Classes in familiarization with fiction in kindergarten. Technique of working with a book in kindergarten: Workshop for teachers General structure for reading

Classes in familiarization with fiction in kindergarten. Technique of working with a book in kindergarten: Workshop for teachers General structure for reading

Occupation "Journey through Russian folk tales "Holded With a subgroup of children of senior preschool age.

purpose This lesson is aimed at consolidating the knowledge of children about Russian folk tales and interconnectedwith the goals of other activities. The occupation is one from cycle classesto consolidate knowledge, skills and skills of children in retelling fairy tales. The cycle is designed for a year, one occupation is carried out per month. The occupation of this type allows to continue work on the development of a connected speech from preschoolers.

Selection of content directly educational activitiesit is carried out taking into account federal state requirements. The occupation is based on the principle of integration of educational regions: Communication, knowledge, socialization, reading fiction. The content of work in the class is aimed at enriching the knowledge of children about Russian folk fairy tales.

The logical of the presentation of the contenteducation is based on the pharedty Building classes, relationships of stages and p. clarityerejod from one stage to another. The plot of classes is built in the form of a game of "Journey through Russian folk fairy tales."

When planning classes, the principle is taken into accountavailability Education content for pupils: Games, game exercises, didactic tasks are selected with the age-related features groups of children and their individual capabilities .

Sensitiveness of contenteducation has been implemented in the case on the basis of the TRIZ-technology adapted to the pre-school age S.I. Gin and techniques L.B. Fesyukova "Education of the fairy tale"

In pre-workgames were used - staging on Russian folk fairy tales, viewing presentations, didactic games in Russian folk fairy tales, cognitive games that contributed to the search activity, the development of speech, creative imagination.

At the organizational stagea positive attitude was created in pupils to include them in educational activities. Mimic etude "Our feelings" emotionally painted the occupation. Pupils were invited to go on a journey through Russian folk tales, children took the game plot with interest, tuned to joint activities.

The main task of the main stage Classes - to expand the knowledge of children about Russian folk fairy tales, about the main characters of these fairy tales, teach the retelling fairy tales.

The structure of the classes includes games, exercises, tasks for the development of speech and cognitive activity of children, creative abilities, to expand and activate the dictionary, connected speech.

Didactic game "Help!" contributed to the formation of the skills to answer questions with complete proposals, expansion and enhancing the dictionary of children.

The didactic game "Slap the heroes of fairy tales" is aimed at the development of mental activities, logic, connected speech.

Conducting didactic games "Name a fairy tale", "Guess the riddle", contributed to the consolidation of knowledge of children about Russian folk fairy tales, about the main characters of fairy tales.

Fizminutka "Tales" was aimed at developing the ability to coordinate with the movement and the development of intonational expressiveness of speech.

Children are actively, with interest gathered the pages of the books of fairy tales: they called the Russian folk tales and their main characters, simulated fairy tales, gave way to tales on fairy tales and gathered fairy tales.

At the final stagechildren were invited to remember which games they played, traveling to fairy tales, which tasks were performed that they were interested and remembered most. The participation of each child was marked by a praise, positive assessment. At the end of the classes, children received a book of fairy tales, coloring with the heroes of Russian folk fairy tales as a gift.

Children were proposed homework: to paint the characters on their own and tell the parents a fairy tale about these heroes or to compose their fairy tale.

Apparatus for estimation Activities pupils // It became positive individually - a differentiated assessment of the participation of each child, summing up the total classes.

The actual course of classes / / corresponded to the scheduled time. Throughout the lesson / / Children were active, gladly performed the proposed games and exercises.

The purpose of the exercise is achievedchildren secured the names of Russian folk fairy tales, their main characters, learned how to recognize a fairy tale on illustrations, mysteries and models. The use of game techniques contributed to the conduct of classes in a comfortable emotional - painted atmosphere.

in the second younger group

"Visiting a fairy tale"

Oo: Communication

Purpose: develop creative imagination in children, improve means of expressiveness in the transmission of images, enrich and intensify the dictionary through theatrical activities.


    consolidate the knowledge of children about Russian folk fairy tales;

    forming the ability to recognize and call them for individual subjects and illustrations;

    educate the love and interest of children to Russian folk literary acceleration;

    develop expressive speech, memory, attention, cause interest in the theater.

