About me in the resume sample. What to include in your resume in the additional information section

About me in the resume sample.  What to include in your resume in the additional information section
About me in the resume sample. What to include in your resume in the additional information section

One of the most important components of a successful job search is a well-written resume. This small document is intended to distinguish the applicant from other applicants for the position and to interest a potential employer. It is important not only to reliably indicate age, education and work experience, but also personal qualities in the resume. Real life examples show that it is this information that recruiters and managers have been seriously paying attention to lately. You can ask for help from specialists or try to do it yourself.

Important nuances

Before choosing which personal qualities to indicate in the resume, examples and samples you need to study, familiarize yourself with the basic rules for filling out this section.

  • Any information must be true and true. Sooner or later, deception will still be revealed, so you should not lead by the nose either those around you or yourself.
  • Personal qualities should be stated briefly and clearly. However, you should not use only hackneyed general phrases that do not carry any specific information for a potential employer.
  • This section, like the entire resume in general, must be written correctly, without errors and colloquial vocabulary.
  • As a rule, you are asked to indicate the five most important personal qualities, so you do not need to overdo it and indicate everything. It is necessary to carefully analyze what kind of character traits or behavior can be useful for a particular profession or position. For example, an economist does not have to be creative, but a salesperson is very useful in getting out of conflict situations.

Groups and templates

Personal qualities for a resume can be conditionally divided into several groups, each of which has its own template phrases.

  • Job and job responsibilities. These include: high performance and hard work, dedication or focus on results, analytical skills, decisiveness, responsibility, adaptability, discipline.
  • Relationship with people. Templates: sociability, friendliness, stress resistance and non-conflict, persuasion, teamwork, fairness, politeness, literate speech.
  • Creative thinking and development. Possible options: easy learning, desire for development, desire to improve, creativity, creativity, resourcefulness.
  • Character traits. Typical expressions: perseverance, attentiveness, accuracy, activity, punctuality, decency, cheerfulness.

Personal qualities in a resume: examples of writing for some professions and positions

There are many template phrases that can be used when composing a questionnaire. The employer scrutinizes the personal qualities on the resume.

Leader example:

  • focus on the result of the work of the whole team;
  • the ability to convince and direct; availability of skills for quick analysis of the situation and decision-making;
  • stress tolerance;
  • increased efficiency.

Accountant: attentiveness to details, scrupulousness when working with documents, the ability to easily learn and adapt when changing legal requirements, perseverance, decency.

Lawyer: literacy, ability to find, memorize and analyze volumes of information, perseverance when working with documents, the ability to quickly make decisions, contact.

Secretary: pleasant and well-groomed appearance, competent speech and good diction, the ability to communicate, the ability to smooth out conflict situations, promptness, accuracy.

It is very important to correctly describe personal qualities for professions that involve working with people (managers, salespeople, consultants, etc.). You can use a sample to compose a resume.

Personal qualities (example): sociability, the ability to easily establish contact, the ability to persuade, stress resistance, non-conflict.

First job

If the resume is being drawn up for the first time, and there is still nothing to fill in the column on labor activity, then in the section on the personal qualities of a specialist it is better to indicate the following:

  • desire to develop and improve;
  • fast learner;
  • good memory;
  • activity;
  • creativity and creative approach to work;
  • desire to work in a team.

However, do not forget about the relevance of qualities for a particular place of work.

Nobody is perfect

From the information presented in the previous paragraphs, it is clear how to write personal qualities in a resume. The examples above will help you understand and correctly fill out this section. But what if the employer asks you to explain your shortcomings?

In no case should you ignore this item and leave it blank. Because ideal people simply do not exist. A reluctance to point out your weaknesses can alert a potential employer. In this matter, it should be remembered that some negative character traits or behavioral features for some professions are simply unacceptable, but for others they do not matter or, on the contrary, can be very useful.

