Bible Genesis 19 33 38. Old Testament

Bible Genesis 19 33 38. Old Testament

1 # Life 18: 2. And they came those two angels in Sodom in the evening, when the lot was sitting at the gate of Sodom. Lot saw, and got up to meet them, and bowed to the face to the ground2 # Heb 13: 2. Life 18: 4. And said: My state trucks! Go to the slave house of yours and overnight, and your legs will be wished, and you will put in the morning and go to your way. But they said: No, we night out on the street.3 He strongly stacked them; And they went to him and came to his house. He made them a treat and baked fresh bread, and they ate.4 They still did not easily sleep, like urban residents, sodomlyan, from the younger to the old, all the people withall ends cities, surrounded the house,5 # Court 19:22. Rome 1:27. And the lot called and told him: Where are the people who come to you for the night? bring them to us; We know them.6 Lot came to the entrance to them, and locked the door,7 # Jes 16:48. And said [Him]: My brothers, do not make evil;8 here I have two daughters who did not know her husband; Better I will bring them to you, do with them that you please, only people sim do nothing, as they came to my house.9 # 2 Pet 2: 7-8. But they said [His]: Go here. And they said: Here is the alien, and wants to judge? Now we will do worse with you, rather than with them. And very much started to the person, to the lot, and came up to break the door.10 Then the guys are shooting their hands and introduced a lot to her house, and the door [at home] was locked;11 # Prem 19:16. And people who were at the entrance to the house were struck by blindness, from small to the big, so they were angry, looking for entry.12 They said the guys those lot: who do you have here? Will the son-in-law, the sons are yours, are your daughters, and whoever be in your city, all withdraw from this place,13 for we have been destroyed by this place, because it is great to the residents of him to the Lord, and the Lord sent us to exterminate him.14 # 2 pairs 30:10. Matt 24:38. LC 17: 27-28. And the lot came out, and spoke with the collaborators with his own daughters, and said: stand up, exit from this place, for the Lord will destroy this city. But it seemed to the inventions that he was joking.

15 When it was dawn, the angels began to rush the lot, saying: get up, take your wife and two daughters of your daughters who you want to not die for the lawlessness of the city.16 And as he was slow, then the men are [Angels], by the mercy of the Lord, they took him and his wife and his wife, and his daughters, and brought him out and put it outside the city.17 # Prem 10: 6. When they brought them out,then one of them said: Save his soul; Do not look back and do not stop anywhere in the surroundings of this; Saw to the mountain so that you do not die.18 But Lot said to them: No, Vladyka!19 here, the slave of yours gained your favor before the eyes of yours, and the mercy of yours, which you did with me, which saved my life; But I can not escape the mountain so that I did not care my trouble and I do not die;20 here, closer to run to this city, it is small; I run there, - he is small; And my life will continue [for your].21 And he told him: here, in the please, I will do it and this: not to the city of which you speak;22 # Exhaust 32:10. Prem 10: 6. Genesis 13:10. Hurry, save there, for I can't do things, you will not come there. Therefore, it is called this city: SIM.23 The sun rose over the earth, and the lot came to Siegor.

24 # Second 29:23. IS 13:19. Ier 50:40. Jes 16:49. AM 4:11. LC 17:29. Juda 1: 7. 2 Pet 2: 6. And shed the Lord in Soda and Gomorra Rain sulfur and fire from the Lord from the sky,25 and the city of Sia, and the whole neighborhood of this, and all the inhabitants of the city, and [all] the growth of the Earth.26 # Prem 10: 7. LC 17:32. Wife Lotov I looked around behind him, and became a salt pillar.

27 # Life 18:22. And Abraham got up early in the morning [and went] to the place where she stood before the Lord's face,28 and looked at Soda and Gomorra and saw all the space and saw: here, smoke rises from the ground, like smoke from the oven.29 And it was when God destroyed [all] the cities of this neighborhood, he remembered God about Abraham and sent a lot from the extermination environment, when the cities in which the lot lived.

