There is safety in numbers. Confirmation and refutation of a famous expression

There is safety in numbers.  Confirmation and refutation of a famous expression
There is safety in numbers. Confirmation and refutation of a famous expression

There is safety in numbers

(footnote.) - you can't do anything alone

Wed He realized that, according to the proverb there is safety in numbers, it is impossible for him to fight and overcome the inveterate evil: he needed a faithful, reliable and skillful assistant.

N. Makarov. Memories. 7, 13, 2.

Wed You see, Nikita Romanovich: it's good to stand for the truth, yes one in the field is not a voivode.

Gr. A. Tolstoy. Book. Silver. 14. Godunov.

Wed I have the rules: I know, for example, that there is safety in numbers, and - I do business.

Dostoevsky. Humiliated and insulted. 2, 5.

Wed Unus vir nullus vir.

WedGermberg. Cent. 7, 114 (1588).

Wed Είς άνήρ ουδείς άνήρ .

One person (husband) is not a husband.

Wed Μιας γαρ χειρός ασθενής μάχη .

N am solitariae manus invalida pugna est.

Alone, the hand is not strong in the fight.

Euripid. in Heraclyd. Wed Zenodotus.

Wed Cedendum multitudini.

Erasm. (Homer.)

Russian thought and speech. Yours and someone else's. Experience of Russian phraseology. Collection of figurative words and parables. T.T. 1-2. Walking and well-aimed words. A collection of Russian and foreign quotes, proverbs, sayings, proverbial expressions and individual words. SPb., Type. Ak. sciences.... M. I. Mikhelson. 1896-1912.


See what "one in the field is not a warrior" in other dictionaries:

    - (not military). See WILL BONDAGE One is not a warrior in the field. You can't tie a knot with one hand. See LONELINESS One is not a warrior in the field. One soldier is not a regiment. See YEAR SERVICE ...

    Separate, single, isolated, single Dictionary of Russian synonyms. one in the field is not a warrior, adverb, number of synonyms: 1 you cannot tie a knot with one hand ... Synonym dictionary

    Alone in the field is not a warrior (noun) alone you can’t do anything. Wed He realized that, according to the proverbs, he is not a warrior alone, it is impossible for him to fight and overcome inveterate evil: he needed a faithful, reliable and smart assistant. N. Makarov. ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Zharg. shk. Shuttle. iron. 1. About a student called to the director's office. Maksimov, 285. 2. About the student answering at the blackboard. VMN 2003, 107 ... A large dictionary of Russian sayings

    There is safety in numbers; one and you will rot the porridge. See FOOD ... IN AND. Dahl. Russian proverbs

    One Man Army ... Wikipedia

    One warrior in the field Album # Release date ... Wikipedia

    One in the field warrior One Man Army Action genre Director Sirio Santiago Written by Deril Haney ... Wikipedia

    The title of the novel (1886) by the Russian writer populist Grigory Alexandrovich Machtet (1852 1901), which is a polemical version of the well-known Russian proverb "One is not a warrior in the field." Novel (original title "From the irrevocable ... ... Dictionary of winged words and expressions

    A separate, single Dictionary of Russian synonyms. and one warrior in the field adj., number of synonyms: 2 single (23) ... Synonym dictionary


  • There is safety in numbers. Part 1, Friedrich Spielhagen. Lifetime edition. Leipzig, 1906. Verlag von V. Staatsmann. Typographic binding. The preservation is good. Friedrich Spielhagen is a German journalist, short story writer, poet, playwright, theorist ...

"One in the field is not a warrior" - usually in this way they regretfully comment on the struggle without a chance of victory for one person with superior forces, for example, with the system.

The meaning of the proverb "One is not a warrior in the field"

This old Russian proverb belongs to the category of those that suggest several versions of their origin. According to one of them, in this phrase there was a replacement of concepts due to their consonance. It is assumed that the original expression sounded like "One in the field, do not battle." At the time of the proverb's appearance, the word "ratai" meant a plowman who alone would not have been able to plow a large field. "Ratay" was consonant with the word "warrior", that is, a member of the rati, an irregular peasant military unit. Subsequently, the "army" was transformed into an "army", and the "warrior" into a "warrior".

The second version indicates that the concept of "field" envisaged not only agricultural value, but also military.

