The problem of repentance of Astafyev among many shameful actions that I made in life (EGE in Russian). The correctness of writing an essay

The problem of repentance of Astafyev among many shameful actions that I made in life (EGE in Russian). The correctness of writing an essay

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Theme lesson:

Preparation for writing an essay-reasoning on the text V.P.Astafyeva "Postscript»

Theme lesson:

Preparation for writing an essay on the read text
1. Current lesson purpose: to form skills to work on an essay on the read text, identifying skills copyright and registration of the interpretation of the work;

2. Developing goal: develop mental activity, creative skills Pupils, recipe-analytical text skills and skills.

3.Toist purpose: to form civilian position, sense of responsibility for your actions.

form moral orientations to the recognition of true and false valuesEducation healthy image Life

Type of lesson: Combined using ICT

Type of lesson: Lesson study

Form: commented text reading

Equipment: Multimedia Installation, PC, V.M. Motsart "Forty Symphony"; Presentation according to V.P.Astafyev;

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1. Orgmant. Greeting.
Theme of today's lesson Speech development:

"Preparation for writing essay-reasoning on textminiature V.P. Astafieva "P.S»From the book" Slayer ".

2. Motivation of activities.

The topic is quite relevant for each student sitting here. Each of you knows that on final exam In the Russian language to write an essay on the text read. But not everyone, probably, knows the ancient Greek wisdom: "The language that managed knowledge will not stuff." This is what it will be so necessary to the decisive moment for us.

2. Epigraf

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High culture of speech - this is the ability to correctly, accurately and express your thoughts to the means of language ... S.I.OZHEGOV

3. Activation of knowledge.

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1). What is included in the concept of "good speech"?

(Rich, accurate, expressive)

Teacher:indeed, a good, rich human speech characterizes the workshop consumption in the speech of various means of artistic expressiveness.

3. Cut thesaurus warm-up
1) Transferring the word value (hidden comparison)


2) a fine-expressive technique at which two phenomena are compared, two concepts, two subjects with each other.


3) the location of words, phrases, expressions in ascending order or decrease of any sign, meaning, shade.


4) Repetition of a significant element at the beginning of each speech segment.


5) Violation of the usual order of words or phrases in the proposal.


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Raise your hands, who has everything true)

4. Reading the text V.P.Astafieva. (Sounds music V.A. Motzart "Forty Symphony")

V.P. Astafiev "Postscript"

Among many shaded actionsI committed in life, more than one me alone. A reproducer hung in the corridor in the corridor, and once a voice rang out in him, neither someone not like, something - most likely just disliked - annoying.
"Ha! Yell like a stallion! " - I said and pulled out the plug of the reproducer from the outlet. The voice of the singer broke off. The guys sympathetically reacted to my act, as I was in an orphanage most singers and the reading person.
... many years later in Essentuki, in the spacious summer hall, I listened symphony concert. All the musicians of the Crimean orchestra who worked on their centies, like a Muranthika, a young conductive, Tykachy, patiently disengaged to the public, what and why they will play when, by whom, on what occasion or another musical composition was written. They did it like, as it were, with apologies for their invasion
in such oversaturated spiritual values, the lives of citizens treated and simply living in the resort and the concert began with dashy strauss overtures to prepare overwater culture of listeners to the second, more serious branch.
But also a fabulous Strauss1, and Fire Brahms2, and the flirty offenbach3 did not help - from the middle of the first branch of the concert, students stacked in the hall on music event Just because it is free, they began to leave the hall. Yes, it's just that they left him, silently, carefully - no, with perturbations, shouts, I left, seemed to be deceived them in the best lies and dreams.
Chairs B. concert Hall old, vensit, with round wooden seats, rigid, and every citizen, rising from the scene, considered it his duty indignantly slam the seat.
I was sitting in myself, listened to how musicians are observed to drown out noise and swearing in the hall, and I wanted for everyone for us to ask for forgiveness from a cute conductor in the black fruke, the orchestrants, so hard and stubbornly earning their honest, poor bread, apologize for all of us and tell me as I am in childhood ...
But life is not a letter, there is no postscript in it.. With the fact that the singer, which I offended by the word, her name is the great hope of Obukhov, - became my most beloved singer that I "corrected" and cried more than once, listening to her.
She, singer, will never hear my repentance, will not be able to forgive me. But, already elderly and gray, I shudder from each cotton and the bryak of the chair in the concert hall ... (364 words) (V. P. Astafiev. Postscript)

Setting goals: Prepare for writing an essay - reasoning on the text of V.P.Astafyev.

