The keeper. Life path of Fyodor Mikhailovich Morozova

The keeper. Life path of Fyodor Mikhailovich Morozova
The keeper. Life path of Fyodor Mikhailovich Morozova

On November 14, 1918, the Pavlik of Morozov was born, from which the symbol of the fight against "Culpage" was made.

Private bussiness

Pavel Trofimovich Morozov (1918-1932) Born in the village Gerasimovka Tobolsk province. His father, Trofim Sergeevich Morozov, was an ethnic Belarusian and took place from the Stolypin settlers who were assieved in Gerasimovka since 1910. Paul was the eldest of five children born in the family. He had four brothers: George (died in infancy), Fyodor, Roman and Alexey.

Trophim Morozov until 1931 was the chairman of the Gerasimovsky village council. According to the memories of fellow villagers, using his position, he assigned things confiscated from the detachable, and also speculated certificates issued by special settlements, from which "for forms with three skins Drals".

According to Alexey, Brother Paul, their father "loved one of themselves and vodka," his wife and sons did not regret her. After some time, Trofim Morozov threw his wife Tatiana with four children and began to cohabit with a woman who lived next door. According to the memoirs of a rural teacher, he regularly drank and beat his wife and children even after leaving the family. After the departure of the father on Paul, all concerns were filmed on the peasant farm - he became a senior man in the family of frost. With relatives on the father's line, which was not liable to Tatiana, the relationship was tense.

On September 2, 1932, Paul and his younger brother Fedor went to the forest berries and did not return. On September 6, a fellow villager found their corpses with numerous knife wounds in Osinnik.

The court ruled that the organizer of the murder of Morozov was the village "fist" of Arseny Kulukanov, who had to Paul Uncle. The 19-year-old cousin Paul and Fedor Danil Morozov and their own grandfather Sergey (Father Trofim Morozova) were directly performers. Also, a grandmother Pavel Ksenia was held as accomplices in the case. The court sentenced Danil Morozov and Arseny Kulukanov to shoot.

Pavel and Fyodor Morozov were buried at Gerasimovka cemetery.

Than famous

From Pavlik Morozova made the image of a pioneer hero, one of the significant symbols of the Soviet era.

According to the official version, on November 25, 1931, Pavlik informed the investigative authorities that his father, being the chairman of the village council, is engaged in fake documents and their selling "fists" to the Spetsperson, which allowed them to leave the place of reference. Trofim Morozov was arrested the day after the sown denunciation and sentenced to 10 years. Also, Pavlik Morozov, as reported, systematically tuning on "fists", covering the grain from the state.

The murder of Pavlik Morozova was linked to business over his father, Trofim Morozov, was widely covered in the press as a manifestation of Kulatsky terror and served as a reason for wide repression in a all-union scale. The act of Pioneer, who informed on his own father, was actively promoted as a triumph of the priority of class interests over family values.

About the "Brave Ural Orcenan", the heroic of the fallen in the fight against his fist, wrote books, poems and songs, was brought up in his example. Not one generation of pioneers was brought up.

In the late 1980s, the revision of the legend and the reassessment of the actions attributed to Pavlik Morozov began at the height of the restructuring. In 1987, the writer Yuri's friendships published in the UK the book "Donoschik 001, or the Ascension of Pavlik Morozova", in which he wrote that the cult of Pavlik Morozov was built on falsehood and was encouraged by the authorities to instill with the Soviet children "denomos culture".

In the post-Soviet era, the name of Pavlik Morozov became a numerous, as a traitor, who informed on his own father, Soviet Judah. In the song of the rock band "Crematorium", Pavlik Morozov is represented as indestructible eternal evil, from which all our troubles.

What you need to know

Pavlik Morozov

The results of the journalistic investigation by Evgenia Medyakova, published in the journal "Ural" in 1982, show that Pavel Morozov to the arrest of his father was not involved. The arrest of Trofim Morozova became the result of checking the owners of fake certificates after November 22, 1931, someone Zvorykin was detained at the station of Taut. He had two pure blanks with stamps of the Gerasimovsky village council, for which, according to him, he gave 105 rubles. In the certificate, attached to the point, it was said that before Arrest Trofim was no longer the chairman of the village council, but the "Claudist of the Gorodishchensky Selpo."