30 And a lot from Sigor came out, and began to live in Mount, and with him two daughters him, for he was afraid to live in Sigor. And lived in a cave, and with him two daughters of him.31 And she said the eldest younger: our father is old, and there is no man on Earth, which would go to us by the usual of the whole land;32 # Lion 18: 7. So, we will ask our fault of our wine, and rear with him, and restore our tribe from our father.33 And drove their father's wines to the night; And the eldest entered and slept with his father [That night]; And he did not know when she lay down and when she got up.34 The oldest day told younger: here, I slept yesterday with my father; We will ask him wine and on this night; And you will enter, sleep with him, and restore the father of our tribe.35 And drank their own wine and on this night; and entered the younger and slept with him; And he did not know when she lay down and when she got up.36 And both daughters of lots are pregnant from her father,37 # Second 2: 9. And the eldest son gave birth, and made his name: Moab [Talking:is he From my father]. He is Moavityan Father Donal.38 And the younger also gave birth to the Son, and I made a name for him: Ben-Ammi [Talking:is he Son of my son]. He is the Father Ammonitian Dynam.

Being, Chapter 19

And they came those two angels in Sodom in the evening, when the lot was sitting at the gate of Sodom. Lot saw, and got up to meet them, and bowed to the face to the ground
And said: My state trucks! Go to the slave's house and night, and your legs will get up, and stand in the morning and go to your way. But they said: No, we night out on the street.
He strongly stacked them; And they went to him and came to his house. He made them a treat and baked fresh bread, and they ate.
They still did not easily sleep, like urban residents, sodomlyan, from the younger to the old, all the people from all over the city, surrounded the house
And the lot called and told him: Where are the people who come to you for the night? bring them to us; We know them.
Lot came to the entrance to them, and locked the door,
And said: My brothers, do not make evil;
Here I have two daughters who did not know her husband; Better I will bring them to you, do with them that you please, only people sim do nothing, as they came to my house.
But they said: Go here. And they said: Here is the severity, and wants to judge? Now we will do worse with you, rather than with them. And very much started to the person, to the lot, and came up to break the door.
Then the guys are shooting their hands and introduced a lot to their home, and the door was locked;
And people who were at the entrance to the house were struck by blindness, from small to the big, so they were angry, looking for entry.
They said the guys those lot: who do you have here? Will the son-in-law, the sons are yours, are your daughters, and whoever be in your city, all withdraw from this place,
For we have been destroyed by this place, because it is great to the residents of him to the Lord, and the Lord sent us to exterminate him.
And the lot came out, and spoke with the collaborators with his own daughters, and said: stand up, exit from this place, for the Lord will destroy this city. But it seemed to the inventions that he was joking.
When it was dawn, the angels began to rush the lot, saying: get up, take your wife and two daughters of your daughters who you want to not die for the lawlessness of the city.
And as he slowed, the men are those in the grace to him of the Lord, they took him and his wife and his wife, and his daughters, and brought him out and put it outside the city.
When they brought them out, then one of them said: Save his soul; Do not look back and do not stop anywhere in the surroundings of this; Saw to the mountain so that you do not die.
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But Lot said to them: No, Vladyka!
Here, the slave of yours gained your favor before the eyes of yours, and the mercy of yours, which you did with me, which saved my life; But I can not escape the mountain so that I did not care my trouble and I do not die;
Here, closer to run to this city, it is small; I run there, he is small; And my life will continue.
And he told him: here, in the please, I will do it and this: not to the city of which you speak;
Hurry, save there, for I can't do things, you will not come there. Therefore, it is called this city: SIM.
The sun rose over the earth, and the lot came to Siegor.
And shed the Lord in Soda and Gomorra Rain sulfur and fire from the Lord from the sky,
And the city of Sia, and the whole neighborhood of this, and all residents of the cities of this year, and the growing earth.
The wife of Lotov looked around behind him, and became a salt pillar.
And Abraham got up early in the morning and went to the place where the Lord standing before
And looked at Soda and Gomorra and saw all the space and saw: here, smoke rises from the ground, like smoke from the oven.
And it was when God destroyed the city of the neighborhood of this, he remembered God about Abraham and sent a lot from the extermination environment, when the cities in which the lot lived.
And a lot from Sigor came out and began to live in Mount, and with him two daughters, for he was afraid to live in Sigor. And lived in a cave, and with him two daughters of him.
And she said the eldest younger: our father is old, and there is no man on Earth, which would go to us by the usual of the whole land;
So, we will ask our fault of our wine, and rear with him, and restore our tribe from our father.
And drove their father's wines to the night; And the eldest entered and slept with his father: and he did not know when she lay down and when she got up.
The oldest day told younger: here, I slept yesterday with my father; We will ask him wine and on this night; And you are easy

