Conversation The concert is a form. Scenario concert - conversations in kindergarten "Tale in music"

Conversation The concert is a form. Scenario concert - conversations in kindergarten "Tale in music"

Municipal budgetary institution of additional education

Nosexen Children's Music School

Scenario concert conversation in kindergarten

« Tale in music »

BUT second and lead

teacher N.V.Loktev

S. Nykspenitsa


"Music introduces a child to the world of good"

V. Sukhomlinsky

Preface. Relevance of the topic.

Music and fairy tale enter the life of a child from the very early age and accompany it throughout the whole childhood, and often remain with him for life. The fairy tale helps to develop the kindest feelings in a small man.

In our music school, for several years there is a "music subscription", in which teachers and students of the school are conducting concert and educational activities for children of kindergartens and primary school students. The concert "Tale in Music" was prepared by students of the piano office and is intended for children of kindergartens.

purpose : Music and fairy tale as a means of the aesthetic development of a child of preschool age, upbringing in him love for music, to the whole living, to nature through an introduction to the masterpieces of world musical classics.

Tasks :


Create conditions for acquiring experience positive emotional experiences from listening to music;

Teach children feel the mood of music, distinguish with expressive means creating a musical image;

Improve the level of performing skill of students of DMSH.


Raise creative and cognitive activity from the listeners;

Raise discipline and ability to attentive listening to music;


Intensify and develop interests in children to the world of fairy tales through listening to works on fabulous topics;

- develop the creative imagination of children;

Expand the horizon of musical thinking;

Answer interest in classical music.



Pictures of fabulous heroes.


Hello dear friends, our young spectators! We are very happy to meet you again! Today we suggest you to go to the magic country of fairy tales and remember your favorite fabulous heroes. The fairy tale is an amazing world, where fiction and reality are closely intertwined. The fairy tale cannot exist without a miracle. Good wizards-beasts, birds, fantastic creatures, help the heroes to defeat the evil and achieve the desired goal. And so, we begin our musical journey to a fabulous country. Only I have to you, children, there is one request. Music is a very fragile subject. If you need to be bought at the time when it sounds, all her magic will disappear. Therefore, let's agree immediately when the music begins to sound, try to sit quietly, to help yourself hear everything about what music will tell us. Quietly, quietly sit down
Music includes our home.
In an amazing dress:
Multicolored, painted ...


Guys, what Russian folk tales do you know? - Children call familiar fairy tales, including "Rumor-Ryaba".

1) Eliva "The chicken demolished the testicle" span. On Farn Parygin Eve.

Based on the tales of "Rust", the composer composed a children's opera.

2). And from the children's opera A. Zaruba "Pink", span. wok. Ensemble 2 CL

A little danger where it is visible, the faithful watchman, like from sleep, waders, will be enthusized. It will turn to that side, and shouts: "Kiri-ku. Kingdom, lying on the side! "

3) Walking "Golden Cockerel"

Let's remember, everyone's beloved, a fairy tale about Emel. Question to children about what this fairy tale? "How Emelya caught a pike into the corruses, and then clenched over her and let her go, and Pike began to fulfill his desires. What kind of magic words spoke Emelya? - By whining the courage, in my opinion .... The oven, go to the king. The play, which now sounds, is called "Emelya on the stove goes."

4) Korovitsyn "Emelya on the stove is driving", Span. A.KotovaAnother familiar fairy tale is about three piglets, which all the time run away from the evil wolf. How were their name? - NAF-NAF, NUF-NUF and NIF- NIFF. What song did they sing all the time? - "We are not afraid of a gray wolf ..." performed by the piano trio will sound for you the melody of this song. 5) Churchill "Three Piglets" Span. Piano Trio Yermolinskaya L., Lobanova K., Khmutinnikova S. And now we will go to the magic forest, it is always full of miracles. You close your eyes for a minute, and now wonders will begin!

