References for writing. EGE Russian

References for writing. EGE Russian
  • Russian is our common property that you need to protect
  • Most people forgot about the value of the native language
  • Internet communication - a serious test for Russian language
  • Love for his language is manifested in a cautious handling with the words, studying the rules of the language and the characteristics of their use
  • The distortion of words adversely affects the development of the Russian language and the preservation of its charms
  • You can say a lot about a person by how he himself relates to his language


T. Fat "Cas". People inflicted a huge damage to his irresponsibility. His old beauty and singer lost, because everything is only "thrown by" words without thinking about the consequences. Incorrect pronunciation of words destroys the beauty of the language. The work encourages to think about the consequences of this attitude towards the language. After reading the book, I want to protect, preserve the native language, excluding slang and jargon.

D.S. Likhachev "Letters of good and beautiful." Reflecting on the richness of the Russian language and the attitude towards him, Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev says that the language allows you to appreciate the person at the first meeting with him. The language makes it possible to learn about the attitude of anyone to the world and yourself. Smart, brought up, intelligent person will not need to speak too loudly, emotionally, to use inappropriate and ugly words. Learn the beautiful, intelligent, competent speech is not easy. It is necessary to learn to speak, because the question is the basis of human behavior, then what can be judged by him in the first place. These thoughts of Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev are very accurate. They are relevant now and will be just as true after many years.

I.S. Turgenev "Russian language". The lines of this poem in prose are known to everyone from school. It's amazing how exactly the writer appreciated the power and power of the Russian language in several lines. For I.S. Turgenev native language is "support and support". All poem, let it and small, filled with a sense of pride. The writer evaluates Russian to dignity.

V.G. Korolenko "without language." The author claims that without language each of us "as a blind or small child." People who do not know how to write well and speak and speak, clog speech, thus causing the language irreparable damage. Native speech is needed not only to evaluate the dignity, but also take care of, and try to keep. The future of the Russian language depends only on person.

The question of the goal and means of achieving ancient times, humanity was worried. Many writers, philosophers and public figures pondered over it and led historical, life and literary arguments to prove their point of view. In Russian classics, there were also many answers and examples proving, as a rule, the statement that the achievement paths should continue to be achieved, otherwise it loses any meaning. In this selection, we listed the brightest and indicative examples from Russian literature for the final essay in the direction of "goals and funds".

  1. In the novel, Pushkin "Captain's daughter", the main character always chose the right paths to achieve goals, however, no less noble. Due to this, from an inconspicuous noble inexpressible Grinove turns into an officer, sincere, ready to sacrifice life in the name of debt. Swirling to the loyalty to the sovereign, he honestly carries the service, defending the fortress, and even death from the hand of robbers-robbers does not scare him. Also honestly he sought the favor of Masha, and achieved. Antipode Petra Greens in the novel - Schvabrin - on the contrary, uses any means to achieve the goal, choosing the most silent of them. Hollowing on the path of betrayal, he pursues his personal benefit, requires reciprocity from Masha, who does not fit into the eyes of it in the eyes of Peter. In the choice of goals and funds, Alexey moves spiritual cowardice and corpuscia, because it is devoid of ideas about honor and conscience. Maria rejects him for this reason, because the good goal is not achieving deception.
  2. What should be the ultimate goal, if the means to achieving it becomes cruelty, deception and human life? In the novel M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time" The goals of Grigory Pechorin are sympathetic, enclosed in the desire of the second victories, to achieve which he chooses complex, and sometimes cruel funds. In his victories, the stubborn search of the life sense is hidden, which hero is unable to find. In this search, he ruins not only himself, but everyone who surrounds him is, is the princess of Mary, Baulu, Grushnitsky. To revive your own soul, he plays the feelings of others, involuntarily becoming the cause of their misfortunes. But in the game with her own life, Gregory loans hopelessly, loses those few people who were his roads. "I realized that she was chanting for the fallen happiness of recklessly," he says, and the goal, to achieve so much strength and alien grief, turns out to be a ghostly and unattainable.
  3. In Comedy A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit" society, in which Chatsky is forced to be, lives on market laws, where everything is bought and sold, and the person is valuable not spiritual qualities, but the size of the wallet and the success in his career. Nobility and debt is nothing here before the importance of rank and rank. That is why Alexander Chatsky turns out to be incomprehensible and incomprehensible to the circle, where mercantile goals are dominant, justifying any means.
    He enters the fight against the Famovskogo society, challenges the silence, coming to deception and hypocrisy to get a high position. Even in love, Alexander turns out to be a loser, because it does not defile the goal with informal means, refuses to squeeze the breadth and nobility of his heart into a narrow framework of generally accepted and vulnerable concepts that Pttit Mizhov's house.
  4. Man is valuable by his business. But it is not always the matter of him, even if the subordinates of a high goal turn out to be kind. In the novel F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" Rodion Raskolnikov Decides important from the point of view of morality: Does the purpose of the fund justifies? Can he, according to his theory, dispose of people's lives at their discretion?
    The answer lies in the name of the novel: Skolnikov's spiritual flour, after the atrocities committed by him, prove that its calculation was incorrect, and the theory is erroneous. The goal, which is based on unrighteous and anti-human means, depreciates itself, becomes a crime for which sooner or later to suffer punishment.
  5. In the novel MA Sholokhov "Quiet Don" of the fate of the heroes are rented by the revolutionary element. Grigory Melekhov, sincerely believing in a happy and excellent communist future, ready to give life for the well-being and prosperity of his native land. But in the context of life, bright revolutionary ideas are not consistent, dead. Gregory understands that the struggle between white and red, aimed, it would seem that the "beautiful tomorrow", in fact, is violence and violence over helpless and disagree. Brilliant slogans are deception, and for the high purpose is hidden cruelty and arbitrariness. The nobility of the soul does not allow him to accept the evil and injustice that he watches around. Tormented by doubts and contradictions, Grigory is trying to find the only right path that will allow him to live honestly. He is not able to justify numerous killings committed in the name of a ghost idea, which no longer believes.
  6. Roman A. Solzhenitsyn "Archipelago GULAG" - a study related to the Political Status of the USSR, according to Solzhenitsyn - "Experience of Art Research", in which the author analyzes the history of the country - Utopia, an ideal world on the wreckage of human lives, numerous sacrifices and lies, disguised Under humane goals. The price for the illusion of happiness and peace, in which there is no place of individuality and dissent, turns out to be too high. Problems of Roman Dzheplana, since it includes many issues of moral nature: can I justify evil in the name of good? What unites the victims and their executioners? Who is responsible for the perfect mistakes? Supported by rich biographical, research material, the book leads the reader to the problem of the goal and means, convincing it in the fact that one thing does not justify.
  7. A person is peculiar to the search for happiness as the main point of life, its highest goal. For her, he is ready to apply any means, but does not understand that it is too unclear. The main hero of the story of V.M. Shukshina "boots" - Sergey Dukhanina - manifestations of gentle feelings are not just not just, because he is not used to unjustified tenderness and even shakes her. But the desire to please his native man, the desire of happiness, pushes him to a big waste. The funds spent on the purchase of an expensive gift are unnecessary sacrifice, because his spouse has only needed attention. The generosity and the desire to give warmth and care is filled with a somewhat hardened, but still a sensitive soul of the hero of the happiness, which, as it turned out, is not so difficult to find.
  8. In Roman V.A. Kaverina "Two Captain" The problem of the goal and means is revealed in the confrontation of two characters - Sani and chamomile. Each of them move their own goals, everyone decides that it is really important for him. In the search for solutions, their path diverges, fate faces them in a fight, which determines the moral landmarks of each, proves the noble power of one, and the sublighten of the lowestness of the other. Sanya is moving honest sincere aspirations, he is ready for a difficult, but direct path to learn the truth and prove it to others. Chamomile persecutes small goals, seeking them for no less small ways: lie, betrayal and hypocrisy. Each of them is experiencing an agonizing problem of choice in which it is so easy to lose myself and those who truly love you.
  9. A person does not always clearly realize his goal. In the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" Andrei Bolkonsky is in the search for himself and his place in life. Its shaky life referenceries are affected by fashion, society, opinions of friends and loved ones. He deliberates glory and military feats, dreams of making a career in the service, but not just to reach high ranks, but to decline the eternal fame of the winner and hero. He goes to war, the cruelty and the horrors of which IMG showed him all the absurdity and the ghostity of his dreams. He is not ready, like Napoleon, to go to the glory of the bones of soldiers. The desire to live and make the wonderful life of other people set new goals before Bolkonsky. Meeting with Natasha makes love in his soul. However, in a moment, requiring durability and understanding from him, he gives up under the severity of circumstances and refuses his love. He again torments doubts about the correctness of his own goals, and only before death, Andrei understands that the best moments of life, her great gifts are imprisoned in love, forgiveness and compassion.
  10. Man makes character. It defines its life goals and landmarks. In the "letters of good and beautiful" D.S. Likhacheva The problem of the goal and means of its achievement is considered by the author, as one of the most important forming the concept of the concept of honor, and the truth. "The goal justifies the funds" - the formula, unacceptable for the author. On the contrary, the goal in life should be every person, but, no less important are the methods that he uses to achieve the desired one. In order to be happy and is in harmony with his own conscience, it is necessary to make a choice in favor of spiritual values, giving preference to good deeds and wonderful thoughts.
  11. Interesting? Save on your wall!

