Posted by the poem Evgeny Onegin. The history of the creation of "Eugene Onegin", analysis of the work

Posted by the poem Evgeny Onegin. The history of the creation of "Eugene Onegin", analysis of the work

Roman "Evgeny Onegin"

Slupan Kira Olegovna

A. S. Pushkin (1799--1837)

onegin Roman Pushkin

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was born in Moscow. From an early age, Pushkin was brought up in a literary environment. His father was a connoisseur of literature, had a big library, Uncle was a poet. Pushkin's house visited N.M. Karamzin, V.A. Zhukovsky, I.I.Dmitriyev.

Grandma, Arina Rodionovna, Uncle Nikita Kozlov, Tsarskoyel Lyceum, where he began to study in 1811, played an important role in the life of Pushkin. His friends in Lyceum were: Ivan Pushchin, Wilhelm Kyhehelbecker, Anton Delvig. In the same place, he began writing poems, in 1814 the first poem "to a friend poem" was published.

After graduating from Lyceum, A.S. Pushkin in 1817 moved to St. Petersburg and was enrolled in the service of the Foreign Affairs College. In St. Petersburg, he communicated in a secular society. In 1820, he graduated from the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" - the first major work.

For their works in 1820, Pushkin was sent to reference. There they were written by the poems "Caucasian Captive", "Bakhchisarai Fountain", "Rogue Brothers", and in 1823 he began working on a novel in verses "Eugene Onegin".

In 1824, Pushkin was again sent to the link. There he continued to work on Evgeny Onegin, wrote Boris Godunova, poem. In the same place, in Mikhailovsky, his friends visited. The Pushkin brought Pushkin "Mount from Wit", and he learned from him about the uprising of the Decembrists, in which many of his friends participated, as well as their executions.

On September 4, 1826, Nicholas I unexpectedly called Pushkin to Moscow. But in 1328, a resolution on oversight over A.S. Pushkin was published. In the same year he went to the Caucasus.

In 1830, Pushkin launched N. Goncharova. Before marriage, he went to the estate in Boldino. This period in the work of Pushkin is called Boldinsky in autumn, because He wrote a large number of works.

On May 15, 1831, Pushkin married and moved to St. Petersburg. In these years, he wrote works: "Dubrovsky", "Captain's daughter", "History Pugacheva". Communicating with V. G. Belinsky, N.V.Gogolam, with artists.

On February 9, 1837, Pushkin shot on duels with Dantes, was mortally wounded and died on February 10 in his house on the car wash.


The first commentator of the novel "Eugene Onegin" himself was his brilliant author: Pushkin supplied his novel with notes, where he revealed hints on a variety of phenomena of literary modernity, personal life, explained the poetic quotes, defended themselves with the reactionary criticism, introduced into the text of the novel by common words and expressions, translated Foreign matters.

The modern reader in the Roman Pushkin meets the characteristic details of the alien to his life, the Gukovsky G.A. writes about the novel: "... The number of household topics and materials is also fundamentally distinguished by Pushkin Roman from previous literature. In Evgenia Onegin, a series of household phenomena, moraling details, things, clothes, colors, dishes, customs is held in front of the reader. The reader may not pay much from the fact that Pushkin was burning, which was worried about his contemporaries on the sharpness of the questions set up on all the details at that time, ideological flows, even persons, and that currently requires specific historical disclosure. The novel is not only full of the "mind of the cold observations and the heart of the grief notice" of the author, he is saturated with Pushkin worldview - philosophical, political, aesthetic. "Friend, comrade" noble revolutionaries, he abruptly abruptly the morals of the noble nobility and backward groups of the dominant class, sympathize with advanced representatives of the noble culture. This is how the task is to describe in the years of writing the novel, the political moods, which generated the main heroes of the novel, identifying their social fate, psychology, forms of behavior, and reveal the circle of the ideas of the author himself in a reality changed during his life, when the hopes for social transformations were broken after defeat Decembrists.

Evgeny Onegin is a novel in verses, written in 1823--1831.

He is unique, because previously in world literature did not exist any novel in verses. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin created him like the poem of Lord Bairon Don Juan. Having defined the novel as "collected the mothers of chapters", Pushkin emphasizes one of the features of this work: the novel seek "open" in time, each chapter could become the last, but may also have a continuation. And thus the reader draws attention to the independence of each chapter of the novel. The work on him Pushkin called the feat - from all his creative heritage only "Boris Godunova" he described the same word.

V. G. Belinsky in his article "Evgeny Onegin" concluded: "Onegin" can be called the encyclopedia of Russian life and a highly popular work. "

History of creation

The first mention of the work of Pushkin over the novel we find in his Odessa letter to P.A. Vyazemsky on November 4, 1823: "As for my classes, I am not a novel now, and the novel in verses is a devilish difference ..."

The possibility of the appearance of the novel in the seal of Pushkin did not expect, fearing censorship. "There is nothing about printing and thinking" ... "If she ever" my poem "and will be printed, then, right, not in Moscow and not in St. Petersburg" ... "I don't know if this poor" Onegin "will be allowed In the heavenly kingdom of printing; just in case I will try, "he wrote in 1823? 1824 Vyazemsky, Bestuzhev and A.I. Turgenev.

Although at the beginning of his work the poet "has not yet clearly distinguished" "Dal of his novel", the form has already been thought out: the novel was to become - in a free genre form - a reflection of public life with abundant deviations from the main thread of the narration of the hero and his fate; He had to become a novel with social and novel confession, Roman lyrical and satirical, "romantic poem" and novel-pamphlet (satirical and eager brochure, hiding any personality), saturated with the themes of living modernity and responses of a direct member who "grieves bile ". Roman style is somewhat later (in 1828) was determined by the poet himself in dedication P.A. Pletnev, published in the first edition of the IV and V chapters "Eugene Onegin":

"It's not a thought to amaze

Burning friendship attention,

I wish I imagine you

Pledge more than you,

More than a soul beautiful,

Holy filled dream

Poetry alive and clear

High doom and simplicity;

But so be - a blessing hand

Acceptance of the collected motley chapters

Half-smoked, semi-private,

Common, ideal,

The careless fruit of my fun,

Insomnitz, light inspirations,

Immature and faded years

Mind of cold observations

And hearts of gravity notice. "

The author was pleased with his creation: "This is the best my work," he wrote in January 1824. L.S. Pushkin; "Nevertheless, he," Onegin ", the best work of mine," he repeated in a letter to A.A. Bestuzhev 24 March 1825

"It's impossible to do not", "he recognized A. Delvigu in November 1823, shortly before that he graduated from the first chapter of the novel. "Chatter", a relaxed tone of a light conversation, running away from one topic to another, negligent speech manner, permanent appeals to the reader of his own, light circle, "comic description of morals" with the apparent indifference of the author, what impression is made by readers serious topics and funny jokes This is the tone of the first chapter. Starting from the second chapter, this tone of the "grinding" poet is changing; The topics include the themes of tremendous meaningality; The image of the hero began to clarify the reader in the hopelessness of his position against the background of the Zarazhnaya noble life, in conditions of political deadlock of the 20s. Satira elements in new chapters are manifested in relation to the author to "wild barbell", in a sharp criticism of "Big Light" and his "predestrians", in criticism of public morals and political system that broke and criticized people with a large reserve of spiritual forces. "Careless" tone completely disappears in the last chapters written after December 14, 1825 in the conditions of a gloomy Nikolaev reaction. The brilliant artist set himself serious problems about the personality of the person to society, about public and individual conflicts that are intractable in the class society.

Pushkin, the end of the novel, rushed with him and with the reader touching and exciting words:

"Who wouldn't you, about my reader,

Friend, in more detail, I want with you

To break up today as a friend.

