Many moles on the left cheek. The meaning of moles on the body - what can mean mole on the cheek, on the fingers, above the lip ...

Many moles on the left cheek. The meaning of moles on the body - what can mean mole on the cheek, on the fingers, above the lip ...
Many moles on the left cheek. The meaning of moles on the body - what can mean mole on the cheek, on the fingers, above the lip ...

There are moles on the body of each person. Mountain on the right cheek is a special sign. The meaning of these pigment formations was worried about people from time immemorial, so it is not at all amazing that everyone tried to explain the appearance of these spots on the body, tying them with signs from the outside. In the Middle Ages, when control over everything and all had the inquisition, the moles were perceived as devilish labels, and if their form or color did not suit the inspection, the person could pay life.

After just a few centuries, the entire bourgeoisie and aristocracy opposite actively supplemented their images of flyers. Artificial mole on the left cheek, chest or on the shoulders - an integral element of the image of any aristocrat of the time. They were made by their velvet or painted by a special pencil. Artificial moles used especially popularity, the form of which resembles the moon or star.

In the modern world, Moles pay far from much attention, but still many argue that each nevus has its meaning, and sometimes on pigment spots you can even predict the future.

The value of nonsense on the face

For representatives of the beautiful floor, the location of the mole at the lower half of the person is considered to be favorable. On the cheek of the mole - it is not only beautiful, but also talks about the sensuality of a woman and her future happiness in love.

But this is only in cases where the stains of honey or brown. Carriers of red nevids will arrange their personal life not immediately, since their love happiness even with innate charm and sensuality will interfere with irritable.

All moles on the face on the left have a dual meaning - they cannot be called unfavorable, but they do not belong to happy. The owners of such non-love will be a long time to deal with a huge number of small troubles so as to end up come to their personal happiness. Molenia on the left cheek has always been considered a familiar, secured old age in the family circle.

Brown or red minor nevys are often present not only in a woman, but also on the face of a man, the main features of which are pride and dignity. True, these qualities will interfere with it to settle in life and achieve the desired. But the main thing in this case does not give hands, if you wait, all attempts will be appreciated, and the award will be even more expected.

Black on the cheek of the mole - a sign of cruel and sometimes even evil in the owner.

They meet both men and a woman. Official medicine insists that education having such a color can predict the development of a serious illness to melanoma.

Moles on Skulach

If a man is the owner of the place of the pale nonfords on the cheekbones (not to confuse them with freckles), in his life, most likely, there will be many permanent worries that bring short-term, but frequent joy.

What does the mole mean on the cheek in a man? Moles on male cheekbones are a symbol of authority and opportunity to achieve considerable heights in social activities.

Also, such neutres appear in people who are ready to put all their lives on the implementation of one case or on the struggle for a single idea.

Cheeks and cheeks are the location of the localization of moles in women having a discreet or even closed character. Such women are capable of long-term time to wait suitable or the moment you need. They do not like reproaches in their direction, even fair, and also differ in particular sensitivity and susceptibility.

In such representatives of weak gender, half-life passes on defensive positions - they protect themselves from the negativeness of the surrounding world, which is why personal happiness is often deprived of themselves.

In men, a lonely mole on the left cheek can mean indecisive nature and excessive pedantry in all life aspects. Such a person prefers to spend time in solitude and communicate for the most part only with close and relatives. But Neus in the same place in a woman opposite speaks of the authority of the owner.

The life priority of such a fair sex is dominated over people around him and always strive and in everything first.

I think many want to learn about what the one or another mole is on the human body. They can appear almost anywhere, so people want to know especially superstitious. Today, in this article we talk about the importance of all these moles on your body.

First of all, determine which side it is located. If the temple of the Molenia is on the right side, this suggests that its owner has a sensual and sentimental character, regardless of gender. Usually such people can take a tear when viewing sad and miserable films and television programs when viewing old photos, etc.

If the side is left, then a person can hide its sublimination and control them very well. The more Molenia will be, the more thorough its owner can hide his feelings from others. At the same time, the talent of clairvoidances or well-developed intuition may be present.

In addition, the temple may say that this is a talented person, an emotional, who likes to stand out. At the same time, this may be an indicator of inclination to inconstancy, quarrels, very frequent change of mood.