Methodical techniques:

    Game(Use of surprise moments) .

    Visual(use of dolls) .

    Verbal(reminder, indication, polls, individual answers of children) .

    Promotion, analysis of classes.

Materials for the lesson: attributes to the magic chest, to the fairy tale "Teremok", counting sticks, ball.

Travel course:

Surprise moment: music enters a red hat(child) :

Hello guys!

I came from the fairy tale

The chest brought you

The chest is not simple,

He is magical, not empty!

Many fairy tales in it lives,

We must take them on accounting.

Educator: Do you know fairy tales?

Children: Yes, we know!

Educator: 1-2-3-4-5 It's time to play a fairy tale who was late for the beginning, he was late for a fairy tale.

The teacher opens the chest and says:

Oh, what a mess here!

I urgently need help.

You guys help

Fairy tales Everyone disassemble me.

The tutor from the magic chest in turn takes the attributes to fairy tales and conducts a conversation on issues.


Who baked a bunker?

Where rolled the bun?

Who met on the road Kolobok?

Who ate a kolobkin?

What is the end of the fairy tale?

Problem question:

    Why did the bun groan from the window?

    And what would happen if Lisa did not eat a bun?

Ryabular chicken

How does the fairy tale begins?

What egg demolished the rumor chicken?

Who broke the egg?

And how did she break it?

And what the chicken answered grandfather and a woman?

Problem question:

    And what would happen if the egg did not break?

    And why did Grandfather and Baba wanted to break the egg?

Masha and the Bear:

How did Masha fell to the bear?

What did the Bear say when did the box?

And Masha, what answered?

How ended the fairy tale?

Problem question:

    Why did Masha decided to escape from the bear?


Who planted repka?

Who did you help pull back?

Educator: But it seems to me - friendship. When we together, we can do any things to us, I suggest you say what kind of friendly guys are.

Children, holding hands, form a circle:

We are friendly guys

Do not quarrel at all

We are friendly guys

Tell me everyone!

Red hat offers children relax.

Fizminutka"Three Bears" .

Three bears walked home

Dad was big big,

Mom with a smaller growth with him,

Well, son - baby just!

Very little he was

With rattles walked

Dzin, Laa, Dzin, Laa!

The tutor pulls the house layout from the chest, the question: how in fairy tales a house is called differently?(Hut, Teremok) .

I suggest you simulate, build a hut from our magic counting sticks(Children work beyond the tables) .

And now let's play and remember the heroes of fairy tales.

Playing with the ball "Tell me what hero?":

    kolobok - Ruddy

    grandfather - Old

    grandma - grayaya

    hare - eared

    wolf - toothy

    bear - Kosolapoye

    fox - Sunya

    pink - big

    frog - Green

    mouse - gray

    masha - Dornaya

    patties - delicious

    egg - golden

    hut - wooden

The tutor pulls out a wolf mask from the chest: we will visit you now in one fairy tale. Rather, we will show a fairy tale, and you will be real artists.

Role distribution reading:

Hedgehog, hedgehog mast

Sewed spiny jacket

We choose the hero.

Staging fairy tales"Teremok" .


Little Red Riding Hood: I really liked to be visiting you. You know a lot of fairy tales. And the most important thing you helped bring order in my chest.

To music, children say goodbye to a red hat and with fairy tales.

Tasks: to work out the skills of compiling surveillance programs for aspect analysis of the classes; Promote the development of reflexive skills, analyze the ability to make adjustments to their own activities.

Lesson 1. Methods of working with a book in the institution of preschool education (theoretical seminar).

1. Methods of familiarization with works in classes (methodical report).

2. Receptions of the formation of work perception (practical recommendations for the use of effective techniques).

3. Method for memorizing poems (memo).

4. Work forms with a book outside of classes (a message from work experience).

5. An overview of the methodological literature to familiarize preschool children with fiction and folklore "These books will help you in work."

