Prayers about money, about the well-being of the Holy Spiridon Trimifutsky. Where are the relics of Spiridon trimifuntsky? The phenomenon of rampant thrimfuntie spiridone

Prayers about money, about the well-being of the Holy Spiridon Trimifutsky. Where are the relics of Spiridon trimifuntsky? The phenomenon of rampant thrimfuntie spiridone
Prayers about money, about the well-being of the Holy Spiridon Trimifutsky. Where are the relics of Spiridon trimifuntsky? The phenomenon of rampant thrimfuntie spiridone

For the entire believing population, regardless of the material and financial position, any gender and age is the popular miraculous Icon of Spiridon Trimifuntsky - the Great Righteous and the Intercessor of the People. Saints help all people who believe in them, without exception. For saints, all people are equal.

What helps the Icon of Spiridon Trimifunt

Despite the fact that Holy Spiridon was born far beyond Russia, the icon of the wonderworker is almost every church of Moscow. Often you can see the icon of St. Spiridon in Russian churches. A trimifunsky Spiridon icon is capable of protecting from troubles and diseases living in it. The miraculous Icon of Spiridon Trimifuntsky helps to cope with any life difficulties, difficult situations, diseases and illness, acquire the forces to live.

Due to the fact that Spiridon had a lot to help people, the Lord entered His ability and after death to promote mortals, continue to help them in solving different vital issues. He was known as the righteous and also a fair ruler, a defender of people. That is why there are even prayers to Spiridon Tryphifuntsky about money.

Many trimifuntsky Spiridon icon, which helps and in ordinary household matters, in the house

The goal is to attract faith in everyday life, not to lose justice and righteousness in such simple aspects as maintenance and relationships with other people.

Life and wonders of the Holy Spiridon trimifunt

Saint life surprises with its wonders. If you believe legends, he made the echo of the elements, prevented drought, healed people and raised the dead. Spiridon was born in the peasant family and, as well as the parents, was meek and humble, working on fertile land, cultivating bread. That is why on the Icon of the Spiridon trimifunts, besides his facial, the bread fields are depicted. A short time Spiridon was married, but his wife died early, the Lord did not give her a long life. Despite this, Spiridon did not get out of the Lord, but continued to confess honesty, generosity and mercy.

The facts that all their few incomes of Spiridon divided between the poor are known. For the generosity, the Lord endowed him with the ability to heal people from the ailments. Sometimes one word was enough to heal or resurrect, his strength was so strong. Often believers can see the icons of Nicholas of the Wonderworker and Spiridon Trimifuntsky together, as these saints resemble their wonders and mercy to people.

For such merits, Spiridon were appointed by a bishop in the city he lived, trifymifuntee. But, even being at such a high position, Spiridon continue to work in the fields, give their income to the poor and work wonders. He died in 348 during prayer.

During his life, the Wonderworker attended many countries: Egypt, Syria, many countries in Europe. He was merciful with everyone, both with the pagans and the units. Many, thanks to him, began to believe in the Lord and took baptism.

Intercession of St. Spiridon

Even today, people who heard about the wonders committed by Spiridon trimifuntsky begin to pray to him and believe help from misfortunes and troubles. The Icon of the Wonderworker Spiridon Trimifuntsky has a high meaning for believers, promotes everyone who calls her about help. Modern people get an intercession and moral lift from the wonderworker.

The relics of the Wonderworker Spiridon Trimifuntsky are located on the island of Corfu, in the cathedral, called in his honor. December 25 - the day of reverend the saint. By the way, there are interesting facts not only about the icon of St. Spiridon Trimifuntsky Wonderworker, but also relative to his relics, or rather shoes.

Every year shoes change, as shoes wear out. The rational cause of this fact cannot find believers, but, one way or another, shoes have to change. This only emphasizes the miraculousness of the relics and images. As it is believed to be holy continues to be in the world and help believers.

It is not always necessary to go to Greece in order to worship this saint, because In Moscow, the miraculous icon of Spiridon Trimifuntsky is located in the Holy Danilovsky monastery and in Bryusov Lane, where the temple of the resurrection is located. The famous shoes of the saint are also periodically brought to the capital.