Very often, the mole is not visible and many do not notice it over long years. In any case, it is believed that such moles are best hiding from prying eyes, so as not to lose their special talent (if there is one).

What does marding mean and under the lip?

Mountain under the lip.

Neus, in such a place is found quite often, and it can mean the following:

Usually, these are modest and restrained people, which sometimes have a weak character, refers to a large degree to the male floor. Frequently, the owners of such a mole are not beginning their affairs and do not finish them to the end and besides that, they are not rarely dependent on their bad habits.

Mountain over lip.

In this place, Nesus is noticeable more often than in the previous version, from the various superstitions on this score more. From a long time, it was believed that this is a sign of refinement and aristocracy.

The character of the owners of such marks to call a simple language will not turn, usually it is, hot-tempered sharp sometimes insidious, and sometimes even cruel people, especially if Molenia is closer to the right side of the lips. Usually they try to take everything from their lives and enjoy every moment, but at the same time they do not take into account the people around them, because material values \u200b\u200bare noticeably more important for them.

In this case, women often achieve serious results in building their careers, but call them good mothers, wives and hostess, it is not always possible.

Speaking about men, they, if they have noted above the lip, are also strong personalities and sometimes achieve excellent results in building their career ladder. However, this does not prevent them from manifesting nobility in many situations.

Naturally, it does not always happen, but often this picture is pledged to us.

Mountain on the border.

This situation is very rare, however, if Nesus is located there, this is a sign of a weak person who is very difficult to achieve high results in life, often susceptible to various depressions and very touching.

What do the moles are on the fingers of the hands mean?

We have already talked about the fact that moles appear on the body not just and in their form, the location of finding quite a lot of information can be said. Moles can be almost anywhere and including on their fingers. So what do the moles mean on the fingers of the hands?

If you have for example, a mole appeared on the thumb, then in most cases you are attracted to you the opposite sex. If Molenia is on the Mizinz, then this indicates your good financial skills. Even a small note that is on the indicated finger, says that you are the leader and a rather smart person by your nature. If the mole is on the middle finger, then in most cases you are a person who constantly wants to be in the center of all attention and wants to somehow stand out.

If notna is located on the nameless finger, it will say that you are a person who is looking for a second half and is in no hurry to marry or marry. You also look for a long time, what you want to do in this life.

What can a mystery mean on the Mizinza?

Mountain on the fingers of the hands is found in humans is quite often, but at the Mizinza much less frequently, and still almost every owner, wants to know what it means.

Since this is the smallest of the fingers, he means success in many affairs, and it can also say that some unusual job will fall in life.

First you should look at what kind of hand is notna, if the little finger is the right hand, it is believed that its owner is a scattered person. Therefore, they often raise their belongings. If the Molenia is located on the upper or middle phalanner of the Misma, then it is worth it to be neat, since its owner due to its inattention can harm health. The lighter will be a mole or in red, the degree of danger decreases, the darker, on the contrary rises. Red Mountain can even say that man is destined to be rich.

If you have notice on the left hand, Your children must be happy.

As you already understood, in this case it is of great importance, in what kind of place the Mizinz is located.

On the bottom of the finger The relaxing mole may mean that its owner is a greedy person who is inclined to theft. He in the first place is only the monetary values \u200b\u200bthat he can master, including a criminal way. This is usually unfortunate and poor people trying to take possession of money.

On the middle of the maizin Molenia can designate the intelligence of its owner. Such people should fear any evil eye, especially if it is noted on the outer part.

With the upper part, not everything is so tragic, like the bottom. Holders of Moles that are at the top of the Mizinz usually wounded and gentle, creative people. There are that they are very closed, so they have almost no friends.

What does the mole mean on the cheek?

On the cheek of the mole, a rather common phenomenon that meets in many people. And the big half of them wants to know that it can mean, besides the fact that she gives the woman charm and aesthetics (in most cases). Naturally, we can talk on this topic with a chiromant, and you can learn about this from today's notes.

Mole on the left cheek

On the left cheek there is a march, near the lower century, it may say that its owner is very sensitive. Such people need frequent changes in the marital life, they want something new.

If Molenia is located closer to the cheek, then you may have a very difficult person who is inclined to depressions, you constantly have a reason to worry. Therefore, you need to constantly search for something new, so as not to load your thoughts.

Mountain on the right cheek

About this part of the body has been said more than about notice from the left side. In this case, it can talk about generosity and loyalty to the owner of such noted. In love they are very passionate, they are also very sincere people.