Preparation for the exam in Russian. Examples of arguments to the composition

1. The method of historical past
The topic of the historical past Motherland was constantly worried Pushkin and as a poet, and as a prose. They created such works as "a song about Oleg's meaning", "Borodino year", "Poltava". "Bronze Horseman". "Boris Godunov". "History of Pugachev Bunth" and, of course, "Captain's daughter". All these works describe different historical events, different historical epochs
The theme of the celebration of Russian weapons, the heroism of the Russian people, the winner and the liberator, dazzling and strongly sounds in the works dedicated to the Patriotic War of 1812. In the seventh chapter "Eugene Onegin", the feat of Moscow is chased.

2. Those of honor and dishonor
After reading the story A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter", you understand that one of the same works is the topic of honor and dishonor. Two heroes are opposed to the story: Grinev and Swabrin - and their ideas about honor. Two officers of the Russian army behave completely differently: the first follows the laws of officer honor and keeps the faithfulness of the military oath, the second with ease becomes a traitor. Grine and Swabrin are carriers of two fundamentally different worldviews.

The problem of honor and dishonor rises in the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Honor and dignity are the main qualities of a human character, and to someone who has lost them, alien to any high aspirations and searches. The problem of moral self-improvement of the person has always been one of the most important in creativity
L.N. Tolstoy.

3. Love for Motherland
Hot love for his homeland, we feel pride for her beauty in the works of classics.
The theme of the heroic attack in the fight against the enemies of the Motherland also sounds in the poem of M. Yu. Lermontov "Borodino", dedicated to one of the glorious pages of the historical past of our country.
The topic of the Motherland rises in the works of S.Senin. Whatever Yesenin wrote: On experiences, about historical fractures, about the fate of Russia in the "harsh terrible years", - every Yesensky image and a row of warming with a sense of limitless love for homeland: but most. Love for the native edge

4. Musual qualities of man
Russian literature has always been closely related to the moral searches of our people. One of the writers who sincerely sick for the morality of our society is Valentin Rasputin. A special place in his work occupies a story "Fire" is reflections on the civilian courage and moral positions of man. The fire broke out in Sosnovka, there was a little those who risking their lives, defended People's Good. Many came to "warm hands." Fire is the result of universal disadvantage. People corrupt the incompleteness of life, the scarcity of spiritual life, a soulless attitude towards nature.
Many of the problems of our modern day, including moral, raises Anatoly Plophane in the story "Tuchka Golden Opened.". He sharply puts the issue of national relations, talks about the connection of generations, raises the topic of good and evil, speaks of many other matters, whose solution depends not only on politics and economics, but also on the level of common culture.

5 Responsibility of man for the life of others
So, in the work of a thick "war and the world", the question of the moral responsibility of a person before history is particularly acute.

The feeling of guilt and responsibility for others rises in works of the Second World War. So for example, in the poem of A.Partovsky "I know, no my guilt ..." The lyrical hero is asked a rhetorical question: Could he save those who did not come from the war? Of course, no, but the feeling of guilt leaves the hero and the author.

6 Fathers and Children
The problem of fathers and children includes a number of important moral problems. This is the problem of education, the problem of choosing moral rules, the problem of gratitude, the problem of misunderstanding. They are raised in various works, and each author is trying to look at them in his own way. A. S. Griboedov, describing in the comedy "Hill from the mind" the struggle of the present "and the" century of the past, "did not bypass the complex problem of fathers and children. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe work is the struggle of the old with the new one.