So, let's look at personal qualities in a resume: examples, weaknesses in a favorable light:

  • Excessive scrupulousness or perfectionism. For a holiday organizer or animator, such a disadvantage will most likely greatly interfere with their work. But such an accountant or financier will be just a godsend for the manager.
  • Excessive activity. For professions that require perseverance (analysts, calculators, economists, accountants, seamstresses, telephone operators, etc.), this is a big drawback, but for those who are expected to be "rolled mountains" (managers, salesmen, journalists, etc.) ), this negative quality is actually simply irreplaceable.
  • Inability to deceive or cheat. For the seller, most likely, such a disadvantage will be significant, but an assistant manager with such a weak side will suit a potential employer.
  • The presence of bad habits. Today, many firms and enterprises refuse to employ people who lead an unhealthy lifestyle, but a person who smokes cigarettes will quite harmoniously fit into the position of a sales manager in a tobacco company.
  • Appearance. For example, being overweight can be a huge disadvantage for many professions, but for a support dispatcher or a telephone operator taking taxi orders, such a disadvantage does not matter at all, since no one will see it.

Resume at an interview

When writing your profile, you should take into account the likelihood that at the interview the applicant will be asked to confirm what he wrote with specific actions. Therefore, it is worth seriously considering what personal qualities to include in your resume.

Example: a person claiming to be an analyst wrote about his ability to quickly find any information. At the interview, he may be asked to do this in order to make sure in practice that he has this skill.

Or another example: a job seeker for the position of a sales manager who easily finds an approach to people may be asked to meet and take the phone number from the first person they meet.

Such checks are now very popular and are used in hiring in many large companies.

How to write the right resume for a job?

Recently, most employers have begun to require a resume from applicants for a job. And if earlier this trend was observed exclusively in large companies, now even small firms ask future employees to present themselves correctly. Almost always, after receiving a resume, they carefully study it, trying to understand in absentia what kind of person wrote it.

That is why the preparation of this presentation document must be taken quite seriously. If you fail to make the right impression with it, then it is very likely that you will not be invited to a personal meeting with the employer.

What qualities of an employee does an employer need?

Qualities that any employer will love

Almost all first-time resume people focus on skills related to the job they want to get. That is why most of all they try to show how competent they are in what they will have to do. Of course, you can also indicate such data in your resume, but as practice shows, most employers pay attention to completely different qualities.

They do this because they understand that no matter how well a person studies, without practice his knowledge means nothing. That is why it is easier for them to take a person who shows initiative and is ready to learn something new, rather than someone who is trying to prove his superiority without confirming it by any actions.

Qualities that any employer will love:

  • Initiative
  • Operability
  • Attentiveness
  • A responsibility
  • Accuracy
  • Punctuality
  • Discipline
  • Hard work

Yes, and remember that a resume is first and foremost a correct presentation, so if you want to get the right opinion of you, then try not to over-praise yourself. In no case, do not devote half of your resume to your positive qualities. It will be quite enough if you name 5-7 pieces and, of course, do not forget to mention the negative traits of your character. After all, no matter how regrettable it is to admit it, each person has its own disadvantages. Therefore, if you do not say anything about them, the employer will think that you are trying to look better than you really are.

Also, do not forget that the resume refers to official documents, so it is undesirable to use slang words and comic phrases when compiling it. You should talk about yourself in a rather restrained way, but at the same time show that you are quite sociable and easily make contact. Believe me, if you take into account all these nuances, you can pleasantly surprise the most strict boss with your resume.

Versatile personal qualities for resumes - positive and negative for men and women

Versatile personal qualities for a resume

If you realize that you do not have any outstanding abilities, you can always indicate on your resume the universal qualities that are suitable for all professions. Such a little trick will help you form the right opinion about yourself, and it is likely that the employer will not begin to get hung up on some specific professional qualities. And remember that the resume should include qualities that are more suitable than others for the position you want to get.

After all, if you get a job as a loader, but at the same time indicate that you have good charisma, then this will only amuse the one who will read this. Describing yourself in just a few words will help the employer understand what to expect from you. As practice shows, employers simply refuse to read a resume, in which it is written on 2 pages about what a good person is, and immediately delete such individuals from the list of applicants for a place.

Positive qualities for a resume, for men and women:

  • Learnability (you can indicate that you are ready to attend additional courses and trainings)
  • Opportunity to work overtime (including on weekends)
  • Complete absence of bad habits (it is assumed that you do not smoke or drink alcohol at all)
  • Resilience to stress (you are not afraid of any difficulties)
  • Industriousness (willingness to give in full for the sake of a common cause)

Negative qualities for a resume, for men and women:

  • Straightforwardness (prefer to tell the person what you think of them)
  • Scrupulousness (do not like to do the work quickly in the way that you think it worsens the result)
  • Demanding (always expect more from people)
  • Pedantry (always meticulously follow some rules)
  • Self-love (think that in some cases you are head and shoulders above others)

Personal and personal qualities for a resume - strengths and weaknesses for a man

Personal and personality traits for a resume

As you probably already understood, a resume is a kind of business card of an applicant for a job, so it should be drawn up as briefly and informatively as possible. If possible, you should make sure that all information about you fits literally on one piece of paper. And this means that in addition to generally accepted professional qualities, you must also indicate personal ones. Usually, it is on them that the employer judges how ideally the applicant suits him.