When finding a godded spot at the top of the right cheek, means that you do not have consistency when choosing your second half, you can love to love very hard.

When finding a mole closer to the outer corner of the eye about the irritability of its owner, as well as about passionality and irritability.

If marked right in the center of the cheek, then this fact may mean the flawability of a person, you often arrange quarrels, but then quickly go to the world.

Mountain on the nose, what does it mean?

Of course, you have met a person more than once (or those themselves) whose Mole is on the nose and this is probably something means. This can be said one of the signs characterizing human nature. It is believed that the molesting on the nose is a happy sign.

If this speck is directly on the edge of the nose, then this means that the person is quite smart and has a good sense of humor. It is explained by the light of the surrounding people, as Molenia on the nose often causes a lung smile.

Molenia is not mediocre under his nose, just also promises positive for its owner. He will have a happy life.

If the mole is located on the left side of the nose, then this means that the person has problems with a career, but if on the right side, then quite the opposite, such people are quite quickly moving through the career ladder and earn quite good money.

As we see, the mole on the nose in most cases means only a positive result for their owners. This is confirmed by some studies that have shown that in more than 70% of cases of such people accompanies luck, and they are talkative and open.

What does the mole mean on my shoulder?

Many superstitious people consider the birthmark as a sign of fate and a mole located on the shoulder (which will be discussed today) no exception. First of all, the birthmark, which is in this place, can be considered an excellent informant.

In this case, notna suggests that its owner will have a difficult fate. You will be chased by the problems that were not solved in the past life. In addition, these problems can be transmitted from one generation to another. The life of such people will be literally filled with various trials that sometimes will turn into serious problems.

Justice It is worth noting that these people are pretty strong in spirit and with dignity oppose all the transfers of fate. Decisitancy, perseverance, courage - all this belongs to a person who carry this notice on himself.

Mole on the right shoulder

If the Molenia is located on your right shoulder, then it speaks of the high reserve of patience from its owner, as well as about loyalty that this person knows how to store. Although in general, it does not matter at what shoulder is the harmful spot, in any case, its owner (hostess), a very good attitude with the opposite sex.

Mountain on the left shoulder

Mountain, located on the left shoulder, can talk about stubborn nature, which hardly recognizes the authority and loves to suppress him in words. Therefore, such people often suffer from their distices. Although sometimes it is worth it and recognize your wrong.

Triangle from Moles, what does it mean?

It is worth saying that the moles triangle can mean both a positive and negative moment. It all depends on their specific location, and it is from him that the fate of a person will depend on it.

Some say that such a triangle means communication with the highest mind, i.e. Possess abilities that are not under the usual person. And many argue that people can freely become different psychics and fortunellers others argue that it helps to increase energy characteristics, especially the part where this triangle is directly located. One more thing claims that in the part where moles are located, their influence on our fate increases.

In any case, even if you believe the meaning of the Moles, you should know that our fate is only in our hands, and only we, our actions, can affect the course of events in it. Therefore, it is not necessary to rely greatly on the value of the data of the moles, although you can listen to their value.

From the point of view of medicine, moles or nevys there is on the body of each person and are the defects of the development of skin cells. Not too romantic description, right? But we take a look at the moles on the other hand - with exciting, cognitive and interesting.

A little story ...

In the harsh Middle Ages, when the holy inquisition bloomed with a buoy, people with moles had to be not easy. The witches hunters were confident that the devil brands his servants and the minions in order to cure their dark treaty. He marches those who worship him, spending his sharp claw on the body. Any mole, papilloma, the wart was considered "witch marks." Naturally, it was not difficult to suspect and be accused of conspiring with the devil of almost any person, thereby condemning the unfortunate burner.

And on the wise east, everything was completely different - it was believed that the girl was without a moleside on the face "I don't care that the dawn without the sun", since Molenaya on the female lear was considered a sign of passionate nature. That's just a mole on the face got not all Schehherzade. It is so one inventive loser and an artificial mole was invented. This trend applied to light with dizzying speed, and now the ancient Greek poets are chanting a beautiful female face with an intriguing mole ...

Soon, this fashion was firmly rooted at the court of the King of France, Louis XIII. Under the elegant velvet ladies, the ladies hid pimples, traces of smallpox, and even with their help transferred informational messages to their fans. The number of flies on the face of Modnitz came sometimes to the absurdity.

