Youth subcultures. List

Youth subcultures.  List
Youth subcultures. List

The modern urbanized society, mainly multicultural, includes a large number of subcultures defined in sociology (also in anthropology and cultural studies) as groups and whose beliefs differ from interests common culture.

Subcultures are a set of cultures of groups of minors, different in styles, interests, behavior, demonstrating rejection.The identity of each group largely depends on the social class, gender, intelligence, generally accepted moral traditions, nationality of its members, is characterized by a preference for a particular style of clothing and hairstyles , gatherings in some places, the use of jargon - that which forms the symbolism and values. But it should be noted that today each group is not characterized by a strict identity, it can change, in other words, individuals freely move from one group to another, various elements from different subcultures are mixed, in contrast to the classical separate categories.

Youth subculture can be defined as a way of life and a way of expressing it, developed in groups. The main theme in her sociology is the relationship between social class and everyday experience. So, in the work of a French sociologist, it is said that the main factor influencing the nature of the group is the social environment - the occupation of the parents and the level of education that they can give their children.

There are many studies and theories regarding the development of these cultures, including the concept of moral decline. Some historians argue that until about 1955, the youth subculture as such did not exist. Before World War II, young people who were called exclusively children until they reached adulthood, at least in Western society, had very little freedom and no influence.

The concept of "teenager" has its origins in America. One of the reasons for the emergence of youth groups is the increase in the culture of consumption. Throughout the 1950s, a growing number of young people began to influence fashion, music, television, film. The youth subculture was finally formed in the mid-1950s in Great Britain, when teddy-boys appeared, distinguished by special attention to their appearance (they were replaced by fashion in the 1960s) and rockers (or tone up boys), who preferred motorcycles and rock and roll. Many companies have adapted to their tastes by developing marketing strategies creating magazines such as the English music magazine New Musical Express (abbreviated as NME), eventually a television channel, MTV, emerged. Fashion shops, discos and other establishments aimed at wealthy teenagers opened. Advertising promised a new, exciting world for young people through the consumption of the goods and services offered.

However, some historians argue that the youth subculture may have appeared earlier, in the period between the world wars, citing the flapper style as an example. This was the "new breed" of girls in the 1920s. They wore short skirts, cut their hair short, listened to fashionable jazz, painted their faces excessively, smoked and drank alcoholic beverages, drove cars, and generally showed disregard for what was considered acceptable behavior.

There is no single dominant group today. Youth subcultures in modern Russia are mostly forms of Western youth cultures (for example, emo, goths, hip-hockers), but they are characterized by Russian specifics.

Fables about Goths, jokes about emo and fear of skinheads

These are now all hipsters and angry townspeople or, in extreme cases, Russian nationalists, and earlier, in school and in the first years, the whole social life was determined by belonging to one or another subculture. Trancers, skaters, punks and rappers, true and not true goths, emo or posers. The turn of the 1990s and 2000s was a golden age for youth subcultures: they were talked about on TV, notebooks were produced for them, and the newly appeared Internet helped everyone find their place in the world of youth culture. W → O → S decided to remember what it was like, to live surrounded by subcultures.

In Russia, the Goths - people in black, adherents of dark aesthetics and professing a gloomy outlook on life - turned out to be one of the most integrated subcultures into online life, which took shape in 1999. At the same time, on the basis of thematic conferences, was portal created , whose overage creator Andrei Coroner Narkevich taught new arrivals life. On the site, they found out who is true and who is not, and they got bans for questions like "Are blacks goths?" (actually yes). The site works to this day and catalogs species diversity is ready.

Second-rate Goths hung out in the open air: in St. Petersburg - at the House of Cinema, and in Moscow - at Chistye Prudy, along with others. Goths in style, observing subcultural rites and having some musical pretensions - in the Red Club and Tochka, respectively. For people interested in dark aesthetics, it was a glorious time in terms of the beginning of the import of bands like Deine Lakaien or Diary of Dreams, but the actual gothic masses still listened mainly to Lacrimosa and HIM, although they carefully concealed it.

The brightest and most comical were the local cyber goths - they braided wires to the already Kanekalon dreadlocks, wore gas welder glasses, danced to electro in the range from Wumpscut to Infected Mushroom, and at the same time, as a rule, were completely devoid of musical taste and, despite the morphological similarity with transer, they were terrified of taking the substances.


Tough guys with shaved temples, tattoos, dressed in camouflage pants and KMFDM T-shirts, loved the goths - at the "goop dance" you could pick up a "gothic sucker" and feel like a superhuman next to twitching cybergots. The industrialists' haven on the Internet was a portal, a manual created by the now deceased Saratov activist Dmitry Tolmatsky (DMT project). Despite the formidable parade paraphernalia such as chemical protection suits and often inherent in industrialists political radicalism and craving for the occult, they treated themselves with a fair amount of self-irony. In local folklore, jokes such as "You bring your audio equipment to the bathroom because the acoustics are great and the electrical discharges do not allow you to relax" and "The truck is also your musical equipment" were used. Among the labor industrialists, it was considered a sign good taste Fall asleep to Throbbing Gristle or How to Destroy Angels Coil, despise NIN and late Ministry (girls were given concessions), collect Wax Trax label products on cassettes and arrange sessions on abandoned construction sites with sessions of sound production using sleepers, rebar and a kangaroo from Dad's SUV.


In the Russian mind, emo remained incomprehensible creatures in striped tights, with soft toys pinned to pink backpacks, piercings and long bangs. Emo's had to walk around depressed and express their emotions as openly as possible. Their main musical idols seemed to be the infamous German band Tokio Hotel and Russian group Amatory. In reality, it was a pretty solid subculture, rooted in 80s American hardcore, with beliefs mixed with veganism, youth protest, and straight age (a complex system of rejecting alcohol, drugs and other doping). In the ranks of emo, there was constant debate about whether you were a real emo (whether you listen to emotional hardcore and whether you know the origins of the subculture) or a poser (you know nothing). The controversial emo culture disappeared almost entirely at some point and only recently experienced a renaissance thanks to a series of nostalgic parties with titles like Give Me Back 2007.


Alternative point of view

It was not easy for the Russian guys who loved hip-hop. Now hip-hop is a mainstream and in fact a universal language that everyone understands. At the same time, many questions arose: why the performers are black and behave like gangsters in the videos, and is it not pop (the situation worsened after the appearance of Timati), can white guys, and even from school, rap in the same way as great masters. There were problems even with self-naming: it was believed that rappers are gangstas, and those who did not want to associate themselves with them called themselves "hoppers." Rappers fought against skinheads because they were against black music. Decl even had a song for this theme... In reality, the closeness of skinheads was not so fatal. Many skins also liked hip-hop, and they listened to Salt-n-Pepa mixed with Kolovrat. Due to the lousy knowledge of the language, the perception of Western hip-hop music was mostly musical and rhythmic. And the heroes of the present Russian hip-hop there was only Bad Balance and then Micah. Well, finally decide for yourself: "Onyx is a goof" or "Onyx is a god".

Rappers, or hoppers

Tolkienists and hippies

The freest people in this country. Future programmers and promising Russian scientists were often hippies and role-playing (not necessarily at the same time). Among the important attributes are the culture of hitchhiking as a universal way of traveling around the country, an almost obligatory hobby for fantasy literature and color-coded baubles. The encoding was complex, so I had to look for explanations of all the colors on the Internet and print it out so as not to get confused. True, different lists contradicted each other. Red and black are worn by suicidal or fans of the Alice group, red and white baubles are worn by supporters of free love, which was so important at the time of puberty. Baubles had to be weaved by hand and given as gifts (it was impossible to buy them). If all the baubles disappeared somewhere (they could be cut off in the police or at home by evil parents), then you could come to any hippie gathering, even a completely unfamiliar one, and get a bauble from everyone who was there. Places of congestion of Moscow hippies (who did not call themselves that) were the clubs "Forpost" and "Living corner", for a long time "Bilingua", and from public spaces - Chistye Prudy.

Tolkienism was a separate phenomenon that has now almost completely degenerated or turned into a more serious and aggressive movement of reenactors. Key places in order to wave wooden (and then duralumin) swords, there were Tsaritsyno and Filevsky Park. Belonging to a subculture presupposed knowledge of the Elvish language, which led to the fact that in Russia there are still tens of thousands of people who can sing fragments of songs from The Silmarillion from memory. Important events were the Hobbit Games, where for several days in a row it was possible to remain an orc or elven princess (but always in shin boots). Tolkienists called musicians "minstrels". The most popular of these are Tam Greenhill, Chancellor Guy, Illet and the Temple of Rock. At the time of the Tolkienists, the order became famous for the epic opera "Finrod-zong" based on Tolkien's "Silmarillion".

