Acclared SOME. Calculated and incurred nouns (count and noncount nouns) in English (multiple, artity, quantitative designations)

Acclared SOME. Calculated and incurred nouns (count and noncount nouns) in English (multiple, artity, quantitative designations)
Acclared SOME. Calculated and incurred nouns (count and noncount nouns) in English (multiple, artity, quantitative designations)

A little about the calculated and innumerable nouns.

In English, they are called Countable - ['kauntəbl] (calculated) and uncountable - [ʌn'Kauntəbl] (innumerable) nouns.

What are the calculated and innumerable nouns in English, I think everyone knows. Simply put, the fact that you can calculate, and what you can not count.

Usually not considered:
1) Materials - (Wood, Silver, Gold)
2) liquids - (Water, Wine, Juice),
3) Languages \u200b\u200b- (Spanish, English, German)
4) learning items - (Economics, Physics),
5) Games - (Chess, Golf, Basketball),
6) Diseases - (Herpes, Flu),
7) abstract nouns - (see)
8) Natural Phenomena - (Rain, Snow, Humidity)

Used with them Much.

Much Snow is a lot of snow.

In fact, you can imagine that somewhere lies a big bunch .. Drain, juice, rain, german, information, business, shopping .. of which you sprinkle something interesting and countable in pieces. For example, from shopping dresses that you can count, and from business - ideas)

List of exemplary abstract nouns: Advice, Anger (anger), Applause (applause), Assistance, Business (Business, Cause), Seaside (Sea Resort, By The Sea),chaos (chaos), Countryside (in the village), courage (courage, courage), damage (damage), Dirt (Dirt), Education (Education), Accommodation, Evidence (Certificate), HouseWork (home work), homework (d / s), information (information), intelligence (intelligence), Knowledge (Knowledge), Luck (Luck), Music (Music), News (News), Peace, Progress (Progress), Shopping (Shopping ), trafficic (traffic) trouble (trouble), Truth (True), Wealth (Wealth), Work (work), Beauty (beauty), Charity (Charity), Capitalism (Capitalism), Democracy (Democracy), Eternity (Eternity),individualism, Faith (Vera), Infinity (Infinity), Liberty (Freedom), Misery (Suffering), Motivation, Observation, Poverty (Poverty), Privacy, Slavery (Slavery), Space ( Place, Space), Stability (Stability), Unmployment (Unemployment), Violence (Violence), Wisdom (Wisdom)

Calculated nouns have the form of the 3rd face of the only number - conventionally indicate (IS)
Your Luggage Looks Heavy. Your baggage looks heavy.
This NEWS Is Very Important. These news are very important.

Not excess will remember that news is
Money Is.
Hair IS,
Because it is in these words that make mistakes, because in Russian they sound like

News / Hair / Money.

Before incarmed nouns do not put the article "a", only "The" when we need to clarify certainty. For example, Give Me The Money - Give me money (the most money).
In order that we cannot count, we use words and expressions how Much / Much, a Little / Little, a Lot of.

We cannot say an information, but we can say Little Information (little information / a Little information (some information) or Much / a Lot of information (a lot of information) or the information (the same information)
* Little here is not in the meaning of "small", but in the meaning "little".

To turn innumerable to turn into calculated, you need to add an exclusion of of and, for example, from water to get a glass or a cup of water, and from the information - a piece of information)
a Piece of News - news.
a Bottle of Water - Bottle of Water
a Grain of Rice - Rice Grains
These words call their kind - "dimensional words" (Measure Words), there are quite a lot of them, but they are mainly remembered meal measurements.
a Cup of TEA. Cup of tea.
a Slice of Meat. A piece of meat.

Many Cups of TEA.

Either, you can imagine that "Money" is considered to "RUBES" from "Music" have "Songs", and "Furniture" (furniture) is calculated by the tables "Tables" (for example)

And, of course, with the innumerable we can use some (+) in the affirmative sentences and any (? -) - in question and negative.
For example: We Haven`t Got Any Milk. We have no milk at all.
Have you Got Any Cheese? Do you have cheese?
Yes, I`ve Got Some Cheese in the Fridge. Yes, there is some cheese in the refrigerator.

* We can use some in matters in the meaning of a polite offer.

For example: CAN I Have some Milk?

With the calculated nouns, everything is much easier.
1) are easily considered - A CUP - CUPS
A doctor - doctors
A lemon - lemons
I Like Oranges - I love oranges.
Bottles Can Break. Bottles can be broken.

