The cooking "System of images in the play" Dustpannica. A.N.

The cooking "System of images in the play" Dustpannica. A.N.


1. Introduction

2. In Life

3. Knuros and Larisa


The mound of Parmerych Knurov is a collective image of a man of a new era with fabulous capital. This is a representative of that inexorable power, which is slow, but steadily submaps everything. "The owner of factories, newspapers, steamboats" feels a complete owner in this life. The only power he recognizes is money.

Knurov leads a secured measured life. Any whiming can be instantly executed. Money Parmery is used to universal reverence. He clearly divides people into two classes: having and not having money. From the point of view of the presence of capital, he assesses the possibilities and benefits of others.

The circle of communication Knurova is small. In the play, it includes only sovers, paratas and the Family Cupid. With the first it is associated business relationships. Money Parmerych perfectly understands how important it is to maintain good relationships with business partners. It is unlikely that this communication can be called friendship. In any case, in the provincial town of more close, and even more so equal to him people, there is still no.

Money Parmery is kind, but its location towards people again depends on the possible benefit. He can express sincere sympathy for someone else's grief, but will assist only if it brings it any benefit. The high opinion of Knurov about himself brighter is manifested in his attitude to Karandyshev. The capitalist frankly despises a small official who could not achieve a higher position.

Money Parmerych has long noted for himself the beauty of the daughter of Harita Ignatievna. The main problem is that the dealer is married. He is not averse to take Larisa "for maintenance", but the girl has not yet stained his reputation yet. Knurov honestly admits to the work that he is already late to openly compete with numerous fans of Larisa. He prefers to act by bypass paths. The concept of love is completely unfamiliar to Knurov. He even praises the brainstorm for the lack of this feeling, useless in trade affairs.

Love for Mokia Parmerych is the same product, and Larisa - "Dear Brilliant", requiring "expensive rim." Knurov just also despises Harita Ignatievna, but supports good relationship with her and gives money to take possession of Larisa. For this purpose, he goes long and persistently. The upcoming wedding of the girl seems to him a comfortable chance. Karadashev will not be able to adequately provide Larisa. Then then the brows and hopes to use your chance.

All the lowestness and the heartlessness of Mokia Parmerych and Laezhovatova manifests itself in the scene of the Larisa draw in the Orlyan. Thus, they solve the fate of a living girl, not even asking her opinions. Larisa seems to them a simple but incredibly beautiful thing that the owner will definitely have. "Winning" Knurov, throwing any shame, directly refers to Larisa with a proposal to become its content. He reinforces their words a significant phrase: "For me, it is not enough."

Money Parmerych is not just an omnipotent, an incredibly rich dealers. Money was distracted thinking. For Knurova, everything surrounding (even people) is a sale facility. His attitude towards Larisa, as a thing, underlies the tragedy of the whole play.

"Nurendannica" (1878) is considered the best psychological drama A.N. Ostrovsky. In this play, the playwright addresses the life of a new, bourgeois Russia. The focus of the island is the lives of many classes: nobles, merchants, officials.
In the flameform years, there are sharp changes: nobles, even the richest, gradually ruin, merchants turn into hosts with a million state, their children become the main power of society - educated bourgeois. Against the background of these events, the tragedy of the main heroine of the play - Larisa Ogudallova unfolds.

At the very beginning of the drama - in the 2nd phenomenon of the I actions - we hear the conversation of the Mokia Parmerych Knurova and Vasily Danilych Lazhevatov. Knurov - "From the major dolts of recent times, an elderly person, with a huge state." The brassists are "a very young man, one of the representatives of a rich trading company, in a sufficient European suite." In the course of the relaxed conversation of these "new" people, we get acquainted with the main actors of the plays, we learn about the events taking place in their lives.

At the very beginning of the conversation, the figure of Sergei Sergeyevich Paratov, a rich Barina, who comes to Bryakhimov on his steamer. According to the merchants, this hero lives "with Shikom", "Motozat", but things can not know. It can be assumed that the money affairs of his bad: the parats are cheaply selling the vezel ship: "To know, does not find benefits."

But it is perfectly seen by the sovereigns, and the cross. Their practical mind is primarily aimed at making benefits, making money. These heroes make brilliantly - both of them are rich and successful. Knurov and sovers enjoy life: in the morning there are champagne, they are going to go to the exhibition in Paris, they dream that the first beauty of the city of Larisa Ogudovna would have been thumbnought with them on the trip.

So we get acquainted with the main heroine of the play. From the conversation of Knurova and Welsh, we learn about her fate, about her life. Larisa is going to marry a small official of Karandyshev. The merchants in bewilderment: "What kind of nonsense! Here is a fantasy! Well, what a pencilshev is! Not a couple, after all, he is ... "But Larisa is idleness, it's hard to find a good groom. Therefore, the mother of the girl is Harita Ignatievna - until recently collected in her house "idle". These evenings were known to all of Bryakhimov, "because it's a lot of fun: a pretty young lady, plays on different tools, sings, the appeal is free ..."

Thanks to the "Wildness, Turnstone and Dexterity", Harita Ignatievna married his two senior daughters. But the fate of them is unhappy: one allegedly killed a jealous husband, and the spouse was another and at all turned out to be a shoeler. So, at the beginning of the play, the motive of unhappy female fate, disappointment in love, which will develop in the image of Larisa.

Here, in the conversation of Knurova with the lead, the leading motif of the play appears - the motive of purchase and sale. It applies not only to things, but also for people: "Grooms are paid. How whom you liked the daughter, and make it up ... "Himself of the sovereign, who knows Larisa since childhood, buys the pleasure of going to her house:" What should I do, you need to pay for pleasure: they do not go for a gift; And they have great pleasure in their home. " Knurov, a married man, dreams: "And it would be good with such a young lady to Paris to ride the exhibition."

Cold and calculating, these new owners of life are not capable of sincere feelings. The sovereigns are divided with the brow: "No, somehow I ... in myself I do not notice this at all ... that they are called love." For which the approval of the experienced merchant receives: "I'm commendable, you will be a good merchant." The main thing for these people is the calculation, benefit. Both curls and sovers are selfishly enjoyed by people. "Well, to take care of her morality! I am not a guardian ... "- says Vasily Danilych, whom Larisa considers his friend.

The heroine herself, according to Lazhevatov, "rustic", "the tricks in it there is no ... suddenly, no with this, and ... the truth." The girl sincerely expresses his feelings, does not know how to hypocrite: "To whom is located, it does not hide this." The young merchant tells that last year Larisa was in love with Paratov: "... I couldn't look at him, and he traveled for a month, ... Yes, and the track was heated ..." The heroine was very worried: "I almost died with grief ... I rushed to catch up ... "

After Paratov, some old man was woven to Larisa and an eternally drunk manager, then a failed cashier appeared, which was arrested right in the house of Ogudallov. The heroine was desperate. She could no longer endure all this "Stand" and decided to go beyond the first who would quit her. This was the first to be Karandyshev.

In the house of Larisa, he was a "spare option": they paid attention to him when there was no more interesting around. And a pitiful quarandyshev, seeing this, "Different roles are playing, wild views throws ..."

History characterizes Karandyshev as a "man of proud, envious." Having achieved his own, Julius Kapitonch began to "shine like an orange." Karandyshev boasts its "prey" - leads Larisa to the boulevard, walks with her at hand. In his behavior, there is still the same motive for sale: the hero is proud of Larisa, as a beautiful and expensive thing that increases his prestige in society.

In the final of the conversation, the heroes spare Larisa, presenting her further life with Karandyshev: "In a bench atmosphere, yes, even for a fool husband, she will or will die, or wake up."

Thus, the conversation of Knurova and the Weshevatov at the beginning of the play gives an idea of \u200b\u200ball the main characters of the drama, outlines their characters, describes fate. In addition, the leading motifs of the play are already indicated here: the motive of the sale and sale of a person as a beautiful thing, the motive of the unfortunate female destiny, disappointment in love.

Sections: Literature

Studying creativity A.N.ostrovsky - the first writer in the course of studying Russian literature in the 10th grade - puts a number of acute and important problems associated with literary education in the teacher. Every teacher has acquainted with the work of this writer in his own way.

I propose to study the theme "Creativity A.N.ostrovsky" on the example of several of its works with a detailed analysis of two plays: "Thunderstorm" and "Dustpannica". In the cycle of lessons to study this topic, I propose to include the topic: "Wealth and a variety of world drawn by the playwright. Issues of morality, struggle with evil, etc. ". To this lesson, students are invited to read ( on their choice) One of the plays: "His people-think", "forest", "profitable place", "wolves and sheep", etc. Further, at the lesson, students are offered with the help of a teacher to analyze the read. Thus, students begin to form a more general idea of \u200b\u200bthe nature of the Pieces of A.N.ostrovsky, about the originality of the conflict of these places, their subjects and the peculiarities of drama. I consider this study appropriate, because Students will be able to receive not only a more general idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of this writer, but also try to spend parallels with our modern life.

This methodological development proposes a cycle of lessons to study the drama A.N.OSTROSTROVSK "Nonmenvian".

I propose to study this topic to allocate 8 hours.

1st lesson. The creative story of the play "Dustpannica".

2nd lesson. Life and morals of the Russian province. Images of Knurova, Welsh, Paratov. Two hours are given on this topic, because The questions raised in this lesson are in close connection between themselves and it is impractical to divide this topic into two separate lessons.