The deeper we can immerse yourself in the text, the stronger will be the work on writing an essay.

In the process of analyzing the text, you, dear guys, in working notebooks to prepare for the exam make entries in accordance with the writing criteria overactions - reasoning. This will serve you with work material for writing an essay.

Teacher: So at home you prepared the analysis of the text V.P. Astafieva "P.S»From the book" Slayer ".

-What is the interpretation of the words " postscript "and" Slay "


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Salafing(Siberian Dealer, Regional Word) - Cubs, Meta, made by an ax on a tree.

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Teacher: Viktor Petrovich explained the choice of the title of the books like this: "... so that in our voyage age to fill the running, busy work, stomping by the life of the contemporary. "
Teacher - To these words we will return at the end of the lesson and explain the meaning of the name of the work of V.P.Astafieva.

5. Activity of students. Work with text.

1) What impression did the text on you?

(Caused the feelings of bitterness, resentment, shame. The text made ashamed of compatriots, think: "And sometimes I sometimes do" shameful actions "?")

2) How to manage V.P. Astafyev to achieve such a strong emotional impact on the feelings of readers?

(Through the formulation of an important problem, its own assessment of the events described, the workshop artistic means expressiveness)

3. We formulate one of the problems of the text.

(Problem higray-free relationship People for classical music, to art.

The problem of the underdevelopment of the human soul and as a result of a person's ability to perform "shameful actions")

Problemresponsibility for their behavior, for the actions of "near and distant".

The problem of human spiritual development.

The problem of rapidness in committing actions in adolescence


- What are your problems called by nature? ....


- We comment on the problem.

(These problems are relevant today, when we are increasingly meeting with the inability of people to listen classical music., Replace its fashionable, one-day.

Examples of confusion, rampant deeds we see everywhere: adults are disrespectful to each other, children disrespectful - to the elders, society is experiencing a deficit of mercy.

Contemporary Astafiev and, in particular, his story « P.S"

The writer is merciless and to himself, and to compatriots, he is not afraid of truth, whatever bitter it is, he does not hide behind the text. Each line feels a complex, sorrowful feeling of Viktor Petrovich, author's intonation. V.P. Astafyev with deep respect refers to people carrying culture in the masses.

- We prove examples from the text:

Authorcreates an image of a small and fragile conduction, using only diminishing words: "... I wanted for everyone for us to ask for forgiveness from a cute conductor in a black Frace", "... on an ant similar, young conducted."

- Does it happen to compare the conductor with the Murau

(Not by chance: the same hardworking, stubborn, persistent)

("Patiently dispersed that and why they will play," "they did it like, as it were, with an apology," the concert began with a strauss dashure, ")

Amazing the exceptional confusion of those who came, as the author put exactly, on the "musical event." Such insensible listeners are difficult to carry out beautiful strauss music, fervent, alive Brahms, flirty offenbach. Astafyev is ashamed for the compatriots ("sat, horrifying in herself," "I shudder from every cotton and the bryak of the chair"), their ugly, the meaning angrily condemned by the author, sowith irony he repeatedly calls by citizens who came to a symphony concert.

- Give the word interpretation "citizen"

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A citizen is a person belonging to the permanent population of this state, using his defense and endowed with a combination of rights and obligations.

Is the behavior of those present by the definition of "citizen"?

("... And every citizen, having risen from the place, considered his duty indignantly slam the seat," and the chairs in the hall are old, Viennese. And is it civil Discussion In the "indignantly slam the seat," leave the hall with indignations?

Teacher: - What type / Types of speech uses in the text V.P.Astafyev?

( Lead type of speech - reasoning. In the typological model of the text, the narration and description.

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Reasoning: 1) The author talks over the problems posed by them 2) the thesis is concluded in the proposal-approval: a shameful act a conscientious person remembers all his life. Conclusion: "But life is not a letter, there is no postscript in it."

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Narration : Using the story, the author talks about his shameful act and about the act of vacationers in Essentuki (in the orphanage, one day, many years later).

