Literature lesson "I will sing you about good and evil" - true and false values \u200b\u200bin the fairy tale. Andersen "Solovy" (grade 5)

Literature lesson "I will sing you about good and evil" - true and false values \u200b\u200bin the fairy tale. Andersen "Solovy" (grade 5)

Sections: Literature


  • reveal the ideological content of the fairy tale x.k. Andersen "Nightingale";
  • develop the skills and skills of analyzing the literary work;
  • relieve a sense of beautiful, vision of true beauty in nature, love for art.

During the classes


Hello, dear guys! Today, in the lesson, we appeal to the work of the great storyboard of Hans Christian Andersen, with the fairy tales of which you are familiar with childhood.
More than a hundred years ago, in the small town of Denmark - Odense, on the island of Funen, there were extraordinary events. Quiet, slightly sleepy streets Odense suddenly announced the sounds of music. The procession of artisans with torches and banners passed by a brightly illuminated old town hall, welcoming a high blue-eyed man standing by the window. In honor of the same residents of Odense, they lit their lights in September 1869?
That was Hans Christian Andersen, elected by an honorary citizen of his hometown. Honoring Andersen, countrymen are given to the best storytemer of the world. When on August 4, 1875, the writer did not, in Denmark a national mourning was declared. Years passed, and in the Royal Garden in Copenhagen a monument to Andersen with the inscription was established: "erected by the Danish people."
More than a hundred years have passed since his death, and the fairy tales and history of the Danish writer continue to be published in all countries of the world.
Andersen comes to you differently, guys. That he quietly jumps into the room and brings you, as if good wizard Ole Luka, wonderful dreams. Then the fairy tale sails together with a deweist on a sheet of pita. You will be captivated by the love of a courageous and gentle mermaid. But most often, the Tale of Andersen boldly and having fun in the world of your childhood: "Soldiers walked on the road: Once or two! Once or two! "
And today we will fly to us a fairy tale on the wings of a little bird, nightingale.
"It was a long time ago, of course, but it is because it is worth listening to this story until it fell at all!" - wrote Andersen.

Where does the fairy tale occur?
(In ancient China, in the wonderful palace of the emperor)

And what was the most wonderful, miraculously from miracles in his possessions?

Did the emperor know that nightingale lives in his possessions?

And who knew about it in the palace?
(Poor girl cook)

Guys, how did it happen that the whole world knew about the nightingale, they even wrote about him in the books, and the emperor did not know? Don't you think that the nightingale and the inhabitants of the palace live in some different worlds? Let's split into groups. 1 group will tell us about where Nightingale lives, and the 2 group will tell about the emperor and its courtiers.

(The guys are offered a table that they will have to fill, using the text of the fairy tale)

Let's summarize. What is the difference between the night of the nightingale from the world of the emperor?

Natural beauty of wildlife

Artificial beauty of the palace

So guys, it is not difficult to guess why only the poor girl knew where the nightingale lives. Let's read the episode of the Solowa's search for roles (from the words "and that's all went to the forest ..." To the words "he will have a huge success at the court")

How did the emperor singing the nightingale? Find the answer to the question in the text of the fairy tale.
(The emperor was very pleased, he had tears in their eyes)

Why did Nighty refuse to reward? Confirm the answer to the text of the fairy tale.
("I saw in the eyes of the emperor tears - what a reward would be desired!")

Why tears in the eyes of the emperor is more expensive than any gift? Who else cried from the singing of the nightingale?
(Poor girl: "Tears so and flow from my eyes, and in the soul it becomes so joyful, like a mother kisses me")

Guys, why the singing of the nightingale causes tears? What is singing?
(Present, beautiful singing is an art, it affects a person and causes him various feelings. "Tears - Here is a precious reward for the heart of the singer," says Solovy)

Remember how the court ladies sang, imitating a nightingale (gained in the mouth of the water so that she is on their throat). Such singing is able to cause tears?