And so, imagine a beautiful forest, and a small glade ahead, where the hut is worth. Plow in the window and see who lives there? 6) Galynin "Bear" span. Lobanova K. ( Remember the fairy tale "Three Bear") . Go on ... The forest becomes all thicker and thicker, what kind of fabulous hero will tell us the following music - good or evil? Guess who is it? 7) Toropova "Baba Yaga" Span.on f-butYermolinskaya L. All residents of the fabulous world, as well as we, are closely related to nature. The keepers of the entrance to the fabulous world are small creatures elf (Show picture). Forest elves protect the forest; The aquatic elves live on the banks of the rivers, lakes and maintain water worlds; Mountain elves live in the caves high in the mountains and protect the element of wind and stone. Elvenges of nature . If they saw that you came to nature with good urges, the elves would definitely help you learn to understand what feels a tree, grass, or river, or breeze, gently rustling leaves.

8) Osten "Little Elf" span. On F-but Sogrina S.You know, children, with nature you can talk, with trees, flowers, river. Sometimes nature cries, cry and small elves. This happens when they see that people pollute the environment, throw out all garbage on the ground. Sometimes because of this, the tree can perish, and the river to dry. We would really like guys that you, like the little elves, they understood, loved and defended our nature. Another representatives of the fabulous world gnomes , small jarred old men, they wear long beards and high caps ( show picture). Live gnomes deep underground and guard her treasures - precious stones and metals. They are skillful artisans, crackers' masters, can post magic items. This is a kind and hardworking people.

9) Rouley "in the country of the Dwarfs" span. on thef-no.Khmutinnikova S.A long time ago in the ancient city Novgorod, a kind well done called Sadko Husar. Only huslie bellows, yes the talent of the Huslar-singer went to her inheritance from his parents. Glory rolled about him all over the great Novgorod. No wish the name was Sadko on the peaks to play, take the guests. All merchants, Boyar notable fascinated his transfusion music. (Husli-Ancient Muses. Tool- Show picture)

10) Kick "Husar Sadko", Span. on F - B. Istomin R. You probably understood guys that everything that happens in a fairy tale can be easily transferred in music. We all raises the mood music is always good, meeting with her we are looking forward to us, we need music music! The conclusion of our concert will sound a song.

11) Song from k / f "Oh, this Nastya" "Forest deer", Š.L.L.Lokteva, Party F - B.Vinnik.

We say Thanks to all artists, musicians and singers! Their magic art makes kind heart!

And you, our little listeners, we thank you for your attention and want to wish you to be kind, always carefully treat our nature and do not stop believing in miracles, believe in a fairy tale! To new meetings!

Alla Mashkina
Thematic contest for the older group "Ah, this Waltza Sound Adorable"

Dear Colleagues! I invite you to visit thematic concern! This form of occupation allows you to deeply work out and consolidate the knowledge of children on some specific topic.

Thematic conversation concert for senior preschoolers"Oh, this Waltz Sound Adorable»

purpose: deepen the ideas of children about the genre -waltz.


Develop musical and creative imagination, desire and ability to speak about music;

Learning to distinguish between musical expressiveness, the form of a musical work;

Cause emotional responsiveness to music;

Develop the ability to transmit the nature of music in movements.

Event flow

I remember waltz Sound Adorable:

Spring night in late hour

And the song is wonderful.

Yes, it was waltz, charming, languid,

Yes, then there was a wonderful waltz.

Dear Guys! Today we have a new meeting in the music salon. We started our meeting with the wonderful words of the Russian romance.

What were they? That's right, these lines talked about waltz? And today we have an amazing journey into a wonderful world of music waltza!

From ancient times and to this day, people dance - on holidays or just in free evenings. Many centuries ago, dancing could be seen on rural areas and in lush palace halls. Some dances remained in their epoch, while others could live to our time. One of these dances that did not lose popularity and Donyn is WALTZ.

And you know what denotes the word waltz? (Child response.)

Right, translated from French it means "Circling". This smooth dance, listening to him, feel the alternation of three shares with a soft rCOVING FIRST: Once, two, three times, two, three. Now I will fulfill you "Small waltz» N. Levi, and you try to hear the rhythm of the waltzHis three scenes.

(Pedagogue performs a fragment waltza, and children are listening to the first execution, and when they repeat the rhythm waltza.)