3rd lesson. The tragedy of a "little man." An image of a pencil.

To study this problem, I propose to take one hour, because We will return to this problem in the future, speaking about the image of Larisa Ogudallova.

4th lesson. The tragic fate of Larisa in the world of Cleft. "I am a thing, not a man ..." For the study of one of the main problems of the play, I propose to allocate two hours ..

5th lesson. Piece "Dustpannica" on stage and in the cinema.

At this two-hour lesson, students are offered a material about the stage history of the play, as well as a number of creative tasks.

Materials for the 1st lesson

Theme lesson: The creative story of the play "Dustpannica".

The purpose of the lesson: the acquaintance of students with the historical situation, with the public life of the 70s of the 19th century, which influenced and created the ground for writing a new play, with new types of characters, to show what the importance had this play for the author himself.

The task of the lesson: on the basis of a conversation with students who were given a task to the lesson - to make a "quotation characteristic" of the images of Knurova, Welsh and Paratov, analyze these images of "owners of life".

Teacher's story. Students are conducive to the teacher of his story.

With the rapid and rapid development of capitalist relations, in the 70s G.G. Great changes are made in the merchant world. It is increasingly complicated and shaves ties with the old folk morality, with Domostroevsky traditions. The merchants from small traders become mortgagers, international relations are tied, European education is obtained. Patriarchal simplicity of morals goes into the past. The folk song is displaced by a romance. 70th. Xih V. is an atmosphere of money excitement, wolf struggle for the place under the sun, this is the time of egoism and cynicism. (F.M. Dostoevsky "Teenager", "Crime and Punishment", etc.).

The world of patriarchal merchants, with whom the Ostrovsky says goodbye, is replaced in the late work of the kingdom of predatory, chain and smart dolts. Appeal to new social phenomena leads to greater changes and in the artistic essence of the later dram of Ostrovsky. Especially clearly this evolution of the dramatic talent of the writer is noticeable in his drama "Nonmennica".

According to the author's litter on the draft "Nonmenvian", the drama was conceived on November 4, 1874. The initial plot of the play was different. In the diary of I.A.Shlyapkin, the record of the story of M.I. Pisareva, who passed the design of the idea with the words of the playwright: "On the Volga old woman with three daughters. Two roashaws - and rusts to edit, and hunting. Mother loves them very much, they are dowful. The youngest is a quiet, thoughtful, idleness. Two people are in love. One rustic resident, household; Have fun, so having fun, everything succeeds in him. He reads the "Apostle", goes to hunt. The other grabbed the tops, but empty. Lives in St. Petersburg, in the summer in the village, phrascere. The girl fell in love with him, drama. "

After that, the story of students is invited to hold parallels between Ostrovsky's idea and how he embodied him in life - i.e. With the plot of the play itself.

Teacher's question. Which of the heroes of the play do we find out in this brief retelling the plays of the play?

Estimated pupil response. In this compressed retelling, only barely shines the contours of the characters of the future heroes of "Nurednants" - "phrase" by Paratov, thoughtful Larisa, etc.

The word of the teacher. Among the old-timers of Kineshma, there was a legend that the plot of "idleness" was inspired by the Ostrovsky criminal case, who had listened in the Kineshiend Court. The murder of her husband from the jealousy of his young wife was noteworthy that the Volzhsky "Millioner" Ivan Alexandrovich Konovalov stood behind the scenes of this tragic and scandalous incident. This possible prototype of Knurova is an externally very representative and respectable dealer of the new century, contained in secretly a whole harem. However, it is possible only to assume to what extent this story influenced the formation of Ostrovsky's plan.

The work on the "idleness" playwright was obviously busy from September 1875, but she joined the decisive stage in September - October 1876. "All my attention and all my strength - wrote Ostrovsky from Schelikov, - directed to the next big play, which has been conceived more than a year ago and on which I continuously worked. I think to finish it this year and will try to separate the most thorough way because it will be social My original work. "

The play was completed on October 17, 1878. Ostrovsky wrote: "I was already reading his play in Moscow five times, among the students there were faces and hostile to me, and everyone unanimously recognized" the idleness "best of all of my works." The hopes associated with this play, the consciousness of the significance of their plan affected the inscriptions on the draft autograph: "Opus 40" And in the line of the letter to the head of the repertoire of the imperial theaters Fedorov S.P., sent to St. Petersburg simultaneously with the manuscript: "This play begins new Sort My works. "

The premiere in the Moscow Male Theater took place on November 10, 1878. The first critical responses were associated with theatrical productions, ahead of the publication of the play, and they were unfavorable for the author: "Is it really worth Mr. Ostrovsky spend his strength and his time for dramatic reproduction of a banal, old, uninteresting reproductive reproduction Stories stupid, seduced maiden? Brutally mistaken the one who waited for a new word, new types from the honorable playwright ... ". The new epoch in the scenic history "Nurednant" began after the death of Ostrovsky, when on September 17, 1896. V.Komissarzheskaya at the stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater played the role of Larisa. The same V.Komissarzhevskaya plays the role of Nina Zarechnaya in the "Seika" A.P. Chekhov, who personifies the opening of the second stage in the formation of the Russian National Theater.

Explanation. This material can be offered to one of the students in advance so that later in the lesson he made a small message about the creative history of the play "Didnote”.

Materials of the 2nd lesson on the play "Dustpannica"

Life and morals of the Russian province.

Images of Knurova, the Welcome and Paratov.

In this lesson, the teacher is moving along with students to a more detailed text analysis.

Teacher's question. Try to determine the essence of the conflict of this play.

Estimated answer. Conflict "Nonmenvianny" - variation on the topic "Thunderstorms". A young girl from a poor family, a clean and loving life, artistically gifted, faces the world of Deltsov, where her beauty is estimated in "Gold".

Question. Where is the play play?

The answer of students with the explanation of the teacher.

The action takes place in Bryakhimov. This is a fictional island city. The name is borrowed from the chronicle: in antiquity of Bryakhimov existed in the upper reaches of the Volga, in the vicinity of the current city of Vasilsursk.

Question. Why exactly the Volga, city on her shores chooses the island actions of his plays?

A conversation was already talking about this with students when it was about the initial period of creativity of the playwright. (Volga - the cradle of Russian cities, the maritime highway, the main trading path, etc.).

The word of the teacher. At the heart of the drama is a social theme: Larisa Poor, she is idleness, and this is determined by her tragic fate. She lives in a world where everything is sold and bought, including maiden honor, love and beauty. Larisa - Romantic Nature. As the action develops in the drama, the inconsistency between the romantic representations of Larisa and the prose world of people, her surrounding and those who are worshiping. These people in their own way complex and contradictory. Let's try to figure out what they are, on specific examples.

Additional material.

The names in this play very accurately and figuratively reflect the main quality of a character, which is based on the basis of the surname. ( Analyzing the images of heroes, along the way, touching the anthroponymy of the plays, students should conclude that most names, patientities and all surnames in "Nrestannica" carry a significant semantic load). For four decades of tireless creative activities (1846 - 1886), A.N.ostrovsky applied many a variety of means for naming the heroes of their works. Ostrovsky was a subtle connoisseur of the riches of the Russian language, who perfectly knew folk dialords.

(Students will be interested to know that the playwright led painstaking work on the compilation of the dictionary of the Russian language. The dictionary was not completed, but "materials for the dictionary" included in the XIII of the composition of the compositions of A.N. Ostrovsky. The fact that the name of the heroes is carried out in accordance with the basic qualities of their character, appearance, manners of behavior will help students deeper into the essence of the character's image, to comprehensively consider it and carefully understand the unpredictable behavior of the hero, which is often so much reflected in his last name, name, patronymic).

This information is appropriate to record students in a notebook under the dictation of the teacher.

Record in notebooks.

The names in this play very accurately and figuratively reflect the main quality of a character, which is based on the basis of the surname. Most names, patientities and all surnames in the "Nurendannian" carry a significant semantic load.

Record on board and in notebook.

Money Parmerych Knurov

Money - from Greek. Razeing, mockery

Parmerych - from Greek. Parma - firmly standing

Knurov - OT knur - Borov, Kaban, Cryak (V.I. Dal)

Question. What about this hero we learn from the remarks?

Estimated answer.

Large dealers, "Elderly man with a huge state."

Questions. Who is the first talking about this hero in the play? What is he in communicating with other characters? What habits and features of the nature of Knurov are detected during the action of the play? What is the attitude of the heroes of the play to Knurov?

Estimated responses of students.