Forgive me and you, my satellite is strange,

And you, my faithful ideal,

And you, alive and permanent,

Although small work ... "

Chronology of the novel "Evgeny Onegin"

In the draft papers Pushkin P. Annenkov, a leaf was found on which the poet in 1830 sketched a full edition plan "Eugene Onegin".

Part one. Preface.

I song. Blues. Chisinau, Odessa.

II "Poet. Odessa. 1824.

III "Baryshnya. Odessa. Mikhailovskoe. 1824.

Part two.

IV Song. Village. Mikhailovskoe. 1825.

V "Name Day. Mikhailovskoe. 1825, 1826.

VI "Duel. Mikhailovskoe. 1826

Part of the third

VII song. Moscow. Mikhailovskoe. PB Maliniki. 1827, 1828.

VIII "Western. Moscow. 1829. Pavlovskoe. Boldino.

IX "Big light. Boldino.


This sketch can be supplemented with more accurate directions from Pushkin's draft notebooks.

Roman was conceived in Chisinau on May 9, 1823, the first stanches of the first chapter were started at night on May 28, 1823, the work continued in Odessa and was completed on October 22, 1823.

The second chapter was started on another day, by November 1, 16 stanza were ready, under the XVII century XVIII stubborn on November 3; On the night of December 8, 1823, XXXIX stanza was finished.

The third chapter started at night on February 8, 1824; Finished on October 2, 1824 (in the village of Mikhailovsky).

The fourth chapter is littering: at the XXIII stroke - December 31, 1824 and January 1, 1825; Under the XLIII stanza - January 2, 1826: under Li Strafina - January 6, 1826

The seventh chapter was written in 1827-1828; started in Moscow on March 18, 1827; In the spring (in Moscow and St. Petersburg) Pushkin wrote stanza dedicated to the description of Moscow; After a long break, Pushkin resumed work at the beginning of 1828: between XII and XIII stanza litter 19 February 1828; Finished the seventh chap. November 4, 1828. On December 19, 1827, Pushkin wrote a dedication to the Plenev. The seventh chapter includes the "Album Onegin" - litter on August 5, 1828

The eighth chapter is subsequently excluded and printed under the title "Excerpts from the Travel of Onegin" - started on December 24, 1829, but even earlier (no later than 1827) Pushkin wrote stanza dedicated to Odessa. By October 30, the beginning of the chapter was ready before the stanza "he sees the Terek wayward"; The last stanza ("and the coherence of Sorotie") dated September 18, 1830

The ninth chapter, then took place the eighth, was conceived in 1829, it was over September 25, 1830 (in Boldin); In the summer (in July - early August), 1831 in the eighth (printed) chapter in the eighth (printed) chapter several stanza from the journey of Onegin, wrote new stains (for example, XIII), replaced old (for example, the first 4), recycled the picture of the St. Petersburg light (XXIV -XXVI stanza) and on October 5, 1831 inserted "Letter Onegin to Tatiana." On November 21, 1830, the preface to "Eugene Onegin" was written, which Pushkin wanted to refer to the intended edition of the eighth and ninth chapters together.

Tenth chapter. Pushkin's record has been preserved: "October 19, 1830 burner. X Song." In the diary of P. Vyazemsky dated December 19, 1830: "Pushkin wrote a lot in the village; led to the order of VIII and IX head of Onegin, she cums and ends; from X, alleged, read me stanza about 1812 and the following - glorious chronicle! "

Return to "Eugene Onegin". By the fall of 1833, the sketches in which Pushkin speaks about the desire to continue his novel. September 15, 1835 He wrote two entrance stuffs to the conceived continuation of the novel.

Letters Pushkin

A.S. Pushkin on "Evgenia Onegin"

"As for my classes, I am not writing a novel now, but a novel in verses is a devilish difference! In kind Don Juan. About printing and nothing to think: I write a little sleeves ... "

"Now I am writing a new poem in which it is impossible to it impossible ... God knows when we read it together ..."

"I am writing a new poem at your leisure, Yevgeny Onegin, where I choke bile. Two songs are ready. "

In January 1824 In a letter to L. S. Pushkin:

"Maybe I [Delviga] will send excerpts from" Onegin "; This is the best my work. Do not believe N. Raevsky, who scolds him, - he expected romanticism from me, found Satira and cynicism and decently not disadvantaged. "

"There is nothing to think about my poem. - She is written by stanza, hardly not a double stanza Don Juan. If someday it will be printed, then it is not true in St. Petersburg and not in Moscow. "

In early April 1824 in a letter to P. A. Vyazemsky:

"Lenin offers me for" Onegin "how much I want ... it became for censorship, and I'm not kidding, because the case is about the future fate of mine, about independence - I needed. To print Onegin I ... Ready at least in a loop. "

In April - the first half of May 1824 in a letter to P. A. Vyazemsky:

2The you want to know what I do - I am writing a motley stanza of a romantic poem - and take the lessons of pure anophysism ... "

"My wife will depart the 1st Song of Onegin. - With a change of the ministry, it is printed. "

"I will try to push into the gates of censorship with the first chapter or song" Onegin ". Perplex. You demand details about "Onegin" - boring, my soul. Another time ever ... "

"Onegin" mine grows. Yes, hell will printed it. I thought that the censorship was wondered with Shishkov, - and I see that with the old one. "

"Knowing old your attachment to the shadows of the mural muse, I wanted to send you a few stanza of my" Onegin ", and laziness. I do not know if this poor "Onegin" will be introduced into the heavenly kingdom of print; Just in case I will try. "

In September - October 1824 in a letter to P. A. Pletnev:

"Importantly and happily rely on you with respect to my" Onegin ". Creating my Areopag: That is, Zhukovsky, Galitsy and Deligus. From you I expect a trial and with an end to my decision. I regret that there is no Baratyansky! "

In the first half of October 1824 in a letter V. F. Vyazemsky:

"As for my neighbors, I first gave myself a work only not to take them; They do not bother me; I use among them the reputation of Onegin, "So, I am a prophet in my fatherland ... I am in the best, which I can imagine, the situation in order to finish my poetic novel, but boredom is a cold muse, and my poem not at all moves; Here, however, the stanza, which I owe you; Show her prince [Peter Vyazemsky], tell him that he does not judge everything for this specimen. "

In early November 1824 in letters to L. S. Pushkin:

"What" Onegin "? .. Brother, here's a picture for" Onegin "- find a skillful and fast pencil. If there is another, so that everything is in the same location. The same scene, do you hear? I need it certainly. "

In half November 1824 in a letter to L. S. Pushkin:

"Type, print" Onegin "and with a" conversation "... Will there be a picture from" Onegin "?"

"... Your love letter Tanya: I write to you - what is the bigger? - Charm and skill. I do not find only truths in the following verses:

But, they say, you are noticeable,

In the wilderness, in the village everything is bored

And we will not shine here!