Proverbs about soldiers and warriors Mother Russia has gone through many wars and battles, has raised more than one regiment of valiant warriors. Many were destined to become heroes, others died fighting for their homeland. The soldiers, military affairs were always taken seriously, with great honor:

The soldier is close - bow low to him.

Proverbs tell about the soldier's life and character:

The soldier will hide in the sky and stand up to sleep, shave with a bayonet, wash with dew, brush his hair with the wind, cook porridge in the air, warm up in battle, rest on one leg - and again forward.

A soldier without courage is like a nightingale without a song.

Military proverbs instruct, preach, often sound like slogans:

Homeland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.
Perhaps, I suppose, drop it at the front.

It will be useful for future defenders of the Fatherland to familiarize themselves with the piggy bank of Russian folk proverbs about soldiers and warriors. This is the experience of generations, our history, our mentality.

Since ancient times, the proverb “one in the field is not a warrior” has been known. Of course, this proverb makes sense, showing that it is possible to defeat the enemy, and indeed to achieve some great goal, only through joint efforts. But in reality - can one person fight an entire enemy army? Maybe the heroes of the Great Patriotic War proved this too. "And there is one soldier in the field, if he is tailored in Russian" - such a conclusion can be drawn from the exploits of the soldiers of the Red Army, which we will talk about in this post.

The heroism of the Russian soldier amazes the Germans

In July 1941, the Red Army retreated. The Germans still hoped to implement the "blitzkrieg" plan - the lightning-fast defeat of our army, which would open up the possibility of unhindered seizure of the entire country. A key element of the blitzkrieg strategy was the use of tank corps, which were supposed to break through the front and, moving quickly, encircle our troops. The blitzkrieg strategy worked perfectly in Europe, the Germans successfully used it against Poland.

Here is even a history of exploits. This is a personal decision of one soldier! This is not an order from the commander. Alexander Matrosov closed the enemy embrasure with his chest, freeing the way for the rest of the soldiers to attack at the cost of his life. The commander did not order him. It was just that at that moment he was “one warrior in the field” and there was no one to hope for.

So there may be only one warrior, but “tailored in Russian” is a warrior, no doubt!

The fascists' ideas about the people of Soviet Russia, into whose territory they invaded on June 22, 1941, were determined by an ideology that portrayed the Slavs as “subhuman”. However, the very first battles forced the invaders to change a lot in these views. Further, documentary evidence of soldiers, officers and generals of the German Wehrmacht about how Soviet soldiers appeared before them from the first days of the war.

"There is safety in numbers". The meaning of this saying was completely refuted in the summer of 1941 by a simple Russian guy, artilleryman Kolya Sirotinin. What he did fits into the widespread liberal phrase - "they threw corpses." Only now the Germans threw their corpses at him. Nikolai Sirotinin died, but exchanged his life very dearly - for 11 tanks, 6 armored vehicles and more than fifty enemy soldiers. This is how it was.

July 17, 1941. The tank columns of the 4th division of General Guderian were rapidly approaching the Belarusian town of Krichev. Their goal is Moscow. Our 55th Rifle Regiment had no opportunity to restrain their onslaught in that sector. The regiment was retreating. The only thing that ours could oppose was to set up a screen from one cannon. Only one USV cannon with a caliber of 76 mm., And only one artilleryman - senior sergeant Nikolai Sirotinin, were supposed to cover the withdrawal of their unit.

Or an article about how Western forces, using words that are flattering to the Russian ear, create proverbs aimed at destroying Russian Unity and spreading the "cult of a loner." This phrase has a double meaning. On the one hand, it is true and emphasizes the courage, ingenuity and courage of the Russian person. When left alone with the enemy, in most of us the ancient instincts of a representative of the Russian civilization wake up, thanks to which we are able to defeat even a superior enemy.

But, on the other hand, this proverb carries a latent threat aimed at destroying Russian Unity. Like - do everything yourself, only for yourself, believe in yourself and the like. But, let's present the most commonplace example. You're alone. War time. Enemies and marauders are all around you. Do you think they are dumber than you? You are one, and there are many of them.


An army without a commander is like a tiger without a head.

Perhaps, I suppose, drop it at the front.

The machine gun and the shovel are the soldier's friends.

Army youth - you can't find it more fun.

You cannot take a fortress without courage.

Without knowledge - not a builder, without weapons - not a warrior.

You will be vigilant - you will achieve victory.

The battle is red with courage, and the soldier with friendship.

The enemy is near - hit with the butt.