A subculture that did not have any special prerequisites for development in Russia. But there was his own Christ. First-grade boys in the mid-1990s chose friends from among those who could correctly answer the question "Who killed Kurt Cobain?" The grungers did not profess a certain ideology, and they stood out from clothes only in hoodies with a Nevermind cover. There was no room for other grunge bands (maybe with rare exceptions for Pearl Jam) in their hearts, but they had one important advantage: the Onyx logo on the fence was very easily and effectively converted into the Nirvana logo.


Now teenage electronics engineers at the turn of the 1990s and 2000s seem to be the most intelligent, creative and at the same time hermetic subculture. Students-geeks, computer scientists and just slightly autistic musical nerds didn't hang out, but gathered in Internet threads a la "How to solder a pocket theremin?" and purposefully attended imports from promoters like "Light Music" and related parties. The Russian center of the electronic movement was the city of Izhevsk - there not only progressive local IDM projects were born, but the whole world fashion first came there, and only then rolled to the capitals: it was a trip from Bristol through Izhevsk. The guys in glasses and hoods sat tightly on Warp Records products, the indisputable authorities were Amon Tobin, Aphex Twin and Autechre. The movement spawned its own labels like Lagunamuch or Zvezda, where almost teenage enthusiasts learned to plow the unfavorable garden of the domestic music business.

Electronics engineers

Subculture with difficult fate, which actually repeated the situation with emo. The shaven-headed guys in grinders themselves could profess a wide range of beliefs: the original English subculture did not imply mandatory racism and nationalism (and the music of skins was reggae for a long time), but the stereotype of a dangerous street subculture of racists, ready to put up a fight for any reason, took root in society. And since there were still few to fight with (the influx of migrants began much later), they were looking for enemies among white brothers who were fans of rap and other black music. In the early 2000s, the subculture began to develop: a Russian analogue of mods appeared, another British subculture that combined aggression with a love of good clothes, as well as antifa as fighters against racism and any manifestations of skinheads and just a large number of skinheads who have nothing to do with ethnic hatred ... Then all these games ended and the pogroms of vegetable stores and the film "Okolofutbola" began. But that's a completely different story.

Pakulenko Anastasia Yurievna, grade 11

Social Science Abstract. The material can be used to study the topic "Culture and spiritual life of society".





Social Studies Section


« Youth subculture and its role in modern society "

Completed: student of grade 11A

Pakulenko Anastasia Yurievna

Leader: teacher of history and social studies

Kuryakina Natalia Leonidovna


2012 r.


1. Introduction

2. History of the term, meanings of the concept

3. The main characteristics of the youth subculture

4. Fandom and the emergence of youth subcultures

5. Examples of subcultures (musical subcultures)

5.1 hippies

5.2. Rastmans

5.3 Metalworkers

5.4 Punks

5.5 Gothic fashion

5.6 Emo

6. Japanese subcultures

6.1 Akihabada-kei and anime culture

6.2 Cosplay

6.3.Visual kei

6.4. Gyaru (ganguro)

6.5 Fruits


Literature and sources

1. Introduction

Modern society is not homogeneous. Each person is a special microcosm, with its own interests, problems, concerns. But at the same time, many of us have similar interests and needs. Sometimes, in order to satisfy them, it is necessary to unite with other people, because together it is easier to achieve the goal. This is the social mechanism for the formation of subcultures - associations of people according to their interests, which do not contradict the values ​​of traditional culture, but supplement it. And youth subcultures (which are often based on hobbies for various genres of music, sports, literature, etc.) are no exception.

Adolescents at all times constituted a special socio-demographic group, but in our time, a specific adolescent culture has developed, which, along with other social factors, plays an important role in the development of a modern adolescent. For the first time sociologists turned to this problem in the 60s of the XX century. In Russia, since the end of the 1980s, the attention of researchers to youth subcultures has become more noticeable. V last years much more attention is paid to the youth subculture.

The purpose of my work: to consider the main characteristics and aspects of youth subcultures, highlight their features, show their relationship and influence on the formation of fashion, tastes and moron outlook of the young generation. While working on the topic, I came across a variety of positions, points of view of the authors.

It was very interesting to work with Internet sources, works of domestic and foreign sociologists and psychologists. I devoted an entire chapter in my work to Japanese musical subcultures, since they are very peculiar and unusual.

In my work, I mainly used the articles of the Theory of Fashion magazine (No. 10, 2008-2009) by authors Dick Hebdidge, Dmitry Gromov, Joe Turn, Anne Pearson-Smith. Also interesting was the lecture of the professor of sociology Dugin. To prepare a presentation on this topic, I used Internet resources.

2.History of the term, meanings of the concept

In 1950, the American sociologist David Riseman in his research deduced the concept of subculture as a group of people deliberately choosing the style and values ​​preferred by the minority. A more thorough analysis of the phenomenon and concept of subculture was carried outDick Habdidgein his book Subculture: The Significance of Style. In his opinion, subcultures attract people with similar tastes who are not satisfied with generally accepted standards and values.

Frenchman Michelle Mafessoliin his writings he used the concept of "urban tribes" to refer to youth subcultures.Victor Dolnik in the book " The naughty child of the biosphere"Used the term" clubs ".

In the USSR, the term "Informal youth associations" was used to designate members of youth subcultures, hence the slang word "informals". The slang word "tusovka" is sometimes used to refer to a subcultural community.

Youth subculture is a system of values ​​and norms of behavior, tastes, forms of communication, different from the culture of adults and characterizing the life of adolescents, young people from about 10 to 20 years old.

The subculture of youth received noticeable development in the 60s - 80s for a number of reasons: the extension of the period of study, forced non-employment, acceleration. The subculture of youth, being one of the institutions, a factor in the socialization of schoolchildren, plays a contradictory role and has an ambiguous effect on adolescents. On the one hand, it alienates, separates young people from the general culture of society, on the other hand, it promotes the development of values, norms, and social roles.

The subcultural activity of young people depends on a number of factors:

  1. From the level of education. For people with a lower level of education, for example, vocational school students, it is significantly higher than for university students.
  2. From age. The peak of activity is 16-17 years old, by the age of 21-22 it drops noticeably.
  3. From the place of residence. The movement of informals is more typical for the city than for the village, since it is the city with its abundance of social ties that provides a real opportunity to choose values ​​and forms of behavior.

The problem is that the values ​​and orientations of young people are mainly limited by the sphere of leisure: fashion, music, entertainment activities, often with little meaningful communication. The youth subculture is entertaining - recreational and consumer-oriented, not cognitive, constructive and creative.

In Russia, as in the rest of the world, it focuses on Western values: the American way of life in its lighter version, mass culture, and not on the values ​​of national culture. Aesthetic tastes and the preferences of schoolchildren are often quite primitive and are formed mainly by means of TV, music, etc. These tastes and values ​​are supported by periodicals, contemporary mass art, which has a demoralizing and dehumanizing effect.

The growth of amateur youth groups is associated with the peculiarities of the mental development of the personality in adolescence and adolescence, when the active desire of young people to recognize their role in society is manifested with an insufficiently formed social position, which is reflected in the craving for spontaneous group communication.

We are talking about the desire for self-organization, for the assertion of their independence, characteristic of social maturation in adolescence and adolescence. This trend manifests itself in fashion for clothes, music, etc. Moreover, often these secondary moments acquire special significance, reinforcing, on the one hand, the adolescent's imaginary independence, on the other, the desire for protest, sometimes even unconscious.

3. The main characteristics of the youth subculture

For modern youth, rest and leisure is the leading form of life. Satisfaction with life in general now depends on satisfaction with leisure. In the youth subculture, there is no selectivity in cultural behavior; stereotypes and group conformism (conciliation) prevail. The youth subculture has its own language, special fashion, art and style of behavior. More and more, it is becoming an informal culture, carried by informal teenage groups. The youth subculture is largely surrogate in nature - it is full of artificial substitutes for real values. One of the ways to escape from reality, as well as realize the desire to be like adults, is the use of drugs.

Sociologists today are sounding the alarm: in the first place among the authoritative sources of information among young people - the computer, in the second - the TV. And only then - the school, moreover, as a habitat, and not places of communication. At the end of the list is the family.

The culture of youth is also distinguished by the presence of a youth language- slang , which also plays an ambiguous role in the upbringing of adolescents, creates a barrier between them and adults.

One of the manifestations of youth culture areinformal youth associations, a peculiar form of communication and life of adolescents, society, a group of peers united by interests, values, sympathies. Informal groups usually arise not in the classroom, not in business relationships, but along with them and outside the school. They are playing important role in the life of adolescents, they satisfy their informational, emotional and social needs: they provide an opportunity to learn about what is not so easy to talk about with adults, provide psychological comfort, teach them how to fulfill social roles.

For many adolescents, unification in informal groups and an asocial lifestyle is one of the forms of protest against the usual way of life, guardianship by their elders. The adolescent group represents a new specific type of emotional contact that is impossible in the family.

Informal groups are mostly few in number, unite teenagers of different ages, gender and social class and function, as a rule, outside the control of adults. Their structure depends on many factors, but mainly on stability (stability), functional orientation and relationships between members.

