Effective conspiracies for sexual attraction and bed. Protective conspiracies that need to read on the red thread

Effective conspiracies for sexual attraction and bed. Protective conspiracies that need to read on the red thread
Effective conspiracies for sexual attraction and bed. Protective conspiracies that need to read on the red thread

The ritual will require a mirror, incense (better aromatic wand, the essential oil is not very suitable), roses and a candle of red. Time - Friday, full or black moon.

In the evening a bath with thoughts about good. Negative should be released from the head. For the adoption of the bath, start the rite.

Mirror Place on the bedside table or table in the bedroom, near it - incense and a candle. Sit opposite the mirror, tell us three times:

Forces that dominate the world,
Forces that love love and life
Hear my voice!
At this hour and in this place I spell:
Come to me, my real love.
Come to me in my life
In my abode!
With the help of ancient magic
I spell you and call you,
Come to my life and in my house
Come and stay with me
For the benefit and for happiness!
May it be so! May it be so!
May it be so!

In the rite you will ask for help from Virgin Mary - It is to her prayer facing it. It is performed for 7 days early in the morning or in the evening, but necessarily at the same time and on the growing moon. Two large (burning time - from 7 hours, this feature often indicates manufacturers on labels or in descriptions of goods in online stores) white and red candles.

Prepare a bath of a pleasant temperature for you with dry rosemary. It is known that when the Holy Family traveled to Jerusalem, Virgo Maria put Jesus in the shadow of a plant with white flowers. This plant was then called Rosemary. Flowers his blue, but it is believed that they began during the rest of Jesus in the shadow of the plant.

Light candles and say appeal to the Mother of God:

Blessed Maria, Mother of our Lord, Jesus Christ, I ask you:
Ploy to my soul, find me a loved one.
Bring me someone who is also looking for love -
My wife's soul, who I love me and who will love me until the end of our days.
You, knowing the suffering and secrets of women, please humbly in the name of our Lord.

Text needs to be reclined slowly, thoughtfully, from the heart. After reading, you can look a little on the flame and to twist the appearance of the narrowed. Then take a rosemary bath. Let candles be burning even at least an hour after prayer, you can take them with you in the bathroom. To repeat the circulation, use the same candles. It is impossible to poison them, carry your fingers or cap.

It is carried out on the growing moon, in the evening. A whole list of ingredients will be required:

  • 2 parts of fresh or dry petals of pink or red roses, can be rose hips;
  • 1 piece of cinnamon in powder. Ourselves wrap cinnamon in mortar, it will increase the effectiveness of the ritual;
  • 0.5 parts of the carnation. Meaning the spice;
  • 0.5 pieces of fragrant pepper. In some recipes, it is called Jamaican pepper. Indians considered him a powerful aphrodisiac;
  • 0.5 pieces of orange peel. You can take both dried and fresh, or even essential oil (quantity - as for aromalamp, it is indicated in the instructions for oil);
  • a few droplets of vanilla oil. The exact amount depends more from the manufacturer than from the recipe. Take as much as it is recommended to use in the instructions for oil in the area "Aromatization of the premises".

Oil droplets vanilla rose petals
Cinnamon in powder
Peel Orange

Stir the components in the dishes not made of metal, without cracks and chips, pleasant appearance. Position the palm mixture and, representing how to fill it with its energy, read 5 times:

Come to me, perfect love,
By sea, on the ground, in the sky,
Feel the spark in my heart.
And this essence will help you know
What I'm here and waiting for you.
Come come to me, love!

Plants with plants in the bedroom as a fragrant magic "bait" for love. You can pour it boiling water, then the smell will become more distinct. Boiling water for this you need no more than 1-2 tablespoons.

If you wish to find a lover, spend on love. His action time is about a month. If during this time, do not notice the results, think about what you do wrong. Most likely, the case is in your errors in the relationship, choosing partners or behavior.

At midnight, undress, and near the mirror, in front of it, place the dishes with water. The cup is obliged to be beautiful, clean, not damage. Add a couple of rose oil drops into the dishes, petals of one rose scarlet, pink or red. Light a red or pink candle, say:

Rose under the moon blooming, fragrant, and I would bloom, and I would find my love. Moonwalk, bring the groom to the clad. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Looking in the mirror, we will look like fragrant water. Apply it on the door handle from the outside of the entrance door and splash on the threshold of an apartment or at home. A bowl with what will remain, put under the bed for a month. After the ritual go to bed.

Time for ritual - midnight full moon on Friday. Distil on the altar, or the table is a new red or pink handkerchief. Put a pink candle and incense with a rose aroma.

In the conspiracy, a non-specific appeal. If you are a Christian, imagine that you ask the Virgin Mary - they are treated with a prayer for love and marriage. Gentiles can address their words to the goddess or God of love in which they believe.

Put the petals of pink or red rose, rope or thread of a similar color. The length of the rope should give the opportunity to tie the belt. Place something with the image of the pigeons on the table, the plot for a love topics. Need a small basic or metal bowl.

Write on a paper sheet:

To the one who loves me truly.

A few minutes later, wait near the altar, while tuning on a successful ritual. Relax and try not to reflect anything other than the goal of the rite. Then say:

My heart is empty.
I went to me who would fill his love.
My soul is experiencing a burning desire.
Bring me to love harmony.
My mind is sleeping.
Fill with him alive thoughts.

Seamlessly draw a thread over the smoking incense. Similarly, follow and with a sheet of paper with the words:

Let the bonds of love arise, which stretch between us through the space and time and attract us to each other until we stand face to face and heart to heart.

Leaf tie to the waist with a pink rope. Stay near the altar for a while, mentally thanks to the holy of Mary Maria or the goddess for assisting you. Unleash the thread and wrap her note. Put a note on the altar. Leave everything as it is, but hovering incense and candle for the night. After the ritual it is better to go to sleep.

Well, if in the morning you can remember what you have dreamed. As a rule, such and may indicate something - errors, a possible result.

In the morning (before breakfast, but after washing), burn incense and candle. Imagine a successful performance of your desire, a man you want to see as your narrowed. After that, adjust the candle with a flame leaf, and let it burn in a bowl. Ash. Lose on the street or from the balcony.

Apple Sneaken in New Moon

There are powerful rituals designed to cause persistent love interest in the opposite sex. These are the number of targeted rituals, that is, always aimed at a specific personality, their effect should not be done simply, "for whom God will send." Without reaching the addressee, the spell strength will hit the one who conducted a rite.

One of these rituals is carried out strictly to the new moon. You will need two apples of different colors. Important: Apples should not be bought for money. If there is no gardens, you can take fruit as a gift or clarify "barter".

On the night of New Moon, the apples are cut finely finely, pieces are thoroughly mixed in open dishes. Sugar, in the process of which spell is pronounced on the resulting mass:

As you will never become two apple from one tree, you will not roll off, so my beloved will not leave me without me on another road, it will not disquire with me. Binding and sourness, it will go out of each half, will sweeten, wipeless, never forget.

The sweetened mass is left until the morning, then add to jam or jam. Next follows the most important stage: the appeal of the rite should eat sweetness until the next new moon (if you eat anyone else - nothing terrible).

Honey rite for the restoration of feelings in the new moon

The new moon is of symbolic importance in magic: the darkness always follows the light - the moon begins to grow again. No matter how difficult and hopeless would be a position, the improvement will always follow. Therefore, it is for the new moon that the rites are working, designed to restore the fastened feelings.

Metal moon - silver, so you need a silver saucer (ideally) or at least a silver spoon. In the extreme case, take the dishes from a white porcelain or transparent crystal.

On the night of the new moon, the dishes are filled with honey in the amount of 13 spoons. A spell is read over honey 12 times:

As you have a sugar naked, our sweets, and our feelings will be sweeter and sweeter, do not pass. My word in honey was dissolved, unknown did not open.

Each time at the end of the reading, one spoon of honey is eaten. The last spoon should eat the ritual object itself. As in the previous case - until the next new moon. You can, for example, wash honey into tea.

Syneurian rituals for love

Simonene rituals for love have deserved their popularity due to simplicity and efficiency. For example, every woman is well known that many men differ in habit of scattering socks. Try to buy a big pack of male socks and scatter them in your apartment, to the basket with dirty linen and even under the furniture. Then do not be surprised that the man who will be "attracted," will have such a bad habit and is far from the fact that they will be clean.

Another option: on a bottle of a nice smelling foam for a bath or gel for the soul, write the "groom" or, for example, "love". Use the means every day, and you will just swim in male attention.

Love often pursues those who do not need it at all. Therefore, write something like a "wedding" or "love" on a piece of paper, lend to yourself a thread (best of all red) and run around the apartment with screams "Oh no, catch up!".

Try to notify the universe about the wedding, and then it will happen soon. Call wedding firms or photographers, such as learning. Speak at the same time something like: "I'll get married soon, can you find out what kind of prices do you offer?" And complete the conversation with something like: "Thank you, we will turn to you when the exact wedding date will be known." In addition, there is a separate, very interesting both performance and process.

Rituals for love are completely safe and harmless magic influence. But you should not wait for the prince on a white horse, which in itself will burst into your life! The universe will give you a connection with that person that suits you, your task will not miss this opportunity in anticipation that the miracle will happen in itself. Prepare and make the Tsigan fortune telling for love

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Evening protective conspiracy for home and family

It is best to do this conspiracy in the evening when all your households went to sleep. Light a candle, sit in front of her and say:

Redey, devil, from the temple and from the house of this, from the door and from all four corners. There is no, devil, parts and fate, places and peace. Here the Cross of the Lord, Mother of Christ, the Holy Mother of God, Holy Peter, Saints Evangelicals: John, Luka, Mark, Matvey, Holy Archangels: Mikhail, Gabriel, Rafail. The forces of heaven here, and the Holy Cherubs and Serafima, the Saint Michael now all over the Universe, the shelves hold the Holy Peter, the Palce Holding, here the Christmas Forerunner, here you, the devil, there is no part and fate, places and peace. Do not take the dirtyness, devil, the whole place, and the house, and a person, and all the slaves of God, run from here to hell, where your real house, and there, do it. My word is tough, yako stone. Amen. Amen. Amen.

With the candle in the hands will go around the whole house.

Evening conspiracy cleansing from black witchcraft

Before going to the Water!

I will be blessing, I will go to cross. In the pure field, blue sea, blue sea - blue stone. A girl is sitting on this stone, talks: "All the conspiracy, proud, human consensions, go away from the slaves of God (name) from bones, from blood, from clear eyes, from the rheetic heart." In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Then this water will be worn, spray finger tips on your feet. Water drain and immediately go to bed, and do not talk to anyone!