Life. 19: 1-14.. Two angels (compare verse 18: 2.22) reluctantly took advantage of the hospitality of the lot: no, we night out on the street, they said. But still entered it, and then the inhabitants of the city surrounded the house. They wanted to "know" visitors of the lot, i.e., to enter them into unnatural sexual proximity, believing that those are ordinary men. (Being angels, they were, apparently, very beautiful.) The lot attempt to persuade Sodomlyan not to make evil to his guests and then - his proposal to "take" his daughters, instead of them.

From the furious citizens of the lot save the angels (verse 10); Following the way they affect Sodomlyan blinds. Lot they are told to flee from the city, which is subject to extermination. The town of Lot, who he said about this, however, did not believe him.

Life. 19: 15-22.. Early in the morning angels, almost contrary to the will of the lot, brought him and his closest from the doomed city (verse 16). Probably, the lot regretted his property, and in the intention of angels to destroy Sodom believed not quite (as his son-in-law, did not believe him). The Lord was merciful to the lot and spared him, first of all, for the sake of Abraham (18:23; 19:29). But after its deliverance, Lot continued to pray angels about assignment and condescension.

In the mountains (probably Moavitsky, rising above the Jordan Valley in the East), he did not want to go and calendously asked to allow him to hide in the small town of Sigore (this name itself means "small"; verses 18-22). (Before that, he was known as Bela; 14; 2.) The lot emphasizes the poor and insignificance of this town, as if convincing the angels that he cannot be as corrupted as Sodom.

This scene is always intended to remind the Israelis about the facilitators and the indecision of the lot, which I had to save by force. Unfortunately, those that make up the people of God are hotly tied sometimes to this depraved world - instead of running from him, doomed to death!

Life. 19: 23-29. Glowing gray and fire struck the Lord the wicked cities and all their inhabitants, and everything that has grown on that land (verses 24-25). It is assumed that there was a volcanic eruption, which led to the release of underground sulfur deposits, which was accompanied by the sunbathing of resin marshes, numerous in the Sididim Valley (14:10). The eruption products then hit the heads of people as if from the sky (bow 17:29). Exercising his will, God often resorts to natural (natural) phenomena.

Lot's wife, grieving on the left in the city, looked back (contrary to the prohibition of heavenly visitors) back and turned into a salt pillar, who became an "monument" of her disobedience. Thick smoke from the furnace (19:28), who saw Abraham, was smoke from the burning sulfur (verse 24).

When God destroyed the cities of this neighborhood, he remembered Abraham, that is, about his questions that sounded as a request (18: 23-32), and saved from the extermination of the lot.

Life. 19: 30-38.. In the final section of this chapter, it is described about what the two daughters of the lot in the mountain cave did. At first, the lot was afraid to run to the mountains (verse 19), and went, instead in Sgor (verse 22). Now he again "signed" in his facilitates and, despite the fact that God allowed him to live in Sigor, left and settled in a mountain cave (verse 30).

Deciding that the chances of their marriage are very small (Gen. 19:31), the daughters of the lot, whose grooms died in the destruction of Sodom, began to put his father alternately, after which they entered into physical proximity (verses 32-35). Guided by the desire to "restore the Father's tribe", they, do not hesitate, resorted to the act of bloodsmonde, and this testifies to the undoubted influence on them "Sodomskaya civilization". They had sons: Moab and Ben-Ammes, from which Moavityan and Ammonitian (verses 36-38), permanent enemies of Israel. The name of Moab is consonant (in Jewish) phrase "from the Father", and Ben-Amme means "the son of a blood relative". This etymology did not give Israel to forget about the shameful origin of their enemies.

The four main motifs sound in this chapter: the Surrender of God for the wicked Canaans; Lot affection for immoral society; Mercy deliverance by God from the died, and the "revival of Sodom" in the cave.