Once the emperor delivered a large package with the inscription "Nightingale". So in a fairy tale, another nightingale appears. What was this bird? Let's give each image to the characteristic, and then compare them.
(The teacher can prepare the cards in advance with the characteristics of birds that the guys will distribute on columns and make a conclusion. This can be done at the board)

True nightingale

Artificial nightingale

Lived in the branches of trees who hung over water

All overwhelmed with diamonds, rubies and sapphires

He was heard by a fisherman, forgetting about his concerns

The tail was cast in gold and silver

Poets greeted in honor of him the most beautiful poems

He had a ribbon with an inscription

Little ceremony bird

Sang like a charm

Singing it so grabbed the heart, and tears appealed in front of his eyes

All so and glistened jewels

Sang in his own way

33 times lost the same thing and not tired

Never know in advance what exactly he will sing

You can give yourself a full report in his art - still knows

You can disassemble it and show its internal device

The people listened to him and was pleased, as if he had got enough of tea

Thoroughly, but still not something that is missing in his singing

About it wrote 25 volumes of the most wisdom Chinese words

Guys, now let's compare, who is more beautiful? Who sings better? What feelings cause people with their singing? So what is the difference between living nightinglets from artificial?
(Guys add another line to the table)

We found out what is real art? And now let's think about what is his power? What is true art?
(Mechanical nightingale broke, and the emperor fell ill. And the living nightingale of his song saved him from death)

Could the artificial nightingale do it?
(No, because only the real singing of live nightingale can defeat death and even those evil forces that live in the soul of man. This art makes a person better, cleaner, more beautiful)

How has the emperor changed?
(He allowed the nightingale to live in the forest, allowed to arrive and sing songs, only when the nightingale wishes it)

That ended the fairy tale. Solovya saved from the death of the emperor, promised to fly to him and talk about that real living life, which is not to see from the walls of the palace and which no flowers with crystal bells will not be replaced. And at home I will ask you to reflect on the theme of the lesson and write an essay on the topic "What is the wonderful force of art?" Summing up, let's repeat once again why Andersen asked us to not forget this fairy tale?

(Because this fairy tale is very interesting and instructive. The shineless shine is stronger and free of the emperor himself. And the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale lies in the immortality of genuine art and the impossibility of its replacement by the mechanism.


1. Andersen H.K. Fairy tales. Stories: Per. from dates / host Art. K. Powesty. Sost., Comment. L.Yu. Briah. - M.: Enlightenment, 1988. - 271c.: Il.
2. Kutuzov A.G. How to enter the world of literature. 5 CL: Methodological manual / A.G. Kutuzov, A.G. Gute, L.V. Colossus; Ed. A.G. Kutuzov. - 6th ed., Stereotype. - M.: Drop, 2002. - 112c.
3. Moiseev M.V. Guide in the world of literature. Grade 5: Method. Benefit. - M.: Drop, 2004. - 96c.

Subject. "Moral lessons on the fairy tale G.H.andersen" Solovy ".


Identifying the moral basis of the fairy tale;

The formation of moral and aesthetic ideas of students on real and imaginary values;

Art perception of text based on in-depth work on the word in the text.

The main activities of students and teachers at the lesson:

problem conversation with text support, commenting details (symbol, image).

Planned results in accordance with GEF.


The ability to organize educational cooperation in the group;

Argue your opinion.


Understanding of spiritual - moral values;

Understanding key problems of foreign literature;

Possession of literary terms.


The perception of humanity, thanks.

During the classes.

    Organizing time.


Teacher's introductory word.

Guys! What do you think there are any common spiritual values \u200b\u200bfor all people, concepts important at all times and in all countries?

Today, at the lesson, we will think and argue over the interesting and difficult fairy tale of the great Danish storyter of Hans Christian Andersen "Nightingale". In the course of our work, let's try to understand those moral truths of fairy tales that can become useful moral lessons for each of you.

You read a fairy tale. Let's express your first impression of the famine in the form of synquins. (On the board »Synkievine's writing rules:

    1 line - one word - the topic, name of the poem, usually noun.

    2 row - two words - description of the topic, as a rule, the names of adjectives.