With the underlined respect, it ranks his "clean public" of Bryakhimova Buffetr Gavrillo. In a conversation of a bucket with a servant, Ivan is called some habits and features of the character of Knurov. Showing the continued concern about his health of the curls constantly "for the mione" "every morning, the Boulevard is measured back and forth, for sure by promise." "What dinners from him!" - explains Gavrilo, "Do you eat such a duction?". In communicating with people, Knurov is strictly elected, keeps the distance, the words do not spend the words. "Who to talk to him? There is a two-three person in the city, he is talking to them, and no longer with whom; Well, he is silent ... And he goes to Moscow, Petersburg, and abroad, there is a spacious. " The environment is clearly aware of the effect of the effect of Knurova. Welders when meeting with him "respectfully" bowed. With particular respect, Knurova Ogudalova, excited by honor rendered to her home, is met: "What to record such happiness? .. I'm so glad, confused right ... I don't know where to plant you"; "We deliver your visit for special happiness; It is impossible to compare anything. " If the works for Knurova their own man and he, at a meeting, he gives his hand, "then the curls behave completely differently. As noted in the remark: "Knurov, silently and not getting out of the place, gives the hand of Ogudallova, slightly nods Karandyshev and immersed in reading the newspaper," which he demonstratively compares from unwanted interlocutors. Having connected reluctant to this promise to be at lunch at the groom Larisa, Knurov was delighted by the arrival of his circle of his circle, "I am very happy, it will still be with whom to cast a word for lunch."

This student work is based on the knowledge of the text and the ability to work in it. It is assumed that students should try not to retell the text in their own words, but finding accurate wording in the text to answer the questions. This work will help students work out work skills with artistic text.

Question. Find a key phrase in the text that the crossover utters and which is the characteristic of its inner world, the leitmotif of the image.

Estimated answer. Knurov always, above all - the dealer. He appreciates money, favorably deprived ("Well, Vasily Danilych, who has a lot of money"). Having in mind his condition, for which, according to his concepts, you can buy everything (right up to love of a beautiful woman), Knurov confidently declares: "For me, it is not enough."

Question. How does Knurov belong to Larisa Ogudallova? How does he estimate what is happening in the future with Larisa?

Estimated answer. Knurov highly appreciate the beauty of Larisa Ogudallova, which could significantly decorate his life, make a pleasant variety into it (for considerable money, of course). "And it would be nice with such a young lady to Paris to ride the exhibition." The story of the Vozivatova on the Family of the Ochadnovy, about the love of Larisa to deceiving her Parato, about the desperate position of the beautiful idleness, who decided to marry Karandyshev, strengthened Knurov in the desire to buy the favor of Larisa. He calls her a "expensive diamond", he also voted the role of an artist-jeweler, who will be able to treat this diamond and turn into an invaluable decoration that has become his property.

Question. How does Knurov intend?

Estimated answer. To fulfill its intention, Knurov immediately breaks down to business. During the visit to the Ogudallov, he without any emotions and words hints Harita Ignatievna to become the patron saint of her daughter ("I will not regret anything for Larisa Dmitrievna"). And further, in accordance with its, the concepts of coolly explains: "You may think that such proposals are not disinterested in? .. Find these people who are tens of thousands of gift, and then bother me." Knurov has been following their patronage of Knurov in concrete forms: promises Ogudallovaya to take on all the costs of the wedding dress Larisa ("It will be offended if it is caught in somehow. So you order all this in the best store, but do not count and do not write! And the scores Send to me, I'll pay "), gives money to the Ogudallova for a gift.

Question. How does Knurov evaluate what is happening between Larisa and Paratov on the ship?

Estimated answer. Everything that later happened to Larisa, Knurov perceives as events conducive to his plans. He understood what Larisa meant to fled from his groom a trip for the Volga, realized that she again believed the words of Paratov, who cost her extremely cruel. "It seems that the drama begins" - anticipates the brows. Now that Larisa so compromised himself, having committed such an act in the eyes of society, and he refuses the parats from it, Knurov acts resolutely, accurately calculating the situation. "It seems to me that she is now in a position that we have close to people not only permanently, but we are even obliged to take part in her fate," he says to the lead. A cool interlocutor clarifies, exposing the meaning of these words: "That is, you want to say that now seems to be a convenient case to take it with you in Paris?".

The obstacles of moral nature have already been eliminated by the situation in which the offended and lost all sorts of hopes for the happiness of Larisa, but the opponent remained in the face of Vozhevatov. As a dealer with a businessman leads to a conversation with him: "I interfere with everything, and I have you. Maybe you are not afraid of rivalry? I am also not very afraid; Still, awkward, restless; It is much better when the field is clean. " And business people play Larisa, as if the thing, in the Orlyhanka. The winning curls strictly warns Wirevatov: "You are a merchant, you must understand what the word mean."

The word of the teacher. It was closed here, everything that was scheduled at the very beginning, in the second phenomenon of the I-th act. Read once again this phenomenon, think about it in its meaning. This is a skillful drama miniature, it is an outline, a scheme of that performance, which later spiked before the eyes of the audience. And the director of this performance was the moss of Parmerych Knurov. The reference points of the alleged scenario were the replicas of Knurov, which students themselves must mark themselves in the text:

"However, its position is unenviable";

"And it would be good with such a young lady to Paris to ride the exhibition";

"Sorry poor Larisa Dmitrievna, sorry ...";

"Yes, don't you see that this woman is designed for luxury. Dear diamond dear and rim requires. "

History notes: "And a good jeweler ...".

It is advisable to write down the support points in the notebook - the replicas of Knurova and the conclusion that the teacher, together with the disciples, does in the lesson.

Fate Larisa is predetermined. Knurov - this idol of the modern world - outlined the goal, and for him, we remember, nothing is impossible.

Such is life, such is cruel validity. And her horrors are still scary because they touched a person in poetically sublime, able to deeply love and even idealize everyone around.

Question. What happiness wants to offer Larisa Knurov?

Estimated answer.

Knurov really wishes to make Larisa in the sense, in what understands happiness he himself. When the girl realized how low and inhumanly entered the parats with her, Knurov makes her an offer to go with him to Paris, to become his content for "full provision for life." "Shame do not be afraid, the convictions will not be ... I can offer you such a huge content that the most evil critics of someone else's morality will have to silence and get the mouths from surprise," he calms, the person is experienced and knowing how they can protect in such Situations money. Perhaps Knurov does not shove away when he says: "I would not think of one minute to offer you a hand, but I am married." If Larisa takes his proposal, he is ready to deal with her "the most loyal servant", "the most accurate performer of her desires and even whims, as if strange and roads they were." But, in fact, Knurov offers Larisa's path of debauchery, from which her karandyshev shot was removed.

Another "idol" of modern society, but also young

Vasily Danilych Loezevatov

Let us turn to the anthroponimik that helps us see the essence of the character of the hero.

Dictionary V.I. Dalya gives us the following concepts:

(Record in notebook)

the Vegetted is a masterful, one who can drive with people, conscious, polite, friendly, entertaining companion.

Pupil's attention should be paid to the remarks again, which made the author.

Questions. What are the leaders in communication with people? Compare it with brow. What is the difference between them? What is his life credo? (It is necessary that students themselves find themselves in the text of the quote that answers this question.)

Estimated answers.

"A very young man, one of the representatives of the rich trading company, in a sufficient European costume," quite prompt and successful in the affairs of the person. For a small amount, very beneficial, the housings bought a steamer from Paratov. "By the way, we are: we have a lot of freight on the bottom," he told Knurov. In the near future, he intends to go to Paris to the exhibition. And in Bryakhimov, he entertained with a communion with Larisa Ogudallova and the fact that under the guise of tea sulking in the morning champagne.

Welders are characterized by a cheerful temper, ease of communication. Compare it with Knurov, the servant Ivan with approval speaks of the lead: "Here is also a rich man, and talkative." The more experienced and dismantling in people Gavrilo notes: "Vasily Danilych is still young; degradation is engaged; It still understands himself, and in the summer will enter the same idol. " The sovereigns like to joke, laugh, do not take seriously what is not related to his affairs. Harita Ignatievna Ogudalova notes: "Yes, after all, he, he will not understand him, he is deliberate or indeed." In his position, he belongs to the highest circle of the Bryakhimov society, and acquaintance with him is appreciated. Confident careless carelessness causes envy in Karandyshev, who, in order to hide his true feelings, responds about the lead: "Empty stupid boy", "this leisure leisure". He himself said pretty definitely about himself: "I, though young, and not bearing, I will not give too much."

Questions. What are the relationship of Welsh with the family of the Ochudov, with Larisa? Behavior of the leader before they were pulling lot with the currov, and after.

Estimated answers.

He is familiar with Larisa since childhood, is devoted to all events in the house of Ogudallov. It becomes known for various circumstances and stories related to this family. But attention is drawn to the tone of the stories of the Welsh. Lucky, he told Knurov about how hard Larisa was experiencing separation from Paratov, as the Castle Cashier then appeared, which they had in the house and arrested. If, at the same time, Knurov expresses sympathy, ("However, its position is unenviable"), then the sovereigns ridicurate all what is happening as a chain of ridiculous and funny cases ("Yes, even even"). And about the life of Larisa, he tells about her position with humor, without losing the opportunity to present in the comic light Harita Ignatievna ("she must, not Russian ... I am very prompt"), all the grooms of Larisa, and about it, About her future with Karandyshev, says: "And I think that she will throw him soon. Now she is still killed, but will recover, let it look at her husband with an extremely, what is he ... ".

The situation of Larisa estimates soberly and in business leaders, it is impassively calculating that it is not for her. "Now the grooms are in the most edge: how many dowry, so many grooms, no extra, is not worthwhile and lacking ... well, and you need to think." Communication with Larisa is an entertainment for him against the background of rather monotonous Bryakhimovsky life, pleasure for which you can and should pay money. "And they have great pleasure in their home," he admits to Knurov.

