What did Viktor Drobysh say about Olga Buzova? “She could work as a cashier”: how Samburskaya and Drobysh fight Olga Buzova Samburskaya parodies Buzova in a star factory.

What did Viktor Drobysh say about Olga Buzova?  “She could work as a cashier”: how Samburskaya and Drobysh fight Olga Buzova Samburskaya parodies Buzova in a star factory.
What did Viktor Drobysh say about Olga Buzova? “She could work as a cashier”: how Samburskaya and Drobysh fight Olga Buzova Samburskaya parodies Buzova in a star factory.

Olga Buzova has long been accustomed to constant criticism and learned to look at her without anger, but this time the singer showed that she also knows how to bite. On the eve of the actress, copying the movements of the artist and her manner of singing to the soundtrack.

But on this, the ill-wishers of Buzova did not calm down, and, in which he severely criticized the singer and her work, ironically advising Olga at the end of her appeal to change her occupation and become a "cashier".

Apparently, this comment was the reason for the official response of Buzova herself, who does not often react to such attacks in her address. The artist said that the musician has not only female hair length, but also the habits of an envious woman. Olga was very surprised at such hatred on the part of Drobysh, saying that the day before the musician flew headlong towards her when they met on the set of the Comedy Club to invite her to his Factory. After that, the singer announced that now, of course, there could be no question of any visit.

With regard to Samburskaya Buzova was laconic - "I'm glad that at least after that, the country learned that Nastasya is trying to sing!"

Then Olga decided to put an end to the resulting conflict by publishing in her microblog a photograph in which her palms are folded in the shape of a heart.

“While some, so that their musical creativity was noticed, make parodies of me, I, having released my debut album,“ To the Sound of Kisses ”yesterday, which took the lead on iTunes in 15 minutes, went to the studio right after the premiere, and continue to work! On November 3, at my first big solo concert at Izvestia Hall, I will surprise you! ", - the girl signed the picture. Subscribers were delighted with her worthy response and kindness.

“Well done Olga! Drobysh with his factory at the bottom, and with the release of your album, he completely realized that he would stay there. So he did this parody, thereby disgusting himself. It's like the words from your song "You don't like something, but what difference does it make to me!"

"Well done!!! Keep it up and continue to all enemies for evil !!! Good luck and strength !!! "

Sing beauty! And let everyone die of their bile! "

“I don’t like the work of Buzova, but she made them! A competent answer! "

"Well done, this factory and Samburskaya, except from" Univer ", no one remembers, and does not look!"

“Olga, you’re done! They are just jealous and furious with impotence !!! Continue to be creative !! You are good at it! I would really like to see your concert !!! But alas, I live far away! "

“Ol, they are just painfully offended that they have been singing in all their glory for dozens of years, and no one goes to concerts and ratings are at zero, and here you are in such a short period, with Plywood and on the High! They are funny and pathetic, nothing more! We must pity them, they are in your shadow! "

"They are promoting an obviously failed project at your expense ... Uncle Drobysh should be ashamed!"

“I am not a fan of Buzova, I cannot appreciate her work, but her endurance and ability to close her eyes to all the negativity that pours on her is amazing. Well done, that you do not give up Olya, no matter what! "

Olga Buzova is the person who often gives reasons for criticism or laughter. Samburskaya's parody of her video was not the first. Not so long ago, but they did it extremely delicately and really funny. Then Olga herself posted their performance in her microblog, thanking the artists for the positive emotions presented.

Actress and singer Nastasya Samburskaya performed at the "Star Factory" with a parody of Olga Buzova, in which she portrayed singing to a phonogram. Nastasya's producer Viktor Drobysh, who is also the producer of the program, added that Buzova could work as a cashier or a nurse, but definitely not sing. Olga answered both that her work is much more popular than everything that Drobysh and Samburskaya do.

Actress and singer Nastasya Samburskaya performed in the new "Star Factory" on the TVC channel as a guest star. In the style of the cartoon "Corpse Bride" she began to grimace and pretend to sing when the soundtrack was playing, and at the end lifted her skirt and showed the words "No to plywood".

Many decided that in this way Nastasya parodied Olga Buzova, with whom she has long been in conflict in public space. This idea was confirmed by the producer of Samburskaya Viktor Drobysh. He wrote on his Instagram that "Star Factory" is the best place to make fun of Olga Buzova. He called the singer "an impudent phenomenon."

She is undoubtedly a talented person, only until now no one knows what her talent is. As a musician, I am sure that music is not her strongest side.

Victor Drobysh.

The producer criticized Olga for singing to the soundtrack and said that by doing this she was harming the Russian show business.

She is not a bad person and could work, for example, as a nurse or a cashier!

Victor Drobysh.

Olga Buzova responded to the accusations on her Instagram. She wrote that while someone is doing parodies, her album "To the Sound of Kisses" 15 minutes after its release broke into the top iTunes.

Post from SLAVA (@nastya_slava) Oct 8 2017 at 5:21 PDT

Why Buzova and Samburskaya are in conflict

Difficulties in the relationship between Samburskaya and Buzova began in February 2017. Producer Maxim Fadeev at the press breakfast of the MUZ TV award said that in the Breakthrough of the Year nomination he would vote not Samburskaya, but Buzova. “This girl does everything sincerely, it can be seen,” Fadeev explained his choice.

In response, Samburskaya wrote a long post and accused Fadeev of intentionally speaking badly about her, because Nastasya refused to appear in the video of his ward Olga Seryabkina (Molly). According to Nastasya, both she and Buzova sing poorly, but Samburskaya at least does not work with a phonogram.