With age, adolescent conformity decreases, the authoritarian influence of the group decreases, and then the choice life path depends on personal qualities young men and the social environment outside the group.

Relationship in a subculture are built not on the basis of likes or dislikes, but on the basis of a certain position occupied by its members in the system. It should be emphasized that the need for a positive assessment by other people is a leading need in adolescence. That is why a teenager is in dire need of a positive assessment of his personality. This explains the urgency of the need to recognize the adolescent's dignified position in the peer group. In this regard, the facts of deviant and even illegal behavior of outwardly quite prosperous adolescents from “good” families become clear.

4 fandom and the emergence of youth subcultures

Fandom (English fandom - fanaticism) - a community of fans, as a rule, of a certain subject (writer, artist, style). A fandom can have certain traits of a single culture, such as "party" humor and slang, similar interests outside the fandom, its publications and websites. According to some signs, fanaticism and varioushobbiescan acquire the features of a subculture. So, for example, it happened withpunkrock, gothic music and many other interests. However, mostfandoms and hobbydo not form subcultures, being concentrated only around the subject of their interest.

If fanaticism is most often associated with individuals (musical groups, music performers, famous artists), whom fans consider their idols, then the subculture does not depend on explicit or symbolic leaders, and one ideologue is replaced by another. Communities of people with a common hobby (gamers, hackers, etc.) can form a stable fandom, but at the same time do not have signs of a subculture (a common image, worldview, common tastes in many areas).

Most often, subcultures are closed in nature and seek to isolate themselves from mass culture... This is due to both the origin of subcultures (closed communities of interest) and the desire to separate from the main culture, to oppose it to the subculture. Entering into conflict with the main culture, subcultures can be aggressive and sometimes even extremist. Such movements that come into conflict with the values ​​of traditional culture are called countercultures. In youth subcultures, both protest and escapism (escape from reality) are characteristic, which is one of the phases of self-determination.

As they develop, subcultures develop a single style of clothing (image), language (jargon, slang), attributes (symbolism), as well as a common worldview for their members. A characteristic image and demeanor is a marker that separates "friends" (representatives of the subculture) from strangers. This shows the similarity between the new subcultures of the 20th century and traditional folk cultures. Therefore, the methods of studying subcultures are similar to the methods of studying traditional cultures. Namely, this is a historical and linguistic analysis, an analysis of cultural objects and a mythological and poetic analysis.

Representatives of subcultures develop their own language over time. Partly it is inherited from the subculture of the progenitor, partly it is developed independently. Many elements of slang are neologisms.

From a cultural point of view, symbol and symbolism are decisive in the description of a particular culture and cultural work... The symbols of subcultures are, on the one hand, the self-determination of a subculture among many other cultures, on the other hand, a connection with the cultural heritage of the past. For example, the ankh sign in the subculture is ready - on the one hand, it is a symbol eternal life, as the heritage of Egypt, on the other hand, a symbol that defines culture at the present time.

5.Examples of subcultures (musical subcultures)

5.1 hippies

One of the brightest and most famous subcultural communities are youth movements associated with certain genres of music. The image of musical subcultures is formed largely in imitation of the stage image of performers popular in this subculture.

One of the first musical and youth subcultures of our time were hippies.

Hippies are a philosophy and subculture that originally emerged in the 1960s in the United States. The movement flourished in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Initially, hippies protested against the puritanical morals of some Protestant churches, and also promoted the desire to return to natural purity through love and pacifism. One of the most famous hippie slogans: "Make lo ve, not war!", Which means: "Make love, not war!"

The hippie believes:

  1. that a person should be free;
  2. that freedom can be achieved only by changing the inner structure of the soul;
  3. that the actions of an internally relaxed person are determined by the desire to protect their freedom as the greatest treasure;
  4. that beauty and freedom are identical to each other and that the realization of both is a purely spiritual problem;
  5. that all who share what was said above form a spiritual community;
  6. that a spiritual community is an ideal form of community;
  7. that all who think otherwise are mistaken.

Hippie symbolism

The hippie culture has its own symbols, signs of belonging and attributes. Representatives of the hippie movement, in accordance with their worldview, are characterized by the introduction of ethnic elements into the costume: beads woven from beads or threads, bracelets ("baubles"), etc., as well as the use of textiles dyed using the "tie-dye" technique (or otherwise - "shibori»).

An example is the so-calledbaubles... These decorations have complex symbolism. Baubles of different colors and different patterns mean different wishes, expressions of one's own musical preferences, life position, etc. So, a black-and-yellow striped bauble means a wish for a good hitchhiker, and a red-yellow one means a declaration of love. It should be noted, however, that this symbolism is interpreted in different places and get-togethers arbitrarily and completely differently, and the "experienced hippies" do not attach any importance to it.

60s hippie slogans:

  1. "Make love, not war"
  2. "Off The Pig!" ("Turn off the pig!") (A play on words - "pig" was the name of the M60 machine gun, an important attribute and symbol of the Vietnam War)
  3. "Give Peace A Chance" (title of John Lennon song)
  4. "Hell No, We Won’t Go!" ("Not a damn thing we're not leaving!")
  5. "All You Need Is Love!" ("All you need is love!") (Title The songs Beatles)

5.2 Rastmans

The followers of Rastafarianism are traditionally called Rastamans in the world.

In the early 1990s, a special youth subculture emerged in the post-Soviet space, whose representatives also call themselves rastamans. At the same time, they are often not true adherents of the original religious and political doctrine of African superiority, but rank themselves in this group primarily on the basis of the use of marijuana and hashish.

For some, this is enough to consider themselves Rastafarians, some are closer to the Rastafarian concept - many listen to Bob Marley and reggae music in general, use a combination of colors "green-yellow-red" for identification (for example, in clothes), some wear dreadlocks. However, few people sincerely defend the idea of ​​returning American blacks to Africa, observe the Rastafarian fast of "aital", etc. However, many truly believing Russian Rastamans believe that repatriation and Pan-Africanism is simply meaningless, due to the fact that Russian Rastafarians have nothing to do with blacks and Africa, in fact, do not. In the CIS countries, pan-Africanism was replaced by the idea of ​​"Zion within oneself", which sounds like this: "Zion is not a place in the physical, material world. Not in Africa or Israel or anywhere else. Zion is in the soul of every person. And you need to strive for it not with your feet, but with your actions, thoughts, kindness and love. "

Be that as it may, in the Russian-speaking environment the word "rastaman" is firmly associated with this group (but not completely identical to it). The word on a similar principle can be used in other languages ​​to refer to simply lovers of marijuana without a religious background. So, in Spanish-speaking countries the word "rastas" can be called dreadlocks.

5.3 Metalworkers

Metalists are a youth subculture inspired by metal music that emerged in the 1970s.

The subculture is widespread in Northern Europe, quite wide - in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, North America, there are a significant number of its representatives in South America, Southern Europe and Japan. In the Middle East, with the exception of Turkey and Israel, metalworkers (like many other "informals") are few in number and persecuted.

The word “metalist” is Russian, derived from the word “metal” with the addition of a borrowed Latin suffix “-ist”. Initially, it meant "tinsmiths", workers in metallurgy. Metalist in the meaning of "heavy metal fan" came into use in the late 1980s.

In English, the analogue of the Russian "metalist" is metalhead - "metalhead", "obsessed with metal". Metalists are also referred to in the slang words as headbanger and mosher, in line with fan behavior at concerts.

Style of clothes

  1. The typical fashion among metalheads can be described as follows
  2. Long hair in men (loose or pulled back)
  3. Mostly black in clothes
  4. Leather motorcycle jacket "leather jacket", leather vest.
  5. Bandanas
  6. Black T-shirts or hoodies with the logo of your favorite metal band.
  7. Wristbands - leather bracelets with rivets and / or spikes (whips), spiked, riveted belts, chains on jeans. Also on the belt there may be a buckle with the logo of a metal band.
  8. Patches with the logos of your favorite metal bands.
  9. Short or high boots with chains - "Cossacks". Heavy footwear - "camelot", "curze", "grinders", "martins", "steals", "bastards", ordinary high boots. Shoes (usually pointed, "Gothic" boots).
  10. Leather pants, army pants, jeans
  11. Studs and spikes on clothes and accessories
  12. Often - long-length black clothes (raincoats, coats)
  13. Motorcycle leather gloves without fingers (appendix1).


Unlike some other subcultures, the metal subculture is devoid of a pronounced ideology and is concentrated only around music. Nevertheless, there are some peculiarities of the worldview that can be called typical for a significant part of metalworkers.

The lyrics of metal bands promote independence, self-reliance and self-confidence, the cult " strong personality". For many metalheads, the subculture serves as a means of escapism, alienation from the "gray reality", a form of youth protest.