Relationships with Ogudallov are not obliged to anything, "an extra cup of champagne slowly from Mother Nalu, a song learn, I drive novels who do not give to the girls ... What makes me about her morality: I do not care."

Apparently, the idea of \u200b\u200bgoing to go with Larisa to Paris is not alone. But until time he thoroughly hides from Knurova and quickly missed his suspicion: "Where to me! I am rustled for such things. " Over the pencilshev, he, like others, is irritated, is not averse to motioning above it, for which the plan is developing a walk plan, which is dedicated to Pararty. "Today we are walking around in the evening for the Volga. On one boat, Gypsies, on the other we will come, we will go on a rug, Swarim Zhug.

The homeless actor Robinzon came in handy, performing the whims of fusing gentlemen, helping to drink Karandyshev. Nimalo without thinking over the consequences, the leaders includes the plan of the entertainment event and the presence of Larisa, already knowing about the "millionth" bride of Pararty. He does not torment moral doubts, and does not touch the laris playing on the eyes of the tragedy.

"What to do something! We are not guilty, our business side, "he says to Knurov.

Question. How does the situation in which Larisa turns out to be Larisa after a trip with Paratov for the Volga?

Answer students.

The situation in which Larisa turns out, the soverees calls "a convenient case", as if it are about a profitable trading deal. He is no longer laughing, does not recall the patriarchal education, but strongly says to Knurov: "I will not take the compensation, the mound of Parmerych," and suggests throwing lots. Having lighted, the brains did not upset: "I am not at a loss; Costs are less. But the sovereigns consider the honor of honor to assure Knurov: "I myself know what a merchant word is. After all, I have a deal with you, not with Robinson. " When, by the will of the case it turns out that a beautiful woman cannot belong to him, he becomes completely indifferent to Larisa, for her he does not have a word of sympathy. His friend of childhood ("almost nurse"), neither tears of the girl do not touch her, nor please her to sore her, cry together with her, give her advice. "I can not, I can not," says the leaders, referring to the "shackles", on the "honest merchant word", which he frees him from a sense of responsibility and compassion.

Record in notebook. (The conclusion that students should do about the essence of the character of the Voezhevatov).

"Vasily Danilych is still young; degradation is engaged; It still understands himself, and in the summer will enter the same idol. "

The word of the teacher.

And the last, most interesting, multi-cable image - Sergey Sergeich Paratov.

Remarika: "Brilliant barin, from shipping."

I only try to outline the main contours of the character, the motives of the behavior of this person, representing every teacher in its own way to present this image to the perception of schoolchildren.

Turn to the anthroponimik.

Writing in notebook

Sergey is high, high.

Parats - 1) Some believe that the surname is formed from a distorted French word parade., Motivating this by the fact that the Parats love to poke, "let dust in the eye".

2) But rather, the playwright formed this surname from the dialect word pornWhat means "Big, Strong, Die". An additional argument in favor of this point of view can be considered the fact that the Ostrovsky quite rarely formed the names of the heroes from distorted foreign words.

3) Barat - the exchange of goods on the goods,

barateria - deception on trade accounts.

Parats - a wide soul person who has been going to sincere hobbies, ready to put on the map not only someone else's, but also his life.

The word of the teacher.

F.M.Dostoevsky in the novel "The Brothers of the Karamazov" will celebrate the paradoxical latitude of a modern man, in which the highest ideal gets along with the greatest disgrace. " Gendle's mental takeoffs are completed by the triumph of sober prose and business calculation. Turning to Knurov, he declares his life position.

Question. What is the life position of Parathov? (Her students should be found in the text independently).

Estimated answer.

"I have a mockery of Parmery, there is nothing cherished, I will find a benefit, so everything will sell anything." From the conversation of Knurov with the leaders, it turns out that in the practical, business sphere of the parats fail, currently needs money and therefore sells a steamer "Swallow". "Benefits does not find", "concludes soverees, and Knurov adds:" Where to him! Do not boring this thing ... He is a motor. "

Question. When is the name of the paratov again mentioned again?

Estimated answer.

The name of Paratova is once again mentioned when it comes to Larisa Ogudallova, a decent family from a "decent" family, where there were quite certain types of pararticle. He achieved Larisa to be passionate in love with him, and the "grooms hesitated himself, and the mark was disappeared, disappeared, unknown to", - as the leaders said.

Explacing a teacher. In the "smartness", the external brilliance of such characters the playwright sees only a pose, there is no genuine emotional life, there is no clarity of feelings. The mask has become for them the second nature. At the same time, in the case, it is easily combined with the ability to silence money, and a simple unsightly calculation. The ability to theatrilize, to make a spectacular any act, even frank lowness to file as something unusually noble (conversation with Harita Ignatievna about marriage). For pararatov at the moment, it is important only as you can look more likely to look, save the mask. He has nothing for spectacular pose. He is a mirage, a phantom created by the imagination of Larisa. Larisa sees in it "the ideal of a man", in front of which all other men (and above all the pencilshev) are fascinated. It admires the sealing courage of the pararticle, his spectacular poses and actions. She with delight tells Karandyshev as a paraty, not pale and not flouring, from a considerable distance he shot a coin, which Larisa held in the hand, thereby risking health and even the life of a girl. "There is no heart, because he still dare," he summarizes Karandyshev, who strongly unbelieving parathov. Lovely girl sees in this act almost heroism.

His appearance makes a mess in an already more or less established life, sharply violates the fragile equilibrium in the soul of Larisa between the desire to reconcile with his fate and longing in a bright and beautiful life. For him and because of it all events are performed in the play.

Everywhere the parats appears with a chic, every step and a gesture attracts attention (the famously drove on the Volga on the "swallow", he comes to the shore, as the Larisa goes to the house - "Four InNoter in a row and Roma on Kozlch" and T .d.).

Question. Is it sincere parats in the manifestation of their feelings?

Estimated answer.

Not devoid of charm, he constantly plays any role depending on the situation and environment. Then this is a raised knocker, then the secular lion, an irresistible conqueror of female hearts, a tempter and a fatal lover, then a calculating egoist, then wide natura, cheerful kutil. Life for him is an infinite game, sometimes associated with some risk. And he himself is both screenwriter, and director, and chief executive.

Question. What are the relationships of Parathov and Larisa?

Estimated answer.

Saying goodbye to the bachelor's life (he is in a cereal material situation and he has a rich bride - "very rich, I take in the dowry gold"), the parats are going "as you can spend the last days." His mood has increased significantly when he learned about the upcoming marriage of Larisa. This news completely frees it from any remorse and finally unlock his hands. From his monologue, some circumstances of his relationship to Larisa are clarified. A year ago, he became interested in a girl, he even had serious intentions towards her that now, a year later, he regards, as an unforgivable nonsense. "After all, I almost married Larisa," I would have mocked people! " Yes, it would play a fool, "he shall be divided into curriculous and leader. In the scene of the meeting with Larisa Paratov puts on a mask disappointed in women and an offended man. For a trusting girl, he acts eloquence. Larisa comes to confusion from the reproaches, which she did not expect anything. It is put in such a position when you need to justify, prove your innocence. Parats hear from her recognition in love and again triumph victory. Now you can also obey. Apologies of the winner look a generous forgiveness, which Larisa does not notice, stunned by the arrival of Pararty and the character of a meeting with him. Without a minute, without stopping playing, the paratas more and more subordinate to Larisa: "I can give you down, I must, according to circumstances; But your love would be sought hard. "

Output. (Which is desirable to record in notebooks).

His speech and behavior inherent in peculiar theatricality, the ability to adopt depending on the interlocutor and the situation is exactly the tone that will present it in the most advantageous light: he speaks cinurov, the leader and mother of Larisa, directly reporting his intentions to sell himself; With pencils in the presence of Larisa, he takes a causing tone, demonstrating superiority over his opponent, etc.

Question. How to communicate with different people, the parats quite quickly finds a common language?

Estimated answer.

Pretty easily paraty finds a common language with people, while quite deftly plays words. Just in case, he will have sayings, proverbs, quotes. He suggests that "with burles," who learned the spoken language. In the controversy with pencils, calls himself by Brelak: "I am sorting and joining them; I myself is the same burlak. " However, he was not used to meet resistance in people. It's not by chance that Cerandyshev warns with anxiously alarm: "You are careful with him, and then you will be happy to be happy."

Question. What is the self-bye of pararticle?

Estimated answer.

Flirting with Larisa, Parats at all costs her. He wants to humiliate in her eyes of the bridegroom, severely to teach Karandyshev for the fact that he in front of him "shakes", "like a person, it was also upheld." "I have a rule: no one forgive, and then fear will forget, become forgotten," these are not empty sounds, but one of the qualities of Pararty. He joined the pencils to the argument, to once again emphasize in the presence of cadlovy, however insignificant, low, ridiculous fiance of Larisa in comparison with him, with a brilliant Barine. No bridershafts stop the parathos in the scenario of humiliation and insult to the Karandyshev official, daring to calculate themselves equal to Him. Larisa persuade to go to the picnic. It turned out to be possible, because the parats hid from Larisa the fact that he was engaged. With all his speeches and actions, he advertises his "feeling", inspires her that he loves her. The word, which for Larisa has a direct meaning, for pararatov the fleeting agent needed to achieve its goals. "Sergey Sergeich does not think about" (sovereigns); "And there must be a promise to have certain and serious" (Knurov). Knurov accurately noticed: "But no matter how dare, and the millionth bride does not exchange in Laris." "Still would! What is the calculation! ", - agrees by the leaders.

