Tui. Surprisingly, Gin turned out to be a smart woman and did not require what was contrary to his knightly education, but nevertheless, Doyle meets his choices of his chosen, and her, in turn, introduces his mother, who invites you to join Jean. It agrees and lives a few days with her brother from Mother Arthur. Between them there are a warm relationship - Jin was adopted by Mother Doyle, and he became his wife only after 10 years, only after the death of Tui. Arthur with Jean is often found. Having learned that his beloved was fond of hunting and sings Konan Doyle well also begins to get involved in hunting and learning to play banjo. From October to December 1898, Doyle writes a duet book with a random choir (a Duet, with An Occasional Chorus), which tells about the life of an ordinary marital couple. The exit to the light of this book was perceived ambiguously by the public that was waiting for another from famous writer, intrigue, adventure, not descriptions of life Frank Cross and mod Selby. But the author fell special attachment to this book describing just love.

When the Anglo-Board War began in December 1899, Conan Doyle announces his faded family that he is a volunteer. I wrote about a lot of battles, without the ability to check his skills as a soldier, he felt that it would be his last opportunity to believe them. It is not surprising that he was considered unsuitable for service in the army because of its somewhat excessive weight and a forty-year age. Therefore, he goes there as a military doctor. The sail to Africa takes place on February 28, 1900. On April 2, 1900, he arrives at the place and breaks the field hospital to 50 seats. But the wounded turns out many times more. The interruptions of S. drinking water, leaving for epidemics of intestinal diseases, and therefore, instead of fighting markers, Conan Doyle had to lead a cruel battle against microbes. A day died to hundreds of patients. And it lasted for 4 weeks. Then the battles were followed, which allowed to take the top over the boots and on July 11, Doyle sailed back to England. For several months, he was in Africa, there he saw a greater number of soldiers of the died of fever, typhoid than from military wounds. The Great Boer War written by them (The Great Boer War) (the Great Boer War) (undergoes changes up to 1902) - this is five hundred pages of the chronicles, published in October 1900, was a masterpiece of military scholarship. It was not only a message about the war, but also a highly intelligent and well-informed comment relative to some of the organizational shortcomings of the British forces at the time. After that, he rushed with his head into politics, running into place in Central Edinburgh. But he was illegally accused of being a Catholic fanatics, remembering his boarding school Jesuit. Therefore, he was defeated, but he was happy more than, if he won.

In 1902, Doyle finishes work on another major work about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes - "The Baskervilles" dog. And almost immediately conversations appear that the author of this sensational novel stole him with the idea of \u200b\u200bhis friend Fletcher Robinson journalist. These conversations continue so far. (A little later, Doyle was accused of stealing the thoughts based on the "poisoned belt" from Zh.-senior (the tale "mysterious power", 1913).)

In 1902, King Edward VII assigns knightly title Conan Doylu For the services rendered to the crown during the Anglo-Board War. Doyle continues with the stories about Sherlock Holmes and Brigadier Gerard, so he writes "Sir Nigel Loring" (Sir Nigel), who, in his opinion, "... is a high literary achievement ..." Literature, care for Louise, courting for Jian Leki so cautiously as far as Perhaps a game of golf, driving cars, flights to the sky on balloons And in the early, archaic aircraft, the spending of time on the development of muscles did not bring Conan to Doyle satisfaction. He again goes to politics in 1906, but this time suffers defeat.

After Louise died on his hands on July 4, 1906, Conan Doyle was depressed for many months. He tries to help someone who stays in a worse position than he. By continuing the stories about Sherlock Holmes, he comes in contact with Scotland Yard to point to the mistakes of justice. This justifies the young man named George Edalji, who was convicted of having stabbed the many horses and cows. Conan Doyle proves that Ednji's vision was so bad that he could not physically make it a terrible act. The result was the liberation of the innocent, who managed to serve a part of the term appointed him.