And Peter Grinev in the story of A. Pushkin "Captain's daughter", following the instruction of his father, remained an honest and noble man in all situations, which he had to get * honor and conscience for him remained over all.

One of the most important faces of the problem of "fathers and children" is gratitude. Are children grateful to their parents who who grow them and their parents who grow up and their parents? Theme of gratitude is raised in the story A. S. Pushkin "Stationander". Father tragedy, gently loved the only daughter, appears before us in this story. Of course, the Dunny did not forget his father, she loves him and feels his guilt in front of him, but still the fact that she left, leaving the father of one, turned out to be a big blow to him, so strong that he could not stand it.

7. The role of the example. Education of man
Works that teach courage
The theme of the Great Patriotic War occupies an important place in the literature. The writer often turns to this period of history. Sotnikov, written by Vasil Bykov, is one of the best works about the war. Passing severe tests, the main characters fall into the paws of the Germans. Sotnikov is a modest, imperceptible person, a simple teacher. But, being sick and weak, he went to the responsible task. Exhausted by torture, it remains intact.
The source of courage and heroism Sotetnikov appeared conviction in the fairness of the struggle, which the people leads.
This work teaches us courage and courage, help our moral formation.

8. Self-sacrifice in the name of love for neighbor
1) F.Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment." "Sonechka, Sonya Marmaladova, Eternal Sonechka, while the world is worth!" - The symbol of self-sacrifice in the name of the near and infinitely "non-violent" suffering.
2) Kurin in the story "Pomegranate bracelet" understands love as a miracle, as a beautiful gift. The death of the official revived a woman to life, who did not believe in love, and therefore love still wins death.
3) M. Gorky Legend of "Danko". Danko donated to the sake of rescue people. The feat of Danko is similar to the feat of Prometheus, who kidnapped fire for people, but suffered a terrible punishment for it. This feat of Danko should serve as a reminder to new generations about what a real person should be.
4) In one of the books dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, the former blockade recalls that he was a dying teenager, during a terrible hunger saved the life of a residential neighbor, who brought the jar of stew sent by the son from the front. "I'm old, and you are young, you still live yes live," said this man. He soon died, and the boy saved by him for his whole life retained a grateful memory about him.
4) The tragedy occurred in the Krasnodar Territory. In a home for the elderly, where sick old men lived, who could not even walk, a fire began. Nurse Lydia Pashenzheva rushed to help disabled people. The woman pulled out several patients out of the fire, but he could not get out.

9. Compassionation and mercy. Suitless
1) M. Sholokhov has a wonderful story "The Fate of Man". It tells about the tragic fate of the soldier who lost all the relatives during the war. Once he met the Sirota boy and decided to turn his father. This act suggests that love and desire to do good give a person to life for life, forces in order to confront fate.

10. Hard and soulless attitude towards a person
1) A.Platonov "Yushka"
2) In January 2006, a terrible fire occurred in Vladivostok. Sberbank was caught up, which was on the eighth floor of the "High Tips". The head demanded that employees first hid all documents in the safe, and then evacuated. While the documents were removed, the fire covered the corridor, and many girls died.
2) During the recent war in the Caucasus, there was a case that caused fair indignation in society. The hospital was brought by a wounded soldier, but the doctors refused to accept him, sustained that their institution belongs to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the soldier refers to the department of the Ministry of Defense. While we were looking for the necessary medical unit, wounded died.

11. Man and power
Pushkin in the tragedy "Boris Godunov" very accurately determined and showed a folk nature. Eternally dissatisfied with the existing authority, people are ready to rise to her destruction and rebellious, instilling horror in the rulers - and only. As a result, they will remain offended, as their fruits themselves Victory use boyars and born nobles, standing at the throne of the sovereign.
The people remained one - "silent".

12. Speech and language culture
In the work of I. Ilf and E. Petrov "Twelve Chairs". The vocabulary of the heroine of this novel, Ellochka Shchukina, was only thirty words. And, although she had no need to use any other words, her speech portrait was undoubtedly suffered.
Another example of Demosphen's ancient Greek speaker can be. For many years he worked on his speech portrait, faithful, gestures, because a weak voice, a short breath did not allow him to fulfill his dream - to become a speaker. Demosthenes trained at noise waves, with pebbles in the mouth and eventually was able to eliminate the shortcomings of her speech and become a real professional in his business, left a bright mark in history. This happened precisely thanks to his attentive attitude towards his speech portrait.

13. Learn of heredity and self-deformation.
In Russian literature and in life, so we read the image of left-handed in the work of Leskov. Nowhere does not study the craft, he managed to cut a flea without a microscope. There is no doubt that he himself developed his talent. No one said Leftersha that in his genothe was laid or, on the contrary, such talent was not laid.
I would also like to remember the Paralympic Games. People disabled, it seems to be limited to nature in mobility, find strength to exercise and establish records. This is the brightest proof that everyone is capable of self-deformation and self-development that not everything in human life is determined by heredity.

14. Man and art. Impact of art on man
1) For example, the song "Sacred War" on the words of V.Lebedeva-Kumacha, the music of A. Alexandrov raised the soldiers in the attack, protecting his homeland. She became the musical emblem of the Great Patriotic War. With this song, with her harsh pathos, enraged both bitterness, and pain, and anger, Russian people covered by the "rage of noble" went to the "mortal battle", got up to the shoulder to the shoulder on the defense of the Motherland.
2) In the story of E.Nosov "Chopin, Sonata number two", the music becomes a means of unity of people, between Uncle Sasha, a participant in the war, and mutual understanding is coming by the orchestrants. Grave, fighting sounds of suffering, moans, strikes - everything you can hear in Requiem, - forced the orchestrant guys to realize the value and price of victory in the war, because this sonata is consonant with the sorrow of all Russian people.

15 Problem Saving Memory
1) The memory of the past is not only household items, jewels, but also, for example, letters, photos, documents. In the story "Last Bow" V.P.Astafyev is a chapter called "the photo on which I do not". The hero tells how a photographer came to rural school, and he could not capture because of illness. Teacher brought to Vitka photo. Many years passed, but the hero has retained this picture, despite the fact that it was not him. He looks at her and remembers his classmates, thinks about their destinies. As the hero says, "Rustic Photography is a peculiar chronicle of our people, his own history."
2) Recall the hero A.I.Kuprina Zheltkova from the work of the "pomegranate bracelet". He gives the princess of faith Nikolaevna, his beloved, the family jewel, a pomegranate bracelet that got him from his mother. Yolks holy choirs him and decides to part with him only before death

16. The problem of human spirituality
Aleshka, Hero of the story A. Solzhenitsyn "One day Ivan Denisovich" is just an example of a spiritual person. He went to prison because of his faith, but did not refuse her, on the contrary, this young man defended his truth and tried to convey it to other prisoners. None of his day passed without reading the gospel, rewritten in the usual notebook.