In the final scenes, the paratov's tone changes noticeably. Already everyone went to the shore, he hesitated against Larisa, he says not about love, but only thanks for the trip - "For the happiness that you were delivered." The sensitive Larisa immediately realized that these were only "phrases." From a direct answer to the question: "You tell me only: What am I your wife or not?" - Parats leave and offers Larisa to go home. Other words and phrases go to the move - about "food" "for conversations", about the groom, which will be glad - Radhechonuk. Finally, he is forced to admit: "Do you admit that the person who mounted on the hands and legs of inseparable chains can be so captivated that he will forget everything in the world ... will forget their chains? .. The avgar of passionate hobbies will soon pass, there are chains and Sweep reason ... I am engaged. "

This news of the parats deliberately presents at the end of the walk. "I saw you, and nothing more for me existed." In the words of Paratov, there is really a terrible lie.

Question. Parats, talking to Robinzon, tells him about his life principle. What is this principle?

Estimated answer. A few minutes earlier, a practical council gives Robinzon, which is his life principle: "Apply to the circumstances ... The time of enlightened patrons, the time of patrons passed, now the celebration of the bourgeoisie ... In full sense, the golden age comes. In one row, he loses the steamer "Swallow" (then it can be sold), actor Robinson (it was useful for fun), Larisa. In one row, it turns out that it is possible to use, enjoy, hang out, and then change to a more valuable and profitable.

Output, which need to record students in the notebook:

Paraty loves only himself and their well-being, not paying attention to how it is passing, imperceptibly for himself, climbs the fate of people.

Paraty adopted the rules of the game based on sober calculation and infinite egoism, and does not intend to lose under any circumstances, because Own benefits and pleasures for paratov are more expensive.

This conclusion is invited to make students themselves, so that the teacher saw whether the children have tried to understand whether they have penetrated into those thoughts into the inner world of heroes, which were discussed in this lesson.

The general conclusion on the subject of the lesson, the teacher should offer to make the students themselves. In my opinion, this conclusion must bear the following thought: in the world , where everything is sold and bought, there is no place of pity. Motive sympathy and indifference, pity and heartlessness passes through the whole play. Thanks to the leitmotims, the "underwater flow", which became an important feature of his dramaturgical system in Chekhov ( this complements the teacher), In the "idleness" drama Larisa acquires a deep meaning. This is not just a story of a deceived girl, and the tragic clash of a pure light man with a world in which inhumanity dominates.

Record in notebook.

In the world , Where everything is sold and bought, there is no place of pity. Motive sympathy and indifference, pity and heartlessness passes through the whole play. This is not just a story of a deceived girl, and the tragic clash of a pure light man with a world in which inhumanity dominates.


The students are invited to make a "quotation characteristic" of the image of a pencil, and also to think, to remember how the "small person" is depicted in the literature of XVIII V.- NCH. XIX century (Gogol "Shinel", Pushkin "Tale of Belkin", etc.).

Materials for the 3rd lesson.

The subject of the lesson: the tragedy of a "little man." An image of a pencil.

The goals and objectives of this lesson are to help understand the students, see, see the tragedy of the "small man" of Karandyshev, carry out analogies with other heroes of Russian literature who have replenished the army of "small people." Help students, according to Dostoevsky, "Find in man man."

The favorite genre of Ostrovsky was comedy. But in his comedies there are always dramatic situations, and dramatic heroes. In turn, there are funny episodes and comic characters in the island dramas.

In the center of the Piesen "Nuredannica" - the tragic fate of the heroine, but it has a comic character-Robinson. But it is not only funny, ridiculous and pencilshev, although it repels something in it, and something causes pity and sympathy.

In Karandyshev, there are features already familiar to readers on the works of Pushkin, Gogol, Dostoevsky, - he replenished the gallery of characters, followed by the literary characteristics of the "Little Man". Karandyshev is poor. It is located at one of the low steps of the social staircase. In the environment of such owners of life, such as Paratov, Larisa, as a powerful cross, who says Larisa, is "impossible not enough", Karandyshev is constantly subjected to humiliation, ridicule and insults that cannot be answered. For Welsh and Paratov, he is an object of evil ridicule. However, like other characters, Karandyshev is not unambiguous, not a unicineal figure.

It cannot be said that he is entirely the victim of the world in which Larisa is choking and dies. Quarandyshev --- Part of this world, he is generated by him, he accepts the rules and prejudices that affirmed in it. Its character is formed by the atmosphere of the poreform Russian life, which clearly decided on the 70s of the XIX century. This is the atmosphere of money excitement, wolf struggle for the place under the sun, this is the time of egoism and cynicism. Karandyshev is formed by this time, this atmosphere. That's where he has a hypertrophied feeling of envy, painful pride, exorbitant ambitions. The marriage of Larisa, which he loves in his own way, after all, for him, first of all, the opportunity to assert himself, settle with those who looked at him with contempt, from top to bottom, enjoy his superiority. Karandyshev does not hide his celebration: "Larisa Dmitrievna, three years I endured humiliation, for three years I demolished ridicule right in my face from your acquaintances; It is necessary for me, in turn, laugh at them. " Having become the fiance of Larisa, Karandyshev believes that he received the right to dispose of her life, economic dictation of her rules of behavior: "You need old habits to quit," he says Larisa, "you can not tolerate what you have so far." "I see that I doll for you is Larisa says Mother and Karandyshev, - play and throw out." And Karandyshev, becoming the owner of this very beautiful "doll", grows greatly in their own eyes. From the vanity he closes the luxurious lunch, trying to surpass the parathod, which, according to him, "hesitates the dust in the eyes," he wants everyone to hit the scope, also to put dust into the eyes. To understand Larisa Karandyshev can not, he is too busy.

However, the Ostrovsky shows that Karandyshev, having survived a moral shock, is able to overlook, realize that he actually represents, look a tragic truth in the eyes. The monologue of Karandyshev after leaving Larisa is finally the "Hero's word about himself." Here Karandyshev speaks no longer only about himself - about the inhumanity of the surrounding world. His words sound like a protest against the depersonal, humiliation of a person. They prepare the final episode of the play, in which Karandyshev tells Larisa unusually important words about the alienation of a person in the world, where everything for sale: "They do not look at you, as a woman, as per person, - a man himself has his own destiny; They look at you, as a thing. "

Nice, Karandyshev already belongs to Larisa, he tells her the words she was waiting for and who could not hear from anyone: "I am ready for any sacrifice, I am ready to endure any humiliation for you ... Tell me what I do Do you earn your love? " Lately told these words, her heart is broken, fate is broken. And the pencil shot for her is to get rid of the life of ugly, post down. And she tells Karandyshev's words that did not say for anything: "My dear, what kind of progress you did for me! .."

The insane act of Karandyshev is an expression of real love, the love that is shot from which is killed. Such love and was looking for Larisa, and after the explanation with her Pathratov, she stopped believing that such love exists that she was possible: "... I was looking for love and did not find it ..." she brings terrible outcome for himself, - .. .. . It is not in the world ... there is nothing to look for. "

Dostoevsky believed that his task as an artist was "found in man man." Ostrovsky, creating the image of Karandyshev, followed this principle, seeking to detect a man in man. Ostrovsky was so wrote "the idleness" that the audience believes not Parandisheva, but Paratov and those who are at the same time, with genuine perpetrators of the death of Larisa. Last words Larisa after the fateful shot: "This is myself ... no one is to blame, nobody ... This is me ..." - most of all treat Karandyshev, she wants to remove the guilt with him.

"Little Man" at the island becomes just a man.

Materials for the 4th lesson.

Topic of the lesson: the tragic fate of Larisa in the world of "Cleft".

The objectives and objectives of the lesson suggest to help students understand how the wonderful poetic nature in this cruel world is "Cleft".


Record in notebook.

Harita Ignatievna Ogudalova

Harita is kind, adorable (Greek.).

Harita "gave the gypsies from the choir, and

Ignatami usually called each Roma "... Mother Larisa from Gypsies ...".

Ogudalova - from being found - "Send, deceive, inflate, spend ..." (V.I. Dal).

Larisa Dmitrievna Ogudalova

Larisa Seagull (Greek).

Meaningful name. Dreamy and artistic, she does not notice in people of vulgar parties, sees them with the eyes of the heroine of the Russian romance and acts in accordance with it. The poetic nature of Larisa flies on the wings of music: she sings perfectly. Playing the piano, the guitar sounds in her hands.

Larisa Ogudalova is not a rustic girl from the Meshchansky environment, like other heroines of Pieces Ostrovsky ("Late Love" - \u200b\u200bLyudmila, "Labor Bread" - Natasha). It embodies the tradition of noble education, and in her character there is a sharp contradiction between the desire for external shine, to the disadvantaged nobility of life and deeper, internal properties of her nature - seriousness, truthfulness, thirst for genuine and sincere relationships. This contradiction was then the phenomenon found in the lives of the best representatives of the privileged layers of society. But the Ochudallov family was depleted and occupied ambiguous position in the provincial "society." Under these conditions, the contradiction in the nature of Larisa inevitably leads it to a dramatic conflict.