Studies have appeared in the press claiming that the intellectual level of metalworkers is often quite high, on the basis of which it is concluded that a passion for metal can be a sign of intelligence. In a 2007 survey of 1,000 gifted teenagers, many of them said they listen to heavy metal and other rock music to relieve stress.

Some researchers have argued that listeners of hard rock and metal tend to be more aggressive and depressed. However, psychologists agree that this is not a consequence, but the reason for the passion for heavy music. Moreover, respondents who showed negative tendencies felt better and more confident after listening to their favorite music. According to them, heavy aggressive music helps them to throw out negative emotions, not to accumulate them in themselves. Thus, some metalheads, knowingly or unknowingly, use metal as a means of psychotherapy.

5.4 Punks

Punk is a youth subculture that emerged in the late 60s - early 70s in Great Britain, the USA, Canada and Australia.

Origins and influences

Punk originatesin the 60swhen, under the influence of the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, many youth rock and roll bands began to emerge.

A relatively raw and raw sound based on just a few chords can be found in classics such as the band's "You Really Got Me"The kinks... By the end of the 1960s, the American band The Stooges began to cultivate a defiantly primitive sound, combined with a vulgar demeanor on stage. Its leaderIggy Poprejected musical sophistication, appreciated unbridled drive in rock and roll, performed at concerts smeared with his own blood and ended the atrocities on stage by "diving" into the crowd of spectators.


Punks hold different political views, but for the most part they are adherents of socially oriented ideologies and progressivism. Common views are the desire for personal freedom and complete independence (individualism), nonconformism, the principles of “do not sell”, “rely on yourself” (DIY) and the principle of “direct action”. Other areas of punks politics include nihilism, anarchism, socialism, anti-authoritarianism, anti-militarism, anti-capitalism, anti-racism, anti-sexism, anti-nationalism.


Punk culture has spawned a significant amount of poetry and prose.

Among the famous punk poets, it should be notedPatti Smith, Richard Hell, John C. Clarke, The Medway Poets, and Jim Carroll, whose autobiographical work is considered the first of all punk fiction.

Quite a large number offanzines(the so-called punk-zines), among which are Maximum Rock-n-Roll, Punk Planet, CometBus, Flipside, Search and Destroy. The first of its kind was the magazine itself.Punk based in by Mr. Legs McNeill, John Holstrom and Ged Dunn.

Many fiction and nonfiction books have been written about punk. Also, the concept of "punk" is closely related to such literary genres, howcyberpunk, dieselpunk and steampunk.

Punk appearance

Many punks dye their hair bright unnatural colors, comb and fix it with varnish, gel or beer to make it stand up. In the 80s the "mohawk" hairstyle became fashionable among punks. They wear ripped jeans tucked into heavy boots or tucked under short heavy boots (cans) and sneakers. Some people pre-soak their jeans in a bleach solution to make them look ginger stains. The Ramones group began wearing sneakers, and they adopted this style from the Mexican punks (also referred to as "Latinos").

Biker Jacket - Was adopted as a rock and roll attribute from the 50s, when the motorcycle and rock and roll were inseparable components. Punks of the first wave sought to return to rock music the same deliberate cockiness and drive that the mass commercialization of music had taken away over time.

Punks also wear various attributes of rocker subcultures - collars, bracelets (mostly leather with spikes), etc. (Appendix 1).

5.5 Gothic fashion

Goths are representatives of a youth subculture that emerged in the late 70s of the XX century on the wave of post-punk. The Gothic subculture is quite diverse and heterogeneous, but to some extent it has common features: a specific gloomy image, as well as an interest in gothic music, horror literature and mysticism.

The Goths have developed a fairly recognizable image in two decades. Although there are numerous directions within the Gothic fashion, they have common features.

The main elements of the Gothic image are the predominance of black in clothes, the use of metal jewelry with symbols of the Gothic subculture, and a characteristic make-up.

Typical attributes used by the Goths are ankh (the ancient Egyptian symbol of immortality, actively used after the film The Hunger), skulls, crosses, straight and inverted pentagrams, bats.

Makeup is used by both men and women. It is not an everyday attribute, and as a rule, it is applied before attending concerts and gothic clubs. Makeup usually consists of two elements: white face powder and dark eyeliner.

Hairstyles in gothic fashion are quite varied. In the post-punk era, the main hairstyle was medium-length, tousled hair. But in the modern subculture, many wear long hair, or even the Iroquois... It is typical for the ready to dye their hair black or - less often - red.

Some Goths prefer clothing styled after 18th-19th century fashion. with appropriate attributes: lace, long gloves and long dresses for women, tailcoats and top hats for men. There are also common attributes with metal fashion - the frequent use of leather clothing, chains and metal accessories. Sometimes sado-masochistic trappings such as collars and spiked bracelets are used. The vamp style is especially characteristic of the Goths.

Gothic is directly related to the image of death, and even the very appearance of the Goths reminds of it. The perception of death is one of the characteristic features of the Gothic worldview and one of the signs of belonging to the Goths. The image of death is extremely important in Gothic aesthetics and passes through many layers of Gothic culture. The normal state for the Goths is anngst, "longing" is a rather comprehensive term used to describe the usual Gothic state. The Goths' humor is quite specific - it is purely black humor).

Gothic music

Gothic music comes from 70s English punk. I will not describe how this birth took place - the kilometer-long FAQ web pages on, and similar sites are devoted to this. I can only say that the whole variety of gothic music crystallized from gothic-rock.

In Tula, HIM, 69 eyes are considered gothic, while gothic music is very diverse - gothic rock, gothic metal, gothic industrial, dark electro, dark ambient, synth gothic, electro goth, cyber gothic, ethereal, dream pop, gothic folk, apocalyptic folk, ethno goth, tribal, medieval, neo classic.

What does this diversity have in common? Gloomy atmospheric sound; pronounced decadent, depressive, romantic and gloomy character of the texts. Many bands use horror aesthetics, female vocals and drum machines instead of live drums - this is a kind of gothic music card.

At an early stage in the development of the gothic subculture, goths and music were inextricably linked - then only fans of gothic groups were called goths, and this situation continued for quite a long time. At the present time, the connection between the Goths and music has weakened somewhat. You can be goth without listening to gothic music.

The Gothic subculture embraces all religions and their varieties, it has no direct connection to religion. Despite this fact, the goth culture has a reputation as a culture of Satanists, perverts, people who, with their unacceptable freedom, bring death and destruction - this is how a narrow-minded philistine thinks about them. Goths actively use religious images in songs, religious jewelry in clothes, but all this is a satirical mockery or just fashion and has nothing to do with religion.

Cybergot is a youth subculture formed in the early 90s in connection with the beginning mass distribution The Internet.

Of all the existing subcultures, Cyber ​​Goths are the youngest and most developing. Roughly, the origins of the birth date back to 1990. It is worth noting that an accurate classification and definition of this informal direction does not yet exist, of course, there are some features that distinguish this direction from others, but according to the deep delusion of many, they have nothing to do with the usual Gotha subculture.

The origins themselves were taken precisely from the Gothic movement, but in a short time they were completely reoriented. The original direction was narrowly obsessed, and the new followers, who tried with all their might to develop their movement, were not to their liking. It is here that the answer to the question is hidden, why is it now visible, even with an unaided eye, such a radical difference.
Like most subcultures, Cyber ​​Goths were formed from musical directions in particular Noise and Industrial styles, which were radically different from other existing styles of that time period. As a musical basis, preference is given to him. If we briefly touch on the description of this style, it will be clear that in addition to guitar sounds and standard rock songs, it actively uses samples (sounds created with the help of electronic instruments, i.e. a computer and other special equipment aimed at musicians).
Can't be ignored appearance subcultures. In general, it has nothing to do with others. existing species... As the main hairstyles are used: dreadlocks, hair dyed in different colors, often found among representatives of this movement and the Mohawk, but with the punk subculture, they have nothing in common. The color gamut ranges from green to black, but predominantly bright ones are used. The word Cyber ​​is used for a reason. If you take a closer look at their appearance, you can see the microcircuits used as an element of clothing design, i.e. own style. The garment is mostly made of leather or synthetic material.
Since this is the most modern subculture, the passion for computers is considered by default here. 90% of representatives of this informal direction are well versed in computer technologies today. The only thing left of the Goth ideology is the belief in the apocalypse (the day of judgment), which is approaching every day and will affect at least the whole world. The new Cyber ​​Ready movement simply does not have more in common with its original direction (Appendix 2).

5.6 Emo

Emo (English emo: from emotional - emotional) is a youth subculture, formed on the basis of fans of the musical style of the same name. Its representatives are called emo-kid (emo + English kid - a young man; child) or, depending on gender: emo-boy (English boy - a boy, a guy), emo-girl (English girl - a girl, a girl) ...