After nine years of secret courtship, Conan Doyle and Jean Leki marry publicly in front of 250 guests, September 18, 1907. With his two daughters, they move into a new house called Windlesham, in Sussex. Doyle happily lives with a new wife and actively begins to work, which brings him a lot of money.

Immediately after the marriage, Doyle tries to help another convict - Oscar Slater, but tolerates defeat. And only after many years, in the fall of 1928 (he was released in 1927), he finishes this case with success, thanks to the help of the witness, which originally rolled the convicted person. But, unfortunately, he broke up with Oscar bad relationship Financial soil. This was due to the fact that Doyle's financial costs had to be covered and he suggested that Slater would pay them from the compensation issued to him at 6,000 pounds during the years spent in prison, which he answered that let him pay the Ministry of Justice, since it was guilty.

A few years after the marriage, Doyle puts the following works on stage: "Pestruy Renta", "Rodney Stone" (Rodney Stone), who published "House of Terper", "Points of Fate", "Brigadier Gerar". After the success of The Speckled Band, Conan Doyle wants to get away from the work, but the birth of two his sons, Denis in 1909 and Adriana in 1910, protects him from it. Last childTheir daughter Jean, was born in 1912. In 1910, Doyle publishes the book "Congo Crime", about the atrocities of creatures in the Congo Belgians. Written by the works about Professor Challenger ( The Lost. WORLD ( lost World), The Poison Belt (poisoned belt)) had no longer success than Sherlock Holmes.

In May 1914, Sir Arthur, together with Lady Conan Doyle and Children go to conduct inspection National Reserve In Jacier Park in the northern part of the Rocky Mountains (Canada). On the way, he visits New York, where he visits two prisons: Tommbs and Sing Sing, in which there is inspecting the chambers, an electric chair, talking with prisoners. The city was found by the author unfavorable, in comparison with his first visit twenty years earlier. Canada, where they spent some time, was found charming and Doyle regretted that soon there would be no priority grandeur. Being in Canada, Doyle holds a number of lectures.

They arrived home a month later, probably because for a long time, Conan Doyle was convinced of the upcoming war with Germany. Doyle reads the book of Bernardi "Germany and the next war" and understands about all the seriousness of the situation and writes the response article "England and the next war", which reached the "Fortonightli Review" in the summer of 1913. He sends numerous articles in the newspaper about the upcoming war and military readiness for it. But his warnings were assessed as fantasy. Understanding the fact that England provides himself only at 1/6, Doyle proposes to build a tunnel under La Mansha to provide himself with food in case of the blockade of England submarines of Germany. In addition, it proposes to supply all sailors on the fleet with rubber circles (for keeping the head over water), rubber vests. It was not listened to his proposal, but after another tragedy on the sea, the mass introduction of this idea began.

Before starting the war (August 4, 1914), Doyle joins the detachment of volunteers, who was completely civil and was created in case of the invasion of the enemy to the territory of England. During the war, Doyle also contributes to protecting the soldiers and offers something similar to armor, that is, shouts, as well as plates protecting the most important organs. During the war, Doyle lost many people close to him, including his brother Innes, who was delivered to his death to the Adjutant General of the Corps and the son of Kingsley from the first marriage, as well as two cousins \u200b\u200band two nephews.

On September 26, 1918, Doyle goes to the mainland to become a battle witness, which occurred on September 28 in the French front.

After such a surprisingly complete and structural life, it is difficult to understand why such a person retreated into the imaginary world of spiritualism. And yet it can be understood. The death of loved ones, the desire to at least "delay" their departure from everyday life for a long time - whether it was not the main thing in new Veter Doyle?

Conan Doyle was a man who was not satisfied with dreams and wishes; He needed to make them come true. He was manicalen and did it with the same stubborn energy he showed in all his affairs when he was younger. As a result, the press laughed at him, the clergy did not approve it. But nothing could hold it. The wife is engaged in this with him. After 1918, because of his deepening involvement in the occult, Conan Doyle wrote a small fiction. Their subsequent trips to America (April 1, 1922, March 1923), Australia (August 1920) and Africa, accompanied by three daughters, were also similar to mental crusades.