All this puts an outstanding girl in an extremely difficult position. Around Larisa is a motley and a dubious crowd of fans and contenders on her hand, among which there are a lot of "all sorts". Life in her house is similar to "Bazaar" or on the "Gypsy Tabor". Larisa should not only transfer its surrounding their false, trick, hypocrisy, but also take part in them.

If the contradiction of life Larisa was only external, she could find a way out of this situation. Larisa could meet and love the man sincere and leave with him from the Gypsy Tabor. But this inconsistency is based on the nature of the girl. Larisa itself sincerely stretches to the brilliance and nobility of life, every manifestation of rusticity and non-durability is insulting for her. This manifests itself in her relationship with parato.

Larisa loves Parathov as a person embodulating and able to give her a different life. She, as it were, "poisoned" by Paratov, with him in her consciousness once and forever the submission was made at all about another, poetic and light world, which certainly exists, but not available to her, although it is intended, according to everyone around them, for him. For Larisa, this is the world of fantasy, much more poetic than it is in fact, the traces of this world in her own life are becoming loved by her poems, romances, dreams that inform her appeal. When going to marry Karandyshev, she feels humiliated, unfairly sentenced to the life that a small official is capable of giving her. Moreover, she cannot see his personal humiliation, his failures in attempts to be equal to Paratov, it makes an increasingly obvious difference between them: "With whom you are equal! Is such blinds possible! " She constantly inspires him that he does not like him that he is infinitely lower by Parathov, for which she will go to his first wishes: "Of course, if Sergey Sergeyich came, it was free, so pretty one of his glance ..."

In her soul, there is a struggle between the desire to accept the inevitable fate of his wife a poor official and longing in bright and beautiful life. The feeling of humiliation with her lot and craving for a different life is encouraged by Larisa to try to solve their destiny itself. It seems that the path in the romantic world lies through the same romantic, reckless and spectacular act. But this act is increasing, leads to death, because he performed in pursuit of a ghost, which personifies the parats, the world that exists only in verses and romance. Just like Karandyshev, she makes a choice in favor of illusion, not reality. For Ostrovsky, this attempt at once, one reckless act to get love and happiness looks like a refusal, escape from his own destiny.

A journey to a male picnic opens Larisa's eyes to her true position - the prize that the men challenges each other. "I am a thing, not a man." Dying, she thanks her killer - Karandyshev for giving her the opportunity to leave the world, in which the high ideal is trampled and where she feels the subject of sale: "I was looking for love and did not find. They looked at me and look like fun. Never tried to look into my soul, none of anyone I saw sympathy, did not hear a warm, heart word. I'm not guilty, I was looking for love and did not find it. She is not in the world ... nothing and search. "

A trip for the Volga - for Larisa is a catastrophe of all life. Now she does not have a dowry nor a girlish honor. Now she remains or trading with his beauty, or, like Katerina ("Thunderstorm"), to leave life, rushing from the cliff of the Volga. Larisa is trying to do this, but she has no moral forces to overcome the natural fear of torment and death. Its monologue at the embankment lattice shows the difference of her character from the character of Katerina.

Katerina and in a serious marriage did not lose romantic aspirations, which, having eaten her vague dreams of freedom, however, to conclude a naive conviction in the immortality of the soul. For her, death is not the destruction of personality, but liberation from unbearable existence. Larisa has no. In her character, it is reflected not to the end of the era of family authorities, and the beginning of the era of the naked authority of Pocillary. She has good and sincere feelings, but there are no strong moral obscures, there is no purposefulness. It is weak, full of oscillations and therefore easily susceptible to temptations.

In her speech and behavior used the stylistics of a cruel romance, at the same time possessing a kind of poetry and bordering the vulgarity, false, "beautiful": quotes from Lermontov and Bratyansky are combined with the statements of the type: "Sergey Sergeyich ... This is a man's ideal", "You are my Lord". This reflects the property of the very ideal attracting Larisa, he in his own way poetic and at the same time empty and fake. In her gestures and replica, melodramaticism is combined with genuine penetration and depth of the experienced feeling: "For unfortunate people, many expanses in God's world: Here is the garden, is the Volga." ( This combination makes the role of Larisa extremely winning, she attracted such actresses as M. Ermolova, V.Komissarzhevskaya).

Before the death of Larisa detects its real moral properties. She dies under the "Loud Choir of Gypsy," dies, reconcile with his bitter fate, without complaining to anyone, no one blame. But this death objectively is a difficult accusation of all the order of things in which a young, clean, gifted woman has become a toy of frivolous passions and the subject of unscrupulous trade.


Prepare reports on the stage story of the play "Naddannica". (See further).

Materials for the 5th lesson.

The subject of the lesson: the play "Dustpannica" on stage and in the cinema.

The goals and objectives of this lesson involve the acquaintance of students with the material about the scenic history of the Piesen "Nonmennica" and a small creative work associated with this topic.

You can offer students in advance some topics to prepare them about the story of the scenic history of the Piesen "Nuredannica" and about its modern reading. For example, I propose a few topics: "Communication of the drama" Damnant "with modern island Russian prose," "Life and fate of the artist in the Pieces of Ostrovsky", "Interpretation of" Nonmenvian "in the movies: movies A.Ya.Protalazanova (1881-1945)" "(1937) and E.Ya. Razzanova (Cruel Romance" (1983). "

We draw the attention of students to the actress, which very correctly understood the sense and also true and interestingly conveyed him to the audience perception - V.F. Komissarzhevskaya. She played not the "provincial lioness of the Gypsy sewing" , forted on the "ways of love with a predator of a man," and Larisa "suffering and dying for all women," as the actress herself said. That is why the romance nature of the play has become decisive in the disclosure of the tragic fate of the heroine. In the early statements of "Nonmenvnikha" in the Small Theater were employed by excellent artists: N.I.Muzil-Robinsz, Lensky-Paratov, M.P.Sadovsky-Karandyshev, N.M. Medvedeva-Ogudalova, I.V. Samarin-Knurov, M.A.Reshimov-Vezhivatov, etc. The role of Larisa was performed by G.N. Fedotova and M.Nermolov. Of course, the actresses understood the play in different way as a whole, differently interpreted the image of Larisa. In Alexandrin theater, the role of Larisa was performed by actress M.G. Savina - and also in an excellent acting ensemble. As wrote in the "Exchange Vedomosti", M.G. Savina "created an unusually poetic and graceful image." At the same time, the lyric interpretation of the image of the heroine was connected to Savina with an emphasis of the motives of sadness, depression.

Renewed at the St. Petersburg scene in 1896, the "idleness" sounded completely differently, thanks to mainly the talented and amazing execution of the role of Larisa V.F.Komissarzhevskaya. She emphasized in Larisa "Pusty, incessantly looking for nature," revealed her deep inner tragedy. About the performance of VF Commissioner Role Larisa in 1898-1905, writer A.N.Tikhonov (silver) wrote: "Monologue Larisa before death:" The thing! .. Yes, the thing ... they are right, I am a thing, not a man ! .. "Was not only a scream of the exhausted woman, but also a protest against society, where such an abuse of man is possible. And the public well understood that this protest was not limited only to the scene, but referred to all paratov, pencils and curvy, which were in the theater and far beyond his walls. Young people went to the performance as a political demonstration. Her success in this role was unparalleled. "

The Piece of Ostrovsky "Diminant" became one of the most popular Russian dramatic theaters in the repertoire. She attracted attention and movie figures. So, in 1936, the director Ya.A.Protazanov put the film on the play of Ostrovsky, the main roles in which were performed by N.L. Alisov (Larisa), A.P. Buttor (Paratov), \u200b\u200bM.M. Klimov (Knurov). In the 80-90s, our modern director E. Ryazanov applied to the same topic. He put a film based on this play - "Cruel Romance", where they were: L.Guseyev - (Larisa), A.Freindlich (Harita Ignatievna), N. Mikhalkov (Paratov), \u200b\u200bPetrenko (Knurov), B.Proskurin (Pebels), etc.

In this lesson, students are invited to compare the images that the Ostrovsky created in his play and those images that created in His film E. Ryazanov. If the teacher has the opportunity to show movies I.Protazanova and E. Ryazanova, then this can be done in extracurricular time, or show passages from this film in the lesson.

Materials for this lesson can be found in the book from the "School of Classics. Book for a student and teacher. A.N.ostrovsky. "

Prepare material for the story of the scenic history and on actress V.Komissarzhevskaya can be on books:

1.A.N. Serbrs (Tikhonov). Time and people. M., 1960g.

2.A.N. Oostrovsky. Full composition of writings. T.15 (Appendix to "Nonmenvian").

3.I.F.Komissarzhevskaya. Album. M., 1915

Perhaps one more creative task: Compare the texts of romances (an old Italian romance, who performed V.F.Komissarzhevskaya "He told me: Whether you are mine ..."; romance for poems B.Ashadulina, who sounded in E. Ryazanov's film "Cruel Romance "-" And finally, I will say ... "; Romance on the verses of E. Bratsynsky, included in the text of the play by A.N. Oostrovsky" Do not tempt me without need ... ") and try to explain what of the presented texts is best expressed Copyright and explains the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe work. (Texts are attached).

