Salome and John the Baptist. Iodiad and Salomew

Salome and John the Baptist. Iodiad and Salomew
Salome and John the Baptist. Iodiad and Salomew

Help you or do not interfere?

Salome - a character of both Evangelsk, and undoubtedly historical. She was the daughter of Philip, the son of Herod of the Great, and the Iodiad, granddaughters of the same Herod of the Great, Herod, who is known for his sad order to kill 14 thousand Bethlehem babies, for which, as legend says, and paid a terrible death in Jericho, where he was eaten worms. Herod Great first gave to the management of his son ITUURIA, AVRANT and fucked, but after deprived of his inheritance. The ambitious Irodada was in his humiliating position with a unfortunate spouse and dreamed of power. When in the age of 26, the brother of Philip -Irod Antipa - Salome's Parents, Iodiada managed to fuse the tetrarch. This was already in fifty, but he fell in love with the niece and decided to marry her, although there were many obstacles: first, Herod was already married, secondly, the Irodada had an irod of the niece and wife of his brother, so their marriage was twofold, if Not a three-time violation of the law. But Herod did not stop it.
John the Baptist openly implicited the Iodiad in adultery, and for it was enjoyed by Herod. But the prophet wriggled to the prison did not stop calling the Iodiad to repentance, she, for quite understandable reasons, hated a free-rope, but it was impossible to do something, because Herod, on the contrary, wondered John and, as testifies. Mark, "did a lot, listening to him, and he wanted him with pleasure" (ICC. VI, 20).
Daughter of Irodiad Salome (not named in the gospels by name) On the birthday of Herod Antipsi "danced and pleased Irod and replaced with him." As a reward for the dance, Herod promised Salome to fulfill any request. She forgetting his mother, who hated John for the observation of her marriage, asked John the Baptist's head and "the king was saddened, but for the sake of the oath and did not want to refuse her" (MK.6: 26). A squire was sent to the dungeon to John, who examined him his head and bringing it on the dish, gave Salome, and that "gave her mother to her."

It is possible to say with reliability that Salome was born in 15 years in R.H., so on this moment of ill-fated dance she was about 15 years old. A year later, she married her uncle, widowed in 34 year, remained widow until 54 and then married again for the Tsar Armenia - Aristotle. Salome died in 72 years. According to the legend, told in Nikiphora (KN. I, Ch. XX), Salome has suffered a terrible death rate, namely: in winter, on the river, Salome fell under the ice. Her head, cut off acutelas, brought Irod and Herodade, as they had once brought them the heads of St. John the Forerunner, and the body did not find it, but, apparently, this story is a product of propaganda of religious hoax. It is believed that Salome was extremely beautiful, but it is reliably about her appearance can be judged only by the "acute Semitic profile", which knocks on the coins of her second husband.

Salome in painting.
I chose only what I liked, mostly pictures of old masters.

The daughter of King Herod Salome is involved in the murder of John the Baptist. A person who approves this is most likely associated with cultural figures than clergy. Speak plot, repeatedly rubbing in art, when the beauty for his dance requires the head of John the Forerunner, turned it into a fatal woman.

The plot of the participation of Salome or Salomia in the death of John the Baptist is to raise the plot of the Western European art of several centuries. Titian and Picasso, Heine and Wilde, artists and sculptors, poets and playwrights perpetuated the image of this femme Fatale.. In the Orthodox iconographic tradition, the plot is known as the "Condition of the Head of St. John the Forerunner."

Recall this famous plot. Salome danced in front of Herod during the celebration of his birthday. The dance of the young girl liked the Irod so much that he promised her everything she wishes, up to half of her kingdom! In order to learn his mother, Irodada Salome asked Herod's head of John the Baptist. Herod ordered the beheads of John the Forerunner and bring his head on a dish.

On the pages of the Holy Scripture there is no mention of her name in connection with the death of John. Nor in the Gospel of Mark, nor in the Gospel of Matthew, the name of the girl is not called. "And when Herod's birthday celebrated, his daughter danced him before the guests ...". But her name is not named. Only at the historian Joseph Flavia, on the pages of his "Jewish antiquities" is found this name.