But still keep in mind, as much as you would like to embellish yourself, you should not do this. If you write that you are a very kind person, but in fact it turns out that this is not so at all, then in the end everyone will know about it and you will earn yourself a small minus that will prevent you from moving up the career ladder. Therefore, it will be better if you immediately write the truth about yourself, and if your prospective bosses can initially accept your disadvantages, then in the future you will not get into unpleasant situations.

Strengths of men:

  • Active
  • Contact
  • Conscientious
  • Creative
  • Plodding

Weaknesses of men:

  • Irascible
  • Disorderly
  • Optional
  • Arrogant
  • Selfish

Personal and personal qualities for a resume - strengths and weaknesses for a girl, a woman

Strengths and weaknesses for girls, women in resume

It just so happened, but in our country it is very difficult for a woman to find a good high-paying job. As practice shows, most employers are afraid that the applicant has children and she will constantly go to sick leave or take time off in order to solve some problems associated with her children. In view of this, it will be better if you specify in your resume that you are ready to stay after work when it is needed, and then calmly move on to classifying personal qualities.

At the same time, be sure to consider what you will be doing and indicate the qualities that are more suitable than others for your chosen field. That is, if you want to get a job, for example, as an economist, then it is best for you to clarify that you are very assiduous, attentive and meticulous. If you wish, you can indicate that you already have experience in a similar field and make a short story. Short means that it should consist of a maximum of 5 short sentences. Ideally, it should be read for approximately 2 minutes. If it takes more time, the employer may think that you are trying to over-praise yourself.

Strengths of women and girls:

  • Patience
  • A responsibility
  • Purposefulness
  • Cheerfulness
  • Determination

Weaknesses of women and girls:

  • Impulsiveness
  • Excessive emotionality
  • Vindictiveness
  • Resentment
  • Intolerance

What to write about yourself in the column additional information in the resume, personal qualities?

Information in summary

The additional information about yourself column gives you the opportunity to tell about what you love and know more extensively. In this case, it is permissible to make small descriptions instead of lists with attributes. For example, if you want to tell your future employer that you are very sociable, then write that in any situations you will try to build your relationships in the team in such a way that all colleagues can trust you. Also in this column you can show how much you are in demand in society.

Understanding this will help provide information about what professional contacts you have. In addition, you can indicate that you are volunteering or are a member of the parent committee. Such information will show you as a person who can completely free of charge spend your time for the benefit of others. If the job that you are trying to get is connected with travel within the country or abroad, then be sure to specify that you have the rights and the passport.

Also, be sure to indicate how much driving experience you have. At the very end, you can talk about what you love to do in life. Although very rare, employers nevertheless select employees who like what they like. This makes it possible for two unfamiliar people to quickly understand each other, and sometimes even make friends.

What are the best 5 positive and 5 negative qualities to indicate in the resume to the head

Positive qualities of a leader

If you were attentive, you probably realized that knowing some of the nuances, the correct resume can be written in literally 20 minutes. All that will be required of an applicant for a job is to tell as truthfully as possible about yourself and do it without any exaggeration. This is how all job seekers, including those applying for a managerial position, should proceed. True, in the case of a leader, some positive qualities are not enough.

It would be better if you indicate whether you have similar work experience and, most importantly, what financial results your department has achieved while you were managing it. Also, in this case, it is necessary to clarify how well you are able to draw up plans for the development of employees, how well you understand financial statements, and, of course, do you know foreign languages ​​(be sure to list which ones and specify at what level).

5 positive qualities for a leader:

  • Mentally stable
  • Eloquent
  • Disciplined
  • Leader by nature
  • Responsible

5 negative qualities for a leader:

  • Hypocritical
  • Cunning
  • Arrogant
  • Aggressive
  • Irascible

What are the best 5 positive and 5 negative qualities to indicate in the resume to the manager?