Evening conspiracy

If the next day is going to go somewhere with a large amount of money - for shopping, let's say, then in the evening they take care of their safety. As in the bed you fall, turn around and rebuild and nine times read:

Slave God to go to bed (name), the bone of baptized, the place is sacred, the cross with me, the cross is prevaul, the angel goes with me. Amen, Amen.

Evening protective conspiracy from thieves and envious

Before bedtime, imagine a man who suspect in unkind intendments and, holding this image before the inner eyes, speak slowly words:

I will become blessing, I will go to cross out from the hollows with the doors, from the gate of the gate onto a wide street, in a purely field, east and eastern side. In the East, on the eastern side there is a Most Holy Church of the Three Hands, about the thieves of the thrones. As this church, no one can move from place to place, to rearrange, would also be the slave of God (the name of who you think) could not go, spoil the slave of God (name). Who on the slave of God (name) famously thinks, evil creates, the spokes in the eyelashes, resin into the tongue, dress on the teeth, salt into the eyes. Amen.

Evening plot for all luck and protection from painting

In the evening, in front of bedtime, take a sharp knife, cut the bread and say:

The slave of God (name) the sun before his eyes, a month behind the shoulders, the stars are all watching him. An asterisk of God for God (name) will ensure that nothing will be afraid. Stand up for help, the whole holy parable, so that the enemies could neither head to raise, no bad words about me. Gray poppy, rolling - all enemies, disadvantaged.

One piece of sprinkled bread sprinkle salt and eat, floating with clean water.

Evening conspiracy from gloomy doom and insomnia

Money comes only to the one who stays in the excellent location of the Spirit. But what kind of vigor and fun without a good rest? If the insomnia torments you, thoughts grave peace and sleep are deprived, get rid of them with such a plot. For a week before going to bed, read three times:

Mouse-toy, you swirled over the slave of God (name). I, the slave of God (name), traveled over you. On the ax, yes the knife, and a wand and work all night. Do not sleep and give a slave to bed. And be, my words, strong and tanks. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go to bed and try not to think about anything.

Evening conspiracy from bad mood and unfortunate longing

The money is easy to come, who has a light in the shower and peace.

If you defeated gloomy thoughts and do not give you peace, in the evening before bedtime, draw a cross on your pillow with my finger and say three times:

I will deploy me sad, the twist is heavy for dark forests, for the blue of the sea, for the high mountains, for the pulling the swamps, for the viscous dirt. And now go, live, my words, in the dark forests, behind the blue seas, behind the high mountains, for pulling swamps, for Vseason mud.

In the morning, when you wake up, you will feel the tide of strength and vigor.

The rite of sleep is coming, which gives protection from lack of money

To protect yourself from theft and loss of nizhny good, accumulation of your savings, how to go to bed, cross and say three times the words:

Loose, the slave of God (name), to sleep in Christ the seal, the Viroditsky castle; And the enemy Satan, turn away from me! Three sheets were written in our Christ: Ivan and Marya and Friend of Christ, Ivan Boguslov. Flaw to sleep with Christ, sticks to the cross. Cross on me and cross in front of me, Cross - Angel with me. Cross - Keeper, Cross - Savior and Cross - Church Beauty and Cross - from Bezv's delightover, and from the poverty Defender. Angels Glory. Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Evening conspiracy in front of a large purchase

If you are going to make a large purchase, this conspiracy must be read in the evening before bedtime, and in the morning before going out of the house, just a bit of changing the beginning (instead of " i go to bed", Say" get up with Odra»).

I will go pierced, I will go to cross from the gate to the door, on the big street, under Christ the seal, the enemy Satan, turn away from me! Three sheets were written in our Christ: Ivan and Marya and Friend of Christ, Ivan Boguslov. Flaw to sleep with Christ, sticks to the cross. Cross on me and cross in front of me, Cross - Angel with me. Cross - Keeper, Cross - Savior and Cross - Church Beauty and Cross - from Bezv's delightover, and from the poverty Defender. Angels Glory. Now and are confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen.

Conspiracy for sleep from damage

Three hours before sleep, do not eat anything, before bedtime, drink three chips of holy water and go to bed. Crighten and tell me:

The slave of God lasted (name) to sleep under Christ the seal, the Bogoroditsky castle; And the enemy Satan, turn away from me! Three sheets were written in our Christ: Ivan and Marya and Friend of Christ, Ivan Boguslov. Flaw to sleep with Christ, sticks to the cross. Cross on me and cross in front of me, Cross - Angel with me. Cross - Guardian, Cross - Savior and Cross - Church Beauty and Cross - from Bezv's delightful. Angels Glory. Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Protective ritual from evil people before any meeting

This conspiracy reliably protects you from unkind people, so if you have a meeting with strangers, be sure to read it.

After combing, collect several hairs with combs and say:

My hair is not spinning to anyone, my nobody will not be a nobody, my trail does not take out, do not leave me good luck. Who will come to my, that thunder is routing and the Molon will break, the century will lie down and tremble to tremble. Amen.

Conspiracy on a good road

In the old days, this plot helped travelers on the road from an evil strength to defend themselves. And today he will help you: it will save you in the way (far or near), will not give the dark forces to violate your plans.

Read it before leaving home:

I'll be praying, I will go crossing the road. The Lord himself is ahead of me, behind Jesus Christ, I have to be three hundred angels, behind four hundred Archangels. Lord our almighty, bless me, the slave of God (name) in the path of the road, so that it was easy for me to go back to my home climbing. Amen.

Conspiracy protective before leaving home

Read a plot, standing on the threshold. You need to turn around three times around yourself.

Holy Father Nicholas! Take the key from Paradise, close the eye by the villain, hands, legs, paths, roads. And you, the Most Holy Maria, the cover of me with the dark sacred rhizo from all hated people. Amen, Amen, Amen.

Conspiracy to remove the evil eye, which is read twice a week - on Wednesday and Friday

This plot can only be used on certain days, namely on Wednesday and Friday. Before pronounced it, you should not focus on a week, not to drink alcohol and not attend entertainment institutions.

Conspiracy is needed in a whisper immediately after awakening:

From a counter-cross-like person, hindle, Lord, the slave of yours (name), from a black-evil man, from red-enviable, finishing, subtle, from a harsh eye, from blue, from black. How the dawn did and swell, so it would be from the slave of God (name) all the illness and the missed damage proceeded and swell. Like from a boulat, from a blue gender, the fire is knocking out, so from the slave of God (name) all ailments, damage broke and knocked out.

Conspiracy from fraudsters and dishonest people

Tikhon Rev., John Baptist, John Zlatoust, John Postnoy, and all the power of heaven, put around the slave of God (name) the iron fence so that he was not smoothed, they were not crowded, did not see it, they did not hear. Forever and ever. Amen.

This plot needs to repeat three days in the morning and in the evening.

Protective conspiracy

If you have a long road to you, and you will need to lead a large amount of money with yourself, read before leaving the house three times:

My angel, my archangel, my savior, save me, save my soul, scrapping my heart. The enemy of Satan, give up me. I have three sheets, all written, the first sheet is Jesus Christ himself, and the other is a sheet - the Mother of the Virgin, the third sheet - Mikhail Archangel, the merciful father. I urge him to himself, I respond myself from myself. I will stand with a cross, I will go with a cross, lay down with a cross. Amen.

Corporate house. How to speak bodies and food so that they bring money to the house

There are in our house and the most simple things that initially carry in themselves a hidden meaning, energy. For example, gold or silver jewelry carry in themselves the power of gold or silver - this is the power of money, material, and a simple bell pulls wealth to the house, and porridge will provide your home abundance not only in food. Know, be able to buy right, bring a cash thing to your house, and then say a plot over it is a big wisdom. The strength of such things does not dry, and acts on anyone who lives or even often happens in the house. Therefore, sometimes, even just going to the house of the sign, you can get out from there with a rich man.

Magic items that attract money to the house and prosperity

Now I will teach you, what things to buy and how to make them to the house.

Any decorations

Well, if they are from precious metals. They have power, from the land itself, from which such metal was born, there is the energy that people attributable to the metal that appreciated it.


Carry the energy of water and a homely hearth. They guard the house, make it whole. This means that no evil falls into the house, and good from the house will not leave. Put the seashells on the windowsill or under the threshold, and you will be not terrible thieves and fraudsters.

Red satin ribbons

Red, as well as in the fire, its own energy. Atlas only emphasizes the relationship with fire. About the fire was already discussed in this book. It gives the power to all material aspirations. The red ribbon in your home will perform the same task.

Bubakers or Little Bells

Metal ringing, which they publish, catches the wave of money, and therefore loves them. Bell ringing cleans and treats any disease. But it does this in a special way.

If we introduce our body in the form of some kind of design, where any disease or trouble (launched and poverty including) is a breakdown, then the bell ringing acts like a master who reveals all breakdowns.

Therefore, the bell is useful to hang in the house and those who are sick, and those who need money.

How to bring magic items to your homeDecoration

Gold or silver jewelry is better to choose "musical", with many suspension or chains. These items (earrings, bracelets, necklaces) will make a melodious ringing that will attract money.


Wash with clean running water brought from the shores of the sea or river and pour into a ceramic walker. Put it on your desktop or bookshelf. Do not forget to periodically wash the shells with water so that the dust does not accumulate on them.


Red satin ribbons Tie a bow and pin on the calendar or put in a handbag and wear with you, for example in a wallet.


Small bubrels or bells are best hanging near the door, so that they periodically ring.

* * *

Special way acts on the subjects plot. He seems to open your thing as if the key is a locked casket. And the power that is in this thing is, will be released by plotting to freedom, will begin to act.

Now I give you special conspiracies on things - on those who were discussed, and different others.

Corporate Gold and Silver

Take a silver and gold subject (decoration, coin) Put on the right palm, cover the left and whisper:

How gold-silver is clean and round, everyone will donate on it and look and the eyes are not reduced. So I, the slave of God (name), I look, yes, say: so that all of my age I am on my gold and silver to watch, in your pocket and in the pocket. So that I have it in the near. Amen.

Refused objects hide in a secluded place and keep smooth year.

Golden mascot for success in affairs and prosperity

Find the houses a gold jewelry or coin at home, clamp in a fist, bring to the mouth and whisper:

I will become, the slave of God (name), blessing, I will go to cross. I will leave the door in the door, from the gate to the gate, go out into the pure field. In the pure field, the golden stone lies, on that stone a golden bird sits. She has golden, golden wings, golden tail and golden nose. She shakes gold with their feet, wings will fall apart, shifts the tail. I will ask and pick up the golden bird to me, to me, the slave of God (name), the gold is considered-sort out, to be always fun to me and in prosperity. Amen.