At these examples, Israel could see that if God sternly punishes people, he is right, because people are exorbitantly wicked and evil. He also could not not come to the conclusion about the risk of excessive "attachment" to Hanaan.

How to live people knowing about how God did with Canaans? The answer that subsequently formulated the Apostle John was clear: "Do not love peace, nor the fact that in the world because everything in the world passes, and lusting it" (1-John 2: 15,17); Here "passes" used and in the meaning "disappears", more precisely, "is doomed to disappear" - from the Sudden and Sudden Court of God.

Jesus referred to life. 19:26, warningly unbelieving Israel: "remember wife lot!" (Luk. 17:32). The meaning of this warning is that people "did not look around (like her) back," not wanting to part with the "benefits of this world." For perfection awaits those on the day of the sudden coming of the Son of Human (Bow. 17: 30-31). Not only this world with the frequent pleasures will lose their pleasures, but also life in the world of the future (onions 17: 33-37).

Jesus also said that if the miracles he made in Kapernahum were prejuled in Sodom, then Sodomlyan would have repeated (Matt. 11:23). And therefore, he concluded, "the land of Sodomskaya is welcome on the day of the court, rather than" Galilean cities (Matt. 11: 21-24). This means that, condemning people, God takes into account the measure of awareness, which they possessed, as well as the fact that the fate of sinners in eternity is terrible than physical destruction.

And they came those two angels in Sodom in the evening, when the lot was sitting at the gate of Sodom. Lot saw, and got up to meet them, and bowed to the face to the earthand said: My state trucks! Go to the slave house of yours and overnight, and your legs will be wished, and you will put in the morning and go to your way.

But they said: No, we night out on the street.

He strongly stacked them; And they went to him and came to his house. He made them a treat and baked fresh bread, and they ate.

They still did not easily sleep, like urban residents, sodomlyan, from the younger to the old, all the people with all ends cities, surrounded the house.And the lot called, and told him: Where are the people who come to you for the night? Bring them to us; We know them.

Lot came to the entrance to them, and locked the door,and said: My brothers, do not make evil;here I have two daughters who did not know her husband; Better I will bring them to you, do with them that you please, only people sim do nothing, as they came to my house.

But they said his: Go here. And they said: Here is the alien, and wants to judge? Now we will do worse with you, rather than with them. And very much started to the person, to the lot, and came up to break the door.Then the guys are shooting their hands and introduced a lot to their home, and the door was locked;and people who were at the entrance to the house were struck by blindness, from small to the big, so they were angry, looking for entry.

They said the guys those lot: who do you have here? Will the son-in-law, the sons are yours, are your daughters, and whoever be in your city, all withdraw from this place,for we have been destroyed by this place, because it is great to the residents of him to the Lord, and the Lord sent us to exterminate him.

And the lot came out, and spoke with the collaborators with his own daughters, and said: stand up, exit from this place, for the Lord will destroy this city. But it seemed to the inventions that he was joking.

When it was dawn, the angels began to rush the lot, saying: get up, take your wife and two daughters of your daughters who you want to not die for the lawlessness of the city.And as he slowed, the men are those in the grace to him of the Lord, they took him and his wife and his wife, and his daughters, and brought him out and put it outside the city.When they brought them out, then one of them said: Save his soul; Do not look back and do not stop anywhere in the surroundings of this; Saw to the mountain so that you do not die.

But Lot said to them: No, Vladyka!Here, the slave of yours gained your favor before the eyes of yours, and the mercy of yours, which you did with me, which saved my life; But I can not escape the mountain so that I did not care my trouble and I do not die;here, closer to run to this city, it is small; I run there, - he is small; And my life will continue.

And he told him: here, in the please, I will do it and this: not to the city of which you speak;hurry, save there, for I can't do things, you will not come there. Therefore, it is called this city: SIM.

The sun rose over the earth, and the lot came to Siegor.

And shed the Lord in Soda and Gomorra Rain sulfur and fire from the Lord from the sky,and the city of Sia, and the whole neighborhood of this, and all residents of the cities, and everything Earth grows.Wife Lotov I looked around behind him and became a salt pillar.

