Old garden owners: Ranevskaya and Gaev. What do the Garden of the Heroes of the Cherry Garden

Old garden owners: Ranevskaya and Gaev. What do the Garden of the Heroes of the Cherry Garden
Old garden owners: Ranevskaya and Gaev. What do the Garden of the Heroes of the Cherry Garden

How does the heroes of the play by A. P. Chekhov "Cherry Garden" of their perception of a cherry garden and attitude towards him?

The last play of Chekhov became the most famous work of Russian drama of the 20th century. Each critic interprets the play in its own way: someone with psychological, and someone from a social point of view, but probably there is no man who would not recognize that the cherry garden is one of the main scene images.

If there is a noticeable disunity between the characters of the "Cherry Garden", often they simply do not see each other (it is felt in some dialogues, when everyone throws a replica into emptiness and does not wait for an answer), then the cherry garden is the character to which they appeal All without exception. He love him, they make him, admire them or indifferent to him, but no one ignores him.

Through attitude to the cherry garden, many characters are revealed. So, we simply could not imagine Ranevskaya with its sensitive soul without penetrating appeals to the Cherry Garden. For her, he is almost a synonym for paradise. She animates his power of his imagination, turning towards him, as to the keeper of his youth, enthusiastic calls: "Oh my dear, my gentle, beautiful garden! .. My life, my youth, my happiness ..." Saying goodbye, she She says goodbye to youth, although in the soul it is still a young girl, but rather a child in his touching helplessness. Ranenevskaya, of course, very sensitive, gentle nature, but the entire pathos of her speeches facing the garden - the usual tribulation, followed even the thoughts about preserving the garden in reality. In this Ranevskaya very much reminds of his brother, which can turn with a sputted speech to any subject, even to the closet. And the garden for him is nothing more than a romantic symbol. As soon as it comes to the auction, that is, something landed, Gaev is dismissed - "What nonsense". And Ranevskaya, and Gaev live according to the laws of their imagination, not understanding that they have no power in the real world. People for whom the garden has become part of their fate, do not even try to actually save him. They hope for inheritance, to marriage Warm, still at some miracle. It does not occur to them that salvation is very close. It is enormous with great persistence to them with a span.

Lopakhin, at the end of the play, who began cutting down the garden, the irony of fate is the only person who is able to truly appreciate it for Gaev and the Ranevian garden - only a beautiful scenery, another attribute of their worthless life. Lopahin - the dealers (so, with a tint of contempt, call him everything in the manor), and it is his commercial flair that tells the only way out for the amendment of the material situation of the family, but also to save the garden - dividing it into the country sites. This proposal causes frightened brother's exclamations and sisters, and meanwhile they cannot but understand that in other cases the garden will be sold and it will be waiting for even more faithful death.

Lopahin, acting in the low-attractive role of the successful Success of the Low-Conducting Suit, is the owner of a much more sensitive soul than the same Gaev, let this soul hidden behind rude manners and stumbling speech. The initial intentions of the blades are no longer noble. OI wants to save the cherry garden for the sake of Lyubov Andreevna, to which the informed feelings themselves are inflated and to the end of them. Alas, social activities of the Lopakhina completely dispelled with the good encouraging that live in his soul. The nobility turned into a mockery. Chekhov in their laconic manner through the perception of the cherry garden showed the best qualities of the human soul, and his love, and unhappy fate.

In the end, the redemption of the cherry garden does not bring happiness to the former owners who are forced to hear the sound of the ax, leaving on the site of the beautiful trees of hemp, nor the new owner who, rejoicing the "random" acquisition, cannot not feel pain caused to them.

If for the older generation a cherry garden is a practically a living creature, to which enthusiastic speeches are addressed, the attitude to which the purity is revealed, the heartiness, the youth of the soul, the youngest generation does not suffer from sentimentality in relation to the Garden. Therefore, Varya, Anya and Peter seem much older than the people of the previous generation.

In the soul of Petit and Ani there is no place for the past, their thoughts are directed into the future, although most often the speech of Trofimov, which Anya admires, is nothing more than redness. Petya is shown by a person who is sensitive to the dictator of time, but it is somewhat stupid in the perception of the beautiful, the embodiment of which is a cherry garden. Petya is absolutely requested to the beauty of nature, but without being able to avoid the silent presence of the cherry garden, at least pay attention to its existence and reckon with him. OP cannot ignore the cherry garden, but may argue about the abstract concepts even when it comes to a specific garden: "All Russia is our garden," we will put a new garden, luxuriously ... "Anya is passionately exclusively by Pete, so listens to In the sound of his speeches, seeks somewhere, and the cherry garden simply remains outside of its field of view, especially since she has, unlike mother and uncle, is not connected with pleasant memories. Her companion sister Varya is a particular pragmatic and fairly landed, which is why it is just as indifferent to the garden.

