Marina Anokhina Mother Lisa Anokhina. Elizabeth Anokhina: "Show business is a colorful fabulous world! TV presenter Lisa Anokhin on relationships with Olga Buzova and Heyteras on the Internet, and shooting with Hollywood actors

Marina Anokhina Mother Lisa Anokhina. Elizabeth Anokhina:
Marina Anokhina Mother Lisa Anokhina. Elizabeth Anokhina: "Show business is a colorful fabulous world! TV presenter Lisa Anokhin on relationships with Olga Buzova and Heyteras on the Internet, and shooting with Hollywood actors

How to collect 820 thousand subscribers in Instagram and 230 thousand - on YouTube, if you are a 11-year-old schoolgirl? How to combine shooting and studying? Where to take ideas for videos? Artechovtsy from the media train of the field "Field" talked to the Liza Anokhina - a popular blogger and one of the leading realistic show Hype Camp on YouTube, in which novice bloggers participated.

- How did you start doing video blocking?
- It all started with the game. To my older sister, Anute came a friend, and we decided to remove the series in the style of horror movie. I was then about five years old, and my sister is ten. We went with a regular tablet and recorded, as if someone made a terrible sound, scared us. It was a film with a bunch of talked emotions, but then we said: "Wow, guys, what a cool film I got! Let's lay it out on YouTube." In the end, disgraced and then removed (laughs).

- How do your parents relate to what you do?

At first, my parents said: "Lisa, maybe you still be a TV presenter? Blogger is not very ...". Over time, they changed their views. My dad was originally opposed, but then he realized that it was really important for me. Now he gives me a huge emotional support, for which I am very grateful to him!

- How do you combine school and shooting?

I usually wake up, I am going to school. I have changed the routine of the day very much, because I began to lag behind the program because of the passes. After lessons that end at 16:00, I stay for a couple of hours to write dictations, control and everything that I did not, until I was. Then I go to the dining room to eat, then go to shoot. To be honest, I do not have days without filming. In most cases, I do not know where I am going: on vocals, on modeling (approx. - This is the field of activity in which the exterior of the model is used to promote goods and services), on shooting - I recognize this, only when I come there. Often you have to eat. I come back home I'm late: often at 23:00, sometimes even at 1:00 - 2:00 am. But I understand that all these classes will help me become better.

- Do you often know you on the street, and what do you usually feel?

Yes, they will often find out very often, and I really am very pleased. When a small "leaky" is suitable for you (approx. - So Lisa calls his fans) and asks to take a picture, I feel my mega-star!

- How are ideas for new rains (approx. - Short videos)?

Ideas helps me to invent a sister. We occur billions of life situations: we communicate, quarrel, Mirusya, are friends - it becomes ideas for Vainov. At the same time, it never appears in my video, but Idean constantly inspires me. For example, Vine about how friends come to the sister, and the youngest translates all the attention to herself, taken from life.

- How did you get to Hype Camp (approx. - Russian Realistic Show on YouTube about video blogging)?

Kasproach: To succeed, you need to achieve the limit of the opportunityFor the birthday of ARTEKA in the media campus of the International Children's Center "Artek" and Mia "Russia Today" Director of Artek Alexey Kasprzhak gave an interview with Yulia Shishko and Maxim to Orthodox show.

I just passed casting. He was specially spent for girls in order to find a lead that would be a little annoyed to the audience, thereby adding his little perch. In this show there were two main roles: My and Dani Komkov - it was done for a set of views. I studied the script and started fulfilling. And I really loved walking on the castle, in which they shot, and imagine that he was mine.

- Are there any bloggers on which you equal?

Yes. I love to look at Julia, because it is cool, but I do not even equal to him. I try to be more cute, kind, shorter "Plagiach" Alena Venum (laughs). Which bloggers do I like? Nikolai Sobolev - he has cool video.

- Do you plan to make the blogging your profession in adulthood?

I do not like to live by the future and past, I am glad that I do now. And it seems to me that life is too short to argue about what will happen later. At the moment I am too small to make such solutions and, most likely, when I mature, my interests will change completely.

- Now many want to start blog, but do not know where to start. Give some tips for newcomers.

You know, I will give you one advice if you didn't work out the first time, it will turn out from the second, maybe from the third, you must try. And for this you do not need a good technique, quality. The main thing is the idea. To become a blogger, you need to start shooting.