    3 Row - Three words (verbs). Actions related to the topic.

    4 Line - Four words - offer. The phrase that shows the attitude of the author to the topic.

    5 Line is one word - an association that repeats the essence of the theme, usually noun.


Amazing, nice, winged

Sang, took care, saved

Nightingale all forgave the emperor

A life

    Analysis of the fairy tale.

The writer's fairy tales brought joy to people and forced to think about many questions, what questions would you suggest readers?

Why no one except the girl knew that nightingry lives in the palace?

Why did the emperor enjoyed the singing of mechanical nightingale?

Why did the nightingan refused the honors and rewards?

Why did death herself gone, hearing the singing of the bird?

What did the emperor understand when the nightingale saved him?

What is a good bird act?

Work in groups.

Tasks for each group.


Singing nightingry and his good deed.


Comment on the lines with which the writer describes the singing of the nightingale;

What keywords the nighting author calls and why;

Find the epithets and comparisons in the text.

2 group.

Give words from the text, proving that in a fairy tale there is a moral meaning;

Continue the chain of epithets:

The fairy tale is sad, ironic, instructive ...


Why the last phrase "Hello!";

What test needed to go through the emperor to understand my mistakes? Prove text fragments;


As you understand what is true and what imaginary in art, in the life of people. Give examples from the text;

What is the meaning of a fairy tale?

Can the magic power of art fix the vices of people? Prove examples from text.

Let's summarize our conversation.

What problems put a fairy tale of "nightingale"? (Life and death, good and evil, love and hatred).

Which genre can be attributed to this work? (The fairy tale is a parable with moraling or a philosophical fairy tale).

What will always sing the nightingale?


Terrible was not death, but life without good deeds. The world of living nighting and nature is a real living soul, and the world of the imperial palace and an artificial "mechanism" (the creation of human hands) is all unrealistic, poorless. The person himself turns into an indifferent and poor "mechanism". Cemetery in the song Solovna causes

E fear and horror, but a sense of humility and humility. Salvation is that the nightingale awakened the kindness of spiritual and all good qualities in the emperor and those who cried, listening to his wonderful singing. If the real nightingaws did not sing his songs, then people would not know about the real living life. Evil forces will always defeat the beautiful and clean soul of man. Nightingale promises the emperor to sing about happy and unhappy, about good and evil, because it is necessary to know everything about the real life to help unhappy, do good to those who need it. So read the fairy tale. What moral lessons did you remove today by working on the meaning of the content of the fairy tale? Let's make a syncuine.


Empathing, prejudice

Help, protect, sympathize

True art trembled

People fool in their delusions.



Write an essay on the topic "Tears - a precious reward for the heart of the singer"

Writing on the topic "The refining force of art and wildlife infairy Tale "Solovy" Andersen

UMK: G.S. Merkin. "Literature 5 Class." " Russian word". 2013.

"I will sing you about good and evil ..." -

true and false values \u200b\u200bin the fairy tale. Andersen "Solovy"

Teacher: Grigorieva A.D.

Class: 5.

purpose - Development of analytical skills of grade 5 students in literature lesson:

1) educational: Teach the analysis of the artistic work on the example of the fairy tale. Andersen "Nightingale";

2) developing: form text analysis skills, independent work with text, compiling a comparative table;

3) raising: To form moral and aesthetic representations of students: a sense of excellent, the vision of true beauty in nature, love for art, a feeling of kindness, the ability to forgive and compassion.

Molds: Methods: oral and written collective work, independent work (compilation of a comparative table, essay-cliché).

Type of lesson: mastering new knowledge.

Technologies: Educational, informational.

Equipment: Screen, laptop, multimedia projector.

