How to make out a proposal for the composition? Simple and complex offers. Members of the sentence

How to make out a proposal for the composition? Simple and complex offers. Members of the sentence
How to make out a proposal for the composition? Simple and complex offers. Members of the sentence

Often, users are looking for a way to dismiss the offer in the Internet online. This is necessary not only to schoolchildren in preparing homework, but also to people who are students in philology universities and linguistics. And also to all who have to work with the text every day. To make a syntactic analysis of the proposal, a person must have the necessary knowledge in this area. To facilitate this process, you can contact special online services. Below we will analyze several best sites on the automatic part of the sentence on the part of speech.

Such a parsement in primary and secondary schools is called "analysis of the sentences." Sometimes they say "analysis of proposals in composition", but this expression is somewhat incorrect, because according to the composition it is customary to disassemble words.

To make a syntactic analysis of the sentence:

The presence of syntactic designs of the proposal, its parameters, as well as the wealth of design options create large barriers to the developers when creating online service to disable the offer. Therefore, such services in the network are not so much. But they still have.

Goldlit - Morphological and Syntactic Development Service

Very convenient Goldlit service. Simple design and understandable interfaces make the site available to people, with different levels of computer knowledge. In the top line of the menu are 3 points with a drop-down list.

Online service -
  1. The main menu is a list from the main partitions of the site.
  2. Literature - in the drop-down menu list of Russian and foreign literature, as well as the analysis of poems - what the poet wants to say in them.
  3. Chronology - literature, placed in the centuries.

To take advantage of proposals in parts of speech on the service:

  1. Go to the site -
  2. The menu contains the line in which you want to enter text to pars.
  3. Next to the text input window is the "Disband" button.

Immediately under the line of input text, in the yellow field go in a row down blocks with a parsing. Each block is one word from the sentence. They alternate in the same order, as alternate words in the sentence. Parts block:

  1. A word that stands in the initial form.
  2. The second string is part of the speech, which is the word.
  3. Grammar. They are written through the comma number, quality, animated form, genus, etc.
  4. Forms. All existing forms of the word (with consoles, suffixes, chain).

Seosin - a site that has a sentence analysis service for speech parts

One of the well-known resources on the Internet, which provides a tool for and morphological separation of the offer online. In addition, the site offers other services for working with text, for example. As well as on working with other files, such as images and photography. The site periodically has access problems, although the administrator writes in ads on the site that the situation with the server has been fixed.

To check the text in the service:

  1. Go through this link -
  2. Enter the text to analyze in the service field.
  3. Click the "Analyze" button.

After a few seconds, you will be given the analysis of your text with explanations.

Other sites and on the analysis of proposals in parts of speech

In addition to automatic services online, there are also special sites on which all the necessary information is provided, which will be required for the syntactic and morphological separation of the offer. One of these sites is - Soudta.rf. For schoolchildren, he will be indispensable. As for the Russian language, here you will find sections:

  • Word is the basic spells of words with pretexts, particles, word transfer, etc. ().
  • Together or separately adjective, nouns, alliances, interjections.
  • Unstressed particles "not" and "ne"
  • Rules of writing consonants - double "NN", "LJ".
  • The consonants who are written behind the hips - "Well, h, sh, sh."
  • Spelling of vowels.
  • Unstressed heads.
  • The letters "b" and "b".
  • Sentence.
  • Abbreviation.
  • Capital letters.

The syntactic analysis of the sentence is the usual school task. It is also referred to as a collection of proposals for members. Unfortunately, the machine intelligence can not yet disassemble all the offers. Therefore, in the article:

  • Consider on the items how to make it manually.
  • Compare online services that are still found. I will say in advance that they do not.
  • You can ask a question here in the comments At the bottom of the page - you will be answered.
Excellent online exercises on a syntactic analysis!
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Rules of syntactic analysis of proposals

  1. Determine the type of proposal for the purpose of the statement:
  2. Determine the type of deals on intonation: exclamation or non-visible.

