Writing: writing-reasoning on the topic of nickname. Writing-reasoning on the topic: "Nicknames among us" thinking on the topic of nickname

Writing: writing-reasoning on the topic of nickname. Writing-reasoning on the topic: "Nicknames among us" thinking on the topic of nickname

The question of nicknames is unlawed, as the nickname in Russian is a huge set. Nevertheless, this question is very interesting, so I will consider some cases where people come up with unusual nicknames.

Each person at birth is given a name. But parents choose it only on the beauty of the sound. And despite the fact that there are books where the importance of names is explained, this value is rarely coincided with the character of man. But during the life, a person receives another name, or even not one, where the brightest feature of its character is highlighted. This name is called nickname.

There are quite popular nicknames. They are understandable to almost everyone. So these include Plaks, Jabeda, Mamenkin Son, Thadz, Botany, Fat. Basically, these nicknames are given in school years. They arise as a result of some-mentioned case or a number of cases. The girl was crying once or another, nicknamed to her. Or the children noticed that the boy is an unusual set, and someone occurred to him to call him thick.

Often the nicknames come up with, if a person has a long or funny surname. The boy bears the name of Bobars, and classmates noticed the remote similarity of the surname with the word beaver. Began to call his beaver. Or in the class there are swans, and it is starting to call the swan. I know the case when the boy with the surname of the spots began to call the sharpener. Still cut the surname of Shekarskas. It turned into a nickname chic.

Sometimes the surname and human behavior are quite ordinary. But this person has a chance to get a nickname. Because people can pay attention to his appearance. For example, a curly boy can call Pushkin. Or a girl in appearance is quite dense and reliced, and classmates according to only them reasons begin to call her bedside table.

The associative path of forefidently nicknames is very difficult. For example, the boy has a surname Chalov. Odnoklassniki turn it into a combination of chuck-chuck, and some of the mysterious ways are compared with nuts. So, Mr. Chalov turns into walnut. Or, the boy's name is Azamat. Dropped the first letter and got a jacket. Now added the ending - and. It turned out the pan. And after that, it does not make big works to turn it into the smear. Thus, the poor Azamat is now putting up.

Yes, except for school and the company of friends, should be mentioned about one place where people get nicknames (clikuhi). This happens "in the zone." I (fortunately) are not very knowledgeable in this area, but I heard something. There, the sound of nicknames are very impressive: humpback, urinary, scalded, bang, the same skull. Here, the features of appearance are also noticed. But these features may arise as a result of incidents in their longer life.

Make conclusions on your research. First: Names do not reflect the true essence of a person, that in it brighter everything is noticeable. Nicknames are invented by familiar people. Did you never know in the circle of familiar Mis and Kat. And if you are talking about a person and call him a nickname, then your friend will immediately understand, about whom we are talking about. And the second: fantasy of the Russian-speaking population is limitless. Probably, that is why the Russian language is so rich. However, it lacks him to express all their feelings, designate all objects and phenomena. And all new words and new nicknames will constantly appear. After all, as I want, seeing a person, I cannot identify it with an abstract name, but with the capacious and understandable, as well as the cheerful name.

Speech development lesson in grade 7. Overall-reasoning on the topic "Nicknames".

Based on technology development of critical thinking through reading and letter

Theme lesson : Writing-reasoning on the topic "Nicknames".

The purpose of the lesson : Psourucms to independently writing an essay-reasoning on the specified text.



    teach to identify problems of text, copyright, express your own opinion on the problem;

    collect material to the composition, systematize it, build written speech statements;

    select speech tools to express your thoughts, expand the vocabulary, enrich the grammatical system of speech;

    conduct a dialogue, conversation, in accordance with the rules of speech behavior;

    expand knowledge of types and speech styles.

Developing: develop mental skills: Critical thinking, mindnie put problematic questions, generalize the data obtained and draw conclusions.

Rising: to educate the culture of communication, behavior, good, respectful attitude towards others.