During the classes

Leonid Sukhorukov

Victor Hugo

I. Emotional setting

Today, in the lesson, we appeal to the work of the great storyboard of Hans Christian Andersen, with the fairy tales of which you are familiar with childhood. What are the fairy tales of Andersen you can call? ("Thumbelina", "Resistant Tin Soldier", "Snow Queen", "New Dress of the King", "Ole-Lukee", "Cinema and Pedoye", "Princess on the Pea", "Ugly Duckling", "Wild Swans", "Mermaid", etc.). Andersen comes to you differently, guys. That he quietly jumps into the room and brings you, as if good wizard Ole Luka, wonderful dreams. Then the fairy tale sails together with a deweist on a sheet of pita. The history of the resistant tin soldier will be captivated forever. But most often, the Tale of Andersen boldly breaks into the world of your childhood a snow queen. And today we will fly to us a fairy tale on the wings of a little bird, nightingale. "It was a long time ago, of course, but it is because it is worth listening to this story until it fell at all!" - wrote Andersen.

We have to find out why for the author so important that this story does not forget about what eternal values \u200b\u200bsays Andersen in the fairy tale "nightingale", comparing this and artificial nightingale. Let's move to the world of this amazing fairy tale.

II. Date record, topics

III. Detection of reader perception

Like you like a fairy tale GK Andersen "Nightingale"? How do you understand the epigraph of today's lesson?

What was especially excited in a fairy tale? What surprised? What caused bewilderment?

IV. Analysis of the fairy tales

a) conversation and verification of D.Z.

Why is the fairy tale called "nightingale", and not "nightingale"? After all, in the work there are two.

What do you know about this bird?(Nightingale - a singing bird from a family of Drozdovy, with gray plumage, slim addition, characterized by unusually beautiful singing).

Let me listen to how the nightingale sings (a phonogram sounds). True, beautiful?

- Let's see how our artists depicted nightingale from Andersen's fairy tales. Right?

Where does the fairy tale occur?(In China).

And what was the most important attraction of the country described in a fairy tale? (Palace).

Moping a tour of the palace. Today we are visiting travelers who were in China, one of them will tell about their impressions from the visit of the Palace (verification of the D.Z.).("In general, the world would not have found the palace better than the imperial; he was all of the precious porcelain, but such a fragile, which was terribly touched by ...").

What in the fairy tale is opposed to the Imperial Palace and the Garden? (The forest in which the nightingale lives). On the life of the nightingale in the forest will tell 2 traveler (testing d.Z.).

Did the emperor know about the existence of the nightingale? Where did he find out? Find a quote("Nightingale? And I don't know him! How? In my state and even in my own garden there is such an amazing bird, and I never heard about her! I had to deduct about her from books!").

And who knew about it in the palace?(Poor cook girl: "Lord! How not to know the nightingale! That is so singing! ... every time I hear the singing of the nightingale. Tears will flow from my eye, and it will become so joyful in my soul, like a mother kisses me!. . ").

Guys, how did it happen that the whole world knew about the nightingale, they even wrote about him in the books, and the emperor did not know? Don't you think that the nightingale and the inhabitants of the palace live in some different worlds? Let's prove it, drawing up a table.

b) drawing up a table

(The guys are offered a table that they will have to fill, using the text of the fairy tale)

Let's summarize. What is the difference between the night of the nightingale from the world of the emperor? (Before us is a real and non-real world. In the world of the emperor, everything is invented in such a way as to live insensitive and see the unrealistic. Why did scientists described the palace and the garden, and the poets found poetry in honor of the nightingale? This is the life of the mind and heart. In the palace, everything was obeyed by the rules. ("Made", "Made"). The singing of the nightingale is the life of the heart, this is a living, nature itself, natural and therefore beautiful. That is why everyone said: "But the nightingale is best", "Lord, as well!").
(Guys fill another line in the table)


Natural beauty of wildlife

Artificial beauty of the palace

How is the reference in the literature? (antithesis)

Recall what feelings caused the emperor singing of live nightingale.

c) Expressive reading of passage - with. 168.

Guys, what is the award for nightingry?

(The biggest reward for nightingale is the tears of the emperor).

Do tears can be a reward? What is the meaning of this phrase?

(This is an allegory - allegory. For the artist, the tears of the viewer may be an indicator of recognition and understanding of his work).