And Abraham got up early in the morning and went to the place where stood before the face of the Lordand looked at Soda and Gomorra and saw all the space and saw: here, smoke rises from the ground, like smoke from the oven.And it was when God destroyed the city of the neighborhood of this, he remembered God about Abraham and sent a lot from the extermination environment, when the cities in which the lot lived.

And a lot from Sigor came out, and began to live in Mount, and with him two daughters him, for he was afraid to live in Sigor. And lived in a cave, and with him two daughters of him.And she said the eldest younger: our father is old, and there is no man on Earth, which would go to us by the usual of the whole land;so, we will ask our fault of our wine, and rear with him, and restore our tribe from our father.And drove their father's wines to the night; And the eldest entered and slept with his father; And he did not know when she lay down and when she got up.

The oldest day told younger: here, I slept yesterday with my father; We will ask him wine and on this night; And you will enter, sleep with him, and restore the father of our tribe.And drank their own wine and on this night; and entered the younger and slept with him; And he did not know when she lay down and when she got up.And both daughters of lots are pregnant from her father,and the eldest son gave birth, and made him a name: Moab. He is Moavityan Father Donal.And the youngest also gave birth to a son, and called him the name: Ben-Ammon. He is the Father Ammonitian Dynam.

19:1,2 And they came those two angels in Sodom in the evening, when the lot was sitting at the gate of Sodom. Lot saw, and got up to meet them, and bowed to the face to the earth
2 And said: My state trucks! Go to the slave's house and night, and your legs will get up, and stand in the morning and go to your way. But they said: No, we night out on the street.

Heralds of God came in soda in the evening and met a lot sitting at the gate of the city. As a rule, the city's gates on the custom of the Ancient East gathered the authoritative men of the city to solve all current and business problems.
Lot, seeing the guests of the city, offered them to spend the night from him, relaxed from the road, wash and dine, respectfully by contacting them the word "my state trucks". This does not mean that the lot recognized the Messengers of God Abraham in them, because the same word 0013 "Sovereign" or "Mr." meets in cases where they appealed to Abraham - life. 23: 6, 24:12.
Here you can see that the behavior of him for hospitality is similar to the behavior of Uncle Abraham: a long time with him taught the lot a lot with a lot.
However, these two did not plan to spend the night somewhere, they needed to examine the wickedness of the city, because they refused to go to the lot.

19:3 He strongly stacked them; And they went to him and came to his house. He made them a treat and baked fresh bread, and they ate.
Lot did not say in myself: "Well, thank God! Less trouble, my business is to offer. " But he began to insist that guests did not remain on the streets of this city at night some: Lot approximately understood what it could end in Sodom. He was hospitable from the heart, not for a tick; Such hospitality Abraham and Lot was noted by Paul as an example for imitating Christians -Evr.13: 2 Guests agreed. And it happened that they did not need to examine the city: they had enough of their own experience at a lota to make the conclusion about the inhabitants of Sodom.

19:4,5 They still did not go to sleep, like urban residents, sodomlyan, from the younger to the old, all the people with [all] ends [cities] surrounded the house
5 And the lot called and told him: Where are people who come to you for the night? bring them to us; We know them.

All residents of Sodom, from Mala to Velika gathered at the Lot House in order to sole over the guests. What other needed evidence of the truthfulness of the scream on Sodomlyan? Heralds had enough of this night.

19:6,7 Lot came to the entrance to them, and locked the door,
7 And said: My brothers, do not make evil;

Lot tried to protect them, turning to the townspeople "Brothers, do not make evil!" The word "brothers", however, they say not because he considered them with his own and shared their beliefs, but in order to arrange to himself.

19:8 Here I have two daughters who did not know her husband; Better I will bring them to you, do with them that you please, only people sim do nothing, as they came to my house.
It can be noted that his understanding of evil was not quite familiar to us: it turns out, to give his unmarried daughters to the torture of stunned sodomlyans - from his point of view there was no evil.Or at least it was not so evil as it would be evil in the case of a rugs over the guests of his court.19: 24 (apparently, nevertheless, in relation to the female sex, such things could be at least somehow considered acceptable in Those times - judging by the people of God to this. Although it is not easy to agree with that).
In general, the lot has the choice was small: and daughters give and guests - it would be, of course, evil. But from two angry, he still decided to choose the one that he seemed to him.And the daughters of the lot seems to have no choice if Sodomlyan agreed to the proposal of their father.

