Admiral FSB (documentary novel). Video films about special forces

Admiral FSB (documentary novel). Video films about special forces

Dedicated to the military counterintelligence hero of the Russian Federation Vice-Admiral Ugrumumov Herman Alexeevich.

Nikolai Alekseevich Medvedev:

He knew how to keep a blow, knew how to make decisions, receive a challenge. He knew how to calculate the moves of the enemy in advance and work at the control. In counterintelligent work, he seemed to be guided by the Golden Rule of Aikido: remove himself from strikes and keep the opponent from their application. We all felt calm confidence that was transmitted to us. If Hermann said yes, then it is. And then - saying "yes", he never refused from his words. They knew exactly: if the solution is accepted, it means everything is weighed, thought out, analyzed. You can safely work.

Well, okay, I will give one indicative example of conducting operations. I get the information that someone "behind the river" manifested increased interest in our weapons warehouse. Let's just say: here is our school, and across the road is the largest weapons warehouse in the Caspian flotilla. It is not known why foreigners suddenly had a suspicion that a nuclear ammunition was kept in this warehouse. And they threw quite significant forces in order to obtain accurate information - confirming or refuting this, so let's say, hearing from the Agency OK (one woman said). Between us: there was nothing like that! No missiles, especially - nuclear warheads to them. Mice were, missiles - there was no! .. Their specialists in the analytical department even in indirect data could calculate that Russians are not such idiots to place warheads with nuclear filling in Baku. Since they are so chibically interested - it means that it can be played. And play beautifully! We, using their interest, can identify those people from foreign citizens who are associated with special services and secretly engage in the collection of secret information. I must say, in organizational terms, it is extremely difficult to establish such a difficult work on identifying these individuals. Herman says:
- Let's do it. I go to the command of the CFA district, there are guys understanding, they know me, we will agree. At a certain time, on this road, a couple of accessed cars will drive - as if there are rockets in the bodies. Time is published so that the school has a big change. We put together where we need our people and let's see who the pants are asked for, and who has a spin to get enough ...
We contacted the local traffic police, with the police department, so that cars were held with their numbers, camouflaged under the appropriate cargo, dressed up and put their "oupers" and waited. Combination of the most interesting! The middle of the day, the police cars are going with flashers, urban transport is inferior to the road, for "traffic cops" - two gloomy worried trucks, in the cockpit to the right of the driver - officers with fierce muzzles, again "traffic cops" with flair-in-laws - in the word, set up a classic Balagan. But let's scumbered, since everything is full of serious! Purely worked, without bluff!
Further, it's easier to steam turnips: our people were segmented - who was nervous who wanted to whom he reported - "Et Cetera", as the French say and how Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin loved to say in the end of the unfinished phrase. We did not give the "case" of the progress, since all the threads were left to Neti. They waited until the "Cossacks" commemorate themselves, and waited: it was the people we suspected to be exposed to themselves. They began to specirly find out: what was in these trucks? Steel began to show an agent interest in the staff - to the Wort, who was guarded by this weapons warehouse, search for coaching paths to obtain secret information on the "nuclear" Baku issue.

We scored then the information - for the very bar, the battles! .. And the principle of the oldest thing: if you want to expose the enemy agent - create such conditions for him to show himself. Terms of us were created. Herman Alekseevich was exclusively owned by this skill. And she worked not so that, they say, let's think about something like that - anyone will fall into our trap. Does not, everything is prepared, thinking out, signs, calculated - and for itself, and for the enemy. Each opera receives its task. But at the same time you need such a team so that each opera makes its work at the highest level. And Herman knew how to pick up the team - this is not only me, it will tell you anyone who worked with him. And all these people - in their own way nugget, because just the executive "gray mice" of the sulmov did not bring to themselves. In the work for him was the highest charm - an initiative with the prospect of operational development. The final result is a positive result, as modestly spoke in our "office".
I said that we had double submission: the 6th department on Lubyanka was supervised along the Navy line, according to the line of exploration - 3rd. Commission comes from the 6th Department: TA-AK, combat readiness, weapons preservation, information leakage, and so on. Another comes - from the 3rd department: check for the effectiveness of intelligence, our positions among foreigners, etc. The people from PGU were certainly. So, Herman always tried to unite the different directions of our work and conduct comprehensive events. This is what you need to learn to young Chekistam! A comprehensive event is a complex and interesting thing. In order to achieve a conceived result, it is necessary to carry out great preparatory work, to create such conditions so that the opponent itself has shown himself, discovered, to provide him with such an opportunity ...