Claimed gold wrap in a handkerchief and make a red thread. Wear it in the side pocket of the shirt or in a special bag on the neck. In no way, do not show your talisman and do not tell anyone about it. Especially never use as decoration. Year wears a talisman with you, and in a year hide in a secret place.

Gold decoration conspiracy

Put in a basin for washing a golden decoration, fill with cold water, wash it with this water and unsubscribe:

I will come out, the slave of God, in a purely far field, to Blue Sea, to the throne of the Lord. I'll take the golden keys on the throne, the Mother of God will ponder and worship, that kind of mother wondered. Column the keys of those gold all rivers and chalks of the rags. Oblocked the body of white, the heart of the Retivo, the eyes are clear, the mouth of the sugar. Stacking, water, from Bela Boda, from the RESIGNER of the heart, with clear eyes, with sugar skeners. Only my gold with me will remain, and will arrive, and will increase. Key, castle, Amen.

Decoration Wear, without removing, for a month.

Protective charm for home from beads

This amulet-guard will attract the power of money and wealth and will help protect against any evil.

Take a small canvas bag. Put in it several buttons, beads, a small tangle of woolen threads (preferably not painted), satin tape and coin (preferably silver). Then the bag tight and hide into a secluded place, saying:

I will put my good-wealth to the far corner, the constraint is a strong lock. Just as I am my goodbye, I will be a wool my eyes. Let me be full of barn in my house, full pantry. Do not know either grief, nor loud, nor trouble nor tears combustible. Words of my eternal power.

Store the bag to the new year, and then it should be removed from the cache and "disassemble". Such an overag can be done every year, adding each time one bead and one coin.

Conspiracy to decorate to be luck in work

Take some kind of decoration you often wear. Bring three hand intensity of pure dry sand from the river shore or from the forest. Pour it into a bowl of clay and scream your decoration. Put the left hand on top of the sand and read the plot:

From the doors to the door, from the gate to the gate, go out into the clean field. There is a mountain Boschovinsk. On the mountain Boschovsky - Tree cypress. Jesus Christ (for women - Mother Queen Heavenly Virgin), Posted and helping Slave God (name). Give it in the case of good luck, in the work of arrivals, sustaining and mind will have a science. "

Decoration at night in the sand. In the morning, the sand in the wind is to entertain, and the decoration is put on yourself and do not remove for three days.

Conspiracy on the ring for good relationships with the bosses (upon admission to work, for rapid growth and good salary)

Take a ring or silver chain. Bring from the river or from the forest of pure dry sand. Space the sand on the white handkerchief on the night of the full moon and lay it on the windowsill. In the morning, in the sand, put your decoration and make a knot to the handkerchief. Holding a nodule in the hands, tell me:

I will go to Bohr, and I'm not small and not old. I will do it, the owner will show. I will be nick him, but did not pose. It will be surprised me to be silent, yes smile. Lord, I'm accompanying, I will take away, yes good awards.

For a day, put a nodule in a dark place, the jewelry is put on the morning and wearing without removing. During this time, try at least three times with the boss to meet.

Cash conspiracy ritual for a ring

Any decoration made of noble metal can be a monetary talisman, your "magic wand", executing a desire. Take the Golden Ring and a glass of clean cold water. Leide water through the ring and quickly pronounce (the main task is to have time to say all the words while the water is poured):

Stop crossing, I will go blessed. I will become on a red porch, I look at the blue sea, a green field. In that green field, the Blacksmith Kuzt, Golden Sabli cuts, the slave of God (name) lies, all the conspiracles, all the proud, all wind fractures, from all the soul, from all intentions, from hand, out of the legs, from a rivest head, from the rheetic heart, forever in centuries. Amen, Amen, Amen.

The sprinkled ring necessarily wear or keep with you.

Conspiracy on the ring, to preserve good and wealth in the house

On the last day of the lunar month, take any ring (from any precious metal). Hold the ring in your right hand, and in your left, keep the lit church candle. Swim her through the ring nine times. At the same time, say:

The end of the end, the business of my crown, is I, the slave of God (name), not delets, I am not well done. The ring has no end, and my wealth does not end. Amen.

Wait until the candle is completely proceed. Ring hide and do not deliver it for a month.

Conspiracy on the red ribbon for wealth and wealth

In the morning, tell these words on the tape, which then you need to wear best on your head.

I will stand, the slave of God (name), in the morning, blessing, we wonder the morning gourney and evening, I born with white light; In the forehead abnate the sun is red, in the back of a light month, the hair is frequent small stars scattered. I will go out of the doors in the door, from Seine in Seny, from the gate to the gate, come out in a clean field, I will become four Rosstani, I will become east by a face, west to the ridge. In the east, a true Christ is shining, on the blue sea - a white stone, on a white stone - a white man, in a white dress, light George brave. As I ask George Brave Protection and Assistance. And he will give me the cover forever in centuries, will protect me from the trouble, from hunger and cold, from Luta, from the tears of combustion, from poverty. To live me forever in the eyelids.

Immediately take a ribbon and do not shoot it all day.

Simple cash amulet from satin ribbon

Write this conspiracy on paper and insert the rolled paper into the satin ribbon nodule. Be sure to take with you this amulet at important meetings and negotiations, or if you have to participate in litigation or trial.

Troubles and anxiety, run on the road. In the pure field there are oak tables, on the tables of tablecloths. You Take up, you pour, you rejoice. I don't herself, I persecute you, I urge the mother to the Most of the Virgin. Mother of the Mother of the Mother of God, help, help persuade on the true way to establish. To this day, to this hour, by my sentence.

Cash conspiracy

Spoke on the shell like this:

I will come back, I will go to cross, from the gateway to the gate on a wide street. As on that street, a big house is worth it, and in the windows light lit. In the house Tom Fear-Fun. So I, the servant of God (name), to go to the house, but it's a matter to know. So that I save money-to multiply, do not spend your back. Words my key and castle.

Store the shell in the house.

Today, many people resort to the use of various methods of combating the evil eye and damage. One of the main and proven years of ways is to speak a red thread. A very important point is that it is impossible to just push the thread and read certain phrases, you need to be completely immersed in this process and perceive everything very seriously!

Conspiracy on the red thread is one of the most effective ways to combat enemy attacks. Methods described below with 100% probability will help you get rid of damage or evil eye.

There is a considerable number of conspiracy on the red thread, but we, we took the right options for you, which you will read below.

How to read

So that the red thread acacts, as a protective guarding, it is tied up around his hands on seven knots, uttering such a prayer:

"Merry me (name), Lord, and Save, the mother of the Most Holy Mother of God, the Savior of the world Jesus Christ, all-all holy worships. The Lord, bless, humbly and save, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The charm becomes especially strong if you do not specify it yourself, but a person who wishes you to good.

Prayers and conspiracies for the Red Thread - the history of the guard and its purpose

The red thread is a powerful faith from the evil eye and any negative. This talisman goes back to the Kabbalistic tradition, now she who arrived around the world.
The roots of the conspiracy on the red thread should:

  • search in Israel
  • at the tomb of biblical pramaiter Rachel.

Her grave was linked around the very woolen thread. In the Holy Books it is said that Rachel devoted all his life to the protection of mankind. Kabbalists believe that it is she who is the mother of the whole world.

The red thread on the wrists of people in our time began to flicker more and more. Many stars show business, famous personalities, often exercising in public, also use it for their protection. I myself saw the red thread in the blog of one celebrity.

It is believed that the thread of a red color, tied on the wrist, protects not only from the evil and envy of others, but also suppresses any negative inside the person himself, which this amulet is wears.

  • Thread must be tied up only on the left wrist. Such a condition is very not accidental:
  • according to the beliefs of adherents, Kabbalah, the left side of the human body is host,
  • therefore, it establishes that the invisible connection with the proteating energy emanating from the tomb of Rahel.

In addition, the left side is considered the most vulnerable to any evil, and the red thread tied on the wrist creates something like an invisible protective cover.

What thread use? Is it possible to do it alone?

The tangle, from which the thread takes, must be new and made of natural wool - it is better to purchase it more specifically for these purposes (Believe me, he will still serve for a long time).

It is believed that threads manufactured in Jerusalem have the strongest energy. "Homemade" red threads almost never work, because they do not have the charge of energy.

If there is an opportunity, you will certainly buy them or order someone. Personally, I ordered a thread on the site of a large company from Israel for a symbolic price, here link to order by mail.

In the traditional ritual, the red thread should be tied up on 7 nodules, and it is impossible to do it yourself.

It is necessary that a faithful person that loves you and does not want any evil to be tied to your wrist on your wrist (often it is difficult to mothers).

In the process of tying, the prayer "Ana Bacoah" is pronounced. Another traditional kabbalistic prayer when tying - "Ban'a".

Over time, in the Christian tradition, several conspiracies and prayers used during the creation of a charm of red wool string appeared. Moreover, to conduct a ritual and read magic words here is allowed and independently. Some of these prayers will be shown below.

The status of the thread tied to the wrist can tell about many things.

  • If you put it recently, but it already looks noticeably shaped, with a greater probability it can be said that you are subject to negative impact.
  • The charm assumes the entire blow of negative energy and therefore quickly wear out.

It often happens that the thread suddenly rushes. This is evidence that the talisman took a big misfortune from you. If this happened, be sure to show yourself a new thread and speak it. Oldly thank you, rinse with holy water (to wash off the whole negative and its energy imprint from it) and throw away, and better - burn.

Several ways to talk thread


The following conspiracy is the adapted translation of the prayer "Ben". Tie the thread on the wrist of the left hand, you need to make 7 nodules, reading magic words over each knot. Text of prayer:

"Like water covered fish on Earth, and the eye of the bad strength does not have, and there is no bad eye over the descendants of Joseph. The eye that did not stick to the fact that it does not belong to him, the eye is not illustrative. "

For delivering relatives

This conspiracy is also an adapted translation, which is the prayers of Ana Bacoah. The first 7 lines:

Strong ritual for 3 months

The service life of such a conspiracy is 3 months, after which the talisman must be changed to a new one. The ritual is carried out independently, alone, 12-15 lunar days (in one of these days). For the rite you need to cook in advance red thread and 3 Candles from wax. Procedure:

  • Put the candles in front of you and burn.
  • Squeeze thread in the fist, swipe over the flame of candles: above each 3 times, moving clockwise. Also over each candle, read the magic conspiracy:

"As you are consecrated with fire, so I - from the damage and the evil eye of the protected (). The victim of unclean me is not to become, from the word bad I do not fall. Amen!"

