Maxue with a number 4 Preparatory Group. NEVASHIKA - FEMR exercise in the preparatory group "Composition of" Four "

Maxue with a number 4 Preparatory Group. NEVASHIKA - FEMR exercise in the preparatory group "Composition of" Four "

Purpose: Learn to make and solve problems and examples. Secure the composition of the number 9, consolidate the knowledge of children about geometric figures.

Software content:

Educational tasks:

Continue learning to make up simple arithmetic tasks and record their solution using numbers.

Fasten the composition of the number 9.

Secure the knowledge of children about geometric figures.

However, this fact should not be confused with the pagan ideologies that prevailed in Western democracies in the 1980s and 1990s. In this context, you need to ask what can offer and offer the concept of the third path. What will be the third way? Pro -adadic concepts prevailed, especially in the context of Social Democracy.

Search for improvement of democracy, social participation and economic Regulations A large mass of the population will always question the existing political and legal structures in Western democracies. The rule of law, basic rights, private property and competition should not be subject to freedom and democracy, as well as an effective national economy. Therefore, we do not need a third way.

Developing tasks:

Create conditions for development logical thinking, intelligence, attention.

Develop a mixture, visual memory, imagination.

Promoting the formation of mental operations, the development of speech, the ability to argue their statements.

Educational challenges:

Eat independence.

For example, high unemployment, drifting of rich and poor, unregulated international financial transactions. In this regard, we need deep reforms and political discourse, which does not prohibit even radical solutions. Social problems of our time lead to populism, nostalgia and return to failed political concepts. And right extremism and nostalgia are fed by ignorance, ignorance, retardation and social injustice. They see their opponent in democracy. Defensive reflexes against further development modern era - Our main problem.

Rail interest in mathematical classes.

Preliminary work with children: guessing riddles logical tasks, solving simple arithmetic tasks, individual classes.

Equipment: Visual and countable material, a ruler on each child, the ball, tasks for each child.

Educator: Guys, now we will go on a journey far, on the planet of mathematics. Go to the tables, everyone has a task. And what we will go, you will learn when connecting the numbers in order. We start with the numbers 1. After the figure 1, Tanya, say, what is the digit?

Coalitions with the left side are the order of the day. Your Western expansion has succeeded. Debates for reconciliation put enlightenment in a column instead of criminals. Honorary pension is too short. Compensation often does not work. People like Rosemary will become judges of the Constitutional Court. Olberz becomes the rector of the Ministry and University. Your unfair character is questioned. Enlightenment takes too little.

Nevertheless, today you can act, keywords. We are talking about the interpretation of an understanding of the opposition national Question opposition. The main contradiction can be summarized, according to which, on the one hand, the opposition considered and recognized the achievement of the unity of Germany as a goal of own work. To find an answer, a temporary explanation is required, because the opposition has adapted to the conditions on different stages Revolution. Thus, he ran after the requirements dictated by demonstrators on the street, or, on the contrary, dictated these requirements, which, in turn, took the street.

Tanya: 2.

Educator: Yes, right 2. And after Figure 2, Artyom, tell me what figure?

Artem: 3.

Educator: Well done, and so in order.

Educator: Nastya, tell me, what did you do?

Nastya: Rocket.

Educator: Everyone has a rocket? Look, you have another task. You need to help the bee collect nectar. The bee takes those examples in the bucket in which the answer is 9. will help? To begin with, it is necessary to solve examples, the answer from which it will turn out to be connected with the bucket.

In principle, incorrectly reproach the opposition, as Martin Gennder did, - that she did not do or even published the German question. The question is how and with what intention she devoted himself to the issue. The letter contains at least 200 subscribers. He also establishes its own German political accents, saying: "The victorious powers after the former allies should subtract their occupation forces from Germany and agree on the guarantees of non-interference in the internal affairs of the two German states."

Javemann goes even further in an interview in which Eppelmann also participates. Even if Eppelman himself later relates the statements of Haveman, an approach that affects the later German political considerations of opposition groups is significant. This turn of events comes from three sources.

Educator: Now name, what example in the bucket put, Dima?

Dima: 4 + 5.

Educator: And Zhenya?

Zhenya: 9 + 0.

Educator: Lisa?

Lisa: 7 + 2.

Educator: Nastya?

Nastya: 8 + 1.

Educator: All examples gathered? Tanya?

Tanya: No, one more. 6 + 3.