It should be disliked that they are in the wilderness and not shine. I am anticitty! - Make mercy, came from our gypsy rather and give me them to print especially! Let me print everything ... In general, it is better to print in Moscow, or rather, cheaper. Petersburg literature was so cherished, so it was herself that it was embarrassing with her. Journalists coming to each other, cotton only about pennies ... And you do not care about the pennies, or money on a black day; But this is another thing! Collect all your elegances and came to me; You can print them separately. Then three poems. There are excerpts from Onegin; And at the end of the complete collection. So you and the glorious landing village! And I get along with my burmist. You have a lot of time: there are leisure to collect, rewrite. Yes, and I'm without doing and do without hunting. And your lesson will be for me: do not do business, but do not run away from the case. Make mercy for me and for myself, do my proposal. "

"Brother drove Onegin in PB. And there it will printed. Do not be angry, cute; I feel that you lose your faithful trustee in you; But in the present circumstances, any other publisher involuntarily attracts attention and displeasure. - I wonder how the letter Tanya walked to you. Throw it to me. I answer your criticism. Nothing is not a misanthrop, that is, hated people, and running away from people. Onegin is notice for the village neighbors; Tanya believes that in the wilderness, in the village it is boring, and that the glitter one can attract it. If, however, the meaning is not entirely accurate, then the more truth in the letter. A letter of women, besides 17-year-old, and in love! "

In early December 1824 In a letter to D. M. Knyjevich:

"... For four months already, as I am in a deaf village, it's boring, but nothing to do. There is no sea, no blue sky noon, no italian opera, my friends. Solitude my completely, idleness is solemn. The neighbors are not enough about me, I'm familiar with only one family, and I see him quite rarely (perfect Onegin); All day riding, in the evening I listen to the fairy tales of my nanny, the original Nanny Tatyana: You seem to have seen it; She is the only girlfriend, and with her only I am not bored ... "

V. A. Zhukovsky Pushkin in mid-November 1824.:

"... reading Onegin and a conversation that serves as a preface: incomparably! According to this authority, I offer you the first place in Russian Parnassus. And what a place if with the highness of genius connect and high the target. "

"What goats blind? Did you read him Onegin? "

In December 1824, in a letter to L. S. Pushkin:

"Cre by God, I askre to pull out" Onegin "from under censorship ... Money is needed. Do not trade for the poems for a long time - dir, Rvi, Krizai at least all 54 stanza, but money, for God, money! "

The troubles of the first chapter "Eugene Onegin" took on P. A. Pletnev. So, he wrote:

"How to be a cute Pushkin! Your letter came late. The first sheet" Onegin "is already imprinted, a number of 2400 eczema. We can not be able to investulate. Do not leave them to the second edition? There will be no need for the second essay. "Onegin" Your will be a pocket mirror of the Petersburg youth. What a beauty! Latin Mila to the skirts. The legs are delightful. Night on the Neva is crazy with me. If you are in this chapter, without almost actions you can like it and download, then I don't know how to imagine, What will come out after ... if you want money, you're getting ready. When "Onegin" comes out, I hope to build a significant amount for future editions that do not take away from your whims you need. "

"You know from my former letters that you cannot make amendments to" Onegin "and" conversation "(if you don't want to throw out 2400 sheets of wood paper and deprive the release of the book for another month on the damned slowness of our printing houses). Now you still require an amendment when everything is printed. Make mercy, leave to the second edition.

I foresee your objection:

But I do not see shame ...

And in fact: your delicacy is almost not at the place. What do you know, and who else we do not understand. Everyone will think that it is impossible to write poems as soon as itself. "

"The current letter will be a report, my soul, about" Onegin "... Printed 2400 copies. The condition concluded with the deer so that he sells himself and gave away from himself, whom he wants, at the commission, and I, besides him, I will not have any bills. For this, he takes 10 percent., I.e. we pay for the book 4 r. 50 to., Selling 5 rubles itself. For all the copies that he will not be in the bench, he pays money in full for each 1 day of the month to refer to you, or how do you tell me. On March 1, that is, in two weeks on the receipt of "Onegin" in the print, I no longer found 700 copiers in his shop., Therefore, he sold, minus his percent, for 3150 rubles. From this amount I gave: 1) for paper (white and wicked) 397 r., 2) for the set and printing 220 r., 3) for the binding of 123 r., For sending copies to you, Delvig, Father and Uncle (yours) 5 r. TOTAL 745 RUB. "

"Bestuzhev writes me a lot about" Onegin ". Tell him that he is not right. Does he want to drive out everything easy and fun from the field of poetry? Where will satisfy and comedy? Incidentally, "Orlando Furioso" and "Gudibraza" and "Pucelle" and "Werner" and "Rayneke-Fouco" and the best part of the "doubt", and the fairy tales of Lafontaine, and Krylov's fables, and so on should be destroyed. and so on. It is a bit strict. The picture of secular life is also included in the field of poetry. But pretty about "Onegin". "

"... I share your opinion that the paintings of secular life are included in the area of \u200b\u200bpoetry. Yes, if I did not enter, you would have pushed them back there with their damn giving. When Bestuzhev wrote to you the last letter, I have not read the first song of Onegin. Now I heard all: it is beautiful; You grabbed everything that only a similar subject represents ... "

"Onegin" is printed, brother and the shoulders are looking for the publication; I did not expect him to get drunk through censorship. Honor and glory Shishkov! .. "

"Onegin" is printed; I think already in the light ... "

"It seems you owe" Onegin "by the patronage of Shishkov and happy deliverance from Borroes. I see that our friendship has not changed, and it consoales me. "

At the end of February 1825, in a letter to L. S. Pushkin:

"I read the announcement of" Onegin "in" Pchele "; Waiting for noise. If the publication is open, then start the right to edition to the publication, or alternate with some book help. - Screeching about the impression of them produced. I shifted by the Maid Fadda Benedictovich Bulgarina sent two disbuffing from "Onegin", which neither the delusions, neither at Bestuzhev: was not and will not be ... And who is to blame? All friends, all damned friends. "

"..." Onegin "Your I have, I read it and re-read and burn it in impatience to read the continuation of it, which, it should be, judging by the first chapter, is curious and more curious ..."

"Your letter is very clever, but still you are wrong; Still, you look at Onegin not from the point; Still, he is the best work mine. You compare the first chapter with Don-Zhuan. No one respects me "Don-Juan" (the first 5 songs, others did not read), but there is nothing in common with "Onegin". You talk about the Satire of the British Bairon and compare it with mine, and you demand from me the same! No, my soul, you want much. Where is I satire? About her and remember is not in the "Eugene Onegin". I would have shifted the embankment if I touched the satire. - The very word satirical should not be in the preface. Wait for other songs. Oh! If you lose you in Mikhailovskoye! .. You will see that if you can compare Onegin with "Don Juan", then in one respect: who is Mile and Charming (Gracieuse) - Tatiana or Julia? The 1st song is just fast administration, and I am satisfied with it (which is very rarely happening with me). Sim conclude controversy our ... "

"What is Delvig? According to rumors, he must have ... I look forward to him to listen to his opinion about the rest of the songs of Your Onegin. "

Mid-April 1825, in a letter to P. A. Vyazemsky:

"I rewrite" Onegin "for you. I wish he helped you smile. For the first time the reader's smile Me Sourit; Sorry this plane: In the blood! .. And meanwhile, be grateful to me: I didn't rewrite anything to anyone, even for Golitsyn. "

"Tolstoy will appear in me in the entire brilliance in the 4th song" Onegin ", if his Paskville is worth it, and therefore I ask for its epigram, etc. from Vyazemsky (certainly). You, dove, do not find a sense in my moon - what to do? And printed already so. "

At the end of April 1825 in the letter to P. A. Vyazemsky:

"Delvig I have. Through it, I send you 2 chapter "Onegin" (you are the only one and only for you rewritten). For a conversation with a nanny, without a letter, brother received 600 rubles. You see that this is money, therefore should keep them under the key. "

At the end of May 1825 in the letter to A. A. Bestuzhev:

"Everything you talk about our upbringing, about alien and interne-friendly (charming!) Impact - perfectly expressed and with eloquence of heartfelt; In general, thoughts boil in you. On Onegin, you did not express everything that I had in my heart: I feel why, and thank you; But why it is clear not to detect your opinion? Showing we will be guided by personal relationships, we will not have criticism, and you are worthy of creating it. "

"... At the last mail, Prince Nikolai Sergeevich Golitsyn sent me from Moscow as a gift from your Onegin. I have very inappropriately found my name in him, and this proof that you remember me and is good for me to me, forced me to almost assist me, that I don't care about this time ... With the excellent pleasure I swallowed Mr. Eugene (as By patronymic?) Onegin. In addition to the adorable poems, I found you here yourself, your conversation, your cheerfulness and remembered our barracks in the Millennaya. I would like to require you in fact, the fulfillment of a coming promise: write a poem, twenty-five songs; Yes, I do not know what your location is now; Favorite classes are sometimes opposite. However, it seems that there are no displeasses in the literature, and your way to Parnass is eliminated by flowers ... "

In early June 1825, in a letter to A. A. Delvigu:

"... What is my" Onegin "? Is it for sale? By the way, tell the Plenev, so that he gives Lev from my money to nuts, and not on the commissions ... What does Zhukovsky do? Tell me his opinion about the 2nd chapter "Onegin" ... "

"... I heard from the detail and about the next songs" Onegin ", but I can't judge from you sudden stories ... if you knew how I love, as I appreciate your talent. Farewell, the wonderworker ... "

"... j" ai lu le 2-m chant yes "Evgeny Onegin"; c "Est Un Charme! .."