In 1920, the case was introduced by Arthur Conan Doyle with Robert Gudini, who, however, was eager to get acquainted, while in England on tour, sending a copy of the book "Reviews Robert Gudini", after which they had a correspondence, which led two weeks later To their meeting on April 14, 1920. They met Doyle in Windl Shex in Sussex. Gudini's convinced materialist was very difficult to hide his true views on the questions of spiritualism, but he pilot kept and precisely this circumstance, as well as what Doyle considered Houdini Medium, made it possible to arise between them friendship lasting several years. It is thanks to Doyle Hudini begins to more closely study the world of mediums and understands that in fact they are fraudsters.

In the spring of 1922, Doyle, together with his family, takes a trip to the United States to promote a "new teaching", where it is planned to hold four lectures in the New York "Carnegie Hall". At lecture comes great amount Visitors due to the fact that Doyle raises his thoughts to the listeners, available language With a demonstration of various photos confirming the existence of the other world. Upon arrival Doyle in New York, Guediny invites him with his family to stop with him, but he refuses the hotel preferring. Nevertheless, he visits the Hudini House, and after it goes with his lectures on the Nazi of England and the Middle West. In addition to lectures, Doyle visits in the United States of various mediums, spirits of spiritists, as well as memorial places of this direction. In particular, in Washington, he meets with the family of Julius Zangzig (Julius Jorgenson, 1857 - 1929) and his second wife Adoi, who, as well as his first wife, read thoughts at a distance; Boston, where in 1861 someone Mamler received the first "extra" on the plasticine; Rochester in the state of New York, where Fox's sisters house was located, from where he went to spirituality ...

In June of the same year, he returns to New York and attends, at the invitation of Gudini, an annual banquet of "American Focusing Society". On June 17-18, Hudini, together with his wife, Bess, visit the Doyleov Chetla in Atlantic City, where the first teaches to swim, dive children Conan Doyle, and on Sunday (June 18) is present on a spiritual session, organized by the Doyle family, where "Message" From his mother Cecilil Weiss. In fact, it led to the beginning of the Rip of Doyle and Hudini, what was happening in 2 days a conversation in New York. And within a few days (June 24), Doyle sailed to England. Well, then, on increasing! In October 1922, Hudini publishes in the New York San article "In Puudenice of Spirits Purely", in which in the Pooh and dust smashes the movement of the spirits, since he studied them quite well and therefore he knows what he writes. And in March 1923, both publish an impending article on each other, which leads to the final rupture of their relationship.

In the spring of 1923, Doyle takes the second tour of America, where he browsing the Far West: Chicago, Salt Lake City ... May 7, Doyle and Houdini collided again. This happened at the Brown Palace Hotel in Denver. They did not meet anymore ...

Having spent up to a quarter of a million pounds in the pursuit of his secret dreams, before Conan, Doyle had the need for money. In 1926, he writes when the world screamed (when the Earth screamed), The Disintegration Machine (disintegration machine).

In the fall of 1929, he departs on the last tour of Holland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway. He was already sick of Angina Pectoris.

In the same 1929, there is the Maracot Deep and Other Stories (Marakothov Vizgnaya). In Russia, and previously translated the works of Doyle, but this time it turned out some not a dusting, apparently for ideological reasons.

In 1930, he already accompanied to bed last journey. Arthur rose from his bed, and went to the garden. When he was found, he was on earth, one of his hand, squeezed her, the other held a white snowdrop.

Years of life: from 05/22/1859 to 07/07/1930

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle-Scottish and English doctor and writer. His detective works about Sherlock Holmes, adventure and science fiction about Professor Challenger, humorous about Brigadier Gerard, as well as historical novels ("White Detach"). In addition, he wrote the plays ("Waterloo", "Darkness Angels", "Fate Lights", " Pedestrian tape») And poems (collections ballad" songs of action "(1898) and" Songs of the road "), autobiographical essays (" Notes Stark Munro "), household novels (" Duet, with the entry of the choir "), was co-author-librettist Operetta" Jane Annie "(1893).

Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle was born on May 22, 1859 in the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh on Picardi Place. His father Charles Altamont Doyle, an artist and architect, married aged twenty-two years on Mary Foli, a young woman of seventeen years old, in 1855. Mary Doyle had a passion for the books and was the main storyteller in the family, probably because, later, Arthur very touchingly recalled her. As a child, Arthur read a lot, having completely versatile interests. His favorite author was Main Reed, and his beloved book is "scalp hunters."

The traditions of the Doyle family dictated to follow the artistic career, but still Arthur decided to do medicine. This decision was made under the influence of Dr. Brian Charles, a powerful, young tenant, whom Arthur's mother took to somehow bring ends with the ends. In October 1876, Arthur becomes a student of the Medical University, faced with another problem - not to receive a scholarship deserved to him, which was so necessary for him and his family. Study, Arthur met with many future famous authors, such as, James Barry and Robert Louis Stevenson, who also visited the university. But one of his teachers was the greatest influence on him - Dr. Joseph Bell, who was a master of observation, logic, conclusions and error detection. In the future, he served as a prototype of Sherlock Holmes. Doyel reads a lot and two years after the start of education decides to try himself in literature.

In the spring of 1879, he writes a small story of the Mystery of Sasassa Valley (The Mystery of Sasassa Valley), which is published in the chamber "s journal in September 1879. The story comes out strongly cut, which grieves Arthur, but the 3 Gineas gained for him inspire him to write further. He sends a few more stories. But only the story of the American (The American's Tale) can be published in the London Society magazine. In 1880, twenty years old, learning at the third year of the university, friend Arthur, Claude Augustus Kururia, offered him to accept the position of surgeon, Who claimed himself, but the silence of the son of the son of Mary Doyle had to be learned quite soon - in the fall of the 1880th, without finishing the course, Arthur was informed by the doctor to the whale ship "Nadezhda", heading towards Greenland. The team consisted of fifty sailors - Scots and Irish: Reliest, bearded and extremely ferocious on appearance. Newbie, as usual, followed "to check", but "Molokosos" was clearly ready for this. Not Us Sat the ship to go out into the sea, as Arthur has already clung to the deck with the Ship Kok Jack Lamb, whose agility would envy the Panther. They fought selflessly and violently, from time to the time of militant clearances. The team watched the battle with interest, and when Arthur pressed Lamb to the boards, squeezing his throat victoriously, the sailors were approvingly treated: a newcomer-doctor was recognized as his own. Later, Arthur admitted to them that, preparing himself for the life of the traveler, he prudently took boxing lessons at the Jesuit School.

Returning from his first expedition and with sin in half, withstanding the doctor's degree exam, he had been recruited in a year to the Maumba merchant, sailing to the African continent. The impressions of this journey did not let the Konan Doyle, until the end of life, and many years later they would hide him on the creation of fantastic novels. Arthur with his own eyes, finally, saw what he had only read about the books: age-old forests with their mighty trees and branches forming a solid green tent; monstrous sizes creeping lianas, bright orchids, lichen, golden Allamanda; In the forests there was a whole world of transfusted snakes, monkeys, riche birds - blue, purple, purple; crystal pure water In rivers and lakes, a fish of all colors and sizes. Conan Doyle had a chance to hunt the crocodiles, several times he almost became mining shark, but contempt for death and some kind of innate luck helped him to get out unsubstantiated even from the threatening death hazard of the African coast.