Another example of his stunning knowledge. One foreign special services caught fire by the desire to receive information about our arms technique - we are talking about the now known "Caspian monsters", noisoplas. I came to Herman Alekseevich:
- Predit on our support!
I managed to substitute a young officer, whom they "recruited" and now believed that he had in his hands. He answers:
- Good. We yourself will arrange "leakage of information". Let the guys be happy that it was not for nothing worried.
And he prepared the papers with stamps "secretly", "completely secretly", through the printing house made some kind of documentation - an exhibition, with pictures ... our guy handed over all this to its "hosts". We controlled the further process: accepted for a clean coin! So I need a mind of the Chamber, so that this compose: after all, there are no "kettles", and military intelligence, they should have been distinguished from the challenge. Then we checked through the external intelligence - PSU confirmed that yes, a group consisting of so many acting intelligents was engaged in hunting for "monsters".

Author: Very poeticly described the Maxim Kalashnikov's screenoplana in the Broken Sword of the Empire. We will cite it for clarity - what is this Wunder-Waffe (wonder-weapon) and why our opponents hunted him.
"Robert Bartini, the Soviet aircraft designer with a tragic fate. Designed such cars and Alexander Lippish, a talented Hitler's engineer. In the 70s and 80s, imperial designers went far to the development of apparatuses with a dynamic method of movement - plans and airbag ships (CVP). The first in the series went military qCP, intended for landing the landings of the Russian Marine Corps.

... The screenwax is not threatened by the surface of the water and on the shallows of mines. He is inappropriate for the torpedo from submarines. But he himself, having a speed of 300 - 400 wool in an hour, hens and destroy the deep bombs even the very high-speed submarine. The screenoplan may carry anti-relished rockets and mines, inflicting strikes on enemy squadron. The device was designed, capable of moving the whole battalion of marines with all equipment and weapons of several thousand kilometers at a speed of 600 km / h. "
Maxim Kalashnikov leads the tactical and technical data of the embodied projects and the brilliant design developments remaining on paper due to the collapse of the USSR and come to power "Democrats". After the selection of secrecy was removed from the "Caspian Monsters", the American designer of Echoplans Stephen Huccher was visited in the city of Kaspiysk, the head of the firm "Aerokon", which works tightly with the US military. He then visited several Russian firms engaged in screenwalls. Required his reaction to what they saw: "They ahead of us for 30 years!"
If not more, Mr. Hooker, - add from myself ...

Vice-Admiral Alexander Vladislavovich Zhardatsky:

Disinformation on "Monsters" - here you may not fully understand correctly. Or your interlocutor, not having the right to disclose the details, outlined the situation in a horror version, so it turned out the semblance of legends. In order to launch a "deso" to the enemy, you need to receive this sanction from the leadership. There was a special instruction that prohibited workers to deal with disinformation without the permission of the KGB leadership. "Deza" on such a complex technique as the screenwall could only be carried out on a planned basis - through different sources, with the participation of PSU, GRU, the 3rd chapter and so on. The heads of special departments in the field had the right to solve only a narrow task with the feed of the Center: Drink them what we say.
This is possible only in one case, when the "Deza" should force the enemy to act immediately in a certain direction and detect himself. Even if it is a legend, it is very eloquent: the legends about a man of the ordinary has never appeared on the light.
But Herman was an operational competent person, his brain was the brain of the operative. It is necessary to go to another, to rush, and Herman was enough to put the task. How to perform it - you can not stutter, it all organizes and bring it to a logical end. He did not need small height. As a former boss, I will say that the sulfur was different from some operative leaders with conciseness in reports. Another will make a nose with Gulkin, and the report will come as a novel in verses: sweated - show the bosses until the shirt dried. And German Alekseevich reported in two or three words: such an operation was successful, the results of it are such. And after these words could have been anything: dump, shooting, full-scale risk. Then only we learned about the degree of complexity of the operations spent.