French historian and writer, Esoteric and Occultist Robert Ambreno in the book "Jesus, or the deadly secret of the Templars" offers his version of why Salome could not be on Tom ominous to Peir. Herod Great died in 5 BC. e. After his death, the eldest son, Archelay, sailed to Rome, so that Emperor Augustus approved him on the throne of Judea. His brother, Herod Antip, returning from Rome, bowed to the Iodiada, his brother's wife Herod Philippe, to the cohabitation with him. In the "Jewish Antiquities" Joseph Flavius \u200b\u200breported that the Iodiad agreed to it shortly after the birth of Salome's daughter.

"Consequently," says Ambylelen, "Salome said already born in 5 BC. Er, and by that time she was about a year. The death of the baptist took place in 32 of our era, it means that by that time Salome was ( 5 + 32) at least thirty seven years. "

According to the same Iosifa Flavia, the first time Salome was married to his cousin Philippe, the son of Herod Antippa, who at the same time was her native uncle and as a result of Marriage with Irodiad) by stepfather. After the death of Philip Antippa, without leaving the offspring from marriage with Salome, she once married Aristobul, Brother Agrippa. In this marriage, she gave birth to three sons: Herod, Agripport and Aristobul. Coins with its image are preserved, dated 56-57. On the obverse, the image of Aristobul, on the reverse - Salome.

In his palace in Tiberiad, Herod Antipa arranges a big feast. Suppose Salome sends at the table where the Higher Lovers of Jews gathered, along with their second spouse - Aristobul. Historian R. Ambrena asks the question: "How believing that the Mundai Tetrarch asked Salome, the mother of the family, to dance in front of his spouse?"

And he himself answers: "In the east, at that time did not danced, as two times in European dansing," in their circle "and" for their own pleasure ". There were dancers for whom it was craft, and the craft is very thoughtful. And ask her Paderitsa, who at the same time was his nephew, start to extract seductive Anthrash in front of the spouse and before all the yard was unthinkable: it would mean to take a grievous insult to both. Moreover, it's about a woman of 37 years, which, as it happens in the East and Taking into account the era, most likely, prematurely broke out. "

Doubtful that Tetrarch suggests Salome award in the amount, as the evangelist Mark writes, right up to half of his kingdom? It will not be better if you try to replace Salome Irodiada, who at that time was fifty years.

It seems that the writers Mark and Matthew not deprived by talent decided to present the execution of John the Baptist not as an ordinary political prisoner, but as the victims of love intrigue. And in this capacity, the plot fell to the fertile soil of art and remembered to many generations. The opposition of dance and death was the personification and ancient myths and historical jokes. Passion and crime appeared in the Bible itself: Samson and Dalila, but especially the judith from Ololfern's head. In real history, it is enough to remember the names of the Scottish Queen Mary Stewart or Spy Mata Hari.

Following the logic of Robert Ambelena, Herod Antipa concluded John the Baptist in Maheront, in the Moab desert to deprive him of all influence on the Jewish people. A year later, he commanded beheaded him in the same fortress Maheront, when Zelotov's uprising began to acquire dangerous scope. The personality of a member of the French Academy and the World Association of Francophone Writers, Martinist Ambelan and his book can be treated as fiction, and not as scientific work, but it is difficult to disagree with the conclusion made by him about Salome and her participation in the death of the Baptist.

"It was only a simple and cruel precautionary measure, but neither the Irodiad nor Salome has nothing to do with it. This explains why the fathers of the church did not know anything about the notorious" Dance Salome ", the episode that should be attributed to the field of legends," concludes Amblen.

The Iodiad was the granddaughter of the Tsar Judea Herod of the Great - of the very, on the initiative of which the beating of babies occurred. And by order of his granddaughter, John the Baptist - the righteous and predecessor Jesus Christ was killed.

The name of the Jewish king Herod of the Great became nominable: the word "Herod" in our consciousness is associated with cruelty and inhumanity. Nevertheless, historians evaluate its activities not only negatively. This king made a lot for the construction of Jews. But about his granddaughter, History did not bring any good word to us.

Language of rebellious forerunner

John the Baptist (Forerun) was the son of Elizabeth (relatives of Mary, Mother Jesus Christ) and the priest of Zechariah. He was born a few months before the Christians consider the Savior. And later in his sermons predicted his appearance.