Yeah...It remains only to be glad that we have not yet lived before this ... or stepped far forward from those strange morals.

However, what interesting can be found in this text for modernity?
Christians sometimes also have to face such a choice when solving problems: that neither choose, and evil is.
However, evil - evil Retn: there is a personal evil, and there is in the eyes of God - evil.
For example, or drive out of work, or reports are lime compound. Throw from work - this is an evil person, for example, for a lonely mother, and her young children. Reports Fake up - this is evil against God. That's all the alignment of the elections. Small - in fact.

If the lot would give daughters - evil would be personal, lot and daughters would be bad from it. If I would give the guest to the ripple, the law of God would have violated the court. 19: 24 (although at that time there was no official law of Moses, but the principles of the servant of God's Lot via Abraham were familiar)

So it turns out, expensive that if we sometimes have to choose between evil and evil - we just need to determine which of the evils will be smaller. And choose it. In the age of this wicked, unfortunately, it does not always have to choose between good and evil. And between the evil smaller and the evil large - to choose often.

But the slogans from the armored person will not push: it is not easy to do this choice. Only the complete confidence of God will help the Christian to go to tolerate the personal evil for the sake of preserving loyalty to God.

19:9-11 But they said: Go here. And they said: Here is the severity, and wants to judge? Now we will do worse with you, rather than with them. And very much started to the person, to the lot, and came up to break the door.
10 Then the guys those speeded their hands and introduced a lot to their home, and the door was locked;
11 And people who were at the entrance to the house were struck by blindness, from small to the big, so they were angry, looking for entry.

As you can see, the lot was not my own - residents of Sodom, he was a stranger for them, fortunately for himself and his home. Heralds of God realized that it was time to interfere, otherwise the one who had a hospitality had been injured and tried to protect them from evil. What else do the evidence of the righteousness of the lot? If he is ready to sacrifice his children - for the sake of the well-being of the wanders?

These two struck the blindness of all from the small to the Great, taking into the house of the lot. But what is interesting, blind " i am angry, looking for entry! " - Even blind, they did not leave their venture to sing over the strangers and tried to get into the house. What other needed evidence of the degree of attribution and the vostality of these people?

But remember that for the sake of 10 righteous God was ready to endure these villains on his planet. And so far, God suffers all the villains of his land in the hope that those "10" of the righteous will be reached on it, for whom he sent Christ and restore Paradise.

19:12,13 They said the guys those lot: who do you have here? Will the son-in-law, the sons are yours, are your daughters, and whoever be in your city, all withdraw from this place,
13 For we have extended this place, because it is great to the residents of him to the Lord, and the Lord sent us to exterminate him.

Only after these events two reported the lot about the intention of God to exterminate this city and offered to flee from these places to the whole family of Lot.

19:14 And the lot came out, and spoke with the collaborators with his own daughters, and said: stand up, exit from this place, for the Lord will destroy this city. But it seemed to the inventions that he was joking.
Lot warned his son-in-law about the upcoming death of the city and its inhabitants, and we think, the righteous lot would not have to give his daughters for dishonest young people. However, they frivolously reacted to the warnings of God through the lot, therefore died with all the depraved.
So, God allowed Lot to pick up all his relatives from Sodom. Those, however, did not go, but there was still a chance to escape.

Who knows what will be the reaction of our close to the decisive hour? However, this episode shows that even at the very last moment - it's not too late to join the call about salvation and escape.

From this example, you can also see that for death in the hour of the court of God - it is at all necessary to be reserved with a scoundrel: a killer or thief, or a homosexual, for example. Enough to take it easy to warnings of God about danger.

Currently, throughout the world, a warning about impending dangers for all mankind -MTF.24: 14, MTF.13: 8.9 sounds through the foresters of God. Do not neglect this warning. To everyone who is not indifferent to the future, it will not hurt to take action to stay alive -1Tim.2: 3.4

19:15,16 When it was dawn, the angels began to rush the lot, saying: get up, take your wife and two daughters of your daughters who you want to not die for the lawlessness of the city.
16 And as he slowed, the men are those in the grace to him of the Lord, they took His wife and his wife, and his daughters, and brought him out and put it outside the city.