In battle, you need ingenuity, courage and hardening.

In battle, an order is a holy law, it is dearer than life.

All ranks before the charter are equal.

In the banner is your honor, in the weapon is your glory.

There are few words in the order, but they are pronounced strictly.

To visit the battle - to find out the price of life.

Fight not by number, but by skill.

Think with your head, and fight by force.

Where there is courage, there is victory.

The guards mortar will find the enemy everywhere.

The general of a shattered army is better off not talking about battles.

Sayings and proverbs about the army begin to interest most of our fellow citizens only at a certain time. When the time for urgent service is right. This does not apply to career officers. But this is only now the case. But before, every second boy dreamed that when he grows up he will be either an astronaut or a soldier. The formation of such a worldview was influenced by patriotic education, which began in the younger groups of the kindergarten. I still remember all the poems about the Soviet Army that I taught in kindergarten. And we were also introduced to proverbs and sayings about the army.

People are taught from early childhood that they should have many friends. They must behave well not only in society, they need a good reputation, and this continues almost all their lives. Why all? Because one in the field is not a warrior. But what this saying means, we will explore in this article.


There are forms of human activity in which one has nothing to do: firefighters, police, doctors. In these professions, no matter how brilliant a single subject may be, he cannot cope without a team.

Imagine a house is on fire. A firefighter runs to rescue people captured by the fire. Even if we are very well disposed towards the hero, we are unlikely to believe that he will do it himself without a command, because one is not a warrior in the field. He, at least, needs partners to provide him with water and to be on the safe side, just in case something happens.


A lone policeman is, rather, a hero of crime series. You probably looked at them on NTV.

In the summer of 1941, we not only retreated. 19-year-old boy from Oryol fought alone with a column of German tanks

Kolya took up a position on a hill right on the collective farm field.

It is difficult for one person to withstand, achieve anything, win in the struggle. It is said to justify someone's powerlessness, the inability to cope with the matter, or as a reproach for the inability to act together, together. Its initial meaning is clarified on the basis of a more ancient version. One is not a rat in the field, where ratai (from orati to plow) is a plowman, a farmer. The proverb referred to agricultural work requiring several workers. Then the word ratai, by consonance, was replaced by warrior, and such a replacement was also prepared by stable folklore associations of a military field, a battlefield with a field of peaceful labor. The word warrior was synonymously replaced by voivode and warrior. On the basis of the antonymic opposition, a new version of the proverb was formed And one in the field is not a warrior

Kolya Sirotinin, at the age of 19, had to challenge the saying "One is not a warrior in the field," but he did not become a legend of the Great Patriotic War, like Alexander Matrosov or Nikolai Gastello ...

I dedicate my lines to his great feat. Eternal glory to the hero !!!

Yes, in the summer of 1941, everyone had a hard time.
They stood to death, if the need to cover the withdrawal of units ...
He was one soldier in the field, but that is his merit,
That led the tanks of the enemy column from the queens.

In the rye high on the hill where the river was visible,
The highway is behind her, his gunner fearlessly took up his post
And as soon as the first tank came out, the sergeant did not misfire,
He sent a fiery projectile to the car: Here's a bridge ...

And set fire to the closing armor, the "plug" is ready,
The order was to retreat immediately ... I disobeyed. Stock
The shells are too big to leave without a shot,
And suddenly the boy from Eagle decides here, now

Continue the fight.

"The Germans rested on him, as in the Brest Fortress"

Kolya Sirotinin was the age of 19 to challenge the saying "One is not a warrior in the field." But he did not become a legend of the Great Patriotic War, like Alexander Matrosov or Nikolai Gastello.

In the summer of 1941, the 4th Panzer Division of Heinz Guderian, one of the most talented German tank generals, broke through to the Belarusian town of Krichev. Parts of the 13th Soviet Army were retreating. Only the gunner Kolya Sirotinin did not retreat - quite a boy, short, quiet, frail.

According to the essay in the Oryol collection "Good Name", it was necessary to cover the withdrawal of troops. “There will be two people here with a cannon,” said the commander of the battery. Nikolai volunteered. The second was the commander himself.

- Kolya took up a position on a hill right on the collective farm field.