Appear on the podium? No problem. The appearance is the most model, and as part of the show on Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, the girl has already shine. Study? You are welcome! Such organic, talented and efficient children, like Lisa, is the dream of any director. She also sings well, performer and author of his own video, which appeared in November. With the role of the TV presenter copes to "excellent" (last autumn "Direct Ether", dedicated to the Sochainsky competition "New Wave", we spent together). And Elizabeth - a popular blogger, soon (I do not doubt it) it will become a "millionaire" instagram, although more than 300 thousand subscribers for a student of the 4th class of the Moscow Gymnasium are, you will agree, cool. On Youtube, Lisa has its own A-LIZA channel, very popular.

There are no disadvantages that she is a daughter of the oligarch, they compose about Elizabeth since she declared himself. By the way, her dad is a retired officer and an entrepreneur - to the latter resisted his youngest daughter to be in show business: they say, early, while nothing to say, there is no finished image. What Mama is a lawyer and part-time art director of the girl - replied that there was no one for her completeness, it was necessary to gain experience, learn and conquer the audience. As a result, dad surrendered, and now, when he, like the son of Grisha, a student of Jurfak, is interested, not a relative of whether he is Lisa Anokhina, proudly spreads his shoulders.

To date, besides the sister of Anuti, for the manifestations of the transition age of which it is very worried ("it's just necessary to pull out"), the main problem of Elizabeth - how to explain to people that it is not necessary to offend each other. At one time, Haters simply fell asleep with her curses, the most soft of which was "dead!". Lisa first cried, and then wrote the song "Open Eyes" on this topic. And Olga Buzova, with which they met at the Kinder Ceremony of Muses Awards 2017, supported the young performer, noting on his page, what a cool clip that created.

And Lisa in good relationships with Khryoshi from "Good night, kids!". The Quartet of the Girls "Fairy Patrol" in which she sings, invited to shoot this transfer. Favorite book Lisa - "Being a cat": "She is fat, but I read it for the week. There is no such - rainbow, flowers, everything is fine ... But I really liked it. I, however, allergic to cats, but looking at our shepherd dilan, I often think: what would happen if the dogs became people? "

Oksana Bondarchuk

Tricolor TV Magazine Observer

TV presenter Lisa Anokhin on relationships with Olga Buzova and Heyteras on the Internet, and shooting with Hollywood actors

Lisa Anokhina is only ten years old, but it is already filmed in large projects of the country's leading TV channels. Young actress is the leading "Children's Morning Mail" programs on the channel "Carousel" and "Top Chart 18-" on the RU TV channel, which she leads along with Olga Buzova. More Lisa sings in the music group "Fairy Patrol" and as a blogger leads his own Hey! Liza on YouTube. Recently, Lisa has played in new TV shows for the first channel and "heirs" for the voyage. Tricolor TV Magazine found out from a beginner actress and singers, whether to combine show business with a school, relations with Olga Buzova and Heyteras on the Internet, and amazing moments on the shooting area of \u200b\u200bfilms and serials.

Lisa sings in the Music Group "Fairy Patrol" and leads "Children's morning mail" on the "Carousel" channel

Lisa, you and TV presenter, and actress, and singer, and blogger, is it possible to combine school and work in show business? When did your career start?

In fact, I am an absolutely ordinary girl and learning in the most common Moscow school, despite the development of his career in show business. I always attracted creativity and creative people. Once I sent an application to the Academy of Stars, it was from this that my creative career began ... As a child, I looked at the cartoon "Princess and Frog", where the main character was and a waitress, and a cook, but dreamed of his restaurant. Apparently, already then I liked when a person knows how many people, he has time and dreams of even more! It seems to me, now I myself remind myself a heroine of this cartoon. Honestly, combine shooting, performances, rehearsals and studies are very difficult. I am not a very super-organized person for my nature, I got used to plan your day as I like, as I wonder, a very dense and rich schedule can be very tired. But it saves me that I sincerely like the scene, speeches, communication with people, it charges me and gives a lot of energy, so I think I will cope with large loads! Communication with the audience, the audience is my support.

Together with Olga Buzova, you will lead "Top Chart 18-". Tell me what impression leaves work with an adult colleague?

TO Olga Buzova I have a special attitude. When I released your clip "Open your eyes"dedicated to the topic of Internet haters, Olga sincerely supported me. She wrote "a cool clip came out in Lisa Anokhina!" In his Instagram.And I realized that once the topic of heating, fatigue from anger and negative, many anti-fanits is very relevant for such popular artists as Olga, I should not worry so much because of this. After that, on the premium Kinder Muses Awards 2017 I handed together with Nikolai Baskov Olga Special Prize "The best performer of the year" - According to leading Kinder, music Awards, and then we fulfilled her song "Hit-parade". I was incredibly nice when she confirmed his intention to support me and continue. Olga is an incredible professional, its beating through the edge of energy charges and at the same time she is sincere and very real. I think that this should be a real artist! I am glad that we are working together again and I have the opportunity to communicate with Olga and charge it with energy and ability to work!

