An abstract of classes on music therapy. An abstract of music treatment classes with rhythm elements and medical choreography for children prepared to school group with impaired musculoskeletal system and cerebral palsy

An abstract of classes on music therapy. An abstract of music treatment classes with rhythm elements and medical choreography for children prepared to school group with impaired musculoskeletal system and cerebral palsy

Purpose: Form ideas about beneficial effects different species musical activity On the mood of a person, to develop habits to healthy image Life.


1. Enrich the emotional experience of children with new impressions, create a joyful mood.

2. Fix familiar dance moves at different pace.

3. To form hearing attention, singing skills.

4. Develop a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements, the ability to spontaneous creative behavior.

5. Develop imagination, associative and creative thinking, memory, speech.

6. Enrich the content musical education various species Health-saving technologies that increase the adaptive capabilities of the children's body.

7. Relieve love for others in children, friendly attitude to peers.

8. Maintain positive socialization and individualization of the development of the identity of children in accordance with GEF preschool education.

Integration S. educational areas: Speech, socio-communicative, artistic and aesthetic, physical education.

Travel course:

Children enter the hall.

Slide №1

Music leader. Hello guys. My name is Natalia Stanislavovna.

Today is such a wonderful morning, the sun shines! How do you feel? Do you have anything hurts? (Children's answer) I am very glad that you are cheerful, energetic and healthy.

Invented by someone just and wisely

When meeting, hello: " Good morning

"Good morning! Sun and birds.

Good morning to smiling persons! "

I know a song that is called "Good morning." It is very good to sing in the morning. I want to sing her today with you. Sing and repeat the movements with me.

Valeological grinding "Good morning"with elements of finger gymnastics and self-massage

Slide number 2.

Music leader: I want to invite you on a trip to the country of the cheerful mood. And we will go there on a musical path. Nothing raises the mood on the road as good music. Be careful, in each buying we will change the pace of movement. First we will perform movement in slow Tempe, and then in fast.

Dynamic exercise "Top and clap"

(on the temporit change)

Slide 3.

Music leader: Look at the screen. What is it bright and beautiful this country merry mood! How happily singing birds! And here there are many beautiful colors and they smell so wonderful!

Slide number 4.

Music leader: You see, on the screen, the kid inhales the flavor of flowers.

How flowers smell sweet!

They sniff them, guys.

Respiratory gymnastics "Nyhai Flowers"

Slide number 5.

Music leader: Guys, look at the screen, what do you think that these people have something like? (children's responses) they smile. And what can we say about these people, what are they? (children's responses) right, they are kind, sociable and cheerful.

Slide number 6.

Music leader: And they are very loved by the song, which is called "smile." Posted by its composer Vladimir Shansky and the poet Mikhail Danzkovsky. I think you heard her many times.

From a bad mood

Singing singing is excellent

Will be merges of any

If the song is with you!

Let's try to sing a song together, by phrases.

Arcuring 1 Coupling Song "Smile" (Muses in Shansky)

Music leader: In the country of Merry Mood, everyone loves to dance: both adults and children, and even toys. Yes, yes, do not be surprised! Toys also dance.

Slide number 7.

Music leader: Here I have a big doll. And there lives a lot of little nesting messages. All of them dance rhythmic dances. One knocks - shows, and others listen, and then repeat. (I distribute matryoshek). Take a look at the magnetic board. Some dance dolls I recorded on the cards. Now ... .. will bring a card, and his doll will make us your rhythmic dance. I think you all know that rhythm consists of alternating various sounds of sounds. Let's see what rhythmic dance pattern on this card. How many long and short sounds are there?

Music-Didactic Rhythmic game
"Girlfriends Matryoshki"(with elements of creativity)

Slide number 8.

Music leader: And now, I think it's time to dance. I know one very interesting dance. Now I will show you several movements, you will repeat them with me, and then you will put all the dance to the music.

Dance "Once - palm, two - palms"

Slide number 9.

Sociogenic exercise

Music leader: Let us take up your hands, we'll see each other again, smile. You are just wonderful.