(I read the 2nd Song of Evgenia Onegin; Charm!)

"... I got the second part of Onegin and some more baled. "Onegin" I am very pleased, i.e., many in it; But in this chapter, there is less shine than in the first, and therefore would not want to see her printed by a mansion, and unless two, three, or at least one more glad. In general, or in connection with the following, she will save their dignity, but I am afraid that it cannot withstand comparisons with the first, in the eyes of light, which is not only equal, but better requires ... "

In June 1825, in a letter to P. A. Vyazemsky:

"I think that you have already received my answer to Telegraph27 offers. If he needs my poems, then they went to him that they would come (except for "Onegin" ...). "

"Open again" Onegin "is sold (except for those that I have noticed you already, i.e., by March 1, 700 copies, yes by March 28, 245 copies.) 161 copies., I.e. on 724 rubles . 50 k. ... I repeat: 2,400 copies are printed; for money from them Prod.: 1106 copies, and without money it came out for different persons 44 copies. Consequently, it remains to sell another 1250 copies. And IT IT I decided for a speedy selling to give up to the books of 20 percent, i.e., so that you take 4 rubles from them for a copy of 4 rubles, and not by 4 rubles. 50d, as it was before. Are you satisfied with my orders? "... In a letter on August 29: "On" Onegin "was spoken by me with the bookSerships, so that they would take the rest of the copies with the concession for all the edition of 1000 rubles. They do not agree. They think that this book has already stopped, but forget how they praise her, When you print another song or two. We then laugh to fools. I confess, I'm glad to this. Full them to teach us with your money. Honey, my advice! "...

"4 songs" Onegin "I am ready and many more passages; But I'm not up to me. I am glad that the 1st song is like you - I love her myself ...

Plentnev again asks Pushkin about the edition of the following chapters "Eugene Onegin" - in a letter on January 21, 1826: "I beg you, printed one or two suddenly the head of Onegin. There is no penny: everyone burns it. Worse will be how the heat will be worse. I am afraid I'm afraid: they are talked to me that there are lists of the 2nd chapters in the city. " In a letter February 6: "Make a mercy, to release" Onegin ". I can't do it?" "

"... let them allow me to quit the damned Mikhailovskoe ... and you are good! You write to me: rewrite, yes hide the scribes of the peaks, but publish "Onegin". I am not up to "Onegin". Damn from "Onegin"! I want to publish myself or in the light. Patty, help! "

"... finally I got and read the second song" Onegin "and is generally quite satisfied with it; Rustic life in it is also well derived as urban - in the first. Lensky is painted well, and Tatiana promises a lot. I note you, however (for you dedicated me to critics), that in this time the action has not yet begun; the variety of paintings and the beauty of the poem, at the first reading, grind this flaw, but thinking reveals it; However, it is impossible to fix it now, but another business remains you: reward for it quite in the following songs. You will not print the second before the release of Almanac, her hand; And I will make it before, please continue: item premium ... "

"... What makes my friend Onegin? I would send him a bow with respect, but he wanted to spit on all this: it's a pity, and however, I'm not a little fool ... "

"... my deaf Mikhailovskoe gave me melancholy and rabies. In the 4th song "Onegin" I portrayed my life ... "

"In the village, I wrote a contemptuous prose, and inspiration does not climb. In Pskov, instead of writing the VII chapter Onegin, I lose in the Stone fourth: not funny. "

"Of the 2356 Ex. 1st chapter" E. Onegin "remains in the cannon shop only 750 copies, i.e. for 3000 rubles, and other 1606 copies have already been sold and for them received money full of 6977 rubles."

At the end of January 1827 in a letter to V.I. Tumansky:

"... I came to Odessa my passage"

"Nothing makes money so easily as" Onegin ", which was part of parts, but regularly after 2 or 3 months. It has already been proven, and Posteriori. He, by the grace of God, is all written. Only be overdid, but to put it. And then then you and the Handra. You answer the public in the population of the whim: here are "Gypsies"; buy them! And the public, called you, does not want to buy them and waiting for "Onegin" yes "Onegin". Now let's see who of you will persist . The money is somewhat in the public: solee, it seems that you will be submitted to her, at least until you do your pockets. In short, you will tell you: Your gypsies do not take one book! To buy: everyone answers him They are - they say, another whole shelf of older. We need only in the 2nd ch. "Onegin", which was covered in Moscow, and here it was all asked. So, on receiving this letter, you immediately write to Moscow to send all the others Instances of the "Onegin" of the 2nd chapters in St. Petersburg in the name of the slanina ... For the last time, we sink you to rewrite the 4th chapter "Onegin ", And you will get angry, and 5, so that not with a thin tetradko to go to the censor ... It is clear that for different creations of your uneven and siery, one is designed by the fate of the breadwinner:" Eugene Onegin ". Be whom to: Your imagination has never created, and it will not create, it seems, creation, which would move such simple funds such a huge mass of money, like this invaluable treasure Golden bottom "Onegin". He ... should not withdraw from patience of the public with its windiness. "

In June 1827, in a letter to S. A. Sobolevsky:

"Write me a Putty word, where" Onegin "II part? Here it is required. Even the sale and other chapters stopped. And who is to blame? You..."

In November 1827, in a letter to S. A. Sobolevsky:

"If you just wrote to me, having arrived in Moscow that you can't send me the 2nd chapter, then I would reprint it without having trouble; But you promised everything, promised - and, thanks to you, in all book shops, the sale of the 1st and 3rd chapters stopped. "

At the end of 1827, in a letter to M. P. Pogodin:

"An excerpt from" Onegin "and" Stans "missing - the other day I will send to Moscow ....»

Pushkin to E. M. Heathrovo:

In early February 1828 St. Petersburg:

"I take the courage to send you the newly released 4 and 5 chapters" Onegin ". From the bottom of my heart it would wish that they cause you a smile. "

Pushkin to E.M. Heathrovo.

End of January 1832 St. Petersburg:

"I am very glad that" Onegin "you liked: I value your opinion."

E. Baratsky Pushkin. In late February - early March 1828:

"... We got two more songs" Onegin ". Everyone interprets them in their own way: some praise, others are wrapped and everyone reads. I really love the extensive plan of your Onegin; But the larger number does not understand him. Looking for a romanic string, looking for extraordinary and, of course, do not find. High poetic simplicity of your creation seems to them poverty fiction, they do not notice that old and new Russia, life in all its changes passes before their eyes, Mais Que Le Diable Les Emporte et Que Dieu Les Benisse! I think that we have a poet in Russia only in the first immature experiments can hope for a great success. For him, all young people who have almost their feelings in it, almost their thoughts clothed in brilliant colors. The poet develops, writes with the Big deliberation, with great deepthiff: he is boring officers, and the brigadiers do not make it up with him, because the verses of him still do not prose ... "

"... I recently read the third part of Onegin and" Count Nulin ": both are charming, though, without a doubt," Onegin "is higher than the dignity."

