See a large snake for signs on the erection. Serpentine secrets of Russian forests

See a large snake for signs on the erection. Serpentine secrets of Russian forests

Since ancient times, there is a belief that on the feast of the Exaltation of the Honorable and Of the Life-giving Cross Lord's Day, which is celebrated on September 27, it is better not to go to the forest. On this day, snakes gather from all sides, release poison and go underground for the winter, so you should not disturb and disturb them.

A long time ago I read in some magazine a strange story connected with this particular day. It was a very warm autumn, late September, and the grass was also mowed. People were returning from haymaking, on the way they met a snake. One of the men cut off the slanting head of this snake and hung it on his scythe, continuing on his way home. At this time, the snake head slid off the blade of the scythe and bit the offender in the neck. Not reaching a few steps to his house, the man fell and died instantly.

Other snakes can kill prey with a simple bite, as they are living chemical plants specializing in secreting toxic fluids. Poisons change digestive juices, yellowish or clear liquids, the composition of which varies depending on the species. Some components cause dysfunction in nervous system victims, while other weak muscles and blood vessels. Most poisons act by paralyzing the patient so much that he dies.

Snakes store their venom in glands behind each eye that connect to more sophisticated canines: when not in use, they bend towards the top of the mouth, but when they attack, those canines swivel forward and venom travels through the canal with high pressure on the tooth. Some members of the cobra family have simpler fixed canines, usually shorter than those of the viper, which they cannot undo.

And this story was told to us by Dmitry Mikhailovich Sokolov, who was mentioned by my husband Valery Afanasyevich in his story about Sharik. Dmitry Mikhailovich was once an avid hunter. And once again he was getting ready to hunt, just on September 27. Grandmother would not let him in, she said that it was dangerous to go to the forest that day. But he did not believe in such signs and predictions. I took my gun and set off.

Another of the great achievements of snakes is the capture of prey by chemical means. This method allows for minimal physical contact with another potentially dangerous animal. For example, for a rattlesnake to attack, it only takes a fraction of a second to insert poison and free the victim later. Then wait and even return, and then follow the trail of the scent of the animal, which, being dead, will be eaten.

Of course, their effective venom also serves as protection, but snakes do not like to waste this precious resource with larger creatures, such as human species, even when they realize that their lives are in danger. A snake cellar of the same name and the vibrant color of coral snakes is warning enough to keep a possible predator out of the way so the venom can be stored to get food. A bite in self defense is always a last resort.

Already at the entrance to the forest, he met several snakes, and further, wherever he went, there were snakes everywhere. The hunt did not go well, and he decided to return home, especially since anxiety had already settled in his soul.

And suddenly, in one of the glades, Dmitry Mikhailovich saw a wild sight: there were countless snakes, probably a hundred or more. From what he saw, he simply turned to stone, but quickly orientated himself and shot at this snake. And then the light show began! The snakes hissed shrilly and crawled towards him. Dmitry Mikhailovich began to walk away from this place with a brisk step, but the snakes twisted into wheels and began to chase him with incredible speed. These serpentine wheels almost began to overtake him, and then he began to throw off his clothes: first a jacket, then a sweater, a shirt. The snakes immediately pounced on the clothes, giving Dmitry the opportunity to escape further. He even threw his boots to them. Finally I reached the forest road. And here for some reason the vipers stopped pursuing him.

How snakes reproduce

Perfume is critical in snake grooming. During the breeding season, females produce a scent to attract suitors. Within the mating range of snakes, the female in breeding conditions develops Chemical substance called a pheromone, and once the couple makes contact, the male seduces the female with a light touch on his tongue. Courtship can be long or short: sometimes the male stays varnished with his chin in front of the female until mating finally occurs.

For some species, courtship and breeding is a herd action, creating a violent "mess of snakes" of up to 30 males fighting each other for a woman. In the end, only one will get a parka with her. The males of some rattlesnakes, snakes and Australian snakes fight as if they are fighting attacks.