All children gathered in a circle,

You are my friend and I am your friend.

Tightly hand

And smile to each other.

Guys, did you like in the country of Merry Mood? And what did we do? (Answers Children) You have become cheerful, cheerful and even seems to me healthier. And all this thanks to the music. Funny songs and dancing interesting games Improve any mood. So comes to an end to our exciting journey.

Communicative game "Box Wishes"

Music leader: Now I give you the magic pebbles of wishes. See they are as bright as our joyful mood. Let's now each of you wishes something good to all people on earth and will lower your pebbles into this wonderful box. And if you wish it from all my heart, then the desire will definitely come true.

Music leader: For sale, I want to remind you of words from our song:

And she will return to you more than once! "

Goodbye, guys!

Music therapy- This is a medicine that listened. That music is able to change the spiritual and physical condition of a person, they also knew ancient Greece and other countries.
However, do not only do the natural, but also artificially created ordered sounds. Specially selected melodies remove anger, annoyance, improve the mood. Melodies delivering to man joy have a beneficial effect on its body: slow down the pulse, increase the power of heart abbreviations, contribute to the expansion of vessels, normalize pressure, stimulate digestion, increase appetite.
Music acts selectively: depending on the nature of the work, from the tool on which it is executed. For example, the violin and piano soothes the nervous system, and the flute has a relaxing effect. To believe biblical legend, Tsar Saul was removed from the attacks of madness to the game on the harp.
However, unnecessarily loud music with emphasized rhythms impact tools harmful not only for hearing, but also for nervous system. Modern rhythms increase the content of adrenaline in the blood than can cause stress. Interestingly, the music of Baha, Mozart, Beethoven has an amazing anti-stress effect.
In Japan, music therapy is widely used to normalize the physical and psychological state A person in production, at school, in universities, and currently the music has become one of the elements of the objects.
Special studies have shown that the Music Wagner, Operettes Offenbach, Bolero Ravel, "Spring Sacred" of Stravinsky with their increasing rhythm possesses the most exciting action. These works have the greatest effect in working with sluggish, pathetic children. True, the upbringing of music is very individual and requires a lot of strength and knowledge for an experienced selection of melodies.
"Caprice number 24" Paganini in modern processing, on the contrary, increases the body's tone, mood. Music distracting attention from unpleasant images contributes to the concept of attention. Forest phonograms, bird singing, the play of the Tchaikovsky cycle, contributed to the balancing of the nervous system, " Moonlight Sonata"Beethoven.
Science has established that the silent setting negatively affects the human psyche, since absolute silence is not the usual surrounding background for him.
So far, health and education institutions did not turn to the problem of music therapy as a person to properly, enthusiasts-educators, doctors, parents have to pick up a "sounding" medicine independently.
The purpose of classes using music therapy: creating a positive emotional background of rehabilitation (removal of anxiety factor); stimulation of motor functions; Development and correction of motor processes (sensations, perceptions, representations) and sensory abilities; Ratching a speech function.
At school age, a sedative or activating effect is achieved by a musical design different games, special correctional orientation traditional occupations with kids.
Music rhythm is widely used in the treatment of motor and speech disorders, correction of insufficient psychomotor development, the feelings of rhythm, speech breathing. Music can be used during independent work when speech communication is excluded. The exception is the little thing - reading the music, a combination of music and from activity.
Thus, experience in the use of music therapy in correctional work With children who have speech pathology, leads to the following conclusions:

1. Use only the work for listening to children;
2. It is better to use musical plays that are familiar to children. They should not attract their attention to their novelty, distract from the main thing;
3. The duration of listening should be not more than 10 minutes during the entire classes. As a rule, this is just one musical work.

1. The success of the classroom is influenced by the positive personality of the teacher, possession of them by the methods of musical expression-game on musical instruments and the ability to sing, and so inclusion in the preventive and correction process of the group dynamics factor, mutual psycho-emotional positive infection, empathy and sympathy between participants in group music .

2. It is necessary to determine the individual correction course for children with those or other disorders and tactics after its end. The number and duration of the sessions of music therapy (from 15 minutes to 45 minutes), the multiplicity of application per week is 1-7 times.

