Arguments to the composition on the problem of the relationship of man and power. The problem of respect for someone's labor problem of a disrespectful attitude towards people

Arguments to the composition on the problem of the relationship of man and power. The problem of respect for someone's labor problem of a disrespectful attitude towards people

How often do we say "thank you" to people close to us? And how often do we thank their sincere? It should not deny that sometimes we do not do this altogether, we forget or simply do not want. Meanwhile, disrespect and ungratefulness become a kind of habits affecting modern society.

In the text of N. I. Pirogov raises the problem of a disrespectful relationship, which manifests itself in ungratefulness and disrespect. Is it possible to call it permissible?

She did not want him to work, she was ready to share her bread with him. But at that time he could not appreciate it. His sisters were taken for minor work to provide a family. And when the brother needed a uniform, they sewed him out of old things. But their efforts were not rewarded due gratitude, what the author regrets.

Sometimes a person does not know how to express his appreciation, who deserved it - such disrespect for the merits of people cannot be justified. The author seeks to convey it to the reader so that he does not commit such mistakes.

In the novel F. M. Dostoevsky "humiliated and offended" is confirmed by the words of the author. Natasha, the heroine of the work, betrays his family, running out of the house with her lover. But soon he loses him, after which it realizes that it was not worried that she did not appreciate what she had. She is tormented by conscience, she cannot find peace due to the fact that he was not grateful.

Everyone must learn to appreciate those people who surround it, and what they do for him.

Updated: 2018-07-24

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Writing the exam in the text:" Among the many shameful actions that I accomplished in my life, I myself am alone.A reproducer hung in the corridor in the corridor, and one day there was a voice, no one like me, something - most likely it is not enough - annoying ..." (byV.P. Astafyev) .

Full text

(1) Among the many shameful deeds that I made in my life, more than all my alone is remembered. (2) A reproducer hung in the corridor in the corridor, and one day a voice rang out, neither whose not like, something - most likely just disliked - annoying. (3) "Ha ... yelling like a stallion!" - I said and pulled out the plug of the reproducer from the outlet. (4) The voice of the singer broke off. (5) The guys sympathetically reacted to my act, since I was in my childhood the most singers and the reading person. (6) ... Many years later in Essentuki, in a spacious summer hall, I listened to a symphony concert. (7) All the musicians of the Crimean orchestra who have worked on their cent a century, on an ant similar, Tykach's young conductor patiently was patiently distilled by the public, what and why they would play when, by whom, on what occasion, this or that musical work was written. (8) They did it like as if with an apology for their invasion into such oversaturated spiritual values, the lives of citizens treated and just so living in the resort, and the concert began with dashy strauss soverings to prepare the second, more serious branch of listeners. (9) But also a fabulous Strauss, and Fire Brahms, and the coquette offenbach did not help - from the middle of the first branch of the concert, the listeners who stood in the hall for a music event only because it was free, began to leave the hall. (10) Yes, it's just that they left him, silently, carefully - no, with perturbations, shouts, Branwi left, as if they were deceived them in the best desires and dreams. (11) Chairs in the Concert Hall of the Old, Viennese, with round wooden seats, incomplete, and every citizen, rising from the scene, considered his duty to indignantly slam the seat. (12) I was sitting in my senses, I listened to how the musicians are torn to, so as to drown the noise and swearing in the hall, and I wanted to ask for us for forgiveness from a cute tricks in the Black Thrake, or hardships, so hard and hard earning their honest , poor bread, apologize for all of us and tell me as I am in childhood ... (13) But life is not a letter, there is no postscript in it. (14) That from the fact that the singer I offended the word, the name of her - the great hope of Obukhov, - became my favorite singer that I "corrected" and cried more than once, listening to her. (15) She is, singer, will never hear my repentance, he will not be able to forgive me. (16) But, already elderly and gray, I shudder from every cotton and the Bryaka stool in the concert hall, ... When the musicians are struggling, the opportunities and talent of their own, they are trying to convey the suffering early rebound young men in defenseless round glasses. (17) In his suicide symphony, an unfinished song of his Izbolly heart, more than a century stretches his hands into the hall and with a prayer calls: "(18) People, help me! (19) Help! .. (20) Well, if I can't help me, at least help yourself! .. "

Everyone in this life has its own business. It seems to me that the work of any person must meet respect, whether it is the work of the joiner, engineer, teacher or musician. Every diligent and out of all of themselves is a person worthy of attention and reverence. The problem of ignorance, rudeness, indifference towards human work is raised in this text.