Prayers of the Holy Spiridon

Tripman Svyazer Spiridon Trimifuntsky, Wonderworker Glas 1

The Cathedral of Pervago seemed to be a champion and the wonderworker, / the Godonos Spiridona Father Our. / DOWER'S DOWER TO WEEVER IN THE COMMUNICATION WAITING / And Zmia in Zlato, Prayer, / Angels, losing to you, I had, sacred. / Glory to you the fortress, / glory to the crowd, // Glory to the existing tooth All healing.

Kondak St. Spiridon trimifuntsky, the wonderworker Glas 2

Loving Christ vulnery, the sacred, / mind of the duff of mind, / Decisive vision of your act found Esi, wounded, / satellite Divine Berov, // asking for all the Divine Lights.

Prayer to St. Spiridon Trimifuntsky, the Wonderworker

Oh, the great and stuffy saint of Christ and the miracle-worker Spiridon, Kerkirskaya praise, the All Universe, the Lightweight, warm, warm to God, prayer and everyone who resorted to you and with the faithful resistant intercession! You faith Orthodox at the Notesty Cathedral, by Father, priviously explained to ESI, the Trinity of the Trinity Svyatiya wonderfully showed Esi and Hehetics to the end of the disasters. We hear us, sinful, the saint of Christ, who are praying for you, and the strong victim of the Lord to get rid of us from all the zlago circumstances: from glad, flood, fire and deadly ulcers. You boy in the time of your life from all the disasters of your people from all disasters: from the invasion of Agaryan and from a glad's country, your country retained, the king of the Neszelnago gave up and many sinners led to repentance, the dead was preparing for the htost of life of your angels , Invisible in the church of the sinking and serving you, had an enemy. Sycery will glorify you, Vernago of your slave, Vladyka Christ, Yako all the secret human act of Darov to you, of course, and nasty Lyesschi. Many, in the poverty and insufficiency of the living, you diligently helped Esi, people wisely often drinking Esi and Inna's signs of signs in the life of God's breath of God. Sita and we will not leave us, the saint of Christ, remember us, the chad of their own, the throne of the Almighty and the mind of the Lord, yes will give many of our sins forgiveness, selfless and peaceful lives yes give us, the death of the abdomen of the physician and peaceful, and bliss ever in the future It will make us, but we will be resenting the fame and thanks to the Father and the Son and the Spirit of the Holy, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

On December 25, the Day of Memory of the Orthodox Saint Wonderworker is celebrated in Russia. This holy since ancient times is honored by the Orthodox Church. December twenty-fifth takes the sun turn for the summer. Light time of day increases, the nights are in short. "Spiridon turn" - so called our ancestors this phenomenon of nature.

In Russia, the day of Saint is marked by a set of people will take: "After the day of Spiridon, trimifuntsky on a sparrow jump, yes will add a day."

In the old days noticed:

  • When light on Spiridon, then for the new year we are waiting for frosty and clear weather.
  • When the sky frowns and the trees are covered in the hell, then the New Year holiday will be warm and cloudy.

Signal places associated with the name of Holy Spiridon trimifuntsky in Moscow

Majestic Temple of Spiridon Trimifunt

Special worship used the Holy Spiridon in Moscow. In honor of St. In this city, the temple was erected in 1633. In 1930, the demolition of the majestic temple of Spiridon Trimifuntsky, which was on Spiridonovka Street, in the house 24.

Built in the XVII century, he was loved and honored by parishioners. It was the only temple in Moscow, consecrated in honor of the Sacred, who was a good fate.

His fertile existence did not work:

  • when the war was with the French, the temple was badly damaged;
  • then the temple became unwhaver the residents of the nearby technological institute standing nearby and workers;
  • in the thirties, he was demolished and built in this place the building of the Terekobeton trust.

Only the name of the street, records in old books and memories remained from the temple. Now it can be seen only on black and white photos.

  • it is advisable to create a prayer in the temple or buy an icon;
  • do not forget to thank the saint for the help;
  • it is necessary to independently make efforts to obtain the desired one, otherwise no prayer will help;
  • it is necessary to pay attention to fateful signs.

The life of Spiridon Trimifuntsky

In narrations about the life of Holy Spiridon Trimifuntsky, a testimony of church historians of the IV and V centuries, which were treated in the X century by Siemenon with metaphrax.

There is a written Life of St. Spiridon Trimifuntsky Pupil, the Holy Trophyllium, which served as a bishop in the Cyprus Levsia. Life is made by a poems of the yamba style. It strikes the miraculous force, amazing simplicity and marked by a series of amazing events: Healing of patients, the resurrection of the dead, the taming of the elements.

