Why do people drink alcohol: the main reasons. Why do people drink alcohol so often?

Why do people drink alcohol: the main reasons.  Why do people drink alcohol so often?
Why do people drink alcohol: the main reasons. Why do people drink alcohol so often?

Everyone will answer this question differently. Some will say: “To cheer up”, others will say that “alcohol makes it possible to relax”, others will argue that alcoholic drinks help them feel the fullness of life, while others are thus trying to escape from their problems. How many people, so many opinions. And each of them is to some extent true.

We will not tell you that alcohol is harmful. We will analyze only the most popular cases of drinking alcohol, trying to understand from a psychological point of view, why people drink alcohol.

The most interesting thing is that alcoholic beverages are consumed not only by "Homo erectus". In the animal kingdom, it also happens that four-legged people find special intoxicating grass, fermented fruits or dig up "laughing roots", gorge themselves on it, bring themselves into a state of drunken euphoria, sleep, brawl, fight among themselves, that is, behave exactly the same , as well as the person who "went through".

There are several reasons why we start drinking spirits.

Reason one

We simply do not have enough holidays in our life. So we are trying to make them ourselves artificially. After all, in a state of intoxication, life seems brighter, simpler and more fun. Alcohol "hits" those parts of the brain that are responsible for pleasure, gives a ghostly feeling of permissiveness and omnipotence, makes you throw off the mask that a person wears in everyday life and makes it possible, at least for a little, but to be yourself, releasing all the negativity and long-hidden desires.

While we are in this state, we want to live, love, create and do something good. But the morning of the next day comes, and we understand that not only has nothing changed, but a new one has been added to all existing problems, popularly called "bodun". And then people, weaker in spirit, go to "hangover" in order to regain the feeling of a holiday, and the stronger ones pull themselves together and begin to solve pressing problems, rightly believing that with the help of alcohol you cannot get rid of them.

The drinking party is an illusion. If you think so, then soon you will no longer be able to sincerely have fun without irritating the nerve receptors of the brain, and life will become just a surrogate for life.

Reason two

We start drinking alcohol to prove to ourselves that we are already adults / independent / fit a certain environment. So, in order to "join" a new team, we start visiting pubs or restaurants with colleagues. To prove that we are worthy of a bohemian life, we visit nightclubs and lazily sip cocktails there. To "get on the same wavelength" with friends, we drink vodka while fishing and port on a bench near the house. We cannot say “no” to something that is of no value to us at all, but can, as we think, increase our status in the eyes of others.

In this case, you need to separate yourself, your personality, from the companies. To each his own. If they like to spend time with a bottle of beer, discussing how Kolka had a fight yesterday, then God is with them. You don't have to listen to it or do the same. You must understand that such a pastime will not only "plant" your health, reduce, but also reduce the years of your life by several years. But everyone wants to live. And to live fully and joyfully. Don't try to be like others. You are different. Unique, special and unrepeatable. Decide for yourself what is important to you and do only what you are really interested in.

Reason three

With the help of alcohol, we try to escape from the hardships of life, forget and be distracted. With the first drink drunk, the most global problem begins to decrease in size, and this is exactly what we are waiting for. In an intoxicated brain, dozens of solutions and exits from the current situation immediately jump, or, which very often happens, we begin to believe that all this is not worth a damn, we convince ourselves of this and are glad that everything ended so well.

But this is intoxicated. As soon as the hop wears off, everything returns to its "normal", and we understand that the problems have not gone anywhere. They just hid and wait for the right moment to pounce on us again.

But the very feeling of liberation from adversity is what a person is looking for when he starts drinking. And he likes this state, so he does not stop, but continues to drink alcohol over and over again.

So many people turned into alcoholics who simply did not find the strength to look directly into the eyes of the difficulties that arose and find a solution to how to overcome them. After all, it is much easier to drink 150 grams of something strong, and life becomes wonderful, than to work hard for several weeks to make life really beautiful.

Reason four

Thanks to the media, "cool" American action films and modern TV series, in which we see how the main characters both with grief and with joy drink alcohol, the thought that alcohol is a faithful assistant in any life situation is hammered into our subconscious ... When your heart aches, you need to drink 50 grams of brandy, when you are very cold - vodka. If a holiday - champagne is well suited, at a bachelorette party, well, sweet liqueur is simply necessary. And so latently the thought that it is easier with alcohol in life is hammered into our heads.

And we are used to believing everything that the "black box" broadcasts. And it is worth trying once, the brain got pleasure, sent signals to the body that "drinking is a thrill" and that's it, the chain is closed. It becomes very difficult to break it, because in order to convince your subconscious mind that there are much more pleasant things than sitting with alcoholic drinks, you need to do something. But what about? But what about the desire to relax, and not? Another option - "Today I drink, and tomorrow I quit."