6. Exhibition-commentary of the fiction "Circle of Children's Reading".

7. Homework: drawing up a mapping of an analysis of classes in familiarization with fiction and folklore.

Lesson 2. Analysis and self-analysis of modern classes in the establishment of pre-school education. Classes for familiarization with fiction as an analysis object (business game).

1. The introductory part "Analysis, self-analysis, reflection is ..." (Blitz profile). The value, form of analysis and self-analysis of occupations (motivation of the topic of the seminar by the Deputy Head).

2. Main part: Work in small groups:

  • development of a mapping card for familiarizing preschoolers with fiction literature;
  • view classes with children;
  • samoenalysis of the teacher who conducted an occupation;
  • questions to the teacher and answers to questions of colleagues with the necessary explanation;
  • analysis of classes;
  • presentation of group conclusions;
  • evaluation of the work of the expert group;
  • the choice of the optimal analysis option to familiarize preschoolers with fiction and folklore.

3. Final part:

  • reflection "Continue proposal";
  • summing up the work of the Deputy Head.

4. Homework: drawing up the abstracts of classes in familiarization with fiction and folklore.

Lesson 3. Acquaintance of preschoolers with fiction literature (round table).

1. Dialogue in order to analyze the work done:

  • open the goal of working in familiarization with fiction and folklore in the establishment of pre-school education;
  • name the peculiarities of the perception of literary works characteristic of children of the younger, middle and senior preschool age;
  • what is the preparation of the educator of pre-school education to read, telling artistic works;
  • expand the content of the criteria when choosing books for reading and telling preschoolers;
  • give the characteristics of methods and receptions of familiarization of children with fiction;
  • prove the need for "poetic" education of children;
  • highlight the main differences in the memorization of the memorization of poems in the younger and senior preschool age.

2. Presentation of the abstracts in familiarizing preschoolers with fiction literature and folklore.

3. Solution of test tasks.

Determine at what age (younger, middle, senior) use the following admission of poems, their expressive reading:

a) gaming;

b) reading on the roles;

c) a sample of expressive reading;

d) an explanation and indication;

e) evaluation of children's reading;

e) characteristics of characters;

g) reusable reading (5-6 times);

h) Installation for memorization.

Memo on working with a book for educators

Structure of classes to familiarize children of preschool age with fiction literature

1. The introductory part is to prepare children to perceive the work (covering of the cover, pictures, reminder of a similar plot, a short introductory conversation, the use of small genres of folklore, remembering the familiar works of this author, the display of substantive visibility, the elements of drawing, the creation of game situations, the problemation of the problem, explanation of incomprehensible words).

2. The main part is the reading of a artistic work, a conversation with children in content, the use of various techniques that facilitate his understanding of children (viewing illustrations, re-reading, etc.), exercises in expressive speech transmission.

Conversation after reading using questions aimed at:

- understanding of the basic meaning of the work;

- Playing the content of the work.


- the hero is associated with the image;

- allow you to learn the emotional attitude of children to the hero, understand his mood and emotional state;

- pay attention to the motif of the act, the appearance, the portrait of the hero, on the comparison of the heroes, their behavior, the nature of familiar children with reality phenomena;

- allow you to introduce preschoolers in a situation that has developed in the work, to make them participants in the events;

- prompted to remember who wrote a work;

- Pay attention to the speech tools and features of the genre.

3. The final part is to return directly to the text (re-reading the work, if it is small, or the most liked children's episodes).

Types of classes in familiarization with fiction:

1) familiarization of children with one literary work;

2) combining the telling of the works of one literary genre on the same topic;

3) Association of one topic of works of different genres: story, poem, fable, sweat, etc.;

4) Classes with children's book (senior preschool age): It is necessary for each child.

Structure classes for memorizing poems

1. Short-term introductory conversation. Preparation of preschoolers to the perception of poem; Appeal to the emotional shaped memory of children, showing objects, toys, pictures, close to the topic of poem.