In love it is said that the saint Wonderworker Spiridon Trimifuntsky was born in Cyprus at the end of the third century.

From childhood he rip sheep. In an awakening life, the saint took the ideal path of the Old Testament Righteous: David, Jacob and Abraham in meekness, hearty kindness and love for wanderers.

When Holy Spiridon matured, he became the father of the family. Goodwill and responsiveness attracted many people: the homeless people received help and shelter in the House of Spiridon, the wanderers got a rest and a meal. For the good deeds and the constant memory of the Lord, God gave the future of the saint turning, the ability to heal the incurable patients and cast out demons.

Good participation and the help of the saint with respect to people of the flothes was combined with a fair attitude and rigor to unworthy. A merciless trades, according to his prayer, received a well-deserved punishment, and the poor parishioners get rid of poverty.

The Holy Wonderworker Spiridon trimifuntsky was opened by the Lord's term of the death. In 348, creating prayer, Holy was introduced to the Lord. He was his last words about love for the Lord and their neighbors.

Starts buried in Trimifony. The burial place is the temple of the Holy Apostles.

Where is cancer with the relics of the saint

  • In the middle of the XVII century, the relics of Spiridon Trimifuntsky were transferred to the city of Constantinople.
  • In 1453 transported to the island of Corfu, here they are stored and understood.

Five times a year, celebrations in memory of the Holy Wonderworker Spiridon occur on the island.

Relics are considered the main relic of the island. Rev. is a heavenly intercession of local residents and the patron saint of Corfu Island.

Cancer of the Saint Waterjuined in a prominent place in the temple and is always open. Each believer is given the opportunity to touch the relic and ask for help. Pilgrims are distributed pieces from Slippers of Saint.

Cancer is removed by gold and silver, brought by people who received the help of holy waters.

The temple stands in the city center and can be seen from any remote point of the Corfu Island.

Wonders are doing

The main miracle of the temple of Spiridon Trimifuntsky - the relics of the saint that are still not exposed to Tlenu. The remains of the elder in weight of the body correspond to the dimensions of an adult man. God's help, in many centuries, they are not touched by rotting and have 36.6 C.

Reverend left this world about 1,700 years ago, but his body's fabric soft, hair and nails do not cease to grow. There is no scientific explanation for this.

Special miracle of the temple - the velvet shoes of the elder, which are constantly being involved, and several times a year he is postponed to new ones. They are sewing a nun for him.

Stall shoes give other churches and denominations or cut into small pieces and distribute believers.

There are cases when the keepers of the temple cannot open cancer. They know that the reverend old man left her and helps the needy.


The tradition was preserved that the elder of Spiridon Trimifuntsky visited Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. He worsts the tomb in the crowd of those who wish and heard the Anglicin's reasoning that the human body could not be stored for so long. The whole focus in good embalming. According to Gogol, the body of the saint swallowed and turned towards said. Gogol, becoming a witness to this miracle, was shocked.


When in the days of early Christianity, the power of Spiridon was transferred to worship from one place to another, the keepers of the ark with relics noticed that shoes began to be lost.

At first, the monks sinned on the thieves, but the shoes were in different places where the ark was brought: then in the hospital, then in the place where the grief happened and help.

People from faith are hard to accept such wonders. But Christians know that the Earth's phenomenon will be the will of God's such people - a bright testimony of the Almighty Creator. When faith weakens, the Lord through them shows His love and helps in a difficult moment. It is worth not afraid to humbly ask for help.

Belief in God saves, heals and gives force!

The life of St. Spiridon is filled with a variety of wonders. He knew how to see the future, resurrected the dead, saved people from physical ailments. From the article you will learn what the saint helps believers, how to contact him, what the righteous icon looks like. Cash issues, difficulties with real estate, family well-being - there is no such question in which the saint would not reach the hand of help. The main thing is to contact him with faith.

Holy Assistant Spiridon

Famous wonders of Holy Spiridon

Nor tried the bishop to cover for a secluded prayer, the petitioners found it in the most remote places of the island. He helped everyone could not refuse even unbelievers.

  • Once it came to the woman. She brought his daughter's corpse with him who had been for several days - the child drowned, the body cried. Mother lured the mind from grief and asked to revive the child.