Once, jokes and entertainment for, Conan Doyle tried to write himself detective story. The main acting person of this story was the detective of Sherlock Holmes, whose name Conan Doyle borrowed from a familiar doctor. One of the portsmouth magazines published a story and ordered a new one - with the same hero. Arthur wrote. Then also. When he had a decent number of stories, he realized that the writing would give him almost the same pleasure as traveling. After the death of his father, reading his diary, Conan Doyle with passion with which he, however, was taken for any business, pounced on the study of spiritual literature. The anger that raged in him resulted in a very legitarious from the point of view of the psychology of gust - in the desire to deal with his "Alter Ego" - Sherlock Holmes and thus make symbolic suicide.

In December 1893, the Strange Store published the "last case of Holmes", in which the famous detective ruthless hand his creator was sent to the world. The developed Anglo-Board War appeared for the writer with a real deliverance from problems and misfortunes who fell on his head - Conan Doyle signed up on the front volunteer. In his way, he invariably turned out to be in the hottest points and on the fire line; For participation in this war, Eduard VII complained to him "Sir" title. Hobbies with Spiritism Sir Artur did not pass in vain. By the mid-20s, he became a universal laughing, most friends gradually turned away from him. And Jerome K. Jerome, and James Barry had no longer bent to water mud as Sir Arthur and his beliefs.

In the spring of 1930, the seventieth-year Conan Doyle, calling the gin to himself into the office and carefully sticking the door, solemnly stated that he was going to inform her the most important news in his life. "I became aware that I would leave this world on July 7th. Please do all the necessary preparations. " On July 7, about eight o'clock in the morning, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle quietly and imperceptibly crossed the border, as he himself loved to speak, between the manifested and unaccificent being, and his eyes were asked to go beyond the horizon, the magnificent plains that he always loved so much ...

Product Information:

Character information:

A strange company gathered in the tightly laid room "Ambassador" at Atlantic City: Conan Doyle, his wife Gin and the famous illusionist Harry Hudini. The latter was extremely interested in spiritualism, especially since his outstanding abilities often attributed to contact with otherwise power. The medium was supposed to be jin. Recently, she has discovered the ability to automatically write.

Gin in a deaf dark dress sat away from men in a chair. Suddenly, her eyes closed and the body began to shudder in some strange convulsions - she fell into the trance. A little later, Jin reported that she managed to contact with the Spirit of Kingsley, the son of Conan Doyle from Louise, who had recently deceased at the front of the First World War. "Does he know anything about my late mother?" - With difficulty misstitution, I asked Gudini. "Ask questions," Conan Doyle responded deeply. "Ask for a start, why my mother left such a strange testament?" The resulting answer was so shocked by Houdini, that he, tilting the chair, grumbled jumped out of the room. Sir Arthur and Gin, as if nothing had happened, continued to communicate with Kingsley. It was this session, according to Conan Doyle, provided him with the most "indisputable evidence", which he was already looking for so many years. Nevertheless, less than a month later in the newspaper "New York Sun" Gudini subjected spiritualism to the most derogatory criticism, calling Jean by a charctatanque, and Conan Doyle at least gullible downturn.


Cycles of works

Brigadier Gerard
- (1896)
- (1903)
- Brigadier marriage (1910)
- + BRIGADIER GERARD (1910) [Piece]

Captain Sharci
- As the Saint Kitta governor returned to his homeland (1897)
- Like Captain Sharci and Stephen Craddock reached each other (1897)
- How Copli Banks finished off Captain Sharci (1897)
- Captain Sharci Error (1910)

Professor Challenger

- (1912)
- (in poisonous belt, prediction of Professor Challenger, World Tetanus) (1913)
- When the earth screamed (1928)
- (Nemora's Disintegrator, Machine Eric Svenson, Disintegrator) (1929)
- (country of fogs) (1925)

Sherlock Holmes
- (red in white, Mormons in London, red over white) (1887)
- (1890)
- (1892)
- (Fear Valley) (1915)
- (1893)
- (1905)
- (Bashnerville dog) (1902)
- (1917)
- (1927)
- + Charity Fair (Charity Bazaar) (1896)
- + How Watson learned to do "tricks" (as Watson studied tricks) (1924)