    For example, the following proposal, though prompt, but not exclamation.

    Would you go home, Nastya.

    And the next exclamation:

    Nastya, urgently or home!

  3. Simple or complex

If the suggestion is simple

  1. Single-main or twisted.
  2. Is the sentence complicated by homogeneous members, introductory words, appeal.
  3. Emphasize sentences and specify parts of speech. You can determine the parts of speech using.

An example of a simplicity of a simple sentence

Nastya and Petya go home.

  1. narrative
  2. unkonsectant
  3. simple
  4. twisted; grammatical basis - Nastya and Peter go
  5. common
  6. complicated by homogeneous members Nastya and Peter

If the proposal is complex

  1. Specify which link in the proposal: allied or non-union.
  2. Specify a means of communication in the sentence: Compound Union, subordinate union or intonation.
  3. Based on previous two points, make a conclusion about what this proposal is: a complex, complex or non-union. Obviously, if there is no union, then the connection is non-union. If the union is compositive, then complex. And if the subordinate, then complex.
  4. Emphasize sentences and specify parts of speech.

An example of a syntactic analysis of a complex sentence

Hummer, and Nastya went home.

  1. narrative
  2. unkonsectant
  3. sophisticated
  4. union link
  5. compound Soyuz and
  6. complex offer

The first simple sentence: Hummer.Single, grammatical basis - stemnel. Unpropranted. Not complicated.

Second simple sentence: Nastya went home.Twisted, grammatical basis - Nastya went. Common. Not complicated.

Services for syntactic discharge offer

School assistant


The same scheme of the syntactic parsing, in detail describes the construction of the supply scheme, and there are no examples. This scan tide is located.


The same parsing scheme, a lot of examples with underlined suggestions. Especially a lot of simple proposals are emphasized. There is a crib.


And this is a dry certificate of syntactic analysis without examples.


There is no syntactic analysis of the sentence according to the school scheme. But there is a text check for quality with syntax analysis. So the service finds and highlights low-quality structures in blue, and also offers them to change. It can highlight an uncertain-personal offer, communion, deposit, indicate the too complex syntax. Approximately how it makes Word Editor, emphasizing the syntactic errors in green. Only here more designs are captured, and the focus is not on the correctness of punctuation, but on the structure itself.

This service needs journalists, editors and all those who follow the quality of the written text.

To use the service:

  1. Open the site
  2. Insert the text in an empty field.
  3. Click the Syntax tab.
  4. Pine-quality places in the text will be highlighted in color.
  5. If you click on them, an explanation will appear on the right.

Syntactic Text Analysis in Charred

From the first class of schoolchildren introduced various types of linguistic parsing. It all starts with the division of the lexemes on syllables and sounds. In the second grade is added - the next unit with which children should meet. Let's talk about how to properly perform a syntactic analysis and with what difficulties can be encountered here.

Grammatical basis

Offer is a syntactic unit consisting of words related to each other. It conveys a relatively complete thought. The disclation of the proposal in the composition involves the definition of roles that separate words perform.

  • Subject to which calls the subject or object of speech. It answers the identity of the nominative case: "Who? What?". Most often subject to name noun (cat sleeps) or pronoun (I went). When parsing, this member of the proposal is emphasized by one line.
  • The fault, telling about what happened to the subject. Most often, the question is asked: "What does?", Although other options are possible (what is he? What?). Usually, the role of the faucet is the verb, but there are exceptions (this person is my father). Emphasize him with two features.

The proposal may be attended by both main member or one of them. For example: "Winter. Lights."

Minor members

The grammatical basis is the necessary attribute of any offer. But the secondary members are not always present. Before analyzing the proposal of proposals in composition, remember them.

