Message about the composer Mendelson. Creativity and Biography of Mendelssohn

Message about the composer Mendelson. Creativity and Biography of Mendelssohn
Message about the composer Mendelson. Creativity and Biography of Mendelssohn

"People often complain that the music is too ambiguous, they have to think when they listen, it is so incomprehensible, at the same time everyone understands words. It happens to me exactly the opposite, and not only about all speech, but also of individual words "

Felix Mendelson

Jacob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdi was born in Hamburg, on February 3, 1809 in the family of Banker Abraham, who was the son of the famous Jewish philosopher Moses Mendelssohn, and Lei Solomon. Parents sought to abandon Judaism, their children did not receive religious education and were baptized in the Lutheran Church in 1816.

The last name Bartolddi was added to the suggestion of Brother Lei, Jacob. Abraham later explained this decision in a letter to Felix as a means to show a decisive gap with the traditions of his father Moses. Although Felix, Mendelsson-Bartholdi subscribed to His Father's obedience, he, however, did not object to the use of only the first part of the name.

The family moved to Berlin in 1811. Parents sought to give Felix, his brother Semi and Fanny and Rebecke sisters are the best education. The older sister, Fanny, became a famous pianist and an amateur composer. Initially, the Father thought she was more musically gifted, but did not consider a career in music suitable for a young girl. Felix Mendelson with his beloved sister Fanny

At the age of 6, Felix Mendelson began to receive from his mother, and from seven years he studied at Marie Bigo in Paris. Since 1817 he studied the composition of Karl Friedrich County. At 9 years old, his debut took place when he took part in a chamber concert in Berlin.

Clequer presented Felix to his friend Goethe, who later shared his impressions of the young talent, bringing a comparison with Mozart:

"Music miracles ... probably no longer so rare; But the fact that this little person is able to do, playing improvisation or from a sheet, it is on the verge of magic. I can not believe that this is possible at such an early age. "

"Have you heard Mozart on his seventh year in Frankfurt?" Said Cider. "Yes," Götte replied, "..., but what has already reached your student has the same attitude to the Mozart of that time, what a cultural conversation of adult people has to the babe of a child"

Later, Felix has repeatedly met with and put on music a lot of his poems.

Years of study

Since 1819, Mendelssohn began writing music without stopping

Mendelssohn was adopted in the Berlin Choir Academy in 1819. From now on, he composed without stopping.

I must say that Felix has been a very fruitful composer since childhood. The first edition of his work saw the light in 1822, when a young composer was only 13 years old. And at the age of 15 he wrote his first orchestra symphony to Minor (Op. 11). A year later, the work that showed the full strength of his genius - Ocet Mi-Bf Major (Op.20). This octet and written in 1826 overture "sleep in a summer night" (part of which was "wedding march") are the most famous from the early works of the composer.

In 1824, Mendelssohn began to take lessons from the composer and pianist-virtuoso Ignats Mosselles, who once admitted that he could teach Felix. Mosceles became a colleague and a friend of Mendelssohn for life.

In addition to music, Mendelssohn's education included visual arts, literature, languages \u200b\u200band philosophy. For his mentor, Heise translated Andrie Terens in 1825. The teacher was amazed and published it as a job "his student F ****." This translation became the qualification work of Mendelssohn to obtain the right to study at the University of Berlin, where he visited the aesthetics of George Gegel, on the history of Eduard Hans and the geography of Charles Ritter.

Beginning of the conducting career

Mendelssohn Cabinet in Leipzig

In the Choir Academy of Berlin, Mendelssohn became a conductor, and, with the support of the director of the Selder Academy, as well as with the help of Eduard Devrinth, was able to implement in 1829 by the production of "Matchy Passions". The success of this work marked the beginning of the revival of Bach music in Germany, and then throughout Europe.

In the same year, Felix first visited the United Kingdom, where he held a concert of a philharmonic society. By the time his friend, Mossels, already lived in London. He introduced Mendelssohn influential musical circles. After the metropolitan program, the composer journey through Scotland, where he made samples of an overturer, who later acquired great fame - "Hebrides" and "Fingalov Cave".

After returning to Germany, he was offered a teacher's position in Berlin University, but Mendelsson refused him. For several years, the composer traveled in Europe, where he wrote a number of works, and in 1832 he published the first book of "Songs without words". March 28, 1837 Mendelssohn married Cecile Genrene (the daughter of the Protestant clergyman)

In 1833, Felix Mendelssohn became the conductor of the Rhine Music Festival in Dusseldorf, where his work annually. In two years, he began active conducting conductors in Leipzig, putting a goal: to make it a European magic center.

On the next, 1836, the composer received the honorary doctoral degree of the University of Leipzig. In the same year, he met Cecile Genrene, the daughter of the Protestant priest. On March 28, 1837 their wedding took place. The marriage was happy, and the couple had five children.