Applied Technology: Technology for the Development of Critical Thinking Through Reading and Letter


1. Come (activation, motivation)

2. Increase (active reading, listening)

3.Feflexia (reflection, analysis).

Methods, techniques of work:

    stopping fat and fine questions to the text;

    search in the text of the answers to the questions set;

    marking using icons that are put on the fields;

    the location of keywords, key proposals in the logical sequence;

    graphic systematization of text material: clusters, tables, schemes;

    records ("Side Logs").



    toart activities student;

    a computer;

    multimedia projector;

    presentation "Overall-reasoning" nickname ";

    butformizmas O.communication culture;

    fromhem, Tables.

Lesson plan

    Call. The word of the teacher. Goals, lesson tasks.

Guys, have you read a fragment of the story A. Aleksina? (Answers Guys)

Are you interested in the topic of the story? (Answers Guys)

I want to express my opinion: to object the hero or, on the contrary, to support? We will try to do it, and for this you need to prepare well. Today we will prepare for writing essays-reasoning on the topic "Nicknames" in the text that you read in the textbook. We define the goals and objectives of our lesson.

What needs to be done to write a good writing? We plan the step-by-step path of our work. (Pupils respond).

Slide №2.3. Goals, tasks. Enrich the grammar system.

2. Receiving a well-studied publicistic style.

Slide number 4 "Publicistic style". Function, purpose, sphere of use.

Who works with a publicistic speech style?

- Journalists. They are trying to solve the questions important for our society, attract attention to them, to form public opinion, think about the ways to solve them.

Slide number 5. Problem.

A person who decisive any difficult question forms a certain opinion. What synonymous words can still be used?Write in the notebook - point of view, position, views, opinion.

Slide number 6. (Position, views, opinion, point of view).

2. Increase. Conversation in the text exercise. Today we will solve an important task for our school and for our school society - nicknames. And I suggest you to be in the role of journalists, explore this problem, and then make up your friends from other classes. At home you read on the textbook Fragment of the story A. Aleksina "Detective", prepared questions on the text for their comrades.

Possible questions.

Why did the desire to give the nicknames become a "dangerous epidemic"?

How does Alik belong to the nicknames?

If Alik approves the nicknames, then why doesn't he like when his name is "Deft"? Do not you find a contradiction in his position?

Is the name more interesting nicknames?

Let's summarize. What is the position of Alik? Is it possible to argue with him?

Yes of course. He believes that to eat nicknames is normal, but he does not like the offensive nickname "Deft". We formulate your position on the problem.

Slide number 7. Options for wording. (Write to the notebook)

4. Actualization of knowledge about the structure of the argument.

Type of speech in our essay? (Reasoning).

We repeat the reasoning scheme. Name the structural parts of the argument. What is thesis? (Basic position, summary of thought ). Arguments? ( Proof of ).

Let's see the slide. Slide number 8. Scheme of reasoning.

5. Structure of writing.

Slide number 9. Working structure.

This scheme will form the basis of our essay. What is the essay begins? (Introduction) . Do not forget that we write on the basis of a given text. Therefore, we will write first about the position of the story hero, and then about your attitude towards her. (Write to the notebook scheme).

6. Conduct material to the composition according to the plan.

Introduction. How can it be? See some entry options.Slide number 10-11. Accommodation options.

Position of the hero . We have already formulated it. But do not forget that these are workers (reference) materials

Own position. We look at Slide No. 12.

We formulate your position. (Thesis). Thesis is the main idea, position.

(Record to Notebook Offers).

Argumentation. How we prove your position. To more fully comprehend the problem, we will applybrainstorming .

We will write a keyword in the center, and around it all words, phrases that come to the memory of the Association. Such a scheme is called a cluster.

(Nicknames humiliate, offend honor, dignity. It's a shame, ashamed. Disrespect. Make fun of the shortcomings. Mock, laugh, everyone knows. Testing anger, annoyance. Lead to a quarrel, conflict. Repeat, stick, stick for life. Difficult to get rid of evil people , non-cultural, uncompatible. Nicknames faceless, gray.)