Soon there are two series with the participation of Lisa - "Pelle" and "Heiress"

You recently starred in the new series for the first channel "Pelle". Tell us what this story and who do you play?

"Pelle" "This is a new project of the actor and director Valery Ibrahimov, he is only preparing for release, and therefore I can not disclose a lot of details. In this film, I play the daughter of the main characters. My dad playing Anton BattyrevThe project participates in the project Andrey Chadov. All actors are very experienced, and for me this was the first role in a similar project. I am very grateful that the entire film creation reacted to me very warmly, they were encouraged me, they suggested something, and it helped relocate excitement and engage in work. According to the scenario with the heroes of the film, serious peripetias occur, and I play a little girl and, of course, I react to everything very emotionally, I often had to cry. It is believed that for the actor it is not an easy task, but I coped with it!

This is your first experience in filming in a large TV project, how to get ready for role?

Shooting went in very tense mode, we shot 12 hours a day or even more, but such a job helped me see the acting profession from its most complex sides. Episodes with my participation we shot in Moscow, these were scenes in the hospital, on the streets. My role was made to me difficult, but the prompts of experienced professionals helped very much! The most important was the ability to switch, since often in the frame I continued to be Liza Anochean, and it is important to learn how to feel myself that the hero of the film, completely internally identify himself with his character.

Together with Olga Buzova Lisa leads the program "Top Chart 18-" on the channel RU TV

What for you, 10-year-old actresses, remember the shooting of the series "Pelle"? Who surprised, inspired on the site?

I got an impression on me how light operators worked: they did from night a day or earlier morning, and it was so plausible that we really forgot about what real time outside the window. We also shot the scenes when it was assumed that on the street heat, and there were cold days. We dressed a lot of thermal power, while externally remaining easily dressed. In the frame we needed to behave as if we were wearing from the heat, and in fact we were hungry from the cold. All these film crews are "chips", secrets and techniques made a strong impression on me, this is a real movie magic. But, of course, the main thing is that I admired me, this skill of the director who managed from all the apparent chaos, who reigned on the site, to create a logical and consistent process, follow each, directed. It was great to watch the game of experienced actors, for example, Andrei Chadova.As he amazingly quickly entered the role and could also quickly switch to normal condition, to joke, to suggest something.

As Lisa Anokhina itself is recognized, it is an ordinary ten-year-old girl.

Recently you starred in another large project - the series "Heiress" for the TV channel "Davast", where they play a leading role. Tell about it.

This series also has not yet come out. Yes, in it I play the main role, that is, I am the heir to the heir. The entire storyline is spinning around my heroine, but reveals with many other characters. The audience is waiting for the mass of unexpected turns of the script, but I will not disclose all intrigues. Film director - Maria Kravchenko. In the film play Petar Zekavitsa, Lyubava Greshnova, Konstantin Solovyov, Anton Makarsky. I really liked the mutual understanding that had a director with a director, I felt on the set already more confidently and got even more pleasure from work and stunning experience.

What movie are you shooting now?

Currently, I participate in the filming of the Russian-Hollywood project "Oracle". This film has already been attended Oded Fer, Michael Madsen, Stephen Baldwin, Eric Roberts, Alexey Chadov, Marat Basharov And other famous artists. And soon, at the end of April, American actor flies to Moscow Casper Robert Wang Dean. This is a very global project of film companies. "Tsar Pictures"The film tells about international relations, there are many interesting events related to the work of Russian and Western special services. I look forward to shooting scenes with my participation, I am sure that it will be awesome!

You are just starting an acting career. What is a movie for you today?

Cinema is a special magic world and every time, communicating with him, as if you get into a parallel reality, I will have a fairy tale. I sincerely enjoy every new project. What I try to do, so it is with each new role to grow in terms of skills and skills, take the experience and "chips" from professionals and listen to all the advice and adjustments to the director. I hope it turns out, with each new role to grow as an actress, and I am sure that my best works are still waiting for me ahead.

Photo provided by the press service of Liza Anokhina

How to collect 820 thousand subscribers in Instagram and 230 thousand - on YouTube, if you are a 11-year-old schoolgirl? How to combine shooting and studying? Where to take ideas for videos? Artechovtsy from the media train of the field "Field" talked to the Liza Anokhina - a popular blogger and one of the leading realistic show Hype Camp on YouTube, in which novice bloggers participated.