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TO description V.P. Astafiev appeals when he transmits his independent state and creates the image of a young and small conductor Zinaida Tykach, "nice, on an ant similar"

Teacher:The choice of typological model was influenced by the topic and idea of \u200b\u200bthe text, they also identified the style of work.

-What vocabulary uses Astafiev in the text?

(In the text combines words belonging to different functional styles: to the book and colloquial (conversational: "dashing", "Rugan", "Stallion", "yelling", "Dirizhsh", "Bryak", "Just" and others; Books: "Lust", "Act" "Citizens" , "Event", etc.).

-What is the text style? (Art journalism)

- Genre? (It philosophical essay)
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This is a philosophical essay, as the text is small in volume, it is expressed in it individual impressions, subjectively painted, there is no complaint about a comprehensive interpretation of a raised problem, the style of text is characterized by figurativeness and emotion, there is an installation on colloquial intonation and vocabulary, typical text constructing essays are used : comparisons, parallels, multi-eyed, reflections of the author)

- What kind fine remedies In order to enhance expressiveness use the author?

(Viktor Petrovich preference gives epitama ("In a cute conductor"; "honest, poor bread"; "Lyhaya Overture", "Shameful Act"

Inversion ("I said and pulled out"; "they did it like apologies"; "I listened to a symphony concert")

Gradations ( "Leave ... with indignations, shouts, broken"; "Just so, silently, carefully")

Antithesis ( musicians are opposed to resting citizens)

The author, condemns the behavior of the concert listeners, therefore, using epithets and antithesis, creates an image of loved in art, "All the" musicians who have survived and experienced in their century, "so hard and stubbornly earn their honest, poor bread," but still seeking to introduce the public to the beautiful, and citizens, "oversaturated by spiritual values", "treated and simply living in the resort" , "Overwhelmed culture", "stuffed in the hall for a music event only because it is free”.

- What is the role of lexical repeat ("... started leavehall. Yes kaba just they are his leave.... With indignations, shouts, broken leave…”).

(They did not just calmly come out of the hall , defiantly, their behavior causes disrespect, indignation, condemnation ....)

What words do you see like Okkazional education writer?

(Okkazionalism: "Solid contractors", "Unresolved)

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(Okkazionalism -

Life is not paper where you can easily put R.S. She proceeds quickly, man sometimes does not have time to correct his mistakes)

- Delive the meaning of the name of the book "Slash".

(Such Meta makes V.P. Astafyev on our heart, in our consciousness - remember: you are a person, and this obliges it to a lot)

5. Stage of the interpretation of the results obtained by the analytical conversation.

6 paragraph: (At the end of Prosaic miniature, Viktor Petrovich returns to the past: "... I wanted \u003c...\u003e apologize for all of us and tell me how I am in childhood ...".

Teacher: The author committed a shameful act in adolescence, realized the mistake and repent. In the concert hall, adults were swearing and noisy, solid people (it is appropriate to remember the second lexical meaning the words citizen - Adult Man ).

When will they correct their mistakes? But "... Life is not a letter, there is no postscript in it").

(How would you entitle this text? Why? ("The postscript in life does not happen", or "post-promptum", and succinctly, as a miniature named V.P. Astafieva in the book "Slaye". Most of Texts in this book have the same simple title: "Window", "Cemetery", "Vision". "Limit", "Fear", "Clearance", "Music", "Sigh" ...).

P.S It consists of a Latin prefix POST - after, under and root (script) Script- write, literally: "After what is written", addict in a letter after the signature, denoted by the letters P.S.

Salafing(Siberian Dealer, Regional Word) - Cubs, Meta, made by an ax on a tree. Such Metts is done by V.P. Astafyev on our heart, in our mind - remember: you are a person, and this obliges to a lot. Viktor Petrovich explained the choice of the title of the book like this: "... so that in our vanity to fasten the running, busy work, stomping by the life of the contemporary."

- What is your guys, a position towards the problem considered by the author in the text?

We will find examples arguing your opinion in the literature.

1) V. Weskov Story about Dyatle ...

2) K. Poyust's "Old Cook"

- Why should we be grateful to the author after reading the text?