At the peak of popularity

King Prussia did not leave attempts to lure the composer to Berlin, as a result, Mendelssohn was appointed Music Director of the Academy of Arts. Until 1845, he periodically worked in Berlin, without leaving his post in Leipzig. Sometimes he traveled to England, fulfilling his work in London and Birmingham, where he met with Queen Victoria and her husband - Prince Albert. The royal couple was admirers of his music.

In 1843, Felix Mendelssohn founded the Leipzig Music Conservatory, the first educational institution of this kind in Germany, thus having exercised his dream and making Leipzig to the music center on the country's map.

He also finished a number of his works, including the "Scottish symphony" and a concert for violin with the orchestra. In 1844, he spent five philharmonic concerts in London.

Jacob Ludwig Felix Mendelson Bartholdi (It. Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy; February 3, 1809, Hamburg - November 4, 1847, Leipzig) - German composer, author of Marsha Mendelssohn, Pianist, Conductor, teacher of Jewish origin. One of the largest representatives of romanticism in music. The head of the Leipzig school in German music, the founder of the Leipzig Conservatory, the grandson of the philosopher Moshase Mendelssohn.

Early period

Felix Mendelson was born in the family of banker Abraham Mendelssohn. The grandfather of the composer was the famous Jewish philosopher Mosels (Moses) Mendelssohn, founder of the Khaskal movement ("Jewish Enlightenment"). A few years after the birth of Felix, the Mendelssov family, Jewish in origin, adopted Lutheranism and took the second last name - Bartholdi. In 1811, Mendelsons moved to Berlin.

Young Felix grew in a rich creative and intellectual atmosphere. In the house of Mendelsons, there were often many famous people of the time, in particular, the famous philosopher Friedrich Hegel and a prominent musical teacher and composer of that time Karl Cherque. It was the Carther who drew attention to the good musical abilities of Mendelssohn and began to give him the lessons of the theory of music. At the same time, Mendelssohn began to study at the piano at Ludwig Berger and on the violin first at Karl Henning, and then Edward Ricz (who in 1822 dedicated his youth re-minor concert). Already at nine years, Mendelssohn successfully performed as a pianist, and a year later his vocal debut was successfully held in Berlin (Mendelssohn had a good altance). By the same time, his first serious composer experiences include: Sonata for violin and piano, piano trio, two piano sonates, a number of organic works. In 1821, Clerk introduced Mendelssohn with Goethe, who favored the talent of a 12-year-old musician. Soon the acquaintance of Mendelssohn with Weber, who came to Berlin to produce his opera "free shooter".

During these years, Mendelssohn is already active concert activities, acting as a pianist and conductor. From the famous works of this period - the first symphony of C-Moll, a concert for piano with the A-Moll orchestra, Piano Quintet and Sextet, in 1824 his opera "Two nephews" was set. Mendelssohn's acquaintance with the famous Pianist Ignatz Mosselles, relating to the same time, turned into many years of friendship and creative cooperation.

Start of Creative Career (1825-1829)

In 1825, Abraham Mendelssohn makes a trip to Paris and takes her son with him. Paris of that time was one of the music centers of Europe, where the largest composers of that time were worked - Joakkino Rossini and Jacomo Meyerber. Mendelssohn meets with the rector of the Paris Conservatory of Luigi Cerubini, who gives it to the Given the highest rating. The French composer school did not produce a big impression on Mendelssohn, what he testifies to his correspondence of the time that he did not prevent him, nevertheless, make numerous dating in France's musical circles.

In May 1825, Mendelsons return to Berlin, where Felix meets Götte for the second time. In the House of the Writer was first fulfilled by Mendelssohn's piano quartet. In August of the same year, the composer finishes his double opera "Wedding Kamacho" according to one of the episodes of Don Quixote, Servantes.

The Mendelson family settles in a spacious old house on Leipziger Straße 3, which was a big musical hall. The tradition was the Sabbath concerts of Mendelssohn, which came to several hundred spectators.

In 1826, Mendelssohn composed one of the most famous his works - overture to the comedy Shakespeare "Sleep in the Summer Night." Subsequently, he often conducted by this work in his concerts.

1827 was marked by the first stage of the "Kamacho wedding". At the first presentation, the orchestra led Gaspare Spontini. The public accepted the opera well, however, because of numerous intrigues arising around her, the second representation was broken. In the future, Mendelssohn was disappointed in this his writings and no longer wrote a single opera, focusing on instrumental music and oratorios.

In the same year, Mendelssohn enters the University of Berlin, where the lectures of Friedrich Hegel listens.

Mendelssohn was actively interested in the music of Bach, while almost a completely forgotten composer. Back in 1823, his grandmother presented him with a copy of the manuscript of "Matthew Passion". Choral works Baha gave Mendelssohn to work CERTER, considering them, however, no more than educational material. When in 1829, together with the singer and director Edward, Delrien Mendelssohn decided to encourage the passions of Matthew, Clerk actively opposed. However, the execution took place (it was the first execution of "passions" after the death of Baha), however, in abbreviated form (Mendelssohn was forced to remove some arias, speaking and chorala, otherwise the execution could delay for a very long time) and with some changes in the orchestra ( The Clausiest Party was performed on Hammerklavir, and the Menadelson himself, the buses of the Goboev d'M'amur - Clarinet, and Goboeva Da Kachche ("Hunting Goes") - violin). The devrient performed the party of Jesus. The execution was a great success, and Mendelssohn performed "passion" in the nearest concerts twice.