- How did you start doing video blocking?
- It all started with the game. To my older sister, Anute came a friend, and we decided to remove the series in the style of horror movie. I was then about five years old, and my sister is ten. We went with a regular tablet and recorded, as if someone made a terrible sound, scared us. It was a film with a bunch of talked emotions, but then we said: "Wow, guys, what a cool film I got! Let's lay it out on YouTube." In the end, disgraced and then removed (laughs).

- How do your parents relate to what you do?

At first, my parents said: "Lisa, maybe you still be a TV presenter? Blogger is not very ...". Over time, they changed their views. My dad was originally opposed, but then he realized that it was really important for me. Now he gives me a huge emotional support, for which I am very grateful to him!

- How do you combine school and shooting?

I usually wake up, I am going to school. I have changed the routine of the day very much, because I began to lag behind the program because of the passes. After lessons that end at 16:00, I stay for a couple of hours to write dictations, control and everything that I did not, until I was. Then I go to the dining room to eat, then go to shoot. To be honest, I do not have days without filming. In most cases, I do not know where I am going: on vocals, on modeling (approx. - This is the field of activity in which the exterior of the model is used to promote goods and services), on shooting - I recognize this, only when I come there. Often you have to eat. I come back home I'm late: often at 23:00, sometimes even at 1:00 - 2:00 am. But I understand that all these classes will help me become better.

- Do you often know you on the street, and what do you usually feel?

Yes, they will often find out very often, and I really am very pleased. When a small "leaky" is suitable for you (approx. - So Lisa calls his fans) and asks to take a picture, I feel my mega-star!

- How are ideas for new rains (approx. - Short videos)?

Ideas helps me to invent a sister. We occur billions of life situations: we communicate, quarrel, Mirusya, are friends - it becomes ideas for Vainov. At the same time, it never appears in my video, but Idean constantly inspires me. For example, Vine about how friends come to the sister, and the youngest translates all the attention to herself, taken from life.

- How did you get to Hype Camp (approx. - Russian Realistic Show on YouTube about video blogging)?

Kasproach: To succeed, you need to achieve the limit of the opportunityFor the birthday of ARTEKA in the media campus of the International Children's Center "Artek" and Mia "Russia Today" Director of Artek Alexey Kasprzhak gave an interview with Yulia Shishko and Maxim to Orthodox show.

I just passed casting. He was specially spent for girls in order to find a lead that would be a little annoyed to the audience, thereby adding his little perch. In this show there were two main roles: My and Dani Komkov - it was done for a set of views. I studied the script and started fulfilling. And I really loved walking on the castle, in which they shot, and imagine that he was mine.

- Are there any bloggers on which you equal?

Yes. I love to look at Julia, because it is cool, but I do not even equal to him. I try to be more cute, kind, shorter "Plagiach" Alena Venum (laughs). Which bloggers do I like? Nikolai Sobolev - he has cool video.

- Do you plan to make the blogging your profession in adulthood?

I do not like to live by the future and past, I am glad that I do now. And it seems to me that life is too short to argue about what will happen later. At the moment I am too small to make such solutions and, most likely, when I mature, my interests will change completely.

- Now many want to start blog, but do not know where to start. Give some tips for newcomers.

You know, I will give you one advice if you didn't work out the first time, it will turn out from the second, maybe from the third, you must try. And for this you do not need a good technique, quality. The main thing is the idea. To become a blogger, you need to start shooting.

Elizabeth Anokhina Popular Instagram blogger. The number of gear subscribers exceeds 300 thousand. In his instagram, Lisa is divided by their photos and video. So lately Lisa began to act in Vainah, along with Ulyana Medvedyuk.

It is after such filming that the popularity of Lisa began to grow. Many subscribers do not even know that Lisa Anokhina is leading, on TV channels as a carousel and music TV. Also, Lisa is a model, it is removed for children's magazines and represents many Russian brands.

Parents Lisa Anokhina

Girl fans often are interested in her parents. Many are confident that it is the parents who promote the girl, without them she would not have become so successful. However, this is not true, Lisa Anochen is very charismatic and talented. It is because of this that she became so popular at such a young age.

Also, many girls' subscribers are interested in its age. Lisa keeps her age in secret, it is known from some sources that a year 2005 girl is born.

YouTube Channel and Creative Activities

In 2017, Lisa began to shoot a video on YouTube. Now on the channel more than 100 thousand subscribers. Lisa Anokhina's Vlogov is very interesting to look at the younger generation and adults. Not so long ago, Lisa recorded his own song "Open Eyes" and released the clip. Among young artists, Lisa occupies the first positions of the chait of parades.

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