Idea: V.P. Astafyev strive to protect a person from moral losses, "shameful actions." After reading the text, the contemporary will think about the feeling maybe there will be a desire and understanding to take care of your soul, about your spiritual development, A desire to learn to understand kind and beautiful will be born. V.P. Astafyev, probably this is the way to happiness. Not by chance in " Last worship"Hero Viktor Petrovich says:" You're happy, however, a boy. Not fate - a fraction, the soul is happy. Beautiful yes, good see, maybe there is happiness in this. Who knows?".

7. Analytic synthetic task.

And now your attention is offered another text (the story of K. Pautorsky "Old Cook" sounds under the accompaniment of "Social Symphony" of Mozart). Think that it combines this text with the "postscriptum" V.P. Astafieva? Does he belong to Peru Viktor Petrovich? Answer Try to justify. (Works are united the topic, but the idea is different - when the human body is alive, music is able to work wonders, move the person in space and in time, as it happened to the old chef, long-suffering vision. Music helped the old man to see Marta again and old Sad. With blossomed white flowers. Music recreated really tangible, "visible" picture. The old man is shocked by the power of music, so before death he wants to know the name of the master: "I saw everything so clear how many years ago. But I would not want to die and not know. Name!". Music Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is unusually expressive and really can awaken the imagination even an unprepared listener. The power of music is in its extraordinary emotional impact on a person. It is about this that the story of Powesty. It was for this that introduced into a lyrical novel literary description sounding music - And this is also talented. This work conveys the human desire to excellence, approves good and justice. Authority given "not from God, but from art", to which Mozart serves, he facilitates last Minutes dying. Art is active asserting good.

Powesty demonstrates the art of verbal painting. Coloring, sounding, simplicity of the author's narration, torque shoes, combination psychological state Human and nature of nature - everything works on the idea of \u200b\u200bNovella. The name of the story is simple - "old cook". The cook is old, but his soul is young. Lives the old cook inspired and happily before the last breath).

Astafieva's books are translated into many languages. On November 29, 2002, a memorial house-museum of Astafieva was opened in the village of Osseanka and a monument to the Grand Writer was established. In 2006, another monument to Viktor Petrovich was established in Krasnoyarsk. In 2004, at the Krasnoyarsk-Abakan highway, near the village of Sliznevo, a brilliant forged "Tsar Fish" was installed, a monument to the story of Viktor Astafieva. To date, this is the only monument in Russia literary work With element of fiction.

8. Summing up the work.

Reflection learning activities using speech cliché.

Read the options for working material for writing an essay.
I wish you in writing an essay on the read text of the house success, and remember: Language is our weapon; Powder it in turn, you should take care so that the springs in it do not creak.

9. Homework: write an essay on the read
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Victor Astafiev. Story "Postscript" *
Among the many shameful actions that I accomplished in my life, I myself am alone. A reproducer hung in the corridor in the corridor, and once a voice rang out in him, neither someone not like, something - most likely just disliked - annoying.

"Ha, blime! Yell like a stallion! " - I said and pulled out the plug of the reproducer from the outlet. The voice of the singer broke off. The guys sympathetically reacted to my act, since I was in my childhood the most singers and the reading person.

... Many years later in Essentuki, in a spacious summer hall, I listened to a symphony concert. All the musicians of the Crimean orchestra who survived in their cent a century, like a similar, the young conductive Zinaida Pumpkach patiently spread the public, what and why they will play when, by whom, on what occasion, this or that musical work was written. They did it like as if with an apology for their invasion into such oversaturated spiritual values, the lives of citizens treated and just so living in the resort, and the concert began with dashy strauss superduments, to prepare the overwater culture of listeners to the second, more serious branch.

But the fabulous Strauss, and Fire Brahms, and the coquette offenbach did not help - from the middle of the first branch of the concert, students who stood into the hall for a music event only because it was free, began to leave the hall. Yes, it's just that they left him, silently, carefully - no, with perturbations, shouts, I left, seemed to be deceived them in the best lies and dreams.

The chairs in the concert hall of the old, Viennese, with round wooden seats, are incomplete, and every citizen, rising from the scene, considered his duty indignantly slam the seat.

I was sitting in my senses, I listened to how the musicians are torn to, so that to drown out the noise and swearing in the hall, and I wanted for everyone for us to apologize to the cute tricks in the Black Thrake, the orchestrants, so hard and hard earning their honest, poor bread , apologize for all of us and tell me how I am in childhood ...