The readings of the boy in the investigative case of Trofim Morozova Medyakov did not find: "Tatiana Semenovna's testimony is, and Pavlik - no. For no "statements to the investigating authorities" he did not do. "

At the same time, in the indictment in the case of the murder of the Brothers Morozov, Elizar Shepelev, it was recorded that "Pavel Morozov filed an application to the investigative bodies of November 25, 1931." However, after many years later, in an interview with the editor of the journal "Man and Law" Veronica Kononenko and the older adviser to Justice, Igor Titov Shepelev said: "I can not understand why I wrote all this, there is no confirmation in the case that the boy turned to the investigative bodies and What exactly for it was killed. Probably, I meant that Paul had a testimony of the judge when Trofim was judged ... It turns out, because of my inaccurately written words, the boy is now accused of informing?! "

Paul really, after the mother spoke in court over Trofim Morozov, but in the end, the judge was stopped in view of the youngsters. In the case of the murder of Morozov, it is said: "At the court, the son of Paul outlined all the details on his father, his tricks." Pavlik's speech is known in 12 versions, mainly ascending to the book of the journalist Peter Solvein - the former authorized dealer on the delaunching, which arrived in Gerasimovka a month after the murder on the task of the Ural Region for writing a book about Pavlice Morozov.

According to British Russist, Philologist and Historian, Professor Oxford University Catrion Kelly, the murder of Pavlik Morozova and his brother Fedor was purely household. His reason could be the conflict between Pavlom and relatives because of the separation of father's property.

Direct speech

"Some now Pavlik seems like a fissal slogan boy in a clean pioneer form. And he because of the poverty of this form And I did not see my eyes, I didn't participate in the pioneer parades and portraits of Molotov, like Amlinsky, did not drive, and I did not shift the leaders. " L. P. Isakova, Teacher Pavel Morozov.

"Previously, it came to him with mountains and drums. Now - with cadyl and prayers. This boy died at 13. But continues to live after death. 80 years can not forget the name of Pavlik Morozov. The illness of historians are disturbing the minds of historians in the forest over him and his brother in the forest, and does not give peace to fellow villagers. Today it is clear - he is not a hero, and not a traitor. And certainly not a pioneer. Children's organization appeared in Gerasimovka a few years after the death of the brothers. We distorted the story beyond recognition. And we got to protect the child. For us, Pavlik Morozov is our countryman, our relative. " Director of the Museum of Pavlik Morozova in Gerasimovka Nina Kuratsevich

5 facts about Pavlik Morozov

  • The name of Pavlik Morozova was listed in the book of Honor of the All-Union Pioneer Organization. V. I. Lenin under No. 001.
  • In 1936, the USSR Council decided to build a monument to Pavlik Morozov in Moscow at the Alexandrovsky Garden at the entrance to the Red Square. However, as a result, the monument was delivered only after 12 years - in the children's fleet in Presnya, named after Pioneer Hero. In August 1991, the monument was destroyed.
  • After the murder of Sons, Tatiana Morozov left the village and, afraid of meeting with a former husband, for many years was not solved to visit their native places. After the Second World War, she asslaved in Alupka, where she died in 1983.
  • Trofim Morozov, being in conclusion, participated in the construction of the Belomorsk-Baltic Channel and, who spent three years, returned home with the Order for impact work, and then settled in Tyumen.
  • The General Prosecutor's Office of Russia, engaged in the rehabilitation of victims of political repression, in 1999 concluded that the murder of Pavlik Morozov was purely criminal in nature, and his killers are not subject to rehabilitation on political grounds.

Materials about Pavlik Morozov

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Quote communication Mysterious death in Cannes. Savva Morozov.