Genre: Intelligence, Counterintelligence
Production: VIANZHNA PRODUCTION, T / K "Star"
Year of issue: 2017
Duration: 0:38

The documentary tells about several days at the end of June 1941. In Berlin, there is a network of German anti-fascist agents. With them in touch, the staff of Soviet intelligence, among them - Alexander Korotkov. Moscow sent two portable radio stations to Berlin. They must be transferred to agents. But our are blocked in the embassy. They enter the game with a SS officer. He is offered money, and instead they ask for a couple of hours to take out Alexander to the city so that he will say goodbye to his girlfriend, German. He agrees. And on June 24, short moves to a meeting with Radine Elizabeth. Two hours of incredible tension. Any minute and he, and Elizabeth can be captured. But everything cost. On the same evening, the first radio was gone to Moscow.

  • The documentary series "The Legends of the State Security", "Alexey Botian. How I freed Poland "10 series

    Genre: Intelligence, Counterintelligence
    Production: VIANZHNA PRODUCTION, T / K "Star"
    Year of issue: 2017
    Duration: 0:38

    The documentary tells about the legendary intelligence, brave and lucky diversant, hero of Russia Alexei Nikolayevich Botyan. With partisan detachments, he passed thousands of kilometers on the enemy's reasons, made dozens of successful combat operations and in 1944 received an almost impossible task: to destroy the "Poland's executioner" - German Ganza Ganza Frank Governor. Having hunting for the Nazi lead, Botian learned about the plans for the destruction of Krakow and managed to prevent the Nazis, blowing up a weapon warehouse. It helped the onset of the Red Army and delivered Alexei Botyan to a number of heroes who saved this ancient city from the destruction and liberated Poland from fascism.

  • Documentary series "State Security Legends", "Colonel Medvedev. Special appointment raid »9 series

    Genre: Intelligence, Counterintelligence
    Production: VIANZHNA PRODUCTION, T / K "Star"
    Year of issue: 2017
    Duration: 0:39

    The documentary tells about the unique operation of Soviet intelligence and divergers during the war years. Detachment "Winners" under the command of Captain State Security Dmitry Medvedev fought in Western Ukraine. Being a thousand kilometers from a large land, leading permanent battles with German punishers and Ukrainian nationalists, the partisans destroyed 12 thousand Hitler soldiers and officers. Under the name of the German officer in Rivne and Lviv, an outstanding Soviet intelligence officer Nikolay Kuznetsov, eliminating 11 fascist generals and major officials. He and his comrades regularly supplied the center with the most valuable intelligence information, including the counteroffensiveness of the Wehrmacht near the Kursk and the location of Hitler's bet in Vinnitsa.

  • Documentary "Professor counterintelligence"

    Genre: Counterintelligence
    Production: Russia
    Year of issue: 2005
    Duration: 0:25

    On the confrontation of Soviet and German intelligence during the 2nd World War.

    Fedotov's name until recently was under the vulture "Top Secret."

    The task of a documentary study is not only to open the image of Peter Vasilyevich Fedotov for the viewer, but also to show the role of counterintelligence during the Great Patriotic War, to designate the contribution that was made by the Soviet counterintelligence service in a common victory.