We systematize the material. We formulate several arguments.

1) Nicknies humiliate, ... .. Honor, dignity of man.

A person is insulting ..........

Often it leads to quarrels .........

Nicknames stick ......

Nicknames give an uncompatible, ............ people.

Do not forget that these are basic, supporting thoughts: thought in the turning form. We establish semantic, logical connections between individual microthelems. Seeslide number 13.

When argument, you can rely on the thoughts of famous people

Slide14, 15,16

2) What does the name for a person mean? (The name gives parents. Choose long, with love, with excitement, with trepidation. All relatives participate in the choice of name, give advice. With the choice of the name associated with many good thoughts, desires, hopes. Name by name - to show respect. Names glorified famous people. Called in honor of decent people, relatives).

Do you know the meaning of your name? (Children's responses).

    Alina - Dru. Rogermansk.noble , Greek. sunny , Arab. loyal ., Skand. in olikodishnaya, majestic.

    Vladimir - Slavyansk. owning the world.

    Dmitriy Greek. In honor of the goddess Demeter.

    Vadim. Dr.Sl .attractive.

    Tatyana Grech . Organizer, founder. Posted, appointed.

    Nelly - Dr. Russian . A suitable, but persistent. Grech . Young, new.

    Nadezhda --Sl. Wearing.

What are your wonderful names! Each has its own story, carries a positive charge. Famous American teacher, psychologist, writer Dale Carnegie wrote: "When talking more often, call a person by name. Remember that the person's name is the most sweet and most important sound for it in any language. "Slide 17.

3) Appeal to the thoughts of great people - also a very significant argument in writing in defense of their position.Slides number 18, 19. (Briefly record in the notebook - the choice of arguments)

Conclusion - about the culture of communication.

7. Work on speech facilities.

When writing an essay, we will use synonyms so as not to use the same words.

We will try to use various syntactic structures when building a sentence. (Involved and verbal turns, homogeneous members).

Rhetorical exclamations and questions.

Fine-expressive means: metaphors, comparisons (weed, zpidemia, frustration), evaluation epithets.

Phraseologism. (Sticks like a ray. Feel not in its plate).

Proverbs. How to augate, will respond so. What you yourself do not want, do not wish others. Not a different pit ...



Did you like today's lesson?

Are the goals and objectives set at the beginning of the classes?

Did you know something new in the lesson?

Do you use the information obtained in the lesson when writing an essay? Will it facilitate work on it?

Are you satisfied with your work?

Our lesson is over. Thank you all very much.


Student's work card at the lesson

Participation in determining the goals and objectives of the lesson.

Repetition studied about journalistic style.

Recording synonyms for the wordopinion .

Understanding the text of the UPR. 216.

Formulation of the position of the story hero. Record in notebook.

Repetition of the structure of the text of the argument.

Compilation of an essay plan.

Analysis of entry options.

Selection of vocabulary to enter your own position.

Record in the notebook of the thesis reflecting a personal position.

Collecting material by brainstorming for the argument of its point of view.

Systematization of the collected material.

Conversation about the names of people.

Analysis of the quote material.

Selection of expressiveness for creative work.

Self-assessment of work in the lesson

I do not understand,

I do not know

Publicistic style information

Construction of writing

Synonyms for the wordopinion.

I understand the problems of the text of A. Aleksin.

I know how to start an essay.

I understand how to formulate the position of the main character.

Determined (a) its position on the problem.

I can prove my point of view.

I have information about the means of expressiveness.

I can use some expressive means in your essay.

I believe that the lesson passed the fruitful, learned a lot

Working materials for the composition of the argument "nicknames".

1.Cinonyms . Point of view, position, views, opinion.

2. Select synonyms (position of the hero of the text). Considers normal phenomenon, (acceptable.)Allows the use of nickname.Does not see anything terrible and dangerous.Refers positively approvingly.Finds it interestingwitty.