Saint prayed and the girl stood on his feet. A shocked woman who obviously did not believe in such an outcome, fell dead. Then the wonderworker was resurrected and her. Witnesses of incredible events were many inhabitants of Cyprus, it was recorded in the chronicles of that time. Is it worth saying how big the righteousness was to bother before God, if he committed such wonders at his request.

  • Until the oldest age, the saint was not alien to peasant labor. Once at night, a thieves who wanted to steal sheep were climbing. Suddenly invisible strength was formed by hand and legs. In the morning in such a position, the saint found them. He did not hesitate, but only freed the thieves, gave them a fatherly instruction. Also gave one of his sheep (then they were very expensive).

It is impossible to list, which helps believers. Each has its own story. The Lord does not limit the action of its grace with some kind of framework, because in the gospel it is written: "For your faith, you will be." Contact heaven with a firm faith, and help will come.

The Greek Island of Corfu drowning in the greenery is visited annually tens of thousands of tourists.

But not only the clean sea, the sandy beaches and the amazing nature of the island attract numerous guests.

One of the main attractions and the main shrine of Corfu, beyond any doubt, is the Cathedral of St. Spiridon Trimifuntsky.

After all, it is here that the holy relics of God are kept, the prayers of which numerous miracles are constantly committed.

The doors of the temple are always open and anyone can come with their prayers to the Holy Spiridon - the saint, the wonderworker and the Heavenly patron of Corfu.

Four times a year - in Palm Sunday, Great Saturday, August 11 And on the first Sunday of November, the miraculous power is carried out for Litania (procession).

Thousands of pilgrims gather these days at Corfu to take part in a solemn procession and ask for help from St. Spiridon.

Having had a great compassion for the earthly life, and most of all - to beggar, he did not change himself after his retrain, helping those people who appeal to him for help in the needs, troubles and diseases, fulfilling their prayer requests , as well as filling hearts with peace and joy.

Tens of thousands of pilgrims annually visit the place where his holy power is exuded, and everyone receives asking from the compassionate saint, especially those who are in a serious financial situation.

Life of St. Spiridon from Trimifunt

On the northern part of the island of Cyprus, the village of Askia is located near the settlement of the trifuses (trimifunta).
Here, at the end of the III century, the future saint was born.

About his parents and adolescence of information is very small. It is only known that the chosen one was distinguished by simplicity, obedience, piety and compassion to the poor, and his pastiba of goats and sheep was occupied.

He married a pious girl, he long lived with her. Some time after the birth of their daughter Irina, the spouse died, and the Holy Spiridon was forced to grow a little child.

Rev. Simeon Metaphrause writes in his writings that the wonderworker Spiridon spent time, imitating in the meekness of the Psalmopevtsu Davitsa, in the simplicity of the heart - Patriarch Jacob, and in the stirrerism - Abraham.

For the life of the life of Christian trifles convinced Spiridon to become their bishop.

Being elected to the honorable place, the saint continued his previous classes: he ripped sheep and processed the land, giving a significant part of the funds to help in need, leaving himself only a meager intake.

For the humility and cleanness of the heart, God awarded the saint with a lot of graceful gifts: turning, the wonderful, the greatest daring in prayers.

Until the last days, Holy Spiridon was in the health and worked with the peasants.

The wonderworker died at a very old age, after eighty years.

Great wonders on the prayers of the bishop of Spiridon trimifunt

It is impossible to list all the wonders who created God on the humble requests of the Holy: This should write a separate book.

We give two bright examples from his life.

Invited to the Nicene Cathedral with Emperor Konstantin Great, the saint on the road was forced to spill around in the village, where Ariana was located. At night, they cut off the heads of horses harnessed in the wagon, at which the bishop traveled to Nikei.

Waking up before the sunrise and finding the horses decapitated, the saint asked the yamchik to put the heads to the horses torso, and he himself prayed to Christ the Savior.

What was the amazement when the rays of the sun illuminated Savrashov: the head of the head turned out to be black, near the crow - white, and in brown - brown: in the dark, the yamchter confessed the correspondence of the colors of horse heads and torso, but God even in this case performed the request of his homely!

Arriving at the Cathedral, the saint to confirm the truth of the unity of God in the three faces shocked the souls of all those present by the Grand Miracle: he took the clay punk (brick), from which the fire was released, the clay remained in his palm, and the water flowed down.
The saint, being a bit alone, said that as Plinfa is one, and from three elements is composed and the Most Holy Trinity is three hypostasis, but the deity is one.