Why the lot was slow - it is unknown, but it turns out that he is not very imbued with the danger of the situation, hesitated and worried. However, God decided to save lot the lot of his ownness - the hand over, because I remembered Molba Abraham -19: 29.
And it is interesting that the whole family was removed from the city before turning this place.
As you can see, even delay - nothing means for God, if he wishes to save anyone. And on the contrary, if God wish to punish anyone, then not to hide the wishing to escape under the ground, nor in the depths of the sea, nor in Heaven -amos 9: 1-3

19:17 When they brought them out, [then one of them] said: Save his soul; Do not look back and do not stop anywhere in the surroundings of this; Saw to the mountain so that you do not die.
The lot is not only pushed out, it can be said from a disastrous place, but they gave further instructions on salvation, so that he was not standing in confusion and did not think, but what's next - that. He remained only to adhere to clear instructions and show discipline in shooting on the mountain. But it was not there.

19:18-22 But Lot said to them: No, Vladyka!
19 Now, the servant of your favor before the eyes of yours, and the mercy of yours, which you did with me, which saved my life; But I can not escape the mountain so that I did not care my trouble and I do not die;
20 Here, closer to run to this city, it is small; I run there, - he is small; And my life will continue.
21 and told him: Here, in the please, I will do it and this is: not to go to the city, which you speak about;
22 Hurry, save there, for I can't do business, you will not come there. Therefore, it is called this city: SIM.

Another would be glad the legs alive to carry, and the lot began to bargain. With the cry of Molb, he refused to fulfill the instructions of the messenger, believing that he best knew to know where it was possible to hide the most reliable - in Sigor.
City SIGOR. He entered the sodomsky five-grades ( Sodom, Gomorra, ADMA, Sevoim, Siegor. ) Therefore, it would have to be destroyed too. It is also visible from the words of God - Lot: « Well, I will do for you and this: do not destroy The city you speak about. "(19:21), but for the sake of the lot of lot agreed to preserve the city of life.

What conclusion can be made of this? Do not underestimate the power of prayer. God Jehovah has not changed since that time. He is still - the greatest listener of the prayer, only he can listen to hundreds of thousands of prayers at the same time, and to respond to each.
And also see that sometimes he even changes his initial intention by returning the requests of his servants.
Almost every of us has its own Sigor. Someone is unbelieving relatives, someone has children who have chosen their way, someone has an expensive person who was "behind the line." And there is this hope that in writing our God can spare and our "Sigor".

If you analyze the behavior of the lot, called the righteous -2Petra 2: 7.8 - it turns out that the lot - not the greatest righteous was: and with God I was interpreted, and the seniority of Abraham did not respect, and in the depraved city firmly settled. But all - God saved him.

19:23-25 The sun rose over the earth, and the lot came to Siegor.
24 and shed the Lord on Soda and Gomorra Rain sulfur and fire from the Lord from the sky,
25 And the city of Sia, and the whole neighborhood of this, and all residents of the cities of this year, and the growing earth.

From God, the fiery rain from the molten sulfur was hit from God from Heaven, and in a matter of hours, everything was died and everything in this neighborhood so that there is still no restoration of life in the surrounding area: It is believed that the current dead sea is the territory of the former Slutznaya Pigigander.
So God punished the wicked on the screaming of complaints from the earth on them, checking whether it is right. If the scream of the Earth on the dedication of these cities was not confirmed, God would not destroy them.

19:26 The wife of [Lotov] looked around behind him, and became a salt pillar.
Lotov's wife turned around and turned into a salt pillar. We do not know why she turned around, but we know that the Lot family was warned about the ban to look back, this ban was broken by the wife of the lot.
Whether she treated it lightly towards the command of God, whether the fate of the city, or wanted to say goodbye to her past - it does not matter. Unlike the lot, which did not want to fulfill the command of God to escape on the mountain - the wife of Lotov was not rendered by the mercy of salvation even for the sake of the righteous lot. I did not consider, it turns out, God needs to save from the death of this woman. This is a sufficient evidence that she comes out, was not in his eyes - the righteous at least to the extent, in which righteous was the lot.
And therefore, it is said that everyone - only for himself can be reported before God, and his righteousness, unfortunately, no minister of God will save his relatives from the court of God - Iz.14: 20. There may be a lot of righteous prayer for their neighbors, however, the wicked acts of our neighbors, however, will be evidence against them on the day of the court.