The whole point lies in the word "in Russian"! A person “tailored in Russian” has a number of unique qualities. A warrior always has something to defend! His patriotism leads him to defend the Fatherland, his native land. His love for his family, for his friends, in the same way makes a person fight for them, for their safety. And at the same time, taking up arms, going to war - it was a spiritual uplift and impulse. And Russian soldiers selflessly defended everything that is dear to their hearts. Here is even a history of exploits. This is a personal decision of one soldier! This is not an order from the commander. Alexander Matrosov closed the enemy embrasure with his chest, freeing the way for the rest of the soldiers to attack at the cost of his life. The commander did not order him. It was just that at that moment he was "one warrior in the field" and there was no one to hope for.

Or in ancient times, two heroes from each side went out in front of the army and fought a duel in front of everyone. And how important it was to win so that everyone else had confidence in victory!

So a warrior and one can be.

Field. There is a warrior in him

One in the field is not a warrior - a dubious statement that one person is powerless in his desire to somehow change this life

The expression "not a warrior alone in the field" resonates loudly with the Soviet doctrine, which denies the role of the individual in history. They say that history is moved by the masses, by the people who themselves, albeit involuntarily, choose their own leader. And this leader only obeys the will of the majority

"One! - Who needs it ?!"
The voice of a unit is thinner than a squeak.
Who will hear it? - Is it a wife!
And then if not in the bazaar, but close ...
It is bad for a person when he is alone.
Woe to one, one is not a warrior -
every big lord to him,
and even weak, if two ...
One is nonsense,
one - zero,
one - even if very important -
will not lift a simple five-shank log,
all the more a five-story house "(V. Mayakovsky, poem" Vladimir Ilyich Lenin)

“We did not make a scandal - we lacked a leader.
There are few real violent ones - so there are no leaders "

- another great poet V. Vysotsky argues with the great poet ("Letter to the Editor")

Indeed, the whole story refutes the underestimation of the role of personality in it. Even the French are unlikely to immediately name the leaders, and what is her fate? And it was committed under the banner of Lenin, the Great Patriotic War was won under the banner of Stalin, it took place under the banner of Yeltsin.
No, and there is only one warrior in the field, if he is a person, if he is able to lead people, because a people is a faceless mass, a crowd, a herd. It goes where the leader leads, and does what he tells him to

"On March 7, troops sent hastily against Napoleon came to Grenoble - two and a half line infantry with artillery and one hussar regiment. Napoleon was already approaching Grenoble. The most critical moment was approaching. There could be no question. The royal troops could shoot him and his soldiers from afar, without even losing a single man, since Napoleon did not have a single gun. On March 7, in the morning, Napoleon arrived in the village of Lamur. , blocking the road ... Napoleon looked through the telescope for a long time at the troops advanced against him. Then he ordered his soldiers to take the gun under their left hand and turn the muzzle into the ground. - he commanded and went ahead directly under the guns of the forward battalion of the royal troops lined up against him. The chief of this battalion looked at his soldiers, turned to the adjutant of the garrison commander and said to him, pointing at his soldiers: "What should I do? Look at them, they are pale like death, and tremble at the very thought of the need to shoot at this man. "He ordered the battalion to retreat, but they did not have time. Napoleon ordered 50 of his cavalry to stop the battalion that was preparing to retreat." Friends, do not shoot! - the cavalrymen shouted. ! " The battalion stopped. Then Napoleon came close to the soldiers, who froze with rifles at the ready, not taking his eyes off a lone figure in a gray frock coat and a triangular hat approaching them with a firm step. “Soldiers of the fifth regiment!” Was heard in the dead silence. “Do you recognize me? " - "Yes Yes Yes!" - shouted from the ranks. Napoleon unbuttoned his coat and opened his chest. "Which of you wants to shoot your emperor? Shoot!" Until the end of their days, eyewitnesses could not forget those thunderous joyful cries with which the soldiers, having upset the front, rushed to Napoleon "(E. Tarle, chapter" 100 days ")

Use of Expression in Literature

    « No one would have protected her from the wrath of the chief designer: the director, laughing, always justified him, the party organizer did not interfere, the chairman of the factory committee - well ..."(VF Panova" Kruzhilikha ")
    « Just feel that I alone, without your help, can do nothing. ... - We feel, father! .. "(V. Ya. Shishkov "Emelyan Pugachev")
    « It is now clear to me - to horror: I was - alone, like a finger; but I amused myself with a social fiction, as if there are some friends who understand me exactly here; They didn’t want to understand me here: neither Vladimirov, nor S.M. Soloviev, not to mention the comrades in the course ..."([Andrey Bely" Why I became a Symbolist ... ")
    « You cannot make people free from under the stick. ... And I am alone, there are no assistants "(D. S. Merezhkovsky "Alexander the First")
    « Although the enemy refused any direct resistance, waiting for us to retreat, there was a Chechen who, contrary to the proverb that, with the help of Allah and his rifle, decided to defend the crossing over Aksai. "(FF Tornau "Memoirs of a Caucasian Officer")

People are taught from early childhood that they should have many friends. They must behave well not only in society, they need a good reputation, and this continues almost all their lives. Why all? Because one in the field is not a warrior. But what this saying means, we will explore in this article.