Educator: Well done! And now, so that our rocket flew, you need to know which button you need to click to go to the flight. To do this, you need to solve problems.

Identification that grows on the basis of political, economic, environmental and social limitations. The ideological component of identification is the statements of Ludwig Dresz in the magazine of Samizdat: the denial also affects Germany. Travelers and emigrants are moving from one state to another, but they also depart from Germany to Germany. In the process of demarcation, Germany was taboo. However, in the minds of people, there is still a special sense of belonging between East and West, despite the recognition of the formation of a double state.

1. Apples in the garden saw,

We have time to taste:

8 ruddy, bulk,

1 with sourness.

How many of them?

2. Ten cheerful bear

For raspberries in the forest rush,

But one of them lagged behind

And now I find the answer:

How many bears in front?

3. Grandmother Dasha granddaughter Masha, cat gun and dog friend. How many grandchildren's grandchildren?

At least, as much as significant statements by the former founder of the democratic uprising of Edelbert Richter. Richter puts "the search for our identity as the Germans" in the center of his thoughts. At the same time, it warns from the withdrawal of them exclusively from "our language, our culture, our homeland", since this "objective concept of the nation" can mislead us. Thus, he argues that the desire for reunion under this auspices can combine the great forces to the extent that they serve in the world; But, in addition, it is hardly possible with the current balance of power, it would be undesirable because it would mean the return of National Socialism and the Anti-Hitler coalition.

Educator: What figure did you get? Lisa, how much did you do?

Lisa: 9.

Educator: How much did Dima come?

Dima: 9.

Educator: Well done, you can now go to the flight. Katya, come out, on the keyboard, click on the figure 9.

Katya presses the number 9. Music sounds.

Educator: So, we go to the flight. For now we fly, tell me what arithmetic signs do you know? (\u003d + -\u003e

Accordingly, Richter recommends the "desire for unity" "Awakening again" Germany, "Finally, to completely abandon the objective concept of the nation german tradition", Which means the refusal of the" bourgeois national thought ". The foreign policy component of the new national self-consciousness is rooted on the contradiction with the wall and block confrontation. Parallels with the movement for peace in the West are clear.

Secondly, the concept that only military neutrality is at least independent of the blocks operating in Germany can exercise the right to self-determination. For Mehlhorn, this makes it possible to adhere to the "prospects of unity." No need to submit this "unity" in the sense of the national state. But through the steps of demilitarization and contract neutrality, one day, this could be achieved peacefully, without creating fear of fear among our neighboring peoples.

Educator: We are flocked to the planet. Close your eyes. Guys, look, we flew to another planet. And we meet residents of this planet. Look, what are they unusual, and one of the inhabitants have an envelope. Now let's see what in it.

Watch. There's tasks.

Educator: And in it tasks. Tasks then encrypted. Who remembers what figure we pressed, what would the rocket soak off? Zhenya, what figure?

Here, too, considerations are located in the center of bringing the movement to the German-political discussion by decaying blocks or "neutralized zones". Considering the influence of the opposition, this is a bold venture. In opposition groups, these changes occur in different ways. Answers vary from refusal to leave the country - after all, expatriates force each organized opposition to work more difficult - to organizational mergers to provide legal assistance in emissions. Attitude to the issue of citizenship, respectively, differently.

German question and the third way on the eve of the revolution. In addition to the monthly demonstrations on Alexanderplatz, with the participation of only several participants and prayers for peace in Leipzig, the pre-revolutionary phase of the revolution includes primarily a further increase in the number of expatriates and embassies in Prague, Budapest and Warsaw. However, initiatives to create new independent of the church of opposition associations are particularly important. Requirements of freedom open now, consciously or unconsciously, gateways for unity.

Zhenya: 9.

Educator: Name the number followed by the number 9? (8) Name the number next number 9? (10) Name the neighbors of the number 9? (8 and 10)

You have countdown sticks. Let's make up examples with a number 9. What example was Nastya? (4 + 5) What example amounted to Arina? (3 + 6) And what example was Masha? (2 + 7) And Katya amounted to? (9 + 0)

Fizkultminutka "We are tired, dressed"

Thus, the separation can be overcome and form in the form of a confederation. Richter himself believes in the Union of Socialist and Liberal Ideas, the reconciliation of liberalism and socialism. Weiss justifies his attitude and so on. With the assumption that "Germany's unity was sacrificed to ideologies and power interests", so he stressed his claim: "I want my grandchildren to live in Germany without a wall." Gunther Nuk agrees with this point of view. In no case can not deny the stabilizing moment of the existence of two German states in Central Europe For the world in recent decades.