3. Indoor for conducting musical therapy Must be the most comfortable chairs, armchairs or rugs, and lighting - artificial to achieve distraction from the real flow of time (light day) and strengthen the emotional action of the session.

4. It should also be remembered that the correctional music sessions should not be carried out on an empty stomach and not earlier than 2 hours after meals.

5. Before accepting a session of music therapy, children need to be configured. They must relax, it will help them "open the doors of the unconscious" and take full advantage of the music. It does not matter what action the music is provided - soothing, stimulating or lifting mood.

6. It is important to choose the right pose. Treatment with music should be short enough to not cause fatigue and possible protective reactions.

7. The strength and volume of music must be gently adjusted. Small volume should be chosen not only for soothing, but also for stimulating music. Large volume tires and shakes the nervous system.

8. After listening to therapeutic music you need to relax for a while. This favors its full, not violating peace of mind, action to the unconscious.

9. It is known that the unconscious is most actively during sleep, while it is also susceptible to external impulses. Therefore, it is especially recommended for aggressive, restless, hyperactive children to use therapeutic music during sleep.

10. It is advisable to use instrumental classical and specially therapeutic music, but not vocal and not the most popular because They carry unnecessary semantic load. The choice of musical works should be well thought out. It is much more complicated than it can act on the nerves of a man, burdened by grief. At a man in a state of excitement and confusion, a solemn adagio will be deeply impressed, he will become even more restless from him. On the other hand, when a person arrives in the despondency hears sad music, it may raise him the mood.

11. Within the framework of the music therapy, it is possible to use various active techniques, exercises and methods described above, such as motor exercises and dances, rhythmic and breathing exercises, dramatization of therapeutic performances - games, activation of visual images and ideas, musitization, playback, Valotherapy, artherapy, color therapy, talentherapy and other methods.

List of musical recipes

Scientists, conducting numerous studies and experiments, came to be convinced: many melodies really have a strong therapeutic effect:
From the neurosis and irritability eliminates the invigorating music of Tchaikovsky, Pakhmutova, Tariverdiev.
It helps to relieve stress, concentrate, ideal for secluded classes and meditation romantic, creating a feeling of free space, music of Schubert, Shuman, Tchaikovsky, leaf.
The ulcer of the stomach disappears when listening to the "Waltz of Flowers".
For the prevention of fatigue, it is necessary to listen to the "Morning" of Grieg, "Dawn over Moscow River" (fragment from the Opera Khovanshchina) Mussorgsky, the romance "Evening ringing", the motive of the song "Russian field", "Seasons" Tchaikovsky.
Raise the mood, get rid of depression, discharge the slope of the feelings of jazz, blues, Dixieland, Soul, Calypso and reggae, originate from temperamental African music.
Creative impulse stimulate the "march" from the movie "Circus" Dunaevsky, "Bolero" Ravel, "Dance with sabers" Khachaturian.
Full relaxation you can get from the "Waltz" Shostakovich from the movie "Walf", the Pursel orchestra, the works "man and a woman" leya, romance from music illustrations to the story of Pushkin "Blizzard" Sviridov.
Blood pressure and cardiac activity normalizes " Wedding March"Mendelssohn.
From gastritis heals the "Sonata N7" Beethoven.
As a medication from migraine, Japanese doctors offer the "Spring Song" of Mendelssohn, "humoring" of the Noborik, as well as a fair dose of George Gershvin ("American in Paris").
Headache also relieves listening to the famous Polionisa Oginsky.
Normalizes the sleep and work of the brain of Suite "Per Gunt" Grieg.
Development mental abilities Children contributes to Mozart's music.
From alcoholism and smoking in aggregate with hypnosis and acupuncture "Ave Maria" Schubert, "Moon Sonata" Beethoven, "Swan" Saint-Sansa, "Blizzard" Sviridov.

Music therapy

To the information of parents and all interested, music therapy, as the treatment method used since the ancient tribes, which used various musical instruments in conjunction with movement, dance and vocals. They preserved their healing ritual as a secret magical medicine. Today, music therapy is one of the methods of psychotherapy based on the perception of music at the emotional level.