  • just spend a thread over each candle and read a conspiracy 3 times, make it 3 nodes on it - one in the center and two on the sides.
  • After that, they wrapped on the left wrist and boldly wear it.

1 more way

You can do yourself, or ask someone from loved ones. Mother can make such a charm for his child.

On the woolen thread you need to make 9 nodules on the same distance from each other. As tying, the conspiracy is made over each:

"Protect, charm, from mischievous, twisted twisted, from the enemy of the recontest yes demon unprofitable. Around become a steep, high mountain. Nine keys, nine castles are closed. Good word, not to kill him. Amen!"

Wearing the woven on the wrist of the left hand.


Red Thread on the wrist - Prayer for conspiracy

Merry me (name), Lord, and save, mother of the Most Holy Mother of God, the Savior Savior of the world Jesus Christ, all-all holy worships. The Lord, bless, humbly and save, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If you have diagnosed damage, then a small talisman can clear you from it. To do this, tie into yourself a string, you need to whisper:

The slave of God (name) is healed, the terrible, from the Spirit of the Holy, the press of a hustovaya, a spasome arm, the Virgin. The cross is necessary for me, the cross in front of me, whether you, the enemy, cursed, through the lands are driven into the maters, empty failures. For the name of the Lord, the cross of the life-giving, the father of what is happening. I ask for mercy. Amen.

How to tie a red thread

Such a way of spoken over the oversee occurs infrequently. However, its effectiveness does not become less from this. In order to prepare the mascot, you need:

  • take a woolen red thread and tie at her exactly nine nodules.
  • They should be at an equal distance from each other.
  • Tie each new nodule, whisper:

Wubble, charm, protection from mischievous, twisted, the enemy of the reconnaissance, unprofitable. Become around a strong wall, high mountain. Close nine castles, nine keys. My word is tight, to nobody to kill it. As said (a), so it became.

After all the words are told, the string should be tied to the left wrist. Ritual can be held both personally, and the person you believe: a close relative; friend.

This ritual is particularly effective if Mom wants to protect his child from the evil eye. She can spend the ritual herself, and then it will be necessary to just hang a thread on the handle to the baby.

Conspiracy on the Red Thread - Strong Protection

So that the thread really served you for a long time and was reliable protection, it can be fought in this way. They enjoy magicians who are often subjected to various magic attacks. It will be able to listen to such an amulet about 3 months, after which the new thread should be rented. For the ritual:

  • stay at home alone.
  • It is advisable to fulfill the rite of 12-15 lunar days.
  • You should put three wax candles and light them.
  • After that, squeeze the future wubble in the fist and spend over the flame of each of the candles three times clockwise.
  • Over each candle, tell conspiracy:

As you are consecrated fire, so I am from the evil eye and damage protected. Do not become a victim of unclean, do not fall to me the words of bad. Amen.

After the thread is conspired by the number of times, you should tie three nodule on it: 2 on the sides and one in the middle. Now the charm can be safely worn and not afraid that you can become a victim of a witch impact.

Amulet from the evil eye and damage holy water is often used in the rites of cleansing people from damage, but also it is not less used to protect and prepare various faucenes. To speak the talisman in a very strong way, take:

  1. capacity with holy water;
  2. wax church candle;
  3. red woolen thread.
  4. wax church candle red wool thread Capacity with holy water first lit a candle and read over the thread of the prayer "Our Father":

Our father, izh, at Heaven! Yes, your name will hurt, and your kingdom will take away, and will be your will, IKo in the sky and on the earth. Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago. After that, lower the future charm in consecrated water and modify: the threads are connected, it is tied to the blood, my soul will be protected, and my thoughts will become a deed. This will start this thread, from the eye of bad disappearance. Not to be me a victim of someone else's evil. May it be so. Amen.

This plot itself is strong, but if you want to multiply its properties, then use another protective guard - pin.

Together with these talismans, no otherworldly power or black sorcerer will be scary to you.

Major ritual

Since the tradition of tagging a red thread - a rite of Kabbalah, the most powerful conspiracy can be considered the one that Kabbalists use. This prayer Ben is Pat. She looks like this:

How fish on Earth is covered with water, and there is no bad eye over them, so it does not have a bad eye of the power over the descendants of Joseph. The eye that did not stick to the fact that he does not belong is not subject to a bad eye.

This is an adapted translation. If you wish to read it in the original, here is the transcription of Russian letters:

Ben Patty Yosef Ben Patty Aleway Ain Band Tsaad Alei Shur Ammalah Aguel OTI Mikol Ra Yevareh at Annarim Weikare Baem Shemi Weschem Avti Abraham Weijachak Weiydgu Lyarov Bekerev Aaez.

After the prayer is read 7 times over each of the nodes, which are tied on a thread, an overlap can be worn. Wear it only on the left hand. Kabbalists believe that the attacks of negative energy are most exposed to the left half of the body. And it is she who needs more protection. So, if you have such a thread on the left wrist, no evil force can have an impact on you.

Protection thread for relatives

This ritual is held not by those man who will wear a talisman, but a member of his family. Sometimes it is even permitted to hold a rite who is not your blood relative.

The main thing is that this man loved you and wanted just the best. Conspiracy consists of eight lines.

The first 7 are pronounced while a person tie seven knots on the threads, one bed read on each node:

Ana Bekoach, Gdulat Yaminha, Tatir Tzrura. Cable Rinat, Amha Sagwan, Taaron Nora. On Gibor, Dorosh Yehudha, Cabevat Schomrem. Barham Tarem, Rahamay Cidcadha, Tamid Gomlam. Hasin Kadosh, Barwing Tuvha, Nael Adathah. Jahid Gae, Leamha P'Ne, Zohray Kdushatheha. Shav'atean Kabel, Ushma Taakaten, Ioda Taalmotimoth.

After that, the charm is worn onto a person and say:

Baruch Shem Code Malkuto Leola Vaed.

It is believed that after these words, a person remains under the invisible cover that preserves him from evil forces. Obereg acts while it is on his left hand.

What if the thread broke? Determine whether you have a negative impact, you can, paying attention to the state of the thread.

  • If you wear it quite recently, and she already looks pretty shaped, then this suggests that someone regularly tries to hurt you.
  • If the thread suddenly broke, then this is a sign. They tried to damage on you, but Obereg took the whole blow to herself.
  • If this happens, you definitely need to talk a new talisman and hold a rite that will definitely say who proved damage.

User used necessarily rinse under consecrated water.

It is necessary in order to not only wash the entire negative, but also to break her connection with you, erase information about the energy. After the work done, the used charm can be thrown away. In order for you less than any negative impact - do not stand out. Those. It is advisable not to show your behavior to anyone.

For many sorcerers, the Red Thread is a sign that screaming that the victim is rather weak and is often negative. So, this prey can get very simple. How to hide thread on hand, especially in summer? She is worn on his left hand, like a clock. Under their strap will not be visible to the overag. You can also do not only with the clock, but also with a bracelet, for example.

In general, the conspiracy on the red thread will help get rid of negative impact and to protect you and to protect you and your loved ones from witchcraft, which can be performed by your enemies. This is a rather strong charm, accessible to everyone.


Conspiracy on the red thread for weight loss Read at home

To conduct a conspiracy on a red thread for weight loss, you need to buy new scissors, respectively, a red woolen thread and matches. Measure thread and twist it during the zero moon around the wrist in 3 turns, while saying words:

"Tighten the thread, obesity speaks. Let the fat pork back will leave. Let the obesity disappear. Let him take his pigs, and let me crows in your mouth with a wedge. To eat I did not want, and quickly lost weight. As I say, it will happen. Amen".

Red thread must be worn throughout the total monthly cycle, at the end of which to cut and set fire to new matches. Ash, which will remain from the thread, collect and shop near oak. There is to leave in the ground and new scissors with matches.

Conspiracy on a red thread for a child

Red woolen thread is used to protect the child and serves to him as a talisman or charm. It needs to be tied around the wrist of a child and say such words of conspiracy:

It should be explained to the child that such a thread cannot be removed, and even more so to tear. It should be on hand until the moment she does not bother. After, you can spend such a rite again.

Come on money and richly

Before proceeding with the ritual, you need:

Read about myself the prayer "Our Father".

Ask your rich and successful acquaintance to tie a red woolen thread, pre-bought independently, on the left hand. When the nodes are already tied, you need to talk about yourself such words:

"I attract money and increase my income in ... (quantity) times."

These words need to pronounce every newly made knot. When the most recent knot will be tied, it should be said, again about yourself:

"It is done. May it be so".

After the ritual, you need to sincerely thank the person who tied the thread and thus shared a success in attracting material benefits.

Speak at wish

One of the most effective and efficient talismans and amulets is the red wool thread. Thanks to the strength of the conspiracy, it is able to fulfill the desires of that man who wears it.

To discover a red thread at a desire, you need to celebrate Anastasia scholarships, which is celebrated on January 4th. Previously need to buy a new thread, measured the distance from the middle finger and to the elbow, cut it off. Then retire, focuses and start winding the wrist, with each new round sentencing, what a desire to come true.

Conspiracy on the red thread woolen with tension

Folk Medicine also sisters all the ways of treating bruises and stretching, as opposing the red woolen thread. To do this, you need to give the wrist three times with a red thread, seniting such words:

"I recover and restore. And three times strengthen. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Words need to speak as many times as turns around with a red wool thread.


Spare a thread with the help of candles

To perform this conspiracy, you will need:

  1. woolen red thread
  2. three church candles.

The ritual is best done for 12 lunar days, after sunset and in full solitude. Firmly compress the thread in the palm of the left hand and carefully spend this hand over the flame of three candles clockwise three times. At the same time, the hand must be kept so that you felt the fever of candles, but he did not give you a lot of discomfort. In the process it is necessary to read the following words:

"How this thread is lit with fire, so my life is protected from the evil eye! Amen!"

Words need to be pronounced throughout each rotation of the arms around the candles, that is, three times. After you need to tie three nodes on the thread: two along the edges and one in the center. Then you told the thread on your left hand and wear it exactly 3 months. After this time, the ritual must be repeated.

Use holy water

To fulfill the second call, you will need:

  1. woolen red thread
  2. glass of holy water
  3. one church candle.