In our time, fortunately, it disappeared the need to mask the moles, as applying the invoices. Those moles that we see on the people of others, natural signs pointing to certain qualities of a person. Moles can tell a lot about their owner, just be able to read them.

What does marding mean on the left cheek?

Mountain on the left cheek, both in a woman and a man, indicates their sensuality. Such a person is inconsistently, a life and everyday routine pressure on it. He is constantly in finding new sensations, new acquaintances, new connections. He requires bright experiences, adventures, painting extravagancies, and in all spheres of life without exception. Naturally, to get along with such a person is very and very difficult. If his life becomes ordered and monotonous, he is able to fall into the deepest depression, roll the hysteria and bring himself and close to the nervous breakdown.

There is another interpretation of the mole on the left cheek - this is a sign of a creative person. Even if the owner of the mole is a housewife, it is possible, she bakes a brilliant charlotte or artistically decorate a bed with petunias. The most ordinary work they are able to turn into a masterpiece. Also, people who have a mole are on the left often have an inquisitive mind and are good business partners. They know how to smooth out any conflict and find a compromise in every problem.

To date, scientists managed to find out that the mole on the left cheek in men can denote a large creative talent. From such a person, a well-known artist, a popular writer, the famous composer and even an astrologer can be released. These men can boast of unique memory. They are easy to communicate and without problems find a common language with people.

If the mole is located on the left cheek of a woman, her hostess possesses unrivaled charm. Such a woman is attracting all the views, her face will dive into memory for a long time.

Molenka on the right cheek - what does she talk about?

Moled on the right cheek, both in men and women are a kind sign. It testifies to insight, talent and focus, generosity and great sensuality of their carrier. If you have such a mole - you are a faithful friend and an excellent family man, the happy owner of a pleasant character, however, by times falling into jealousy and attacks of irritability. You have a hot temper, you are hot-tempered, but if reconciliation occurs in a married bedroom, your half noise will remain.

Molenta on the right cheek of a woman talks about the fantastic luck of her owner: Such will always have time for the last train, chooses the best husband himself and never know what the need is.

A man with a mole on the right cheek is usually cheerful, moving and very charming. He has a lively and foolish character, sometimes unbridled, hot-tempered. But this person is attentive, wit and unauthorized. He clearly sees the target and purposefully moving towards it, a born leader, configured only for success.

Colors and shapes ...

Studies of scientists say that the more intense and brighter the Molenia is expressed, the greater the influence on the fate of his owner. The shape of the mole of the mole is the value, the sun is considered happy signs. Rectangles, squares, stars carry a negative meaning. However, if we treat each of your moles with love and positive, regardless of its location, numbers, forms, colors, a happy star will shine you all your life ...

Each mole on the body has its meaning. Mountain is not a cheek, for example, it is not only an unusual highlight and a distinctive feature of the appearance of a person, but also a source of information in which you can read fate and character.

There are many will take about moles and their location, with which you can learn a lot about a person. All these signs have developed from perennial observations.

The importance of the mole on the cheek should be interpreted depending on its location, the floor of a person and remoteness from the center of the face.

Mountain on the cheek in a man

Mountain on the right cheek in a man Speaks about a strong and volitional character. Outlooking such notes are distinguished by wit, eloquence and skill to manage people. These are inborn leaders, innovators and coup.

Mountain on the left cheek in a man Indicates a big talent. Most often, the owners of the mole on the left cheek are associated with art. In the soul, such men are romance. There are wounds, passionate and inconsistent. Different with impermanence and mental thumbnails.

Meaning of moles on a woman's face

Mole on the cheek on the left of a woman Speaks about internal magnetism and attractiveness of both external and inner. Such a woman from nature is smart, charming and charismatic.

Mole on the cheek on the right of a woman Indicates incredible abilities in a certain field of activity. Such women are lucky in life, but only if they found the matter of their lives, then what their souls seek. They can achieve everything if they are engaged in a favorite thing.

The lower the Molenia is located on the cheek in humans, the weaker its meaning. If Molenia is closer to the ear, then it speaks of developed intuition and insight. If the Molenia is located closer to the nose, then this indicates the hidden possibilities that a person is still destined to discover. Over time, the opening of these possibilities and talents of the mole can change its color, size or disappear at all. We wish good luck and do not forget to click on the buttons and

01.01.2015 09:44

In Europe, in the Middle Ages, the body could not burn at the fire. All because unusual skin changes were considered ...