The advantages of music therapy are obvious: it is easy and easy to apply, it is absolutely harmless, develops creative abilities in children and adults.Music therapy for children Plays a huge role in the development of them creative abilities, memory and, of course, hearing.

Psychoneurologist V.M. Bekhterev first in our country conducted research on the influence of music on a children's body. He determined that the lullabies and classical music is not only able to develop children, but also can provide medical properties. So, at the Institute of Pediatrics, the RAMS conducted research. Newborn, suffering from lack of oxygen during pregnancy and childbirth, was given to listen during the year classical music. These children coped with neurological violations much better than those who did not participate in the experiment.

Music therapy contributes to the correction of psychophysical health of children in the process of their vital activity. There are active (motor improvisations under the appropriate nature of music) and passive (listening to stimulating, soothing or stabilizing music specifically or as a background) forms of music therapy. The listening of correctly selected music with the implementation of psychodistical etudes increases the immunity of children, relieves tension and irritability, head and muscular pain, Restores calm breathing.

Modern information imposed on ancient knowledgeshow that the sounds of various musical instruments In different ways affect the human body:

    the sound of the shock tools can give a feeling of stability, confidence in the future, physically cheer up, give a person to force;

    wind instruments affect the formation emotional sphere, and the copper winds instantly awaken a person from sleep, make it vigorous, active;

    music, executable keyboard tools, especially piano, corresponds to the intellectual sphere of man. It is not by chance that the sound of piano is called the most mathematical music, and pianists belong to the musical elite, which has clear thinking and very good memory;

    string tools directly affect the heart. They, in particular violin, cello and guitars, develop a sense of compassion in man;

    vocal music affects the whole organism, but most of all on the throat.

The expression "charming voice" is very relevant at the present time, since the ability to expressively utter words has become the real art of subordination of people of their will, creating a certain image, which is extremely important for politics, manager and any other person who needs sociability.

Our breath rhythmically. If we do not perform heavy physical exercises And they are not lying calmly, we usually make an average of 25-35 inhales per minute. Slowing down musical Work, You can make breathing deeper, calm.

Temperature of the body reacts to music. Loud music With strong rhythms, it can increase the temperature of several degrees and heat into the cold, while soft music is able to "cool" us.

IN children's garden And at home music is necessary for children throughout the day. This does not mean that it should sound continuously and loud. Music should be listened to children dosed, depending on the time of day, the type of activity, even the mood of children:

    for relaxation, removal of emotional and physical tension, for a pleasant immersion in the daytime sleep, you must use the beneficial effect of melodious classical and modern relaxing music filled with the sounds of nature (rustling of leaves, birds, insect robes, noise sea waves And the cry of dolphins, the murmur of the stream). Children at the subconscious level calm down, relax.

Useful music

What music is useful for infant hearing? It all depends on the psychological state of the child.

For children, "Andante" and "Adagio", compositions at a slow pace are suitable for children. It may be works by V.A. Mozart "Little night Serenada»2 Part, Vivaldi" Winter "from" Seasons ", the second parts of the sonatas, lullabies.

For children of oppressed, which are badly sucking or neurotic breathe, on the contrary, more rhythmic melodies are suitable, at the pace "Allegro moderato" or simply "Allegro". Such works are the "Spring" of Vivaldi "Seasons", Valsa Tchaikovsky from his ballets, marching melodies.

The development of musical hearing in children It is important to start as early as possible. From birth, it should be familiar with the interesting kingdom of sounds: a toy drum, a guitar or ordinary forks, spoons of glasses, glass sticks, certainly, will be interested in the baby and cause genuine interest in music.

With the help of music, parents can adjust the child's mood. When it is too calm, it is too calm, it's too excited, to put a relaxing melody.

It is worth noting here that the melody with the words has a greater impact on children than the composition without words.

The advantages of music therapy are:

    Absolute harmlessness;

    Ease and simplicity;

    Ability to control;

    Reducing the need to apply others medical methods, more loading and taking more time;

Mama on a notic!