Since then, Dima has given up hunting, and does not even go fishing on the Feast of the Exaltation - he does not want to violate the laws of nature.

Another incident happened with my spouse last year. He calls himself a forest man, because when the berry and mushroom season comes, he disappears in the forest all day long. He leaves by bike, leaves him in a secluded place and goes to his cherished places deep in the forest. Returns late in the evening with baskets full of mushrooms and berries. This time, he also quickly collected a basket of porcini mushrooms, and there were only half a bucket of lingonberries. Put a basket of mushrooms on the old one rotten stump with a large hollow and began to collect lingonberries. There were many berries. He quickly filled a bucket of lingonberries and returned for a basket of mushrooms.

These ritual duels can last up to an hour. Two snakes push and twist, raise their bodies off the ground and try to force the opponent's head to fall to the ground. Fatigue brings back the weakest and most victorious comrades with a woman who, although close, does not seem to be interested and may become another man's partner while the fight is underway.

The baby breaks out of the egg after the shell breaks with its teeth. Embryos develop faster at high temperatures, which is why some snakes choose their nest carefully. Dung piles or corroded vegetation generate heat and are ideal places for eggs of grass grasses or rat snakes.

When I approached the stump, I almost fell from surprise. A huge fat snake wrapped around the stump and calmly basked in the sun. Then Valery Afanasevich took a twig and stroked the snake with it. He is a creative person, and such people see beauty even in such situations. The snake hissed at the touch of a twig, spun and slid off the stump. The man and the snake looked at each other for a while. Then the snake soared in front of Valery Afanasyevich, again sank to the ground and soared again. This went on for about five minutes. The snake seemed to go into a rage, everything danced and danced. It was scary, creepy, and beautiful. The spouse knew that in such cases they say: "Go your own way, and I will go mine." After these words, the snake slowly crawled into the hollow, and Valery Afanasevich took a basket of mushrooms, a bucket of lingonberries and went home.

Termites mounds, with their dirty walls hardened by insect saliva, are safe and hot as they have a constant high temperature due to the heat generated by millions of termites. Many snakes use them as natural incubators.

Very few snakes guard their eggs, although there are exceptions. Some pythons hatch by placing rings around the brood while the young hatch out of the eggs. To increase the temperature, some pythons can generate body heat by forcibly contracting muscles.

The Korobov king is the only snake that builds complex nests. The female uses her snout to clear the place of rocks or branches before beginning to fetch grasses and leaves. Once you've gathered enough material, form a compact mound. Then place the eggs in the chamber upstairs and be vigilant until they hatch.

Shocked by what he saw, he did not go to the forest for several days. Then the anxiety dulled, and he again disappeared into the forest until the very frost. These are the secrets and riddles that our nature and its inhabitants keep.

Even as a child, my grandmother, Anastasia Dmitrievna Vlasenkova (Grishina), told me different stories from my life. Once she told about how her father went to pick mushrooms in the autumn and it was on Orthodox holiday, which is popularly called - the shift, and in the Orthodox way - this is the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord and is celebrated on September 27. And this story is more than a hundred years old ...

Other snakes keep their eggs inside their bodies until they hatch. Each child is wrapped in their own membrane and uses a small tooth to open the the right time... Maternal care ends as soon as the young snakes rip open the shell and scatter to survive on their own. Now you know how snakes are born.

How snakes move

On the surface, the snakes had to find effective forms locomotion without the use of legs. This is important to know. This is accomplished by three different ways... Creeping or writhing movement. ... Snakes can swim because they push each curve against the resistance of the water. Drag to worm mode or straight slide. ... This is the method used by snake snakes. They move slowly forward, pushing abdominal scales towards the ground, while they propel others forward, giving general impression that the whole body moves in a straight line.