2) Also used with SOME and ANY.

I Would Like Some Berries. I would like a little berries
I Wouldn`t Like Any Berrie s. I would like any berries.
Have You Got Any Berries? Do you have any berries?
CAN I Have some Berries? Can I take a little berries?

3) C with calculated we can use such expressions as FEW - (Little), a FEW (Little), Many
(lot), Lots of (many)

For example:

THERE ARE FEW PEOPLE IN THE STREET. There are few people on the street.
THERE ARE A FEW PEOPLE IN THE STREET. On the street a little people.
THERE ARE LOTS OF PIZZAS ON THE TABLE. There are a lot of pizzas on the table (large and different).

Speak correctly \u003d).

A great day

CO. In other words, not one grammatical topic concerns this category, because many moments depend on how we work with what nouns - with calculated ( countable Noun.) or innumerable ( uncountable noun.). What do they differ from each other? This can be understood by just looking at their name.

Sended noun names

Calculated nouns ("subject to calculus") are words denoting the names of specific items and abstract concepts that can be considered. And since they can be considered, they are used both in the only and plural. Here are examples of calculated nouns names: table, picture, hour., holiday, offer., boy., decision, way-Out. etc.

Using such words in the singular, you can put in front of them a. / aN.: a Table, a Picture., an Hour., an Offer., a Boy., a Decision, a Way-Out. Moreover, the calculated name noun in the singular should always be accompanied by any determination. If there is no uncertain article, you need or ( their), or ( mY., hIS., oUR etc.), ( that., tHIS) .Napomnia that the determination is a linguistic indicator with a noun expressing the value of certainty. For example:

  • I Saw. a Boy. .
  • This Picture. IS A Masterpiece..
  • I Approve Of. the Decision You've Made.
  • I Leg..

With the calculated names of nouns in the plural we can use some (any., many., few):

Some Friends. Of Mine Will Come to This Party. - Several of my friends will come to the party. (Some of my friends will come to the party).

Calculated nouns names

In contrast to the previous, non-calculus names ("not subject to calculating") are the names of substances, abstract concepts that cannot be considered. And, it means, they are used only in the singular. Examples: knowledge., silver, music., milk., water, happiness, furniture., advice. etc. These nouns cannot be used with uncertain article. a. / aN.But with those mentioned above the other determinants (with a certain article, with a pretentious, index pronoun, you can combine them.

They are also used with some uncertain pronouns: some, any., much., little.. For example:

  • These Earrings Are Made of Silver .
  • I have some News. For You..
  • I DON'T LIKE. the Music. You are listening to now.
  • HER BEAUTY Attracts Me..

However, there are cases in which the innumerable name of the noun with an indefinite article is allowed. a. / aN., as well as with numerical ( one. / two, eTC..). This can be done when ordering food in a restaurant, cafe:

WE'LL Have Four Coffees, Please. - We are four coffee.

In the innumerable names, the nouns include various edible products ( meat., fLOUR., milk., salt., eTC..), Liquid ( petrol, coffee., eTC..), Substances and materials ( gOLD., wood., glass., eTC..), Abstract concepts ( help., education., eTC..) And many other words ( advice., weather., hair., eTC..). How to be if we need to consume such a word in speech? How to convey any quantity? For this purpose serve certain words: a Piece of Advice (advice), a BOWL OF FRUIT (fruit bowl), a Carton of Milk (a carton of milk), a BAR OF CHOCOLATE (chocolate bar), a Glass of Wine (a glass of wine), a CAN OF COKE (Coca-Cola Bank), a Tube of Paint (paint tube), a KILO OF MEAT (kilogram of meat), a Cup of TEA (a cup of tea), a Loaf of Bread (loaf of bread), a Rasher of Bacon (rasher).

If we are talking about real nouns, remember that there are nouns names that are not the substance itself, but the subject, from this substance consisting. Such a noun will be calculated. For example:

Their House IS Built of Local stone.- Their house is built from local stone. (innovative noun)

I have a Stone in my shoe. - I have pechers in my shoes. (calculated noun)

In one case, real nouns can become calculated: when they transmit different varieties or types of any substance.

There is. a Live Coal. In The Fire-Place. - The fireplace lies a burning area.

You Can Read About Four Tips In Choosing and Using Various body Oils.. - You can read four councils on how to choose and use different body oils.