The play "Cherry Garden" is called the Swan Song of Chekhov. This is his last play, she is written a year before his early death.

Written in 1903. For the first time was delivered on January 17, 1904 in the Moscow Art Theater. The playwright left on July 15, 1904. He was 44 years old.

The play is written on the threshold of the first Russian revolution of 1905 -07 g., There is a moment in it. There is a moment. There is no time for the Czechs of the subsequent historical events that he no longer succeeded.

The central image in the work is the image of a cherry garden, all the characters are located around it, each of them has its own garden perception. And this image is symbolic. During the Cherry Garden, the image of Russia rises, and the main topic of the play is the fate of Russia.

The play is imbued with the reflections of the author about the past, present and future of Russia, whose symbol is a cherry garden.

Ranevskaya and Gaev personify the past of the Cherry Garden and at the same time the past of Russia. The garden is cut down in the play, and the noble nest disintegrates in life, the old Russia, Russia Ranevskaya and Gigs, is observed.

Ranevskaya and Gaev are the images of the broken landowners-nobles. They are the descendants of the rich owners of a magnificent estate with an excellent cherry garden. In the past, their estate brought income to which his idle owners lived.

The habit of living with the works of others, without taking care of anything, made Ranevskaya and Gaeva people who are unsuitable for any serious activity, flavored and helpless.

Ranevskaya, externally charming, kind, simple, is basically an impersonation of levity. She is sincerely concerned about the unconnect of his adopted daughter Vari, regrets the faithful servant of the Firs, easily kisses the Maid Dulzha's long separation. But her kindness is the result of an abundance created by do it yourself, the consequence of the habit of spending money not counting.

The twin Ranevskaya, but the personality is less significant, is in the play of Gaev. And he is able to sometimes talk smart things, be sometimes sincere, self-critical. But the flaws of the sister are frivolism, impracticality, braveless - become Gaeva caricature. The love of Andreevna only kisses in a fit of the lunizing cabinet, Gaev says in front of him in "High-Style".

Gaev frankly ridiculously in his attempts to live as if nothing got changed, as if he did not go to the candy condition. He says almost always the nefple, says meaningless billiard terms, reminiscent of times of his fun youth. Gaev pity with their empty high speeches, with the help of which he is trying to revive the habitual atmosphere of the former well-being.

Brother and sisters have all in the past. But Gaev and Ranevskaya, after all, something is pretty for us. They are capable of feeling beauty, and the cherry garden itself is mostly aesthetically, and not utilitarian - as a source of berries that can be used in food or sell, or as a large plot of land, having a commercial value again.

In the play there is an elegic mood, the sadness of parting with a thorough past, in which there was a lot of bad, but it was good. At the same time, this is a kind of Chekhov's licoric comedy, which with some sled good nature, but still quite severely, with Chekhov sobriety and clarity, laugh at the nobility leaving from the historical scene.

Criticism that responded to the staging of the play in the art theater, regarded her as a final sentence to the noble class. One of the reviewers of the performance claimed that the "Vishnevian Garden" was delivered "a monument over the grave of pretty Belarusian, orchids, flashing for a foreign coffin", and "the sluggish conquest and the meekness fills them with horror and pity."

A completely different warehouse people come to replace such as Gaev and Ranevskaya, people: strong, enterprising, clever. One of these people is another play of the play of Lopakhin.

The garden image in the play "Cherry Garden" is ambiguous and complicated. This is not just part of the Ranevskaya and Gaev estate, as it may seem at first glance. Not about this wrote Chekhov. Cherry garden - symbol image. It means the beauty of the Russian nature and the lives of people who were grown and enthusiastically. Together with the death of the garden dies and this life.

Center, unifying characters

The garden image in the play "Cherry Garden" is a center around which all heroes are combined. At first it may seem that these are just old familiar and relatives who gathered at the will of the case in the estate to solve everyday problems. However, it is not. Anton Pavlovich disreteredly united the characters representing various social groups and age categories. Their task is to solve the fate not only the garden, but also their own.