Positive qualities of a manager

At the moment, the vacancy of a manager is the most popular among job seekers. As a rule, in this case, people are attracted by the fact that they definitely do not have to work in the cold and do hard physical work. And although managers are recruited in different areas (sales, purchases, advertising, recruiting), employers almost always expect one thing from them. Maximum activity, sociability and, of course, openness.

If you do not possess these three qualities, it is better for you, in general, not to try to get a job as a manager. Indeed, as practice shows, if a person is too slow, sluggish and non-contact, then in most cases he does not cope with the goals set for him.

5 positive qualities in a manager's resume:

  • Openness
  • Energy
  • The ability to think soberly in difficult situations
  • Diligence
  • Decency

5 negative qualities in a manager's resume:

  • Conflictness
  • Carelessness
  • Irritability
  • Indecision
  • Envy

What are the best 5 positive and 5 negative qualities to indicate in the resume to the secretary

Positive qualities of a secretary

Quite a number of people find the job of a secretary very easy. That is why young girls who have mastered the simplest computer courses begin to storm the offices of large companies, already imagining their future salary.

In fact, the modern secretary has many responsibilities. In addition to fast and competent typing, he should be well versed in the rules for drawing up various documents, have initial skills in working with Photoshop and, if possible, know at least one foreign language.

And only if you have all these skills, you will be able to get a job in a good company. But still remember that in addition to the above qualities, it is very important for the employer that his assistant is organized. Therefore, it will be better if, when writing a resume, you focus on your ability to organize business meetings and properly prepare documents for them.

5 positive qualities in a resume to a secretary:

  • Initiative
  • Punctuality
  • A responsibility
  • Awareness
  • Politeness

5 negative qualities in a resume to a secretary:

  • Talkativeness
  • Carelessness
  • Boorishness
  • Sloppiness

What are the best 5 positive and 5 negative qualities to indicate to an accountant in a resume?

Positive qualities of an accountant

Accountant belongs to those professions that require maximum concentration of attention and perseverance. Therefore, creating a resume for this position, you should clarify that you are the most attentive person who is capable of doing monotonous work for hours. But still remember that in most cases employers require applicants for this position not only to be able to add numbers for hours.

They strive to get an employee who will keep all the financial secrets of the company. In view of this, you simply have to focus the attention of the future boss on the fact that you are not inclined to talk too much and know how to keep other people's secrets.

Another quality that should definitely be mentioned in the resume is high responsibility. Whatever one may say, sometimes an accountant has to deal with the preparation of financial statements exactly when everyone else is resting.

5 positive qualities in a resume for an accountant:

  • Ability to analyze
  • Self-organization
  • Attentiveness
  • Perseverance
  • Trustworthiness

5 negative qualities in an accountant's resume:

  • Overconfidence
  • Deceit
  • Impudence
  • Suspicion
  • Absent-mindedness

Non-conflict, high learning ability, no bad habits, sociability: how to prove their presence to the employer?

An example of a correct resume

As practice shows, most job seekers slightly embellish their resume, so some employers try to understand how true it is when meeting in person. The applicant for the workplace is invited for an interview and asked leading questions that help to reveal the person as well as possible.

Most often, such questions are asked covertly, for example, the employer can, as it were, accidentally find out your opinion about a conflict situation, and based on your answers, draw a conclusion about how truthfully you wrote in your resume about your attitude to scandals and squabbles.

In view of this, if you want to prove that your resume is true then:

  • Make eye contact when speaking.
  • Don't look away if you don't like what you hear.
  • Try to listen to the interlocutor's questions to the end
  • Speak calmly, clearly articulating all sounds
  • Never allow yourself to make caustic jokes.
  • Try to surprise the employer with knowledge related to the desired job

Video: How to write a CV - step by step instructions, tips, mistakes in the resume

A well-written resume is the key to a successful job search. Many do not know what to write about personal qualities, how to stand out among the applicants with the help of this, to show the best side for potential employers. The resume must indicate both professional skills and valuable personal qualities.

Positive qualities for a resume

While showing your strengths, highlight 5-7 characteristics that clearly reflect your character. When choosing suitable personal qualities from the list, it is important not to overestimate or underestimate self-esteem. Assess yourself sensibly and determine what character traits are needed for a particular job:

  • activity;
  • Analytical mind;
  • ambition;
  • quick adaptation to changes;
  • attentiveness;
  • politeness;
  • discipline;
  • friendliness;
  • initiative;
  • sociability;
  • reliability;
  • focus on results;
  • optimism;
  • responsiveness;
  • decency;
  • punctuality;
  • independence;
  • the ability to make decisions quickly;
  • stress tolerance;
  • striving for self-improvement, development;
  • creative approach to assigned tasks;
  • the ability to get along with the team;
  • the ability to persuade;
  • purposefulness;
  • honesty.