But life is not a letter, there is no postscript in it. With the fact that the singer, which I offended by the word, her name is the great hope of Obukhov, - became my most beloved singer that I "corrected" and cried more than once, listening to her.

She, singer, will never hear my repentance, will not be able to forgive me. But, already elderly and gray, I shudder from each cotton and the Bryak of the chair in the concert hall. Mother's Master has been hurting at the moment when the musicians are struggling, opportunities and talent are trying to convey the suffering early with a peaceful young man in defenseless rapid glasses.

He in his suicide symphony, an unfinished song of his washed heart, more than a century stretches his hands into the hall and calls with a prayer; "People, help me! Help! .. Well, if I can't help me, at least help yourself! .. "

  • Postscriptum, -a, m. (Book.). Poster in the letter after the signature, denoted by the letters R. S. [from Latin POST Scriptum "After what is written"].

Victor Astafiev.

Story "Postscriptum"

Of course, an understanding of art is not given to every person, but this understanding needs to strive. Enrich spiritual world , to expand the horizons of its worldview should each cultural man . And very bitterly happens for those people who, climbing only on the material side of life, do not have the need for spiritual enrichment. As a result, degradation of the personality, the manifestation of Ham's behavior, aggressive attacks. Cheerfulness It happens militant when everything is fiercely denied, which has no idea.


Why do you like the classics alone, and other fashionable pop songs? Is it so important? What is the reason for such a different attitude to music? These and other questions arise with me after reading the text V.P.Astafieva.

The writer puts the problem of various attitudes to music in its text. It cites two examples. The first is a "shameful act" from childhood when children's house From the reproducer he heard "no one like a similar voice. "With the words of indignation", the narrator pulled out a plug from the outlet. Subsequently, this singer whose voice caused such irritation, Nadezhda Obukhov, became his beloved singer.

The second example occurred several years later, in Essentuki. "I listened to the Symphony Concert in the Spacious Summer Hall." The musicians tried, playing Strauss, Brahms, Offenbach, but the listeners who came to the concert for free, went out loudly swearing and clapping the seats. He became ashamed and wanted "for everyone to ask for forgiveness." The problem that the author raises, forced me to think deeply, why people are so different people to serious classical music.

So it was always. Not everyone is given to hear, feel, understand. But you do not need your deafness to explain the wines of others. Music is not good enough, the musicians play poorly. You need to see the problem in yourself and respect those who are able to understand the classics.

I share the point of view of the author. Today many of my peers download famous works Great musicians listen to them. I am ashamed to know Mozart, Baha, Tchaikovsky. Listening, discover new world Music, captivating and fascinating. Of course, there are those who do not perceive serious music. I believe that it is not necessary to impose it. It is necessary to respect both those and others. Well, and, of course, to understand that the classic will be popular at all times, it is also a classic. This is a music that causes real feelings, real experiences. Music that helps to look at the world to the world, on life. Examples of this we find in the works of fiction.

In the Great Roman-Epopea L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" in the family of growth often musitizes, sing. I especially remember the episode, when Nikolai Rostov, losing a whole state by Dolokhov, comes home and cares of home in the living room. They listen, as Natasha sings. Nikolai sat and heard. He was surprised how well and sincerely sings his sister. As under the sounds of her voice, you forget about everything, caring somewhere far from the ground, where there is no meanness and lies. He saw that everything, like he, feel the same. Music is part of the life of the family growth. Each day of their day is filled with the sounds of real serious music.

Muzitsy and in another amazing turkey family in the story of A.P.hekhov "Ionch". The daughter of Catherine Ivanovna often, in front of numerous guests played on the piano and was going to go to study in a conservatory. Everyone praised her and assured in undoubted talent. In fact, she played very noisy and long. Guests, admiring, could not wait for completion to go dining. With the career of the pianist, the heroine did not work out, as with the older, to whom she once refused. Kitty, as her homework called her, at the end of the story aged, often sick and every day plays four hours on the piano. Music is also part of her life, but the music of another kind. In its performance, it becomes artificial, not filled with real experiences, because they did not experience the heroine.

Thus, we see that everyone has to music miscellaneous attitude. It depends on the family, from education, from human hobbies and the versatility of its nature. All tastes must be taken. But those who are able to appreciate and understand true serious music, must be respected. You can learn to listen to real music, you can only make an effort. Appreciate the classics, love her!