Giaev and Ranevskaya's connection with the estate

Ranevskaya and Gaev are Russian landowners who own the estate and the cherry garden. This brother and sister, they are sensitive, smart, educated people. They are able to appreciate beauty, very thinly feel it. Therefore, they are so expensive image of a cherry garden. In the perception of the heroes of the play "Cherry Garden" he personifies beauty. However, these characters are inert, because of which they cannot do anything to save the fact that they are expensive. Ranevskaya and Gaev with all their mental wealth and development are deprived of responsibility, practicality and feelings of reality. Therefore, they cannot take care not only about loved ones, but also about themselves. These heroes do not want to listen to the advice of the blades and rent a land belonging to them, although it would bring them a decent income. They believe that summer cottages and dacms are.

Why is the manor so the road to Gaevu and Ranevskaya?

Gaev and Ranevskaya cannot pass the land for rent due to the feelings connecting them with the estate. They have a special attitude to the garden, which for them as a living person. Much binds these heroes with their estate. The cherry garden is represented by the personification of the past youth, past life. Ranevskaya compared his life with the "cold winter" and "dark rainy autumn." When the landowner returned to the manor, she again felt herself happy and young.

Refashing attitude to the Cherry Garden

The garden image in the play "Cherry Garden" is revealed in relation to it to a blades. This hero does not share the feelings of Ranevskaya and Gaeva. He considers their behavior illogical and strange. This person is surprised at why they don't want to listen to the obvious, it would seem that the arguments that will help find a way out of the difficult situation. It should be noted that the lopahin is also able to appreciate the beauty. The cherry garden admires this hero. He believes that there is nothing more beautiful in the world.

However, Lopakhin is a practical and active person. Unlike Ranenevskaya and Gaeva, he cannot only admire the cherry garden and regret it. This hero seeks to do something for his salvation. Lopakhin sincerely wants to help Ranevskaya and Gaev. He never ceases to convince them in leasing and land and the cherry garden. It must be done as soon as possible, since the auction will be soon. However, the landowners do not want to listen to him. Leonid Andreevich can only swear in that the estate will never be sold. He says that he will not allow the auction.

New garden owner

Nevertheless, the auction still took place. The owner of the estate was a leopown who cannot believe his own happiness. After all, his father and grandfather worked here, "were slaves", even in the kitchen they were not allowed. The purchase of estates for the blades becomes a kind of symbol of its success. This is a well-deserved award for many years of labor. The hero would like his grandfather and father to get out of the grave and were able to rejoice with him, to see how much their descendants succeeded in life.

Negative qualities of Lopakhina

Cherry Garden for Lopakhina is just the earth. It can be bought, lay or sell. This hero in his joy did not consider himself obliged to show a sense of tact in relation to the former owners of the bought manor. Lopahin is immediately taken to cut down the garden. He did not want to wait for the departure of the former owners of the estate. Hearless Lackey Yasha something like him. It completely lacks such qualities as attachment to the place in which he was born and grew up, the love of mother, kindness. In this regard, Yasha is the complete opposite of the Fours, a servant, which is unusually developed these feelings.

Attitude towards the garden servants of the Firs

Revealing must be said a few words and how Firs treated him, the oldest of all in the house. For many years, he devotedly served as his gentlemen. This man sincerely loves Gaeva and Ranevskaya. He is ready to protect these heroes from all troubles. It can be said that Firsa is the only one of all the characters of the "Cherry Garden", endowed with such quality as devotion. This is a very solid nature that manifests itself in its entirety in relation to the servant to the garden. For the company, the estate of Ranevskaya and Gaeva - a generic nest. He seeks to protect him, like his inhabitants.

Representatives of the new generation

The image of the cherry garden in the play "Cherry Garden" of the roads of only those heroes who have important memories associated with it. The representative of the new generation in is Peter Trofimov. The fate of his garden is not at all interested. Petya declares: "We are above love." Thus, he admits that he is not able to experience serious feelings. Trofimov looks at all too superficially. He does not know the real life, which is trying to remake, based on the contrived ideas. Anya and Peter externally happy. They crave a new life, for which they strive to break with the past. For these heroes, the garden is "all of Russia", and not a specific cherry garden. But is it possible to love a whole world, not like your home home? Peter and Anya lose their roots in the desire for new horizons. Understanding between Trofimov and Ranenevskaya is impossible. For Petit there are no memories, no past, and Ranevskaya is deeply experiencing the loss of the manor, as she was born here, her ancestors were also living here, and she sincerely loves the estate.