Mysterious death in Cannes

IN this is known that the famous industrialist and patron, one of the main sponsors of the Bolshevik Party Savva Morozov was found dead in one of the hotels of the French city of Cannes. Disputes about whether it was suicide or someone dealt with Savoy Timofeevich, continues more than a hundred years. The authors of the film found new unexpected arguments in favor of each of these versions and
expanded the "Circle of Suspects". However, the most unexpected find was evidence that the death of Savva Morozov was only a stage. The film includes interviews of descendants S.T. Morozov and competent experts, personnel chronicles, documentary materials, as well as game episodes. Marina Smolyaninova, Irina Morozova, Fedor Morozov (descendants of S.T. Morozova), Love Syroezhkin (director of the Orekhovo-Zuevsky Historical and Local Lore Museum), Lyudmila Kaminskaya (Head of the Museum of the Moscow Military Military Military CCC Guvd in Moscow) , Mikhail Vinogradov (Doctor of Medical Sciences), Metropolitan Cornelius (the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Old Believers Church) and others.

Let's start with the pedigree Savva Timofeevich Morozov.
At the beginning of the 19th century, the first Savva had no patronymic. And just called "Savva Son Vasilyev", as it was born serf. An enterprising peasant Vladimir province opened the workshop producing silk lace and tape. He worked on the singard himself, and he himself went to Moscow, for 100 miles, selling goods to buyers. Gradually, he switched to cloud and cotton products. He was lucky. For 17 thousand rubles - huge money - Savva received "free" from the nobles of Rumyn, and soon the former fortress frost was enlisted in the Moscow merchants of the first guild.
Having lived to deep old age, Savu Vasilyevich did not overcome the diplomas, but it did not prevent him from doing perfectly. He won four major factories, united by the title "Nikolskaya Manufactory". His son turned out to be a clever and involuntary heir. Timofey was trained by literacy and, although "universities did not finish", but often sacrificed quite large amounts for educational institutions and publishing.
On January 7, 1885, the workers' strike broke out on Nikolskaya Manufactory, "Morozovskaya strike". When the excitement instigators were tried, Timofey Morozov called a witness to court. The hall was overflowing, the atmosphere is administered to the limit. The anger of the public has caused not defendants, but the owner of the factory.
Savva Timoffevich recalled the court: "They look at the binoculars as in the circus. Scream: "Monster! Bloodstream! " The parent was confused. I went to the testimonial place, drove out, stuck on the smooth parquet - and the back of the floor, as the defendants itself. Such a globe rose in the hall that the chairman had to interrupt the meeting. " After the trial, Timofey Savvich lay the month in the fever and stood out of bed with a completely different person. I didn't want to hear about the factory: "Sell her, and money to the bank." And only the Iron Will of his wife saved the manufactory from the sale. Production cases Timofey Morozov refused to complete: rewritten property to his wife, as the eldest son, in his understanding, was young and hot.

Savva Timofeevich, Mother - Maria Fedorovna Morozova and wife Zinaida Grigorievna Morozova

Savva Timofeevich Morozov
The future capitalist and free-player brought up in the spirit of religious asceticism, in exceptional rigor. On Saturdays in the house changed underwear. Brothers, senior Savva and the younger Sergey, was given only one pure shirt, which was usually delivered to Seryozo - Mama Pet. Savva had to lead the fact that he took off her brother. More than strange for the richest merchant family, but it was not the only miracle of the hostess. Taking a two-storey mansion in 20 rooms, it did not use electrical lighting, considering it to be demonic power. For the same reason, I did not read newspapers and magazines, the literature, theater, music was abandoned. Feeding to catch a cold, did not wash the bath, preferring to use cologne. And at the same time kept their home in the fist so that they did not dare to cripple without her permit. It was used for centuries tested "Forms of Education" - for bad successes in studies, the young merchant pig rosal was merfactory.

Representatives of the 4 branches of the Morozov family (4 Morozovsky manufactory):
Morozov Abram Abramovich, Morozov Timofey Savvich, Morozov Vasily
(Makar?) Zakharovich, Morozov Vikul Eliseevich

Moscow. Photo Bergner A. (?)