The problem of attitude to the teacher.
It is necessary to be attentive to teachers not only when we learn at school, but when we enter into an adult life.
The strings of Andrei Dementeyeva are immortal:
Do not dare to forget the teachers!
They worry about you and remember
And in the silence of conceived rooms
Waiting for your returns and news.

The problem of recognition of talent.
I believe that we should relate to talented people attentively.
On this occasion, V. G. Belinsky was very accurate: "True and strong talent will not kill the severity of criticism, as well as slightly will not raise her hello"
Recall A. S. Pushkin, I. A. Bunin, A. I. Solzhenitsyn, whose genius was recognized too late. Through the century it is hard to realize that the brilliant poet A. S. Pushkin died on a duel very young. And the society surrounded by him is guilty. How many great works would be able to even read if it would not be the villain of Dantes.

The problem of the destruction of the language.
I am deeply convinced that the improvement of the tongue should lead to its enrichment, and not degradation.
The words I. S. Turgenev, the Great Master of Literature: "Take care of the purity of the tongue as the shrine."
We must learn love for our native language, the ability to perceive it as an invaluable gift in great classics: A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontova, I. A. Bunina, L. N. Tolstoy, N. V. Gogol.
And I want to believe that our literacy will prevent the degradation of the Russian language, the ability to read and perceive the best works of world classics.

The problem of creative search.
For each writer it is important to find your reader.
Vladimir Mayakovsky wrote:
Poetry - the same radium production:
In gram mining, in the year of work.
I get a single word for the sake of
A thousand words of verbal ore.
Allow the problems of creativity to the writer helps the life itself.
A multifaceted, fruitful life was S. A. Yesenin.
Writer, director, actor V.M. Shukshin, achieved recognition due to a stubborn creative work.

The problem of family savings.
I believe that the main function of the family is a continuation of a human kind based on the right upbringing.
Very accurately expressed on this occasion A. S. Makarenko: "If you gave birth to a child, it means for many years ahead you gave him all the tension of your thought, all your attention and your whole will."
I admire the family relationships of growth, heroes of Roman L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Parents and children here are a whole. This unity helped to survive in difficult conditions, become useful society, homeland.
In my deep conviction, the development of humanity begins with a full-fledged family.

The problem of recognizing classical literature.
To recognize classical literature, a certain reader's culture is needed.
Maxim Gorky wrote: "A real life is a little different from a good fantastic fairy tale, if we consider it from the inside, from the desires and motives, which are guided by a person in its activities."
The world classic has passed the thorny path of recognition. And the present reader is pleased that the works of W. Shakespeare, A. S. Pushkin, D. Defo, F. M. Dostoevsky, A. I. Solzhenitsyn, A. Duma, M. Twena, M. A. Sholokhov, Hemengue and many Other writers make up the "golden" foundation of world literature.
I believe that there should be a face between political correctness and literature.

The problem of creating children's literature.
In my opinion, children's literature becomes clear only if it was created by a real master.
Maxim Gorky wrote: "We need a fun, a funny book that develops a sense of humor in the child."
An indelible mark in the life of each person leaves children's literature. Works A. Barto, S. Mikhalkov, S. Marshak, V. Bianki, M. Svtain, A. Lindgren, R. Kipling forced to rejoice, worry, admire each of us.
Thus, children's literature is the first stage of contact with the Russian language.

The problem of saving the book.
For a spiritually developed personality, the very essence of reading is important, in whatever form it is not present.
Such is the point of view and academician D.S. Likhacheva: "... Try to choose a book to your liking, distracted on time from everything in the world, sit down with a book more comfortable and you will understand that there are many books, without which you can not live ..."
The value of the book is not lost if it is presented in the electronic version, as modern writers make it. This allows you to save time and makes an affordable multitude of people any product.
Thus, each of us needs to learn how to read and learn how to use the book.

The problem of upbringing faith.
I believe that faith in man should be brought up from childhood.
I was deeply touched by the words of the scientist, the spiritual figure of Alexander me, who said that a person needed faith "... to the Higher, Ideal."
Below in good, we start from childhood. How much light, heat, positive give us fairy tales A. S. Pushkin, Bazhova, Yershova.
An read text made me think about the fact that the sprouts of the faith, which appeared in childhood, significantly progresate in adulthood and help to be more confident to each of us.

The problem of unity with nature.
We must understand that in the fate of nature - our fate.
Poet Vasily Fedorov wrote:
To save yourself and the world
We need not losing years
Forget all cults
And enter
The cult of nature.
The famous Russian writer V. P. Astafyev in his work "Tsar - Fish" opposes two heroes: akima, disinterestedly loving nature, and Herzeva Gogu, predatoryly extermining it. And nature Mstit: Gogh ridiculously cums his life. Astafiev convinces the reader in the fact that the payroll for immoral attitude towards nature is inevitable.
I want to finish the words of R. Tagore: "I came to your shore as a stranger; I lived in your house as a guest; I leave you like a friend, about my earth. "

The problem of attitude towards animals.
Yes, indeed, God's creatures have a soul, and she once understands better than a person.
I love me from childhood the story of Gabriel Troypolsky "White Bim Black Ear". I admire the friendship of the owner and the dog, which remained devoted to the end of his life. Sometimes such friendship can not meet people.
Goodness and humanity buzzes from the pages of the tales of Antoine St. Expery "Little Prince". He expressed his main idea by the phrase, which became almost a slogan: "We are responsible for those who have tamed."

The problem of artistic beauty.
In my opinion, artistic beauty is a beauty that pierces the heart.
Favorite Corner, who inspired M.Yu. Lermontov for the creation of real masterpieces of art and literature, was the Caucasus. On the village of the picturesque nature, the poet felt inspired, overwhelmed.
"Greetings to you, a deserted corner, shelling calm, works and inspirations," so with love I wrote about Mikhailovsky A.S. Pushkin.
Thus, the beauty of art, invisible is the lot of people creative.

