Interesting dance moves. How to learn to dance: video tutorials for those who are not afraid to try

Interesting dance moves.  How to learn to dance: video tutorials for those who are not afraid to try
Interesting dance moves. How to learn to dance: video tutorials for those who are not afraid to try

Dance moves

Initial position for all options (unless otherwise specified):
legs in basic stance, arms in any position.

"Little swing"- children stand holding hands and shaking them slightly from side to side.

"Big swing"- the same, only they swing their arms strongly from side to side.

"Spring"- standing still, easily, often, continuously squat. At the same time, the knees are slightly apart. The back is straight. This movement can be performed from the 6th leg position (on the "narrow track"). In this case, the knees of the legs are not pulled apart.

Pritop- standing on the left leg, stomp rhythmically with the right, slightly springing with both.

"Three tributaries"(starting position "narrow path") - step on the spot with the right foot, then with the left and again with the right, tapping a little. It is repeated from the left leg. The movement is performed rhythmically. The incline alternately with two legs - the technique is the same, only on "one, and" - an incline with the right (left) foot, and on "two, and" - with the left (right) foot. Pritop in combination with a "point" - the heel, toe of the unsupported leg next to the supporting leg or at a distance of a small step in front.

Squat- the technique is the same, only for "one" - squatting, for "two" - return to the starting position. The amplitude depends on the age of the children. The full squat is performed only in the preparatory group. In this case, the heels of the feet are torn off the floor, and the knees are spread apart, the back is straight, strong.

Half squat- performed in combination with a "point" - the heel or toe of the right (left) leg at a distance of a small step forward. Semi-squat with body twist - do a half-squat by turning the body to the right (left) 90 °. Turning the body straight, take the starting position.


Option 1: the right leg is placed back on the toe, then brought forward on the heel, and in place - three tributaries.

2nd option: bend the right (left) leg at the knee and put it to the side on the toe non-rotationally (heel up); at the same time slightly bend the knee of the left (right) leg. Stretching a straight right (left) leg, place it on the heel. Make a triple undercut, starting with the right (left) leg.

"Vest"- on the "one" half-squat with cotton "palms" with arms bent at the elbows in front and above. On "two" - to straighten up and put the right (left) leg to the "point" in front-right on the heel. At the same time, extend your arms diagonally: the right one - to the side-down, the left one - to the side-up. On the 2nd measure, the same on the other leg.

"Samovarchik"- on “one” - half-squatting and clapping of the “palm” with arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest. On "two" - he straightens, the left hand is extended to the side-up, the right hand is to slap on the inner side of the lower leg of the left leg, bent at the knee and raised up at an angle of 90 °.

"Herringbone"- starting position: legs - "narrow path", arms "shelf", "belt", etc. On "one" - turn the feet (lifting the socks off the floor) to the right at an angle of 45 °. On "two" - the same heels. The movement can be performed both on straight legs and on a "spring". The back is straight.

"Big accordion"- legs together. On "one" - parting of the socks to the sides, on "two" - parting on the heels. Then return to the starting position in the same order.

"Topotushki"- starting position - legs together, squatting slightly, hands clenched into fists on the belt (on a hip). Often alternately stomp your feet in place.

"Lever"- feet on the "narrow path". On "one" - the right hand bends at the elbow and reaches the right shoulder with a jerk. Simultaneously with the hand up, bending at the knee, the first leg rises. On "and" - to the starting position. Everything is on the "spring". Turning around you (whirling) - while facing the audience, start moving to the right. It is easy on tiptoes to turn in place around you and stop in the starting position.

"Comb"- children are staggered. At a distance from each other, facing in the same direction. 1st option: first, the second line goes forward through the first, stopping slightly in front. Then the first (being behind) goes forward through the second, stopping slightly in front, and so on. 2nd option: the first line goes back, at the same time the second - moves forward. Passing through each other - the ranks change places. "Play with a handkerchief" - holding a handkerchief (folded diagonally) at two corners in front of you at chest level, alternately lift one or the other corner of the handkerchief.

Dance moves for boys 6-7 years old:

"Goat"- starting position - the right leg is in front of the left, the arms are crossed in front of the chest. This movement is performed while jumping. Jumping on the left leg, stamp hard with the right. On the count of "one" - the arms open in an arc to the sides-up (the fists are slightly clenched and raised up), on the count of "two" - they return to their original position.

"Funny legs"- the position of the stop-squatting behind. Legs are often, abruptly "thrown" alternately forward. Returning to the starting position, the leg rests with the toe on the floor.

"Goose step"- starting position - in a half-squat, legs on a "narrow path". Walk wide in a half-squat on the "spring". With arms bent at the elbows, wave back and forth. Monitor your posture. The duration of the movement is not 8 bars.

Modern dances are those that emerged in the late XX - early XXI century. Basically, these are the directions used in a person's everyday life, for example, in a nightclub or at some kind of celebration (pole dance and many others).

Modern dances today include strip dance, jump style, go-go, shuffle, hip-hop. Let's take a closer look at each of the types so that you can choose the best one for yourself.