Molenka is a label of fate. Find out what a large number of moles mean and why they are located in certain places on the body ...

Major spots and moles

The word "Molenia" itself has a root of the genus. Moles are one of those forms of Tynopisi, whose signs writes the fate itself. Esoteric for Moles has gained great experience. We use it to figure out what the main birthmarks mean.

The birthmark is rare, but nevertheless, there is an emerge on human skin.There are two main colors of birth plates. These are red and brown (dark brown).
Brown birthmarks - violations of the law come true or a representative of the genus, wines for which spread throughout the region. In other words, a person committed a kind of act, responsibility for which the whole genus carries, those who are born with such a sign.
Red spots "A person or the race, to which this person belongs, is highlighted, endowed with any talents, the gift that others should know about.
In addition to color, there are two more less significant characteristics that allow you to easily approach the issue of informing us and those who are endowed with such a sign. This is the location of the sign - the godded stain. Hidden - invisible for most surrounding (in places, closed clothes, under hair), and visible - open to all. The location of this sign is a head and hands.
The hidden location is considered as a personal information intended only for the circle of persons admitted to the intimate life of a person. This is how you understand, relatives and close people.
Open location for all others. A sign that should see everything and make appropriate conclusions.
Next, you should consider various types of characters / images that are similar to the birthmarks. When combined with the above information, this will make it possible to compile a fairly complete picture of a person marked by fate.
The born spot on the head (hidden) is a strong and confident man, the owner; Open - subordinate, with signs of slavery.
The birthmark between the eyebrows is a person who pursues the interests of the kind and his family.
The birthmark on the chin is a non-permanent person in affairs and actions.
The birthmark on the stomach is a lazy, which should be hung well to bring benefits.
The birthmark on hand is a hardworking and calm person.
The birthmark of the heart is calm in feelings, cold with others.

Form of the gathering stain

The rimmed stain in the form of a cross always speaks of severe trials in a person's life, on any part of the body it is located. And depending on whether it is hidden or open, it can be judged whether a person will carry his cross clearly or secretly. The birthmark on the abdomen in the shape of a cross speaks of the possibility of violent death.

The birthmark in the form of heavenly luminaries (Sun, Moon, Saturn) introduces a lot of characteristics into a man's image born with such a sign. And the values \u200b\u200bof the shine are brought according to their planetary influence. The sun is activity, cheerfulness, success, beauty of power. Moon - femininity, softness, attractiveness. Saturn is the power, weight of character, dedication, uncompromising.

If the birthmark is on the head, the formation of the personality and the nature of such a person will pass through conflicts and confrontation with the surrounding people. Problems in mutual understanding and active hostility can pursue a person until it gains the necessary luggage suffering.

The birthmark in the form of a star is an extremely rare and very happy sign. Full similarity may not be, the birthmark can resemble a person's figure, four- and six-pointed star. Such a person will always keep his guardian angel, regardless of situations and classes, and such a person is usually troubled.

The birthmark in the form of a geographical map is very often found, perhaps pointing to the territorial belonging of the genus, the place from which the ancestors of man came from. And yet, despite some sentimentalness of the sign, he talks about the evilness, contempt for other, offending, aggressiveness towards other people.

The birthmark in the form of a cross on the chest is difficulties in relationships with the opposite sex, misunderstanding, the extreme difficulty of finding a pair.

The birthmark on his back speaks of a possible betrayal from loved ones and friends, draws the attention of the owner of the sign to the need to pay communication with close attention to the maximum of attention in order to avoid the specified destiny.

The birthmark in the form of a bird is a good sign. A person with such a stain can achieve a lot in life thanks to personal efforts if the wings are revealed. He is a high flight bird. He is kind, loyal and communicated. But if the wings have a bird-sign folded, then this person will be difficult to achieve possible heights and then he will need support for loved ones.