3. Companion of essays. 1. The tracking. 2. The view of the story hero. 3. Community position on the problem. (Thesis). 4. Argments in defense of its position. 5. Equipment.

4. Vanities entry.

Question. Have you ever heard how some guys call their acquaintances on nicknames? I am sure that everyone met with it.

Statement. Nicknames. Unfortunately, the "dangerous epidemic", which is stated in the story of A. Aleksin, and in our school exists.

Situation. " Hey, the scratch eared, where we climb! "- a dense, sporty high school student pushes a slender boy is clearly younger than him in age. Behind the cheerful laughter is heard. "Koschey" pulls his head, turns away the reddened face, his lips tremble. Familiar situation? I think each of us observed such a scene.

5. Modern response to text . A. Aleksina's story agitated me, (interested).

6. Quotes. The Russian people are expressed! And if he is awarded by a sense, he will go to him in the genus and offspring, he will take off him with himself and to the service, and retired, and in St. Petersburg, and on the edge of the world.

In Russia, there are such nicknames that only stick and cross it. N.V.Gogol

Go with others as I would like to come with you.Biblical truth.

by how a person says, we can determine the degree of its intelligence, the degree of its psychological balance. Our speech is the most important part of not only our behavior, but also our personality, our soul, mind ... D.S.Likhachev

Samoenalysis lesson

The lesson is part of the training unit on the development of the speech of the curriculum in the Russian language class 7 ed. TA Ladyzhenskaya.

Purpose: Preparation for the composition-reasoning on a given topic.

Type of lesson - combined. Work lesson.

Formation of positive motivation: the knowledge gained will help successfully prepare for the exam, GIA. In addition, knowledge is practical - help to solve specific vital problems, applied in practice.

Formation of informative Wood: to realize the informative task, listen, find the right information in the text, learn to analyze, summarize, draw conclusions, learn how to build speech statements

Tasks aimed at the formation of regulatory universal academic actions: the ability to put the learning task themselves, plan actions, ways to solve (and what will we do next?), Carry out control, evaluate your results. Goaling is carried out in conjunction with children.

The lesson holds the actualization of the knowledge gained.

The lesson involves the integral approach, the knowledge of various sections of the language is involved. (Morphology. Lexica. Stylistics. Text).

Practical skills are formed: children learn to use all the inventory of language funds, the stylistic riches of the Russian language, on specific examples it is shown the way to create an essay-reasoning.

Technology used: elements of problem learning, development of creative abilities,critical thinking technology.

Methods partially search, problem presentation, creative. At the lesson are usedbasic techniques for the development of critical thinking:

Staging direct and secretive issues to the text;

Search in the text of the answers to the questions set;

The location of keywords, key proposals in the logical sequence;

Graphic systematization of text material: clusters, tables, schemes;

Discussion elements.

Communicative Wood: join the training dialogue with the teacher, classmates, participate in the general conversation, following the rules of speech behavior, formulate their own thoughts, statements, justify their point of view.

Topic Description: I wonder who remembers how much the nicknie has it, is there now? What are offensive nicknames, and maybe it's just a description of a person or who does not mean a stupid mock?
Can I harm a rapid nickname?
And yet, and we wondered that we ourselves give themselves nicknames, for example, on the Internet. So, whether we are real or just we want to see themselves, and the eyes of another person from the side of looking scary, but, the ticking nerves is helpful.

In general, here's an article - an essay - it is reasoning on the topic:

"Nicknames among us."

Which of us was not nickname. The nicknames were kind, characterizing from the best side, and have been and offensive - they often gave them to sacrificing a person. And they arose differently. Surname, character, habit, appearance, even hobbies laid the nickname.

It is said that for a person there is nothing in the world anything harder than his name. And contact him as a pet, nicknamed, is a sign of an uncompaniment. But sometimes the nickname for a person is much none of his own name.

In addition, the nicknames differ in many ways the attitude of people to a person. If it is loved in the company, the nickname, most likely, kind and fun, but if on the contrary - beware. Often, such evil, sarcastic nicknames, these people are immensely, can harm very much. They can hurt much and a person can be closed, disappointed not only in themselves, but also in others.