Negative qualities

All people have flaws, and if you openly show your weaknesses to the employer, he will understand that you are adequately assessing your character.

Some negative qualities can be ideal for one type of work and categorically interfere with other activities.

The ability to recognize your own negative character traits is always appreciated by the employer.

Choose a few of the characteristics from the list below, honestly:

  • trust only in confirmed facts;
  • gullibility to people, naivety;
  • overestimated exactingness to oneself and others;
  • isolation, desire for solitude;
  • slowness;
  • inability to perform monotonous work;
  • non-standard approach to problem solving, creativity;
  • lack of skills and experience in certain activities;
  • pedantry, scrupulousness;
  • increased sense of responsibility;
  • straightforwardness;
  • self-confidence;
  • modesty;
  • excessive activity.

Examples of personal qualities in a resume

Personal characteristics of a person are conventionally divided into groups and directions, which are applied depending on the position and vacancy. It:

  1. Attitude to work. Personal characteristics for a resume:
    • conscientiousness;
    • initiative;
    • interest in learning the intricacies of the profession;
    • diligence;
    • creativity;
    • persistence;
    • responsible attitude to assignments;
    • hard work;
    • perseverance.
  2. Attitude towards people. Personal qualities for a resume:
    • politeness;
    • flexibility in communication;
    • benevolence;
    • friendliness;
    • sociability;
    • responsiveness;
    • the ability to quickly find a way out of stressful situations;
    • ability to convince;
    • Justice;
    • tolerance, respect for people;
    • ability to work in a team;
    • clear diction, competent speech.
  3. Feature of character, attitude towards oneself. Personal characteristics for a resume:
    • active;
    • attentive;
    • disciplined;
    • cheerful;
    • decent;
    • punctual;
    • punctual;
    • self-critical;
    • stress-resistant;
    • confident;
    • plodding;
    • fair.
  4. Attitude to one's own and work things. Personal qualities of a person:
    • careful;
    • I always keep my workplace tidy;
    • neat;
    • neat.

Depending on the position for which the applicant applies, suitable character traits are indicated. For example, for an analyst, an economist, the following qualities are suitable:

  • pedantry;
  • attentiveness;
  • perseverance;
  • a responsibility;
  • accuracy;
  • diligence.

In the engineer's resume

In addition to professional skills, knowledge and skills, indicate several personal options from the list:

  • attentive;
  • disciplined;
  • result-oriented;
  • responsible;
  • self-organized;
  • independent;
  • ability to concentrate;
  • technical mindset;
  • balanced;
  • plodding;
  • purposeful.

Strengths in a lawyer's resume

This profession is associated with defending the interests of people and helping in solving problems, so applicants must meet stringent requirements. List of suitable qualities:

  • attention to detail;
  • friendly attitude towards people;
  • logical thinking;
  • defending a certain point of view;
  • the ability to quickly win over the interlocutor;
  • the ability to consciously conduct a dialogue;
  • Justice;
  • striving for development;
  • self confidence;
  • the ability to find a way out of difficult situations;
  • the ability to clearly convey your point of view;
  • resistance to conflict situations.

In the accountant's resume

The applicant for this position must have financial literacy, be able to manage the company's money. Choose a few personal, suitable options from the list:

  • careful;
  • attentive to detail;
  • executive;
  • loyal;
  • non-conflict;
  • responsible;
  • organized;
  • punctual;
  • scrupulous;
  • capable of learning;
  • stress-resistant;
  • plodding;
  • vigorous.

Sales manager

In order to get this job, you must have the following personal qualities:

  • adequate self-esteem;
  • politeness;
  • high responsibility;
  • competent speech, clear diction;
  • initiative;
  • communication skills;
  • loyalty;
  • multitasking;
  • non-standard approach to solving the assigned tasks;
  • sociability;
  • result orientation;
  • positive thinking;
  • presentable appearance;
  • punctuality;
  • the ability to learn and memorize large amounts of information;
  • stress tolerance;
  • hard work;
  • self confidence;

For manager's resume

To get a managerial position, you need to highlight the following qualities:

  • quick analysis;
  • building communications;
  • flexibility of thinking;
  • interest;
  • multitasking;
  • observation;
  • persistence;
  • organizational skills;
  • orientation towards obtaining the desired result;
  • entrepreneurial skills;
  • exactingness;
  • the ability to inspire and lead;
  • energy;
  • independent decision making.