World perception

Expressing emotions is the main rule for emo kid. They are distinguished by: self-expression, opposition to injustice, a special, sensual attitude. An emo kid is often a vulnerable and depressed person. There is a stereotypical view of emo as whiny boys and girls. Despite the fact that emo-core appeared and developed as a subspecies of punk-rock, the value orientations of these subcultures are completely different. Unlike classic punks, emo is characterized by romanticism and an emphasis on sublime love. Emo's attention is more often drawn to deep personal experiences than to social events. Emo culture is completely devoid of the aggression characteristic of hardcore - the direct ancestor of emo.

Emo is often compared to the Gothic subculture, which usually provokes protest from both Goths and Emo-kid, although some agree that there is a certain kinship between these subcultures. Some researchers of the subculture have suggested that emo are at an even greater risk of suicide than "goths." According to Graham Martin, editor of an Australian magazine on mental health: “For example, one emo culture website described the key difference between these categories: emo hate themselves, goths hate everyone. If this self-loathing is true, then we can assume that emo have a greater risk of self-harm than their goth peers. So there is a risk in identifying with emo culture. It is safe to say (although there has been no formal research on this topic) that self-destructive behavior is common in this group and is a key feature of emo culture. "

Emo image

The traditional emo hairstyle is considered to be a slanting, torn bangs to the tip of the nose, covering one eye, and in the back there is short hair sticking out in different directions. Coarse, straight black hair is preferred. Girls can have children's, funny hairstyles - two "little tails", bright "hairpins" - "hearts" on the sides, bows. A large amount of fixative hairspray is used to create these emo hairstyles.

Often emo kids pierce their ears or make tunnels. On the face and other parts of the body of an emo kid, there may be piercings (for example, in the lips and left nostril, eyebrows, bridge of the nose).

Both boys and girls can paint their lips to match their skin color, use a light tone cream... Eyes are thickly drawn with a pencil or ink. The nails are covered with black varnish.


Emo is characterized by clothing in pink and black tones with two-tone patterns and stylized badges. The main colors in clothes are black and pink (purple), although other shockingly bright combinations are considered acceptable (Appendix 1).

There are combinations in a wide strip. Often the names of emo groups are depicted on clothes, funny drawings or broken hearts. Features meet sports style clothing for skateboarders and BMX-ers.

Most typical clothing:

  1. Slim fit T-shirt.
  2. Skinny jeans in black or ash blue, possibly with holes or patches.
  3. Black or pink belt with rivets, hanging chains and a large badge with symbols.
  4. Sneakers with bright or black laces, laced up in a special way.
  5. Checkered scarf-arafat on the neck.
  6. There are rims with a bow. Striped leg warmers on the arms. Unisex clothing is less common.


Emo has the following attributes:

  1. A zip cross-body bag covered in patches and badges.
  2. Badges attached to clothing and sometimes to shoes.
  3. Big Glasses in bright or black colors.
  4. Bright multi-colored (usually silicone) bracelets on the hands, snaps or punk paraphernalia (spiked wristbands) are especially popular.
  5. Large beads of bright colors around the neck.
  6. Soft toys in the form of bears, which emo-kids rip open their bellies and sew them up with thick threads. Such toys play the role of a kind of talismans. They are taken with them on walks, to classes, they stay at home and sleep with them.
  7. Wristbands on the arms.

Characteristic gestures

  1. Tilt your head so that the bangs hang down, and put two fingers to your temple in the manner of a pistol.
  2. Put your hands together in the shape of a heart.
  3. Curl your legs with your feet inward and slightly bend your knees.
  4. Take pictures of your reflection in the mirror.

6. Japanese subcultures

Japanese youth subcultures are a number of subcultures among Japanese youth, distinguished by their own philosophy, style of dress and musical preferences. They are inextricably linked with street fashion, therefore the term "Japanese street fashion" is also often associated with subcultures, sometimes these terms replace each other. Most subcultures emerged as a protest against the traditional Japanese ideals of beauty and social foundations.

The center of Japanese youth subcultures is the Harajuku quarter in the Shibuya area, where the "lolita" style and the mixed style "fruts" emerged. Also Shibuya is the birthplace of gyaru, and the Akihabara district in the Chiyoda area is a mecca for fans of Japanese animation (anime) and comics (manga). At the moment, there are several main areas of typically Japanese subcultures.

6.1 Akihabara-kei and anime culture

"Otaku" in Japan is called a person who is fond of something, but outside the country, including in Russia, this concept is usually used in relation to fans of anime and manga. In Japan, for otaku who are fond of anime and manga, the slang term "akihabara-kei" is used, meaning young people who spend all their time in the Akihabara area and are fond of the world of anime and its elements. The Akihabara area is important center Japanese modern culture... In the 2000s, he became closely associated with the Japanese game industry and the largest anime and manga publishers.

One of the central elements of otaku culture is the concept of moe, meaning fetishization or attraction to fictional characters.

6.2 Cosplay

Cosplay (abbr. From the English. Costume play - "costume play") is a form of embodiment of an action performed on the screen. Modern cosplay originated in Japan among Japanese anime and manga fans, so usually the main prototype of the action is manga, anime, video games or a historical film about samurai. Other prototypes can be j-rock / j-pop bands, Visual Kei representatives and the like.

Participants in cosplay identify themselves with some character, are called by his name, wear similar clothes, use similar speech patterns. Often during cosplay, a role-playing game is played. The costumes are usually sewn on their own, but they can also be ordered from an atelier or bought ready-made (in Japan, for example, the business of producing costumes and accessories for cosplay is quite widespread) (Appendix 2).

6.3.Visual kei

The music genre Visual kei originated from Japanese rock, mixing it with glam rock, metal and punk rock in the 1980s. Visual kei literally means visual style. Characterized by the use of makeup, elaborate hairstyles, colorful costumes, his followers often resort to androgynous aesthetics.

Thanks to fans, visual kei, as a subculture, was able to acquire a fashion component, simultaneously absorbing elements of the styles of "lolita", fruts, as well as more traditional Japanese ideas about male beauty... Among visual kei fans you can also find metalheads.

In the appearance of the musicians of visual kei groups, features of "gothic lolita" appeared (Appendix 2). In turn, the second wave of visual kei, with representatives such as Malice Mizer, enriched the Gothic & Lolita subculture, influencing its development and popularizing this fashion among visual kei fans with its appearance. The use of Lolita attire has become familiar to visual kei musicians. Many visual kei musicians talked about their interest in this trend in fashion.

Fashion "Lolita" - a subculture based on the style of the Victorian era, as well as costumes of the Rococo eraand partly on the elements of gothic fashion. Lolita is one of the most popular subcultures in Japan, which has left its mark on fashion, music and the visual arts. A Lolita costume usually consists of a knee-length skirt or dress, a headdress, a blouse, and high heels (or platform boots).

The prototypes of the future Lolita fashion can be seen already in the fashion of the Rococo era, for example, in the fashion of the then Europe. By combining Victorian and Rococo elements, Lolita also borrows Western traditions and elements of Japanese street fashion itself. Despite the fact that Lolita fashion imitates typical European images, it has become a purely Japanese fashion and cultural trend. The origin of the style was the Gothic Lolita subculture.

6.4. Gyaru

Gyaru is a Japanese transcription of gal from garbled English girl. The term can mean both the Japanese subculture popular among girls, which peaked in the 1990s, and the lifestyle itself. The name comes from the advertising slogan of the 1970s jeans brand "GALS" - "I can not live without men", which became the motto of young girls. Today's gyaru, like their varieties of kogyaru and ganguro, have earned the nicknames "oya o nakaseru" (making parents cry) and "daraku jokusei" (degenerate schoolgirls) for breaking traditional Japanese taboos and engaging in Western values. Kogyaru's motto is Biba Jibun! ("Long live me!"). They stand out for their frivolous behavior, positive thinking, love for bright fashionable clothes, special ideas about the ideals of beauty. Men, the so-called "gyaru", can also belong to the gyaru subculture. Since their inception, gyaru have become one of the most important elements of Japanese street fashion.

Ganguro is a trend in gyaru fashion. The appearance of the ganguro can be the most extreme and flamboyant among the gyaru, if we consider the manbu as part of them. Given the widespread confusion between Ganguro and Gyaru in general on the Russian-speaking Internet, it should be noted that Ganguro is only a current among Gyaru, such as Himegyaru or Kogyaru, and not the main subculture.

Ganguros emerged in the 1990s and immediately began to distance themselves greatly from traditional views of Japanese women. Their main features are deep tan, bleached hair (from just light to silver) and bright clothes. Like most Japanese subcultures, big-soled shoes are popular with the ganguro. One of the main reasons for the emergence of ganguro is the huge popularity of j-pop singer Namie Amuro. She introduced the fashion for tan, bleached hair and skirt + boots style, which largely determined the basics of ganguro.

According to researchers of Japanese pop culture, ganguro is a protest against traditional Japanese ideas about female beauty. It is a response to Japan's long-term social isolation and conservative rules in Japanese schools ... At the same time, many young Japanese women wanted to be like tanned girls fromCalifornia they've seen in American movies or hip-hop music videos. For these reasons, the media negatively perceives ganguro, as well as the entire gyaru fashion in general (Appendix 2).