If I am nominated for "Breakthrough of the Year" along with Olga, I will gladly withdraw my candidacy from participation in favor of Olga Buzova. And I’ll take “Naryv of the Year” for myself, because I am in showbiz for many people, with my uncomfortable character is no worse than a chiria on my ass

Nastasya Samburskaya.

Buzova came in the commentary and invited Samburskaya to learn singing from her.

In an interview shortly after this comment, Buzova stated that she had met with Samburskaya only twice and did not know about the reasons for her antipathy.

On the eve of the parody of the "Star Factory" Nastasya, together with her colleagues at the theater on Malaya Bronnaya, made a parody of Buzova's song "Few halves".

Publication from Nastasya Samburskaya (@samburskaya) Oct 2 2017 at 12:17 pm PDT

At the end of September, Olga Buzova was noticed driving around the city on a bed attached to a car. Olga's assistant said that the strange sight was part of the filming of the project. Later, information appeared in the media that the singer could be punished for violating traffic rules - she did not receive any permits to go to bed in the city.

The editor-in-chief of the site advises the famous producer not to envy and not bring the girls to tears, but to take up the promotion of Ksenia Borodina

Lena Lenina and Olga Buzova

A big scandal broke out in our workshop. words and a parody of her ward Anastasia Samburskaya. Rarely does our quiet and polite harbor storm like that. Rarely do stars openly confront and rarely say what they think. But, as is always the case in conflicts, both are to blame. Let's figure out what each is.

Olga Buzova blew up the peace and grace of show business with an extraordinary number of fans-followers and unprecedented ratings of her freshly baked songs. Her fans are all often teenagers from the audience of "House-2", where Olga managed not only to stand out as a participant, but also to stake out the viewers of the TNT channel, very popular among young people, as the host of the same program. We must admit that teenagers are the most trusting, the most pliable and the most active part of any audience. This explains the record number of followers for her colleague, also the host of Dom-2, Ksenia Borodina. But the former presenter of the reality show Ksenia Sobchak left this TV chicken, laying the golden eggs and costing her a huge amount of criticism from a more reasonable part of the TV audience, too early. Now Ksyusha would have 10 million followers, and she could also start singing. By the way, it’s strange that Ksenia Borodina didn’t think of this before, or that some fashionable DJs didn’t persuade her to sing. Here's a free idea for you. After all, you know as well as I do that the vocals in the composition are only 20% of the success, the rest you will do for it yourself.

Be that as it may, only Buzova formed musical stars, and here we will have to admit that her perseverance, self-confidence, hard work and perseverance are the reasons for this. But as a musical product, Drobysha should not be blamed for Buzov, but for her sound producers. The poor girl is not a musician and does not understand music, this is obvious, because she does not have a musical education or great stage experience. It's good that at least I learned how to get into the phonogram, this, you know, is also not an easy task. Who does not believe, let him try.

And what else was Olya Buzova guilty of before Drobysh, besides her success? But then why is she sobbing at the parody? Even presidents are parodied, and they don't cry. And they don't send anyone to beat the humorists' muzzles. And Olya lamented through her tears in an interview that she was lonely and no one could intercede for her, "dragging in" the offender.

But why beat the producer? After all, Drobysh did not become personal and did not criticize the girl herself! He did not even say, like others, that Buzova had "small breasts" or "thick legs", but only compared her musical material with excrement. And why he does this is also understandable. Who will like such a meteoric rise to the top of the charts, contrary to musical laws and professionalism? Drobysh will not criticize Buzova, there will be dozens of others, because any criticism of Buzova today brings the critic to the main pages of newspapers and portals. As soon as the rest of the comrades-in-arms understand this, everyone will rush to kill the "upstart". And then no tears will be enough.

In general, advice to Drobysh: not to envy and not bring the girls to tears, but to take up the promotion of Ksenia Borodina, and she will succeed too. Olenka's advice: do not cry, but learn to live in show business according to its laws - someone else's success always arouses envy, and here you need to rejoice, not cry. And you shouldn't look for a man so that he “drags in” the offenders for you. It is better to become a strong woman herself, who boldly goes forward like a “caravan” and does not pay attention to the “barking of dogs”. And continue to quietly earn millions while rushing. And only a bank account at the end of the journey will show who is right and who is wrong.

Anastasia Samburskaya performed “Few Halves”. This is a parody of Buzova because of her addiction to plywood. To which Olga Buzova was found and answered Samburskaya.

During her performance at the “New Star Factory”, Samburskaya performed for Olga Buzova because of her addiction to singing to “plywood” (phonogram).

Literally soon, Anastasia Samburskaya was supported by producer Viktor Drobysh. He noted that music is not the strongest side of Buzova (ex-soloist of the "Brilliant" group).

Parody of Buzova

Samburskaya emphasized during her speech that she does it the same way as Olga Buzova to a phonogram, and the phonogram was the same as Olga Buzova. Well, of course, Buzova's gestures were parodied. It was only during the execution process that such details were added that brought this parody to a large audience and a lot, a lot of controversy, both by fans of Buzova's work and by opponents.

Better than any words to look at Samburskaya's parody of Buzova in the video "Few halves".

Samburskaya (Parody of Buzova "Few halves"). Video

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Nastasya Samburskaya @samburskaya ridiculed Buzova on the stage of the "New Star Factory" of the MUZ-TV channel. The duet with the nominee Daniil Ruvinsky ended with the inscription "no plywood" on the fifth point of Samburskaya. Whom do you support?

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