Moles are important in fate of people: convex in the form of warts, separate dark points, more or less bright small specks. They can appear in the process of life and can be given from birth. Naturally, the nature of such moles is different. Those that appeared in the process of a person's life, talk about the acquired qualities and properties of character. Those that appeared by birth, up to 10-14 years old, talk about congenital characteristics.
Different people moles may differ significantly. For dark-skinned, black moles are important, for ceiling - convex. The emergence of new moles or an increase in the size of innate signs reflects the actions performed by us in the same way as the appearance of new lines on the palm, wrinkles on the forehead and seeds.
In different interpretations, there are more than one hundred different areas of the person, according to which the nature and fate of a person are determined. The main zones are located on the axis of the symmetry of the face and capture parts of the face to the right and left from the axis.
The presence of moles on this vertical line in the upper part of the forehead speaks of the difficulties that will have to survive a person in childhood and youth, in the middle of the forehead and in its lower part - about any difficulties in relations with other people - relatives, friends, colleagues.
Mountain on the nose is one of the signs of fate. It is worth thinking about it.
Mountain in the middle of the nose - possible failures on the love front.
People with moles at the tip of the nose can become chronic losers.
Mountain located on the upper lip (immediately under his nose) may indicate serious hereditary diseases.
Mountain under the bottom lip and on the chin speaks about the power of the will and the hard character of its owner.
Moles located below the ribs. In a woman, let's say this is the waist area. Operations with such signs cannot be controlled. They are often banal hystericals with low intelligence. Live with such a woman - solid torment. It can roll the scandal for any occasion, for example, if it seems that someone looked at her at her bus and specially back elbow, and her husband did not put in place.

A man with a relay below the ribs often turns out to be a big egoist. He is concerned only their own desires, as well as fear of losing some benefits. It is subject to hysterical panic during natural disasters.
Mountain on the neck of a man speaks of his impassiveness, numerous weaknesses, the absence of willpower. His mood is often changing, in childhood it can be very fusing. A woman with a birthmark on the neck can be very volatile at the apparent conservatism. She changes her tastes, addiction, life credo. Under certain circumstances, it can change her husband, but for nothing will hide it and immediately in all he admits. At the same time, it can be very gentle, love without regardless and even completely devote himself to one-sole man.
Moles on the chest are of greater importance for women than for men. Women can have moles (for example, on the bottom of the left), which are able to influence fate in different ways - either to cause love and worship, or create a substantial and short-lived passion from a woman.
Molenia under the breast indicates the cunning nature of the owner. The speech on the left says that a woman is capable because of love for intrigue. It does not happen any means in achieving your goal: can damage the rival, send unhappiness on her children. Such a person will always choose a person in the potential husbands of a non-free, burdened family.
Men with a mole under the right nipple are very noble. Of these, faithful husbands and caring fathers are obtained.
The birthmark stain on the left hip in a woman (the foot area above the knee) and on the right of a man speaks of hermit, especially if it is located on the leg of the back. Such a stain indicates a strong dependence on the mother. The owner of a similar spot can early may lose his father or will be brought up without a father. However, for men it can also be faithful. In childhood, such children stand out among the peers. They are considered white corners, in any society nor were. It should be noted that the quality of the stains are brighter than brighter than the brighter itself. The presence of such a sign also talks about a positive aspect: a person will enjoy outstanding abilities that will be able to implement anyway. In his fate there will be many discoveries, as a rule, relating to their own personality.

Mountain on the forehead right and under the lip on the right.

Molenia on the forehead on the right side brings fame and happiness. He indicates an insightful mind, such a person has versatile talents and seeks to perfection. If the Male has a mole near the lips, then its owner is the embodiment of modesty. Long remains a virgin, but from such cute boys, perfect husbands and exemplary familymen are obtained.

Mountain on the right cheek.

Women with a mole on the right cheek enjoy the attention of the opposite sex more often than others. She points to the talent manifested since childhood. It may be the talent of the artist, writer, composer, astrologer (especially characteristic of men). For a woman, such a mole is a sign of natural charm, and often impassableness, tendency to depression, sometimes hysteria. A man with a mole on the right cheek in life is accompanied by luck, as a rule, he is happy in marriage.

Mountain over the upper lip.

A woman with such a "label" has a powerful character and a strong spirit, according to nature the leader, suppresses men. Such women are not always affectionate with children and husband, but they often manage to make an excellent career, to achieve position in society.

Mountain on the left side of the neck.

A woman with a mole on her neck is very modified, but at the same time truthful and not inclined to intrigue.