Now in our musical living, another one will sound waltz. This Waltz Posted by the composer D. Kabalevsky. I suggest you listen to him very carefully and think how many music parts in this waltz And what they differed from each other.

Spit-Yu Waltz D.. Kabalevsky.

Children: In music 2 parts, 1st sounded in the lower case, and the 2nd is high.

(Pedagogue is performed waltz, and children are listening to the first execution, and when you again offer children to show the registers of the movement of hands)

Waltz dance, as music tells, circling quickly, rapidly or more slowly, smoothly. Waltz It happened from the people's peasant dance of Germany and Austria, but then he began to listen and dance in other countries. With time waltz They began to dance on the balas, and he turned into a ball dance. (slide)

Waltz - One of the most beautiful ballroom dancing. In the capital of Austria, Vienna, the Christmas ball is held annually, where the elegant couples are spinning for the magical music of I. Strauss. (Slide Display, Dance Video, (slides)

The nature valsa There are different - sad, sad, smooth, funny, thoughtful, festive, graceful. According to the tempo - fast, slow, calm, and there are gusty, rapid.

Listen and tell me what feelings, sentiment transmits this Waltz?

Perform waltz T.. Lomova

Children: Gentle, calm, light pensive, song, worried, noble.

Let's listen this Waltz Once again and imagine where this waltz could dance.

TO waltzam In his work, many composers were addressed. Among foreign composers, F. Chopin can be called, F Schubert, and of course it is necessary to name the composer, which is called - "King Waltza»

I. Strauss wrote a great many beautiful variekteric waltza. Now I suggest you listen to a small fragment Waltz I.. Strauss. (Phonogram sounds)

But and our Russian composers are written quite a few wonderful waltza. This is I. waltza P.. Tchaikovsky, M.I. Glinka, Sviridova, a. Grechaninova, A. Griboyedov, S. Maikapara, D. Shostakovich, Glyover and many others.

And now, in our music. living room will sound one very beautiful waltz, K-ry wrote Russian composer S. Makapaar. We listen to ...

Spit-Yu Waltz Maikapara.

(Har-r, how many parts)

So our meeting with music came to the end. Today we talked about waltz. So what is the dance, waltz? We listened to the works of different composers, different countries, different times.

ABOUT Waltse said not enough!

In two centuries in a row

In the evenings and carnivals

Not sweating his outfit!

Walves in the world a lot. I'm sure they certainly still

will meet in your life. After all waltz - This is a graduate dance, and you will have a graduation soon. This is the groom's dance and the bride, and you, for sure, when growing up, the girls will become brides, and the boys are grooms. And just, waltz - This is a surprisingly beautiful dance. And now I suggest you to imagine myself for a moment on the beautiful ball and turn in a familiar to you waltz friendship.

Children are Waltz friendship.

Our meeting came to an end. Bye.

Thanks for attention!

Publications on the topic:

Thematic conversation "Heroes of the Integrated War" for senior preschool age Thematic conversation "Heroes of an Integrated War" for children of senior pre-school ages of children's activities: Communicative, informative.

Purpose: upbringing in children of respect for war and labor veterans, love for homeland. Tasks: organize a festive atmosphere "Victory Day". Equipment:.

Concert "For Our Mom" \u200b\u200bfor the senior and preparatory group Concert "For Our Mom" \u200b\u200bin the older, preparatory group. Sounds of fanfares and solemn music, under which leading appears on the scene.

Concert to the Day of the Preschool for the Elder and Preparatory Group Day of the preschool worker. Concert for senior and preparatory group. Purpose: creating a positive mood, expansion of the presentation.

Musical leisure for the preparatory group "Ah, this wonderful sound of the orchestra" Author: Kuzmin Natalia Nikolaevna Music leader GDDOU D / C №12 Musical leisure for the preparatory group "Ah, this wonderful one.

Irina Mandrick
Concert Concert "Tale in Music" for children of a group of general array of direction from 5 to 6 years


Development musical Perception is the most important task musical Education of preschoolers. Acquisitive child K. music art, musical The head solves an important pedagogical problem, which V. A. Sukhomlinsky determined so: "She will not grow by, and what a child will grow". In this way, music - A peculiar bridge in a children's soul, helping the formation of a child preschooler.