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Updated: 2018-01-03

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All people in life make many mistakes. But not everyone can recognize their guilt in them and ask for forgiveness from offended. Do you need to repent in the shameful actions? It is above this problem "P.P. Astafiev in the proposed text.

The author recalls one of the mistakes he committed in childhood. At the same time, the writer says: "The kids treated with my act sympathetically ...". But the sediment from the case from childhood remains V.P. Astafieva for life. Being a witness disrespectful relationship Spectators for musicians at a symphony concert, he wants to "ask for forgiveness from the Moynya conductor", "apologize for all of us."

V.P.Astafyev brings readers to the conclusion that all people should be able to repent in perfect mistakes.

After all, only in this case, each of us can prevent them from repetition in the future.

I can not disagree with the opinion of the author. Indeed, when a person realizes his guilt in anything, asks for forgiveness from those who offended, it immediately becomes easier not only offended, but also himself. It is then that there is no discord between conscience and man.

As sometimes, people do not realize their guilt before others. It is enough to remember the story V. Zheleznikov "Stuffed" to understand it. Odnoklassniki Lenka Inzolesev considered it a traitor, so they allowed themselves to mock this fragile girl. But only when she left the city, the guys realized that the shame did not make Lenka, but they.

Let us turn to the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Natasha Rostov does not remain faithful prince Bolkonsky, taking signs of attention from Anatol Kuragin. But the heroine quickly realizes his guilt, feels the flour of conscience for the perfect and receives forgiveness from Andrei. This distinguishes it from the Kuragin family, the members of which have always been indifferent to all that is happening.

After reading the text, I come to the following conclusion: each of us needs to be aware of the malfunction of their actions and recognize the shameful mistakes. Only then a person can live in harmony with himself and with his conscience.

Option 2.

Opening this problemThe author reflects on how important it is to be able to repent of the actions. V.P. Afanasyev draws attention to the fact that as a child, he made a very shameful act. I pulled out the plug of the reproducer from the socket before the guys, for which the rest of my life was very repent of the singer, who sang at that moment. The writer also notices that the event was not satisfied with the perturbations and screams musical performance Listeners for whom the author wanted to apologize.

So the writer convins us in the fact that no matter how terrible act is, it is necessary to be corrected and repent. Let him not always be forgiven, but at least such actions will not be made again.

With the opinion of the author, it is difficult to disagree, I want to emphasize the idea that people learn not only on their mistakes, but also on other people's mistakes. Reward and released the whole situation, you understand all the blame that fell on you.

I am ready to confirm your position with the argument from the literature. In the work of F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" After the murder of the old woman of Rodion, Skolnikov torments conscience, in his mind there is an insurmountable barrier with society, all this becomes the main punishment of the hero and only at Katorga, refusing his own theory, he repents and falls on the path of purification.

Turn to the work of A.S. Pushkin " Stationery"Dunya Vyrnus left his father, and after his death, having arrived at his grave, long crying, repent and regretted his deed.

In conclusion, I would like to note that repentance helps to cope with various troubles, so the ability to recognize your mistakes is a very important feature for a person.

Option 3.

Why are many people today show disrespect for each other? It was the problem of disrespectful attitude to others raising V.P.Astafyev in this text. It exists long ago, but relevant today.

To attract the attention of the reader to this issue, the author tells us of the case that happened on the music event. Crimean musicians gave a concert in Essentuki. They wanted the audience to listen to the cooked speech, appreciated their efforts, a huge work, but, unfortunately, there were no approval actions. The audience considered the concert boring, uninteresting and, showing disrespect, began "with indignations, shouts", "lumping the seats" to leave.

Bright literary exampleconfirming my position, there may be a comedy D.I.Forvizin. She does not respect anyone around him. For the same man, as she grows her son Mitrofanushka, he takes an example from his mother.

In the work of A.S.Griboyedov "Mount from Wit" Famuses is an official who is important only to the knowledge and wealth. He communicates with people only with the highest rank. The ordinary peasants of the Magazov refers disrespectfully. They will insult them and humiliates them.

Question # 24.

Read the text and execute 20-25 tasks.