The problem of attitudes towards your homeland.
The country becomes great due to people living in it.
Academician D.S. Likhachev wrote: "Love for the Motherland gives the meaning of life, turning life from stagnation into meaningful existence."
Motherland in a person's life is the most sacred. It is about her first of all think in unthinkable difficult situations. During the years of the Crimean war, Admiral Nakhimov, defending Sevastopol, the heroic died. He visited the soldiers to defend the city until the last second.
Let's do what depends on us. And let our descendants say about us: "They loved Russia."

What will our trouble teach us?
Compassion, sympathy is the result of the awareness of your misfortunes.
An indelible impression is produced by the words of Edward Asadov:
And Kohl gets somewhere trouble,
I ask you: never,
Never turn into a stone ...
The trouble, comprehending Andrei Sokolova, the hero of the story M. A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man", did not kill the best human qualities in it. After the loss of all of his loved ones, he did not stay indifferent to the fate of a little orphan vanyushki.
The text M. M. Svavina made me think deeply about the fact that any trouble is not someone else's.

The problem is a relationship to the book.
I believe that every book is interesting in its own way.
"Love a book. She will make life easier for you, friendly will help to figure out the pins and stormy confusion of thoughts, feelings, events, she will teach you to respect the person and herself, she wakes up the mind and heart with a sense of love for peace, to man, "said Maxim Gorky.
Very interesting episodes from the biography of Vasily Makarovich Shukshina. Due to complex living conditions, only in his youth during the receipt of VGIK, he was able to get acquainted with the creations of great classics. It was the book that helped him become a wonderful writer, a talented actor, director, screenwriter.
Already read the text, postponed, and I continue to reflect on what to do in order to meet only good books.

The problem of the impact of the media.
I am deeply convinced that modern media must instill people moral and aesthetic.
D. S. Likhachev wrote about this: "We must develop intellectual flexibility to understand the achievements and be able to separate the fake from the genuine valuable."
I recently read in one of the newspapers, which in the 60-70 years in popular magazines "Moscow", "Banner", "Roman-Gazeta" printed the best works of young writers, poets. These magazines were loved for many, because they helped to live truly, support each other.
So let's learn how to choose useful newspapers and magazines from which you can extract a deep meaning.

The problem of communication.
In my opinion, every person should strive for sincere communication.
How well said about this poet Andrei Voznesensky:

The essence of real communication is to give the heat of his soul to people.
Matrius, heroine Tale A. I. Solzhenitsyn Matrinin Dvor, lives according to the laws of good, all-believe, love. She "is the same righteous, without which, according to the proverb, is not worth the village. Neither the city. Neither the whole earth is ours. "
The text has already been read, postponed, and I continue to reflect on how important it is to understand the essence of the relationship between people.

The problem of admiration for the beauty of nature.
In my opinion, the beauty of nature is difficult to explain, it can only be felt.
With the text V. Rasputin, remarkable lines from the poem Rasul Gamzatova:
No false in the songs of clouds and water,
Trees, herbs and every creature of God,
Everything in the world's voice sings
There are no other voices.
The name "Singer of Nature" firmly fixed for M. M. Privitin .. In his works, the eternal paintings of nature, magnificent landscapes of our immense country are drawn. He expressed his philosophical vision of nature in the "Road to Friend" diary.
The text of V. Rasputin helped me deeper to realize that while the sun drinks dew while the fish goes to spawning, and the bird climbs the nest, alive in man hope that tomorrow will be coming and maybe it will be better than today.

The problem of uncertainty in everyday life.
In my opinion, only stability and solidity will help to be confident in the "tomorrow".
T. Protasesenko's reflections I want to emphasize the words of Edward Asadov:
Our life is like a flashlight narrow light.
And from the rayon left and right -
Darkness: Millions of silent years ...
Everything that was before us will come inquiry
You are not given given to us, right.
Sometime Shakespeare said Hamlet's mouth: "Time dislocated the joint."
After reading the passage, I realized that it was our own to correct "dislocated joints" of their time. A complex and difficult process.
The problem is the meaning of life.
I am deeply convinced that a person, dealing with any kind of activity, must be aware of what he does.
A. P.Chekhov wrote: "Cases are determined by their goals: the matter is called the great one who has a great goal."
An example of a person who sought to live his age with benefit is Pierre L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" hero. It is brightly characterized by the words of Tolstoy: "To live honestly, it is necessary to rush, getting rushing. Error. Start and throw again, and forever fight and rushing. And calm is spiritual meanness. "
Thus, Yu. M. Lotman helped me even more deeply realize that each of us should have a main goal in life.

The problem of the complexity of literary labor.
In my opinion, it is in the mastering of the writer to convey to each person the secrets of native and someone else's languages \u200b\u200bmanifests itself.
Eduard Asadov expressed his thoughts about the complexity of literary work: "I try to grasp my day and night ...".
I remember that the brilliant Russian poets A. S. Pushkin and M. Yu. Lermontov were wonderful translators.
The text has already been read, laid aside, and I continue to reflect on what we must be grateful to those who opens unaware spaces of languages.

The problem of the immortality of the person.
I am deeply convinced that ingenious personalities remain immortal.
A. S. Pushkin dedicated his lines V. A. Zhukovsky:
His poems captivating sweetness
Pass the centuries envious ...
The names of the people who dedicated their lives of Russia are immortal. This is Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Kuzma Minin, Dmitry Pozharsky, Peter 1, Kutuzov, Suvorov, Ushakov, K. G. Zhukov.
I want to finish with the words of Alexander Bloka:
Oh, I want to live insanely:
All existing - perpetuate,
Impersonal - clean up
Unstable - to realize!
The problem of loyalty to this word.
A decent person must be honest, first of all, in relation to itself.
Leonid Panteleev has a story "Honest word". The author tells us a story about the boy who gave a honest word to stand on the clock before changing Karaul. This child had a strong will and strong word.
"There is nothing stronger than the word," Meandr said.

The problem of the role of the book in the life of a person.
Meeting with a good book is always joy.
Chingiz Aitmatov: "Good in man should be raised, this is the total debt of all people, all generations. This is the task of literature and art. "
Maxim Gorky said: "Love the book. She will facilitate your life, friendly will help to figure out the pins and raven confusion of thoughts, feelings, events, she will teach you to respect the person and herself, she wakes up the mind and heart with a sense of love for peace, to man. "

The problem of the spiritual development of the person.
Naturally, every person should develop spiritually. D. S. Likhachev wrote "" Every person, in addition to large "temporary" personal purposes, there must be one big personal goal ... "
In the work of A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" an example of a spiritually developed personality is Chatsky. Small interests, empty secular life caused a disgust. Hobbies, his intelligence was significantly higher than the surrounding society.