Savva did not differ in particular obedience. According to his own words, he learned how to smoke in the gymnasium and not believe in God. His character had his father: decisions took quickly and forever.
He entered the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Moscow University. There seriously studied philosophy, visited lectures on the history of V.O. Klechevsky. Then he continued to education in England. He studied Chemistry in Cambridge, he worked on the dissertation and at the same time he got acquainted with textile business. In 1887, after the Morozovskaya strike and father's disease, was forced to return to Russia and adopt business management. It was Savva then 25 years.
He discharged from England the latest equipment. The old man was nearing the innovation of the son, but in the end he surrendered: fines were canceled on the manufactory, rates changed, new barracks were built. Timofey Savvovich Podl on his son and scolded him by the socialist.
"And in good moments, it's very old - it strokes me, it happened, on my head he said:" Eh, Savvushka, you will break your neck. "
But before the implementation of the alarming prophecy was still far away.

In secret, Maria Fedorovna was proud of his son - God did not adopt him either with the mind or a master's estate. Although he was angry when Sava managed first in his own way, as he considered it necessary, and only then approached: "Here, they say, Mama, allow you to report ..."
On the love front
In Moscow, Savva Timofeevich made a lot of noise, having fallen in love with his cousin Sergei Vikolovich Morozova - Zinaida. There were rumors that Sergey Vikolovich took her from weak on one of the Morozov factories. According to another version, it originated from the merry sort of winter, and her father, the Bogorodsky merchant of the Second Guild of Grigory Zimin, was a birth from Zuev. Zinaida Grigorievna adored luxury and reveling with secular successes. Husband sicks all her whims.

Savva Morozov and Zinaida Grigorievna, his wife

Morozov was lucky on power, arrogant, smart and very ambitious wives. Zinaida Grigorievna only confirms this statement. An intelligent, but extremely pretentious woman, she kept her vanity in the way, the most clear merchant world: adored luxury and reveling with secular successes. Husband sicks all her whims.
Personal apartments Zinaida Grigorievna were luxurious and eclectically furnished. Bedroom "Ampir" from Karelian birch with bronze, marble walls, furniture covered with blue ton. The apartments were reminded the shop of the dishes, the amount of Severian porcelain scarecrow: even the frames of the mirrors were made from the porcelain, there were porcelain vases on the toilet table, tiny porcelain figures hung on the brackets.
Cabinet and bedroom Host looked alien here. From jewelry - only Brozova head of Ivan the Terrible work of the Anticoline on the bookcase. Empty these rooms resembled a bachelor's dwelling.
In general, Mother's lessons did not disappear. In relation to himself, Savva Morozov was extremely unpretentious, even a stingy - at home went to the stopper shoes, the street could appear in the paid boots. In the peak of his unassuming, Madame Morozov tried to have only the "most-most": if the toilets, the most unthinkable, if the resorts, then the most fashionable and expensive.
Sava on the grooms of the affairs looked through his fingers: mutual mad passion soon turned into indifference, and then in perfect alienation. They lived in the same house, but practically did not communicate.

Savva Timofeevich Morozov with children.

Even four children did not save this marriage.
Wrapping, with injective eyes and a face-made facial complimentary because of his merchant, and all the pearls hung, Zinaida Grigorievna sparkled in society and tried to turn his house into a secular salon. She "easily" had a sister of the queen, the wife of the Moscow Governor General Great Princess Elizaveta Fedorovna. A series of evenings, balls, receptions ... Morozova was constantly surrounded by secular youth, officers. A special attention was used by A.A. Steinbot, Officer of the General Staff, a brilliant worker and a secular lion.

Zinaida Morozova - wife Savva Morozova

Later he received the General Chin for the fight against the revolutionary movement. And two years after the death of Savva, Timofeevich marked himself with Zinaida Grigorievna. We must think, her vanity was satisfied: she became an offacarious nobility.