What is the difficulty in understanding the principle of "calculus-innovation"? And the fact is that some nouns in English are incumbered, and in Russian or other languages, on the contrary, calculated. Among them are these words: baggage., bread., information, furniture., traffic, work, progress., accommodation, cash, clothing., cutlery., equipment, health, luck, money., photography, research., safety., sunshine, underwear., violence, eTC..

That is Great nEWS.! - What are the wonderful news!

May I Give You Two Pieces Of advice.? - Allow you to give you two councils?

And there are nouns names that can be used both as calculated and as incumbered. But in this case we will observe the difference in the meaning. For example:

I Ate Three. apples.. - I ate three apples. (calculated)

Is there apple. In this Salad? - Is there an apple in this salad? (innumerable)

Would You Like a Glass. Of Lemonade? - What about a glass of lemonade? (calculated)

This Sculpture Was Made of Glass.. - This sculpture is made of glass. (innumerable)

I'm pressesed for Time.. - I do not have time.

How Many Times. Did you read this article? - How many times have you read this article?

Calculated and innumerable nouns - This is not the most difficult topic in English. And if you perceive each noun in English from the point of view of this language, and not your native, you will master this topic without any problems.

And now check your knowledge by passing the following test:


Calculated and innumerable nouns names in English

Eating nouns in English has many nuances. But do not lose heart: As you know, there is nothing impossible for a person with intelligence! Let's find out how calculated and innumerable nouns are combined with articles and adjectives, and how they form a plural.

Calculated or innumerable?

To understand the difference between the calculated and innumerable nouns, you just need to try it, which they denote.

Sended nouns indicate objects that exist as separate units. Usually such items we can perceive with the help of senses. For example: pen., car, wall, cat., sentence., building..

Calculated nouns are subject to subjects that cannot be calculated or divided into parts. Usually such nouns denote abstract or collective concepts. For example: water, oil., joy, happiness, collaboration., attitude, development., interaction.

Keep in mind that calculated nouns in English can be incurred in other languages, and vice versa.

The formation of a plural

  • I Bought. a. CAR.
  • Tom Kicked. their Ball.
  • Does He Like tHIS Tall Girl? No, Tom Likes that. Girl of Medium Height.

  • Jane Likes To Water their Flowers.
  • Did You Plant. these Trees? NO, I Planted those Trees.


  • Their Paper Is White.
  • THIS Bread Is Going Dry.
  • Progress is inevitable.

Collective words

The use of nouns with collective presented in the form of a table. Some of them can be used in combination: many.more, many.fewer., much.more, much.less.

Consider examples of use of nouns with different collecting words:

Calculated in the singular

  • Jane Has Online Lessons every Day.

Calculated in the plural

  • Today. most. Esl Students Choose Online Courses by Skype.
  • Tom Tried. a Couple Of. Online Lessons by Skype and Was Pleased With Them.


  • He Likes to Take some Milk for Breakfast.
  • The Engine Was Producing little. Power SO Was Delivered for Repair.

Now you know how to use the calculated and innumerable nouns with articles collective words. In addition, you learned what exceptions and special rules exist in the formation of a multiple nouns in English.

This topic is often found on the entrance exams and will come in handy for you.

√ Sended or incurred.
√ Calculated nouns.
√ Sended or incurred in other languages.
√ When the innumerable noun is used as calculated.
√ Calculated noun as calculated in the singular.

Calculated or incurred.

Nouns can be either calculated or innumerable. Calculated nouns are those that can be calculated, you can put an A / AN article in front of them or use in a plural.

Calculated - Nouns that can be calculated and can be used in the unique and multiple number Innumerable - nouns that can not count

Liquid (


A Milk.

A oil.

A Soup.

A Tea.

A Water.

COULD YOU GIVE ME A COFFEE THERE iS. No coffee in my cup.

Solids (solids)

a Glass of Wine
(a glass of wine )

a jar of jam
(bank jam)

a Piece of Cheese
(piece of cheese )

a PINT OF ICE CREAM (Ice Cream Pint)

(pound meat)

a SLICE / LOAF OF BREAD (Slice / loaf bread)



Can You Buy A Loaf of Bread. The Air Is Fresh Here.

Gases (GASES)

a Breath of Fresh Air
(Breath of fresh air )

A Blanket Of Fog
(Fog bedspread)

a cloud of smoke
(cloud smoke)

f.ɒ g.
m.ɪ st.
ˈ na.ɪ trəʤə n.
ˈɒ ks.ɪʤə n.
sM.ɒ g.
sM.əʊ k.
stiː m.