We deceive ourselves, and continue to drink alcohol, enriching the distillery magnates. Maybe it's time to take a sober look at your life and make the decision that will turn out to be a turning point in your life?

Find your reason why you drink alcohol, do not look back at others. You shouldn't be wondering why people drink alcohol, you should be wondering why YOU are drinking spirits.

Understand yourself. I am sure that you will find the right solution and the most optimal way out of any situation, because you want to live a long, healthy and happy life surrounded by those who are dear to you and whom you yourself madly love.

Many are interested in the question of why people start drinking. What factors are pushing them to this and is it possible to save yourself from craving for alcohol?

Most people believe that alcoholism is just a person's desire to drink, which can be controlled and easily refused if something happens. But in reality, everything is not so simple. No alcoholic can easily quit drinking. The reason is that this is a psychological addiction, which is treated either with the help of a specialist, or if the person has good willpower and, most importantly, desire.

Due to the fact that the problem of alcoholism now affects almost everyone, the question arises as to why people drink alcohol.

The question about the reasons for craving for alcoholic beverages is most often asked by women. This does not mean that they cannot be addicted to alcohol, it is just that this disease is much less common among women. Unfortunately, many men like to spend evenings with friends and bottles of vodka. Although, in many developed countries of Europe, it is considered acceptable when a man goes to a bar with friends after work and drinks a glass of beer there. In our country, this amount is considered very small, this is just a "warm-up".

In the course of research, doctors identified 5 main reasons that push people to drink alcohol:

After analyzing these factors, you will notice the fact that they are in tune with the increasing stage of alcohol dependence. After all, a person who drinks every day, the reason for drinking can in no way be an interest or desire not to stand out from the company. Likewise, in young people who have never tried alcohol, the reason may not be to relieve hangover symptoms. Therefore, you need to understand that everyone has their own motives.

In addition to the above five main motives for which a person begins to drink, there are a number of not so obvious, but more serious ones. They are rooted in psychology. After all, if things are going well, there is a friendly family and friends, then hardly anyone will drink in order to once again feel the feeling of intoxication. Therefore, you need to understand this and be very attentive to your loved ones.

The first psychological reason is the feeling of loneliness. When there is no one to talk to about your problems and joys, then there is a desire to drink, because then the world seems not so hostile, and this feeling disappears. But only for as long as the state of intoxication is present.

Also, many people come to alcoholism by hiding their flaws or self-doubt. If a person has some kind of physical defect (speech, walking), then he is ashamed of this and feel like an inferior member of society, feel constrained there. Another common reason is for courage (for example, before intimacy). When there are any fears or anxieties, the person can also drink to calm them down.

Often there is such an excuse as the desire to achieve relaxation, to defuse the situation. Alcohol actually lifts the mood at first, causing a kind of euphoria.

And when asked why people drink beer, men usually have the same answer: they like the taste of this drink.

In addition to psychological, social reasons are also distinguished:

  • Dissatisfaction with your job or lack of it;
  • Low social status;
  • The tradition to drink at all, without exception, holidays and celebrations;
  • Failure to confront a not always benevolent society.

The list of these reasons is endless. And everyone will have their own individual story, which ends with the person turning into an alcoholic.

Among the above factors of alcoholism, there are a number of those that can be easily refuted.

For example, a drink to raise your mood. The catch is that the person actually gets pleasure, but it ends very quickly. After this, there is strong depression and irritability. It is enough to drink another glass, and the world takes on a positive coloring again.

Also in such a situation there is a pattern: the greater the amount of alcohol drunk, the stronger the craving for it becomes. In chronic cases, a person is ready to literally cut his throat in order to get the next portion of alcohol. Indeed, if you remember a lot of drunk people, then you can hardly call him happy and in a good mood. Usually the opposite is true.

In addition, it should be said that alcoholic euphoria is available only to people in the early stages of addiction. In the latter, these drinks do not cause any good mood, but only create the appearance of improving health, which has long been "planted" here.

If we talk about the fact that alcohol helps to establish relationships with someone, to become more sociable, then it should be said about its property to destroy brain cells, slow down the movement of nerve cells. In such a situation, a person's speech is incoherent and illogical. And only the same drunk man (or woman) will understand it.

The myth that alcohol makes people bolder can be easily dispelled if we remember that most suicides, accidents, and crimes are committed while drunk. It would be more correct to say here about the loss of a sense of self-preservation, inadequate perception of the environment.