Many people compare strip dance to striptease, but these are different actions. Strip dance includes erotic and seductive movements that can be used with or without undressing elements, unlike striptease, where undressing is an obligatory part of the show.

Jump style dance (from the English jump - jump) is a movement accompanied by fast and very energetic electronic music. All dance elements of the jumpstyle resemble jumps, and if the jumpstyle is performed by a group of dancers, then non-synchronous movements are welcome. An important rule of jumpingstyle performance is that dancers should not be very close to each other, and touching during the performance of tricks is prohibited. Jumpstyle is incredibly popular today in Germany, the Netherlands and France.

Shuffle dance is a set of jazz movements that are performed in a new manner to modern electronic music. Shuffle is like the fresh air of modern dance. It fascinates with its novelty and exclusivity.

If we talk about Go-Go, then it is worth immediately emphasizing the purpose of the performance - go-go was invented as a dance direction that will help girls attract the enthusiastic glances of men. The go-go action is very rhythmic and sexy, and the dance is necessarily complemented by erotic costumes.

There are many more trends in contemporary dance. And their main plus is that movements of different styles can be combined, combined, updated. If you are dancing at a party with friends, feel free to perform a few strip-dance, hip-hop, go-go or jumpstyle moves to the fiery music - all of them will be appropriate.

Modern dance lessons for beginners

For people who feel insecure in places where they need to dance, we recommend that you attend modern dance lessons. There are many tempting offers for beginners today - the Internet, along with schools and studios, makes it possible to learn anything.

Let's try to learn some simple, but very effective Go-Go style.

Getting started:

  1. Stand up straight, straighten your shoulders, put your feet together.
  2. We step forward with our right foot, then raise our left, bent at the knee. When you begin to prepare to raise your left leg, start moving your arm up at the same time.
  3. After the hand is up, lift your head and look up.

This is a fairly simple move, but if done gracefully, it will be very sexy and alluring. It can be continued with another bunch of movements. After you have remained in the final position (standing on the right leg, the left is bent at the knee, the arm is up), lower the left leg back and take a step, then another step with the right. Then stop for a second and walk two quick steps forward, starting with your right foot. Then, without interruption, take the third step with your right foot, but not forward, but to the right side, and the fourth step with your left foot to the left.

You can continue this ligament with the most unexpected erotic movements. Think of them yourself or learn a simple technique - make a beautiful curve of your back, attracting hips to the movement. Of course, in words, the base may not be very clear, which is why we are giving you a video tutorial by which it will be easy for beginners to learn a bunch of these movements.

Now let's try to repeat the movements of modern dance in a different style - a mixture of hip-hop and R&B.

We begin our training with rotations of the shoulder joints, and the faster, the sharper the movements, the better. At the same time, your hands should not dangle near the body - place them on the waist. Then they will move slightly, complementing the shoulder rotation. You can improve the movement by stepping from foot to foot to the side.

We continue the training by stepping over, but we change the movement of the arms: it can be waving with bent arms at the elbows back or imitation of the movements of the scissors alternately left and right.

All the movements that are in this video lesson of modern dance, you can safely repeat on any dance floor and, believe me, no one will call you a boring dancer.

Modern dances for children and adolescents

Modern dances are very relevant in the life of children and adolescents, since it is at this age that they develop as individuals. Every child dreams of looking stylish among their peers, and the art of modern dance can help with this.

Modern dances can be practiced by both boys and girls. Each child should choose a style that is closer to him in spirit - exactly the one that attracts and likes more than anyone else, that he wants to dance in front of friends. Modern dance classes have a positive effect not only on the psycho-emotional, but also on the physical development of adolescents. The child strengthens the backbone, forms the correct posture and flexibility, pumps up the muscles, and keeps them in good shape. Not every child or adolescent can be forced to do exercises in the morning or in the evening to keep fit, but every parent can instill a love of modern dance.

Unfortunately, there is an opinion that there are age restrictions in the performance of modern dance and only people under the age of 30 can dance it, or even in general - only teenagers. But this is a misconception. In fact, modern dance is so versatile that it can be performed at 40 or 50 years old, you just need to correspond with the soul and body to this direction of choreography. If you are not fifteen for a long time, but you are young at heart, love movement and have the physical preparation to repeat the dance tricks of jumpstyle or hip-hop, do not hesitate to start training! Drive away from yourself the thought that only young people can dance modern dance and convince others of this.

Mastering basic dance moves for beginners is easy thanks to clear video tutorials. The main thing is to honestly assess your capabilities and choose a suitable dance style. Some directions are too difficult and not suitable for beginners, so before starting the first lesson, you should carefully study what types of dance exist and which one is right for you.

Go-Go club dance

The go-go dance originated in the 60s of the last century in the nightclubs of America. It was originally based on twist dance moves performed by girls on the tables. Then the owners of one of the clubs guessed to place the dancers in cages suspended from the ceiling, and thanks to this technique, Go-Go dances became incredibly popular: the exquisite and sensual movements attracted a huge number of visitors to the club.

