What is waterville in the literature. Definition. Dictionary of literary terms What is waterville, which means and how to spell

What is waterville in the literature. Definition. Dictionary of literary terms What is waterville, which means and how to spell
What is waterville in the literature. Definition. Dictionary of literary terms What is waterville, which means and how to spell


- (from Franz. Vaudeville) - the view of the comedy: a play of an entertainment or an entertaining intrigue and an uncomfortable household plot, in which the dramatic action is combined with music, songs, dancing.

Dictionary of literary terms. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, the meanings of the word and what is waterville in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • VAUDEVILLE in the literary encyclopedia:
    . - The word comes from the French "Val de Vire" - the Virgin Valley. Vir - River in Normandy. In the XVII century ...
  • VAUDEVILLE in the big encyclopedic dictionary:
    (Franz. Vaudeville from Vau de Vire - Vir River Vis in Normandy, where folk songs - water waters were distributed), ...
  • VAUDEVILLE in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia, BSE:
    (Franz. Vaudeville), light comedy play with songs-tickets and dancing. Motherland V. - France. The name comes from the valley of p. VIU (Vau ...
  • VAUDEVILLE in the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Franz. The word vaudeville comes from the word Vaux-de-Vire, that is, the valley of Vira in Normandy, the birthplace of the national poet of Olivier Bolshelana, ...
  • VAUDEVILLE in the modern encyclopedic dictionary:
    (French VAUDEVILLE, from Vau de Vire, literally - Vir River Valley in Normandy, where 15th centuries were common ...
    [French VAUDEVILLE] 1) Street city song 1 6 V. in France; 2) Small theatrical Piece of Lung, Comedy Character with Purchasing ...
  • VAUDEVILLE in the encyclopedic dictionaries:
    , I, m. Short comic play, usually with singing. Waterville - related to water, watervilleam; like waterville. || Wed Musical ...
  • VAUDEVILLE in the encyclopedic dictionary:
    [DE], -I, m. Short comic play, usually with singing. II adj. Water, ...
  • VAUDEVILLE in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Vaudeville (Franz. Vaudeville, from Vau de Vire - Vir River Vis in Normandy, where in the 15th century. Nar. ...
  • VAUDEVILLE in the encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    Franz. The word vaudeville comes from the word Vaux-de-Vire, that is, the valley of Vira in Normandy, the birthplace of the national poet of Olivier Bolshelana, ...
  • VAUDEVILLE in the full accentuated paradigm on the link:
    water "Lee, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Lamov, Lamov, Lamovy, ...
  • VAUDEVILLE in the popular intelligent encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language:
    [DE], -I, m. Piece of a light comedy character with an entertaining intrigue, in which the dialogs alternate with singing of bakers and dances. Plot …
  • VAUDEVILLE in the dictionary for solving and drafting scanvords:
    Musical ...
  • VAUDEVILLE in the new foreign word dictionary:
    (FR. VAUDEVILLE) 1) Street city song in France 16th century; 2) a lung play, comedy with bosses and dances; ...
  • VAUDEVILLE in the dictionary of foreign expressions:
    [FR. VAUDEVILLE] 1. Street city song in France 16th century; 2. Pieces of light, comedy character with poples and dances; 3. ...
  • VAUDEVILLE in the Synonyms Dictionary Abramova:
    see spectacle, ...
  • VAUDEVILLE in the dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language:
    waterword, spectacle, television, farce, ...
  • VAUDEVILLE in the new intelligent-word-formative dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    m. 1) A short dramatic work of a light genre with an entertaining intrigue, twice and dance songs. 2) Study. Joking Water Song, Joking ...
  • VAUDEVILLE in the dictionary of the Russian language of Lopatina:
    water'ev'il, ...
  • VAUDEVILLE in the full spelling dictionary of the Russian language:
    waterville, ...
  • VAUDEVILLE in the spelling dictionary:
    water'ev'il, ...
  • VAUDEVILLE in the dictionary of the Russian language Ozhegova:
    short comic play, usually with ...
  • Waterville in the Dalya dictionary:
    husband. , Franz. Dramatic spectacle with songs, singing, and the opera and the opener is all laid on the music. Waterville, relating. to water waters ...
  • VAUDEVILLE in the modern explanatory dictionary, BSE:
    (Franz. Vaudeville, from Vau de Vire - Vir River Vis in Normandy, where 15th century folk songs were distributed), ...

VAUDEVILLE(Franz. Vaudeville), a magnitude of a light comedy play or a performance with an entertaining intrigue or anecdotal plot, accompanied by music, purchases, dancing.