Alcohol is also not very effective for raising mood. This is a short-term process that will very quickly be replaced by anger, irritability and resentment at everyone.

To remove the symptoms of a hangover, it would be better to drink a special medicine than a glass of vodka. After all, the body is already trying with all its might to remove the poison, and more is poured into it. The only exception is the situation when it happened. Then a person just needs a dose of ethyl alcohol, which will neutralize the source of intoxication.

The question of whether it is possible to protect oneself from alcoholism worries many women. After all, they most often suffer from this. Usually a man or teenage children drink. In order for them not to become addicted, you need to make sure that none of them are present in the life of the family. Frequent feasts (which are generally desirable to avoid) are constantly accompanied by drinking. Instead, you can go to the forest, park, another city. Fresh air will benefit your health, and spending time together will bring the family closer together, eliminating the psychological factors of addiction.

So, the question of why men or women drink alcoholic beverages cannot be answered unequivocally. For each, the reason is individual. In addition, the stage of the disease also affects it. If we talk about the initial stages, then the pretexts for which a person drinks are only psychological or social. This is usually a feeling of misunderstanding, loneliness on the part of society. Therefore, close people should be very attentive to each other, because the consequences can be irreversible.

Question "Why do people drink?" many refer to rhetorical or even philosophical, such as, "Why don't people fly like birds" or "Why do we live in this world?".

Few know that psychiatrists and psychotherapists dealing with alcoholism have answered this question a long time ago. And they not only answered, but also wrote many scientific articles, and put everything on the shelves.

We also decided to write an article in which we will translate psychiatric terms into an accessible language, and we will finally give an exhaustive answer to this question.

1) The traditional motive, or "I raise my glass to drink to your health."

Few holidays are complete without alcohol. Alcohol is a mandatory attribute of some religious practices. We meet those born with vodka, celebrate birthdays with vodka, and see off their last journey with vodka. What is a wedding without vodka?

However, why is it necessary vodka? For example, you can arrange a modern Western-style wedding - with a buffet table and cocktails for every taste. Rest assured, guests will appreciate it. Naturally, such a format does not at all cancel the toastmaster and the obligatory fight - a tradition!

2) Pseudo-cultural motive.

In this case, a person uses alcohol to join a certain social microgroup - a company, or a community in which it is accepted.

For example, a student may start drinking to be accepted into a more adult company. But, such a motive is not as primitive as it might seem at first glance, and is also characteristic of quite mature individuals.

For example, by using expensive cocktails, you can feel yourself included in the now fashionable, "glamorous" club culture.

On the one hand, this is not so great, because there is a risk of drinking too much and harming your health. On the other hand, it is not at all so bad if you switch from cheap beer to high-quality expensive drinks.

3) Experimental motive, or "what will happen if"?

We all remember how we tried an alcoholic drink for the first time in our lives. Well, if not all, then at least most of us. Probably, many remember their feelings before this - a mixture of fear and curiosity.

Scientifically, this is called "experimental motivation."

Of course, this motivation is typical not only for the situation of "deprivation of alcoholic innocence." It drives us when we try a new drink, or a new kind of a drink we already know.

Or a new cocktail.

She moved those people who once thought, for example: "What will happen if you mix orange juice, champagne and add ice"?

Summing up: it was thanks to the experimental motive that such a wonderful invention of mankind was born as alcoholic cocktail.

4) A hedonistic motive, or "it can be bitter to drink, and even two times as much!"

The most common motive for drinking alcohol among healthy adults.

Alcohol, especially in the form of cocktails, is damn tasty - on its own, plus alcohol gives new flavors to food.

Alcohol gives a wonderful feeling of euphoria. And that's why we reach for the glass.

A completely natural and not at all shameful motivation - if, of course, you know when to stop.

We repeat once again - know when to stop. Alcohol will not help with depression, drugs will help. There are many of them, and any doctor you know will write them out for you with readiness and joy. Especially if, as a gratitude for the prescription, he receives a bottle as a gift expensive brandy.

8) Protest motivation, or I'm not like everyone else.

Typical for adolescents and unbalanced, infantile personalities. They get drunk out of spite - in spite of their parents, in spite of teachers, in spite of their bosses, the President of the Russian Federation, in spite of the Chief Sanitary Doctor.

Actually, why in spite of someone not drinking all sorts of rubbish, but drinking a good cocktail? But no, it is obvious that to spite me, the author of this article, the protesters will rush to drink brake fluid.

And for God's sake.

9) Withdrawal motivation, or "beer in the morning is not only harmful, but also useful."