My grandmother's father's name was Dmitry Tarasovich. He was a brave man and therefore least of all believed different signs and bikes and always kindly made fun of superstitious people... On the eve of September 27, when the family sat down to dinner, he announced his desire and decision to go to the forest in the morning with one of the older children. Two of the six children were already adolescents. My great-grandfather's mother and his wife were alarmed.

Some snakes have an exciting way to navigate the sand. The snake traces a lateral arc with its head and the front of its body, and at the same time it moves the rest of its body forward, another twist is required. Repeating this process causes it to move sideways.

Throughout history and in all parts of the world, people have been fascinated by snakes. In some cultures, they are holy creatures, they are considered carriers of fertility and possess the secret of immortality. For this reason, the snake has different meanings depending on the culture and folk traditions.

It was believed that on this day one should not go to the forest. On this day, the snakes gather all in one place. And meeting with them is extremely life-threatening ... And they began to persuade him to abandon the planned venture. But it was all in vain.

My great-grandfather was a stubborn person. Then they said that he should go alone, but he would not take the guys with him. And the women were more than determined. In the end it was decided so.

These powers were probably attributed to them due to their phallic shape and the fact that they seem to be reborn with brighter colors and a velvety touch every time they shed their skin. In other cultures, snakes represent the devilish demons of hell associated with death. This terrible reputation comes from his unblinking gaze, from his sinuous and quick movements, and from the extraordinary properties of his poison. Before dying, the victim's limbs can swell in a grotesque manner and may even spill blood through the pores.

But there is nothing supernatural about snakes; they just adapted to life without a limb. If they are left alone, they are incapable of any aggression towards people. Without warning, you can step on them or, if seen in outer space, take simple precautions. In areas with snakes, you should not walk barefoot and care should be taken when placing your hands on rocks, burrows, or dense vegetation that might be a reptile refuge.

And in the morning, as soon as the sun peeped out over the horizon, he hastily had a bite, than God sent, putting on his boots, took a basket and went into the forest. Everything was fine at first. He came across mushrooms and the basket was already half full of mushrooms, but he also came across ... snakes, which all crawled somewhere in the same direction.

My great-grandfather became interested and went after them. Soon he
realized that the snakes were heading for a large ravine. Their number became more and more. This did not stop him, but only inflamed interest.

The snake should never be disturbed and should be allowed to travel freely as, on the other hand, they make us great service. In the state of Maharashtra in India, in the small town of Shirala, people know the value of snakes. Every year, in July, Nagpunchmi is celebrated. Dancing, musical groups and a procession of decorated cars pass through the narrow streets of the city. People push themselves to find a good place... Each car has porcelain containers containing Indian cobras.

With great care and delicacy, they take them and show the crowd. Villagers know that these cobras control rats and mice that would otherwise destroy their crops and spread disease. These snakes return to the fields from where they were captured. Every year they are caught, transferred to the procession and released without any damage. Cobras only bite people in self-defense, and here they are respected with care and respect.

Soon he came to the very ravine, to which the snake was crawling, apparently, invisibly. Where did so many of them come from? From all sides one could hear not only the rustle of the movement of these creeping reptiles, but also their hissing, as if they were talking to each other.

And then my great-grandfather became really scared, because there was nowhere to step. There were snakes everywhere ... He exclaimed: "Lord, save me and keep me!" - and rushed headlong back, somewhere stepping on crawling snakes, which, oddly enough, at those minutes did not pay any attention to him.

History and origin of snakes

Snakes are not the only freshwater reptiles. Many lizards and lizards, as well as Australian flat lizards, have lost all or part of their limbs. These lizards either burrow or live in confined spaces. In a tunnel, anything that protrudes from the body can hinder and impede movement; This turned them into animals that glide and even go around with eggs for this purpose.

In almost all likelihood, the early snakes turned into legless creatures in order to increase the efficiency of their excavation. Probably the snake prototype, adapted to underground life, evolved from a lizard-like reptile. There are even some snakes that retain the remains of their limbs: the giant boas and pythons have small spurs at the base of the tail.