Reflecting on the problem, the author tells us the story of the Crimean Orchestra, which I gave free to playing for holidaymakers in Essentuki. Most students had to do not like the classic works, and people behaved rudely, noisily leaving their places right during the music event: "... With perturbations, shouts, I left, as if deceived them in the best lusts and places." The lyrical hero was shame for the behavior of vacationers who do not respese musicians who "... With all their might, opportunities and talent, they are trying to convey the suffering of the composer."

I fully agree with the author. In confirmation of my words, I would like to give the parable, which once heard the grandmother. The story said about the Father, who offered her son to throw money honestly earned money in the fireplace. The son hesitated, but after the insight Father burned bills, then the father offered to throw money earned by the Son himself. The hero could not, referring to the fact that he spent too much effort on their earnings. That's so bad, sometimes we care with the difficulty of other people. Parable makes think about respect for someone else's work.

Undoubtedly, man's work causes respect from others. Hero of Roman Turgenev "Fathers and Children" Evgeny Bazarov - True worker. He believes that only unbearable work can be achieved. Bazarov on the origin is the son of a simple gear, so he achieved a lot only by his efforts, limitless thirst for knowledge. Despite the controversial views on life and some rash actions, it is impossible not to experience respect for our hero. So the yard boys, and the servants of the Kirsanov family, who had bazaars, stretched to Eugene, although he did not think to look for their location. Indeed, you can not love this hero, but it is impossible not to respect it, because the work is easy to give it easily.

It seems to me that a person needs to be judged not only by his own work, but by how he draws a stranger. The ability to reveal someone else's work is that it really causes respect.

(341 word, not counting quotes)

The fourty of attention is the figure of Emelyan Pugacheva - a rowersman, a man who opposed the power. What prompted him to this? Why did he not only come to the throne himself, but also behaved behind the people? And how did the people believed the impostor? Why? Under the burden of years we can forget that historical situation in which the idea of \u200b\u200bthe rebellion was born. People, (notice, do not chop, not livestock) Being in the serf dependence on their not always humane gentlemen (remember at least cattle from "inexpressible"), they were forced to obey their will, unquestioningly listening to everyone, even a delusional requirement. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe good king lived in the heart of every person. A bold, daring, desperate rebellion took responsibility and decided to give people to the will, let them be short, albeit such an ephemeral, but will. It is possible to estimate the degree of his courage, only understood the fairy tale, told Greenwood. Pugachev initially knew the finals of the development of events, in the circulation of which he relocate his country. But not frightened, did not reveal and disappeared. No, he walked on the scaffold to prove, as inhuman power can plunge the country into the horror of a merciless bloody slaughter.

2. A.A. Akhmatova "Requiem"

The poem was written in the period when Stalin's repression was put on the whole country on his knees, when the author of the poem was in line with the transfer of his son, who was condemned as the enemy of the people. Of the memories and living impressions there was a poem:

It was when smiling
Only dead, calmly happy.

The lyric heroine holds a parallel between the fate of his contemporary and a long standing of his compatriot, the husband of which was executed as Streletsky Buntar

I will be like shooting women,
Under the Kremlin tower to swell.
Stars of death stood above us
And innocent withered rus
Under the bloody boots
And under the tires of black marus.

3. M.A. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita"

The main character of the novel - a master - a man living in the terrible time of Stalinist repression. Having written a novel about Pontiya Pilate, he hurt a human responsibility problem for the decision. His main character of the Master's novel is the procurator of the Judea - a person extended by almost unlimited power, doubts her right. Phenomenon for power, almost unacceptable. For the era of Stalinism, a man, dilated power, has no right to doubt that his decision is fair. So, such a work is maliciously a priori. Masters are arrested. This act broke it, made a bunny. So a person who was against the authorities turned out to be outlined, subjected to repression.

4. A.I. Solzhenitsyn "One Day Ivan Denisovich"

The story is dedicated to the fate of a man who had in a camp on charges of betrayal, although all his fault is that he was captive for several days, but came out of the environment and was ready to defend his homeland. However, the authorities of his act seemed betrayal. After serving the term, Ivan Denisovich gently retains human dignity in himself, he works and complies with all the requirements of the law reigning in the zone. In this, a peculiar denial of Shukhov's guilt. This person is always legiturated everywhere. Why is the authorities he is unworthy? Simply, the power is looking for enemies, and who today fell into their number - insignificantly.