John the Baptist led an accommodated lifestyle: wore a simple, coarse clothing and eats up the easiest food. At the age of about 30 years, he began to walk through Judea, preaching her residents repentance in sins. He baptized people, washing them in the waters of the Jordan River and say that this rite would bring repentance and cleansing from sins. In addition, John argued: "I am baptized in water; But it is among you [someone], which you do not know. He is going after me, but who has become ahead of me. I am not fit to unleash the belt at his shoes. "

Seeing somehow Jesus, the Forerun said: "Here is the Lamb of God, who takes [on himself] the sin of the world. This is, about which I said: I am going to me for me, which has become ahead of me, because he was before me. I did not know him; But in order to be baptized in the water so that he was revealed to Israel. "

Soon John the Baptist became known to all residents of Judea. It was very popular among compatriots, although it was clearly preached by the Jewish tradition. The natives of the Baptist clearly impressed asceticism of John, his desire to make the world of people better, as well as fearlessness. The fact is that the Forerunner did not hesitate to speak the truth to anyone. And government representatives - including. For that he had to pay an expensive price.

Brutal bleed mixers

At that time, Galilee and reached, part of the Judea, where the subsequent terrible events unfolded, the Son of the Great Son was ruled - Herod Antipa. The lingerie of this area was considered a woman named Irodiad. She was not a legitimate wife Herod and generally had a niece to him.

Since childhood, the Irodada was not only a tendency to debauchery. She neglected one of the most important rules banned for incest. This woman from an early age sought to the highest position, so in his intimate preferences, she did not go out for the "framework" of the Dynasty of the Iodiadov, based on her grandfather.

The success of the men of his own family first led her to marriage with his first uncle Herod Bepom. From him, 20-year-old Irodada from him in about 5 years old, the daughter of Salome. Marriage between such close relatives was the most real slap for Orthodox Jews who were afraid of bloodsmonds like fire. But this marriage of Iodiada compatriots have somehow digest.

However, this relative seemed not enough promising ambitious woman. And she turned her eyes at the following. The new spouse of the depressants became another uncle - Herod Philip. The people shuddered. But Iodiarian wanted to spit on the customs of the ancestors. Her religion was the thirst for power.

And again the puncture - Irod Philip did not shine a high position. What should I do? The evil and power-loving architecture broke his hands from annoyance. I had to change my life satellite again. And you should not doubt this - again the nearest relative. And again, Uncle - Herod Antipa, who, by the time of the beginning of a collaborative life with Irodiada, was the ruler of Galilee and re-eating. Of course, these parts of the Jews are not a whole Roman Empire. But it is better how to stive in ordinary aristocrats, I thought an ambitious woman. It should be noted here that by the time of the convergence with Irodiada, Herod Antipa was married to the daughter of archer, King Nabateev. The spouse did not want so easy to let go of a husband to a deliberate. She pressed his father, and Areta went war on Antipa. Son Herod of the Great lost this battle. But he did not return to his wife - the beautiful niece of the Iodiada was too promised him. How many people died in that battle - unknown. And for the Human blood, the blood was the juicy water ...

Having become Herod Antipa, the Iodiada for the most part satisfied his own ambitions. She happily lived with her husband and her daughter Salome. Parish Parobil is mercilessly, taxed by the Jews is unbearable tribute.

The people were in horror. But, as often happens, I was silent. The gloomy bleed mixer was increasing more and more.

The only person who was openly opposed the gustrated authorities was John the Baptist. This man, as we have already written, led a harvested lifestyle. And not at all looked like in the sleek representatives of the local aristocracy. He openly mounted the bloodsamer and her husband who ruined their people.

At first, Iodiad did not take the forerunner and everything he said to heart. "You never know what some tavern carries there," she thought. But soon, the Iodiad began to convey that John, despite his poor species, enjoys a great authority in Jews (despite the fact that some of his allegations were contrary to Judaism). And she understood: it is necessary to somehow shut it. But how? The failure was the fact that Herod Antipa, who was ready to always obey the cunning beauty, began to resist. He argued: John - a righteous husband and a sage. In addition, the antipa did not want to execute the Baptist in fear of folk anger.