List of musical works,

Music for free activities

Bach I. "Prelude to Major", "Joke"

Brahms I. "Waltz"

Vivaldi A. "Seasons of the Year"

Kabalevsky D. "Clowns", "Peter and Wolf"

Mozart V. "Little Night Serenade", "Turkish Rondo"

Mussorgsky M. "Pictures from the exhibition"

Tchaikovsky P. " Children's album"," Seasons of the year "," Nutcracker "(excerpts from the ballet)

Chopin F. "Waltza"

Strauss I. "Waltza"

Songs for children

"Antoshka" (Y. Entin, V. Shainsky)

"Bu-Ra Ti" (Yu. Entin, A. Rybnikov)

"Be kind" (A. Sanin, A. Flyharkovsky)

"Merry Travelers" (S. Mikhalkov, M. Starokadovsky)

"We all divide in half" (M. Pleakkovsky, V. Shainsky)

"Where the wizards are found" "Long live a surprise" (from k / f "Dunno from our yard" Y. Entin, M. Minkov)

"If good you" (from the m / f "The Adventures of the Cat Leopold" M. Pestankovsky, B. Saveliev)

"Bells", " Winged swings"(From k / f" Adventures of electronics ", Yu. Entin, Gladkov)

"True friend" (from M / F Timka and Dimka, M. Pestankovsky, B. Saveliev)

"Song Bremen Musicians"(Yu. Entin, Gladkov)

"Beautiful far" (from the k / f "Guest from the Future" Y. Entin, E. Krylatov)

"Dance of little ducklings" (French folk song)

Music for awakening after morning and day sleep

Bokkerini L. »Menuet»

Grig E. "Morning"

Hyii century lute music

Mendelssohn F. "Song without words"

Mozart V. "Sonata"

Mussorgsky M. "Dawn on the Moscow-River"

Sens-Sans K. "Aquarium"

Tchaikovsky P. I. "Waltz Flowers", " Winter morning"," Lyonka song "

Music for relaxation

Albony T. "Adagio"

Beethoven L. "Moon Sonata"

Glitch K. "Melody"

Grig E. Solveig Song

Debussy K. "Moonlight"

Rimsky-Korsakov N. "Sea"

Saint-Sans K. "Swan"

Tchaikovsky P. I. " Autumn Song"," Sentimental Waltz "

Chopin F. "Nocturne Sol Minor"

Schubert F. "Ave Maria", "Serenada"

Currently, parents have a wide selection of money products: it can be discs and cassettes with traditional classical music or with an arrangement made specifically for newborns. Sounds of bells add to such arrangements. What is better to fit your crumb, parents must solve, watching the baby's reaction. Records with classic melodies are also sold against the noise of nature. CD discs are called "Baby by the Sea", "Baby in the Forest" and so on. Very pleasant relax cure, which will help the baby not only relax, remove the nervous tension, but will developrumor in a child.

Dear Moms, listen to classic music with the child, because a pleasant pastime of children and parents contributes to the establishment of a closer psychological connection!

A summary of the occupation of a correctional and educational program with elements of logo and music therapy aimed at the development of psychomotoric junior schoolchild with OVD (mental retardation) in the lessons of music and singing

Lesson 2.

Time spending:20 - 25 min.

Purpose: Improving walking, increasing the volume of respiration, the development of the clarity of the movements of the ankle joint, the preparation of children to execute elements of the folk dance, develops a feeling musical form The difference between the two non-contrast parts of the melody, the development of rhythmic clarity and agility of movements, the sensation of the musical phrase, the end of which is marked with a clear jump.

1. Hermic greeting and warm-up (5 min.): bow of girls, boys (Music F. Schubert "Waltz"),


1) separately along the path indicated by two ropes;

2) a group;

3) a group under the drum to the opposite wall of the hall;

4) a group along the hall;

Breathing exercises: (3 min.) The gymnastics of the "active breath", the exercises "head slopes", "hoist shoulders", "turns", "pendulum", "pump" (Music - Latvian People's Melody in the processing of A.Donas).