THERE iS. Some Flour on the table.


an Ear of Corn
(ear of corn)

a Speck of Dust (Dust

(Flour bag)

a Sweet Pepper.
(Bell pepper)

(rice bowl)

a grain of rice
(jemy rice)

a Pinch of Salt

(a pinch of salt)

miles of Golden Sands

(Mile Golden Sands)




History. iS. My Favorite Subject.

School Items
ˌMæ.θ ɪmætɪks




My homework. iS. What I Need to Do First. Honesty iS. The Best Politics.

Abstract concepts (abstracts)

a Piece of Advice
(Little Council)

a beauty.

a Waste of Energy
(energy spending)

a Great Help.
(great help)

a Piece Of Information
(part of the information)

(explosion of laughter)

an Item of News
(Detail of news)

a Rough Justice.
(Rough Justice)

an Empty Space.
(empty space)

(moment of time )

ˌƐdju (ː) Keɪʃɪʃn











I CAN SPEAK TWO LANGUAGES: Polish and English, But My Favorite iS. English.

Languages \u200b\u200b(Languages)








Fencing. iS. My Son's Work.

Games (Games)


I Like Swimming.

Actions (Activities)






IS. There Your Equipment?


(Equipment fragment)

a Piece of Fruit
(view fruit a)

a Piece of Furniture
(Furniture subject)

a Piece of Jewelery
(jewelry fragment)

a Piece of Luggage
(Part of baggage)

a Waste of Money
(waste of money)





Humidity in Brest. iS. High.

Natural phenomena (Natural Phenomena)

a Burst of Sunshine
(solar flash)

A CLAP / A RUMBLE OF THUNDER(punch / rolled thunder)

a Flash of Lightning
(flash zipper)

A FLURRY OF SNOW / A FLAKE OF SNOW(Snowfall / Snowflake)

a Gust of Wind (Wind Gusting)

A Patch of Fog (Fog Plot)

A SHOWER OF RAIN / A DROP OF RAIN (rain / rain drops)

a TOUCH OF FROST (freezing)




hju (ː) mɪdɪti








rain with snow

When an innumerable noun is used as calculated.

a) Sometimes the innumerable noun is used when we are talking about substance or ideas, but calculated when we talk about containers for things. Compare:
She Prefers Coffee to Tea. AND
Four Coffees (\u003d Cups of Coffee), Please.

About the form / type of something, brand or from what a thing is made. Compare:
There "s Butter in the fridge. And therea A A Lot of Butters (\u003d Brands of Butter) to Choose From ..

On a specific example of a physical or some particular thing. Compare:
Karina Has Got Black Hair. And there "S a Hair in My Soup!

About a specific example of substance or idea. Compare:
The Steps Were Made of Stone. And She Has Got A Stone in Her Sandal.
We Were Always Bad At Sport. And Badminton Is Mainly A Summer Sport in Belarus.

B) The same noun can be used as calculated and incurred. Compare:
- There IS A Lot Of Iron in Russia. (Metal)
- There Was An Iron On The Table. (A Device for Clothes to Make Thatm Smooth)

Other similar nouns like these include:

Weather.- In All Weathers in any weather.

A Transport. - Gusting (emotions) I Was In A Transport Of Delight - I was in a rustling of delight

Time. - Once, case. That Has Been The Only Time My Parents Disagreed.

Speech- Speech Give / Make / Deliver A Speech - Each Pupil Had to Delivered A Short Speech to the Class.

Sight- Spectacle, View, AS Opened The Front Door The Saw A Strange Sight. When they opened the entrance door, they saw a strange spectacle.

- The Sights and Sounds of the Forest Sights and Sounds Forest

Room - room. There Are A Lot of Rooms At My Place.

Property.- Physical / Chemical Properties. Physical / Chemical Properties

Paper. - newspaper. Have you read today "s paper yet? Have you already read today's newspaper?

Education. - Lesson, experience. Having Jimmie To Stay Has Been Quite An Education! Jimmy presented us with a good lesson when we left him!

Calculative Damage can be used as calculated only in the plural:
David and Max Had Damages to the Car.

Calculated nouns ("subject to calculus") are words denoting the names of specific items and abstract concepts that can be considered. And since they can be considered, they are used both in the only and plural. Here examples of calculated nouns names: Table, Picture, Hour, Holiday, Offer, Boy, Decision, Way-Out, etc.