Often changes tastes, addiction, life credo. In the first place her house. It is usually not based on other people's advice. Often repeats the fate of his mother.

Mountain on his forehead. Her owner can become a statesman, a wise politician, a diplomat. Such a mole of almost the bridges over the right eyebrow was also at Prince Alexander Menshikov - a contemporary and the nearest comrades of Peter I. These are people with a huge reserve of energy, but the main thing for them is not to overdo it and do not waste on trifles. But the mole between eyebrows above the bridge means that its owner may foresee the future. Such moles have deities in Buddhist temples and rare lucky people among people. It is believed that this is the "third eye" place. This person in the past life is more than others, managed to improve their karma. Mole at the top of the forehead speaks about the excellent organizational abilities of the owner.

Moles on the cheeks and under the eyes They talk about tenderness and kindness. This is a sign of noble origin and a tendency to self-sacrifice.

Mountain on cheekbones - Notification of decisive people who are able to devote all their life to the struggle for the idea. Exactly such was on the right cheek of the hero of the Albanian people of Scanderberg (Georg Kastiotic), who lived at the beginning of the XV century. More these people unsurpassed speakers.

Moles under the hair on the head. Such a gift, nature awards thinkers, scientists. It also speaks of a character of character. It is believed that in one of the past lives, he could commit some kind of non-resident act, even murder.

Mountain on the right temple Indicates the presence of a fine intuition, the gift of foresight, bright individuality. It is believed that such a mole must be hidden from foreign explosions.

Moles on the ears. Their owners are usually extremely boastful. These qualities work as self-defense. But these people may not keep their words, able to deceive or steal. If the mole is hidden in the ear, it may be a sign of the disease of the nervous system.

Moles in language. People with such a rare mark say a lot and almost do not know how to listen. They are distinguished by incontinence in statements and suffer from it.

Mountain on the neck The man speaks of his high intellectual and spiritual development, but it is difficult for him to implement his data. He will certainly be ahead of a more dodgy and successful competitor. A woman with a birthmark on the neck can be very volatile. She often repeats the fate of his mother. For example, if the mother had one marriage, most likely, the daughter will also have one marriage. The same applies to the emergence of children. A child with such a mole is universal favorite.

Moles on shoulders. Holders of such moles seem to be attached by the cargo of problems not solved in the past. These are strong personalities, but they are clearly not enough determination. They do not recognize authorities.

Moles on the chest. In antiquity, such moles considered dangerous signs. If the Molenia is located on the left, and its owner is a woman, it was believed that she would be a victim of unhappy love. But if the Molenia is located on the right, it is interpreted completely differently and characterizes the owner as a faithful wife and a good mother. A man has such a mole talking about his clean intentions and love for people.

Mountain on the cheek The man says, above all, about the nature of character, cattleness, originality, if it is located on the right. This mole is impossible not to notice. Women with a mole on the cheek enjoy the attention of persons of the opposite sex more often than others. Mountain on the left cheek indicates a big talent, which manifests itself in man since childhood. It may be the talent of the artist, writer, composer, astrologer. Such people have a phenomenal memory. And also - the talent of communication with people. The Great Marilyn Monroe possessed a similar mole. It is necessary to talk about how many men fascinated it thanks to a spicy feature!

Moles on centuries - The characteristic sign of a person whose feelings always prevail over the mind. This is usually a very dreamy person who can change his views and beliefs several times a day.

Moles on the nose characterize the easy character and the presence of a sense of humor. In women, this is a faithful story of frivity.

Mountain at the base of the nose On the cheek is characteristic of lovers to give advice. Typically, delta. Such people know how to keep secrets, help in a difficult situation. The best profession for them is a lawyer. But these people can "talk" with the stars, work wonders, interpret dreams. Such a mole was near the Great Paracella.

Mountain on the chin Enerfates its owner with strong will and the ability to bring to the end any business. Moled on the chin on the right of men speaks about one-scenes, cosupiness and greed. Left - about purposefulness, desire to go ahead, self-improvement. In women, on the contrary, the birthmark on the chin on the right is a happy positive sign giving her faith in their strength, optimism, generosity. Such a woman will always be distinguished by the ability to listen, wisdom, tact.

Mountain on his back Speaks about increased requirements for himself and others. According to Slavic, such moles are the sign of possible betrayal by other people. It is possible that in the past life, the owner of the Moleniki suffered severely from the deception and betrayal of a loved one. He should now behave carefully and not really trust.