The only thing that Iodia was achieved was the conclusion of John in the fortress Maheron. This is how the historian describes this terrible place: "The fortress itself was formed by a rocky hill that rises to an extreme height and therefore difficult to reach, but Nature was still taken care of that he was unavailable. On all sides, the hill is surrounded by an incredible depth of the abuse, so the transition through them is almost impossible. Western mountain depression extends to 60 stages and reaches the asphalt lake, and just on the same side Maheron reaches the greatest height. Northern and southern depressions, although inferior in length, just mentioned, but also make it impossible to attack the fortress. As for the eastern, it has at least 100 cords of the depth, but adjoins the mountain opposite to Macheron. "

It was not worth doubting that the conclusion did not become a serious test for John - a man wise and ascetic in his warehouse. This Iodian understood immediately. And she decided by anything to destroy the Baptist.

Birthday penalty

It was 28 years old. In one of the nights in the Palace, Herod Antipa celebrated the birthday of the ruler. And the guests, and the hosts after midnight were drunk so much that they did not remember herself from fun and drunk.

At this moment, a cunning plan was ripe in the head of the Iodiada. She asked her young daughter Salome to dance in front of the guests depraved dance in nude. This offer really liked the antipa. But here Salome spoiled from the young Youth, as her mother was supervised, I decided to break a little. Drunk Antipa stated: He is ready to pay any price for the dance. And Salome "to learn his mother, said: Give me the head of John the Baptist on the dish. And the king was saddened, but, for the sake of the oath and standing up with him, she commanded to give her, and he sent to cut off John his head in the dungeon. And they brought his head on the dish and Dali Device, and she treated her mother "(Matt. 14: 8-11).

John killed. His head was brought on the dish Salomee - Ta called his mother, and the Irodian in the rabies of the story, the needle of a man, who so much truth told the people about her ...

What was then? According to one version, Antipa with Irodiage lost power and died in poverty about 40 of our era. According to another, the earth opened under the feet of the murderers and absorbed them ...

Salome's death was also terrible - her to death lost the ice floes, which she passed in winter. Two ice floes closed on her neck and tear off her head as soon as the killer's knife once cut off the head of John the Baptist.

Maria Koryukova

Salome in painting September 17th, 2013

According to the synoptic gospels, the dance of the young Salome at celebration of the birthday of Herod Antipa fascinated him so that he agreed to fulfill anyone her desire. Being taught by his mother, Salome demanded to kill the prophet John the Baptist, and she was brought on his head.

Caravaggio. Salome with a baptist head 1609

SALOME. Often pictures with the image of Salome with the head of John the Baptist are confused with another mythological story, "Judith and Tolfern", which I wrote about in the previous post. They are confused also because mythological characters were dressed in costumes in the fashion of contemporaries. Again, the sliced \u200b\u200bhead is present. But, if the judith, herself hesitate the head to Olofern, then John was beheaded only at the request of Salome.

In art, Salome inspired many artists, among which Botticelli, Durer, Titian, Rembrandt, Caravaggio, as well as Romantics and Decadents of Oscar Wilde (the play of the same name, set in 1896) and Richard Strauss (Opera 1905 eponymous - on the play O. Wilde).

Batistello, Salome, 1615

Lucas cranes Senior Salome OK. 1530 What is interesting, the characters are similar to each other and on the paintings of Cranach "Judith from Ololfern's head", because the cranes wrote these characters from a real face - from their mistress and the music of Siberia Klevskaya. The same face can be seen on other canvases of Kranah.Is of the previous post: "In the hands of Yudithi, the artist wanted to invest his own head, but did not decide - the allegory could interpret in the sense that the artist himself lost his head from love. Then the Sibilla's husband, Kurfürst Saxon, offered to "borrow" their head for the painting about Yudifi. Johann Friedrich agreed. "

Like Crinnot Salome (Second version) 1900

After the baptism of the Lord, the Holy John the Baptist was concluded in the dungeon of Herod Antipa, the ruler of Galilee. The Prophet of God was openly untouched Herod in the fact that he coited with Irodiada, his brother Philip. On the day of his birth, Herod arranged a feast. The daughter of the Iodiada - Salome danced before the guests and landed the birthday. In gratitude to Device, he promised to give everything she wants, even half of his kingdom. On the advice of the mother, Salome asked Herod to bring her head on the dish, John the Baptist immediately cut off his head and brought Salome. God's anger fell on those who decided to destroy the prophet. In winter, on the Salome River fell under the ice. Her head, cut off acutelas, brought Irod and Herodade, as they had once brought them the heads of St. John the Forerunner, and did not find her body. Former father-in-law, Arabian king of Aref, moved his troops against Herod and defeated him. The Roman emperor in anger exiled Herod along with Irodiage to Spain, where they died ...