Concert's conversation« Tale in music» directed on the search for new forms of work on the hearing music with preschoolers, high-quality approach in the implementation of the task of developing perception children senior preschool age.

purpose: Development musical perception in children senior pre-school age from 5 to 7 years old, formation musical Abilities in all types available for them musical activity.

Educational tasks:

1) introductory children with classical musicrussian and foreign composers: S. S. Prokofiev, P. I. Tchaikovsky,

N. A. Rimsky - Korsakov, E. Griega;

2) introductory children with music genres(Suite, Symphony story, species musical Scenic art (ballet);

musical Tools of Symphony Orchestra (Violin, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet Fagot, French Horn);

3) form elementary ideas about the means musical expressiveness(melody, rhythm, pace, dynamics, registers).

Developing tasks:

4) Develop musical and aesthetic needs, taste;

5) Develop musical thinking, creative imagination (figurative music statements, manifestations of creative activity);

6) develop children Components Musical hearing is a lade feeling musical and auditory views, rhythmic, timbre, dynamic hearing;

7) develop the ability to express their musical impressions in musical executive, creative activity in performance musical movements, game on musical instruments;

Educational tasks:

8) to educate interest and love for classical music, recognition of the value of classical music;

9) raise empathy music, manifestation of emotional responsiveness, aesthetic feelings;

10) encourage emotional and verbal assessment music, educate the manifestation of an appraisal attitude to music.

Integration of educational regions:

speech development;

cognitive development;

socio-communicative development;

Material support:

Multimedia system

Music Center

Children's musical instruments: Bubnes, hammer, maratasas,

spoons, ratchet

Presentation concert conversations« Tale in music»


N. A. Vetloga « Music development of the child»

O. P. Radina « Musical Education of preschoolers "


Video Symphony fairy tales"Peter and Wolf"

Video Ballet "Nutcracker"

Video music P.. I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers"

Musical Record symphonic fairy tales"Peter and Wolf"

« Music can not think,

but she can embody the thought "

R. Wagner

Dear Guys! The theme of our today's conversations: « Tale in music» .

(Slide 1)

Fairy tale love everything: And adults, and children. What is the secret of this universal love for a fairy tale? The main thing here is probably what story - This is the embodiment of the people's dreams, the presentation of the people about justice, about the victory over the space and the time, the incarnation of faith in the mighty power of the native land. National fabulous hero, the ideal of the people is a carrier of truthfulness and generosity, physical spiritual power, constantly ready to put

this power is in good service and justice.

The fairy tale is developing fantasy, helps to understand music. But also music"Fills" fabulous Images of the living heartbeat and trembling thoughts. Music introduces us to"WORLD OF GOOD".

IN musical fairy tales Spiritual and moral content increases musical accompaniment, emotionally sensual impact. A certain attitude, installation to perception contributes to the awakening in the listeners of the instinct of empathy, complicity, co-creation. Music tale is bright, emotional statement fabulous eventshaving spiritual and moral content.

So we start our fabulous trip by

wonderful musical Pages of great composers. (Slide2)

Sergey Sergeevich Prokofiev (1891-1953) - Wonderful Russian composer who composed musical fairy tale and called she: "Peter and Wolf". (Slide3.4)

The fairy tale is not very magicalBut still extraordinary, because it is placed not dramatic artists, but the artists of the orchestra. At the same time, they themselves do not speak a word, they talk for them musical instruments. Each hero tales have its own melodywhich always sounds when it appears.

The main hero-Petya, and what is he in character and what tools it is depicted - guess yourself. (Answers children)

(Petya - cheerful, cheerful, carefree, bold, kind). (Slide 5.6, fragment of violin recording).

The next character is a bird. Guess the instrument (Answers children) (Flute Recording Fragment). The poultry melody is fast, light and passionate, because the voices of the birds and flutes are very similar.

The next character cat. The cunning melody, clarinet plays chatter. This tool has great opportunities. It is very mobile, with different timber paints. (Fragment of the Clarinet writing).