At the end of March 1828, in a letter to S. A. Sobolevsky:

"Who is this Ateneic sage, who so well disassemble the IV and V chapter - Zubarev or Ivan Savelich?"

In April 1828 (5 numbers received) in a letter to I. E. Greyopolsky:

"Saverny Ivan Ermolaevich, Bulgarian showed me very cute your stations to me in response to my joke. He told me that censorship does not miss them as a person, without my consent. Unfortunately, I could not agree:

Head of Onegin Second

Moved modestly on the aces -

and your note is of course personality and indecent. And the entire station is unworthy of your pen. Others are very miles. It seems to me that you are a little unhappy. Is it true? At least, thanks something bitter your last poem. Don't you want to quarrel with me not for a joke and make me, your peace-loving friend, include hostile stanza in the 8th ch. "Onegin"? NB. I did not lose the 2nd chapters, and my duty paid her copies ... "

"There are becks in our neighborhood ... (He) There is a sister - all the heads of" Onegin "knows by heart ... I found the book (son) in the notebook: criticism on Evgenia Onegin."

"Here you think that I came to recruit the stanza in" Onegin "... and I go to the ferry."

In early May 1830, in a letter to P. A. Pletnev:

"Tell me: did the influence on the expense of" Onegin "review" Northern Bee "?"

"That's what I brought here: the last two chapters" Onegin ", the eighth and nine, quite ready for printing ..."

The novel begins the grieving speech of the young nobleman Evgeny Onegin, dedicated to the illness of his uncle, who forced him to leave Petersburg and go to Audru's patient to say goodbye to him. Describing, thus, the score, the author dedicates the first chapter the story of the origin, family, the life of his hero before receiving the news of the disease of the relative. The story is conducted on behalf of a nameless author, who submitted to the good friend of Onegin. The image itself - the narrator and at the same time the "hero" of the novel is a unique image.

Evgeny was born "on Brega Neva", that is, in St. Petersburg, in the family of a typical nobleman of his time -

"Serving perfectly noble,

His father lived on debts.

Gave three bala annually

And finally dreamed. "

Onegin received a typical education for many nobles - first Madame's governess, then governor-French, who did not bother his pupil abundance of sciences. Pushkin emphasizes that Eugene's upbringing is typically for a person of his environment (the nobleman, who since childhood, was engaged in foreigners' teachers).

The life of Onegin in St. Petersburg was full of love intrigues and secular entertainment, but in this constant series, the fun was not the place to be sincere feelings, which led the hero to the state of the internal disorder, emptiness, boredom. Evgeny leaves for uncle, and now he will have boredom in the village. Upon arrival it turns out that Uncle died, and Eugene became his heir. Onegin settles in the village, but here it overcomes Handra.

Onegin neighbor is an eighteen-year-old Vladimir Lensky, a poet-romantic, which came from Germany. Lensky and Onegin converge. Lensky in love with Olga Larina, daughter of a landowner. Forever, the funny Olga is not like her pensive sister Tatiana.

"Not the beauty of his sister,

Neither the freshness of her ruddy ... "

Olga, beautiful outwardly, devoid of internal content, which notes Onegin:

"Are you in love with a smaller?

I would choose another

When I were like you, the poet.

In terms of Olga Life is not. "

Having met Onegin, Tatiana falls in love with him and writes him a letter, admitting his feeling. Her letter "Walking" from the remniscovers from sentimental novels, which was a circle of reading the heroine, but the feeling of Tatiana sincerely and deeply. However, Onegin rejects it: he is not looking for a relaxed family life. Tatiana, by long disappointments and experiences, gradually comes an epiphany about the deep essence of its chosen one. (In the prophetic dream, she sees Eugene among the fangful horned monsters.)

Lensky and Onegin are invited to Larina. Onegin is not happy to this invitation, but Lensky persuades him to go.

"[...] he inflated and, unguaway,

lensky swam up,

And the order of revenge. "

At dinner, Larina Onegin, in order to make Lensky jealous, suddenly begins to care for Olga. Lensky causes him to a duel. The fight ends with the death of Lensky, and Onegin leaves from the village. It is here that Tatiana's final insight occurs. In Onegin's house, when she, after leaving his lover, visits his hereditary "castle", reads his books. "Chudak is sad and dangerous, / creating hell Ile Heaven ..." Now it appears in the consciousness of the heroine her chosen. The main discovery of Tatiana in Onegin the author indicates the words "imitation", "parody". Onegin - "Moskvich in Harold Occasion, in it all is not his borrowed. His behavior is followed by Bayronov samples.

After three years, after the trip, he appears in Moscow and meets Tatyana and does not know:

"She was leisurely ...

Not cold, not talking,

Without the arrogance of arrogant for everyone

Without claims for success,

Without these little shelters,

Without imitative clauses ...

All quietly, it was just in her. "

With its simplicity, naturalness and at the same time, she conquered secular petersburg:

"It is closer to her ladies;

The old women smiled her;

Men bowed below

Called her eyes out;

The girls passed quieche

Before it on the hall ... "

Onegin pushed her love. He writes her a letter. But Tatiana does not respond to either a letter nor the persecution of Onegin, despite the fact that Tatiana also loves him, but wants to remain a faithful husband.

"I love you, (what to smear?),

But I'm given to another;

I will be the century to him. "

F. M. Dostoevsky, estimating her act, exclaims: "She expressed it precisely as a Russian woman, in this of her apotheosis ... Can a man establish his happiness on the misfortune of another? Happiness is not in the pleasures of love only, but in the highest harmony of the Spirit ... Tell me, could Tatiana solve otherwise, with her high soul, with her heart, so much injured? Not; Pure Russian soul decides like this: "Let, let me alone happiness ... But I don't want to be happy, turning another!" "

Conditionally the plot can be divided into two parts:

* Chapters from the first to the seventh - the story of Love Tatyana to Onegin. In parallel, Lensky and Olga line develops;

* Head of the eighth - Returned from the journey Onegin and his love for Tatiana.

The culmination of each of these plots is a letter, and the interchange is the answer - the Representation.

In the work, events contributing to the evolution of Onegin are depicted. The first chapter shows its monotonous monotonous existence in St. Petersburg, which caused a condition in it that the author described as "Russian Handra". Then under the influence of another rhythm of the rustic life, the love of Tatiana, friendship with Lensky, the murder of the latter on Duele Onegin leaves from the places, "where the bloody shadow was every day." In the 8th chapter in St. Petersburg, another Onegin appears, capable of waiting for a date, love ...

When Tatyana rejects his love, he stands "as if he was amazed in thunder." The finale of the novel is fundamentally open. To reflect the reader that "will" be with Onegin then "?

Scene lines

1. Onegin and Tatiana. Episodes:

o Acquaintance with Tatiana,

o conversation with nanny

o letter Tatiana to Onegin,

o Explanation in the garden

o Son Tatiana. Name Day

o visit to Lensky's house

o Departure to Moscow

o meeting on the ball in St. Petersburg in 2 years,

o letter to Tatiana (explanation),

o evening at Tatiana,

2. Onegin and Lensky. Episodes:

o acquaintance in the village

o Talk after evening in Larina,

o Visit Lensky to Onegin,

o Name Day Tatiana,

o Duel (Lensky dies).


Evgeny Onegin is a prototype Peter Chaadaev, a friend of Pushkin, is named Pushkin himself in the first chapter.