Using such words in the singularYou can put in front of them an indefinite article A / AN: a table, a picture, An Hour, An Offer, A Boy, A Decision, a Way-Out. Moreover, the calculated name noun in the singular should always be accompanied by any determination. If there is no indefinite article, you need or a certain article (The), or a presumptive pronoun (My, His, OUR, etc.), index pronoun (that, this). Let me remind you that the determination is a linguistic indicator with a noun expressing the value of certainty. For example:
I Saw a Boy.
This Picture Is A Masterpiece.
I approve of the Decision You've Made.

With calculated nouns in plural We can use uncertain pronouns Some (Any, Many, Few, Many):
Some Friends of Mine Will Come to This Party. - Several of my friends will come to the party. (Some of my friends will come to the party).

In counterweight before non-paid nouns ("Not subject to calculus") are the names of substances, abstract concepts that cannot be considered. And, it means, they are used only in the singular.

Examples: Knowledge, Silver, Music, Milk, Water, Happiness, Furniture, Advice, etc. These nouns cannot be used with uncertain A / AN articles, but with the above-mentioned other determinants (by a certain article, a pretension, index pronoun, you can combine them.

They are also used with some undefined pronouns: some, any, much, little. For example:
These Ear-Rings Are Made Of Silver.
I Have Some News for You.
I DON'T LIKE THE MUSIC You are listening to now.

However, there are cases in which the innumerable name of the noun with an uncertain article A / AN is allowed, as well as with numeral (one / Two, etc.). This can be done when ordering food in a restaurant, cafe:
WE'LL Have Four Coffees, Please. - We are four coffee.

To the innumerable names of the noun
- Various edible products (Meat, Flour, Milk, Salt, etc.),
- liquids (Petrol, Coffee, etc.),
- Substances and materials (Gold, Wood, Glass, etc.),
- Abstract Concepts (Help, Education, Etc.)
- And many other words (Advice, Weather, Hair, etc.).

How to be if we need to consume such a word in speech? how send any amount? For this purpose, have certain words: a Piece of Advice, a Bowl of Fruit (Bowl with Fruit), a Carton of Milk (Milk Package), a Bar of Chocolate (Chocolate Tile), a Glass of Wine (Glass of Wine ), a Can of Coke (Coca-Cola Bank), a Tube of Paint (paint tube), a kilo of meat (kilogram of meat), A Cup of Tea (Cup of Tea), A Loaf Of Bread (Buckka Bread), a Rasher of Bacon (thin bacon slice).

If we are talking about real nouns, remember that there are nouns names that are not the substance itself, but the subject, from this substance consisting. Such a noun will be calculated. For example:
Their House is Built of Local Stone. - Their house is built from local stone. (innovative noun)
I Have a Stone in My Shoe. - I have pechers in my shoes. (calculated noun)

In one case, real nouns can become calculated: when they transmit different varieties or types of any substance.
There IS A Live Coal in The Fire-Place. - The fireplace lies a burning area.
You can read about four tips in choosing and using Various Body Oils. - You can read four councils on how to choose and use different body oils.

What is the difficulty in understanding the principle of "calculus-innovation"? And the fact is that some nouns in English are incumbered, and in Russian or other languages, on the contrary, calculated. Among them, these words: Baggage, Bread, Information, Furniture, Traffic, Work, Progress, Accommodation, Cash, Clothing, Cutlery, Equipment, Health, Luck, Money, Photography, Research, Safety, Sunshine, Underwear, Violence, etc.

Ports Are Open to Internal Passenger Traffic. - Ports are open to the international passenger message.
A CHANGE OF UNDERWEAR MUST BE DONE AT LEAST ONCE A DAY. - You need to change underwear, at least once a day.
The Hotel Checked Our Baggage. - The hotel has accepted our luggage.

And there are nouns names that can be used both as calculated and as incumbered. But in this case we will observe the difference in the meaning. For example:
I Ate Three Apples. - I ate three apples. (calculated)
Is there Apple in this Salad? - Is there an apple in this salad? (innumerable)
Would You Like A Glass of Lemonade? - What about a glass of lemonade? (calculated)
This Sculpture Was Made Of Glass. - This sculpture is made of glass. (innumerable)
I'm Predesed for Time. - I do not have time.
How Many Times Did You Read This Article? - How many times have you read this article?