If for women the concept of "respect" lies in the emotional sphere, then it has more practical importance for men.

My wife does not respect me! I lost respect for my husband! Respect for each other disappeared in our relationship ... - Similar complaints family psychologist hears every day.

If you ask any person what he wanted from relationships with other people, I am sure that most often you will hear the word "respect".

What is respect and why it

The need for respect for most people is among the main priorities. Regardless of the nature of the relationship, age and gender, we are very sensitive in everything related to respect.

Why? What gives us respect?

To answer this question, let's try to define respect. There is a simple and understandable definition to give a simple and understandable definition, so we will try to design this definition.

1. Respect - this is the attitude of one person(groups of people) To another person (group of people)

2. This attitude is based on mutual recognition of the advantages of the personality of each of these people.(groups of people).

3. Recognition of the priority of their safety and non-damage:physical, psychological and moral.

4. Recognition of their fundamental rights to freedom, self-expression, religion, etc.

As can be seen from our definition, respect - this is a whole complex of concepts affecting how it is not strange, our instinct of self-preservation!

Now it becomes clear why in personal relationship the problem of losing / restoring respect becomes one of the central.

In order to understand what gives us respect, let's look at the scheme:

As can be seen from the scheme for men (highlighted in blue) and for women (highlighted in red) priority qualities in the concept of "respect" are different things.

If for women the concept of "respect" lies in the emotional sphere, then it has more practical importance for men. Understanding these differences is becoming particularly important when we are trying to analyze what behavior and actions will inevitably lead to the loss of respect with him or her.

Before talking about the reasons for the disappearance of respect in the relationship, let's think about how this concept is being formed in principle.

In order for a person to be able to respect others, it is necessary that he has an appropriate education, based on mutual respect for men and women, children to parents, parents for children, as well as to other people. And one more important addition - this man must respect himself!

There is a very close connection between self-esteem and respect.Surely, many know Axomo that it is impossible to achieve respect from others, without respect for themselves. It is believed that self-esteem is divided into two components:

    emotional- as I treat myself from the position of "good and evil", my assessment of yourself as a "good" or "bad" person, and

    rational- An indicator of my competence, professionalism, success. Note that both components that form self-esteem in men and women are different.

Consider drawing:

From the drawing becomes clear that we call respectful such attitude to us, which strengthens or at least supports our self-esteem.

Accordingly, the "unfriendly" behavior, which questions my competence or my assessment of itself, I will be regarded as disrespectful. In the relationship between a man and a woman, respect is closely connected with polo-role behavior, more precisely with the expectation of certain behavior.

Let's consider a simple example.

A man with a woman ride in the car. Stopped.

The man came out of the car, opened the door from the side of the woman and helped her get out of the car.

The man showed respect for the lady (helped to get out of the car), the woman showed respect for a man, waiting when he approached to help get out, thanked him, thereby showing that she was confident in his good manners.

Respect generates respect.

Unfortunately, the manifestations of disrespect begin with the "little things", the most typical of them are: lack of elementary thanks at level thanks ", inattention, non-fulfillment of their promises, vote.

Of course, someone will react to it, and someone is not. I am sure that you know the saying that "a little lies give rise to great distrust"? About respect you can say the same thing - little manifestations of disrespect over time will develop in big problems.

Signs of manifestation of chronic disrespect for men and womenpresented in the following picture:

It is important to note that respect disappears not only when there is a manifestation of such behavior directly to this person, but also to his loved ones, friends or colleagues.

My husband does not respect my mother! My wife does not respect my friends!

Periodically, at the reception, I have to hear how one or another client talks about the loss of respect for his wife / husband because of her / his disrespectful attitude towards relatives or friends.

And indeed, we often associate themselves with people close to us and tend to take on your own expense what is not always directed directly to us.

Why is this happening?

Belonging to the group (and family, friends, colleagues are a group) gives us an additional sense of safety and comfort, so the manifestation of disrespect for this "Our" group automatically applies to us. In separable families, where there are no close emotional connections, this does not happen.

There are a number of actions that almost always cause long-term (if not final) loss respect.

They are well known, this is: betrayal (treason), humiliation, insult, lie, violence.

Regardless of the gender, the person faced with such manifestations from the partner's side instantly loses respect for him. Restore respect after such actions is unusually difficult. This is due to the fact that each of these actions deeply hurts the sense of own dignity of the affected person, hurts him. Pain and respect are incompatible.

A feature of respect is that it is much more difficult to deserve what to lose.In this sense, respect for the concept close to trust.