Conspiracy is best done on the day of noving in accordance with the lunar calendar. On the night of the new moon, turn off the light in the house, burn the candle and plunge the thread into the glass of holy water. While the thread will be in a glass, whisper the following words:

"How the thread of holy energy is powered, so life (name) is transformed."

After reading the conspiracy, remove the thread from the water and carefully dry the candles over the fire, saying the following words:

"Like a filament of fire with energy eats, so life (name) is transformed."

Then pinch nine nodes on the thread about the same distance from each other, in the process of tying nodules whisper:

"I knit knots, tie for yourself good. As satar (a), it will be. Amen!"

Take the thread on the left hand and wear exactly as much as you consider it necessary. This charm will not only protect you from the negative impact from outside, but also will not allow your negative emotions to enter the world.

Red thread broke, what to do?

If you recently began to wear a conspiracy thread, and it looks like it as if you have joined it a year - this is a sign that you are constantly undergoing negative impact " evil Eyes».

  • In this case, pay attention to your environment, especially on those people who often express discontent or aggression towards you.
  • If the thread unexpectedly broke, then this is the right sign that there was an attempt to bring the strongest damage to you, but the entire negative took a conspiracy red thread. Thus, she lost you from terrible consequences.

Torn thread must first rinse under running water to rinse all the energy information about a person, wearing it, and then bury into the ground. Be sure to talk and take one more red thread. And try to avoid contacts with that person who tried to bring damage to you.


Ritual on love

Red woolen thread is used not only as a talisman for tie on the left wrist, but also in other rituals. There is a rite to attract a man to themselves. It is used that the red thread is used, since this color is associated with love.

  • It is necessary to take a thread, in which the length should be about 20 cm.
  • Bringing to reading a conspiracy stands after midnight alone and silence.
  • The thread needs to be wound on the index and thumb, so that the eight is visually obtained, which symbolizes infinity.

During the tie of the thread, these words should be said:

"Tying a thread - you bind you to yourself. As two fingers are connected, so we are inseparable. Like a thread strong and red, and your love is strong and bright. The sun will go up - in you love flames me. Amen".

After that, the thread needs to be removed, but it is important not to unravel it to preserve the shape of the eight. Put the thread under the pillow and go to bed. When an object of adoration begins to show signs of attention, thread should be shifted in secret place.

Ritual on the wrist

It is necessary to conduct a ritual alone on any day between 12 and 15 lunar days.

  • For the rite, prepare a red thread and three wax candles.
  • Put candles in front of yourself and burn.
  • Squeeze the thread in the fist and spend them over the flame of each candle, running three circles clockwise. Over each candle, it is important to read a plot on the red thread:

"As you are consecrated with fire and I - from the damage and the evil eye of the protected (s). The victim of unclean me is not to become, from the word bad I do not fall. Amen!"

Make on thread 3 nodes, and one should be in the center, and two others at the edges. It remains only to tie it on your left hand. Such a talisman is valid for 3 months, and then need to make a new one.

Child Protection

Women often use a red thread to protect their child from diseases and all the damned. Red thread tied around the wrist, pronouncing the following prayer:

"I shoot redness, I guard from the evil eye. Circle protective, red circle. From evil and lich, from hatred and envy. Deatty protects, back returns. "

If the child should be too small to explain to him that it is impossible to tear and shoot a string. Talisman is worn until it comes to disrepair itself. When the thread breaks, you can repeat the protective ritual.

Attract money and wealth

Today, on the wrists of many public people you can see a red string. And all because the alaty thread is the most powerful mascot, attracting money, wealth and good luck. The ritual can be carried out independently on any personal means and savings. It may be a salary, award and any other personal income. Remember the money for which you are reading a conspiracy on wealth must only belong to you!

In the ritual you can use both a pack of money and one bill with a high nominal value. Further, on the length of the bill, it is necessary to measure a string seven times, saying the following prayer:

"I am money, I'm good luck, and you have a product and delivery."

After the talisman, they are tied on the wrist of the left hand and carry 7 days.

  • After the time expiration, the thread is removed and burned.
  • The conspiracy thread will double its strength, if it will tell her a person who has achieved financial independence and well-being.

It is believed that the strongest spells have threads brought from Jerusalem. But the usual woolen thread bought in the store will be equally effective when complying with the prescribed recommendations.

Strong charring for a loved one

Our ancestors often used the strength of the Red Thread to protect the closest and most native people. Better if the rite will hold a mother or sister.

For the protective ceremony, the following items will be needed:

  • red woolen thread;
  • wax candle (preferably church);
  • matches or lighter;
  • little plate;
  • native cross;
  • consecrated water;
  • scissors.

Before holding the units, the red thread is desirable to sanctify.

Light a candle, then pour the holy water into the plate and immerse the cross of a person who wish to protect. Take the scissors and cut the thread from the new sovereign and also lower it into the water with a cross, saying:

"Wizard Holy, Mother, give your strength, you thread to protect the slave of God (name) from attack bad. Let not one enemy be suitable for him and no one will be angry with him. "

Then pick up this water threshold of the dwelling, and put on the cross on the native person. Take a red thread and make three knots on it, saying:

"Like three nodes of these strong, so let the firm will be protected from the evil on the servant of God (name). Amen, Amen, Amen


How the threads on the wrist are working, charms and conspiracies

You know that we all interact with each other in the field level. That is, we share energy. If it has a negative charge, it harms the one who is directed. In the opposite case - helps, enriches.

  • Our thread, when activated by plotting, all this controls.
  • She is able to reflect the external attack.
  • That is, if someone from those around thinks bad about the owner of the guard, then he returns the field structure to the author.

But this is not everything that happens. After all, the Oberega owner itself is not guaranteed from sin.

  • If he has negative emotions, the thread controls them, reduces the heat, pushes to more judicial behavior.
  • That is, she protects the owner from evil emotions that can harm both himself and others.
  • It turns out that our charm has a two-way effect, because the red thread on the wrist is so popular.

How to tie it right, we will look at a little later. In the meantime, let's look at someone to charge this.

Who should tie a red thread?

This question is very important for our ritual. The fact is that the emotions of the artist play almost a major role in the activation of the overag. Actually, all talismans and magic items actively absorb field settings of the ceremony. They are literally soaked with its energy. And the strongest emotion that conquers any other as you know is love.

It is on her vibrations that this complex charm functions. Therefore, it is necessary that a loving person is activated by a red thread on the wrist. How to tie?

  • You need to make seven nodules.
  • Special words are read on each of them. They are as follows:

"Love is yours (name) to protect you from all the misfortunes, from the troubles and misfortunes! Amen!"

  • As a rule, the mother make a guard for their children.
  • Activate the thread can and grandparents.

It is important that there is absolute confidence between people.

How will the thread become magical?

There are some more rituals that need to be held before tie to the arm. True, not everyone knows about them and use. On the red thread, the conspiracy is read twice. First, it should be made magic. Only after that she is told on the hand of a loved one.

The rite must be scheduled for the night of the full moon. For its conduct, three candles should be prepared except for the thread itself:

  1. red
  2. white
  3. green.
  • At night, replace the windows and doors, remaining alone.
  • On the table should decompose the loose yarn.
  • To the left of it to put a green candle, on the right - red, for threads - white.
  • Light everything from one match (or one from another).
  • Take the yarn gently in the hands.

Speak on her seven times in a row these words:

"Rolling the tangle among the seven roads. Besters bypass, fortunately leads. From that tangle transsment slightly. I will make a bracelet from the most terrible troubles. Let it be killing, trouble distinguishes. Amen!"

As you finish, make yarn in the ball. As soon as you come to any nodule, bring the thread. That you have in your hands - magic. It makes the bracelet-charm.


Application of red thread for finding missing things

Red wool can also be used to find lost things. True, it is necessary to resort to this ritual only in extreme cases when you can't cope with your own.

There is a belief that the red thread can be attached to the perpetuity of the tail. For different versions, it is or damn, or other mythical power. Thread will not let him go, while the thing is important for you.

If you have lost a thing without which you can't do without a red yarn of a table, a chair or a heavy chair and tell me:

"Sit you at this place while we are with (the name of the loss) will not be together."

A few days later, and sometimes the clock thing will be discovered, and in the most prominent place. Then the thread must be untied and burn.

With any rituals need to remember that a positive attitude is very important. Like all magical actions, conspiracy influence the one who pronounces them. If in peace with a plot sent good, then something good will come back.


Special prayers

Thread to fight against the evil eye is spoken at the moment when you say it on the wrist. Choose for yourself the most appropriate prayer and read 3 times - so you take the overall of a special force:

"Lord, forgive me and save me, the slave is yours. The Most Holy Mother of God and the Batyushka Jesus Christ, merry me, slave yours. In the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen! ".

"I healed me, Lord, from the strength of the dark, eating the evil eye from me, cleaning. I need to be a cross - I prevailed the cross, I am clean before God, and my soul let it remain clean. In the eyelids, Amen! ".

Secret Method

Make an overlap on the wrist is another way. To do this, you will need to tie 9 nodules on the red thread at an equal distance from each other. This is a prerequisite, so it is important to do everything correctly and to be extremely neat.

Then read the following prayer:

"My wagon, my bracelet, to protect me from a dark misfortune, ukra with my power of magical. Let me be covered under it, as under the nine skies, as under the nine castles. Let it be as I say - my word is hard. "

Conspiracy can be held as a future owner of the bracelet and his beloved person who can endorse the charm by special protective properties.

Method of experienced magicians

It is known that the most experienced magicians who are well-disassembled in their business are often subjected to dark forces. Therefore, for yourself, they also make such an amulet bracelet using the red thread that they speak in a very unusual way.

It will take 3 candles and a red thread of wool. Conspiracy is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Wait for the full moon and stay in the room alone. No one should disturb you while you are talking to your bracelet.
  2. Light three candles in front of them and wait until they ran a little.
  3. Then squeeze the amulet in the palm of your hand and, in turn, keeping it above each of the candles, pronounce the following prayer:
    "Sacred by fire, lit and me, protect and me you are from the darkness and evil! In order for the victim to not become me - I will save me, and the unclean forces of travel away. "
  4. After that, the candles are not needed. Immediately it is recommended to tie the woven on the wrist.

The resulting amulet can act no more than 3 months. After that, thread should be thrown out and talk new on the same principle.

In addition, during the conspiracy procedure, comply with the following rules:

  • Tune in positively. If you are overwhelmed with negative emotions, you will not work correctly or read the conspiracy, it will be unsuccessful.
  • Believe in success. Visualize the desired action of the overama, it will help to strengthen its effect.
  • Do not doubt and go to the end. You can not interrupt a conspiracy in the middle, be sure to bring the magic procedure to the end. Otherwise, you will not get a magic charm, but an ordinary bracelet not endowed with special forces.