The problem is related to television programs.
I believe that it is now very difficult to choose to view from hundreds of gears the most useful.
In the book "Earth Native" D. S. Likhachev wrote about watching television programs: ".. Ltrate your time on what is worthy of this spending. Look with the choice. "
The most interesting, cognitive, moral gears, in my opinion, are "waiting for me", "Magnikov and Mistnika", "news", "big races". These programs teach me to sympathize with people, learn a lot of new things, worry about your country and be proud of it.

The problem of kindness.
In my opinion, waters, flattery are not yet burning in our society.
In the work of A. P. Chekhov "Chameleon" Politzmeister changed his behavior, depending on who he communicated with: he bowed to the official and humiliated the worker.
In the work of N. V. Gogol "The Auditor", the whole elite, along with the city, tries to please the auditor, but when it turns out that Helpakov is not the one for whom it gives out, all noble people freeze in a dumb scene.

The problem of the distortion of the alphabet.
I believe that the unnecessary distortion of written form leads to a violation of the functioning of the language.
In antiquity, Cyril and Methodius created an alphabet. On May 24, the day of Slavic writing is celebrated in Russia. This speaks about the pride of our people for the Russian letter.

The problem of education.
In my opinion, the benefits of education are judged by end results.
"Hours - light, and unacceptable - darkness," says the Russian folk proverb.
N.I. Pirogov's political figure said: "Most of the most educated out of us is true, will say no more that the doctrine is only preparation for real life."

The problem of honor.
In my opinion, the word "honor" did not lose its meaning and now.
D. S. Likhachev wrote: "Honor, decency, conscience is the qualities that need to go."
History of the Hero of Roman A. S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter" Petra Greenyova - confirmation that a person gives the power to live to fulfill his debt, the ability to take care of their honor and dignity, respect itself and others, the preservation of their spiritual human qualities.

The problem of the purpose of art.
I believe that art should have aesthetic destination.
V. V. Nabokov said: "What is called by art, in essence, nothing but a picturesque truth of life, you need to be able to capture it, that's all."
The great creations of real artists find recognition throughout the world. No wonder the paintings of Russian artists of Levitan and Kindji are exhibited in the Paris Museum of Art Louvre.

The problem of changing the Russian language.
In my opinion, the role of Russian language depends on ourselves.
"In front of you, the commander is Russian. Delight is deeply calling you. Delight will plunge into all the immeasurableness of him and feel the wonderful laws of him ... "- wrote N. V. Gogol.
"Take care of our tongue, our beautiful Russian language, this is a treasure, this is the domain of our predecessors transferred to us, among which Pushkin is shined! Contact respectfully with this powerful tool; In the hands of the skillful, it is able to make wonders ... take care of the purity of the tongue as the shrine! " - Crew I. S. Turgenev.

The problem of human responsiveness.
Reading this text, remember your own examples.
Once unfamiliar woman helped us with parents find the desired address in Belgorod, although it was very hurry for their affairs. And her words hit me in memory: "In our age we just help each other, otherwise they will turn into animals."
The heroes of the work of A. P. Gaidar "Timur and his team" are immortal. Guys, disinterestedly assisted help to form a moral and aesthetic one. The main thing is to raise a bright soul, the desire to help people and understand who to be in this life.

The problem of memories of native places.
Sergey Yesenin has wonderful lines:
Low house with blue shutters,
Do not forget me never, -
Too were such recent
Restored to the Dusk year.
I. S. Turgenev last years spent abroad. He died in the French city of Buzhhal in 1883. Before death, a seriously ill writer turned to a friend Yakov Polonsky: "When you will be in Spassky, we will bow at home, the garden, my young oak, is the homeland that I already probably never see.
The text read helped me deeper to realize that it is more expensive than native places, homeland, and in this concept there is a lot invested, nothing can be.

The problem of conscience.
I believe that the most importantly man decoration is a pure conscience.
"Honor, decency, conscience is the qualities that need to be held," wrote D. S. Likhachev.
Vasily Makarovich Shukshin has a movie "Kalina Red". The main hero Egor Prokudin, a former criminal, can not forgive himself in his soul that a lot of grief brought his mother. When meeting with an elderly woman, he cannot confess that he is her son.
Read the text made me think deeply over the fact that in whatever situation we did not turn out to be lost your human face and their dignity.

The problem of individual freedom and responsibility to society.
Everyone must be aware of their responsibility to society. This is confirmed by the lines written by Y. Trifonov: "On each person there is a declaration of history. However, he is resting with bright hot and terrible light, there are barely noticeable on others, it's slightly warm, but it exists on all. "
Academician D. S. Lihachev said: "If a person lives to bring good people to facilitate their suffering in disease, to give people joy, he evaluates himself at the level of his humanity"
Chingiz Aitmatov said about freedom: "Freedom of personality and society is the latest constant goal and the most important meaning of being, and nothing more important in historical plan is, it is the most important progress, and therefore be the pros of state"

The problem of patriotism.
"Love for the Motherland gives the meaning of life, turning life from stagnation in meaningful existence," wrote D. S. Likhach.
The exploits of the older generation during the Great Patriotic War confirm that the birthplace in the life of a person is the most holy. It is impossible to remain indifferent, reading the story of Boris Lvovich Vasilyeva "And the dawns here are quiet .." about the young Zenitian girls who died, defending their native land from the enemy.
A real soldier who selflessly loving his homeland is Nikolai Plugs, the hero of the story of Boris Vasilyev "did not mean in the lists." Until the last minute of life, he defended the Brest fortress from fascists.
"A person can not live without his homeland, as you can not live without a heart," wrote K. G. Poystovsky.

The problem of choosing a profession.
V. G. Belinsky is the author of the string: "Find your way, to know my place - this is all for a person, this is done for him."
Only then the person will be passionate about his business if he won't be mistaken in choosing a profession. D. S. Lihachev wrote: "We must be enthusiastic with your profession, with your business, those people who directly provide assistance (especially the teacher and the doctor), and those who bring the help" published "without seeing them."

The role of mercy in a person's life.
Russian poet G. R. Derzhavin said:
Whoever harms and will not be offended
And evil does not redeem evil:
Sons will see their sons
And in life any good.
And F. M. Dostoevsky owns such lines: "The world does not accept, in which the shed at least one tear of the child"

The problem of cruelty and humanism in relation to animals.
Goodness and humanity buzzes from the pages of the tales of Antoine St. Expery "Little Prince". He expressed his main idea by the phrase, which became almost a slogan: "We are responsible for those who have tamed"
About the universal misfortune, Roman Chingiza Aitmatova "Floh" warns us. The main characters of the novel Wolf - Akbara and Tashchinar, die through the fault of the person. All nature died in their face. Therefore, people await an imminent fee.
An read text made me think about what we should learn from animals of devotion, understanding, love.