  • Documentary "Benkendorf. About the poor gendarme silence the word "

    Genre: history
    Production: Russia
    Year of issue: 2013
    Duration: 0:39

    In the Soviet historical science and school textbooks, the Chief of Gendarmes, the head of the III branch of his own imperial majesty of the office of Count Alexander Christoforovichendendorf was depicted exclusively in black tones, as a "fragrance of freedom", "royal satrapy" and "Pushkin's killer". The author of the film offers a new look at the identity of the Graph Benkendorf, presenting it by a major statesman of the Nikolaev era, the creator of an effective intelligence agencies that can fight corruption of officials and treasury in the Russian state.

  • The documentary "The end of the Black Angel. Find and destroy"

    Genre: Antiterror
    Production: Russia
    Year of issue: 2005
    Duration: 0:44

    By genre, this film is a military detective. It is based on the history of the search and elimination of the international terrorist Ruslan Gelayev, destroyed in February 2004 in the Mountains of Dagestan by employees of state security bodies.

    The film is entirely built on the basis of exclusive documentary frames filmed by Alexander Sladkov in the period from 1992 to 2004, including unique filming of the Mokoki border shop. The picture also used recently declassified video materials of the Russian FSB in the case of the R. Gelaeva.

  • The documentary "Surchasing. Capacan for the Alpha Group

    Genre: Politics, History
    Production: Russia
    Year of issue: 2014
    Duration: 0:44

    The assault of Vilnius Teletozer in January 1991. Who actually shot the unarmed crowd and who decided to declare the criminals of the fighters of the legendary alpha so that the true perpetrators of the tragedy avoid punishment?

  • Documentary "Street Graya"

    Genre: Antiterror
    Production: Russia
    Year of issue: 2005
    Duration: 0:18

    "Military Program A. Sladkov" about Denis Plenev, an employee of the FSB of Russia, which died during a special operation in the Czech Republic.

  • Documentary "Call" atom "

    Genre: Antiterror, biography, image
    Production: Russia
    Year of issue: 2016
    Duration: 0:14

    Movie Memory of the Hero of Russia Alexei Balandin (pennant).

  • Documentary film "Kill Stalin Comrade"

    Genre: History
    Production: Russia
    Year of issue: 2009
    Duration: 0:56

    The film is devoted to the organization in 1944 by the military intelligence of the Third Reich of the most daring and dangerous attempt on Stalin and other leaders of the Soviet state with the aim of beheaded the Government of the Soviet Union and turn the course of the Great Patriotic War. In parallel, the authors of the paintings analyze and other failed attempts to conduct terrorist acts against Stalin and his associates. The study of the German, English, American and domestic literature of an archival and memoir nature allows us to talk about five documented attempts to attempt on Joseph Vissarionovich. The film uses a rare color newsreel of the Second World War.

  • Direct descendants of the cult Soviet tapes about the adventures of scouts, abundant with spectacular scenes in the spirit of the best spyware of Hollywood production - all these Russian series about the special services. Artistic films, the main role in which is assigned to the agents and employees of the special services to be considered regardless of the year of release or the acting composition, since they are always ready to offer the audience tangled detective plots, a thick paranoid atmosphere and spectacular action.

    Films about special forces

    Multiserial films about special forces are exciting criminal militants telling about the lives of brave fighters of GRU. Preferring power methods to combat criminal elements, these people invariably fulfill their tasks, often making it with special ingenuity and healthy humor. The serials about the special forces are replete with competent shooters and fights, explosions and purses, holly dialogues and a clear ideological orientation.

    Films about the FSB and KGB

    The series about the employees of the KGB of the USSR and the FSB of the modern Russian state are quite different from the dashing adventures of their colleagues from the GRU. Scouts, of course, own the skills of hand-to-hand combat and aiming shooting of automatic weapons, but more important qualities for them are composure, analytical thinking and the ability to prevent conflicts before their entry into the active phase. Accordingly, films about people who supervise reconnaissance have a more measured narrative, tightly twisted intrigue and high concentration on the details.

    Fortunately, watching a movie online about the special services does not promise online users of meetings with representatives of these structures, as well as with Rioturn, NKVD, Smered, so new and the best Russian TV series about specials are available to the audience at any time for free.