There are forms of human activity in which one has nothing to do: firefighters, police, doctors. In these professions, no matter how brilliant a single subject may be, he cannot cope without a team.

Imagine a house is on fire. A firefighter runs to rescue people captured by the fire. Even if we are very well disposed towards the hero, we are unlikely to believe that he will do it himself without a command, because one is not a warrior in the field. He, at least, needs partners to provide him with water and to be on the safe side, just in case something happens.


A lone policeman is, rather, a hero of crime series. You probably looked at them on NTV. In real life, such heroes can hardly be found. The maximum that a trained riot policeman can do is to pacify a gang of hooligans, but our Russian peasant cannot boast of feats in the spirit of the famous movie icons of militants of the 90s. And not even because he is bad; our man, perhaps, will give a head start to Hollywood actors, but only now they are acting in an ideal world, where even the bandits have some moral foundations, albeit minimal ones, and our riot policeman fights crime in the real world, and here alone in the field is not a warrior.


What is true of firefighters and rescuers is also true of doctors. There are wonderful surgeons, they have golden hands, but they need a good team nearby.

Take the fictional genius diagnostician, Dr. Gregory House. He solved many complicated cases, but all the "dirty work" was done for him by his assistants. Although, if you ignore the particulars, then House is a lone hero, but this is only at first glance. And even a mad and cynical doctor is not a warrior alone in the field.

Professions designed for singles. Writer

True, it cannot be said that a single taken person has no chances to change something in the world. There are such professions where other people provide only technical support. In some professions, loneliness is a prerequisite for any kind of success. This is the job of a teacher or a writer. Of course, the abovementioned ones need a social field for implementation, but the representatives of these types of activity change all by themselves. The role of the publisher is great, who noticed and released a cult book, but, firstly, he did not write it himself, and secondly, he did it not out of the kindness of his soul, but because he saw in it a commercial, and, perhaps, some that's still the point. Thus, the proverb "one warrior in the field" can be invented by the writer in revenge on the majority.


Teachers also need an educational institution in order to translate their talent into something material, but the leaders of these "temples of knowledge", as a rule, do not help a talented person, but hinder him. Because superiors always have their own tasks, and rarely they are so far-sighted to free a talented person from some not too important tasks for the fulfillment of his mission. Thus, the teacher withstands double pressures: on the one hand, the social environment, and on the other hand, the torment of creativity.

Fiction versus real life. Why do viewers like action movies so much?

Why were the tough guys from action movies so popular before? Now more and more superheroes are acting on the screens (Iron Man, Spider-Man, etc.), the tonality has changed. The viewer is no longer so naive, he does not believe that the aging Jean-Claude Wam Damme will scatter all the bandits with his fighting skill. Now, to become and be a hero, you need serious equipment.

Whoever shines on the screen, the viewer still walks. Because he wants to believe: one person can still change something in the world. In addition, we never grow up, in essence, which means that we love fairy tales, as before.

On the contrary, brave schoolchildren, and not only them, can say: “There is one warrior in the field! We will write an essay about it! " We can only wish them good luck in this difficult endeavor. As we have seen, in life it can be this way and that. A person can become a member of a well-coordinated team, or try to change something alone. The main thing is to choose the right sphere of application of your forces, because all paths are open.

There is safety in numbers. meaning of proverbs and examples))) plizzzz

Liudmila sharukhia

It is difficult for one person to withstand, achieve anything, win in the struggle. It is said to justify someone's powerlessness, the inability to cope with the case, or as a reproach for the inability to act together, together.