(1) Among the many shameful deeds that I made in my life, more than all my alone is remembered. (2) A reproducer hung in the corridor in the corridor, and once a voice rang out, nor on whose not like, something - most likely just dislike - annoying.
(3) With the words of indignation, I pulled out the plug of the reproducer from the outlet. (4) The voice of the singer broke off. (5) The guys sympathetically reacted to my act, since I was in my childhood the most singers and the reading person.
(b) Many years later in Essentuki, in a spacious summer hall, I listened to a symphony concert. (7) All the musicians of the Crimean orchestra who have experienced and experienced at their century, like a Muranthushka, the young conducted patiently spread the public, which and why they will play when, by whom, on what occasion, this or that musical work was written. (8) They did it like as if with an apology for their invasion of such oversaturated spiritual values \u200b\u200bthe life of citizens treated at the resort, and the concert began with dashy strauss superduments to prepare the overwritten culture of listeners to the second, more serious branch.
(9) But also a fabulous Strauss, and Fire Brahms, and the coquette offenbach did not help - from the middle of the first branch of the concert, the listeners who stood in the hall for a music event only because it was free, began to leave the hall. (10) Yes, it's just that they left him, silently, carefully - no, with perturbations, shouts, Branwi left, as if they were deceived them in the best desires and dreams.
(I) Chairs in the concert hall of the old, Viennese, with round wooden seats, are incomplete, and every citizen, rising from the scene, considered his duty indignantly slam the seat.
(12) I was sitting in my senses, I listened to how the musicians are torn to, so as to drown the noise and swearing in the hall, and I wanted to ask for us for forgiveness from the cute conductor in the Black Thrake, with orchestrants, so hard and hard earning their honest , poor bread, apologize for all of us and tell me how I am in childhood ...
(13) But life is not a letter, there is no postscript in it. (14) That from the fact that the singer, which I offended by the word (the name of her - the great hope of Obukhov), became my most beloved singer, that I "corrected" and cried more than once, listening to her.
(15) She is, singer, will never hear my repentance, he will not be able to forgive me. (16) But, already elderly and gray, I shudder from each cotton and the Bryaka stool in the concert hall. (17) I beat the Spectator Rugan in the face when the musicians are struggling with all their might, the possibilities and talent are trying to convey the suffering early rebounding young men in defenseless rapid glasses.
(18) 0N in his suicide symphony, an unfinished song of his Izbolly heart, more than a century stretches his hands in the hall and with a prayer calls: "People, help me! (19) Help! .. (20) Well, if I can't help me, at least help yourself! .. "
(According to V. P. Astafyev *)
* Viktor Petrovich Astafiev (1924-2001) - an outstanding Soviet and Russian writer.

Read the reference fragment based on the text that you analyzed by performing tasks 20-23.

In this fragment are considered language Features text. Some terms used in the reviews are missed. Insert the numbers to the points (A, B, B, G) numbers corresponding to the term number from the list. Write in the table under each letter the corresponding digit.

The sequence of numbers write down in the response form No. 1 to the right of the number 24 number 24, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters.

Each digit is written in accordance with the samples given in the form.

"A special place in the text is a description of the concert. To this end, the author uses bright means of expressiveness: the trope - (a) __________ ("The life of citizens", "overwhelmed by the spiritual values \u200b\u200bof spiritual values", "overwhelmed by the culture of listeners" in sentence 8), lexical remedy - (b) _______ ("ant", "young" In Proposition 7, "Round" in sentence 17). The behavior of the audience, when describing which the author resorts to the use of such a trail, as (c) _______ ("and a fabulous fin masses, and fire brams, and the coquette offenbach did not help" in Proposition 9) , it causes an emotional reaction from the story, which the syntactic means is best transmitted - (d) ______ (sentences 18-20). "

List of terms:

1) book vocabulary

3) Comparative turnover

4) Words with diminishing suffixes

5) phraseologism

6) Graduation

7) Exclamation Proposals

9) Parcelation

Lexical means (trails)

Trails - Words or speech speeds used in a portable, allegorical meaning.

1. Epitheet - adjective, having figurative-emotional meaning (can be nouns, adorption, verb).

Golden grove. Funny ptahi poured. Heavenly azure laughs. The petrel is redeemed. Poet - Echo of the World.

2. Metaphor - one is replaced by another portable meaning (Hidden comparison).

Burn on Earth. Blue sky site.

3. Elimination - phenomena or objects are endowed with the properties of living beings.

Time is running out. Sullen forest.