Another character-duck. A duck melody plays oboe. He has a little vigilant timbre. (Slide7, Sounds a fragment).

The old grandfather depicts a strict, grilling a melody. Phalot plays this melody - the lowest wooden brass instrument. (fragment)

In each fairy tale There is your own negative character. In this tale is a wolf.

The wolf is depicting three horn. Valtor's sound is a sharp, hoarse, a little frightened terrible. (fragment)

Symphony story"Peter and Wolf", helps to distinguish the timbres of wind and string musical instruments.

Another Russian composer, with whom we will meet today, this is Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov. (Slide 8)

He spoke: "My genus is story, epics. and certainly Russian ". Rimsky-Korsakov - composer-storytellerbecause of the fifteen operas nine written on them on the plots of Russian fairy tales and epic. We will focus on the opera « The Tale of Tsar Saltan» . (Slide9)

In the year of the creation of the opera, the 100th anniversary of the birth of Pushkin, it inspired the composer and laughed at him with great responsibility. Music Opera turned out to be sunny, bright, unusual, and why unusual - you can guess. Fabulous miracle poems a. S. Pushkin Composer N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov handed over to music ...

In the blue sky, the stars shine,

In the blue sea, the waves are harvested;

Cloud goes across the sky

Barrel on the sea floats. " (Slide 10)

The theme of the sea passes through the entire opera, and none of the composers did not reveal this topic as Roman-Korsaki, because he was a maritime officer, and the amazing paintings of the ocean during the circular swimming remained in his memory forever.

Please name three miracle in this fairy tale? (Answers children)

(Slide 11.: 33 Bogatyr, Protein, Tsarevna-Swan).

... there is a protein there that at all

Golden nuts nuts,

Emeradz takes out

And collects the shell,

Struggles smooth panting,

And sings with cleaner.

With honest with everything m peoples:

"Lee in the garden, in the garden!"

Today I suggest you guys orchesting a fragment of one of three wonders. (Slide12, sounds on dmi orchestra on chalk. Rus. Nar. Songs "Lee in the garden, in the garden!")

And now we will travel to an amazing Norway country. (Slide 13)

Full of great northern nature. The distant edge of the rocks, bottomless lakes, snow vertices is beautiful. In winter missiles and blizzards, in the rocks of the sullen sea, in the twinkling of white nights gave birth to Norway.

This harsh, invertible, but complete fabulous Beauty The country has grown and gave the world to his original art and his singer E. Grieg. (Slide 14)

The place where the composer lived is called Trollaughen ( "Hill Trolls").(Slide 15,16,17)

E. Grieg lived in the country where they loved fairy tales, therefore, many of his works are magical and fabulous. Gained great fame music Suite.(work consisting of several parts, different in nature, but combined with general meaning, written in a dramatic poem "Per Gunt" Henric Ibsen. The hero of the drama, the name of which she is named - the Norwegian peasant. Fantasist and seeker

Per Gynt, many years weird in long-term edges and met on his way fabulous Characters - mountain king, kobold and trolls. And now we are with you guys, listen to the fragment of the suite, which is called "In the mountain king cave". (Slide 18.19, Suites Sounds Fragment "In the mountain king cave").

In 1888, when suite was written "Per Gunt", E. Grig and P. I. Tchaikovsky got acquainted in Germany, Leipzig. (Slide 20)

From the first meeting, they became friends. P. I. Tchaikovsky was conquered not only by the works of the Norwegian Master, but also his personal charm, a friendly, heartiness, simplicity.

The words of P. I. Tchaikovsky became historical, saidthey shortly after the meeting: "E. Grieg managed immediately and forever conquer Russian hearts. Music E.. Grieg is still happy and worries millions of people. There is no country where they would not know the name E. Grieg, did not love and would not be appreciated music.

Guys, name fairy taleto which P. I. Tchaikovsky wrote music(Answers children)

(Slide 21, 22 "Nutcracker")

Plot ballet "Nutcracker" taken from tales of Hoffman. As in folk talesThe fancy, real life, the world of children's games and impressions be bugged in the nutcracker. (Slide23)

Guys, now I suggest you to reveal your creative abilities in dance improvisation under music"Waltz of the Flowers" From ballet "Nutcracker" (Video recording "Waltz of the Flowers", the game "Collect a bouquet")

Our the conversation came to an end. Guys, what did you especially like?