The proverb is primordially Russian. Its initial meaning is clarified on the basis of a more ancient version - One is not a warrior in the field, where a ratai (from orati - to plow) is a plowman, a farmer. The proverb referred to agricultural work requiring several workers. Then the word ratai, by consonance, was replaced by warrior, and such a replacement was also prepared by stable folklore associations of a military field, a battlefield with a field of peaceful labor. The word warrior was synonymously replaced by voivode and warrior. On the basis of the antonymic opposition, a new version of the proverb was formed - And there is one warrior in the field.

"One is not a warrior in the field," how do you understand this?


“One is not a warrior in the field” is a primordial Russian proverb that has survived to this day in a somewhat distorted form. The point is that in the original version, instead of the word “warrior”, there was “ratai” (in other words, a plowman). As you can see, the proverb had an agricultural bias and encouraged collective work. Subsequently, the word "ratai" was apparently replaced by the "warrior" consonant with it (an outdated name for a warrior). By the way, it is in this version that this proverb appears in the work of Alexander Herzen "Who is to blame?" ... And although the bias has changed to the military side, the meaning of the phrase still remains the same - it is quite difficult for one person to achieve success in business, only thanks to the solidarity and consistency between the team members, you can get a high result.

In conclusion, I would like to add that some sources mentioned another, extended version of this proverb - "One in the field is not a warrior, but a traveler." Why the second part did not take root in circulation is not entirely clear to me. Although this is far from the only case of reduction of proverbs. Remember at least another, no less well-known proverb - "Two pair of boots, but both left."

Come up with content and give a speech-reasoning on the following topic: One is not a warrior in the field. help me please

Diana Savelieva

ONE IN THE FIELD NOT A WARRIOR (not a warrior). It is difficult to do everything alone; you cannot do what can be done together. Wed You cannot tie a knot with one hand; One and porridge is unsuccessful; One grieves at home, and two are at war in the field; One fly will not eat its belly. [Dolgai] won all the bets, not letting anyone die, grabbed pennies and dimes from the board - and every time the whole crowd laughed, everyone was happy from his sayings, except perhaps one loser; but one in the field is not a warrior; one departed sadly to the side, another took his place, and Dolgai remained in tune with the crowd. Dal, Unprecedented in the past. - Your Majesty's will will be fulfilled, and I firmly hope that Ignatiy Brianchaninov will be useful wherever you want to appoint him. - I am very glad, but I regret that he is the only one like this: one in the field is not a warrior. - He has his friend - the same strict monk - Chikhachev. Leskov, Unmercenary Engineers. The samosad old men beat down the chief manager, who was still hated by them, who, in revenge, took away any pasture from them and. , closed the copper mine Krutyash .. - But I don't care, - repeated Golikovsky, who felt that he had no choice but to flee the factories. - One in the field is not a warrior. Mamin-Sibiryak, Three ends. - What can I do? - I told her. - Alone in the field is not a warrior, and I have never experienced such loneliness as I do now. I would give dearly to find at least one person in the entire county on whom I could rely. Chekhov, Wife. - If you do this alone, then this, of course, will not be enough. But the important thing is an idea, an example. You are one of the most respected people in the city; your initiative may at first cause bewilderment, but then it will find imitators. That is why we do not succeed in anything, because everyone is guided by a deceitful, but very convenient proverb: “One is not a warrior in the field. Veresaev, Without a road. - Children! - shouted Pugachev hotly and self-confidently, as always in conversations with the people. - Now you know, children, my royal will. Just feel that I alone cannot do anything without your help. There is safety in numbers. Shishkov, Emelyan Pugachev. And how can you live without the right people, Krutilich! This, by the way, is your main mistake in life. You are a loner. And one in the field is not a warrior. Kochetov, Brothers Ershov. People are organizing what sabotage, leaflets are printed, posters are glued, and all I have to do is to caress with my tongue. There is safety in numbers. ... Yes, it's very difficult for you. Whatever you say, he worked as a chauffeur in the Gestapo. Popov, Steel is boiling. Around the Germans mastered. Where will you go, who will you complain to? The king, and that half-German. Only Speransky is Russian, priest, clever, but one in the field is not a warrior. E. Fedorov, Stone Belt. I am like the hero of our folk tales, which I used to translate for you, walk along all the crossroads and shout: “Is there a man alive in the field? But the man didn’t respond…. my misfortune !. ... And one in the field is not a warrior. Herzen, Who is to Blame?
- Snegirev: Alone in the field is not a warrior (ratai); Dahl: One is not a warrior in the field; Rybnikova: One is not a warrior in the field.