Who will save the garden?

As we have already noted, is a symbol of beauty. Only people who can not just appreciate it can save it, but also fight for her. Activities and energetic people coming to replace the nobility belong to beauty only as a source of profit. What will happen to her, who will save her?

The image of a cherry garden in the play of Chekhov "Cherry Garden" is a symbol of the native focus and the past, dear heart. Is it possible to go ahead, if a knockout knock is heard behind the back, which destroys everything that was holy before? It should be noted that the cherry garden is and after all it is no coincidence that such expressions "hit the tree with an ax", "make a flower" and "grab the roots", they sound inhuman and blasphemous.

So, we briefly considered the image of a cherry garden in the understanding of the heroes of the play "Cherry Garden". Reflecting on the actions and characters of the characters of the work of Chekhov, we are also thinking about the fate of Russia. After all, it is for all of us "cherry garden."

The place of Gaeva in the art image system

To understand the perception of Chekhov Nobility, it is necessary to consider the characteristics of Gaeva in the "Cherry Garden" play, the brother of the main character, and almost double Ranevskaya, but less significant. Therefore, in the list of actors, he is marked by Radnevskaya's brother, although he is older and has the same rights to estate, like sister.

Gaev Leonid Andreevich-landowner, "The spent fortune on the lollipops", leading a celebrating lifestyle, but it is strange that the garden is sold for debts. He is already 51 years old, but he has no wife or children. He lives in the old estate, which is destroyed by his eyes, under the guardianship of the old Lacey Firs. However, it was Gaev all the time trying to take someone from someone to cover at least interest on debts and their own and sister. And its repayment options are more like unrealized dreams: "It would be nice to get from someone inheritance, it would be nice to give our anos for a very rich man, it would be good to go to Yaroslavl and try happiness in Tetushka-Countess ..."

The image of Gaeva in the play "Cherry Garden" became a caricature to the nobility as a whole. All the negative aspects of Ranevskaya found a more ugly attitude in her brother, thereby even more emphasizing the comicness of what is happening. Unlike Ranevskaya, the description of Gaeva is mainly in remarks, which reveal its character through actions, while the characters are extremely little talking about him.

Features of the character of Gaeva

There is very little about the past of Gaeva. But it is clear that he is an educated person who knows how to expose his thoughts into beautiful, but empty speeches. All his life he lived in his estate, frequent men's clubs, in which he betrayed her beloved occupation-game of billiards. He brought all the news precisely from there and there also received an offer to become a bank employees, with annual salary of six thousand. However, for others it was very surprising, sister says: "Where are you! Syi ... ", doubt expansion and lopahin:" Only after all it will not cease, lazy is very ... ". The only person who believes him is His niece Anya "I believe you uncle!" What caused such distrust and is even dismissive attitude from those surrounding? After all, even Lackey Yasha shows his disrespect for him.

As already mentioned, Gaev - Epoles, in the most inappropriate moments he can go into ranting, so that all surrounding just lose and ask him to be silent. Leonid Andreevich and himself understands this, but this is part of his nature. It is also very infantile, it is not able to defend his point of view, and it cannot really formulate it. He is so often nothing to say essentially that his favorite word "whom" and completely inappropriate billiard terms appear constantly. Firs still walks for his owner as a small child, the dust shakes the dust, he carries a warm coat, and for a fifty-year-old man there is nothing galloping in such guardianship, even sleeping he goes under the sensitive gaze of his lackey. Firs is sincerely tied to the owner, but even Gaev in the final of the play "Cherry Garden" forgets about his loyal servant. He loves his nieces and his sister. But the head of the family, in which he remained the only man, could not and he could not help anyone, since he doesn't even come to his mind. All this shows how shameless feelings of this hero.

For Gaev, the cherry garden means just as much as for Ranevskaya, but, like she is not ready to accept the offer of the blades. After all, break the estate on the plots and lease "went", in many respects because it brings them to such Deltsi as a leopard, and for Leonid Andreevich it is unacceptable, as he considers himself a true aristocrat, looking down on such merchants. Returning to the depressed state from the auction, at which the estate was sold, Gaeva in front of the eyes only tears, and barely hearing the blows of the balls about the balls, they dry out, once again proving that the deep experiences simply were simply not peculiar to him.