We are tired, dressed,

We wanted to warm up.

We postponed notebooks,

We started charging.

(One hand up, the other down, jerks to change hands)

Then the wall looked at the wall

Then the window was glanced.

Right, left, turn

And then the opposite.

(Corner turns)

Naturally begin

Feet to the end bending.

But in historical measurements it seems absurd. It says: I am German. No more than mine and the story of my fathers. The list of opinions of different actors who thought precisely in this direction could continue endlessly. German question and the third way in the democratic phase of the revolution.

October, especially in the south, numerous examples in which German flags rise in protesting, but the strategy is not visible. There are several reasons for restriction. Only thus the German political step can be explained by many previous statements.

Up and down, up and down

Nurse do not hurry!


And B. last time sat down

And now for the parties sat down.

(Children sit down in their place)

Educator: Let's play and remember the days of the week.

The game "Days of the week." I will throw the ball, and ask a question. Who threw, answers the question and throws the ball back. The tutor throws the ball to each child individually. Questions: What is the first day of the week? What is 3? After Thursday, what will happen? What is the day of the week weekend? etc.

This tactic, which sometimes also corresponds to the conviction, at the same time provides the ability to the opposition actions. Recently created initiatives, associations or parties adapt to changed conditions, despite the protests for the double state.

Thus, with the Constitution of the Social Democratic Party of the software. Democratic departure participates in his inaugural meeting on constituent assembly Democratic uprising in October, the relevant requirements are presented, for example, after a possible confederation.

Educator: Guys, and we have one more task. We are offered to guess the riddles on geometric figures.

1. Three vertices, three corners, three sides - that's me! (triangle).

2. I did not oval, and not a circle, the triangle I am a friend. I am a brother, and my name is ... (Square).

3. I'm like a hoop, wheel, like a wonderful ring, and how simple the letter O. (Circle)

In October, another number of papers in circulation concerning the German issue. Nevertheless, at the largest revolutionary Rally, the German question seems to not matter. Barbel Pain especially loves the last: "The most impressive last Saturday was that because of the reunion did not come out."

Nevertheless, avalanche rolls, which will also be buried by one of the first opposition, because the relationship between democratic requirements and freedom, on the one hand, and the wishes of unity - on the other, remains and remains imperative. It became clear a few days ago in Jena.

4. I am almost like a circle - Malets, I look like a cucumber.

5. Four angle, like a square I have, but only the square it is not daring, but still looks like a square, by the way. I have 2 long sides and 2 shorter. (rectangle)

Educator: And now, from geometric shapes, we will help our heroes to build a house for a number 9 according to the scheme (the scheme is mounted on the board). What geometric shapes built a house in the diagram?

Already in the lass we are going for you to serve us well, Germany united Fatherland. Albrecht Schör Anthem, an activist of the Democratic Revolution of Yen, agreed at the end of his speech. It is more clear that the desire of reunification is unlikely to be formulated.

German question and the third way in the national phase of the revolution. If we generalize all realistic options, several perspectives will open. As a communist system as a free-democratic state in conditions market economy and demands as a liberal-democratic state, while maintaining its own economic ideas. Only three views are realistic: one in the field of self-employment, two in the association, but upon closer review only with the unity of realistic implementation opportunities.

Children: Square, Triangle, Rectangle.

Children build a house.

Educator: What beautiful got at home. And let's measure the height of the house? Long home? And with what we will measure the house?

Children: Rulers (measured the height and length of the house).

Educator: What is the height of the house in Liza?

Lisa: 9 cm.

Educator: Is Masha?

The culmination of efforts to search for the third path is the "call for our country." "The third way" as an intermediate point between "capitalism and socialism" finds sympathy not only among the population, but also in the opposition movement. In the end, the "third path" remains only the relic of the past epoch, which is cared a politically minor minority. In the end, this idea will be buried, despite the numerous arjergard battles.

In addition to the "call to our country", the 10-point plan of Helmut Kolya shares the opposition movement, which is currently largely unified. The consequence is essential differentiation. At the same time, despite the formulated political restraint, the plan opens the discussion about the reunification focusing on the desire of opposition to continuity in the Federal Republic of Germany, but the pre-revolutionary idea of \u200b\u200bthe "third foreign policy path". Accordingly, the majority of the opposition eliminates the only integration of the West to United Germany.