How to tie and wear a red thread

There are different opinions on this. Specialists recommend paying special attention to this issue, because from how you decide to tie your bracelet, it will depend on its further functionality. And many of your actions are able to reduce the effectiveness of magic. Experienced magicians give on this issue the following recommendations:

  • It is believed that the red thread on your hand should tie a person close to you - so you will strengthen the power of magic. It is necessary to tie on 7 knots, because it is the seven who is a special light number in magic.
  • The guard must be tied on the wrist, preferably on the left hand. It is believed that it is through the left side of our energy in the body that the negative falls - thus the bracelet will block it correctly.
  • While you wear a red thread on the wrist, control your behavior: try not to keep evil and negative feelings, especially on other people. It weakens the bracelet and its strength.
  1. Properties of faiths from threads that you did not know

    Everyone knows that if we tie a thread on your hand - it can save from the evil eye. But the sorcerers claim that this is not the only property of the thread:

  • If the amulet is correctly tied, it will help you to get rid of any damage, as well as heal from it once and for all. At the owners of this amulet in dreams, damage often appears. Answering the question of what the damage is to dream, it can be said that this is your charm trying to tell that someone tried to send damage to you, but he failed, it means there was nothing to fear.
  • But what is the damage to the damage, if you do not have this overall? This is a faithful sign that in a short time someone will try to damage you. Make an amulet as soon as possible in this case, otherwise you risk remain unprotected.
  • If the thread suddenly broke out without much reasons or lost, then do not despair. This means that she fulfilled her work, and the highest strength decided that such a charm would no longer need.
  • You can tie a thread not only red - other options will also have its own action, but a little different. For example, a green thread will help in love and friendship, orange will improve the relationship in the family, blue will help in learning, and yellow - stimulate career growth.

Remember that it is not enough to tie a thread on your wrist. Above the desired result, you must constantly continuously work and do not stop believing the help of higher strength. Only so you can always keep your high level protection.

Psychologists and doctors constantly talk about the benefits of intimate life. Well, if the partner has developed not only friendly relations, but everything is in order in bed.

In the press or the Internet, you can meet the revelations of women who are not satisfied with their personal life, but do not want to throw her husbands due to incurred temperaments. Or they are not satisfied with the treason of the spouse. Solve all these problems simply - it is necessary to make sexual binding. It does not have such destructive consequences as the Egypt, but will shift and revive your relationship.

To shake the relationship you need to make sexual binding

Pros and cons of sexual binding

As with any rite, this "medicine" has its advantages and cons. We have to admit that the advantages are still much more than the minuses.


  1. This is one of the safest and harmless of all Magic rituals. But despite this, he is very effective, his effectiveness you will feel on the same day.
  2. It is not only suitable for seducing a man, but also to revitalize relations in the family.
  3. If everything is done correctly, there will be no side effects, in contrast to the same Egypt, i.e. Not changes in the nature of a person nor his sexual possibilities.
  4. The spell does not affect the soul of a person, but acts at the level of instincts. This is a positive moment, because The mental struggle with himself may have deposits, such as alcoholism or depression.
  5. Many people like and simplicity of the rite. Difficult rituals are not required, sometimes enough to read the spell.

To revitalize relations in the family, you can use a spell


  1. This is a rite of black magic, with all the consequences arising from here.
  2. If the ritual for binding was made incorrectly, gross mistakes were made, a woman could become a frigid, and a man - impotent.
  3. It does not work on a man who experiences antipathy to this woman.

Conducting ritual

You can make sexual bindings on your husband, and on a young man who you really like. But it should be remembered that it is not able to cause love or mental intimacy. This pair should already be.

Her goal is to make an intimate life more interesting, diverse and frequent. The rite can create an energy binding to the lower chakras responsible for animal instincts. For the ritual, some item is required that binds you with this person. Most often use the photo.

You can make sexual bindings on your husband, and on a young man who you really like.

Love spell with red candles

To make a sexual binding to a man, you need to buy two red candles and take a photo of the chosen one or the subject of his wardrobe (this will give the best result) the rite is carried out on the growing moon, it is desirable on Friday, in full silence, so in advance all the phones and intercom should be disabled in advance. You can take a relaxing bath before the ritual.

First you need to light one of the candles and put it in front of yourself. While it burns, you need to look at the chosen one, stroking another candle as the partner before the sexual act. At the same time, you should repeat the words of the conspiracy until the candle burns at least a third, but better if it is completely completely. The second candle is lit in the presence of the person who has been binding, and the sooner, the better, and otherwise it will lose force.

"Alatyr's stone on the island of Buyan is burning on the island of Buyan, he is burning, and the slave of God is burning ... (Name) is burning, burns, does not get to me, the servant of God ... (Name) does not forget the road. Be my word tight forever. Amen"

To make sexual binding on a man you need to buy red candles

Love spell with spell

This binding is also done on a growing moon, a man can be permanently on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. You need to take a sheet of white paper and rewrite this spell on it:

"Loose to sleep, praying, on all sides of the world, crossing. Do not sleep until dawn, my longing for the slave of God (the name of the guy), I can't strangle! You go to my longing-sadness and the slave of God (the name of the guy), inspiring him love for me burning, the passion of the chain! All his thoughts from now on only about me, day and night, in the morning dawn and in the evening dawn! Amen!"

Binding makes a growing moon

Then get a church candle and set up a sheet from her with a spell. While the fire will flare up, you need to look at the photo of a man and repeat:

"What a head passed above my head, then it was in the head! The fire will turn around, the heart of the slave of God (human name) to break up! Amen!".

After that, the ashes about the papers into the window, and the photo is stored under his pillow 7 days. If you want one hundred percent result, the rite you need to repeat 3 months in a row, only on a growing moon.

Skipping with silk ribbon

This binding on a man is suitable for women who already live an intimate life with a man, but are unhappy with his betrayals. It acts better than the Egypt, but does not bear his negative consequences.

Dissatisfied with treason woman can make a spell on a silk ribbon

Preparation for rite

To make sexual binding on a man, you need to take a real silk tape. If you did not find it in the store, buy a silk fabric and tear off (you can not cut with scissors or a knife) from it tape. It is better to choose a silk of red, scarlet or burgundy. Other colors are allowed, but the fabric must necessarily be monophonic.

Then the ribbon must be wrapped in water and, without bending, drying. The ribbon is advisable to impregnate your energy: you must stroke her, lean to the body. When she is ready, clean underwear is spilled on the bed. The ribbon must be hidden under the sheet, in the very center of the bed. Bed Do not remove, let it stand so much for some time.

Conducting ritual

A man who came to visit is to feed, help him relax. Well, if he is a rested, full strength and ready for the empires in bed. It is necessary to captivate it on the bed, put down and almost bring to the orgasm, but not yet finish.

Well, if you do not enjoy a condom, and he will make it right in you, if you are not afraid to get pregnant. As soon as the man falls, or such an opportunity will appear, you need to get a silk tape and tie several knots on it, repeating the words of the conspiracy. After that, the tape must be hidden near the bed by choosing a secluded place.

After rite, the tape must be hidden near the bed, choosing a secluded place

"I knit (the name of the MCH) to the passion to me (your name) gentle, knit (the name of the MCH) for the love of me wondering, I knit my hard thing, I knit our faithful, on the happiness of our long, knots tightly, (the name of the man ) I will bring to yourself. Sucks strong - (MCH name) to me fusk. "

Rite for family

This ritual is applicable to a pair, which is already married, or for a long time live under one roof. To make this binding on a man, you need to put a church candle in the headboard in the evening and light it. Then he repeat the words of the conspiracy 7 times. It is not worth the candle to quenchness, let the fruit. The rite must act right away.

"Rain, I inflame the passion inside the slaves of God (your names). Awakening sexuality and sensuality. Let the passion be drunk and dope and the mind dominates. To the legs of the slave of God (name) trembled, the lips were dried, and the hands to the slave of God (name) were drawn. To become for him the biggest dream, the strongest desire. Amen!"

Binding on salt

Get a photo of the man where it is removed with a close-up (if not, you can and the other). This rite will help even if the pair did not have before this sexual connection.

Binding to salt will help even if before that there was no sexual connection

Take a saucer and cap of it 7 drops of water. Take the full handful of salt and also throw in a saucer, repeating the words of the conspiracy three times:

"As a salt of water drinks, like the water gives itself without a residue, so my beloved, the slave of God (name) of me, the slave of God (name) wates, but he will not calm down until he takes me. Amen!".

Then this salt must be scattered in the photo and not remove until the binding on a man does not work.

Conspiracy in nodules

To make sexual binding not for one day, and to shock a man for a long time, you can use this ritual. It is necessary to buy a thin red ribbon or take the thread of the same color. The ritual is advisable to perform on a growing moon, but you can and at another time. You need to tie nodes, 7 times repeating the words of the conspiracy. The number of nodules must be odd. Thread or tape with nodules should be hidden, but about the rite, not to talk to anyone.

"Tie the slave of God (name) to the servant of God (name) tight-hard and for a long time! To break and unravel, no one could, disconnect and separated by anyone failed! And the slave of God (name) just wanted me but I dreamed about me! To think of him and thoughs to me were sent to me! And on other women and watch he could not love them! So that the force is male only with me one! "

The most complete description in all details is a spell on the tape with a fairly strong and safe magic influence.

Psychologists and doctors constantly talk about the benefits of intimate life. Well, if the partner has developed not only friendly relations, but everything is in order in bed.

In the press or the Internet, you can meet the revelations of women who are not satisfied with their personal life, but do not want to throw her husbands due to incurred temperaments. Or they are not satisfied with the treason of the spouse. Solve all these problems simply - it is necessary to make sexual binding. It does not have such destructive consequences as the Egypt, but will shift and revive your relationship.

To shake the relationship you need to make sexual binding

Pros and cons of sexual binding

As with any rite, this "medicine" has its advantages and cons. We have to admit that the advantages are still much more than the minuses.

  1. This is one of the safest and harmless of all Magic rituals. But despite this, he is very effective, his effectiveness you will feel on the same day.
  2. It is not only suitable for seducing a man, but also to revitalize relations in the family.
  3. If everything is done correctly, there will be no side effects, in contrast to the same Egypt, i.e. Not changes in the nature of a person nor his sexual possibilities.
  4. The spell does not affect the soul of a person, but acts at the level of instincts. This is a positive moment, because The mental struggle with himself may have deposits, such as alcoholism or depression.
  5. Many people like and simplicity of the rite. Difficult rituals are not required, sometimes enough to read the spell.