Marakothian vagnet
- (depth of the car) ( i-V chapters)] (1927)
- Vladyka of the Dark Side (Lord of the Dark Lick, Vladyka Dark Face, Lord Dark side) (chapters VI-VII) (1929)


- War in South Africa (Anglo-Board War. 1899-1902, Great Borde War) (1900)
- History of Spiritism (1926)

Historical novels

(1888), Roman about the uprising of Monmut (Monmaut) in England of the XVII century.
(A DUET, WITH AN OCCASIONAL CHORUS) (1899) 1910 (Mystery of the old gallery)


Warming of works, theatrical productions

"Lost World" (Mute Movie Harry Hoyte, 1925)
The Lost World (Film 1998).

In the series "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" with the participation of Bazila Ratboon and Niphel Bruce, filmed in 1939-1946, came out 14 films, the first of which became the "Baskerville dog".

In the series "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson" with Vasily Livanov and Vitaly Solomin came out the following films:
"Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson"
"The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson"
"Baskerville Dog"
"Treasures Agra"
"The twentieth century begins"
As well as many shields of Sherlock Holmes from 1905 to 2009.

Arthur Conan Doyle was born on May 22, 1859, in Edinburgh, in an intelligent family. Love for art and literature, in particular, was grafted by young arthur parents. The whole family of the future writer was related to literature. Mother, moreover, was a magnificent storyteller.

At the nine-year-old age, Arthur went to study in the Jesuit closed College Stonichorst. Training methods there corresponded to the name of the institution. Coming out from there, the future classic of English literature forever retained aversion to religious fanaticism and physical punishment. The talent talent was awakened during the training. The young dealer of dark evenings often entertained the classmates with their stories who often came up with the go.

In 1876, he graduated from college. Contrary to family tradition, the work of art, he preferred a doctor's career. Further education Doyle received at the University of Edinburgh. There he studied together with D. Barry and R. L. Stevenson.

Start of a creative path

Doyle looked for himself in literature. While still a student, he was carried away by E. According to, and he himself wrote several mystical stories. But special success, in view of their secondaryness, they did not have.

In 1881, Doyle received a physician and bachelor's degree. For some time he was engaged in medical activities, but did not experience any special love for the chosen profession.

In 1886, the writer created his first story about Sherlock Holmes. "Etude in the crimson tones" was published in 1887.

Doyle often fell under the influence of his masted colleagues in Peru. Several of his early stories and stories were written under the impression of C. Dickens Creativity.

Creative flourishing

Detective stories about Sherlock Holmes made Conan Doyle not only known outside of England, but also one of the highest paid writers.

Despite this, Doyle was always angry when he was represented as "Dad Sherlock Holmes." The writer himself did not attach much Stories about the detective. He paid more time and effort by writing such historical works as "Michei Clark", "Exiles", "White Detachment" and "Sir Nigel".

Of the whole historical cycle, readers and critics most liked the novel "White Detach". According to the publisher, D. Penn, he is the best historical belt after "Ivango" V. Scott.

In 1912, the first story came out about Professor Challenger - "Lost World". In total, five novels were created in this series.

Studying brief biography Arthur Conan Doyle, you should know that he was not only a novelist, but also a publicist. From under his feather, the cycle of works dedicated to the Anglo-Board War.

last years of life

All second half of the 20s. XX century Writer spent on the journey. Not stopping his journalistic activities, Doyle visited all continents.

Arthur Conan Doyle passed on July 7, 1930, in Sussex. The cause of death was a heart attack. The writer was buried in Minusted, in New Forest National Park.

Other biography options

  • In the life of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a lot of interesting facts. By profession, the writer was an ophthalmologist. In 1902, for the service of the military, during the English-Board War, he was dedicated to the knights.
  • Conan Doyle was fond of spiritualism. This, sufficiently specific interest, he retained until the end of his life.
  • Writer highly appreciated creativity