Tatyana Larina - one of the prototypes can be considered an avroad (Dunya) Norov, a girlfriend Chaadaeva. In this image, you can also find the features of Maria Volkonskaya, the wife of the Decembrist S. G. Volkonsky, Pushkin's friend, as well as Anna Kern, Pushkin's beloved.

Olga Larina, her sister - a generalized image of a typical heroine of popular novels; Beautiful outward, but devoid of deep content.

Vladimir Lensky - "Energetic rapprochement of Lensky with Kuhelbecker, produced by Yu. N. Tyanyanov"

Nanny Tatiana - Probable Prototype - Arina Rodionna, Nanny Pushkin

Zaretsky - Duelist, among the prototypes called Fyodor Tolstoy-American

Not named in the novel by the husband of Tatyana Larina, "Important General", General Kern, Anna Kern's husband.

Interesting Facts

Poetic features

The novel is written by a special "Oneginskaya Stravor". Each such journal consists of 14 rows of four-stranded yamba.

The first four lines rhymes crossedly, strings with fifth on the eighth - pairwise, rows with the ninth to the twelfth rinse rhyme. The remaining 2 lines of stanza are rhymes each other.


Evgeny Onegin translated into many languages \u200b\u200bof the world:

in English - Walter Arndt, Vladimir Nabokov and others;

into French - I. S. Turgenev and L. Viardo, Jean-Louis Bakaison and Roger Muger, Jacques Chirac and others;

into German - Rolfom-Dietrich Caylem and others;

on the Belarusian - Arkady Kuleshov,

on the Ukrainian - M. F. Rylsky,

on Hebrew - Abraham Schelasky.

on Ossetian language - Nafi Jusaite.

In miniature

One of the Russian printing houses in 1837 released the novel "Yevgeny Onegin" in the miniature - the last lifetime edition of A. S. Pushkin. The plans of the printing house were such that in one year the entire circulation (5000 copies) could be sold 5 rubles for one book. But due to the sensation - the sad outcome of the life of the author of the work - the whole circulation was excavated during the week. And in 1988, the publisher "Book" released the facsimile edition of the book with a circulation of 15,000 copies.

One of the smallest full editions "Evgenia Onegin" is a microcifursement in 4 volumes of 8x9 mm 2002, Omsk, A. I. Konenko

Tenth Chapter

On November 26, 1949, the main bibliographer of the Leningrad State Public Library named after M. E. Saltykova-Shchedrina D. N. Alshitz found a manuscript of the second half of the XIX century, presumably with the text x of the head "Onegin". According to David Samoilov, "no serious literary critic believed in the authenticity of the text" - the style is too similar to Pushkin and the low artistic level.

Effect on other works

In literature:

The type of "excess person", introduced by Pushkin in the form of Onegin, influenced the entire further Russian literature. From the closest visual examples - the surname "Pechorin" in the Lermontov "Hero of our time", as well as the name of Onegin is formed from the name of the Russian river. Many psychological characteristics are close.

In the modern Russian novel, "Onegin Code", written by Dmitry Bykov under the pseudonym Branin Downe, is talking about the search for the missing chapter of Pushkin's manuscript.

The genre of a full-fledged "novel in verse" inspired by A. Dolsky to the creation of the novel "Anna", which was completed in 2005.

In music:

P. I. Tchaikovsky - Opera "Evgeny Onegin", (1878)

R. K. Shchedrin - Strafs "Evgenia Onegin", for the choir Akapella on the novel in verses A. Pushkin, (1981)


K. F. Ryleev, N. A. Polevoy, D. V. Venevitinov, N. I. Nadezhdin, F. V. Bulgarin, N. G. Chernyshevsky, N. A. Dobrolyubov, D. I. Pisarev, F. M. Dostoevsky, A. Grigoriev, A. V. Druzhinin

Year of release book: 1825

Roman Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" is one of the most significant works in the work of the Russian poet. His writing took more than seven years in Pushkin, and the edition of this novel in verse occurred on one chapter. The first head of the novel "Eugene Onegin" published in 1825, and fully the work was published only in 1933. Since then, the work has been reprinted more than 20 languages, and the Roman "Eugene Onegin" himself became one of the most significant works in world literature. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that the author of the novel occupies the highest place in our ranking, and its works in many are represented in the rankings of our site.

Subsequently, the main hero of the novel "Eugene Onegin" leaves for Europe, and Olga will soon marry. Only the image of Tatiana in the novel remains unchanged. She denies all the grooms and in search of a party for her daughter Parents take it into St. Petersburg. Here it becomes an impregnable secular lioness. At the same time, Evgeny Onegin is returned to St. Petersburg. He is also Polon Handra, but on one of the balls he again introduced to Tatiana. Now he is falling in love with her and asks her attention. But she is cold. And only once calling Tatiana to frankness, Onegin finds out that she also loves him, but she is given to another and will be faithful to him. On this novel ends.

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Despite the years Roman "Eugene Onegin" read everything is also popular. In many ways, schoolchildren, for whom Yevgeny Onegin, should also be interested in the school program. In addition, they write writings on the novel "Eugene Onegin". All these factors in the complex with the genius of the work allowed the novel to take first place in our ranking. In addition, the novel "Evgeny Onegin" is completely legitimately at the highest place in our ranking. At the same time, the positions of the novel are quite stable, which is typical for truly iconic works.

Roman "Evgeny Onegin" Read online on the site top books you can.

"Eugene Onegin" (1823-1831) - Roman in verses Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, one of the most significant works of Russian literature.

History of creation

Pushkin worked on a novel over seven years. The novel was, according to Pushkin, the "fruit of the mind of cold observations and the heart of sorrowful notice." The work on him Pushkin called the feat - from all his creative heritage only "Boris Godunova" he described the same word. On a wide background of paintings of Russian life, the dramatic fate of the best people of the noble intelligentsia is shown.

He began working on Onegin Pushkin in 1823, during his southern link. The author refused romanticism as a leading creative method and began writing a realistic novel in verses, although the influence of romanticism is still noticeable in the first chapters. Initially it was assumed that the novel in verses would consist of 9 chapters, but later Pushkin reworked his structure, leaving only 8 chapters. He excluded from the work chapter "Journey Onegin", which included as an application. After that, the tenth head of the novel was written, which is an encrypted chronicle from the life of future Decembrists.

Announced a novel in verses with individual chapters, and the release of each chapter became a big event in modern literature. In 1831, the novel in verse was over and in 1833 he was published. It covers events from 1819 to 1825: from foreign trips of the Russian army after the defeat of Napoleon to the uprising of the Decembrists. These were the years of the development of Russian society, the time of the reign of Tsar Alexander I. The plot of the novel is simple and well known. In the center of Roman - love intrigue. And the main problem is the eternal problem of feeling and debt. In the novel, Evgeny Onegin, the events of the first quarter of the XIX century reflected, that is, the creation time, and the time of the novel roughly coincide. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin created a novel in verses like the poem of Byron "Don Juan". Having determined the novel as "collected Penter Heads," Pushkin emphasizes one of the features of this work: the novel seek "open" in time, each chapter could be the last, but may also have a continuation. And thus the reader draws attention to the independence of each chapter of the novel. The novel became the encyclopedia of the Russian life of the 20s of the beginning of the century, as the latitude of Roman's coverage shows the readers all reality of Russian life, as well as multi-way and description of different eras. It was this that gave the basis of V. G. Belinsky in his article "Eugene Onegin" conclude:
"Onegin" can be called the encyclopedia of Russian life and highly by the people's work. "
In the novel, as in the encyclopedia, you can find out everything about the epoch: about how dressed up, and what was in fashion that people were valued most about what they were talking about what interests they lived. In Evgenia Onegin, all Russian life has reflected. Briefly, but rather clearly, the author showed a fortress village, Barskaya Moscow, St. Petersburg. Pushkin tried truthfully by the Wednesday in which the main characters of his novel - Tatyana Larina and Evgeny Onegin. The author reproduced the atmosphere of urban noble salons in which youth of Onegin.