Andersen aggressively appeals to the image of tears. Tears are different, in the fairy tale of "nightingale" tears - is it a symbol of what? (Symbol for cleansing the soul).

d) independent work in pairs - drawing up a table

Once the emperor delivered a large package with the inscription "Nightingale". So in a fairy tale, another nightingale appears. He looked like the present, so at the courtyard they decided that the birds should sing a duet. But it did not go to the way. Live nightingale flew away, the emperor and its court steel admires the singing of an artificial bird. The author again resorts to Antitheze. Let's compare the present and artificial nightingale.

True nightingale

Artificial nightingale


How sings?

What is the impression of singing?

Who has heard singing?

What benefit is the benefit?

On your desks cards with bird characteristics, distribute them in columns.

Little ceremony bird

2) you can not know in advance what exactly he will sing

Sang like a charm

It is impossible to make

3) Singing it so grabbed the heart, and tears appeared in front of the eyes

4) He was heard fisherman, forgetting about his concerns

5) He wrote 25 volumes of the most wisdom Chinese words.

Saved from the death of the emperor

Guys, now let's compare, who is more beautiful? Who sings better? Who is their singing causes real feelings? So what is the difference between living nightinglets from artificial?

(Guys write output)

e) Fizminutka

g) conclusions on the table

Remember, what fairy tale and what author did we come to this conclusion? (A.S. Pushkin "Tale of the dead princess and about seven heroes").

Remember the epigraph. What proverb would you add? (Not all of the gold, which shines).

So, Andersen, using antithesis, thinks about the eternal, about the problem of true and false, about the attitude towards genuine and artificial.

Natural and farmed. About friendship can we talk about? Prove.

Why was an artificial nightingale awarded big honors? Why did the whole city knew every note in his song? (It was an artificial singing. It was not life in it, which means there was no diversity. It was not difficult to repeat it).

Why did such singing like?("They themselves could now sing the bird").

h) final conversation

But the fairy tale does not end on it. The author was still important to show the emperor's disease. What do you think? (Show that a true art is capable, because the mechanical nightingale broke, and the emperor fell ill. And the living nightingale of his song saved him from death).

Could the artificial nightingale do it? (No, because only the real singing of live nightingale can defeat death and even those evil forces that live in the soul of man. This art makes a person better, cleaner, more beautiful).

Why returned nightingale?

How has the emperor changed? (He allowed the nightingale to live in the forest, allowed to fly and sing songs, only when the nightingale wishes himself).

How do you understand the ending of a fairy tale? What is the point of the author invested in the words of the emperor "Hello! Good morning!"? (The last words of the fairy tale is a return to the world of genuine human feelings and relationships).

V. Results - Writing-Cliché

That ended the fairy tale. Solovya saved from the death of the emperor, promised to fly to him and talk about that real living life, which is not to see from the walls of the palace and which no flowers with crystal bells will not be replaced. Summing up, let's repeat once again why Andersen asked us to not forget this fairy tale?

(Tale G.H. Andersen "Nightingale" is very interesting andpersonal . Through oppositionliving nightingry and artificial beauty human wildlifegood soul, disinterested help and empathy is more important than the external beauty. Immortally only presentgenuine, natural).

Vi. Homework

2) Draw a cover to the "nightingale" fairy tale.

Support sheet

Sixteenth May.


The peak of any art is its naturalness.

L. Sukhorukov

No external beauty can be complete,

If it is not animated with the beauty of the inner.


№1. Fill in table

№2. Captured cards with bird characteristics on columns (orally)

Number 3. Comparing 2 birds, write down

№4. Write down as you understand the proverb "Not all that is gold that glitters"

№5. Insert the words suitable (essay-cliche)

Tale GK Andersen "Solovy" is very interesting and____________ . Through opposition_________ Solovya and ________________ The author proves that in life__________ wildlife, ________ soul, _____________ Help and _____________ More importantly __________ beauty. The present,__________ _, ____________ Always immortal.

№6. D.Z.

2) Draw a cover to the "nightingale" fairy tale (optional).