Positive qualities for the driver

Key personal qualities of the candidate:

  • polite;
  • attentive to the details;
  • flexible in communication;
  • communicable;
  • loyal;
  • responsible;
  • decent;
  • prudent;
  • punctual;
  • stress-resistant;
  • tolerant.


An energetic character is suitable for this position. Employers pay attention to applicants who have the following qualities:

  • quick adaptation in non-standard situations;
  • high diligence;
  • competent speech;
  • bringing to the result;
  • love of life;
  • initiative;
  • sociability;
  • learnability;
  • organization;
  • a responsibility;
  • positive attitude;
  • stress tolerance;
  • ability to work in a team;
  • purposefulness.


For an employer, applicants with the following characteristics are valuable for this position:

  • ambitious;
  • polite;
  • diplomatic;
  • having a presentable appearance;
  • initiative;
  • having the ability to listen and hear;
  • communicative;
  • team-oriented;
  • responsible;
  • positive-minded;
  • independent;
  • striving for professional and personal development;
  • stress-resistant;
  • patient;
  • hardworking;
  • confident;
  • purposeful;
  • vigorous.

Frequent mistakes

Be extremely careful when listing the positive and negative qualities on your resume. The choice of characteristics is determined by the desired position and the internal culture of the company.

It is important that these personality traits are perceived in a positive aspect, and not as disadvantages.

For example, leadership skills and charisma are undesirable for an accountant, while pedantry and modesty will be a disadvantage in a creative team.

To avoid mistakes in describing personal qualities, follow the recommendations of experienced personnel officers:

  1. You should not use only template phrases. Convey in your own words, in a restrained manner, personal traits. Exclusively for creative professions, humor and creativity can be applied to a resume.
  2. Do not specify more than 5 characteristics. Try to avoid vague, generalized phrases such as talented, responsible. It is better to choose an individual character trait that suits you and the desired position exactly.
  3. Draw the employer's attention to personality traits that are easy to test immediately, such as energetic, sociable.
  4. When characterizing negative qualities, one should not shirk the answer. It is better to name a few options and indicate how you work on them, how you improve your character.


Good afternoon, dear friend!

About myself, either good or not. This is the main rule of thumb for a resume. You will tell about your shortcomings during the interview. What should you write about yourself in your resume? This is what today's conversation is about.

They usually write about themselves in the "personal qualities" or "additional information" section. Depends on the structure of the template on the production site. On Headhunter, the section is called "About Me".

You can include some of your personal qualities in the column. Those that you think are relevant to the job and can characterize you in the right way.

The point is that the “key skills” section is higher and the recruiter pays more attention to it.

If your personal qualities that you want to pay attention to are in the basement, it will be a shame if the recruiter's blurry gaze simply does not reach them.

For example, you are used to always doing more than is expected of you. This is a habit worth paying attention to as an employer. Feel free to include it in the skills section. Many employers dream of having such employees on their team.

Personal qualities and hobbies that are unlikely to be useful in this job are better left in additional information or not written at all.

What to write?

The worst thing you can do is write like this:

  • Result oriented
  • Discipline
  • Operability

The best result that you will get with such wording is that the recruiter will simply skip them. In the worst case, yours will go to the basket. Such formulations "about nothing" are pretty boring to everyone and are frankly annoying.

Do you yourself believe that you are efficient, disciplined? Yes? Then take some time to make the wording “live”.

Your task is to "hook" the recruiter, to be remembered, to arouse interest in yourself.

How to write?

Let's create examples:

  • We convert discipline to: WITHI carry out the assigned tasks in a large-scale manner by the due date.
  • Efficiency: WITHable to carry out a large amount of work with excellent quality for a long time.
  • Loyalty: Have I have an important attitude towards the company, management and colleagues.
  • Analytic skills: Able to structure a large amount of heterogeneous data and draw conclusions.
  • High quality work: I constantly raise the quality standards of my work .
  • Customer focus: I have a habit of doing more than is expected of me.
  • Active life position: I am a member of the parent committee of the school.