Waterville originated and formed in France (actually, the name itself comes from the Vir River Valley in Normandy, - Vau de Vire, - where in the 15th century. People's poet songwriter Olivier Baslin lived). In the 16th century "Watervilles" called mocked street city songs-couplets, as a rule, ridicuing the feudalists who became the main enemies of the monarchist power in the era of absolutism. In the first half of the 18th century The watervilles began to call the charges with a repeated refrain, which were introduced into fair views. In that period, the genre was determined: "Presentation with watervilles" (i.e., with bonding). By the middle of the 18th century. Waterville stood in a separate theater genre.

Early waterville is closely associated with synthetic fair aesthetics: buffonade, Pantomimoy, eccentric characters of the People's Theater (Harlequin, etc.). His distinctive feature was a topicality: the couppers were performed, as a rule, not on the original music, but on familiar popular melodies, which, undoubtedly, made it possible to prepare a new presentation for a very short time. This attached to water extraordinary mobility and flexibility - it is not by chance that the first flowering of Waterville falls on the years of the French bourgeois revolution (1789-1794). The possibility of an immediate response to the events of the events made a hydroevil the campaign tool of revolutionary ideology. After the revolution, the waterville loses paphos and topical sharpness; However, its popularity does not fall, but, on the contrary, it increases. It was in Waterville that there is a passion for a joke, Kalambura, wit, that, according to A.Gezen, "is one of the essential and beautiful elements of a French character." By the beginning of the 1790s, the popularity of Waterville in France is so great that the Actors' Actors Theater Actors opens the Waterville Theater (1792). Following it, other watering theaters are opening up - "Trubadurov Theater", "Theater Montanxier" and others. And the genre itself gradually begins to penetrate into the theaters of other genres, accompanying the "serious" plays. The most famous French authors of Waterville - Eugene Skreb (who wrote in the 18th century - independently and in collaboration with other writers more than 150 watervilles) and Eugene Labish (19th century). It is noteworthy that the screenshots and the labis are maintained and currently retain their popularity (Soviet television film Straw Hat According to the play, E.Labishes gladly look at the audience not one ten years old).

The French water department gave impetus to the development of the genre in many countries and had a significant impact on the development of the European Comedy of the 19th century, and not only in dramaturgy, but also in its stage incarnation. The basic principles of the structure of the genre - the rapid rhythm, the ease of dialogue, live communication with the viewer, the brightness and expressiveness of characters, vocal and dance numbers - contributed to the development of the synthetic actor, which owns the receptions of external reincarnation, rich in plastic and vocal culture.

In Russia, Waterville appeared in the early 19th century, as a genre, developing on the basis of a comic opera. A.Griboyedov, A.Pisarev, N.Nekrasov, F.Koni, D. Salegin, V.Sollogub, P. Kratygin, P. Grigoriev, P. Fedorov, and others have contributed to the formation of the Russian Dramatic School of Waterville. Stage history of Russian waterville. The pleiad of brilliant Russian comedian actors is widely known, in which Waterville was the basis of the repertoire: N. Dyur, V.Asenkova, V. Zhivokini, N. Samulov, etc. However, the largest actors of the realistic direction worked and not less successful in water waters: M.Stskin, I.Sosnitsky, A. Martynov, K. Klamov, V. Davydov, etc.

However, by the end of the 19th century. Waterville practically comes off the Russian scene, displaced both by the rapid development of the realistic theater, and - on the other hand, no less turbulent development of operetta. At the turn of the 19-20th centuries, perhaps the only noticeable phenomenon of this genre was ten single acts A. Chekhov ( Bear, Sentence, Anniversary, Weddingand etc.). Despite the refusal of traditional couplets, Chekhov retained a typical water-watery structure of its one-act plays: paradoxicity, rapidness of action, the surprise of the junction. However, in the future, A.hehhov leaves the watervillery tradition, in their later plays developing the dramaturgical principles of a completely new type of comedy.

Some revival of the Russian waterway tradition can be found in 1920-1930, when A. Faiko worked in this genre ( Teacher Bubus), V.Shkvarkin ( Someone else's child), I. Ilf and E.Petrov ( Strong feeling), V.Katayev ( Quadrature Circle) And others, however, no further development in its pure form did not receive, in the 20th century. More than more popular, other, more complex comedic genres - socially accusatory, eccentric, political, "gloomy", romantic, fantastic, intellectual comedy, and tragicomedia, were used.