Rudolph Ernst Salome and The Tigers.

The Biblical Myth O Saloma was based on Drama Wilde, the Padderite of the Jewish king Herod, an incredibly beautiful and seductive dancer. But Uald put out other accents in the legend, and the cause of the death of John is becoming an unrequited love for himself by Salome.
Herod and himself grew to Saloma's sinful passion, and when she performed the dance of seven covered with a special brilliance, he promised her to fulfill any her desire. And at that time, the Prophet John the Baptist wandered through Juda, who heated the close arrival of Jesus Christ.

Benozzo Gozzoli Dance Salome on the feast of the Tsar Herod and the beheading of St. John the Baptist 1461-1462
When Salome, to learn his mother, Iodiad, which John was stuck as a libertine and a killer, demanded the head of the Prophet's head, even the cruel ruler of Jews was shocked, having heard that the young Dshcher Jerusalem puts the condition to bring a chopped head of the prophet on the dish. But nevertheless, Herod performs the promise and orders to execute John. His Salome has received on a silver dish.

According to the classic biblical legend one of the daughters Herod Antipsis, Salome gave the father's father's gorgeous passionate Syrian dance. Guests asked to fulfill him again and again. When a strongly drunk king of Jewish asked her that she wanted to a reward, then to learn his mother, Iodiad, Salome was asked for the head of John the Baptist.

Dance Salomei

Before disassembling this story, I note that this crime against the whole Christian world, not very historically savvy citizens often attribute Irod to Great. That he himself, who gave an order to kill Bethlehem babies.

However, he is not at all here. One of the main characters of this story - Herod Antipa. He was one of the sons of Herod of the Great. The generic name Herod he accepted after the expulsion for the bad rule of the Palestine Son Herod - Arhel. And Salome, by the way, was the daughter of Irodada from the first marriage and the Tsar Jewysky accounted for a stepdaughter.

As well as the story with the "beating of babies" the legend of the Salome dance and a terrible gift is very and very dubious.

Herod Antipa

First, in no one of the gospels, the Salome in the context of the death of John, everywhere speaks of his daughter Herod AntipsisBut the name is not called.

Secondly, it is difficult to believe that the daughter of the king would be to dance in front of some guests. Times and morals in the East and then were harsh, who did not have to dance probenen in front of drunken men.

Dance Salomei

Thirdly, with all the obvious shortages of the Tsar Judea, he still did not let his daughters for state affairs, no matter how they danced, and no matter how they were called. As for the murder of John, then Herod Antipa It really is hanging. But he did it not on the female whim, but according to the "state necessity," since it believed that the preaching of the baptically could lead to Smoot. This is what Joseph Flavius \u200b\u200bwrites about it: "Since many flocked to the preacher, whose teaching towered their souls, Herod began to be afraid, no matter how much his enormous influence on [quite obeying] would have led to any complications. Therefore, Tetrarch preferred to prevent this, grabbing John and executed him before, than it would have to repent when it would be too late. "

Walter Kremer and Goetz Trenkler in his book "Lexicon of popular misconceptions" answer the question of why the plot of the dance of Salomie and the head of the Baptist as a reward so fought in the soul of many artists and writers as follows:

"Yes, just because it is so successfully placed in the" Sex and Crime "scheme, which underlies the many other genuine and fictional plots (Judith and Head of Oloferna, Maria Stewart, Mata Hari). The opposition of dance and death is the most living personification of such fundamental foundations of being. Like love, life and death, which, as it were, at the same time appear on the scene.

Head of John

By the way, it was understood and not devoid of talent writers Mark and Matthew. In their interpretation, John dies not just as a political prisoner, but as a victim of love intrigue. And thus, the death of John the Baptist was firmly in memory of the descendants. And since generation memory should help. By giving events and character characters. In further interpretations, "Okrestili" and daughter Herod Antipsis, giving her a sonorous name Salome. "

It would hardly have liked the real Salome that her name would be enshrined in the memory of descendants. But this is not the first and, the more not the last, the case when