So captured by the Holy Spiridon trimifuntsky on the icon: In the palm of the palm, he holds a dry clay, from which the fire comes, and water flows down.
On the head of the shepherd hat from a sheep rune, and in hand - a staff from the date branches.

Svyatwiper Spiridon - Patron and Defender Corfu

The body of the saint, remaining after death, was resting under the eighth century in the trifony, then it was very long in Tsargrad, and after his fall in the middle of the 15th century it was secretly exported to the island of Kerkira, where the cathedral was subsequently erected for the ashes of God.
Since then, the relics of Holy Spiridon are stored in the temple of the same name in the capital of Corfucher Island.

The inhabitants of Corfu are very grateful to his heavenly patron: this is the only island of Greece, who in the whole story was not conquered by the powerful Ottoman Empire.

On August 11, a special service is made, at which the great miracle created by St. After his death: a terrible shower, such a rare here at the end of summer, the strongest hurricane and multi-meter waves, were hosted by Ottoman Armada, an assault island.

In those tragic days, when it was nowhere to wait for help, all Christians gathered in the cathedral, with tears shine prayer in Holy Spiridon Trimifunt:

About the saint saint Spiridon! The mind of the blessing man of God, so it will not condemn us on our lawlessness, but will create with us by their mercy. We succeed to us, unworthy of the servants of God, Christ of God has a peaceful and serene life, spiritual and bodily health. Getting rid of us from all soulful and bodily diseases and troubles, from all languages \u200b\u200band the devils of the devil. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and the mind of the Lord Jesus Christ, let us give us the forgiveness of many of our lawlessness, a comfortable and peaceful life, but gives us the death of life a physical and peaceful and will prompt us in the upcoming life of eternal bliss, and you constantly fuss to the glory and thanksgiving Father and Son And the Spirit of the Holy, now and is confused and forever. Amen.

And the Lord, according to the prayers of their aspiration, did not allow Ottoman troops to the island - they could not get closer to Corfu!

The relics of the saint, having all the properties of a living person, rest in a special cancer.
It is revealed in solemn cases and necessarily - two priests.

If the "house" in which the holy lives, does not open (and this happens quite often), then they say that the saint went to help the needy.

Confirm these words velvet slippers-shoes of St. Spiridon, put on the feet of the Holy Father, which are constantly inexplicably wear out.

Therefore, whenever, opening cancer, the priests first postpone the saint, and the sweat shoes are cut into pieces and distribute to the Bogomoles.

So far, there is no merciful bishop of people who call him to the rescue: helps to find housing, work, heals patients, consoles in mourn.

Aviabomb, discarded by the fascists to the cathedral during the Second World War, exploded in the air without damaging the building. So the wonderful ward of Spiridon continues to guard the place of his stay and people honoring him.

The merciful roe of God cannot fail to respond to the prayer of any person, with faith and pain treating him.

While in Greece, do not miss a rare chance! Be sure to visit the Trimifuntsky St. Spiridon on the island of Corfu and get a blessing from the Heavenly Patron of the city, which will be with you all my life.

The prayers of the Holy Spiridon trimifuntors are leading to material well-being, money and success in work. The history of the Saint and Description of Miracles are waiting for you!

History, Description of wonders and a list of prayers to St. Spiridon Trimifunt

Holy Spiridon for his virtuous life from ordinary farmers was put in the bishops. He led a very simple life, he himself worked on his fields, helped the poor and unhappy, healed the patients, resurrected the dead. In 325, St. Spiridon took part in the Nicene Cathedral, where heresy Aria was convicted, who rejected the divine origin of Jesus Christ and, therefore, the Most Holy Trinity. But the saint wonderfully revealed against Arian visual proof of unity in the Holy Trinity. He picked up a brick and squeezed him: I instantly got up the fire, water down, and the clay remained in the hands of the wonderworker. Simple words of the gracious elder for many were convincing exquisite speeches of scientists. One of the philosophers, adhered to the Arian Yershi, after a conversation with the Holy Spiridon said: "Instead of evidence from the mind, some particular power began to come from the death of this elder, the evidence was powerless against her ... God himself was told."