2. Home: (10 min.)

1) Leggings. (Estonian folk dance melody. Exercise author N. Sorokina).

Children stand in a circle, holding hands. Tacts 1-8: Easy running to the right (left). At the expense of "two" 8th, the beat is stopped by the face in the circle and let go of the hands. Tact 9: putting hands on the belt, children on the "times" semi-traded, to "two" straighten up. Tact 10: on "Once" exhibit ahead right leg, putting it on the heel, to "two" put it to the left. Tact 11: The same movement with the left foot. Tact 12: Three steps in place, then rotate with your back to the center of the circle. Tracked 13-- 15: Repetition of movements of 9-11 clocks. Tact 16: Children turn face to the center of the circle.

2) Running with stops (jumping through an imaginary obstacle). (Hungarian folk melody. Exercise author E. Dubian).

Children stand in a circle. On the tact 1-4: run. Having done 6 steps, stop at the "times" of the 4th tact with a jump from one foot on both ("they jumped over the obstacle -" puddle "," stone "," groove "). Running spring:

During running hands moving freely: one forward, the other back, stopping, hands are bred to the sides. Trackers 5-8, 9-12, 13-16, 17-20, 21-24: Repetition of the same movements.

3.Relksation: (7 min.)

Exercises with muscle relaxation elements. Calm walking, breathing restoration exercises.

Exercise on the development of diaphragmal respiration. Under slow music ("Forest deer") lying on the floor to inhale lifting the stomach soft toy and to exhale her, the final conversation about the lesson. Farewell bowl of students.

Used Books:

Alyamovskaya, V.G. How to raise a healthy child. [Text] / hard. Alyamovskaya - M.: Link Press, 1993. - 492 p.

Burnina, A. I., Designing an integrative program of pre-school education [Text] /a. Burnina, A.I. Colundaeva - St. Petersburg. Loiro, 2007. - 272 p.;

Volkova, G.A. Speech therapy rhythm: studies. For stud. Higher. studies, institutions. [Text] /G.A. Volkov - M: Humanit. ed. Center Vlados, 2002. - 272 p. - (Correctional pedagogy).

Eremenko, N.I. Health of saving technologies in Dun. [Text] / n. Eremenko. - Volgograd: Korifey, 2009. -152 p.

Kartushina, M.Yu. Want to be healthy. [Text] / M.Yu. Kartushina - M.: TC Sphere, 2004. - 123 p.

Kartushina, M.Yu. Green health lights: preschool reservation program. [Text] / M.Yu. Kartushina - M: TC Sphere, 2007, 97 p.

Kartushina, M. Yu. Luggage classes in kindergarten [Text]; Toolkit / M.Yu. Cartushina. - M.: TC Sphere, 2004, 236 p.

Klezovich, O.V. Musical Games and Exercises for the Development and Correction of Children's Speech: Manual for Defectologists, Music. Hands. and educators [Text] / O.V. Klezovich. - M: Averesave, 2005. -152 p.

Kovalko, V.I. Alphabet Fizkultminuts for preschoolers: practical development of physical attacks, game exercises, gymnastic complexes and moving games. [Text] / V.I. Kovalko. - M.: Vako, 2005. - 254 p.

Konovalenko, V. V. Development of a Svyaznoy Speech [Text] / V.V. Konovalenko, S.V. Konovalenko. - M.: "Publishing Gnome and D", 2000. - 342 p.

Kuznetsova, E.V. Speech therapy rhythm in games and exercises for children with severe speech violations [Text] / E.V. Kuznetsova. - M.: Publishing Gnome and D, 2002. - 256 p.

Kudryavtsev, V.T. Developing pedagogy of recovery [Text] / V.T. Kudryavtsev, B.B. Egorov. - M.: Link-Perez, 2000. - 345 p.

Medvedeva, E.A. Musical education Children with problems in development and correctional rhythm [text]: studies. Manual for studies environments Ped. studies. Entries / E.A. Medvedev, L.N. Commissioner, R. Shashkina, O. L. Sergeeva. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002. - 224 p.