4. Metonimia - replacement containing - content; The thing is the material.

I ate three plates. Crystal and bronze on the table.

5. Synekdokha - Replacement multiple number The only use of the whole instead of the part (and on the contrary).

All flags to visit us will be to us (in meaning: states).

6. Allegory - allegory, image of a specific concept in artistic images (in fairy tales, bass, proverbs, epics).

Cunning - in the form of foxes, courage and power - in the image of Ilya Muromets, beauty - in the form of Apollo.

7. Hyperbol - Exaggeration of properties, qualities.

I spoke a hundred times. My love, wide, like the sea, caretate the life of the shore.

8. Lithota - Understanding properties, qualities.

Two steps from here.

9. Perifraza - retelling, descriptive circulation, comprising an assessment (the subject is not called directly, is called properties or similar values \u200b\u200bindicating the subject).

White Capital (Moscow). Sad time! Ocho charm, (autumn).

10. Kalambar. - The game of words, humorous use of the meaningfulness of words or homonymy.

Spring at least someone crazy. Ice - and he tried; The director held a conference ... and journalists ...

11. Ironya - the use of words in the sense of the opposite literal; The goal is a thin or hidden mockery; higher degree irony - sarcasm.

We are the minds, and eradicate; between us speaking, this engineer human soulsIt turned out to be extremely untenable and limited subject.

12. Paradox - Unexpected, consisting with logic or customary conclusion.

13. Comparison - Comparison of similar elements in the text + comparative unions (as if, as if, exactly, like, etc.).

... Like golden, ... exactly drunk by the jigsaw.

Lexical means (are not trap)

Lexical means Based on the meaning of words.

1. Phraseologism - sustainable expression used in a figurative value.

Jump on the hind legs.

2. Lexical repeat - repeat words, phrases in a sentence or text.

Wind, wind all over white light.

3. Synonyms - words of one part of speech, identical or close in their lexical value

Assumption, guess, hypothesis.

4. Contextual (or contextual) synonyms - words that are synonyms only in this text.

Lomonosov - Genius - Favorite Child of Nature. (V. Belinsky)

5. Antonyms - Words of one part of speech opposite to their lexical significance

Black - white, hot - cold, high - low.

6. Omonimi - Words, the same sound, but different in their lexical meaning

Club (smoke), club (hunters and fishermen), club (night).

7. Professional vocabulary - words peculiar to professional dialects; Professional words used by groups of people combined common occupationscomes from business

Where is the zirkul architect, palette and cutter
Choir whims were obeyed

Syntactic means

Syntactic means - speech turnover used to enhance expressiveness (expressiveness) of statements (not based on a figurative value)

1. Comparative turnover - There is something that is compared, something compared with + comparative unions (as if, like, exactly, like etc.).

He, like an elephant in the dishwasher.

2. Ellipsis - Skip one of the members of the sentence, easily restored in meaning (most often the failed). This achieves the dynamism and compression of speech, a strenuous change is transmitted.

We sat down - in ashes, hail - in the dust,
In swords - sickles and plows.

3. Oxymoron - a combination of logically incompatible concepts.

Ringing silence hot Snow, scary ridiculous, terribly fun.

4. Question-response formation - The text is presented in the form of rhetorical issues and answers to them.

And again the metaphor: "Live under the minute houses ...". What will it mean? Nothing eternally, everything is subject to delend and destruction.

5. Rates of homogeneous members of the sentence - listing homogeneous concepts.

He was waiting for a long, severe illness, care from sports.

6. Citation - transfer in the text of other people's thoughts, statements with the author's author's author.

As stated in the poem N. Nekrasova: "Below the holes should be clone ..."

7. Anafora - Repeat initial words.

I swear the first day of the creativity, I swear it last day

8. Epiphara - repeat end words.

9. Antiteza - Comparison opposite to concepts in terms of sentence or text.

Stupid condemnation, and smart will judge.

10. Inversion - Changing the correct word order to enhance expressiveness.

Brought horses. They didn't like me. The winter was waiting for nature.

11. Parallelism - A similar arrangement of the elements, the same type.

The yamper whistled, the horses crushed, the bell stuck.

12. Graduation - "Lestenka" loved ones in the meaning of words with increasing or decreasing their semantic significance.

Women cry: streams, lakes, oceans of tears!

13. Parcelation - separations for several.

Night. Street. Lamp

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