And what if you feel the loss of respect for yourself from our loved ones?

Here is a simple step-by-step instruction that can help return lost respect.

1. Look at yourself.

Analyze your behavior as "possibly wrong" in relation to man. Maybe you violated it "borders", doubted his values \u200b\u200bor just offended ...

Not everyone is able to openly and immediately declare incorrect attitude towards themselves. Unspoken offenses do not go anywhere.

Recognizing the wrong behavior, do not rush to ask for forgiveness, but better try to understand why (?) You did it.

I have not understood the motives of your behavior, you risk repeat it in the future. The next step of your analysis will be the search for another method of action that will not be perceived by your partner as a disrespectful attitude.

2. Start the dialogue.

Tell your partner how important it is for you respectful attitude and that you are experiencing when there is no such relationship. Do not justify and do not shift the blame on it.

Admit your mistakes just listed them. Admit the human right to be offended at you and change your attitude.

3. Ask forgiveness.

For forgiveness, and not apologize.

Not many know that there are great differences between these two terms.

Apologies - the term is more formal, secular. Its essence comes down to ask to bring apologetic from the "guilt state." Forgiveness The term is more personal, if not to say intimate - his essence in the request to take remorse.

4. Act.

No matter what I forgave you or not, your awareness of your mistakes should be transformed into a new attitude and actions..

Remember that you first need to return my respect for yourself and you are on the right track.published If you have any questions about this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project

P.S. And remember, just changing your consciousness - we will change the world together! © Econet.

Everyone in this life has its own business. In my opinion, the work of any person must be respected, whether it is the work of the janitor, engineer, a musician or a scientist. Who diligently works, worthy of attention and reverence.

Disrespectful attitude towards people. This is one of the problems raised by the author in the text.

In our society, you can often see a disrespectful and vigorous attitude towards people. People who are lazy to throw out their garbage in the garbage chute, leave it in the entrances, complicating their lives and their neighbors. Children wishing to buy an expensive gadget, demand it from parents, without understanding how much money they got money. Teens and adults write on the walls of paint, spoiling architecture monuments and someone else's property.

As a child, the hero was disrespectful for the work of the singer, subsequently became his beloved. In an orphanage, where he used to live, hung a reproducer, and once the voice of a singer who annoyed a boy rang out in him, and then he pulled out the plug of the reproducer without any permission. This act has become one of the most shameful hero in the life.

After many years, he found himself in Essentuki, where a free symphony concert was held. The musicians tried to explain to the public that they would play about these works, but many listeners had to taste classic works, they behaved rudely, with noise leaving places during the music event: "With perturbations, shouts, Branwie left, as if deceived They are in the best designers and dreams. " The hero of the work felt shame for the behavior of vacationers who did not respect the musicians who ". . With all their might, the possibilities and talent of their own conveying to the composer suffering. "

The author is convinced that it is impossible to be so indifferent and disrespectful towards the work of other people. Showing disrespect for others, we insult them. "Help!. . Well, if you can't help me, at least help yourself!. . "

The authors of both Russian and foreign literature appealed to this problem. In the story of the "Coraline" Nile Gamean, the main character was unhappy with his parents, believed that they had given her little attention, did not want to help them in the house, they obey them. One day, the coral found a small door in his new house, for which it turned out exactly the same world, the same mom and dad. Only instead of the eyes they had buttons and they were very kind and caring, they prepared perfectly and were real wizards. The comparison was not in favor of the real world and the coraline began to visit their new parents for a long time. But the truth was terrible, another world was created by a sorcerer, who wanted to lure Coraline and deprive her to communicate with his real parents. At the end of the story, the main character understood that he loves his mother and dad as they were, and she was not necessary.

Also, in the Martian Chronicles novel, Ray Bradbury describes the story of an exciting discovery, rapid settlement and ruthless robbery by earthlings of the planet Mars. People who arrived from the ground and wishes to settle Mars, do not respect the Labor Martian, who erected their homes, enriched their culture, developed all the time while they lived on the planet, they try to find as much expensive decorations, precious metals and their deposits, but not In order to help Martians in their desire to improve the world, but only in order to collect it and take it to the land where it is possible to sell them. People are disrespectful to their art, do not enjoy the beautiful architecture and nature, which the inhabitants of Mars are trying to preserve, they only ride everything on their ways in search of expensive production.

Thus, a person needs to be judged not only by his own work, but by how he draws a stranger. The ability to worship the labor of other people is what is worthy of respect.