Savva Timofeevich and Maria Fedorovna Andreeva
Leading a strict account of each virgin, Savva did not bother to thousands of expenses for the sake of good, in his opinion, things. He gave money to the publication of books, sacrificed the Red Cross, but his main feat is the funding of Mkat. Only the construction of the building of the theater in the chamber of the chamber of the lane cost Morozov in 300 thousand rubles.
In 1898, MHAT put the play "Tsar Fyodor Joanovich" on the play Alexei Tolstoy. Savva Morozov, accidentally driving in the evening in the theater, survived a deep shock and since then has become a hot fan of the theater.
Savva Timofeevich was in kind of fondant and passionate. No wonder Mother Maria Fedorovna was afraid: "Hot Savvushka! .. Ensure in any innovation, with unreliable people will contact, God forbid."

"Portrait of M.F. Andreva" 1905

God did not save him from the actress of the Art Theater of Maria Fedorovna Andreva, ironically - the names of his mother.
The wife of a high-ranking official A.A. Zheelybawsky, Andreeva was not happy in the family. Her husband met another love, but spouses, observing decency, lived in one house for two children. Maria Fedorovna found a consolation in the theater - Andreeva was her stage pseudonym.
Becoming the artistic theater, frosts and the fan of Andrew - she had the fame of the most beautiful actress of the Russian scene. A stormy romance has fallen. Morozov admired her rare beauty, bowed before talent and rushed to do any desire.

Stanislavsky about Andreeva and Morozov
"The relations of Savva Timofeevich to you - exceptional ... These are the relationship for which life breaks, bring yourself to a sacrifice ... But do you know, to what patchedness do you come to? .. You will boast publicly before unauthorized the fact that painfully jealous Zinaida Grigorievna is looking for your Influence over husband. You tell the right of acting vanity to the right and left that Savva Timofeevich, in your insistence, makes a whole capital ... for the sake of salvation of someone ....
I love your mind and looks and at all I do not like the actor in life at all. This actor is your main enemy. She kills all the best in you. You begin to speak in a lie, cease to be kind and smart, become sharp, tactless and on stage, and in life. "

M.F. Andreeva

Passion and revolution
Andreeva was a hysterical woman, prone to adventures and adventures. Only theater was not enough for her (or rather, she was visible to the undoubted artistic genius of Olga Knipper-Chekhov), she wanted political theater. She was connected with the Bolsheviks and mined money for them. Later, Security will establish that Andreeva collected for RSDPP millions of rubles.
"Comrade Phenomenon", as Lenin called her, managed to make to upset for the needs of the revolution of the largest Russian capitalist. Savva Timofeevich sacrificed the Bolsheviks a significant part of his state.

M.F. Andreeva. Artist I.I. Brodsky M.F. Andreeva. Artist I. Repin.

Passionate, fond of nature in everything going to the end "," to the complete death seriously. " Rogozhin in the novel "Idiot" seems to be written off Dostoevsky with Morozova - or the great writer knew himself the type of a talented Russian businessman who burst with his money, who went crazy from the surrounding vulgarity and vanity, and the one who became all in the end on a woman and love.
The Russian rich, as soon as he becomes formed, falls in love with a fatal intelligent, embodying culture, progress and passion for him at the same time. And here or he dies, unable to overcome the marginality of its existence, or ... becomes an intelligent.

Andreeva and Gorky

"Pity degrades man"
The tragedy began with the fact that Stanislavsky quarreled with Nemirovich-Danchenko.
And they quarreled because of the actress Andreva, who arranged a scandal because of the artist of bookper-Czech. The brilliant gifts of Olga Leonardovna Knipper recognized absolutely everything.
Andreva gave the secondary roles - she demanded the main ones, complained by Stanislavsky and Morozov on Nemirovich-Danchenko. In the end, two co-owners of the theater so drove each other, which could not calmly talk. Morozov refused his directory. Together with her close friend, Maxim Gorky and Maria Fedorovna he started a new theater.