Radina, O.P. Music education of preschoolers [Text]: Manual for Students Ped. In-Tov, ped students. Uch and colleges, music. leaders and educators children. Garden / O.P.Radynova, A. I. Katinen, M. L. Palavandishkili. - M.: Enlightenment Vlados, 1994. - 245 p.

Tyutyunnikova, T. E. Speech Games [Text] /e. Tyutyunnikova // Pre-school education. - 1998. - № 9, p. 115-119.

Tyutyunnikova, T. E. Tools of Charles Orph [Text] / T.E. Tyutyunnikova // Pre-school education. - 1998. - №2, pp. 141-144;

Piecorova, O.V. Fingering gymnastics [Text] / O.V.Uzorova, E. A. Nefedova. - M.: LLC "Publishing AST", 2004. - 102 p.

Navy, V.V. We play, listen, imitate - sounds we get [Text] / V.V. Split. - St. Petersburg: Publisher "Lan", 2002. - 231c.

Chistolyakova, M.I. Psychogimics [Text] / M.I. Cleaner. - M.: Education, Vlados, 1995. - 234c.

Shchetinin, M.N. Strelnikovskaya respiratory gymnastics for children [Text] / M. N. Schetinin. - M.: Iris Press, 2007. - 164c.

Purpose: To form in children the habit of a healthy lifestyle, a sense of responsibility for the preservation and strengthening of their health through health-saving technologies in all kinds of musical activities.


Enrich musical impressions children, create a joyful mood;

Relieve love for others in children. Friendly attitude to peers;

Introduce children with new elements articulating gymnastics, movements of wellness exercises;

Develop the speech of children using articulation gymnastics; correlate movement with text in speech and musical Games, self-massazham;

To bring children to the ability to transfer elementary game images and their characters facial, movements, intonation.

Visual I. didactic material: House, Mirror Flowers, Cat Mask, Night Major and Minor, TSO, Music Design.

Travel course.

To music, children enter the hall

Muz.ruk Hello guys! Today is such a wonderful day! And I want to spend today's occupation with elements of music therapy. Have you ever heard such interesting word Music therapy? And I'll tell you now. Music therapy is a music treatment, because the music is very strongly affected by a person and is able to change his mood. We all know well if a person fell ill needs to be treated, (like children.)) But sometimes a person thinks he is sick, and in fact he is just a bad mood. Then music comes to the rescue (as ... the answers of children). The guys are correct, using cheerful music You can raise the mood, and calm quiet music will help you calm down, if you are too transported, we will fall asleep with the help of a lullaby ... Today the sun shines! So I want to wish everyone, everyone: "Good morning!" So let's wish good morning to our guests and a cheerful song and raise the mood.

Children perform a dance with a wellness massage "Good morning"

Good morning. Smile Rather

And today all day will be more fun.

Clap in your hands

We will define Lobik, spout and cheeks (according to the text )

We will be beautiful, like in the garden flowers(lanterns)

The switches of palms are stronger than (according to the text)

And now we praise the bolder-bolder.

Clap in your hands

Ears we are now hidden and health savings

Smile again, be all healthy!(dance)

Muz.ruk Wonderful, now I will play you good music, so that there are more fun. Sit down the guys.

I open notes and see empty sheets with holes.

What happened to notes? And where did these holes come from? Guys, you do not know?

Responses of children.

Muz.ruk It seems that notes have eaten the mouse. What to do?(Thinking.) Invented! You need to call the music reference bureau.

I call on the phone:

Hello! Reference? Help!

We send assistant!

We must notes to find

To take it to spend.

We now come cat now.

Muz.ruk Well, thank you! Are looking forward to!

About the cat is a poem we know

Together, read the choir.

Speech game-dialogue "TRA-TA"


Cat out for a cat!

Boys: for Kota-Kotovich?

Girls: For Peter Petrovich!

Together: He mustache, striped,

In the ears tastes hang.

Well, not a cat, but just treasure!

Enters the educator disguised into the cat

Cat Ryzhik:

Meow meow! Yes, I am like this!