Gaev as the final stage of the evolution of the nobility in the work of A.P. Chekhov

Gaev closed the chain, consisting of the images of the nobles created by Czech throughout the creative life. He created the "heroes of his time", aristocrats with excellent education, who are not able to defend their ideals, and it is this weakness that made it possible to take a dominant position as a leopard. In order to show how much noblemen, Anton Pavlovich lowered the image of Gaeva, bringing it to the caricature. Many representatives of the aristocracy were very critical to such an image of their class, accusing the author in the ignorance of their circle. But after all, Chekhov wanted to create not even comedy, and Farsh, that he was successful.

The arguments about the image of Gaeva and the description of the features of its characters can be used by students of 10 classes while writing an essay on the topic "The characteristic of Gaeva in the play" Cherry Garden ".

Test on the work

In the classic drama, the characters make actions, pronounce monologues, won or dying. In accordance with their role in the development of action, they are divided into positive and negative, main and secondary. There are no major and secondary actors in the Chekhov play. Epiphans The author is just as important as Gaev, and Charlotte is not less interested in rasen. Even the "random" passerby appearing in the finals of the second act, the face episodic, from the point of view of the traditional drama performs a certain semantic role in the Chekhov play.

The task

Who is represented by the local nobility in the play A.P. Chekhov "Cherry Garden"? Give a brief description of these characters.


The local nobility is represented in the play by the old owners of the Cherry Garden - Brother and the sister of Gaev and Ranevskaya, as well as a Simeonian-food.

Ranevskaya and Gaev are glorious, lovely good people in their own way. Ranevskaya sentimentalna, accustomed to idle life, squeaks money, her feelings are superficial, shallow.

The task

Tell us about Gaev. What does he look like Ranevskaya? What is interested in? Compare their monologues to the wardrobe. How do they characterize characters?


Gaev is in many ways similar to the sister, completely helpless in practical matters, phrase. He is already fifty, and he is still like a child. Gaeva still undresses Firs at night.

When Ranevskaya returns to the native house, she worries the resurrected past, it is surprised by the fact that everything is former here; This, which it was like time is not moving. This invariability of things leads to the delight of Gaeva. Only his enthusiasm is frankly funny. Highly and solemnly he refers to the closet. His love for the estate is limited by its own eloquence. It offers many plans to save the estate, but it is clear that they are all untenable.


What is close to the owners of the cherry garden Simeon-Picker?


Those qualities that the Ranevskaya are surrounded by a haze of poetry, Gaeva reduced to the Commission, and in Simeon, the foods are revealed to the farce.


How is Ranevskaya characterizes the attitude in Vare, to Ana, to the servants, to the lopakhin, to Trofimov? How can I appreciate the kindness of Ranevskaya?


Walked Ranevskaya Right with indisciencement. She kisses things and completely indifferently perceives the news of the death of Nanny: "My old man is", "she calls Firs. And then he is left in the house, where life has ended forever.

Ranevskaya leaves the cook, which loves, "as a native". For money Ani goes to Paris. He loves Any, crying about the deceased son, but leaves a 12-year-old Anya for 5 years with an unborn brother; hugs by the Firs, kisses Dunyash, but does not think that there is nothing in the house, etc.


How does it characterize the refusal to offer a lopakhin? Why did everyone calmed down after the sale of the Cherry Garden?


Ranevskaya roads garden, but love is inactive. She hoped for that and so it would cost. And in the IV action Ranevskaya and Gaev completely calmed down. What worried about them passed, they no longer feel responsible in front of the cherry garden.


1. How to understand the words of Chekhov: "Ranevskaya play is not difficult, it is necessary only from the very beginning to take a faithful tone; We must come up with a smile and maneer laugh, you need to be able to dress "?

2. What is Ranevskaya considers it with his sins and is it sins? And what is her real sins?

3. Who is to blame for the fate of Ranevskaya? Was the opportunity to choose?

The task

Find a positive and negative in the images of the local nobility.


Images of Ranevskaya and Gaeva - the incarnation of the world of the noble nest, for which time stopped. Dramaticism in their insecurity, simpleness. Common - in the contrast of speech and actions. Life wasted, future without hopes, life in debt, "for someone else's expense." "Selfish, like children, and flabby, like old men," says bitter about them.


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