By the way, it is worth noting that not very hurt nicknames are very comfortable. Call, for example, and street or in the corridor Masha - a man to turn five, and shouted redhead - immediately becomes clear to whom they turn. Of course, it is possible to argue - so there is a surname. But not always the surname sounds beautiful.

Another feature is nicknames on the Internet. These so-called nicknames we give yourself. Often they reflect our essence. Or they say what we want to seem in fact. Hiding behind nicknames, these bright, noticeable nicknames of their own essay, we hope to please the interlocutors, intrigue them.

Yes, and living in the world of the Internet, it is more convenient to choose a new name and imagine yourself with a completely different person. Sometimes it may seem an exciting adventure - to issue yourself for a completely different person.

Good or bad to have a nickname - each of us decides for yourself. But there is an unlikely to have something bad, because the tradition of giving nicknames comes from the depths of centuries.

Each of us came across the concept of nickname. For one, it is hurt, and for others it is nice. The nickname is fixed by a person if he somehow reacts to him. How do we choose the nickname to a person? Does he always like it?

Nickname usually give peers, friends, classmates and parents. Parents call us gentle: "Petenka", "Guinea", "Kid". But when a person matches the nickname parents is becoming less and less, they are always pleasant. Other people have no other influence on us, calling nicknames. The nicknames are given by the name "Kolesnikov-Wheel", the name "Polina-Pashka", the appearance of a man "Gromdin, fat man, beauty", according to the behavior of "sludge, dirty, purely" and in the nature of "Dobryak". But the nickname should "get tight" to a person, and for this it is necessary to call it often, without causing him shame. It is not always a person who likes the nickname, he struggles with him, finding a weak point of who gave a nickname, or crying and suffers, without knowing how to defend himself.

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Each person at birth, parents give a name. But for different reasons, others do not always call a person by name, and invent different nicknames, sometimes even hurt.

Usually the nickname receives a person with an interesting last name, or he has some distinctive features in appearance or behavior. My dad has a friend who has a nickname golden. Once I asked Pope, why the uncle Serezhu is called "Golden". Dad told me that he since childhood was so called for the red hair color. Indeed, as I had not guessed myself that Uncle Seryozha got it nickname, because he had red hair with a golden chip.

Usually the nickname man gets in school years. It is worth someone to cry in the lesson a couple of times, as the nickname "Plaks" can be preserved for many years. Or, for example, the boy learns well, always ditched, performs all homework, it is constantly called to the blackboard, and if he is also wearing glasses - the nickname "nerd" is provided.

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Felina Slavinskaya Oracle (64249) 5 years ago

Many nicknames are very negative. It is believed that nicknames can only be in animals, or in prisoners.
But in my opinion, it is not quite so.
The word "nickname" means the term who was called to distinguish him from other people.
After all, it is known that it is often kicked villages in which all people have one or two surnames. Names and patronymic are often repeated. So how to distinguish one Sergey Petrovich Smirnov from his full namesake and the same name?
But the nicknames is a completely different matter. Folk Solva, Humor and Sloves, often brighten with a person such a nickname - not in the eyebrow, but in the eye! And if this nickname is not offensive, not from the abnormative vocabulary - it can serve a good service.
First, as already mentioned above, it differentiates a particular person from a large number of his thesis.
And secondly, sometimes forces himself ...

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I have friends and familiar not only from mine, but also from the neighboring school. We meet after lessons discussing the latest news. We are friends almost from the first class, so during this time we managed to appear nicknames. However, we have one important rule: we do not come up with a sudden nickname man, because we do not want the friend to be offended and answered us the same.

And recently I thought: why do people come up with each other nicknames? Just? For interest? After all, each of us has their own name, which our parents gave us. Nicknames come up with, if a person, for example, an unusual surname (may even be funny). It happens that long names are reduced to convenience, so the nickname occurs.