The novel begins the obese speech of the young nobleman Evgeny Onegin, dedicated to the illness of his uncle, who forced him to leave Petersburg and go to Audru's patient in the hope of becoming the heir to the dying. The narrative itself is conducted on behalf of a nameless author, who submitted to the good friend of Onegin. Drawing this way, the author dedicates the first chapter the story of the origin, family, his hero's life before receiving the news of the disease of the relative.

Evgeny was born "on Brega Neva", that is, in St. Petersburg, in the family of a typical nobleman of his time -

"Serving perfectly - noble, his father lived on debts. Gave three bala every year and finally dreamed. " The son of such a father was typical of the same upbringing - first the governess of Madame, then the governor-Frenchman, who did not bother his pupil with abundance of science. Here Pushkin emphasizes that the education of Eugene since childhood was engaged in other people's people for him, besides foreigners.
Onegin's life in St. Petersburg was full of love intrigues and secular fun, but now he will have boredom in the village. Upon arrival it turns out that Uncle died, and Eugene became his heir. Onegin settles in the village, and soon they really master the Handra.

Onegin neighbor is an eighteen-year-old Vladimir Lensky, a poet-romantic, which came from Germany. Lensky and Onegin converge. Lensky in love with Olga Larina, daughter of a landowner. On always, Her pensive sister Tatiana is not like the merry Olga. Having met Onegin, Tatiana falls in love with him and wrote a letter to him. However, Onegin rejects it: he is not looking for a relaxed family life. Lensky and Onegin are invited to Larina. Onegin is not happy to this invitation, but Lensky persuades him to go.

"[...] he inflated and, unguard, swore Lensky to scatter, and to take revenge on the order." At dinner, Larina Onegin, in order to make Lensky jealous, suddenly begins to care for Olga. Lensky causes him to a duel. The fight ends with the death of Lensky, and Onegin leaves from the village.
Two years later, he appears in St. Petersburg and meets Tatiana. She is an important lady, the wife of the prince. Onegin wrapped her love to her, but this time he was rejected already, despite the fact that Tatiana also loves him, but he wants to remain a faithful husband.

Scene lines

  1. Onegin and Tatyana:
    • Acquaintance with Tatiana
    • Conversation with nurse
    • Letter Tatiana to Onegin
    • Explanation in the garden
    • Sleep Tatiana. Name day
    • Visit to the house of Onegin
    • Departure to Moscow
    • Meeting on the ball in St. Petersburg in 2 years
    • Letter to Tatiana (explanation)
    • Tatiana evening
  2. Onegin and Lensky:
    • Acquaintance in the village
    • Talk after evening in Larina
    • Lensky's visit to Onegin
    • Name Day Tatyana
    • Duel (Lensky's death)


  • Eugene Onegin "Prototype Peter Chaadaev, a friend of Pushkin, named Pushkin himself in the first chapter. The story of Onegin resembles the life of Chaadaev. An important influence on the image of Onegin was provided by Lord Byron and his "Bayron heroes", Don Juan and Child Harold, who are also mentioned by Pushkin himself.
  • Tatyana Larina - The prototype of Avdota (Dunya) Norova, the girlfriend Chaadaeva. Dunya itself is mentioned in the second chapter, and at the end of the last chapter Pushkin expresses his grief about her untimely death. Because of the death of the Duni at the end of the novel by the prototype of princess, ripened and transformed Tatiana, is Anna Kern, Pushkin's beloved. She, Anna Kern, was the prototype of Anna Kerenina. Although the appearance of Anna Karenina Lion Tolstoy wrote off from the older daughter of Pushkin, Maria Gardung, but the name and history is very close to Anna Kern. So, through the story of Anna Kern, the novel of Tolstoy "Anna Karenina" is a continuation of the novel "Eugene Onegin".
  • Olga Larina, her sister is generalized by a typical heroine of a popular novel; Beautiful outward, but devoid of deep content.
  • Vladimir Lensky - Pushkin himself or soon his idealized image.
  • nanny Tatyana - Probable prototype - Yakovleva Arina Rodionovna, Nanny Pushkin
  • Zaretsky, Duelist - among the prototypes called Fyodor Tolstoy-American
  • Not named in the novel by the husband of Tatyana Larina, "Important General", General Kern, Anna Kern's husband.
  • The author of the work - Pushkin himself. He constantly interferes with the stroke of the story, reminds of himself, leads friendship with Onegin, in his lyrical deviations it is divided with the reader with his reflections about a wide variety of vital issues, expresses its ideological position.

In the novel, the father - Dmitry Larin - and the mother of Tatiana and Olga are also mentioned; "Princess Alina" - Moscow Kuzina Mother Tatyana Larina; Uncle Onegin; A number of comic images of provincial landowners (nails, flanges, "cattle, chut-gray", "fat trifles", etc.); Petersburg and Moscow light.
Images of provincial landlords mainly have literary origins. Thus, the image of cattle refers to the Comedy of Fonvizin "Nepalvil", Buyanov - the hero of the poem "Dangerous neighbor" (1810-1811) V. L. Pushkin. "Among the guests were still scheduled," Kirin is important "," Lazokina - Vowow-Vostovka "," Tolstoy Poddodakov "replaced the" fat Tumakov ", the trifles was called" skinny ", Petushkov was a" retired stationery ".

Poetic features

The novel is written by a special "Oneginskaya Stravor". Each such stanza consists of 14 rows of a four-stranded yamba.
The first four lines rhymes crossedly, strings with fifth on the eighth - pairwise, rows with the ninth to the twelfth rinse rhyme. The remaining 2 lines of stanza are rhymes each other.

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Biography, History of the Life Evgeny Onegin

Evgeny Onegin is the protagonist of the novel of the same name in verse.

Prototype character

Many critics and writers tried to reveal, who wrote the image of Onegin. There were plenty of assumptions -, Chaadaev, himself ... However, the writer assured that Yevgeny Onegin is a collective image of noble youth.

Origin and early years

Evgeny Onegin was born in St. Petersburg. He was the last representative of the noble nobleman and the heir of all his relatives.

Evgeny at home was brought up, education tried to get a versatile, but in the end he got superficial. He knew a little Latin, some facts from world history. However, the study did not attract it so as "Science Passion tender". Preferred to lead a celebrating and fun life, enjoying every minute. Secular techniques, theaters and balls were regularly visited, and also engaged in conquering female hearts and minds.

Development and disclosure of the nature of Onegin according to the novel

In the first chapter, Eugene appears before the reader spoiled and narrated by a young man, completely devoid of moral principles and the ability to show compassion. When Onegin receives a letter, which speaks of the illness of his uncle, that reluctantly goes to him, sorry only that it will have to leave a secular life for a while. In the second chapter Evgeny Onegin becomes a rich heir to the unconditioned uncle. He is still a merry and lover of festivals, however, thanks to the scenes of Communication of Onegin with fortress peasants, it shows the reader that understanding and sympathy is not alien to the hero.

The appearance of Vladimir Lensky, the new neighbor of Onegin, helps the reader see the dark sides of Eugene - envy, rivalry for the sake of rivalry, and not to achieve some kind of purpose.

In the third chapter of the novel, the writer begins a love line. Evgeny Onegin visits the Larina's house and conquers one of the Master's daughters Tatiana. In love with Tatiana writes Eugene touching letters with confessions in love, but does not receive an answer. In the fourth chapter, Tatyana and Evgeny are still found. Onegin assures Tatiana that in the event that he had dreamed of creating a strong family, he would certainly take her wife, but such a life is not for him. Eugene advises Tatiana to reconcile with fate and overcome their feelings. Tatiana remains one on one with his painful love.