Tatyana Shabalina

Waterville is called the "Heart of the American Show Business", - he was one of the most popular types of entertainment in North America for several decades. From the beginning of the 1880s and until the 1930s in the United States and Canada, the "Waterville" is referred to as theatrical and pop views (musical-holly and circus). Each similar performance was a set of separate, not connected by any common idea of \u200b\u200bperformances of the most different actors: popular and classic musicians, dancers, trainers, fockers, acrobats, juggles, humorists, artists-simulators, Masters of burlesque, - included the numbers of the "staged song", Sketchi And scenes from popular plays, demonstration performances of athletes, minstrels, lectures reading, demonstrating all sorts of "Celabriti", Friki and freaks, as well as - film display.

In Russia

"... Would you like to listen Adorable waterville? " and graph Sings ...

The next stage of the development of Waterville is the "little comedy with music", as the Bulgarian determines it. This hydroville received special distribution from about the 20s of the XIX century. Typical specimens of such waterville Bulgarian believes the "Cossack-poem" and "Lomonosov" Shakhovsky.

"Cossack-poems," F. Vigel writes in his "notes", is especially noteworthy in that the first staged to the scene under the real name of Waterville. From him, this endless chain of these light works was stretched. "


Usually water was translated from French. "Alteration on Russian morals" of French watervals was limited mainly by the replacement of French evidence by Russians. N. V. Gogol in 1835 he lists in his notebook: "But what happened now, when a real Russian, and a few more stern and distinguished by a kind of nationality, with his hard figure, began to fake under the putimetra scarcation, and our fat, But a sweeterous and smart merchant with a wide beard, who does not know anything on his leg, except for a heavy boot, would put on a narrow shoe and stockings à jour instead, a different, even better, would leave in the boot and began to be in the first pair to French cadrille . But almost the same our national watermen. "

"... LSTERTER, LOOK - WATER blind Other six to music are clad Others clap when they give it ... "

The most popular authors of the waterville in the XIX century were: Shakhovskaya, Khmelnitsky (his water waters "Air locks" retained until the end of the XIX century), Pisarev, Koni, Fedorov, Grigoriev 1st, Grigoriev 2nd, Solovyov [an ambiguous link], Kratygin ( Author "Vitzmundyr"), Lensky, Korovkin, etc.


Penetration into Russia In the late 1860s from France, Operetta weakened the passion for the waterfront, especially since all political expression was widely practiced in the operetta (there are also very vigilant censorship), and especially topical (in the same water type) couplets. Without such locks, the operetta then did not think. Nevertheless, the waterville is still long enough in the repertoire of the Russian theater. Its noticeable wilting begins only with the eighties of the XIX century. However, during this period, the brilliant samples of the genre of Waterville were created - in particular, the jokes of A. P. Chekhov "On the Harm of Tobacco", "Bear", "Proposal", "Wedding", "Anniversary".

In the same period (the end of the XIX - the beginning of the 20th century), Waterville occupies a large place in the national drama of other peoples who inhabited the Russian Empire, in particular the Ukrainian and Belarusian - "where sausage yes Chara, Svar will come true there," "Fashionable" M. P. Staritsky, "To the world" L. I. Glibova, "On Audit", "Balests of Sotsky Musia", "For orphans and God with Kalito", "Warbar's invasion" M. L. Kropyvnytsky, "On the first golyanka" with . V. Vasilchenko, "On Muller", "Moroka", "Patriots" A. I. Olesya, "Pinskogo Shory" V. Dunin-Martinkevich, etc.

see also

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  • Beskin E. Nekrasov -damaturg // Worker of Enlightenment. . № 12.
  • Varnake B. V. HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN THEATER. Kazan ,. Part II.
  • Vigel F. F. Notes. M. ,. T. I.
  • Vsevolodsky-Gerzross. History of the Russian Theater: 2 tt. - M. ,.
  • Gorbunov I. F. Lensky, Dmitry Timofeevich // Russian Starina. . T. 10.
  • Grossman L. Pushkin in theatrical chairs. - L.
  • Ignatov I. N. Theater and viewers. M.,. Part I.
  • Izmailov A. Fedor Koni and Old Waterville // Yearbook of Imperial Theaters. . T 3.
  • Tikhonravov N. S. M. S. Shchepkin and N. V. Gogol // Artist. . Kn. V.
  • Shchepkin M. S. Notes, letters and stories M. S. Shchepkin. St. Petersburg.


  • Korovyakov D. D. // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 tons. (82 t. And 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

The article uses the text from the literary encyclopedia 1929-1939, which switched to the public domain, as the author - Em. Beskin - died in 1940.