Holy Spiridon had a great boldness before God. According to his prayer, the people got rid of drought, the patients were healed, the demons were expelled, the idols were crushed, they resurrected the dead. One day a woman came to him with a dead child in her arms, asking for the intercession of the saint. Praying, he returned the baby to life. Mother shocked by joy, fell hopeless. Again, the saint made his hands to the sky, calling God. Then he said dead: "Sunday and stand up!" She got up, accurately awakened from sleep, and took her living son in his arms.

Known from the life of the saint and such a case. Somehow he went into an empty church, commanded to light the lamps and candles, and began worship. People were surprised by an angel-like singing that came from the temple. Attracted by wonderful sounds, they headed for the church. But when they entered it, they did not see anyone, except for the bishop with a few chickens. Another time during worship on the prayer of the Holy, the faded lamps themselves began to fill themselves. The saint had a special love for the poor. Not yet bishop, he spent all his income on the needs of near and wanderers. In San, Bishop Spiridon did not change his lifestyle, connecting the pastoral ministry with mercy. Once a poor farmer came to him, asking for money. The saint, promising to satisfy his request, let go of the agriculture, and in the morning he himself brought him a whole cheese of gold. After the peasant returned his duty with gratitude, Svyatwer Spiridon, heading for his garden, said: "Let's go, brother, and together will give someone who generously gave us a loan." The saint became on prayer and asked God to make gold, previously turned out of the animal, took his original appearance again. A piece of gold suddenly moved and turned into a snake, which began to shove and crawl. According to the prayer of St. The Lord reimbursed the city of shower, which was blurred by the resident of a rich and non-merchant merchant who sold bread during drought at very high prices. It saved many poor people from hunger and poverty.

Once, going to the rescue to the innocently convicted person, the saint was stopped unexpectedly spilled out of flooding with a stream. According to the command of the Holy Water Element, and the saint Spiridon with his companions continued to be easily. Having heard about this miracle, the wrongful judge immediately freed the innocent convict. Changing the meekness, mercy, the purity of the heart, the saint as a wise shepherd sometimes reigned with love and meekness, sometimes led to repentance with his own example. Once he went to Antioch to the Emperor Konstantin, to help a prayer to help the king from illness. One of the guards of the Tsarist Palace, seeing the saint in simple clothes and accepting him for the beggar, hit him on his cheek. But the wise shepherd, wanting to cross the offender, according to the commandments of the Lord, substituted the other cheek; The minister understood that the bishop was standing in front of him and, to create his sin, I humbly asked for forgiveness.

The story of Socrates Scholasty about how thieves decided to kidnap the sheep of St. Spiridon. Having entered the sheepskin, the robbers remained there until morning, without having to get out of there. The saint forgave the robbers and persuaded them to leave a challenged path, then gave them on the sheep and, release, said: "Let you not vainly awake." Similarly, he entered one merchant, who wished to buy a hundred goats from the archpuster. Since the saint did not have the custom to check the money, then the merchant wasted a fee for one goat. "Separating a hundred goats, he kicked them out for the fence, but one of them broke out and again ran into the pen. A merchant was tried several times to return the stubborn goat into his herd, but the animal did not obey. Seeing the Distribution of God in this, the merchant hurried to repent the Holy Spiridon and returned his depth money.

Having a loving heart, the saint at the same time was strict when I saw the unrecognizance and perseverance in sin. So he predicted a heavy end of a woman who did not repent in the grave of adultery and once punished the temporary disease of the Daacon, who was proud of the beauty of his voice. Svyazer Spiridon died around 348 and was buried in the Church of the Holy Apostles in the city of Trimifony. His rapid power in the VII century was transferred to Constantinople, and in 1460 - to the Greek Island of Kerkira (Corfu), where they reveal and today in the temple arranged in honor of his name. In Russia, St. Spiridon prayes for housing acquisition and debt debt, the Greeks will honor him as a patron of traveling.

How to pray Spiridon trimifunt?