The list can be continued for quite a long time. Thinking the meaning is clear to you. The method is similar to how we worked with skills:

  1. Making a list of our personal qualities
  2. We write unique wording. Meaningful, but not too long.
  3. For each vacancy, we select three or four that are most suitable. We include one or two of the most important in the key skills section. The most important and useful thing for an employer is c.

Those that we have already written above - you can take as a sample or remake for yourself.

Identification mark

Let's look at one more quality:

a) “Focus on results”. It's about nothing, as we have already decided.

b) "Aims at obtaining a result that meets the specified criteria and on time"... Better now, right?

And now like this:

c) "Frenzy towards the result"

What do you think? Ambiguous? Unclear? Pretentious?

Perhaps, but I bet that when you close this article, you will remember this exact wording. Is it clear where I'm going?

This “frenzy” I “slammed” about 15 years ago at the presentation of one company. When asked what this means, the author of the presentation said something with a smile, from his explanations I understood that this was a marketing move. To be remembered.

And they succeeded! I don’t remember the name of the company, much less what they presented, but the phrase was remembered for a long time.

I didn’t always include it, simply because I didn’t lack invitations anyway. Besides, “fury” is a somewhat exaggerated characteristic for me.

But when I was invited for an interview, the recruiter or manager almost always asked how I would comment on this phrase. Hooked.

The unusual combination of “fury towards the result” has become a kind of identification mark that arouses curiosity and interest. And most importantly, this is not just frenzy, but - to the result)

Find Your Frenzy

The sequence is as follows:

  1. Find a quality in yourself that you are truly proud of.
  2. Find a killer catchy word or comparison that characterizes this quality. It can be a metaphor, an adjective, a slogan.
  3. Think about how you will “decipher” your “frenzy of results” in a conversation with a recruiter or manager.

For example, your humble servant used to say: “frenzy - figuratively speaking - a condition that a bear probably experiences when he smells honey. It cannot be stopped. Until he receives his honey, he will not rest. " Something like that.

And it is likely that somewhere in the company where you sent your resume, the following dialogue will take place:

Have you seen Ivanov's resume?

And, is this the one who has a frenzy for the result? Invite him, it will be interesting with him.

Such a word-magnet is not a panacea, of course. But it’s a perfectly reasonable move, allowing you to stand out from the slender ranks of faceless, “result-oriented” candidates and attract attention.

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There is a huge selection of various vacancies on the labor market. It's not a secret for anyone that the more attractive the proposed position, the greater the number of those who would like to get this position, which means the higher the competition. You can increase your chances of getting the job you want by writing your resume correctly and clearly.

A large number of professionals have secured positions in popular firms and leading businesses thanks to their excellent resume. The initial impression of you as a potential employee, for any good boss, is created by just such a document. Let's figure out how to arrange it and what to write about yourself in it.

Structure and requirements for a standard resume

A resume is a serious and often binding document that marks your skills, education, and work experience. It is your presentation and your business card, so it is necessary that, based on it, the potential boss understands that you are a great employee.

Remember the important characteristics of a resume:

  • The document should not be too long. Its optimal size is one page.
  • The font of the entire document must be clear and readable.
  • All personal qualities and skills are written exclusively in the form of present tense and first person and in no other way.
  • The entire document must be in the same style.
  • A photo must be attached to the resume. It is important that only you and no one else are in the picture.
  • There should be no typos, spelling, grammatical or punctuation errors.
  • The entire document must be in a business style.
  • The resume is written in the language that is often used in the organization to which you apply. For example, if the company is based in London, then the resume needs to be translated into English.

Information that should be in the resume

When filling out his own questionnaire, any person is faced with a problem: what to describe in it? Considering different options for possible resumes, the experts noted that they are somewhat similar to each other. The main points of the questionnaire do not depend on the position for which you are applying, no matter what they must always be present.

These include:

  1. Personal information. Here they usually write the following data: Last name First name Patronymic, date of birth, home address, contacts by which you can be contacted (phone number, email, Skype, Telegram, Whatsapp, Viber, etc.) and more.
  2. The position you would like to get.
  3. Education. Here they usually specify the educational institution in which you attended and the date of graduation.
  4. Work experience. In this category, you need to indicate all the firms and companies in which you worked. In addition, prescribe the position or responsibilities that you have performed; the period of time that you worked there. Merits and awards received for this work are added, if available. If the squeak of work is carried out for the first time, then it should be noted that there is no work experience.
  5. Key skills. In this part of the questionnaire, your abilities and skills are noted as a good specialist.
  6. About myself. Additional information about you fits in here. All personal qualities, hobbies and hobbies that will create only good impressions about you are written here.
  7. Recommendations. All positive reviews that were left about you in previous jobs, if any, are noted here.
  8. Portfolio. There is no need to rewrite all successful projects and assignments. This paragraph notes that you can attach all of them if needed.