The easiest appearance

All overwhelmed with diamonds, rubies and sapphires

Little ceremony bird

The tail was cast in gold and silver

You can not know in advance what exactly he will sing

Sang like a charm

It is impossible to make

33 times lost the same thing and not tired

Singing it so grabbed the heart, and tears appealed in front of his eyes

Thoroughly, but still not something that is missing in his singing

He was heard by a fisherman, forgetting about his concerns

The people listened to him and was pleased, as if he had got enough of tea

About it wrote 25 volumes of the most wisdom Chinese words

Saved from the death of the emperor

Used Books

The abstract of the lesson in literature (grade 5) "Nightingale" Hans Christian Andersen. True and imaginary values. " Lesson studying a new material (analysis of the work). [Electronic resource] /- Access mode:\ % 25b5% 25d0% 25ba% 25d1% 2582% 2520% 25D1% 2583% 25D1% 2580% 25D0% 25BE% 25D0% 25BA% 25D0% 25B0.DOC + & CD \u003d 1 & HL \u003d RU & CT \u003d Clnk & GL \u003d RU .

Literature lesson in grade 5

H.K. Andersen. "Solovy": an instructive meaning of a fairy tale

Objectives lesson: in the process of textual analysis of the Tappy Andersen; to identify the basic idea of \u200b\u200ba fairy tale - the idea of \u200b\u200bimmortality of genuine art and the impossibility of its replacement by the "mechanism"; Determine the artistic features of the work;

develop the skill of expressive, thoughtful, "slow" reading, selective recovery, literary and creative skills;

help students on the example of the work to master the cultural norm-sample (the attitude of art and reality, the appointment of art).

Equipment: Portrait H.K. Andersen, illustrations to the fairy tale E. Narbut.

Epigraph to the lesson:

No external beauty can be complete,

If it is not animated with the beauty of the inner.

Victor Hugo

During the classes

  1. Organizational stage.
  2. Motivational stage.

Teacher's introductory word.

Today, in the lesson, we will talk about the interesting and difficult fairy tale of the Great Fairy Tale of Hans Christian Andersen "Solovy". In the course of the lesson, we will try to understand what the meaning of this fairy tale is what she can teach us.

- Did you like this fairy tale?

- What do you think about she?

(Students can not yet answer the question, so it is necessary to return to it at the end of the discussion)

III. Analysis of the fairy tale "nightingale".The main reception used in the lesson is "reading with stops": re-slow motion in the text, accompanied by a problem conversation and commenting individual parts.

1. Read the description of the Palace of the Chinese Emperor. What do you think conveniently, is it good to live in the palace made from the most precious porcelain, such fragile, "what was scary to touch him"?

- Why did the bells be tied to the "wonderful colors" in the Garden of the emperor?

(In order to admire the beauty of flowers, the ringing of silver, the radiance of porcelain, the word, external splendor, the magnificent of the imperial house)

- Why did the emperor knew anything about the nightingale? Why didn't you hear anything of the courtiers?

2. Read carefully a fragment in which the author tells about the place where the nightingale lived.

Why does he live "in the dense forest, which begins behind the garden"?

Don't you think that the nightingale and the inhabitants of the palace live in some different worlds? Describe these worlds: what he hears and what sees every day a nightingale, and what is the court and emperor?

What is funny in the scene of the search for court nightingale? Wasn't you a little sorry for you?

4. What is trying to compare the singing nightingian first minister? Why is its comparison of ridiculous?

5. Why did the nightingale ever agreed to fly to the Palace of the Emperor, despite the fact that his songs "are much better to listen to the green forest"?

6. How did the Solovna Emperor perceived the singing? Re-read this scene.

Why did Nightinglemen refused the award - the golden shoes on the neck? Find the answer in the text of the fairy tales.

7. Find the answer in the text to the question: how did you try to imitate the carp of courtesy? What do you think, the absurdity of the Glory of the nightingale in the city?

Tell us about what happened during the competitions of two Solovyov. Where did the real nightingale gave?

8. Find the answer to the question: what does the "Court supplier of Solovyov" see the advantages of artificial nightingale? Why does the writer portray him in detail, and the portrait of a natural nightingale is so short?