2. Expressive reading poem teacher and repetition it. In the senior group, before re-reading, children warn that the poem will need to be memorable.

3. An explanatory conversation about the poem itself, the form of his reading.

4. Reading poem educator of pre-school education.

5. Reading poem by children. The poem is learned entirely. Children repeat it individually, not a chorus (usually charge it to those who quickly remember). Ends the session of the most striking performance.


1.Golitsyn, N.S. Piggy bank of pedagogical ideas. Work with frames / N.S. Golitsyn. - M.: Scripture 2003, 2006.

2.Sokhin, F.A. Development of the speech of children of preschool age: a guide for the teacher of children. Garden; Ed. F. Sokhina. - 2nd ed., Act. - M.: Enlightenment, 1979.

3.Timofeyev, N.V. Classes in kindergarten: modern criteria, analysis schemes, abstracts of classes / Avt.-Cost: N.V. Timofeeva, Yu.V. Zotov. - 2nd ed. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.

T. Domantsevich

Purpose: consolidate the knowledge of children about literary genres of books; cause a desire to read books; learn gently handle books


1. Developing

Develop intonation speech, image and creative perception

Develop the ability to participate in a collective conversation

Develop the ability to compile a dialogue

2. Educational

Teach children with emotions and intonations to transmit the image of heroes

Fasten the knowledge of children about literary genres of books

3. Railing

Contribute to the creation of emotional mood

develop the ability to sympathize, empathize, rejoice, communicate

Create conditions for self-realization

To actualize the problem of careful handling books

Attach children to reading fiction

Wordwork: Encyclopedia, Genre, Library

Preliminary work:

  • Conversation about the genres of books;
  • Acquaintance with proverbs, stories, riddles, verses, fairy tales, sweatshops;
  • Conversation about careful attitude to books;

Analysis of goals and objectives.

The occupation was carried out in the preparatory group. The occupation consisted of three stages of interrelated among themselves, during which the children gradually performed various actions. This structure is fully justified, as each stage of classes is aimed at solving certain tasks and offers the choice of methods and techniques. Objectives and tasks correspond to the target Landmarks of GEF to. To achieve the goal, an educational environment, goals and objectives are created correspond to age capabilities. The connection between the goals and tasks with the topic of educational activities is traced. The tasks were formulated specifically and corresponded to the level of development of the Group.

Analysis of the organization of organized educational activities.

In the course of the classes, a personal-oriented model of activity was used. Children showed knowledge of software material. Problem-search problems prevailed. The following methods were used to activate children:

1. Sensual

2. Vividly - demonstration

4. Game

and techniques: game, instructions, display, artistic word, promotion, conversation.

All children were fluent in each other. I adhered to the position of an adult - "nearby" or "aside."

At the beginning of the classes used techniques that allow them to cause children an internal need for inclusion in activities, children were invited to help the boy find his book, so the children were included in the activity. This technique corresponds to the age and individual characteristics of children. Conditions were created for the conscious adoption by children "Children's" goal. (Fairy invited children to her magic country "Library"). "Children's" goal corresponded to individual peculiarities, specifics of personal motives, the emotional sphere, the cognitive interest in the children of the group. When preparing for the lesson, a demonstration and distribution material was made and manufactured, taking into account age characteristics, the interest of children. Thought the location of children in space. In working with children used a conversation, the riddles for witnessing, games - all this contributed to the effectiveness of classes, mental activity and the development of children's speech. All elements of classes are logically among themselves are combined with a common topic.

Analysis of educational activities.

He tried to cause interest in children to the type of activity, diversify the material and task. The amount of information was sufficient. Used a combination of self-assessment methods. During the educational activities, various forms of work were combined:



During the classes, the following integration of educational areas "Cognitive development", "Social and communicative development", "speech development", "physical development", which were implemented in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of children.