  • The definition describes the subject by calling its signs. I ask questions: "What / Aya / OE / IE?" or "whose?". Most often, this role is performed by adjectives or communion. When parsing, the definition is made to designate a wavy feature.
  • Supplement specifies information about the subject and answers questions of any case, except for a nominative (what? O whom? What?). Often they turn out to be nouns. Emphasize the addition to the dotted line.
  • The circumstance tells about the features of the action: its goals, place, reason, time, etc. This member of the sentence answers questions: "How? Where? Where? Why? When? Where? Why?". Often expressed by noun, adorption, verbalism. Allocated to a dotted feature with points.

Difficult cases

What problems arise from students when dealing with proposals in composition? Not everyone can clearly determine the role of a particular word. Moreover, there are two questions at once to some sentences. For example: "lived (where? What is?) In the house." In this case, it is proposed to stay in one option.

Problems arise and with the definition of the role of various revolutions (involved, conspicable). At school it is customary to allocate them as one member of the sentence. If direct speech is present in the expressing statement, it is considered a separate proposal.

Many questions are associated with service part of speech. On the one hand, they are not members of the sentence. But they can be part of separate revolutions (bathing in the river) or the faugables (let them come, did not see). In many Russian language textbooks, children teach emphasize the prepositions together with the nouns to which they relate. But the introductory words, the appeals are not allocated.

Debriefing of proposals in composition: Example

Let's see how this type of parsing is performed in practice. Take a simple sentence that you can read in the picture.

  1. Find subject. To do this, we use the question: "What?". The sentence speaks of the sun, underline this word. Top of the speech on top.
  2. What did the sun do? Illuminated. We found a lean, it is expressed by the verb. We draw the arrow from above, we sign the question.
  3. Now allocate secondary members of the sentence. Illuminated when? In the morning. So, before us the circumstance. We emphasize, sign part of the speech - noun, spend an arrow from the fag.
  4. Lit that? Village. We found an addition, and it is also expressed by nouns. We mark all this in the notebook, we indicate graphically.
  5. A village what? Native. This name is adjective is a definition. We emphasize his wavy feature, sign the question from above, as well as part of speech.

Analysis of complex proposals

In the example above, there was one grammatical basis. However, there may be several them. Such suggestions are called complex. One of them in front of you in the picture. We will analyze it for members of the sentence.

  1. We find grammatical foundations. What? Leaf. This is subject to. What does a sheet make? Flies. Before being tamed. We emphasize them, sign parts of speech. We read the offer on. What? Chill. As you can see, in the sentence two subject. What does chill do? Runs. The second grammatical basis was found.
  2. We find the boundaries of simple sentences, numerate each part from above. You can distinguish between their vertical feature.
  3. We allocate secondary members first in one part of the sentence, and then to another. We indicate graphically. We sign parts of speech.

The disclation of the proposal on the composition is not easy task. Sometimes professional linguists can not come to an unambiguous solution by defining the role of a word. However, with practice, it will be made everything easier for you and easier. The main thing is not to be afraid of mistakes and take patience.

The syntactic analysis of the proposal is the analysis of the proposals for members and parts of speech. You can execute the syntaxal discloser on the proposed plan. A sample will help properly arrange a written sentence analysis, and the example will reveal the secrets of the oral syntactic parsing.

Syntactic Disability Plan

1. Simple, simple, complicated by homogeneous members, or complex

2. For the purpose of the statement: a narrative, questional or motivating.

3. By intonation: exclamation or non-visible.

4. Common or unprofitable.

5. Determine the subject. Ask questions who? or what? Emphasize the subject and determine which part of speech is expressed.

6. Determine the leakage. Ask questions what does it do? etc. Emphasize the legend and determine which part of speech is expressed.

7. From the questions to be sent to secondary sentences. Stress them and determine what parts of speech they are expressed. Write the phrase with questions.

8. From the lend, ask questions to secondary members. Stress them and determine what parts of speech they are expressed. Write the phrase with questions.

Sample Syntax Disability Offer

The sky was breathing in autumn, less often the sun shone.