9. Read what they spoke poor fishermen about artificial nightingale. What did the artificial nightingale courtery liked?

10. Retell the episode "Emperor's disease" (work with an illustration of the artist E.Narbut).

Why during illness the emperor remained alone? Why was the emperor so scary?

(Terrible was not death, but the life appeared on the Judgment Day with a scroll of good and evil deeds)

How did Solovy be able to save the emperor? What kind of nightingliness? What is he asking the emperor, what promises him?

(The cemetery in the song Solovna is not a fear, but a feeling of humility, it is performed by beauty - special, but not cold, as the imperial palace. Salvation is that the nightingale awakened the "feelings of good" and at death, and the emperor who had good cases, because he cried when Solovya listened for the first time)

11. What is the nightingale singing and will always sing? Re-read this fragment.

IV. How would you answer now what this fairy tale?

(Students make conclusions that the world of Natowia (nature) and the world of the Imperial Palace are two completely different world. "Mechanism" (the creation of human hands) is opposed in the fairy tale of Andersen Nature, her living voice - the voice of nightingale. The voice of nature would never achieve the limits of the palace (another world), if not for the nightingale and his songs.

What are the heroes of Andersen's fairy tales we can attribute to the world of nature and the world of the palace? Let's call them.

V. Conclusions. Solovy sang and will sing the emperor about that real, living life, which not to see from the walls of the palace and will not replace any flowers with crystal bells and magnificent gardens.

Nightingale - an image of a free singer, an allegorical image of art, which speaks the language of nature itself about everything in the world; only it can defeat death and even those evil forces that live in the soul of the person himself; Art makes a person better, cleaner, more beautiful.

Justification and estimates.

Vi. Homework.

Soch the letter of the Chinese Emperor Japanese after recovery or letter Andersen about the read fairy tale (optional).

What does the work of Andersen "Solovy" take? And got the best answer

Answer from L and N and I [Guru]
In the fairy tale of "Nightingale" people on an equal footing with a small feathered singer. They invite him to the palace, want to take pay for wonderful art with money and jewels. But it was the nightingale who managed to convince the emperor that gold is not the greatest wealth in this world. There are not people in the fairy tale, and the bird understands that in real life the most valuable - love and friendship, delight and true thanks, because they will not buy them for any money. And also, thanks to the writer, who invented by him, the emperor gets the opportunity to talk to his death, and therefore, to evaluate the life of the life and committed over the long years of the reign - "Some whapping, other cute." The disinterested help of the nightingale and his amazing singing helped the great ruler to move death and change their attitude towards everything that happened in his life.

Answer from Katya *******[newcomer]

Answer from Daria Yershova[newcomer]
In the fairy tale of "Nightingale" people on an equal footing with a small feathered singer. They invite him to the palace, want to take pay for wonderful art with money and jewels. But it was the nightingale who managed to convince the emperor that gold is not the greatest wealth in this world. There are not people in the fairy tale, and the bird understands that in real life the most valuable - love and friendship, delight and true thanks, because they will not buy them for any money. And also, thanks to the writer, who invented by him, the emperor gets the opportunity to talk to his death, and therefore, to evaluate the life of the life and committed over the long years of the reign - "Some whapping, other cute." The disinterested help of the nightingale and his amazing singing helped the great ruler to move death and change their attitude towards everything that happened in his life.

Answer from Irina Irina.[active]
In the fairy tale of "Nightingale" people on an equal footing with a small feathered singer. They invite him to the palace, want to take pay for wonderful art with money and jewels. But it was the nightingale who managed to convince the emperor that gold is not the greatest wealth in this world. There are not people in the fairy tale, and the bird understands that in real life the most valuable - love and friendship, delight and true thanks, because they will not buy them for any money. And also, thanks to the writer, who invented by him, the emperor gets the opportunity to talk to his death, and therefore, to evaluate the life of the life and committed over the long years of the reign - "Some whapping, other cute." The disinterested help of the nightingale and his amazing singing helped the great ruler to move death and change their attitude towards everything that happened in his life.