Alcohol in this case is used to relieve hangover. This, in fact, has already taken a step towards alcoholism.

However, if you are completely unbearable, and you do not see any other way out, then know that a simple cocktail - "Bloody Mary" helps best of all. Vodka has a healing effect, and tomato juice has the necessary water-salt balance and contains many useful substances.

The question of why people drink alcohol is usually associated with an attempt to understand the causes of dependence on drinking alcoholic beverages. Not every person who drinks alcohol becomes an alcoholic. Any medicine that is beneficial in small doses becomes poison in large doses. The development and spread of the culture of drinking alcoholic beverages is important, especially in our country, where alcohol consumption is practically a national tradition.

The culture of drinking alcoholic beverages

The tradition of drinking alcohol is deeply rooted in the past. Ancient Romans, Vikings and Egyptians prepared wine and spirits from fermented grape juice. Drinking alcohol was accompanied by festive feasts, as the intoxicating potion was used in rituals of communication with spirits. In ancient Russia, the most popular alcoholic drinks were intoxicated honey and beer. Since the invention of bread vodka in the middle of the 15th century, taverns have appeared - establishments intended for drinking alcohol.

Why do people drink alcohol

The answer to the question of why people drink alcohol lies in the positive feelings and emotions that alcohol, consumed in small doses, causes. Ethanol molecules suppress the activity of neurons in the prefrontal and temporal parts of the cerebral cortex, while increasing the activity of dopamine receptors. As a result, rational thinking weakens, psychological barriers are removed. A person becomes relaxed, sociable, disconnects from stress factors, experiences a feeling of joy, pleasure, mild euphoria.

Why do you want to drink

The positive effect, once experienced after moderate alcohol consumption, is fixed in the subconscious. Alcohol is perceived as a means of relieving stress, raising mood, and social liberation. The social factor also has its influence. People who categorically refuse alcoholic beverages, in most cases, cause bewilderment and slight hostility among others, provoke persuasion by their behavior to drink a little "for the company."

Reasons for drinking alcohol

In addition to the positive effect, the impact of alcohol on the body causes negative consequences, the main of which is the risk of developing alcoholism. Alcohol helps to cope with stress, difficulties in social adaptation, but with regular use, it causes depression in some people, which triggers the mechanisms of addiction, leading to binge drinking that threatens health and interferes with leading a full life. The question becomes urgent why one wants to drink alcohol when a person realizes that he is prone to alcohol abuse.


A number of personality traits, such as self-doubt, increased sensitivity and vulnerability, egocentrism, place their owners at risk of developing alcoholism. Alcoholic intoxication of the initial stage makes such people more sociable and liberated, they feel more confident, begin to enjoy communication. The presence of psychological difficulties of a different nature is a factor that answers the question of why a person drinks alcohol.


The role of the influence of the social environment is no less significant. The presence of drinking parents answers the question of why a teenager wants to drink alcohol, who begins to grow up and, from childhood, observes the drinking of strong alcoholic beverages by his adult environment on holidays. The teenager begins to drink, since drinking alcohol is perceived by him as an integral attribute of growing up, and at the same time prohibited, since everyone tells him that drinking is not good.


There are biological factors that contribute to the development of alcohol dependence. According to statistics, with a genetic predisposition (drinking blood relatives), the risk of developing alcoholism is four times higher. The absence or low amount of a number of enzymes necessary for the metabolism of ethanol products leads to the fact that the body is more exposed and less resistant to alcoholic beverages. In combination with a number of personality traits, this factor becomes decisive in the formation of a stable dependence on alcohol.

False causes of drunkenness

Many of the myths surrounding alcohol use can be considered false reasons why people allow themselves to abuse alcohol. For example, some of the strong drinks affect the vessels, expanding or narrowing them (depending on the type of alcohol). This factor is beginning to be used to justify drunkenness, citing the healing effect of alcohol for headaches. Regular consumption of beer, at the initial stages, testifying to domestic promiscuity and ignorance, and not to addiction.

Why do people start drinking

The question of why some people drink alcohol without becoming addicted to it, while others should never drink a glass under any circumstances, worries many experts who study alcohol addiction and are looking for ways to overcome it. The emergence and development of alcoholism in women and men is influenced by a huge number of factors - their biological and personal characteristics, the way of life that they lead, the social environment in which they find themselves.

There are several stages of alcohol dependence. From stage to stage, the body's resistance to alcohol decreases (withdrawal symptoms occur and the inability to control the dose of alcohol consumed), the need for regular drinking increases, up to the loss of all other desires and complete personal degradation. In severe stages, a person suffering from alcoholism needs professional help to cope with their illness.