I'm just a treasure for all guys!

Meow! Hello everyone, friends!

How glad to see you!

My name is a cat Ryzhik. I have a scientist cat from the Great Cat Country Murlyandia.

MUZ. Hands. Ryzhik, where do we have notes to find? they dragged cunning mice

Cat Ryzhik: Only real cats can find a mouse. And I'm a super cat! Forward, my friends!

Perform dynamic exercise "On the track"

On the track, along the trackPodkoki on the right leg.

We are on the right leg.

And on the same trackDrinks on the left leg.

We are on the left leg.

Along the path will runEasy running on socks.

Before the lawn you willing.

On the lawn, on the lawnJumping in place.

We jump like bunks.

Sweetly reached outHands up, squeeze.

And everyone smiled.

MUZ. Hands. Guys, look, Ahead of the house! Is this a mouse kingdom?

Cat Ryzhik. Not! Here mice does not smell. Guys, let's see what is in the house. (Stretches into the house hand and pulls the card with the image of the face of a cheerful and sad nature).

Cat Ryzhik : Look guys it is a dwarf house. There are no dwarfs at home, but they left us their photos.

(The music director shows and asks in children what workframes are depicted. Explains that one of them is fun - this is a brother Major, and the other sad is a brother Minor)


(Fun) in the house to major lives,

Single song sings -

Good, major.

Merry, perky!

(Sad) re minor to the river went,

Sad started:

Oh! River prompt.

Oh! The fate of minor!

Guys, do you want to play? Listen carefully to music and transfer her mood by movements, facial expressions, gestures.

Active listening Music "Major or Minor?".

Under the merry music, children jump, dance, laugh, and in sad - go with omitted heads.

Cat Ryzhik: Children, very sad me!

Something shrinking in the back.

In the throat everything hurts, burns,

My nose bouffags, sniffs

MUZ. Hands. Guys, probably our cat is punished, he needs rest. Let's put it in the corner, and so that he fell asleep with a lullaby

Executed lullaby

Sleeping, you are my child.
Warm, soft, kitten.
Spit-inen, you are my baby,
Let you dream of a mouse.

Do not blink,
Do not snooze.

Sigrore rather, baby.
Grow as mom, cat.
Be sat down, taper, fit -

And like mommy

Do not blink,
Do not snooze.

MUZ. Hands. Well, Ryzhik, did you get better?

Cat Ryzhik: No, something is not good. I want to sleep yet

MUZ. Hands. But it is impossible to sleep all day. Guys, in my opinion, Cat Chondrite and does not hurt him. Now it's time to turn to music therapy. How will we treat him? Yes, we will merry the cat.

Children and cat Ryzhik perform a complex of playing a "friendship".

Children stand in pairs all over the hall.

I have such pens!Stand back to each other, stroke their hands.


Slaughtered in your handsClap.

One two Three!

Your handles too Turn to each other, stroke each other.

My look like.

Good with you, friend,Spin the "boat".

You twist with me once!

I have such cheeks!Stand back to each other, they smooth their cheeks.


I will stroke them a little.

One two Three!

Your cheeks too Rotate, rubbed each other's cheeks.

My look like.

Good with you, friend.Spin the "boat".

You twist with me once!

I have such earsStand back to each other, massage the uches.


Scatter them slowly.Try ears with effort.

One two Three!

Your ears too Turn to each other, teach each other's ears.

My look like.

Good with you, friend,Spin the "boat".

You twist with me once!

Cat Ryzhik: Oh! I am well! Thanks guys! Now I will always do this wonderful charging! How fun with you! And you know that music and laughter prolongs life. And for this, I will give you a multicolored mixing. (Gives children multicolored notes)

MUZ. Hands. Ryzhik, so that you took our merry notes

Ryzhik I did not know what you need them, they are so beautiful and I decided to give them to the guys

MUZ. Hands. These notes are not only beautiful, they are also magical. With the help of cheerful music, we were able to cheer up, and therefore cured you with music therapy. Guys, take care of these magic notes and know that they will always be able to help you to cure, because the music is the best medicine.