Prayer to St. Spiridon Trimifuntsky First

About the Great and Sticky, Kerkirskaya Praise, the Great and Miracle, the Kerkirskaya Praise, the All Universe, the Lightweight, warm to God prayer and everyone who resorts to God and with the faithful resistant intercession! You faith Orthodox at the Notesty Cathedral, by Father, mentally expressly express themselves. We hear us, sinful, the saint of Christ, who are praying for you, and the strong victim of the Lord to get rid of us from all the zlago circumstances: from glad, flood, fire and deadly ulcers. You boy in the time of your life from all the disasters of your people from all disasters: from the invasion of Agaryan and from a glad's country, your country retained, the king of the Neszelnago gave up and many sinners led to repentance, the dead was preparing for the htost of life of your angels Invisible in the church of the sinking and serving you had an Esi. Sycery will glorify you, Vernago of your slave, Vladyka Christ, Yako all the secret human act of Darov to you, of course, and nasty Lyesschi. Many in the poverty and insufficiency of those who live were diligently helped by Esi, people are mild abundant during the glady drinking Esi and Inna, the sign of God's strength in you. Sita and we will not leave us, to St. Christ, remember us, the chad of His, the throne of the Almighty and the mind of the Lord, let me give many of our sins forgiveness, a messy and peaceful life yes gives us, the death of the abdomen of the restless and peaceful and bliss ever in the future in the future We, let them take away the glory and thanks to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and are constantly and forever. Amen.

Prayer to St. Spiridon Trimifuntsky Second

Oh all-bless to St. Spiridon, the Great Humanity of Christ and the Pressenger Miracle! The throne of God from the face of God from the Little Angel, the proud of the merciful Okom on the upcoming Cre by the People and the Susking Strong Help. The impetus of the prudettobia of the man of God, and it will not condemn us on the lawlessness of our, but will create with us in the grace of yours! We ask to us from Christ and God of our peaceful and serene love, the health of the spiritual and bodily, the earth of prosperity and in all of all abundance and prosperity, and yes, not in evil, we turn the good, giving us from the genergo of God, but in the glory of him and in the glorification of your intercession ! Razy all the faithfully incommunicable to God coming from all sorts of spiritual and bodily souls. From all languages \u200b\u200band diabolian navaloves! Budi sad comforter, an affected doctor, in the assistant assistant, nagimat the patron, widowers, a siema defender, baby feeder, old strengthener, wandering a trip, swimming feeding and creating all the striking assistance, which requires everyone, useful! Yako, yes, let your prayers and observe, will achieve in the eternal peace and buying you to glorify God, in the Trinity of Slavimago, Father and Son and Saint Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer to St. Spiridon Trimifuntsky Third

ABOUT SPLATE SPIRIDON! The misconceptions of the man of the man of God, so will not condemn us on our lawlessness, but will create with us for their mercy. We succeed as we, the servants of God (names), of Christ and God of our peaceful and serene life, health spiritual and bodily. Get rid of us from all sorts of mental and bodies, from all languages \u200b\u200band the diatoles. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and the mind of the Lord, and I will give many of our sins forgiveness, a messy and peaceful life, yes gives us, the death of the abdomen of the restless and peaceful and bliss ever in the future will encourage us, yes incessantly releasing glory and thanks to Father and son and son and son The Holy Spirit, now and is constant and forever.

Miracles on prayers to St. Spiridon

In November 1861, in the Greek family of natives Kerkira, an eight-year-old boy fell ill with a typhoid fever. Despite all the efforts of doctors, his condition has deteriorated. Child's mother all days praying St. Spiridon's help. For the seventeenth day, the boy became very bad. The unfortunate mother ordered urgently to send telegram to relatives on Kerkira to go to the temple of St. Spiridon and asked to open a cancer with the relics of the saint.

Relatives fulfilled her order, and at that age (as they found out their child), when the clergymen opened cancer, the body of the boy was shaking the convulsions that doctors took for death agonia. But to the surprise of those present, the child opened his eyes, his pulse gradually recovered, and from that moment on his health went on amendment. All those present doctors admitted that it was a miracle of God.

In December 1948, the day before the holiday, a woman with the eleven-year-old son George came to Kerkira. The child was dumb from birth. Previously, they visited many churches, where the prayers of the Lord about healing.

A few days before the feast of St. Spiridon, the trimifuntsky mother of the boy dreamed of a dream that her son cured her son, and then she decided to take him to Kerkira. Three days the mother with her son prayed in the temple of St. Spiridon, and when the relics of the saint carried the saint, in the end of the birthday of the child, - George spoke at the same moment.

The girl suffering from the unwitting crisis, who later moved to psychopathy, in a minute of enlightenment asked her to take her to the temple of St. Spiridon. Entering the church, she was attached to the icon and to the relics of the saint and felt that he was gone from her head. She stayed in the temple all the next day and returned home completely healthy.