This proposal is complex first part:

(What?) The sky is subject to, expressed nouns in the unit. h., Wed r., Nar., Nodua., 2 Skl., and. P.
(What did it make?) Dyshalov - the lean, expressed by the verb of Neskov. View., 2 dispre., in units h., Pos. BP., Wed. R.
dyshilov (what?) In autumn - the addition, expressed by the name noun into units. h., w. r., Narits., Nodya., 3 Skel., so p.
dyshylov (when?) Is already - the circumstance of time is pronounced

the second part of:

(What?) Sunshine - subject, expressed nouns in the unit. h., Wed r., Nar., Nodua., 2 Skl., and. P.
(What did it?) Shipped - the lean, expressed by the verb of Neskov. View, 1 dispre., in units h., Pos. BP., Wed. R.
shone (how?) less often - the circumstance of the image of action, pronounced by nashche
shone (when?) is already - the circumstance of time is pronounced

An example of a syntactic analysis of the sentence

They, they flew to the wind, then they fell asleep on the crude grass.

This offer is simple.

(What?) They are subject to pronouncement of MN. h., 3 l., and. P.
(What did you do?) I flew - a homogeneous fague, expressed by the verb of Nes.Vid, 1 SPR., MN. h .. POST. BP .. Select
(What did they do?) Located - a homogeneous ledge, expressed by the verb of Nes.Vid, 1 SPR., MN. h .. POST. BP ..
pilot (how?) Skos - the circumstance of the image of action is expressed by adverch.
flew (how?) on the wind is the circumstance of the action, pronounced
lay down (as?) The circumstance of the image of the action, expressed by adctor
loaded (where?) On the grassland of the place, expressed by the name of the noun., Nodua., in units. h., w. r., 1 Skl., V.P. With a pretext
grass (what?) Crude is a definition, expressed by the name adjective in the unit. h., Zh.R., V.P.

And composite nominal.

Stress the secondary member members if they are. These include definitions (its specification is an application), which can be agreed or inconsistent; additions (direct or indirect); circumstances (time, place, image image, etc.). Make a conclusion about the prevalence (non-proliferation) of the sentence.

Determine the completeness of the offer: complete or incomplete - according to the presence or partial absence of all necessary members of this proposal structure.

Specify the type of sentence. If the grammatical basis is complete, i.e. It consists of the subject and faithful, then the offer is twisted. Proposals with one main member are called monosight.

If the offer is single, determine its appearance:

a) a call - a proposal in which only one major member is subject to.

b) a definitely personal - a single-parting offer with a lean, pronounced verb in the form of 1 or 2 faces of this or future time.

c) an indefinite-personal - a single-delivery proposition in which the number of this or future time is in the form of 3 persons, as well as in the form of a plural or conditional inclination.

d) generalized-personal. In such a proposal, the fairyless may be in the form of 2 faces of the face, sometimes in the form of 1 or 3 faces of the plural.

e) impersonal is a single-maintenance proposal with a fault, the form of which does not express faces.

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Different from the single-part offers of two-part incomplete, in which one main member of the sentence is also. The proposal is a bit of incomplete if the verified verb is in the form:
a) the expressive inclination, the last time, female or male race, the only number;
b) conditional inclination;
c) expressive inclinations, present or future time, 3 persons, the only number.

Helpful advice

In a complex proposal in composition, define each simple proposal that is part of the complex.


  • how to disassemble the offer

When schoolchildren in the lessons of the Russian language proceed to the syntactic disaster offers, they must characterize it by the presence and number of main members offers. In the event that there is only subject to or acceptable, they will also need to call view Sosta offers.


Pay attention to whether both the main member are in the proposal or only one of them (subject to or acceptable). So, in the proposal, "friends spent time during a trip to the mountains" there is a subject "" and composite led "spent time." Such a proposal is called twisps. But in the sentence "Help a comrade to perform your homework" There is only a composite verbous legend "help execute". It is single.