Andreeva and Gorky

But here Andreeva and bitter fell in love with each other. This discovery was a hardest shock for Sava.
Actor A.A.Tikhonov talked about it like this:
"Nude to the shoulder female hand in a white ball glove touched me for a sleeve.
- Tihonch, cute, hide it while at home ... I have nowhere to put ...
Maria Fedorovna Andreeva, very beautiful, in a white dress with a deep neckline, handed me a manuscript with the Gorky poem "Man." At the end, grantial attack was made - they say that the author of this poem is a strong heart, from which she, Andreeva, can make heels for their shoes.
Standing a barracking manuscript near the frost and read the dedication.
- So ... New Year's gift? Did you fall in love?
He grabbed a thin golden cigarette car out of his pocket and began to cling to a cigarette, but not from the same end. His spring fingers were shaking. "

Rivals - S.T. Morozov and A.M. Gorky

Morozov could not withstand a matte opponent, and was forced to establish relationships with his wife, and not without success. A year later, they had a fourth child - Son Savva. "Eka disgusting person, in fact! - in the hearts once exclaimed Savva Timofeevich, firmly crumbling with Maxim Gorky. "Why does he seem to be bosyak when everyone around knows well that his grandfather was a rich merchant of the second guild and left a large inheritance family?"

Rock Error Savva Morozova
Savva Timofeevich lived according to the laws of Russian literature, where the suffering from love and indulgence of branches and hystericals was honored for virtue. Even after Andreeva and Gorky began to live together, frosts still tremble about Maria Fedorovna cared. When she was on the tour in Riga to the hospital with peritonitis and was in the hairs of death, he cared for her from frosts. She he won an insurance policy in case of his death. After Morozov's death, Andreeva received 100 thousand rubles for insurance.

M.F. Andreeva in the play

... It was early 1905. The revolution flared up. A strike broke out on Nikolskaya Manufactory. To agree with the workers, Morozov demanded that the mother of attorney for doing business. But she, perturbed by his desire to agree with the workers, categorically refused, and herself insisted on the removal of the Son from affairs. And when he tried to argue, shouting: "And I don't want to listen! You yourself will not leave - make. "
The circle of loneliness is inexorable squeezed. Morozov remained in perfect isolation. A talented, smart, strong, rich man could not find what to rely on.
Love was impossible and not true. The secular wife annoyed. He didn't have friends in his circle, and indeed among the merchants was unimaginably boring. He contemptuously called the colleagues "Wolf Flying". The "flock" answered him a fearless dislike. Gradually, an understanding of the true attitude towards him from the "comrades" was received: the Bolsheviks saw in him only a stupid daisy cow and used his money loosely. In the letters of the "sincere friend" Gorky, a frank calculation.
Savva fell into cruel depression. In Moscow, rumors were blown about his madness. Savva Timofeevich began to avoid people, spent a lot of time in complete solitude, not wanting to see anyone. His wife was vigilantly watched, no one came to him, and I made correspondence received in his name.
Consilium was convened at the insistence of his wife and mother, which was diagnosed: a heavy nervous disorder, expressed in excessive excitement, anxiety, implantation, busting of longing. Doctors recommended sending a "patient" to treat abroad.
Accompanied by the wife of Savva Timofeevich went to Cannes. Here, in May 1905, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, in the Room hotel room, 44-year-old Sitz Magnat shot himself. They said that on the eve of nothing foreshadowed the tragic junction - Savva was going to casino and was in the normal arrangement of the Spirit.

Suicide or murder?
A significant role in the formation of the revolutionary attitude of the workers of Morozovskaya manufactory was played by Leonid Krasin, who attached Savva to lead the construction of a power plant in 1904. Krasin was well understood not only in electricity, but also in the manufacture of explosive devices. No wonder he headed the combat technical group at the Bolshevik leadership. Expropriations were composed in the organization of gangster raids on banking crews in order to capture money. In Moscow, the workshop of Gorky was equipped in the apartment of Gorky, which the Georgian militants of the legendary Kamo were protected. It was here that the bombs exploded in the residence of Stolypin in August 1906 were designed. This time the Stolypin was not injured, but as a result of the explosion, 32 people were killed and dozens were injured. Terrorist stocks were gained momentum. "Krasin dreamed of creating a portable" magnitude of the magnitude with a walnut "," Trotsky recalled. Martial merits were highly appreciated by comrades, and he was prescribed by the Tsk treasurer. Finally, Savva realized, what threat to society are fiery revolutionaries, and ceased cash infusion in their treasury. Such a turn did not suit the Bolsheviks, they tried to prescribe on the sponsor, but Savva was adamant, the Bolsheviks too. Many researchers of this dark matter believe that the organizer of the murder was Krasin.