Thus, in this methodological development, I tried in detail in detail to present the material to the Cordea lesson from the cycle of lessons on the study of the play "Dustpannica". Materials to 2,3,4th lessons are offered in a compressed form, stating only the canvas for a conversation on the topics offered. I tried to highlight only those moments for which I consider it possible and necessary to draw the attention of students. And then each teacher decides itself, as well as what it is necessary to draw the attention of students when studying the play by A.N.OSTROSTROVSK "Nonmennica". I hope that the material that was worked by me in the process of experience on this topic will help the teacher who recently faced the teaching of this work in the course of Russian literature in the 10th grade.

Attachment 1

Romance on the poems of E. Bratynsky, included in the text of the play A.N.ostrovsky: Do not tempt me without need

Return of the tenderness of yours.
Disappointed alien
All sevenches for the previous days.

I do not believe in confidence,
I do not believe in love,
And I do not want to go back again
Once deceiving dreams.

Ancient Italian Romance, who performed V.F.Komissarzhevskaya:

He told me: "Whether you are mine,
And I will live, live by passion.
Charm of Smile, Nega in Exit
I promise the joy of paradise. "
He spoke to the poor heart so

He told me: "Bright Star
The gloomy soul was Ozarila
You set me hope in my heart,
Dreams filling a sweet dream.
It smiled, then he was lily,
But he did not love, he did not love me.
He promised me, poor heart,
Happiness and dreams, passion, delight.
Gently he swore life to help me
Eternal love, eternal bliss.
Sweet speech heart thugs he,
But he did not love, no, he did not love me. "

Romance on the poems B. Fakhmadulina, who sounded in the film E. Razanova "Cruel Romance":

And finally, I will say: "Goodbye,
Love do not agree. Losing my mind
Ile to regain a high degree of madness.
How did you love - you spoiled
Ditured - this is not the point.
How did you love - you ruin
But destroyed so ineptly! "

A small temple is still pending
But hands fell, and a stychoy
Smells and sounds.
"How did you love - you spoiled
Ditured - this is not the point!
How did you love - you ruin
But destroyed so ineptly ... "

The writing

"Winnient" (1878) is considered the best psychological drama A.N. Ostrovsky. In this play, the playwright addresses the life of a new, bourgeois Russia. The focus of the island is the lives of many classes: nobles, merchants, officials.

In the flameform years, there are sharp changes: nobles, even the richest, gradually ruin, merchants turn into hosts with a million state, their children become the main power of society - educated bourgeois. Against the background of these events, the tragedy of the main heroine of the play - Larisa Ogudallova unfolds.

At the very beginning of the drama - in the 2nd phenomenon of the I actions - we hear the conversation of the Mokia Parmerych Knurova and Vasily Danilych Lazhevatov. Knurov - "From the major dolts of recent times, an elderly person, with a huge state." The brassists are "a very young man, one of the representatives of a rich trading company, in a sufficient European suite." In the course of the relaxed conversation of these "new" people, we get acquainted with the main actors of the plays, we learn about the events taking place in their lives.

At the very beginning of the conversation, the figure of Sergei Sergeyevich Paratov, a rich Barina, who comes to Bryakhimov on his steamer. According to the merchants, this hero lives "with Shikom", "Motozat", but things can not know. It can be assumed that the money affairs of his bad: the parats are cheaply selling the vezel ship: "To know, does not find benefits."

But it is perfectly seen by the sovereigns, and the cross. Their practical mind is primarily aimed at making benefits, making money. These heroes make brilliantly - both of them are rich and successful. Knurov and sovers enjoy life: in the morning there are champagne, they are going to go to the exhibition in Paris, they dream that the first beauty of the city of Larisa Ogudovna would have been thumbnought with them on the trip.

So we get acquainted with the main heroine of the play. From the conversation of Knurova and Welsh, we learn about her fate, about her life. Larisa is going to marry a small official of Karandyshev. The merchants in bewilderment: "What kind of nonsense! Here is a fantasy! Well, what a pencilshev is! Not a couple, after all, he is ... "But Larisa is idleness, it's hard to find a good groom. Therefore, the mother of the girl is Harita Ignatievna - until recently collected in her house "idle". These evenings were known to all of Bryakhimov, "because it's a lot of fun: a pretty young lady, plays on different tools, sings, the appeal is free ..."

Thanks to the "Wildness, Turnstone and Dexterity", Harita Ignatievna married his two senior daughters. But the fate of them is unhappy: one allegedly killed a jealous husband, and the spouse was another and at all turned out to be a shoeler. So, at the beginning of the play, the motive of unhappy female fate, disappointment in love, which will develop in the image of Larisa.

Here, in the conversation of Knurova with the lead, the leading motif of the play appears - the motive of purchase and sale. It applies not only to things, but also for people: "Grooms are paid. How whom you liked the daughter, and make it up ... "Himself of the sovereign, who knows Larisa since childhood, buys the pleasure of going to her house:" What should I do, you need to pay for pleasure: they do not go for a gift; And they have great pleasure in their home. " Knurov, a married man, dreams: "And it would be good with such a young lady to Paris to ride the exhibition."

Cold and calculating, these new owners of life are not capable of sincere feelings. The sovereigns are divided with the brow: "No, somehow I ... in myself I do not notice this at all ... that they are called love." For which the approval of the experienced merchant receives: "I'm commendable, you will be a good merchant." The main thing for these people is the calculation, benefit. Both curls and sovers are selfishly enjoyed by people. "Well, to take care of her morality! I am not a guardian ... "- says Vasily Danilych, whom Larisa considers his friend.

The heroine herself, according to Lazhevatov, "rustic", "the tricks in it there is no ... suddenly, no with this, and ... the truth." The girl sincerely expresses his feelings, does not know how to hypocrite: "To whom is located, it does not hide this." The young merchant tells that last year Larisa was in love with Paratov: "... I couldn't look at him, and he traveled for a month, ... Yes, and the track was heated ..." The heroine was very worried: "I almost died with grief ... I rushed to catch up ... "

After Paratov, some old man was woven to Larisa and an eternally drunk manager, then a failed cashier appeared, which was arrested right in the house of Ogudallov. The heroine was desperate. She could no longer endure all this "Stand" and decided to go beyond the first who would quit her. This was the first to be Karandyshev.

In the house of Larisa, he was a "spare option": they paid attention to him when there was no more interesting around. And a pitiful quarandyshev, seeing this, "Different roles are playing, wild views throws ..."

History characterizes Karandyshev as a "man of proud, envious." Having achieved his own, Julius Kapitonch began to "shine like an orange." Karandyshev boasts its "prey" - leads Larisa to the boulevard, walks with her at hand. In his behavior, there is still the same motive for sale: the hero is proud of Larisa, as a beautiful and expensive thing that increases his prestige in society.

In the final of the conversation, the heroes spare Larisa, presenting her further life with Karandyshev: "In a bench atmosphere, yes, even for a fool husband, she will or will die, or wake up."

Thus, the conversation of Knurova and the Weshevatov at the beginning of the play gives an idea of \u200b\u200ball the main characters of the drama, outlines their characters, describes fate. In addition, the leading motifs of the play are already indicated here: the motive of the sale and sale of a person as a beautiful thing, the motive of the unfortunate female destiny, disappointment in love.