Continued below

A few years later, Yevgeny Onegin arrives again in the Larina's house. From boredom and for fun, he begins to care for Olga, Sister Tatyana and the bride of his friend Vladimir Lensky. Lensky causes Onegin on a duel. As a result, Vladimir's fight turns to be killed. Shocked by the involuntary murder of his, perhaps, the only friend and unable to understand his motives, Evgeny goes on a journey through Russia.

Three years later, Evgeny Onegin meets Tatiana Larina in St. Petersburg. From the awkward girl Tatiana turned into a beautiful woman, charming and incredibly attractive. Evgeny without memory falls in love with many years ago he could save him from himself and from that evil that he lives inside him. However, now Tatiana is the wife of a notable general. Eugene is confessed in love Tatiana and throws it with romantic letters. At the end of Roman Tatyana admits that she is experiencing tender feelings to Evgeny, but her heart is given to another. Evgeny Onegin remains in complete loneliness and confusion. At the same time gives Onegin a clear understanding of the fact that no one is to blame in its current situation and state besides him. Coming awareness of errors, but - alas! - too late.

The novel ends with Tatiana and Onegin dialogue. But the reader may understand that the further life of Eugene is unlikely to radically differ from how he lived throughout the novel. Evgeny Onegin - a controversial man, he was a smart, but at the same time deprived of complacency, he does not like people, but at the same time suffering without approval. In the first chapter of Roman Pushkin talks about his hero as: "Supporting work he was Toshen". It is because of this his characteristics of the dream of another life will remain for Onegin only with dreams.

History of creation

He began working on Onegin Pushkin in 1823, during his southern link. The author refused romanticism as a leading creative method and began writing a realistic novel in verses, although the influence of romanticism is still noticeable in the first chapters. Initially it was assumed that the novel in verses would consist of 9 chapters, but later Pushkin reworked his structure, leaving only 8 chapters. He excluded from the work chapter "Journey Onegin", which included as an application. After that, the tenth head of the novel was written, which is an encrypted chronicle from the life of future Decembrists.

Announced a novel in verses with individual chapters, and the release of each chapter became a big event in modern literature. In 1831, the novel in verse was over and in 1833 he was published. It covers events from 1819 to 1825: from foreign trips of the Russian army after the defeat of Napoleon to the uprising of the Decembrists. These were the years of the development of Russian society, the reign of Tsar Alexander I. The plot of the novel is simple and well known. In the center of Roman - love intrigue. And the main problem is the eternal problem of feeling and debt. In the novel, Evgeny Onegin, the events of the first quarter of the XIX century reflected, that is, the creation time, and the time of the novel roughly coincide. Reading a book, we (readers) understand that the novel is unique, because there was no novel in verses in the world literature. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin created a novel in verses like the poem of Byron "Don Juan". Having defined the novel as "collected the mothers of chapters", Pushkin emphasizes one of the features of this work: the novel seek "open" in time, each chapter could become the last, but may also have a continuation. And thus the reader draws attention to the independence of each chapter of the novel. The novel became the encyclopedia of the Russian life of the 20s of the beginning of the century, as the latitude of Roman's coverage shows the readers all reality of Russian life, as well as multi-way and description of different eras. It was this that gave the basis of V. G. Belinsky in his article "Eugene Onegin" conclude:

"Onegin" can be called the encyclopedia of Russian life and highly by the people's work. "

In the novel, as in the encyclopedia, you can find out everything about the epoch: about how dressed up, and what was in fashion that people were valued most about what they were talking about what interests they lived. In Evgenia Onegin, all Russian life has reflected. Briefly, but rather clearly, the author showed a fortress village, Barskaya Moscow, St. Petersburg. Pushkin tried truthfully by the Wednesday in which the main characters of his novel - Tatyana Larina and Evgeny Onegin. The author reproduced the atmosphere of urban noble salons in which youth of Onegin.


The novel begins the obese speech of the young nobleman Evgeny Onegin, dedicated to the illness of his uncle, who forced him to leave Petersburg and go to Audru's patient in the hope of becoming the heir to the dying. The narrative itself is conducted on behalf of a nameless author, who submitted to the good friend of Onegin. Drawing this way, the author dedicates the first chapter the story of the origin, family, his hero's life before receiving the news of the disease of the relative.


Evgeny Onegin is a difficult work. The easiest of the verses, the usability of the content, familiar with childhood reader and underlined simple, paradoxically creates additional difficulties in the understanding of the Pushkin novel in verses. The illusory idea of \u200b\u200bthe "clearness" of the work hides a huge number of words of words, expressions, phraseologism, hints, quotes from the consciousness of the modern reader. To think over the verse that you know from childhood, it seems unnewned pedantry. However, it is necessary to overcome this naive optimism of an inexperienced reader to become obviously, as far we are even from a simple textual understanding of the novel. The specific structure of the Pushkin novel in verses, in which any positive statement of the author immediately can be turned into an ironic, and the verbal fabric as it should slide, transmitting from one speech carrier to another, makes the method of violent extraction of quotation especially dangerous. In order to avoid this threat, the novel should be considered not as a mechanical amount of the author's statements on various issues, a peculiarity of the quotation, and as an organic artistic world, the parts of which live and receive meaning only in correlation with the whole. A simple list of problems that Pushkin puts in its work will not introduce us to the world of "Onegin". An artistic idea implies a special type of life transformation in art. It is known that Pushkin was the "Devil's difference" between poetic and prosaic modeling of the same reality, even while maintaining the same subjects and problematics.

Comments to the novel

One of the first comments to the novel was a small book by A. Volsky, who came out in 1877. The comments of Vladimir Nabokov, Nikolai Brodsky, Yuri Lotman, S. M. Bondi.

Psychologists about the work

Effect on other works

  • The type of "excess person", introduced by Pushkin in the form of Onegin, influenced the entire further Russian literature. From the nearest visual examples - last name "Pechorin" In the Lermontov "Hero of our time", as well as the name of Onegin is formed from the name of the Russian River. Many psychological characteristics are close.
  • In modern Russian novel "Ongina code"written under the pseudonym Branin DownIt is about the search for the missing head of the manuscript of Pushkin.
  • In the poem Yesenin "Anna Snegina".



  • Pushkin A. S. Evgeny Onegin: Roman in verses // Pushkin A. S. Full Collection of Works: In 10 T. - L.: Science. Leningr. Deposit, 1977-1979. (FES)
  • Evgeny Onegin with full comments Nabokov, Lotman and Tomashevsky on the site "Secrets of Crafts"
  • Lotman Yu. M. Roman in verses Pushkin "Eugene Onegin": Speccurs. Introductory lectures in the study of text // Lotman Yu. M. Pushkin: the biography of the writer; Articles and notes, 1960-1990; Evgeny Onegin: Comment. - SPb.: Art-SPb, 1995. - P. 393-462. (FES)
  • Lotman Yu. M. Roman A. S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin": Comment: Teacher's manual // Lotman Yu. M. Pushkin: Writer's biography; Articles and notes, 1960-1990; Evgeny Onegin: Comment. - SPb.: Art-SPb, 1995. - P. 472-762. (FES)
  • Onegin Encyclopedia: in 2 tons. - M.: Russian Way, 1999-2004.
  • Zakharov N. V. Onegin Encyclopedia: Thesaurus Roman (Onegin Encyclopedia. T. 2. / Under the general edition of N. I. Mikhailova. M., 2004) // Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. - 2005. - № 4. - P. 180-188.
  • Fomichev S. A. "Evgeny Onegin": the movement of the plan. - M.: Russian Way, 2005.
  • White A.A. "Génie Ou Neige" Questions of Literature No. 1 ,. P.115.

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