19:27-29 And Abraham got up early in the morning and [went] to the place where she stood before the Lord,
28 And looked at Soda and Gomorra and at all the space of the neighborhood and saw: here, smoke rises from the ground, like smoke from the furnace.
29 And it was when God destroyed the city of the neighborhood of this, he remembered God about Abraham and sent a lot from the extermination environment, when he left the cities in which the lot lived.
Texts that report about the attitude of the requests of Abraham to the occurrence in Sodom and Gomorra and to the salvation of the Lot family.

19:30 And a lot from Sigor came out and began to live in Mount, and with him two daughters, for he was afraid to live in Sigor. And lived in a cave, and with him two daughters of him.
Although the lot has raised the salvation in the city of Sigore for himself, since he ran away from there, he fled to the mountain, as from the very beginning he was proposed by Jehovah. The choice of the beautiful land, which turned out to be Sodom and Gomorroy - Nothing, it seems, he did not teach him: What could be kind in one of the cities of the Land of Sodomskaya?
It would not hiss anyone to extract the lessons from their places to not be forever learned and cannot learn the truth -2Petra 2: 21,22, 2Tim.3: 7
And it is also interesting that God decided to spare the entire corrupted Siegor in favor of the lot, but did not consider it necessary to save the lot to his wife.

19:31-38 And she said the eldest younger: our father is old, and there is no man on Earth, which would go to us by the usual of the whole land;
32 So I will ask our fault of our wine, and rear with him, and restore our tribe from the Father.
33 and drove their father's wine to that night; And the eldest entered and slept with his father: and he did not know when she lay down and when she got up.
34 On another day, the eldest told younger: here, I slept yesterday with my father; We will ask him wine and on this night; And you will enter, sleep with him, and restore the father of our tribe.
35 and drove their father and on this night; and entered the younger and slept with him; And he did not know when she lay down and when she got up.
36 And both daughters of lots are pregnant from her father,
37 and gave birth to the eldest son, and made him a name: Moab. He is Moavityan Father Donal.
38 And the youngest also gave birth to a son, and made a name for him: Ben-Ammon. He is the Father Ammonitian Dynam.

Mountain, where I had to escape from Sigor, this is, apparently, so unlike the deserted place that Lot's daughters were scared to stay in the eternal virgins. This perspective did not please the girls at all, they decided to correct the situation with their own methods: the echoes of the corrupted Sodom, in which they grew, responded with obscene behavior.
It is difficult to say how they occurred to have children from the Father, it is even more difficult to imagine how it turned out to be possible (after all, the lot soldered to unconsciousness and exhaustion), but the fact remains a fact: from this unabilient from the point of view of God's God (Levit18: 6) occurred Two people - Ammonitian and Moavityan (RESOMOM.2: 18,19), the so-called relatives of Abraham, who did not want to take the side of Jehovah subsequently and not adopted therefore to themselves in the people - RESOZAM.23: 3.4., Nehemia 13: 1 2.
It remains to hope that the righteous lot, being in the right mind, would not allow this, so the daughters had to drink it.

Using the example of the lot, it is interesting to analyze the drop in the speed of response to God's news and execution of his will, as well as test yourself how quickly the speed of our response to what we learn from God, if you have to take any decisive actions.

19:12 Lot reports that the city will be exterminated.
19:14 "It immediately reacts and reports to the chance - performs the will of God with a sense of urgency and responsibility.
19: 15,16 - Lot already Medlit. Although passed a small period of time. What could be the reason?

1. The news seemed that the lot was joking . We often discourage and cools the reaction of people to the news of the salvation of God and its intention against the residents of the Earth.

2. Lotov's wife looked around - So it can be assumed that she was not as much convinced of the justice of God's demands, like a lot, living with him. And the poor influence of our homework on us is known (MTF.10: 36).

An analysis of such examples will help us to avoid trouble if we do not repeat their mistakes, and will not allow any circumstances, nor close to us to destroy our relationship with the Creator -Terozoz 13: 6-10.