First of all, ganguros are known for their deep tan, so strong that they can often be confused with mulattoes. For this, they often become the object of criticism from Japanese hip-hop musicians who nicknamed the ganguro "black wannabes"... For example, Japanese rapper Banana Ice noted that Japan's hip-hop culture is distinctive and does not seek to copy African-American culture. He dedicated several songs to this topic, where he ridicules and criticizes ganguro and what he considers to be "black wannabie" in the Japanese hip-hop scene.

6.5 Fruits (Harajuku Style)

The Harajuku area is an iconic destination for Japanese street fashion enthusiasts. First of all, this area is known for the youth subculture of Harajuku Garuzu, with its characteristic bright costumes, an abundance of accessories and a "combination of incongruous" The costume can include both gothic and cyberpunk, and club neon colors... Separately, we can single out the "punk direction", for which checkered and leather pants, the use of chains and other rock attributes.

The “harajuku garuzu” subculture emerged in the mid-1990s, with the appearance on the streets of Harajuku of young people in costumes consisting of a huge variety of items of clothing and accessories. The variety of elements of outfits of representatives of this subculture is huge, and the number of their possible combinations is almost limitless: on a person dressed in this way, you could see elements of European costumes mixed with Japanese ones, expensive clothes along with needlework or second-hand clothes.

This has not gone unnoticed by the representatives of the fashion industry. In 1997, photographer Shoichi Aoki released the first issue of the monthly "FRUITS" ("fruits"), named after the emerging subculture, the first issue of which consisted of photographs of teenagers from the streets of Harajuku. In the same issue of the magazine, Aoki expressed his view of the movement, declaring the emergence of "fruit" a cultural revolution and a rebellion against a clichéd appearance. The author considered the most important property of the movement to be democracy, the ability of any person to join fashion, regardless of financial capabilities. Here Aoki saw a chance to confront the big brands that dictate the trends in the fashion industry... At the same time, the fashion “fruits ”is noticed by famous Japanese designers such as Yoji Yamamoto and Mihara Yasuhiro. Thanks to them, the Harajuku fashion receives an even greater impetus for further development.

The essence of the ideology of "fruts" lies in the ability of each person to create their own ideal of modern beauty, accessible to people with any financial capabilities, and in the rejection of the stamps and templates imposed from above. The main role in creating a costume is played by imagination and practically nothing limited opportunity choice. So, one day a teenager or young man may appear on the street dressed in military style - in a foreign military uniform, taking a gas mask with you as an accessory, and the next day dress up in a Pokemon costume and put on boots with very high soles. Subsequently, the fruts style was integrated into Japanese street fashion in general, glorifying Tokyo fashion.

Gradually, the fashion of fruits became a global trend. Aoki and several fashion brands have hosted fruts fashion shows and festivals in the US and Australia. This subculture has penetrated into Russia as well.

Russian fruts differ from the Japanese in some peculiarities. For example, in Russia, some tendencies can be borrowed from the gyaru, although traditionally the youth of Harajuku ignore the gyaru, and some - the Gothic lolitas - are their staunch opponents.

Fruots, along with the fashion from Harajuku, found themselves in Japanese music, in a subgenre of visual kei - oshare kei. Originally, some osyre groups were also called "dekora-kei" (one of the names for fruts) because of their demonstrative commitment to the Harajuku fashion.


Over the past two decades, irreversible changes have taken place in society, which have a significant impact on the younger generation. The current young generation is being brought up in fundamentally different conditions than the previous one. Social stratification of society, the lack of clear moral guidelines, the growing role of religion - all this is a reality to which one must adapt. Adolescents do this in a very mobile way - for example, they are involved in market relations. The dynamism of changing consciousness is a feature of this social group.

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, approximately 25% of young people from 12 to 30 years old suffer from drug addiction. In addition, the curve of not only adolescent, but also child's alcoholism is creeping up. According to the latest data, minors and young people make up 70-80% of drug addicts, more and more cases of the disease are observed in 7-8 year old children. According to UNESCO, Colombia, Brazil and Russia have the highest rates of violence among young people.

Teenagers in the modern situation seemed to be in the most difficult situation, because their need for involvement, participation in society, the desire for self-affirmation, self-improvement, on the one hand, is stimulated by the processes taking place now; on the other hand, it rigidly collides, firstly, with a lack of understanding and respect on the part of the adult community, which does not emphasize, does not fix, the attributiveness of a growing person; secondly, with the absence of conditions for the real exit of a teenager to the serious affairs of society. This contradiction leads to an acute conflict and an artificial delay in the personal development of adolescents, depriving them of the opportunity to take an active social position.

…Forbid? This will not destroy subcultures, but only drive them underground and change them beyond recognition, and for the worse (after all, when they tell you a hundred times a day that you are bad, this can not only seriously offend you, but also change your character, worldview) ...
Now in the media there is a discussion about positive and destructive subcultures, about their “harmfulness” and “usefulness”.

But, probably, one should speak not about the destructiveness of this or that subculture, but about its individual representatives. As in any social group, in the subculture, you can also find criminals and drug addicts ... Not a single association is immune from this, these are the features of society. But dividing a subculture into "dangerous" and "safe" can become a trap.

Let's remember how punks, hippies and metalworkers were considered socially dangerous movements in Soviet times! But time passed, and it turned out that these were not bandits at all, but just guys with their hobbies. Therefore, I am categorically against hanging labels, they say, this subculture is good, but this one is bad. Prohibiting supposedly "harmful" movements, we drive them underground and make them rebel - this is a natural psychological reaction, especially for young people and adolescents.

Subculture is a part of the social organism; it does not contradict the basic culture, but complements it. Therefore, let's first study subcultures, and only then try to prohibit. Let's talk about this: let the adults hear the young, and the young hear the adults. After all, we all have much more in common than differences, and you can always agree.

Literature and sources

3. Lecture No. 11 Post-Society (Structural Sociology) prof. Dugin.

5.Youth hangouts and subcultures /

8. "Fashion theory". No. 10, winter 2008-2009. Dick Hebdidge. Chapters from the book "Subculture: the meaning of style".

9. "Fashion theory". No. 10, winter 2008-2009. Dmitry Gromov. Lyuber: how we became boys.

10. "Fashion theory". No. 10, winter 2008-2009. Joe Turney. A look through the security camera: antisocial jersey and "those creepy guys in the hoods."
11. "Fashion theory". No. 10, winter 2008-2009. Ann Pearson-Smith. "Goths", "Lolitas", "Darth Vader" and the box of fancy dress: an exploration of the cosplay phenomenon in Southeast Asia.

A subculture is a community of people whose beliefs, views on life and behavior are different from generally accepted or simply hidden from the general public, which distinguishes them from the broader concept of culture, of which they are an offshoot. The youth subculture appeared in science in the mid-50s of the 20th century. Since traditional societies are developing gradually, at a slower pace, relying mainly on the experience of older generations, the phenomenon of youth culture refers mainly to dynamic societies, and was noticed in connection with the "technogenic civilization". If earlier culture was not so clearly divided into "adult" and "youth" (regardless of age, everyone sang the same songs, listened to the same music, danced the same dances, etc.), now the "fathers" and "children" have serious differences in their value orientations, in fashion, in the methods of communication, and even in the way of life in general. As a specific phenomenon, youth culture also arises due to the fact that the physiological acceleration of young people is accompanied by a sharp increase in the duration of the period of their socialization (sometimes up to 30 years), which is caused by the need to increase the time for education and vocational training meeting the requirements of the era. Today, a young man ceases to be a child early (in terms of his psychophysiological development), but for a long time he does not belong to the world of adults in terms of social status. Adolescence is a time when economic activity and independence have not yet been fully achieved. Psychologically, young people belong to the world of adults, and sociologically - to the world of adolescence. If, in terms of saturation with knowledge, a person matures much earlier, then in terms of his position in society, the ability to say his word, his maturity is pushed back. "Youth" as a phenomenon and sociological category, born of an industrial society, is characterized by psychological maturity in the absence of significant participation in the institutions of adults.

The emergence of youth culture is associated with the uncertainty of the social roles of young people, uncertainty about their own social status. In the ontogenetic aspect, the youth subculture is presented as a phase of development through which everyone must go. Its essence is the search for social status. Through it, the young man "exercises" in the performance of roles, which in the future will have to play in the world of adults. The most accessible social platforms for specific affairs of young people are leisure, where you can show your own independence: the ability to make decisions and lead, organize and organize. Leisure is not only communication, but also a kind of social game, the lack of skills in such games in youth leads to the fact that a person in adulthood considers himself to be free from obligations. In dynamic societies, the family partially or completely loses its function as an instance of socialization of the individual, since the pace of changes in social life gives rise to the historical inconsistency of the older generation with the changed tasks of the new time. With the entry into adolescence, a young man turns away from his family, looking for those social ties that should protect him from a still alien society. Between a lost family and a society that has not yet been found, the young man seeks to join his own kind. The informal groups thus formed provide the young person with a certain social status. The price for this is often the rejection of individuality and complete submission to the norms, values ​​and interests of the group. These informal groups produce their own subculture, which is different from that of adults. It is characterized by internal uniformity and external protest against generally accepted principles. Due to the presence of their own culture, these groups are marginal in relation to society, and therefore always contain elements of social disorganization, potentially gravitate towards behavior that deviates from generally accepted norms.