The problem of the complexity of the relationship of people.
Great Russian writer L. N. Tolstoy wrote: "Life is only then if you live for others." In "War and the World", he reveals this thought, showing the example of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Dunzhov, which is a real life.
And S. I.zhhegov said: "Life is human and society activities, in those or other manifestations."

The problem of the relationship between "fathers and children".
B. P. Pasternak said: "The impairment of love for the neighbor is the first of the people gives himself ..."
The writer Anatoly Aleksin describes the conflict between generations in his story "Section of Property". "Support with your mother is the most superfluous thing on Earth," this pronounces the judge to a man-son, which is sustaining the property with his mother.
Each of us needs to learn to do good. Do not cause trouble, pain close people.

The problem of friendship.
V.P. Nekrasov wrote: "The most important thing in friendship is the ability to understand and forgive."
A. S. Pushkin characterized real friendship as follows: "My friends, our union is beautiful! He is like a soul inseparable and eternal. "

The problem of jealousy.
Jealousy is a feeling uncontrolled by the mind, forcing the mindless actions.
In the novel, M. A. Sholokhov "Quiet Don" Stepan severely beaten his wife Aksinhu, for the first time truly loved Grigory Melekhova.
In the novel L. N. Tolstoy "Anna Karenina" jealousy of her husband leads Anna to suicide.
I think everyone should strive for the ability to understand a loved one and find the courage to forgive him.

What is real love?
Wonderful lines from Marina Tsvetaeva:
As the right and left hand -
Your soul is close to my soul.
K. D. Ryleva has a historic Duma about Natalia Borisovna Dolgorukka, Feldmarshal Sheremetyeva's daughter. She did not leave her groom who lost his will, titles, condition and went behind him. After the death of her husband, the twenty-year-old beauty had grown in the nun. She said: "There is a secret, holy love, she does not end."

The problem of perception of art.
True Words L. N. Tolstoy B art: "Art performs the work of the memory: it chooses from the stream the most bright, exciting, significant and captures it in the crystals of books."
And V. V. Nabokov said this: "What is called by art, in essence, nothing but the picturesque truth of life; You need to be able to capture it, that's all. "

The problem of intelligence.
D. S. Lihachev wrote: "... intelligence is equal to moral health, and health needs to live not only physical, but also mental."
A genuinely intelligent person I consider the great writer A. I. Solzhenitsyn. He lived a hard life, but before the end of his days he remained physically and morally healthy.

The problem of nobility.
Bulat Okudzhava wrote:
Conscience, nobility and dignity - What is it - the Holy Our Military.
To last his palm, it's not scary for him and in the fire.
His face is high and amazing. Devy your brief age.
Maybe you will not become a winner, but you will die like a person.
The greatness of morality and nobility is composite feat. In the work of Boris Lvovich Vasilyev "in the lists did not mean" Nikolai Plugs remains a person in any situations: in a relationship with his beloved woman, under the continuous bombing of the Germans. This is true heroism.

The problem of beauty.
Nikolay Zabolotsky reflects on the beauty in his poem "ugly girl": "Is she a vessel in which emptiness or fire shimmering in a vessel?".
True beauty is a spiritual beauty. In this, L. N. Tolstoy convinces us, drawing in the novel "War and Peace" images of Natasha Rostova Marya Bolkonskaya.

The problem of happiness.
Wonderful lines about happiness at the poet Edward Asadova:
Beauty to see in the ugly
Display in the streams of spills of rivers!
Who knows how to be happy to be happy
That really happy man.
Academician D. S. Likhachev wrote: "Happiness reaches the one who seeks to make happy others and can at least forget about their interests, about themselves."

The problem of growing up.
When a person begins to realize his involvement in solving important life problems, he begins to grow up.
True words belonging to K. D. Ushinsky: "The goal in life is the core of human dignity and human happiness."
And the poet Edward Asadov said like this:
I since grow, then from youth of the aplence,
After all, without over the years, and the matters are.
And all that did not have time to thirty,
Then, you just do not have time.

The problem of upbringing.
A. S. Makarenko wrote: "Our whole education system is the realization of slogan on attention to a person. About attention not only to his interests, his needs, but also to his debt. "
S. Ya. Marshak has lines: "Let the good mind you have, and the heart will be smart."
The educator who made his "heart smart" towards the pupil will achieve the desired result.

What is the meaning of man's life
Famous Russian poet A. Voznesensky said:
The more we take off the heart,
Especially the greater our heart remains.
The heroine of the story A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrinin Dvor" lives according to the laws of good, all-fortunemen, love. Matrion gives the warmth of his soul to people. She "is the same righteous, without which, according to the proverb, is not worth the village. Neither the city. Neither the whole earth is ours. "
The problem of learning.
Happy that man in whose lives teacher
For Altynai, the heroine of the story of Chingiza Aitmatov "First Teacher", the inches was the teacher, in front of which "... In the most difficult moments of life," she kept the answer and "... did not dare to retreat" before difficulties.
The man for whom the profession of the teacher is a calling is Lydia Mikhailovna V. Rasputin "French Lessons". It was she who became a major person for his student, which he remembered all his life.

The problem of the significance of labor in a person's life.
In relation to person, the moral value of each of us is measured.
K. D. Ushinsky said: "Self-education, if it wishes happiness to a person, should raise him not for happiness, but to prepare for life of life."
And the Russian proverb says: "Without difficulty - you will not endure and fish from the pond."
According to V. A. Sukhomlinsky: "The work is necessary for a person as well as food, it should be regular, systematic."

Somo Problems.
The needs of a person must be limited. A person should be able to control himself.
In the "Fairy Tale about Fisherman and Fish" by A. S. Pushkin Old Woman lost everything that her goldfish had helped to buy, because her desires exceeded the necessary limit.
Fair Russian Folk Proverb: "Better Tit is in hand than a crane in heaven."

The problem is indifference.
Unfortunately, many people live according to the proverb: "My hut from the edge - I don't know anything."
The author's rightness confirms the famous statement of Bruno Yasensky: "Fear of indifferent - they do not kill, but only with their silent consent exists on earth treachery and murder."