Find out what kind of main term (subject or led) is available in a single-service sentence. For example, in the sentence "Early Morning" you can detect only to be. Such syntactic structures are called single-value, called offersmi.

Have a B. viewwith that the proposal in which there is only a lean, can be both definitely personal and vaguely personal, generalized and even impersonal.

Determine what person and time is used, which is a fault. To do this, try to substitute pronoun. If you need the pronoun "I", "we", that means that the verb is used in the form of a first person, if the pronouns "you", "you" - in the form of a second person, and if "he", "she", " It "or" they "- in the form of a third party.

If you have determined that in a single-main proposal, the verb, which is a fault, is used in the first or in the second person, in the present or last time, the proposal will be definitely personal. In it the absence of the subject does not interfere in understanding meaning offers. For example, in the sentence, "I love a thunderstorm at the beginning of May" the verb "love" is used in the first person (I love) and in the present time (the action takes place at this moment). Subject to this proposal is not. Consequently, it is definitely personal.

If you find during analysis offersthat there is only a faithful (verb) in the form of a third party, present or time, in a plural, know that this is a single-maina-personal offer.

If you have determined that the leakable - in the form of a single number, of the present time, and the action is generalized (concerns any), then conclude that this is a single generalized-personal offer. For example, in the sentence "What we sleep, then get the" verbs "lay" and "get enough" are in the form of the singular. second person (you lay and get raging). This is a generalized personal offer.

Remember that in the impersonal offer, it is also a impersonal verb, the category of state (, dried, shining, etc.), or words with a denial value (no) or an indefinite form (infinitive). In such syntactic structures, there is no and can not be, and the face of the verbs cannot be determined. For example, in the proposal "Muskili for me for the second day in a row," the word "znobilo" is a state category. It is impossible to determine the face. In the proposal there is no subject to and recovering it will not be possible. Therefore, it is single-main, impersonal.


  • how to find single-part offers

Tip 3: How to define an indefinite-personal offer

Offer expresses a message, prompting or question. Two-part offers have a grammatical basis consisting of the subject and faithful. The grammatical basis of the single-delivery proposal is submitted either to the subject or to be sure.


All verbal single sunswered proposals have a surehead, but do not have to be. Moreover, in a certain personal offer, the shape of the verb and the meaning of the message suggest that the action refers to a certain person: "I love the books", "find the right decision", "Take care, and honor".

The verb can stand in the form of the first or second person of a single or expressive or imperative inclination. The first person means that the verbal question is asked from the pronouns "I", "we"; The second person is from the pronouns "You", "You". The imperative inclusion encourages the expressive simply reports information.

In an indefinite-personal offer, the action is committed by uncertain or unknown persons. This action is important in itself. The verb is in the form of a third party of the number of this or past time. Examples: "On TV show news", "on Friday reported the tragedy," the poster was removed from the door. " To get a verb in the form of a three-face multiple number, ask a question for the pronoun "they".

In an impersonal proposal, the legend indicates a process or condition, which in principle do not depend on the active figure: "Out of the window with a dark", "in the room is stuffy," "in the field smells a worm of", "this was agreed in advance." The legend is expressed by the impersonal verb (dark), the impersonal form of personal verb (smells), adverch (stuffy) and briefly suffering (it was agreed). Adcharations and can go with the verb ligament "to be" or without it. Also, the leakable in the impersonal sentence can be expressed by the words "no", "not there": "There are no more spaces in knowledge."

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Do not confuse single-part offers with incomplete twigs. Missed main member of the two-part incomplete proposal is easily restored by the context and speech situation. For example, if the person performing the action is named in previous sentences.

Primoplations possess some signs of nouns, adjectives and numerals. The individual morphological category this is the discharge by value. The ability to set a discharge, the grammatical value of the pronoun helps to correctly determine its signs. Perform morphological analysis according to the plan.