Or a person has some interesting habits, hobbies. It also happens that the nickname is so organically suited to a person that many forget, as his name is actually. I think this is a personal matter of everyone, how to call. The main thing is that a person is not offended, otherwise because of such ...

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Often in the Russian language class can get a rather original task - write reasoning, the main topic of which should be nicknames. This problem is rather ambiguous - after all, it may be a nickname to one person, and another is always unpleasant when he is called.

First - decide on your own position

An essay-reasoning on the topic "Nicknames" is an interesting task for any student. If the name is a person gets at birth, then the nickname is always created by spontaneously. And it most often gets not the desired quality, but those that have a person in fact. Any label, which society hangs on a person (no matter, with evil or from good motivations) - always emphasizes any particular meaning of available qualities. In writing-reasoning on the topic "Nicknames", a schoolboy must first of all should determine his own position on this issue. After all, depending on his opinion, the essay will contain arguments in favor of ...

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Description of the topic: I wonder who remembers how much it was nicknamed, is there now? What are offensive nicknames, and maybe it's just a description of a person or who does not mean a stupid mock?
Can I harm a rapid nickname?
And yet, and we wondered that we ourselves give themselves nicknames, for example, on the Internet. So, whether we are real or just we want to see themselves, and the eyes of another person from the side of looking scary, but, the ticking nerves is helpful.

In general, here's an article - an essay - it is reasoning on the topic:

"Nicknames among us."

Which of us was not nickname. The nicknames were kind, characterizing from the best side, and have been and offensive - they often gave them to sacrificing a person. And they arose differently. Surname, character, habit, appearance, even hobbies laid the nickname.

It is said that for a person there is nothing in the world anything harder than his name. And contact him as home ...

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/ Writings / Works on a free topic / Grade 7 / Overall-reasoning about nicknames.

Overall-reasoning about nicknames.

Each person at birth is given a name. But parents choose it only on the beauty of the sound. And despite the fact that there are books where the importance of names is explained, this value is rarely coincided with the character of man. However, during life, a person receives another name, or not even one, where the brightest feature of its character is highlighted. This name is called nickname.
Many people, especially children, give someone nickname. There are quite popular nicknames. They are understandable to almost everyone. This includes Plaks, Yabeda, Mamenkin Son, Fat. Basically, these nicknames are given in school years. They arise as a result of a memorable case. The girl was crying once or another, nicknamed to her. Or the children noticed that the boy is an unusual set, and someone occurred to him to call him thick.
Nickname ...

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Each baby is born and immediately gets a name from his parents. But in the future surrounding people sometimes replace it on the nickname.

Often a person gets a nickname spontaneously. This may be associated with the wearable surname, the features of appearance or character, with some funny case that occurred with the holder of the nickname. It usually happens in school years, because children are extremely like to exercise irrepressible fantasy, sophisticated in the invention of original nicknames.

Such a nickname can consolidate the person for many years or even for life. At the same time, it can deliver to man, both pride and positive and shame, indignation, anger. After all, the nicknames are offensive and not clean. It is unlikely that the boy with the surname of Belov will upset if classmates will call him "white". If he will have a "fat" or "oblique" nickname, then, for sure, he will, gently say, is dissatisfied with this event.

I believe that the nicknames need to be philosophically, then ...

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As probably, it happens when nicknames come up with the names. As a rule, invented attached once and for all, and not everyone can get rid of the nickname. But at the same time somehow is forgotten by the fact that long before the surname in Russian land was invented, it was nicknames.

By the way, it was on the nicknames later and folded the surname on all relatives. But, though the nicknames were very harmless, not what now.

For example, the surname of Kuznetsov went from the nickname "Kuznets". On the one hand, the profession is such, and on the other - the insect is a grasshopper. Or the surname of yamshchikov. There was such a dynasty of hereditary yamms, and the surname had another, but here the "rocket" clung around and soon they were otherwise not called except for yamchikov. Or was such an artisan who was successfully coped with repairs at first sacques, and then suitcases. So, the nickname "suitcase" was closed to him, but soon it turned into his surname - suitcases. And such ...