Section "About me". What to write? Examples.

A big mistake when writing a resume is to skip the "About me" section. Many people simply believe that only all information about professional knowledge and skills is more important in a resume. This is completely wrong. After all, each of us is primarily a person, and not a thoughtless working mechanism. Your manager will spend enough time with you and it is important to him what kind of person you are. The section "About Me" must be present in any resume. And what should I write here?

In this section, the following information is usually noted:

  • Personal qualities. Here are the characteristics that will prove you as an excellent employee in front of the employer. On the website of companies, the requirements for applicants for a particular position are often indicated, which means that some of them can be transferred to this point.
  • Habits. Bad habits are not indicated here in any case, but you can indicate that they are not. It is better to indicate here that you are used to bringing all the work to the end, working outside the time frame or something similar that will characterize you well.
  • Business connections. Here we boldly write that you are a member of a charitable foundation, volunteer or part of a social movement. This is another plus for your resume.
  • The documents. An open visa, driver's license or other documents that you will need in your future work.
  • Hobby. Hobbies for sports, art, collecting are indicated in this section. But addictions to card games, sweepstakes and other gambling entertainment are best kept secret.
  • Knowledge of foreign languages. If you know three words in Italian, you do not need to write that you are fluent in it. Indicate those languages ​​that you really know at least at a conversational level.

A resume needs live speech, not boring terminology!

Brevity and conciseness are important parameters of every resume. But this does not mean that it should consist of lists of various terms that characterize you. A potential employer will decide that you just copied a set of qualities from the bowels of the network, which means that because of such indifference to your own resume, you simply will not be hired for this job. The "About Me" section needs to be made out in a more colorful and lively way.

Therefore, instead of standard formulations, you can use more lively synonyms:

  • Sociability. Instead, you can write that you have the desire to build trusting relationships with partners for productive and successful joint activities;
  • A responsibility. We write: a clear response to the assigned work, its quick and independent implementation;
  • Discipline. We point out: Ability to clearly follow the rules of work and conduct in accordance with the company's charter;
  • Punctuality. Instead, it is better to note that you never break the schedule or deadlines of the assigned work;
  • Efficiency. Write that you can do a great job without breaking deadlines and losing quality;
  • Loyalty. Point out that you respect the interests and beliefs of your colleagues;
  • Analytic skills. Indicate that you are able to study and organize a large amount of information and draw correct conclusions;
  • Customer focus. Instead, you can simply write that you work only using the requirements and expectations of the client;
  • Active life position. Write that you have a desire to improve your performance and business process.

How do you identify your key skills?

Writing and styling your resume is not an easy task. Sometimes even a good person does not always know what to note in the key skills section. This is just stumping. Usually everyone is limited to computer skills, foreign languages ​​and work with documentation. But this is very much to characterize you as an excellent specialist. How do you know what to write?

Use one simple algorithm:

  • Start by making a list of everything you can do in your work plan. Do not limit the list to classics, but rather try to remember what you did in your previous job. Thus, the ability to speak in public, the ability to negotiate and much more will appear on your list.
  • Next, carefully read everything that you wrote, divide the information into categories of ownership. Be sure to mark your degrees on your resume so the employer knows what to expect from you.
  • From the entire list, select only those skills that you need for your proposed position, and include them in your resume.

How to properly present your resume?

The correct questionnaire should always be short, but very capacious. The layout of this document is as important as its content. A very rude and common oversight is the design of the resume in solid text. It is better to use bulleted lists, and the most convenient and beautiful option is a table. It is readable and perceived much easier and faster, and visually the document looks better than just text.

So, in order to increase the likelihood of getting exactly the job that you need, it is important to follow the rules and regulations for drawing up the questionnaire. To get the right document about you and your skills, you should pay maximum attention to it. The best solution would be to draw up a classic document according to a common standard, and then adjust it in accordance with the requirements of the company or organization to which it will be submitted.