Other writings on this work

What is the reason for the drama of the heroine of the play by A. N. Ostrovsky "Nuredannica"? What is the reason for the drama of the heroine of the Ostrovsky Ostrovsky "Dustpannica" What is the drama Larisa Ogudallova What is the tragedy of Larisa Ogudallova? (on the play by A.N. Ostrovsky "Delpinal") Thunderstorm, broken down in two drams A.N. Ostrovsky - "Dustpannica" and "Thunderstorm" Drama "Damnant" Drama "Hot Heart" in the play A.N. Ostrovsky "Nonmennica" Women's images in the Pieces A. N. Ostrovsky \\ "Thunderstorm \\" and \\ "Nonferdannica \\" For that I do not like the play. A. N. Ostrovsky "Nonmennica" Acquaintance Pararty and Paradeshev Acquaintance Pararty and Karandyshev (analysis of the scene of 2 action of the play by A. N. Ostrovsky "Nonperdannica"). What illusions are the heroes of the play by A. N. Ostrovsky "Nuredannica"? Karandyshev and Parats: their attitude to Larisa Ogudallova (on the play by A. N. Ostrovsky "Nonperdannica") Love or inability to stand in the world of "Golden Taurus"? (on the play by A. I. Ostrovsky "Damnant") Mother and daughter in Drama A. N. Ostrovsky Motives, ideological content and detailed analysis of the "cruel romance" The new generation of merchants in the Drama of Ostrovsky "Damnant" Malicical problems of Pieces A. N. Ostrovsky on the example of "Nonmenvian" The image of the city in the works of A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" and "Dustpannica" The image of Larisa Ogudallova (according to the play by A. N. Ostrovsky "Damnant") Images of the cruel world in Dramaturgia A. N. Ostrovsky (on the example of the play "Naddannica") Images of merchants in the Pieces of A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" and "Dustpannica" Features of the conflict in Drama A. N. Ostrovsky "Dustpannica" Parats and Karandyshev (on the play by A.N. Ostrovsky "Dustpannica" Why did Larisa thanked Paradeshev for the shot? (on the play by A. N. Ostrovsky "Nuredannica") Psychologist of the drama A. N. Ostrovsky "Nonmennica" Development of disputes for love between Paratov and Karandyshev The conversation of Larisa with Karandyshev (Analysis of the 4th phenomenon I of the action of the play by A. N. Ostrovsky "Nonmennica"). Comparison of the works of A. N. Ostrovsky "Dustpannica" and "Thunderstorm" The fate of Nrestannica Theme "Little Man" in Drama A.N. Ostrovsky "Nonmennica" The theme of lost illusions in Drama A. N. Ostrovsky "Nuredannica" The theme of lost illusions in the play A.N. Ostrovsky "Nonmennica" Tragedy Larisa Unhappy love or inability to stand in the world of "Golden Taurus" (Piez A.N. Ostrovsky "Nonperdannica") The tragic fate of Larisa in the "Dark Kingdom" (on the play by A. N. Ostrovsky "Nonperdannica") Characteristics of the image of Larisa on the play of the Ostrovsky "Dustpannica" The tragedy of Larisa Ogudallova (on the play of the Ostrovsky "Dosperinnica") Tragedy of Larisa in the play "Nonmennica" Theme "Little Man" in Drama A.N.OSTROSTROVSKY "Nonmennica" Characteristics of the merchant Pararty (on the play of the Ostrovsky "Nuredannica") Overall on the play of the Ostrovsky "Nuredannica" 2 Parats and Larisa in the Drama "Diminant" Overall on the play of the Ostrovsky "Nonmennica" 3 The image of Julia Kapitonich Karandyshev in the play of the Ostrovsky "Nuredannica" The image of the "cruel world" in Dramaturgia A.N.ostrovsky The tragic fate of Larisa in the play "Nonmennica" Mother Larisa, Harita Ignatievna in the play "Nadridannica" Parats and pencilshev Characters in the drama of the Ostrovsky "Dustpannica" Essay A. N. Ostrovsky Nurennist System of images in the play "Dustpannica" Larisa: "I was looking for love and did not find" The image of the "cruel world" in Dramaturgia A.N Ostrovsky. (On the play "Thunderstorm" or "Dustpannica".) The main conflict of the plays of A. Ostrovsky "Nuredannica" Man or Larisa thing in the play of Ostrovsky "Nonmennica" Larisa Dmitrievna and Harita Ignatievna Ogudovy Fate of Larisa in the context of dating Pararty and Paradeshev My favorite heroine - Larisa Ogudalova What is stronger than the power of the money or the power of feelings of the power of genuine talent (my reasoning about reading the play of the Ostrovsky "Dustpannica") Victims of the "Dark Kingdom" in the "Thunderstorm" play Artistic peculiarity of Drama A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" and "Nonmennica" System of images in the Drama of Ostrovsky "Diminant" Overall on the play of the Ostrovsky "Nurendannica" 4 Karandyshev 1. Essay of the play A.N.OSTROSTROVSKY "Nonmennica" 1 The fate of the idleness (on the play of the Ostrovsky "Nuredannica")

In the work of A.N. Ostrovsky "Nrestannica" is one interesting character of the second plan. He has a fairly unusual name. Money Parmerych Knurov is an elderly man, a successful Del. For his life, he made a huge fortune.

Knurov is a bright representative of the highest estate city. A man has a high self-conceit about himself. He tries not to pay attention to ordinary people, they are not interested in him. Even a person with excellent features and character does not cause any feelings from Knurov. A man really trembles to his health and often before taking food walking through the streets of the city.

Knurov communicates only with people of his circle. He pays attention to rich, meaningful and prestigious gentlemen. To do this, he constantly visits the capital and walks at different secular events. Also, a man loves to travel in Europe. Knurov considers his small town of Bryakhimov Knurov. Here he does not communicate with anyone and believes that he has no equal. Therefore, in his hometown, he prefers to be silent and not talk to anyone.

Despite the fact that Knurov behaves removedly, urban residents relate to him with respect and tremendous respect. The people recognize its significance and at the sight of Knurova bowed to him.

Men have a family they have long been stomach together. Money Parmerych is a big connoisseur of everything beautiful. He believes that you can buy everything for money, even love. Knurov fell in love with Larisa Dmitrievna, he considers her expensive diamond, and he would like to see the jeweler next to her. He wants a girl to become his content. To implement his desire, he is ready to spend a large amount of money.

Knurov created an image of a good and noble person. And to support his own image, he decided to issue a labian mother of money for the purchase of a wedding dress. Highlighting the funds, he hoped in the shower that the refusal of them would go. A man in secret was against the wedding of Larisa and Prandashev, he hoped that the ceremony would not take place.

Talking with Harita Ignatievna, Knurov suggested his assumption that Larisa quickly bother the poor penDashev. He openly says that he is not against taking a young girl to his permanent content. Knurov is even ready to take her to Paris. But, Larisa is proud girl and the proposals of Mokia Parmeych are hurt.

In general, Knurov seems to readers as an arrogant character. He is worn, soulless and pompous man. He is not interested in the experiences of other people.

Option 2.

One of the applicants for sympathy of Larisa Ogudallova is a moss of Parmerych Knurov. He is already a meal man and a very wealthy person. This gives him confidence, slowness and respect in society. Such a solid friend or patron would like to have everything, therefore they look in front of him.

Knurov often visits the dinners, his presence is honored for the owners. Among his familiar many famous people. The nature of Knurova is strict, everyone knows. He loves to eat delicious. It often walks on foot, but only in order to meet someone from acquaintances on the boulevard and cook appetite in the fresh air. Knurov is never in a hurry, which corresponds to his status.

There are practically no ordinary people among friends. He spends a lot of time abroad, often goes to Petersburg and Moscow, where he is taken in Higher Society. Undoubtedly, Knurov an educated person knows French and quietly reads newspapers in this language.

In addition to delicious food, women are still a weakness of an important gentleman. Beautiful and poor Larisa loved him very much. He is ready to see it often, despite her unenviable position. The fact that Knurov is married, it does not confuse him. A legitimate wife for him is not a reason to start a young mistress. Moreover, he openly talks about it with others and offers such status Larisa itself.

On the one hand, he regrets the girl and promises her such patronage and ensuring that no hearing will spread. On the other hand, all this it offers only from mercenary motives. Love from his side there is no drop. Moreover, Knurov belongs to Larisa not as a person, but as a beautiful subject that you can buy or play on a coin. Ogudalova turns out to be in a hopeless situation and agrees to be a "dear thing", but dies. Large regret, Knurova does not cause it.

Knurov is a typical example of a person who believes that money can solve everything. He is confident that the location of any person will be bought freely. He is sure that no one will resist his desires. He could easily save Larisa, to provide it with him or make a generous gift for a wedding, but Knurov does not know compassion, kindness and sensitivity. He is a selfish, narcissistic and cynical man.

Writing a mound of parmery

In the play of the Ostrovsky "Dustpannica" of the whirlwind of a mockery of Parmerych is an elderly person who has begun a huge state. For him, money is the meaning of life. This character has not many phrases, but they are capacious, so it is easy enough to imagine such a Deltsa.

Money Parmerych divides people on rich and poor. Calculation and its own benefit entered its flesh and blood. He does not honor his attention, it is especially visible by the contempt with which he belongs to Karandyshev. In a small town where he arrived in cases, there are only a few people, with whom the mound of Parmerych communicates. This is a young merchant of Vasily Danilych, the nobleman of Paratov Sergey Sergeevich and the Ogudallov family (mother and daughter).

Knurov as a rather insightful person and in turn, blinded by the beauty and purity of Larisa Ogudallova, understands that she will be unhappy in marriage with pencils. Therefore, after the "fall" Larisa, having won her in a dispute with the lead, invites the girl to become his mistress. Poor Larisa, deceived and abandoned by everyone, is in such a nervous voltage that she is still, as in the future its own fate will arise.

Making an unequivocal offer, the moss of Parmerych MNIT about himself as a benefactor. Such a "diamond" as Larisa Ogudalova should gline only from him. This man has long used to live in his own way.

Every one step is measured, even walking around the city (makes the mione) it is only to feed the appetite. In fact, Knurov is a collective character. Such merchants were many at the end of the nineteenth century.

Without the benefit for yourself, Knurov did not reveal the mouth. Money Parmerych allows himself to talk only with a "clean" public and only in Moscow, St. Petersburg and abroad. Presenting yourself in the society of a young beautiful mistress, Knurov mentally sees how they rest with Larisa in Paris, go to the exhibition of artists and so on.

He is chittitis, saying Harita Ogudallova (Mother Larisa), which is ready to marry Larisa, but cannot do it, because married. However, with an unusual acne for him, tells in detail about the trip to Paris. Alas, the mother is ready to sell a daughter for more expensive.

He does not care about the feelings of his wife and "mistress", because he provides them from head to feet. In the dictionary of Dala, the word "Knur" is synonymous with Borov, Gryakaya and Kaban. That's about this person in life. For the mask of decency and well-being hides a cruel, heartless heart.

The mound of Parmerych Knurov, thanks to fabulous wealth, feels the owner of the world. Slowly and right, he captures everything that lies in the zone of its own interest. The money he places at the head of the corner, therefore such an attitude was distinguished by his mind and heart. Knurov on everything looks from the point of view of buying and selling and since emotionally poor, reimburses the feelings of "despicable metal." Larisa Ogudal Money Parmerych belongs as in the things and this is the whole tragedy of the play.

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