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Everyone gave birth to a person give a name. Mom and dad call their child in honor of someone from their relatives, for example, grandmother or uncle. And it can be advised for a long time, choosing a name on the calendar.
Each of the names must necessarily mean. For example, Elena has the meaning of "light", Alexander - "Conqueror". It is said that the nature of man depends on behalf and even his fate.
In life, we can not have one, but a few names. The one that gives mom and dad, remains with us forever. But at home, at school, at work surrounding give us nicknames. They can disappear and change over the years. But sometimes one day this nickname is fixed by a person for life.
Usually the nickname reflects the brightest trait of character. They often come up with nicknames, consonant with the name or surname, to be more convenient and more interesting to call a person (gray - on behalf of Sergey, Kirovets - from the surname Kirov). Sometimes it arises and "grows up" to a person as a result of some interesting, unusual case.

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There are quite popular nicknames. They are understandable to almost everyone. So these include Plaks, Jabeda, Mamenkin Son, Thadz, Botany, Fat. Basically, these nicknames are given in school years. They arise as a result of some-mentioned case or a number of cases. The girl was crying once or another, nicknamed to her. Or the children noticed that the boy is an unusual complex, and someone occurred to him to call him ...

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Nicknames have long and firmly entered our lives. Nicknames give people from the earliest years of life. And not necessarily the nicknames should be negative, unpleasant, although it often happens. However, very often nicknames reflect only good. Affectionate nicknames award their children loving parents - a bunny, squirrel, a little or can be a bun. Nicknames give children and in kindergarten and school. School nicknames are usually the most sticking, because if the nickname is successful, then the young person has to live with him all 8-10 high school classes and it automatically, along with friends and friends, goes with a person in adulthood. But even if a young man did not give any nickname in school, do not be upset and upset, he still has ahead, institute, army, work. Friends everywhere will be. Often, nicknames are given by some remarkable feature of human behavior and here they often come shaped. Sometimes nicknames are given by some kind of physical characteristics of a person and ...

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Writing-reasoning on the topic "Nickname"

The question of nicknames is unlawed, as the nickname in Russian is a huge set. Nevertheless, this question is very interesting, so I will consider some cases where people come up with unusual nicknames.

Each person at birth is given a name. But parents choose it only on the beauty of the sound. And despite the fact that there are books where the importance of names is explained, this value is rarely coincided with the character of man. But during the life, a person receives another name, or even not one, where the brightest feature of its character is highlighted. This name is called nickname.

There are quite popular nicknames. They are understandable to almost everyone. So these include Plaks, Jabeda, Mamenkin Son, Thadz, Botany, Fat. Basically, these nicknames are given in school years. They arise as a result of some-mentioned case or a number of cases. The girl was crying once or another, nicknamed to her. Or children ...

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Writing argument on the topic of nickname grade 7 in the Russian language

In this essay, I will give my thoughts about the nickname. These are such "additional names", which are given to a person with other people. Usually, the nickname contains a distinctive feature of a person, a reminder of some circumstance ... In fact, it is often something offensive. When a person himself chooses the "secret name", then this is something pleasant, and called "nickname". It is often not responding to the nickname, but offended. I heard such nicknames like, for example, a briefcase, bobbies ... But I will not give them everything, of course. I'm just not sure that it is appropriate in writing. Every nickname has its own story.

For example, nickname - garlic. The case was with my girlfriend, which in missed almost a quarter of the disease. Just first the flu, after not recovered - cold. And the doctor so that she does not hurt, wanted "as better." In order for her less medication to not be infected again, he prescribed from folk ...

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Russian lesson on the topic "Preparation for the composition - reasoning on the topic" Nicknames ".

Objectives: Learning to write an essay based on the read text; introduce a reference scheme "Overall-reasoning"; improve the skills of a competent letter; develop a written speech; Rail interest in Russian.

During the classes.