Moles in hand. Moles on the inside of the wrists are very varying, and if there are two spots and more - it speaks about hypersensitivity to any manifestations of rudeness and inattention. Women with moles on hands are usually very happy in marriage. If a mole is on the outside of the forearm, a woman gives her beloved maximum comfort. A man with a mole on his right hand also has good energy. He is not necessary to be strong physically, having pumped muscles - people and so obey his will. Such men are optimistic about life, capable of making money and be very independent. You can also say that two moles on the right hand are a sign of loyalty.

Moles on the elbows and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe elbow joint characterize an unsuitable person's life. In general, to moles on the elbows and on the knees you need to treat very carefully - do not hurt them once again and not injure. They attract negative energy from the environment. These may be negative emotions, splashing by other people, whose resentment or evil thoughts. The most interesting thing is that people with moles on the elbows themselves are not able to transfer their negative emotions to someone, they all take over.

Moles on the outside of the fingers. If such a sign is on the nameless finger of the right hand, at the base, - in the personal life of a person there will be disappointment. A person with such a sign when marriage is married, it is advisable to cover the birthplace with a wedding ring and try to never take it. Unmarried and undelated, it is recommended to wear a ring on the site of the mole, so as not to stay alone forever. People with moles on the fingers are susceptible to the silt, the effects of negative energy. There is also the positive side of this sign. As a rule, such people are large arts in embroidery, knitting. Focist and illusionists have similar specks. The owner of such a mole is the famous David Kotkin (David Copperfield). In addition, there is a belief that to the fingers of such people "money and sticky". There are signs that people with moles on the fingers can be thieves. In my personal practice there is an example when a man turned to me to pay him (I then advised and diagnosed people through the lines on the palm of the palm of the chiromantia), he just had such a mole on the outside of the fingers. I immediately said that he would most likely like to steal. He did not fall from the chair, from where I learned, and immediately admitted that he was a professional thief pocket. So it happens ... :)

Moles on the palms There are very rare. A man who has a molest on his palm can make their lives with their aspirations to change its natural abilities in the direction of self-improvement, overcoming the circumstances. People with moles on the palms often lead a harmful lifestyle, they fundamentally deny the generally accepted foundations.

Moles on the hips. The owner of such a mole, making something important, often distracted by insignificant details. A person with a mole on the hip is often filmed incomprehensible dreams with inconceivable plots. This may be a sign of the effect of severe karma. The owner of such a mole should be learn to recognize the signs of fatigue or nervous tension and immediately give rest to their body. Communication with nature and attachment to art is enormous. Sometimes such people can drop the phrase, which will later come true with stunning accuracy. If such a person does not engage in occult sciences, it will be a wonderful surgeon, teacher, priest.

Moles on the knees There are extremely impatient people. If there are specks on both knees, then this quality is enhanced even more. They have a quick gait, always hurry, even if a slow walk is needed. Starting a case, they already imagine the final result and are not too carefully referred to the process itself. If there is a thoughtful and careful partner near them, their business will go with glitter. Most likely, in the past life, such a person was in constant fear, was forced to hide from Cogoto. If a person who has a mole on the knee is able to rise above the circumstances, to defeat his vices, consciously improve intellectually and achieve his goal, he will certainly become a well-known personality.

Moles on the shin. A man with a mole on the shin very easy to rise. He constantly strives to conquer the peaks in the literal and figurative sense of this expression. There are many climbers, athletes, circus artists among people with moles, and dancers.

Moles in the footsteps. In the footsteps there is a huge number of important energy points. Mountain on the heel can talk about the vitality of man. Such a mole is capable of attracting a warming human energy. There is even a fortune telling along the feet - subnormal. Lines on the left stop talk about the events of the past. On the right - carry information about the present and future.
But it is worth remembering that these are just tips, the values \u200b\u200bof which should be determined by the totality of signs of moles. And also do not forget that each rule-observation may have exceptions.

It is possible that such categorical statements are sometimes fair, but, in our opinion, it is impossible to read the fate only by the presence of a godded spot or mole. At the same time, it is impossible to reject certain characteristics, characteristic of the presence on the body notes. This is rather the experience of ancestors in the form of generalized and systematized conclusions, the reasons for which we are unlikely to learn.

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