Quite often, everything is limited only by eccentric behavior and violation of the norms of generally accepted morality, interests around sex, "parties", music and drugs. However, this same environment forms a countercultural value orientation, the highest principle of which is declared to be the principle of pleasure, pleasure, which acts as an incentive and goal of all behavior. The entire value grid of the youth counterculture is associated with irrationalism, which is dictated by the recognition of the human being only in the natural, that is, the separation of the human from the social that arose as a result of the monopoly of the head. The consistent implementation of irrationalism defines hedonism as the leading value orientation of the youth counterculture. Hence the morality of permissiveness, which is the most important and organic element of the counterculture. Since the existence of the counterculture is concentrated on "today", "now", then hedonistic aspiration is a direct consequence of this.

Subcultures can differ in age, race, ethnicity and / or class, gender. Traits that define a subculture can be aesthetic, religious, political, sexual, or any other character, or a combination of these. Subcultures usually arise as opposition to the values ​​of the broader cultural direction to which they belong, but theorists do not always agree with this opinion. Fans of the subculture can demonstrate their unity through the use of a different style of clothing or behavior, as well as specific symbols. That is why the study of subcultures usually understands as one of the stages the study of symbolism, regarding clothing, music and other external preferences of fans of the subculture, as well as ways of interpreting the same symbols, only in the dominant culture. If a subculture is characterized by a systematic opposition to the dominant culture, then it is defined as a counterculture.Currently, in the youth environment of our country, three leading categories of subculture can be distinguished, the first of which is formed by young people engaged in small business (majors). They are focused on "easy" money making and "beautiful life". They are characterized by business acumen, a fairly well-developed sense of corporate identity. They are characterized by moral relativism, as a result of which the activities of such groups are quite often associated with illegal business and delinquency.

The second category is made up of "Lyuber", "Gopnik", etc. They are distinguished by strict discipline and orderliness, aggressiveness, professing a "cult of physical strength", a pronounced criminal orientation, and in many cases - ties with the criminal world. Their "ideology" is based on primitivized socialist ideals, tinged with "criminal romance." The basis of the activities of such groups is petty racketeering and speculation. Groups of this kind, as a rule, are well armed, and not only with chains, knives, brass knuckles, but also with firearms. The youth criminogenic associations described above in conditions of political instability pose a significant danger, since they are quite plastic material, and at any moment they can become an instrument of the activities of political organizations of radical and extremist orientation.

Today's youth, however, does not consist only of informals. The third category is the so-called "yuppies" and "non-oyuppies". They come from middle and low-income families, distinguished by their dedication, seriousness, pragmatism, independence of judgment, assessment and activity. They are focused on ensuring material prosperity in the future and moving up the social and career ladder. Their interests are concentrated in the field of education, as a necessary springboard for successful advancement in life. In the manner of dressing, they are distinguished by their business classic style and accentuated neatness. "Yuppies", as a rule, do not have bad habits, take care of their health, doing prestigious sports. They are characterized by the desire to "make money" and successful careers as businessmen, bank employees, lawyers.

Hippies are a specific subgroup of the subculture that emerged in the United States in the early sixties of the twentieth century, which quickly spread throughout the world, and practically disappeared by the mid-seventies. In the original, hippies were part of a youth movement made up almost entirely of white teens and fairly young adults between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five, who inherited a cultural rebellion from the bohemian and beatniks. Hippies disdained established concepts, criticized middle-class values, and came out as radical opposition to the use of nuclear weapons, Vietnam War. They popularized and illuminated aspects of religions other than Judaism and Christianity that were practically unknown at that time. The hippies literally pushed through the sexual revolution; they encouraged the use of psychedelic drugs in order to expand human consciousness. Hippies created a kind of communes, where their values ​​were cultivated.

Punk is a subculture based on a musical addiction to punk rock. Since splitting from the broader rock and roll direction in the mid to late seventies, the punk movement has spread throughout the globe and began to develop in a great variety of forms. Any subculture arises only on the ruins of the previous trend, so in the seventies it happened with the changeover of hippie-punk. The touching, almost airy, ideals of the hippies were swept away by the unbridled energy of destruction presented by the punk. Punk culture is distinguished by its own music style, ideology and fashion. She is reflected in the visual arts, dance, literature and cinema. Punk itself is made up of many smaller subcultures such as street punk, hard punk and others. Punk maintains a close relationship with other subcultures such as gothic and psychobility; supporters of this movement oppose commercialization, which is one of the main mechanisms of capitalism.

Societies are characterized by their own special rules and have their own developmental tendencies. Teenagers are very different in their worldview, demeanor and habits. In the process of self-discovery, they try to find their place in life, to define goals and understand themselves. Quite often, such searches lead to such quite serious problems like teenage alcoholism and early drug addiction. Therefore, the influence of subcultures on adolescents is one of the most pressing problems that worry all parents without exception.

Positive and negative aspects of the influence of subcultures

Recent sociological studies have shown that many adolescents identify themselves as representatives of a particular subculture. At the same time, part of the youth is subject to the strong influence of subcultures, which can be both positive and negative. In the first case, adolescents acquire the skills necessary for life in a social society, and in the second, they acquire qualities that society is trying to fight in all available ways.

Teenage subcultures help young people realize their desires and adapt to adult and independent life... But there are also negative aspects, such as cruelty towards certain groups of people. For example, skinheads are racist and can, according to their ideology, commit criminal acts against persons of other nationalities. For them, there is nothing illegal in such behavior, and therefore they do not understand that they are responsible for their actions. In this case, the subcultures of adolescents negatively affect their worldview, setting the younger generation against others.

Varieties of subcultures

In all teenage communities, there are not only their own laws of behavior, but also rules that presuppose a certain appearance. Certain youth trends can shock the adult society with numerous piercings, unusual hair color, strange style of clothing, and accessories. Quite often, disagreements between parents and adolescents arise precisely on this basis. Young people do not like it when they interfere in their personal life, and parents want their child not to stand out from the crowd.

Working youth subculture - teddy boys

The social youth group Teddy Boys formed in the early 1950s thanks to the relative improvement in the working class. This youth subculture, which became widespread in the post-war period, consisted of people from the working class with incomplete higher education and no highly paid profession. Their style was copied from the dress and behavior of members of the upper class of society. In the classic version, the "tedd" looked like this: pipe trousers, a loose jacket with a velvet collar, a drawstring tie and boots with a rubber platform. The look was typically masculine despite its elegance.

Representatives of the teddy boys did their best to maintain the "high" status they created, which became the cause of conflicts arising with representatives of other sectors of society. For example, there were clashes with wealthier teenagers, attacks on elite youth clubs. There have also been attacks on immigrants.

Subculture of the skilled working class - fashion

The group of mods included adolescents who, after leaving school, mastered working specialties that require a high level of preparedness. In fact, the mod, in the ideal sense, was supposed to live luxuriously, visit prestigious and expensive clubs, restaurants and shops, dress in extremely expensive things. But for many, such pleasures were not available, so all that remained was to try to recreate perfect image... There are four types of mods:

  1. Aggressive type in jeans and rough shoes.
  2. Scooter owners, also in jeans and hooded jackets.
  3. Fashion in suits and polished shoes made up the majority of this subculture. The list is complemented by fashion girls, exemplary in appearance and with short hair.
  4. Art school students, students and so on.

Subculture - rockers

Rockers appeared in the mid-60s. This group consisted mainly of teenagers without education or from single-parent families. The main attributes of the natives of this subculture were a leather jacket, worn jeans, large rough shoes, long hair slicked back and tattoos. Of course, what a rocker without such an important element as a motorcycle. Rock music occupies a special place in the rocker subculture.

Skinheads or skinheads

The members of this group, like the rockers, predominantly came from an environment of low-skilled workers. Many of them were unemployed, poorly educated and with a low cultural level. The skinheads wore jeans tucked underneath, large coarse shoes, and shaved their heads baldly. Football hooligans are close to skinheads. These types of subcultures are largely similar in social composition. They are also united by aggressiveness in behavior, for example, associated with football matches.