The material for the educational situation was selected on the level accessible to children, corresponded to their psychological and age characteristics and was rational to solve the goals and tasks. The children were active, attentive, felt comfortable. During classes, a dialogic style of communication prevailed. The level of complexity of tasks corresponded to the possibilities of children, the individual features of children in the selection of content, forms of support and stimulating creative activity were taken into account. Throughout the educational situation, the sustainedness of the storyline remained, the presence of a logical connection between the stages, the preservation of targets, motivation and meaningful attitude towards activities at each stage. All this confirm the results of activities.

I believe that the classes organization chosen by me was quite effective, dynamic. The style of communication prevailed democratic. He tried to be for children a partner, assistant, abide by the norms of pedagogical ethics and tact. His statements tried to build competently and accessible to understanding children, encouraged children to manifest initiative and independence, encouraged individual achievements of children.

This classes are fully justified. Since each stage of classes is aimed at solving certain pedagogical tasks and offers the choice of adequate methods and receptions. Children could choose the material and method of action when solving the task.

I believe that the tasks set in the occupation were fulfilled. The occupation of its goal has reached.

Self-analysis of classes

Classes on literary reading in the senior group of "Tales of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin" by the educator of MOU "Progimnaya №2 GP Terek"
For two months, we were engaged in project activities on the topic "Tales A.S. Pushkin": studied the biography of A.S. Pushkin, got acquainted with his fairy tales, made crafts, was organized joint creative work of parents and children to illustrate Pushkin's fairy tales.
The result of the project activity was this occupation for the developing program "Rainbow", which was carried by a triune goal: a training, developing, educational.

1. Educational tasks:

Develop interest in fiction;
-Ship knowledge of children about fairy tales A.S. Pushkin;
- Wear communication qualities.

2. Developing tasks:

Learn listening in rhythm and text melody;
- Everyone expressively, using facial expressions, gestures to participate in the drains;
- form an emotional attitude to the works of the poet;
- to analyze the actions of the heroes, establish links, make generalizations and conclusions;
- Activate memory, attention, thinking;
- develop cognitive interest.

3. Educational challenges:

Educate love, reverent attitude and pride in Pushkin;
- a careful attitude towards the book;
- Create the ability of children to express their knowledge and impressions in productive activities;
- develop civilian feelings, educate morality, kindness, responsiveness and patriotism.
- Again an emotional response in the soul of each child when studying the material.

4. Equipment:

Screen, laptop, unfinished fakes "Golden Fish", Portrait of A.S. Pushkin, Candles, Projector, Live Fish.

5. Technologies used:
 game;
 information and communication;
 project;
 Personal - oriented;
 healthy-saving;
 Integrated training.

All parts of the classes were interrelated.
Smoothly passed from one part to another.
At the first stage, relying on the knowledge of children remembered the main facts and events from the life of A.S. Pushkin and on the basis of them gave new ones.
Great interest in children caused dramatization of a tale of the fairy tale "On Tsar Saltan", in which the students of the group played. Here the children demonstrated knowledge of fairy tales, communicative qualities, artistry, the ability to keep themselves before the public.
In the next part, the integration of fiction literacy was integrating. Here the pupils showed knowledge of letters and skill fluently reading text.
The next fairy tale passed through the riddle of the rooster, which forced children to think.
During the entire classes, he tried to intensify mental activity and cognitive interest through a variety of pedagogical technologies.
There was problematic questions that children had to express their judgments, arguing and making conclusions.
He taught to listen and hear their comrades and a teacher, as requested by the developing program "Rainbow".
In my opinion, the appearance of a lively speaking goldfish caused surprise. And they with great desire and hope we ask the fish on the fulfillment of their desires.
The artistic and productive activities of children were integrated into the artistic literature.
Throughout the lesson, the vocabulary enriched and developed the communicative abilities of children, which positively affects their speech development in the conditions of bilingualism.
All this took place alone and interesting in a relaxed atmosphere.
Heating-saving technologies were provided by a good sanitary condition of the premises, a change in kinds of children's activities, fizminutka in the middle of classes, a favorable psychological atmosphere.
I think that children received many new knowledge during project activities and emotional pleasure.
The purpose of this two-month project activity I put the cohesion of family members and the moral education of the younger generation.
In my opinion, I implemented all the tasks and goals.