Masha: 9 cm.

Educator: What length is the house? At Nastya?

Nastya: 9 cm.

Educator: Andrei Pershera?

Andrey: 9 cm.

Educator: Well done. And in the envelope there is a mystery. But she is not about geometric figures. Listen and guess the riddle: what does all the locks open? Zhenya?

Zhenya: key.

Educator: And who else thinks? Katya, how do you think it is?

Katya: key.

Educator: Well done, guess the riddle. Let's check if you guess it right. We must listen carefully to me. You have a black point on your leaves. I will talk in which direction and how many cells to carry out a line, do not break the pencil from paper. So, we start: from the black point to right count 8 cells, then up 2 cells, 4 cells are right. Down 5 cells. Then left 4 cells. 2 cells up. 4 cells left. 3 cells down. 1 left. 1 up. Left 1 cell. 1 down the cage. 1 Left Cage. 3 cells up. 1 cell left. And 1 cage up.

Educator: What did you do? Lera?

Lera: key.

Educator: And Dima, what happened?

Dima: key.

Educator: So, you rightly guess the riddle. Well done! The inhabitants of this planet really liked how you coped with the tasks. You all worked well today, look, there is still an envelope. Let's see what. What is this?

Children: Medals.

Educator: Residents of this planet award you for the effort and for help them (rewarding with medals). But it's time for us to go back. Close your eyes (music sounds). Well, we returned. Let's remember (questions to children):

Where we were?

What day did we work today?

I propose to start a lesson with a mathematical workout.

Solve the tasks:

At the apiary 3 bear

They played hide and seek at the barrel.

One in the barrel barely got.

And how much did the forest convinced? (2)

Are there any chickens for children?

2 - on the beds, 2- in rye,

How many of them just say? (four)

Three daisies yellow-eyed,

2 funny vasilka

Gave mom's mom.

How many colors in a bouquet? (five)

5 tiny kittens

What they give them, everyone eaten.

And one sour cream eats.

How many kittens? (6)

(on the board turned out a number of numbers 2 4 5 6)

Working with demonstration material at the board over the composition of the number 8 of 2 smaller numbers.

Consider how many green leaves on the board? (7)

Add as many leaves to become 8 leaves.

Why? (Because 7 and 1 is 8).

Let's repeat: 8 is 7 and 1

Count how many dogs on the board? (6)

Add so many dogs so that there are 8 dogs.

Why? (Because 6 and 2 are 8).

Mark both parts by numbers.

Let's repeat: 8 is 6 and 2

Count how much carrots on the board? (five)

Add so many vegetables to become 8.

Why? (Because 5 and 3 are 8).

Mark both parts by numbers.

Consider how many clowns on the board? (four)

Add so many clowns so that it becomes 8.

Why? (Because 4 and 4 are 8).

Mark both parts by numbers.

Count how many machines on the board? (3)

Add so many machines to become 8.

Why? (Because 5 and 3 is 8).

Mark both parts by numbers.

Count how many cucumbers on the board? (2)

Add so many cucumbers to become 8.

Why? (Because 6 and 2 is 8).

Mark both parts by numbers.

Count how much pears on the board? (one)

Add so much pears so that it becomes 8.

Why? (Because 7 and 1 is 8).

Mark both parts by numbers.

Let's say the composition of the number 8 again.

It's time to warm up and execute fizkultminutku "Once - climb, pull"

Time - climb, pull out

Two - bend, get risen,

Three - in your hands three cotton,

Head three nodes.

Four - hands wider,

Five - to wave,

Six - quietly sit down.


Work with dispensing material (counting sticks).

And now we will play with chopsticks.

Didactic game "With counting chopsticks."

Open the box. Everyone has a lot of sticks in it. Look at it and put 6 sticks out of the box on the table. (Children take wands and lay out the composition of the number 6).

Tell us how the number 8 was 9. (Children in turn tell their composition of the number 8.

Well done, you so well made up a number 8 that I decided to give you colored pebbles. Let's play with them.

Didactic game "Colored pebbles."

I have 8 pebbles. I will share them in my hands and show one palm. Guess how many pebbles in another palm. Why? (The game is repeated several times)

We write in the notebooks number 8.

The following tasks B. notebook 3000 examples .. What needs to be done in the first task? And in the second. Find a fled number.