1) "Although the war puts, perhaps, the purpose of calm, but it is undoubted evil." (Lao Tzu)

2) "War is a disease. Like a typha. " (Saint-Exupery A.)

3) "Being created to create, love and defeat," means to be created to live in the world. But the war teaches everything to lose and become what we were not. " (Kama A.)

4) "The biggest evil that the enemy can make us is to teach our heart to hatred." (F. Larochefuko)

5) "War is not a courtesy, and the most appropriate thing in life, and it is necessary to understand this and not to play the war. It is necessary to take strictly and seriously this terrible necessity. All this: Fail off a lie, and the war is so war, not a toy. " (L.N. Tolstoy)

6) "There was no one between the squadron and enemies, except for small jets. Empty space, in three hundred, separated them from it. The enemy stopped shooting, and the more clearly, the strict, formidable, impregnable and elusive trait, which shares two enemy troops ... "

"One step for this line, reminiscent of the line separating the alive from the dead, and is the unknownness of suffering and death. And what's there? who's there? There, behind this field, and tree, and the roof lighted by the sun? No one knows, and I want to know; And it's terrible to go through this line, and I want to go to her; And you know that sooner or later you have to go through it and find out what's there, on the other side, how inevitably find out what is there, on the other side of death. And Silen himself, healthy, cheerful and annoyed and surrounded by such healthy and annoyed-lively people. " So if he does not think, he feels every person, in mind the enemy, and the feeling it gives a special shine and the joyful sharpness of the impressions of everything that happens at these moments. " (L.N. Tolstoy)


1. "The story of the ruin of Ryazan Batym" (per. D.S.Likhachev)

"And in the sixth day, the splashing went to the city - one with lights, other with trumpet tools, and the third with countless stairs - and took Grad Ryazan for the month of December 21. And they came to the church of the Cathedral Blessed Virgin Mary, and the Great Prince Agrippine, the mother of the Grand Duke, with Snow, and other princessed the swords, and the bishop and the priests of fire were betrayed - in the Holy Church, they had fallen in the Holy Church. And in the city of many people, and wives, and children were in with swords, and others were dried in the river, and the priests and the inkons were seen without a residue, and all hail joy, and the beauty of Ryazan, and the affinations of Ryazan princes - the princes of Kiev and Chernigov - captured. And the temples of God were ruined in the holy altars a lot of blood shed. And there was no living alive in the city: they still died and a single bowl was perfect. There was no moaning, nor crying - no father and mother about children, no children about the father and mother, nor brother about brother, no affinities of the affinations, but all together lay dead. And everything was for our sins. "
The author "Tale ..", describing the battlefield, recreating a picture of the ruin and burning of the Russian city before the reader, remembers the feelings of your readers and expresses seen with the help of traditional formulas.
"And the prince of Ingvar Ingvarevich went there, where they were beaten from the wicked king of Batiya Bathy His: Great Prince Yuri Ingvarevich Ryazan, his brother Prince Davyd Ingvarevich, Brother His Vsevolod Ingvarevich, and Many Princes Local, and Boyar, and Governors, and All Military, And units, and reverents, Patriotic Ryazan. They lay on everything on the ground empty, on the grass of nobs, snow and ice came up, nobody dish. The beasts of the body were treated, and the many birds were injured. Everyone was lying, everyone died together, a single cup was solely. "
Death in "Tale ..." Opoetized: People lie on the ground "empty", "snow and ice survened", they "fought the mortal bowl." Remembering about historical time, we can assume how ugly and severe wounds of the battle participants were as far as terrible was the picture of the Batya city destroyed by the troops, and this was not transmitted in the text. But this does not indicate the impotence of the work of art in re-creation of reality. This suggests the wisdom of the creator of "Tale", about the humanities of the Old Russian literature.

2. "Valerik" (M.Yu.lermonts)

  • Almost just got the traffic
  • It was a formidable silence,
  • Not long time it
  • But in this strange expectation
  • The heart was hampered not one.
  • Suddenly a volley ... Look: lying in rows,
  • What needs? Local shelves
  • People tested ... in bayonets,
  • Friend! Out of us.
  • Blood caught fire in his chest!
  • All officers are ahead ...
  • Riding rushed to the dawns
  • Who did not have time to jump off the horse ...
  • Hurray - and Smallklo. - Van Daggers,
  • In the buttons! - And the massacre went.
  • And two hours in stream jets
  • The battle lasted. Cruelted
  • Like beasts, silently, breastfeeding chest,
  • The streams of bodies were damaging.
  • I wanted water I will cry ...
  • (And heat and battle tired
  • me) but a muddy wave
  • It was warm, was red.

M.Yu. Lermontov, who considered the war to the destruction of the beauty of the world, the unity of man and nature, accurately expresses this idea in the episode of the Valerik poem. Showing the madness of what is happening, Lermontov likes people with wild beasts and calls the battle of "Rabby". The stream was damaged by corpses, his water poisoned by death, become red. Just a few strokes - and the horror of what happened is transmitted to the reader. Enhances the impression the emotion of the monologue of the hero:

  • I thought: a pitiful man,
  • What he wants! ... the sky is clear
  • Under the sky a lot of all,
  • But incessantly and in vain
  • One will enjoy it - why?

3. "War and Peace" (L.N. Tolstoy)

L.N. Tolstoy shows the Borodino field after the battle. In order to express disgust, horror, pain, suffering from what he seen, Tolstoy makes "speak" silent nature. Rain, stratum "on the dead, on the wounded, and on the exhausted people," as if he says: "Pretty, pretty, people. Stop ... come home. What are you doing?"

4. "Silent Don" (Sholokhov M. A.)

The picture of the battlefield, which occurred between the Russians and the Germans during the First World War, not far from the village of Sbynyhi, made the Cossacks of the Cossacks and accustomed to the horrors of the war. The corpses lay Vnakat, in the "obscene and terrible" poses, the Earth was exploded, the wheels of the wagon of the grass resembles scars. There is a "sweet, heavy" smell of "sweet, heavy" smell. Cossacks struck the appearance of a young lieutenant, who continued to remain beautiful after death; They are shocked by the view of the killed soldier, completely still the boys, whom the enemy of the bullet fell. The witnesses of this spectacle are crushed, looking at the guy: he must have had no chance to learn the sweets of the girl's kiss. "Where did they feel so much?" They ask themselves those who are also ruthlessly straightened with the enemy. Apparently, there is no limit to human cruelty.

  • Updated: May 31, 2016
  • Author: Mironova Marina Viktorovna