Modern wonders

I want to tell about one wonderful case, witness, and you can even say, whose member I myself was. In 2000, from the pilgrimage service "Radonezh" I went through the holy places of Greece. In Kerkira, in the temple of St. Spiridon, we asked the blessings from the priest to dial olives from the lamp in cancer with the relics of the saint. The group believed that it was better than purchased. We gained a syringe with a syringe and spilled in pre-seized bottles. The group was big, everyone was crowded, trying to quickly pick up, someone by negligence reached the lamp, and the residues of the uls shed. Everyone was very upset because of our awkwardness, but one woman was especially crushed - she was the last in line and she did not get a drop. I decided that she was a little of her. She kept an empty bubble in her hands, and he suddenly began to fill in himself! It happened in front of our whole group, so that witnesses of this miracle were very much. We were all literally shocked. In the bus, we remembered the case when the Schiridon Schiridon itself was filled with a lamp. Everything is possible for God and saints.

Thank you for the Lord and St. Spiridon, that they thought me to witness this miracle!

I, multi-faceted and unworthy r. God's Elena, in 2002 for a long time tried to exchange a one-room apartment on a two-room. There were many problems, because Offered deleted from the subway or expensive. Once I called my sister (she serves in the temple) and asked how my business. I replied that nothing happens. Then she advised me to order a vibrant prayer to St. Spearidon Trimifuntsky, which I did. Literally a week later we were offered a great option and on reasonable money. Moving was scheduled for December 25 - the day of the saint's memory. According to the prayers of St. Spiridon, everything turned out. I often remember this and grateful to him very much. Thank God for everything!

Holy Spiridon trimifuntsky, moth of God about us.

In 2007, the relics of St. Spiridon were brought to Danilovsky Monastery in Moscow. More than 1,300,000 Russians came to worship the relics of the saint. Here are the stories of some of them, published in the book "St. Spiridon Trimifuntsky" publishing house of the Danilovsky male monastery.

A pregnant woman arrived in Danilov's office of Schiridon in Danilov. She told that they and her husband had dreamed of a child, she went around many doctors, but for seven years their marriage remained fruitless. They prayed to St. Spiridon and the other saints, and, contrary to the forecasts of physicians, a miracle was accomplished.

Woman came to thank the saint.

One financial structure bought in the suburbs in the suburbs. On its territory there are a temple and the house of the abbot. Suddenly, the new owner decided to build a parking lot on the site of the house. He did not go on concessions and did not want to even discuss this question. Large family of father was put before the facts: the house will be demolished, and the parking lot is built. The priest addressed a prayer to St. Spearidon, and the saint did not leave him.

Arriving in Danilov Monastery to the relics of St. Spiridon, the father met the man who turned out to be a friend of the new owner of the sanatorium, this man was very surprised by the behavior of his friend and promised to help. After some time, he, together with the owner of the territory, came to the father for the conversation to resolve the situation.

I went on Sunday on April 22 in Danilov Monastery for the holiday of female Mironositz. And when approaching the monastery, I accidentally (although there is nothing casual in this world) I find out that the monastery was brought by the relics of Spiridon Trimifuntsky (I rarely look rarely, and did not know about it). What a grace is that I visited this day in the monastery and attached to my relics!

And the next day, on Monday, April 23, the youngest son called us, and I joyfully tell me that the relics of St. Spiridon were brought to Moscow and I was on Sunday in Danilov Monastery. Son to me so tired, sick voice and says: "Pray, mom, for my salvation." It turns out they were on the water and turned over. Thank God! All floated, everyone is alive, healthy.

And I, not knowing about it, went on the eve of the monastery, as something led me there. Indeed, the paths of the Lord are non-defined!

On Tuesday, April 24 went again to the monastery. I ordered a gratitude prayer to Lord Jesus Christ about the salvation of the life of the son and prayer for St. Spiridon trimifuntsky from his parents.

Tropean to St. Spiridon, EP. Trimifuntsky

The Cathedral of Pervago seemed to be a champion and a wonderworker, / Godonos Spiridone, our father. / Dormy you are dead in the coffin, / And Zmia in Zlato, PRED, PRAYS, / And Faithfully Put the Hodges of Prayers / Angels, Slipping You, had the sacred. / Glory to you the fortress, / Glory to the crowd, / glory to all healing to all.