Punk subculture

This group mainly consisted of young people from unskilled and low-paid segments of the population. The critical situation of young people led to the emergence of this subculture. The list of associations consisting of poorly educated members of society was supplemented by punks. The stereotypes of this group were closely intertwined with aggressive self-assertion, but, in addition, it was largely based on views opposed to traditional moral principles and values. Initially, the punk subculture used appearance to provoke society: unusual hair color, strange hairstyles, shocking demeanor and different style in clothes, but over time, stronger methods of influence began to be applied through the themes of violence and death.

Hippie movement

This subculture appeared in the United States in the 60s and quickly spread throughout the world. At one time, hippies evolved from the beatniks, middle-class people who have long influenced the people of their group. These American subcultures have one thing in common - ideology expressed in words. The main elements of the hippie style or worldview were as follows:

  1. Peacefulness and non-violence. Pacifism was the main ideology of the hippie. That is why the representatives of this group were distinguished by their ignorance of power, apoliticality, since it is the rulers who kindle wars and force people to fight.
  2. Self-development and individualism. These elements were a reaction to the dullness of mass society.
  3. Conscious simplification, that is, the transition from a wealthy life to poverty, the rejection of material wealth.
  4. Drugs, sexual experiments, travel, festivals, communes - all these are the most striking features of the hippie subculture.
  5. Living together is distinctive feature hippies, since other subcultures did not adhere to this form of behavior.


This youth subculture arose in the USSR at the end of the 40s of the 20th century. Thus, Soviet youth expressed protest against the stereotypes of society. The main direction of the dudes was blind copying of the style of the West and the United States. At that time, the dudes outwardly looked more like a caricature: wide trousers in bright colors, baggy double-breasted jackets, boots with thick soles and, of course, bright-colored socks peeking out from under trousers. The image was very original and bright, no one worried about the combination of colors.

But over time, closer to the 50s, the dudes slightly changed their image. They began to wear skinny trousers and elegant cut blazers with broad shoulders, a thin tie around the neck and, of course, a greased "cook". It is worth noting that only the guys had a certain image, the stylish girls wore lush bright dresses or narrowed skirts, pointed shoes and did bright makeup. Society did not allow the development of this subculture in the USSR and in every possible way condemned and persecuted representatives of this bright group.

Social subcultures

The process of socialization of adolescents in the subcultures of society is much faster. Examples of subcultures such as "green" or "animal protectors" teach the younger generation to help nature and take care of environment... But theoretical information alone is not always enough to teach adolescents responsibility. It is necessary to show the work of "positive subcultures" in practice. not only theorems and axioms are needed, but their consolidation by actions and results, otherwise it does not realize the need for good deeds.

Subcultures popular in modern society

The criminal subculture (rockers, punks, emo, skinheads, etc.) in Russia is already losing its positions. Negativity and aggression are gradually going out of fashion. In search of new directions, he comes up with his own modern image. For example, the footering subculture does not carry a negative manifestation, therefore it is very well perceived by society. Members of this youth group do not wear shoes in any weather.

Due to the widespread use of the Internet, the gamer subculture is gaining momentum. Young people of today are increasingly hiding from reality in the virtual world. Many young children are already confident in using tablets, readers and mobile phones. But this is basically a false substitute for real hobbies that parents impose on them to save money. own forces and time. After all, when a child is busy with computer games, he does not require so much attention and care. In fact, the problem of this subculture is very deep, and parents need to take certain measures if a child has gambling or computer addiction.

Distinctive features of modern youth trends

Youth subcultures modern world characterized by an increase in the number of active associations. In addition, today's youth is increasingly immersed in the vastness of the Internet. They are looking for their like-minded people in the network, organizing meetings, and holding promotions. There are three socio-value orientations of modern subcultures:

  1. Prosocial directions: the subculture of rappers and the movement of role-playing games.
  2. Asocial directions: punks, metalheads, emo and hippies.
  3. Antisocial groups, similar to the adult criminal subculture: skinheads in their radical form.

It is possible to qualify the subcultures of youth and as the group's activities are included in the lifestyle of a young person. There are behavioral groups and active ones. In the first case, adolescents adhere to the style of dress, behavior and communication characteristic of the selected group. Such areas are not characterized by engaging in any activity. This includes emo, hipsters and goths. In other words, the younger generation will only change their external image and style of behavior.

Active types of subcultures are those communities that are based on passion for specific activities that require one or another activity. This group can include parkourists, graffists, role-playing.

What attracts young people to subcultures

Youth subcultures on a personal level are a way to achieve self-esteem and compensate for the negative attitude of others towards themselves. Dissatisfaction with their own style of behavior, body, inconsistency with the standards of femininity or masculinity. Subcultures, the list of which is huge and diverse, allow adolescents to give themselves a halo of particularity, a bright personality.

Socio-psychological reasons are considered the attractiveness of an informal lifestyle, which does not require responsibility, purposefulness and dedication, in contrast to the generally accepted requirements in society. There are three possible options for the consequences of the influence of the subculture on the socialization of young people:

  1. A positive orientation, which manifests itself in social and cultural self-determination, creative self-realization and experimentation with images, behavioral style, and so on.
  2. Socio-negative orientation, which is found in joining subcultures of a criminal, extremist nature, drugs and alcohol.
  3. An individually negative tendency manifests itself in flight from reality, in justifying one's infantile behavior, in avoiding cultural and social self-determination.

What orientations prevail in a particular subculture is not easy to determine. It is all the more difficult to see how it affects a person's lifestyle. Modern trends attract young people with their diversity and defiant appearance and behavior. But it is worth noting that belonging to a particular social group is, as a rule, short-lived. Basically, the fascination with subcultures begins at the age of 13 and passes by the age of 19. By this age, a person changes his hobbies or rethinks. But there are exceptions in the age range, for example, the rocker subculture has no time limits. Among the representatives of this community, you can also find mature people, and sometimes even the elderly. They stayed true to their teenage hobbies and still listen to rock or play in bands. As a rule, the rocker subculture includes those people who, even in their mature life, are not ready for a responsible and independent life.

The peculiarities of adolescent subcultures include their inconsistency in behavior. Many adolescents are characterized by an unstable psyche, which largely depends on how their relationship with their parents develops. If there is remoteness in relationships with loved ones, then the chances that the child will fall under the influence of the outside increase. After all, a teenager needs communication, advice and understanding. If in the family he does not receive all this, then he will seek support in the circle of people who are close in spirit and morale. Very often, the diviant behavior of a child in adolescence is associated with a bad example from the outside. It can be television, bad deeds of comrades in the company, and so on. In order to prevent a negative impact on the child, parents need to establish contact with him or involve older youth for this purpose.

Sources of the emergence of subcultures in Russia

In the Russian youth environment, the emergence of subcultures is due to a number of reasons. In the past 15-20 years, the daily life of adults and children has undergone dramatic changes. The openness of Western and Eastern cultures greatly influenced the worldview of people, dissolved many traditions, stable relations, and values ​​of Russian citizens. The new scientific and technological revolution, which is primarily associated with the emergence of phenomena such as computers, mobile phones, the Internet.

Basically, youth subcultures are spreading spontaneously. Although quite often, parties, trendsetters, and so on contribute to this spread. There is another way - commercial and youth organizations take as a basis the forms of youth leisure that exist spontaneously, and create organized directions. Street dance is an example. But this process also requires a special approach. Experts believe that interaction with potentially positive informals should be carried out according to three rules: you need to coordinate your actions with leaders, provide them with everything they need to hold events and agree on restrictions in behavior and activities in the process of ongoing actions.

Strategies for youth activities

If we consider youth activities from the perspective of social education, then we can distinguish three main pedagogical strategies. Do not pay attention, do not exclude spontaneous penetration into social life and only after that, work or analyze the potential of youth subcultures in terms of additional educational methods and use them in the interests of the personal development of adolescents and children.

The potential of youth subcultures from the point of view of upbringing is that the types and forms of activity of adolescents and young people, which arose independently of the pedagogical sphere, in the environment of free communication of young people, have a socially positive character. But at the same time it is necessary to apply the appropriate pedagogical instrumentation.

In reality, modern educational methods practically do not come into contact with such youth and adolescent communities. Moreover, this contact is mainly observed in summer camps, in children's public associations and extremely rarely in general education schools.

As a rule, the lifestyle, behavior and outward signs of subcultures of adolescents and young people are covered in a negative way, which contributed to the active imitation of the representatives of these communities by a certain unreached part of the youth. This, in turn, served as an impetus for the spread of these subcultures outside one country. Nevertheless, ethnic and social conditions have greatly influenced the variability and other characteristics of subcultures. For example, Soviet hippies were not much like representatives of this subculture of Western countries. And the skinheads of modern Russia are very different from the first skinheads in Great Britain.

Violent youth protests in Western countries in the 60-70s and in the Soviet and post-Soviet space in the second half of the 90s, they caused not only a decrease in social activity among young people, but also served to develop certain tendencies towards escapism. A distinctive characteristic of the modern world is the increase in the number of protest youth subcultures, as well as the variety of forms. Thus, we can say that more and more new subcultures appear, the list of which is growing.