This day is said to be considered the day of snake weddings *. Mating of snakes occurs, and then they crawled through their burrows and hibernated until spring, when the grass turns green and the sun begins to warm the earth. Therefore, they rushed to the call of their serpentine nature.

My great-grandfather ran home, not remembering himself, pale and trembling. Then, when he calmed down, he said that he would never go to the forest that day and that he would order all his family and friends not to go either. He also said that he looked into this ravine, and there the snakes twisted into tangles, then unraveled, and the noise from their hissing was such that nothing could be heard ...

Many scientists believe that monitor lizards are the closest living relatives. The ancestors of the snakes seem to be similar to these giant lizards. Whatever happened 120 million years ago, the first snakes colonized the world thanks to their exceptional skills.

Do you want to know more about snakes?

If it was helpful, please give it a "like" or share it with your family or friends and in social networks... 🙂. In 974, Russell estimated the number of bites to be 1 million per year. poisonous snakes in the world. The countries with the most bites and deaths from venomous snakes are Asia, India, Brazil and Venezuela, but there is little data from Africa and the Middle East. In India, 584 bites were reported in 969, with 134 fatalities, probably the number of unreported cases is higher. In Brazil, 026 bites were recorded in 970, of which 153 were deaths.

Two days later he went back to the forest, where he found his basket of mushrooms not far from a large ravine. Everything was as usual. The birds chirped, the autumn breeze played with the crowns of the trees ... And nothing around me reminded of those terrible minutes that my great-grandfather went through on September 27, 1906.

* The male, which is usually much larger than the female, aggressively pursues her, trying to grab her back or neck with his teeth. When he succeeds, he wraps himself around her body and mates. Mating is repeated several times during the month. By the end of this period, the entire body of the female is covered with numerous bites and abrasions. In addition, male snakes have two genitals, and they are quite impressive in size. In king snakes, which are about half a meter long, the penis can reach 7-10 cm! When mating, snakes constantly use one organ, right or left. The second is a spare. The organs are located in the tail and crawl out into the hole - the cloaca
And one more note from the forum on the Internet: Their mating process is as follows: the female (as a rule, first one, then another 10-20 pull up) opens her "economy" wide open and highlights the inviting secret: "Fly!". I noted earlier that snakes have a super smell: all the males of the Uzh who are nearby flock to the smell of a secret. And the real group sex begins. Males secrete their priceless liquid and begin to rub it into females. Rub each other for hours. Thus, by rubbing, fertilization occurs.
People often easily detect these snake swing parties by their characteristic sounds - hence the belief that snakes "in balls" gather. When a person approaches, these sinful snakes scatter in panic - they tick like a fan in all directions, including in the direction of the citizen who disturbed them. Because of this, they say: when the snakes are swirling, they rush, they attack a person - sentry !! !
Usually in one such "aggressive" cube there are from 40 to 150 snakes. This, I must admit, makes an impression: everything in a ball is moving, wet, sticky, hissing - fu-oo-oo, horror. Here, an outside observer has no time precise definition who participates in the orgy: vipers or snakes. So this dubious glory is attributed to the vipers (it looks more frightening and romantic, or something).

There are few pieces in Australia. In places where the largest number deaths, in relation to its population, snakebites are Okinawa and the islands of the Ryu-Kyu archipelago of Japan. In Burma, the death rate from snakebites is above 15 per thousand inhabitants. In table 2, we show the annual deaths in different parts the world and the serpents that originate from them, taken from Vallédor de Lozoe.

Renal failure is another late cause of death in the latter. Necrosis or gangrene at the site of the bite and anaphylactic shock also have a poor prognosis. Gravity is usually greater in larger, younger snakes when the bite is on the torso in relation to the limbs; if the inoculation occurs directly in the blood vessel and if the victims are malnourished by the elderly or children.