This dance requires great physical strength, considerable flexibility, relaxedness and impeccability from performers. Usually it is performed to modern pop music, includes many different styles, such as strip dance, hip-hop, twerk and others. It will not be easy for beginners to master this dance from scratch, but it's still worth a try. The advantage of go-go is that dancers are allowed to improvise, and there are no clear rules by which movement is judged.

The group of Latin American dances includes the famous salsa, rumba, bachata, cha-cha-cha, merengue. This direction is perfect for beginners, simple for beginners, easy to master, they allow you to develop special grace, sensuality and plasticity. Thanks to the video lesson, you can independently learn to dance beautifully and, after a few lessons, shine on the dance floor!

Latin American dances are based on passionate, energetic hip movements, relaxed and filled with freedom, a straight, proud posture and a high chin. It is important to consider that all steps are performed on bent legs. This direction requires good physical fitness, so beginners should not expect lightning-fast results, but perseverance will certainly bear fruit.


It is a beautiful and passionate dance that is usually performed in pairs. There are several types of tango: Argentinean, Finnish and ballroom. The first option is the most popular, and the last, ballroom, is often chosen as a wedding dance by happy newlyweds.

Even beginners can master the basic steps and positions, but in order to master the true skill, you will have to sweat a lot. The dance moves for beginners are easy to remember and the couple always moves counterclockwise.

One of the most popular directions for girls is oriental dances, since the movements are very simple and beautiful, they help to relax and awaken sensuality. Belly dance is much easier than strip dance, does not require physical training and special flexibility, so you can master it in the shortest possible time.

Initially, this ancient dance was performed by concubines for their master, but today it is even danced in discos. Basic belly dancing movements for beginners include swinging the hips, gentle movements of the arms and chest. The video tutorial will allow you to learn how to move rhythmically and beautifully.

To learn to dance, you need to overcome shyness and your own laziness. Thanks to simple video workouts, beginners can try themselves in different directions and choose exactly the one that works best and gives the most pleasure. Basic dance moves for beginners are easy to master, and regular practice will help you achieve your desired skill level.

Dancing is a great way to cheer up, lift your spirits and burn off extra calories. Don't underestimate the benefits of such a simple cardio exercise. Even light dance moves help to strengthen the heart muscle and help burn about 300 calories per hour.

Light movements of the legs

The easiest movement to dance is called a "square". Mentally draw a square in front of you with an edge width equal to the distance between your feet. On the count of times - step with your left foot in the upper left corner of the imaginary square, taking a step forward. On the count of two - step your right foot in the upper right corner of the square (left, still in the left corner). While learning the movement, it is better to keep your hands on your belt, and lean forward slightly with your body towards the leg that is walking. Next, we put our left foot back in the lower left corner of the imaginary square, and our right foot in the right. That's all - the movement is over. You will end up with a "box step" that you have seen many times in clips and various fitness programs.

"Square" can be performed crosswise. Let's imagine the same imaginary square. Now the step will be a little more difficult, try to take it slowly so as not to get tangled in your legs. We start with the right leg, bring it forward and place it in the upper left corner of the fictional square. Our feet will now stand crosswise, but we need to take out the left leg from behind the right leg and put it in the upper right corner of the fictional square. You can move a little forward, since you will not be able to keep a clear line. Again, it turned out to be a cross - crosswise. From this position, step back with your right foot, placing it in the lower right corner of the square, and with your left foot back in the lower left corner. Everything is correct, we walked forward crosswise, and backward exactly.

Another simple leg movement is a slide. We put one leg to the side and bend it a little, and the second one "pulls" as if on a slippery floor, gradually straightening the supporting leg, now to the other side: we put our foot on it, transferred the weight of the body, and by inertia the second leg stretches behind the body. Do not forget to put the leg that we pull to the supporting leg. At this point, you can clap with your hands and you get a ready-made movement for the dance. These slides are often used in hip-hop.

Light hand movements

The easiest hand movement to dance starts with the shoulders. We put our hands on the belt, we first pull the left shoulder to the ear, therefore the right, then the left, then the right. We do it in turn. Now they lowered their arms and straightened them. We raise the left shoulder, the flood is right and again left and right, quickly. Let's add small swaying of the body from side to side (each time to the shoulder that rises), we got a movement with our hands.

If you are not good at standard movements, imagine that you have glass in front of you and a rag in your hands. Now you need to wash the glass, and you begin to make characteristic movements with a rag, as when washing a window. Change your hands: now the left, now the right, try to "wash the glass" with both hands at once, then above, then below.

The whole dance can consist of such associative movements. For example, imagine you are sending a bowling ball to the lane. With a simple movement of your hips to the sides and in parallel, you release a fictional bowling ball, first with one hand, then with the other.


The "eight" can also be attributed to light dance moves. The movement principle is very simple. You need to move along the trajectory of the infinity sign. Separately, you can perform the "eight" with the hips, separately with the knees, separately with the shoulders, or with the whole body at once. Try this technique, with different amplitudes, in order to understand which "eight" looks best in your performance.