(Answers children) .

What are the people who create musical works?

(Slide 24,25,26)

(Answers children)

Creativity What composer most of all impressed and what?

(Answers children)

Name the composer who wrote a symphony fairy tale"Peter and Wolf"

(Answers children(Slide 27,28)

You liked story?

(Answers children) .

Guess the riddle:

On the sheet, on the page -

Whether the points, or the birds.

Everyone sit on the ladder

And twitched songs.

(Answers children) .(Slide29,30,31)

Tale is the world of fantasyintertwined with reality. To understand fairy tale, you need to be able to fantasize, imagine. To understand music, I also need a fantasy and imagination.

In this way, tale and music Have points of contact in their perception. therefore story can help teach to perceive music.

Thanks for attention! (Slide 32)

Practical tasks number 1.
1.1 Choosing one of the concepts of childhood, independently formulate the tasks of musical education and the development of preschool children .............................................................................. 3
1.2. Evaluation and self-esteem criteria: consistency of concept ideas and tasks extended; the validity of the tasks; originality, creativity; Satisfaction with your own result ..............................................................................................................................4
Practical tasks number 2.
2.1 Open the problem of the holistic development of the child of preschool age using any type of association (scheme, drawing, poetic form, music, etc.) ......................................................... 5
Practical tasks number 3.
3.1 Name the leading view of the musical activity of children and its characteristic features, manifested in various age periods of the life of preschoolers ............................................................................. five
3.2 Expand the specifics of the species of musical activities of children compared to the activities of adult musicians .................................... ... ...... 8
Practical tasks number 4.
4.1 What are the features of the pedagogical leadership in each organizational form? …………………………………………………………………………………..….10
4.2 Give examples of thematic conversations - concerts .................. .11
Practical tasks number 5.
5.1 List the functions of the head of the DoO, the older teacher, the musical leader and the educator on the GEF. What is the difference and similarity with the requirement of FGT ............................................. ........ 17
List of sources used .......................................... ... 31

Practical tasks number 1.
1.1 One of the concepts of childhood
Brilliant reflection of the views of D.I. Feldstein on the nature of childhood are found in the concept of teacher Sh.A. Amonashvili. The author determines childhood as infinity and uniqueness, as specialism for himself and for people. "The child with his mission means that every child has uniqueness and is endowed with nature special, too unique, combining opportunities, abilities. There are also common opportunities and abilities, but there is also their own highlight for everyone. What is this raisin? I consider it as a grain, which keeps the essence of the mission, and if you help him develop, grow, create the conditions of benevolence, then the child, becoming an adult, will bring it to those who are surrounding him in something, at least a tiny, relief, any Joy will be for someone a companion, assistant, hope. There will be most such. But there will be such that create, say, "miracle" for all mankind, and humanity will long be grateful to them.
I am talking about the birth of a love-keeping is not an accident. People surrounding him needed him. Maybe the whole generation, a whole society, even past and future generations needed. The life itself, which bears in its laws, causes the birth of the right person. So he is born with his mission. "
The main tasks of musical education can be considered:
- educate love and interest in music. Only the development of environmental responsiveness and susceptibility makes it possible to widely use the educational impact of music.
- Enrich the impressions of children, acquaint them in a definitely organized system with a variety of musical works and used means of expressiveness.
- to attach children to a variety of musical activities,
- Develop the overall musicality of children (sensory, ladscent hearing, rhythm), form a singing voice and expressiveness of movements.
1.2. Criteria for evaluation and self-esteem.
A competence approach to professional-pedagogical activity allows us to consider the teacher as a person who knows how to professionally solve problems and typical tasks arising in real situations of professional activities. Professionalism itself, in solving the problems of the tasks of pedagogical activity, is determined primarily by the subject position of the teacher and the ability to use their educational, professional and life experience. Subject position of the teacher as a special developing quality of his personal position:
- characterizes the value, ...

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