1870 Leonid Borisovich Krasin
I repeat. Shortly before the death, he insured his life for 100 thousand rubles. Insurance policy "For Bearer", he handed over Maria Andreva along with his own letter. According to her, in a letter "Savva Timofeevich instructs money to me, since I know one of his desire, and that he cannot trust anyone besides me, even to his relatives." A significant part of these funds was transferred to the "phenomenon" to the Bolshevik Party Foundation.
Most of the state of Morozov moved his wife, which shortly before the revolution sold the shares of manufactory.
The reasons for suicide supposedly were called different, including conflict with the mother. Perhaps the actions of Momshi hurt his pride, but did not touch his material wealth. Morozov remained rich industrialist. He owned mines, logging, chemical plants, hospitals, newspapers. The gap with Andreeva occurred a few years ago and also could not cause the nervous breakdown. Surprising a degree of Sorogatrychlette Savva on the design of his insurance policy on a huge amount of money at that time, one hundred thousand rubles, without specifying the recipient's name, that is, "for bearer". In essence, it was a death sentence, signed by her own hand. What or who forced Savva to do so recklessly - left the mystery. When it came to pick up money, the bearer was found. The document was in the hands of Andreva, and, according to the former Beloved Morozov, it was an act of manifestation of her concern.

Later, Zinaida Grigorievna recalled that some suspicious personalities were constantly disappeared near their house in France. On May 13, a shot thundered in Morozov's apartments. Zinaida Grigorievna ran into her husband's room and discovered him with a shot of heart. Through the opened window, she noticed a runaway person. Next to the body of the killed police found two notes. In one it was written: "Debt - payment. Krasin. " In another - the posthumous appeal of Savva, in which he asked no one to blame in his death. The handwriting of the last note was similar to the handwriting. Morozova's personal doctor was surprised to noted that the hands of the dead were neatly folded on his stomach, the eyes were closed. The doctor doubted that the suicide could do it without any assistance. Until the end of his life, Zinaida Grigorievna did not believe in the suicide Sava and argued that her husband visited Krasin in Cannes. At the insistence of the Mother of the Died, the official version was adopted - suicide on the basis of the nervous breakdown. "Let's leave everything as it is. I will not allow the scandal, "she decided. "In this death, there is something mysterious," the bitter E. L. Peshkov wrote, hearing the death of Morozov and not knowing what happened. Morozov's relatives came to Andreva's right to manage the policy, but the matter lost. "He won all these operations - Krasin," Andreeva wrote in the letter N. E. Burnin, a grain of Lenin. Most of the money received on the policy went to the Bolshevik Cass. About 28,000 rubles were transferred by E. F. Crete-sister Andreva, who brought up her children. Andreeva herself, together with the "Buress of the Revolution", began to fulfill the new task of the Bolshevik Committee on the Collection of Money. To this end, they went to New York with a letter of recommendatory letter of the Executive Committee of the RSDLP and personal note Lenin. Maxim Gorky in his passionate performances before the Americans exposed the bloodthirsty policies of the tsarism and asked money to support the revolution in Russia. After the victory of the revolution in 1917, Ilyich did not forget the merit of Andreva, and handed her portfolio of the Commissioner of theaters and the spectacle of Petrograd and its surroundings. Savva Morozova, the new power recalled like a rich manufacturer exploit, trying to give the oblivion of its large cash deposits, which went to a revolutionary business. But the memory of this outstanding person remained in the hearts of ordinary people.