Based on the topic of the lesson, determine the objectives of the lesson, which we must learn.

Students formulate the objectives of the lesson. Objectives: learn how to create text- arguments on a given topic; Repeat the composition of the writing. (slide2)


Motivational principle. The study of this topic we need and important, since the writing of reasoning is required to write to GIA and EGE. In addition, the ability to adopt a certain point of view is an important personal quality.

Introduction to the subject of the lesson.

Pay attention to my subsequent speech that it is reminded by structure.


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I recently went on school, and I was in a track of the Otzvuk strange name. Only then I realized that I came up with a nickname. At first it became a little offensive, but then I seriously thought about this incident.

In almost every class there are students who love to give classmates fought names. It often happens that the nickname transmits the essence of a person than his name. It is worth digging deep into the way - and it turns out that most of the disciples have their nickname. Someone has funny, others have neutral. The most amazing thing is that a person gets used to his new name, and then begins to even see the nickname other people. True, there are happy and unfortunate exceptions when the student remains without nickname.

I became interested - and I spent my little study. It turns out that without nicknames remain only in two cases. The first case is generous excellent students who always give write control and homework. If offended ...

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The question of nicknames is unlawed, as the nickname in Russian is a huge set. Nevertheless, this question is very interesting, so I will consider some cases where people come up with unusual nicknames.

Each person at birth is given a name. But parents choose it only on the beauty of the sound. And despite the fact that there are books where the importance of names is explained, this value is rarely coincided with the character of man. But during the life, a person receives another name, or even not one, where the brightest feature of its character is highlighted. This name is called nickname.

There are quite popular nicknames. They are understandable to almost everyone. So these include Plaks, Jabeda, Mamenkin Son, Thadz, Botany, Fat. Basically, these nicknames are given in school years. They arise as a result of some-mentioned case or a number of cases. The girl was crying once or another, nicknamed to her. Or the children noticed that the boy is an unusual set, and someone occurred to him to call him thick.

Often the nicknames come up with, if a person has a long or funny surname. The boy bears the name of Bobars, and classmates noticed the remote similarity of the surname with the word beaver. Began to call his beaver. Or in the class there are swans, and it is starting to call the swan. I know the case when the boy with the surname of the spots began to call the sharpener. Still cut the surname of Shekarskas. It turned into a nickname chic.

Sometimes the surname and human behavior are quite ordinary. But this person has a chance to get a nickname. Because people can pay attention to his appearance. For example, a curly boy can call Pushkin. Or a girl in appearance is quite dense and reliced, and classmates according to only them reasons begin to call her bedside table.

The associative path of forefidently nicknames is very difficult. For example, the boy has a surname Chalov. Odnoklassniki turn it into a combination of chuck-chuck, and some of the mysterious ways are compared with nuts. So, Mr. Chalov turns into walnut. Or, the boy's name is Azamat. Dropped the first letter and got a jacket. Now added the ending - and. It turned out the pan. And after that, it does not make big works to turn it into the smear. Thus, the poor Azamat is now putting up.

Yes, except for school and the company of friends, should be mentioned about one place where people get nicknames (clikuhi). This happens "in the zone." I (fortunately) are not very knowledgeable in this area, but I heard something. There, the sound of nicknames are very impressive: humpback, urinary, scalded, bang, the same skull. Here, the features of appearance are also noticed. But these features may arise as a result of incidents in their longer life.

Make conclusions on your research. First: Names do not reflect the true essence of a person, that in it brighter everything is noticeable. Nicknames are invented by familiar people. Did you never know in the circle of familiar Mis and Kat. And if you are talking about a person and call him a nickname, then your friend will immediately understand, about whom we are talking about. And the second: fantasy of the Russian-speaking population is limitless. Probably, that is why the Russian language is so rich. However, it lacks him to express all their feelings, designate all objects and phenomena. And all new words and new nicknames will constantly appear. After all, as I want, seeing a person, I cannot identify it with an abstract name, but with the capacious and understandable, as well as the cheerful name.