To revitalize relations in the family, you can use a spell

  1. This is a rite of black magic, with all the consequences arising from here.
  2. If the ritual for binding was made incorrectly, gross mistakes were made, a woman could become a frigid, and a man - impotent.
  3. It does not work on a man who experiences antipathy to this woman.

Conducting ritual

You can make sexual bindings on your husband, and on a young man who you really like. But it should be remembered that it is not able to cause love or mental intimacy. This pair should already be.

Her goal is to make an intimate life more interesting, diverse and frequent. The rite can create an energy binding to the lower chakras responsible for animal instincts. For the ritual, some item is required that binds you with this person. Most often use the photo.

You can make sexual bindings on your husband, and on a young man who you really like.

Love spell with red candles

To make a sexual binding to a man, you need to buy two red candles and take a photo of the chosen one or the subject of his wardrobe (this will give the best result) the rite is carried out on the growing moon, it is desirable on Friday, in full silence, so in advance all the phones and intercom should be disabled in advance. You can take a relaxing bath before the ritual.

First you need to light one of the candles and put it in front of yourself. While it burns, you need to look at the chosen one, stroking another candle as the partner before the sexual act. At the same time, you should repeat the words of the conspiracy until the candle burns at least a third, but better if it is completely completely. The second candle is lit in the presence of the person who has been binding, and the sooner, the better, and otherwise it will lose force.

"Alatyr's stone on the island of Buyan is burning on the island of Buyan, he is burning, and the slave of God is burning ... (Name) is burning, burns, does not get to me, the servant of God ... (Name) does not forget the road. Be my word tight forever. Amen"

To make sexual binding on a man you need to buy red candles

Love spell with spell

This binding is also done on a growing moon, a man can be permanently on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. You need to take a sheet of white paper and rewrite this spell on it:

"Loose to sleep, praying, on all sides of the world, crossing. Do not sleep until dawn, my longing for the slave of God (the name of the guy), I can't strangle! You go to my longing-sadness and the slave of God (the name of the guy), inspiring him love for me burning, the passion of the chain! All his thoughts from now on only about me, day and night, in the morning dawn and in the evening dawn! Amen!"

Binding makes a growing moon

Then get a church candle and set up a sheet from her with a spell. While the fire will flare up, you need to look at the photo of a man and repeat:

"What a head passed above my head, then it was in the head! The fire will turn around, the heart of the slave of God (human name) to break up! Amen!".

After that, the ashes about the papers into the window, and the photo is stored under his pillow 7 days. If you want one hundred percent result, the rite you need to repeat 3 months in a row, only on a growing moon.

Skipping with silk ribbon

This binding on a man is suitable for women who already live an intimate life with a man, but are unhappy with his betrayals. It acts better than the Egypt, but does not bear his negative consequences.

Dissatisfied with treason woman can make a spell on a silk ribbon

Preparation for rite

To make sexual binding on a man, you need to take a real silk tape. If you did not find it in the store, buy a silk fabric and tear off (you can not cut with scissors or a knife) from it tape. It is better to choose a silk of red, scarlet or burgundy. Other colors are allowed, but the fabric must necessarily be monophonic.

Then the ribbon must be wrapped in water and, without bending, drying. The ribbon is advisable to impregnate your energy: you must stroke her, lean to the body. When she is ready, clean underwear is spilled on the bed. The ribbon must be hidden under the sheet, in the very center of the bed. Bed Do not remove, let it stand so much for some time.

Conducting ritual

A man who came to visit is to feed, help him relax. Well, if he is a rested, full strength and ready for the empires in bed. It is necessary to captivate it on the bed, put down and almost bring to the orgasm, but not yet finish.

Well, if you do not enjoy a condom, and he will make it right in you, if you are not afraid to get pregnant. As soon as the man falls, or such an opportunity will appear, you need to get a silk tape and tie several knots on it, repeating the words of the conspiracy. After that, the tape must be hidden near the bed by choosing a secluded place.

After rite, the tape must be hidden near the bed, choosing a secluded place

"I knit (the name of the MCH) to the passion to me (your name) gentle, knit (the name of the MCH) for the love of me wondering, I knit my hard thing, I knit our faithful, on the happiness of our long, knots tightly, (the name of the man ) I will bring to yourself. Sucks strong - (MCH name) to me fusk. "

Rite for family

This ritual is applicable to a pair, which is already married, or for a long time live under one roof. To make this binding on a man, you need to put a church candle in the headboard in the evening and light it. Then he repeat the words of the conspiracy 7 times. It is not worth the candle to quenchness, let the fruit. The rite must act right away.

"Rain, I inflame the passion inside the slaves of God (your names). Awakening sexuality and sensuality. Let the passion be drunk and dope and the mind dominates. To the legs of the slave of God (name) trembled, the lips were dried, and the hands to the slave of God (name) were drawn. To become for him the biggest dream, the strongest desire. Amen!"

Binding on salt

Get a photo of the man where it is removed with a close-up (if not, you can and the other). This rite will help even if the pair did not have before this sexual connection.

Binding to salt will help even if before that there was no sexual connection

Take a saucer and cap of it 7 drops of water. Take the full handful of salt and also throw in a saucer, repeating the words of the conspiracy three times:

"As a salt of water drinks, like the water gives itself without a residue, so my beloved, the slave of God (name) of me, the slave of God (name) wates, but he will not calm down until he takes me. Amen!".

Then this salt must be scattered in the photo and not remove until the binding on a man does not work.

Conspiracy in nodules

To make sexual binding not for one day, and to shock a man for a long time, you can use this ritual. It is necessary to buy a thin red ribbon or take the thread of the same color. The ritual is advisable to perform on a growing moon, but you can and at another time. You need to tie nodes, 7 times repeating the words of the conspiracy. The number of nodules must be odd. Thread or tape with nodules should be hidden, but about the rite, not to talk to anyone.

"Tie the slave of God (name) to the servant of God (name) tight-hard and for a long time! To break and unravel, no one could, disconnect and separated by anyone failed! And the slave of God (name) just wanted me but I dreamed about me! To think of him and thoughs to me were sent to me! And on other women and watch he could not love them! So that the force is male only with me one! "

Love spell on the rope: how to "bind" to your loved one

Lovers are one of the most used ways to attract love. From our article you can learn how to attract your loved one with a simple rope.

Little trigger "Kosher"

Take three threads of those colors that you like. It is desirable that they were pastel tones. Glowing your pigtail, clearly imaging the appearance of your favorite person and thinking about him. At one end, make a strong knot, and then six more on the entire braid at the same distance of each other. At this point, try to visualize your favorite and imagine your joint happy future.

Now that the magic talisman is ready, it can be worn with me until the person who is melded will not show signs of love. This usually happens after a rather small period of time. To enhance its action, you can use your love talisman on the sign of the zodiac and hang it on this rope.

This spell is advisable to do during the growth of the moon. Buy a red-colored satin ribbon. At the same time, that the magic affects, or will count with the seller without passing, or make a look that forgot it. Next, coming home, tie a bow out of it. On one tip, take your initials with golden threads, and the other decorate the initials of the lover. During this, it is necessary not to cease to think about the man you love.

Take this bow on your left hand. It must necessarily touch the skin, it does not have to be visible. It is even preferably covered with clothes. The magic of this talisman will start to act smoothly from the second when you touch your beloved with your left hand. You can mentally say at this moment: "As there is no smoke without fire, so you are not without me."

Love spells

For this rite will need a long thread. It must be white. From the very beginning, to the end of this thread, tie the knots, thinking about a loved one. Do not try to calculate how much you succeed, be honest. So, reaching the end of the rope, find out: even or odd number of nodules on your thread? If you are happy and you have an even number of nodules, you can spend the rite. If the odd, try to do it another time. If, and for the second time, the highest forces do not favor you, then from the venture to shock this man it is better to refuse. Using a love horoscope, you can pick up a more favorable day for this.

To complete the ritual and bringing it a few more steps left. The rope with an even number of nodules now needs to speak. Say the following words three times: "As a strong knot on my rope, our souls will contact so tightly: yours (name the name of your loved one) and mine. Weight, followed, rope, loop, loop, nodule. As soon as you oversail it, (name the name of your loved one), you immediately want to be with me. His word hold firmly and firmly, immediately it will be. May it be so".

In order for this plot to run, put the rope under the threshold of your favorite person's house. He must have to step it down.

Black spell loke

This spell relates to the dark, so consider that using it, you can damage your energy and energy of your beloved person. Nevertheless, it does not rarely, it is that it is precisely such dark rituals that have the strongest and rapid effect.

You will need a red thread and the photo on which only your favorite person is depicted. Next, make a node, taking a photo. It is necessary to do this in the area where the neck is located in the picture. You, as it were, hang it. True it, say the words: "And the air will be enough for you, and it will be hard to breathe, and the light will not be mil, until you are with me. And I will go past, so life will be sweet, and the air is fresh, and love in your heart will wake up. From now on, now everyone will come true all my words! ". Next, remove the tied photo so that no one has seen it. If you see that the spell acts weakly, try tightening the thread in the photo just tightly.

In order to certainly be confident in the strength of your connection, you can check your marriage compatibility on a horoscope. Good luck, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

Effective conspiracy for sexual attraction and bed

Conspuses that are used to increase sexuality and attractions to the opposite sex, occupy a special place in the occult. They differ from domestic spells, but cannot be considered love. However, despite this, they are most commonly used by the representatives of both sexes. For example, conspiracies for sex are popular. Using these spells, people wish to enter into an intimate connection without applying special efforts. And in this article you can find several most relevant magical rites that will bring physical exercise with the object of your lust.

As a rule, the conspiracy to bed is used when it is necessary to strengthen the intimate relationship between people. To do this, the magic spells of this species are used as peculiar assistance to reduce the physical distance.

As for the species of conspiracies, they are different on the strength of exposure. There are many options for sexual energy influence per person. This explains the fact that the attraction (libido) is a phenomenon of not permanent nature. From this, as well as from the targeted goal, your choice relative to the conspiracy used may depend on.

What is the result of the application?

Each conspiracy to sex is rather complicated. It is accompanied by a certain rite. Carrying out rites to enter into sexual communications, you "incite" the fire of desire in a specific person. The object at the same time can act as a contractor and the author of the conspiracy and the customer. Therefore, before performing each ritual it is important to familiarize yourself with the main nuances. You also need to know how strong the potential at the magic spell.

It is best when the rite to increase sexual attraction is carried out by those who want to enter into such a connection with a person. For example, if the guy wants to go to bed with a particular girl, he must read a specific conspiracy. At the same time, the equipment of the rite may be provided to use additional items.

Similar conspiracies for sex are very popular. A great demand for their application can be explained by mass of their advantages. The main one can be attributed to:

  • high efficiency and fast result;
  • simple execution technique;
  • different duration of exposure;
  • rapprochement of lovers;
  • achieving maximum pleasure.

Ritual for reconciliation of spouses

In most cases, sex conspiracy is used to reconcile a couple. The rite that should be performed will also help people who stay for a long time in marriage, toggle passion.

It is necessary to exercise in the evening before lie down in bed. You need to purchase a church candle in advance. Closer to night, set the candle in the headboard of a married bed. Light it and whisper a plot for the flame:

"Ignition within myself (name your name) and the slave of God (the name of the partner) passion and desire, awakening the attraction and sexuality. Let the heads of fooling feelings be thrilled, they will master over our mind. Let the lips of the slave of God (the name of the spouse) were silent, the legs trembled, and their hands were drawn. Let I become all my dear and more desirable. Amen".

Magic text must be repeated seven times in a row. After that, the candle must be left to go. While the flame will glow it, you can prepare for the upcoming night of "passion". Such a conspiracy on sex will face, as soon as the candle is completely fruit and will go out.

Ritual with Solua

One of the most powerful spells for sex can be attributed to this ritual. To bring the desired event and increase your sexuality, you need to make the next rite.

For the ritual, you will need:

To strengthen the attraction of a person to his person, you need to put a guy / girl on the plate in the evening. Shave 7 drops of water on it. Then they throw a small salt jemy. Distributing a salt of a person, pronounce conspiracy:

"How water gives itself without a residue to getting salt, so let the slave of God (the guy's name) will be placed before the madness. Let me become the desire for him all. Let the Slave of God (again his name) will not calm down until I take me. In the word my power is. Amen".

This magic text for sex should be repeated three times in a row. After the rite, a plate with content will need to hide into a secluded place. It is impossible to clean it until the riddled. As a rule, this plot will act in the coming days. And his advantage is that "works" this conspiracy even on people who had previously unreling one bed.

Ritual for inciting passion

Conduct such a ritual, both girls and guys who want to cause an attraction of the representative of the opposite sex. This conspiracy is rather strong and read it is desirable at an open flame. Send the magic text below can be near the fire, near the fireplace, or on a lit candle (at home).

The text of the conspiracy sounds like this:

"Rain the passion and lust at the bottom of the abdomen. Let the attraction rises to the mind, drunk him, and take the top over the body. Let him burn in the servant of God / her (her name) passion and a strong sexual desire, which only succeeds for me. He wants (the name of the subject of the conspiracy) he is my body so that the legs are cut off, the lips are drying, in the eyes darkens. To blame us both in the heat of passion, experience the unraded to enjoyment. How the fire burns, so he burns the bone (the name of the person), it attracts it to me. Amen".

Ritual with a red ribbon

We offer you another strong conspiracy. From the previous ones, it is distinguished by a validity period. So, for example, if you want to provide a sexual energy impact on a man / woman for a long period, this is exactly this conspiracy. To carry out the rite you will need to prepare:

You should take a ribbon. Tie on her nodules, you need to chip magical words:

"Bring to the servant of God (his name), the slave of God (his name) for a long time and redefect. As nodes do not unleash these nodes, so let no one can separate. Let the Slave of God (name) constantly only thought about me and dreamed, just wanted me. So that I was more beautiful, Mile and more welcome. So that the male power of the slave of God (his name) was only with me. Amen".

You need to read a plot 7 times in a row. The knots on the tape should be turned out to be 7. The ritual is completed by the fact that the tape with the knots tied on it is cleaned into the casket. It should be put in the most secluded place in the house. This conspiracy will begin to "work" as soon as you hide the casket. Act such a spell will be used until the nodes on the tape are tied.

6 lovers' rites for a man

If you are filled with long-limited love, then you should think about making a love spell to which your heart entails. A love spell takes place on the growing moon and takes into account certain days in which the magic rite will be powerful. In magic, the days are divided into men's and women. Monday, Thursday and Tuesday are considered male days, and Wednesday, Saturday and Friday - female. On Sunday, rites are not conducted if it is not specified in the text. On Sundays, a prayer or a prayer arch is read.

Before making a strong love spell, you can first try to call him the thirst for love for you. Perhaps a spell and should not be done at all, opening a sense of man.

For the rite, a glass will be required, salt and a photo of your loved one. Pour spring water into a new glass and put a photo of a person on it. Put a little salt on the lips and put everything under your bed. So you need to make a few evenings before sleeping. This rite can return the one who left for another woman, as well as to be a new acquaintance.

Rite Moonliver

It is possible to shock a man using the lunarwater. To do this, in the days of the full moon, you must take a new glass into the left hand and fill it with spring water to half. With the fingers of the right hand you need to drive a glass of glass and utter your favorite name as many times as the heart tells. After put the glass on the window sill so that water absorbs the lunar energy.

Just do not forget to remove the glass before sunrise, otherwise the witchcraft of the lunar light will evaporate. In the evening of the next day, you can invite your beloved and drink tea or coffee by adding a little waters in a drink. At the time when he will drink enchanted tea, look unnoticed on his bridge.

Love Band Rite

This love spell on a man can be done on any day of the growing moon. In the morning, buy a silk or satin ribbon of red. Calculate money to pay for the purchase without passing, or forget to forget to pass the store. The delivery is forbidden, because you will challenge the magic canal, and the man will not work. You also need to buy new needles and golden threads.

Having come home, tie a bow from the tape. On the one hand, the Banta will need to embroider with golden threads Latin letter C, and on the other side of the bow - the Latin letter L. Making this spell, constantly hold the image of the desired person in consciousness and dream of your future meeting. A love spell on a man will act right away as soon as you manage to touch him.

On the day of the alleged meeting, make a love bow on the left hand, and on top of the clothes. That is, the bow should be on the nude hand and touch the skin. Having met the desired man, under any pretext, tap it with your left hand. When touched, tell mentally:

"How there is no future without the past, so not to be you without me."

Rite Flower Love

This love spell needs to be done more than one day, but it will bring a good sustainable result. Buy a new pot, land and fertilizer in a flower shop. Choose any bulb - tulip, hyacinth, daffodes. All this needs to be done in the days of the growing moon, preferably immediately after the new moon.

To shiver a loved one, put the bulb in the pot and name it with the name of your chosen one. It will not hurt the prayer-appeal to the goddess of love Aphrodite, the patroness of lovers. You can pronounce it in your own words. Now you will need to grow your love, watering the bulb with clean water. When watering, speak the following words:

"When this flower blooms, the heart (name) will be filled with love for me.

Rite Uda Love

Perform a spell on a man using the magic of the nodes you need, given the men's and women's days. That is, in the women's day, this love spell is pointless.

  • woolen thread
  • pink oil
  • jasmine oil
  • lavender oil
  • red or pink candle

To shiver the desired man, you will need to tie the knots on the woolen thread and fill them with your desires. All love spells on men are made with bright and clean thoughts of love, if, of course, you really love this person! In this ritual, the prayer-appeal to the goddess Aphrodite on help and assistance will also not hurt. Privots for men with Aphrodites are always successful.

So, burn the candle. On the rope, make the ordinary knot, representing how your desire and will concentrate in this node. Say at the same time:

"This node is filled with the power of my desire!"

Now you need to moisten the fingers with pink oil and apply it to the nodule. At the same time, you should have a sense of confidence that your desire is firmly toured in the nodule, and it will certainly come true!

On top of the first node, you will need to tie another node with the words:

"Let the secret union be covered with the light of my love!".

That is, your feelings will be tied up in this nodule. Moisten the tips of the jasmine oil and seal this node. Now you have left a spell of your will.

You need to tie the last knot over two and say:

"How tight knots are tied, so the strong will be our love!".

Seal the lavender oil node.

To complete the spell, you need to hide this rope near your lover house. Or bury it where it often passes. Make it is necessary on Thursday at night. Soon your favorite will begin to put attention signs.

Vintage Carpathian Love

This love spell on a man is performed in the days of the growing moon. What will be needed for the rite:

  • two crystal glasses on the leg
  • two candles
  • ribbon of red color
  • piece of natural matter of red
  • holy water

Prepare for the rite, clearing the room and adopting a shower. Put the holy water to the table by filling it a clay bowl. Estate the red cloth on the table and set it up a glass of legs up. On the glasses, put on the candle and burn. Any prayer from the pure heart will help to tune in to the desired mode. When you are well tightened to the spell, you need to touch the following vintage words:

"Cher Sher Bayav. On the middle of your bayav.

Be zo frows bayav. Chukitna Bayav. "

Sake probitive words until you feel that enough. Next, to wander your loved one, you will need to tie the legs with a red ribbon nine times. That is, make 9 knots. For each node will need to say so: "Nor-nine ... no eight ..." and bring the score to one. When all nine nodes are tied, you need to say: "Not a single obstacle!". And add: "Amen and Amen". Love love spell completed.

Now you need to wait until the candles store. Then wrap the wine glasses into the material and hide in a secluded corner. Put a clay bowl with holy water on the closet and do not touch until the water is evaporated. If you are sobering this person, just unleash the bow on wine glasses. By this action, the spell is annulled.

Digid mirror

You can shock the man using a mirror. Conspiracy or prayer at the same time do not pronounce rite. For this, the love spell in the days of the growing moon (you should choose an even day) you will need to prepare honey and apple vinegar. Mix them in a crystal glass in half. Take a shower, spread your hair. Immerse the index finger in the cooked witchcraft composition and apply it to your body: first on the area of \u200b\u200bthe solar plexus, then knees, then on the elbows. And at the end, mark my buttocks.

Then burn the candle, and install it on the floor. Circle 3 times around a burning candle with a crystal glass with a witchcree mixture and immediately look into the small mirror. As soon as you did it, immediately cover the glass with a mirror (the mirror surface inside). Bend to the candle and whisper three times say the name of your beloved you want to shock. You say this name of the flame candles. It will be your prayer and the desire made by fire. Take the candle with your fingers.

Now this glass covered with a mirror must be put in a secluded corner in your bedroom. In the next morning, burn the candle again, say the name of the beloved, whom you need to shock, and put it in a witch mixture. To complete the attitude, it is necessary that the beloved look at this enchanted mirror at least once. As you understand, men's and women's days in this rite are not taken into account.