Foreign tour (1829-1832)

Some time after the execution of the "passions" Mendelssohn at the invitation of Mosselles arrives with tour to London. Here, in concerts of Philharmonic Society, he conducts with its orchestral writings - the symphony of C-Moll, the Sleep of Sleeping in the Summer Night, acts as a pianist with the writings of Weber and Beethoven. In one of the concerts, Mendelssohn, together with Mosselles, performed his concert for two pianos with the orchestra, in our time completely forgotten. Mendelssoh's concerts enjoyed great success, in 1829 he takes a tour of Scotland, and returns to Berlin with a European celebrity. Under the impression of a visit to Scotland, the composer creates a symphony, subsequently the named "Scottish" (completed and was fulfilled only in 1842), and the overture of "Hebrides."

The visit of England was only the first part of the Grand Concert Tour, which was sponsored by the father of Mendelssohn. In 1830, the composer was proposed by the title of professor in Berlin, however, Mendelsson refused him and took new tour, this time in Italy, on the way stopping in Weimara and visiting Goethe, who at that time lived there.

Upon returning from Italy, Mendelssohn gave a whole series of concerts in Munich (there he composed and first performed the piano concert G-Moll), Stuttgart, Frankfurt, and in December 1831 arrived in Paris. Having spent four months there, Mendelssohn met with Sheet and Chopin. The Parisian public, however, unexpectedly met the new compositions of Mendelssohn is very cool (in particular, it was reforming symphony). In March 1832, Mendelssohn became infected with cholera, because of what the remaining concerts had to cancel. True, quite quickly the composer managed to cure the disease.

Already in April of the same year, Mendelssohn gave a series of concerts in London, where he acted not only as a conductor, but also, as an organist, and also publishes the first book of his famous "Songs without words."

In the summer, Mendelssohn returns to Berlin.

Dusseldorf (1832-1835)

In May 1832, Karl Celhter dies, the first teacher of Mendelssohn and Director of the Sovic Academy in Berlin. At the insistence of his father, Mendelson puts forward his candidacy for this post, however, members of the Academy voted for the Vice-director of Charles Rungenhagen, and, according to Edward Devrint, the anti-Semitic views of some members of the Academy played in this decision. After some time, the composer decides to leave Berlin.

In 1833, Mendelssohn attends London for the third time, where he fulfilled his symphony A-DUR (later than the named "Italian"). After that, Mendelssohs are invited to encode on the Rhine Music Festival in Dusseldorf. The concert is of great success, and the composer offers the place of generalmuscriptors. Mendelssohn agrees and for two years regularly conducts opera performances and symphony concerts. They enjoy great success, however, the relationship of Mendelssohn with the leaders of the theater life of the city was not always successful, therefore, when in 1835, after a brilliant speech, at the Cologne Music Festival, he was offered a post of dropleyster of symphony concerts of the Leipzig Geevandhaus, the composer immediately accepted this proposal.

Leipzig (1835-1841)

On October 4, 1835, the first concert was held in Leipzig under the administration of Mendelssohn. On it was performed by an overture "Sea quiet and happy swimming". Soon the concerts of Geevandhaus become among the most important events of the musical life of Europe, and Mendelssohn is one of its main figures. In 1836, Leipzig University assigns the composer a doctor of Philosophy Honoris Causa.

Back in Düsseldorf, Mendelssohn decided to write a trilogy of an oral on the biblical topics "Elijah - Paul - Christ", but a constant concert activity did not give him the opportunity to take up this work. In Leipzig, the composer managed to begin to embody his plan: Paul's oratorio was finished in the spring of 1836 and was soon executed under the author of the author at the Rhine Music Festival.

In March 1837, Mendelssohn marries Cecilia Jean-Reno, with which he met in Frankfurt. Mendelson had five children.

Mendelssohn again visits London's tour, where he served as a speaker "Pavel", performs with organ concerts and gives master classes. Work begins on the Ostrician "Elijah".

The authority of the composer is growing, musicians for advice and help are treated to him, his opinion on new writings is considered to be continued. In April 1840, he addressed a petition for the organization in the conservatory Leipzig. He refuses the governing post, but becomes the head of the first German conservatory, open 3 years later. Mendelssohn leads solo singing classes, compositions and tools. Concert tour continues. Special joy brings Mendelson England. In Birmingham, he conducts the oratorius "Pavel" and "HuHing Song", in London performs the newly completed Scottish symphony.


In 1841, the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm IV invited Mendelssohn to the post of Kapelmeister in Berlin. The king wanted to make this city by the cultural center of Germany. Mendelson was instructed to reform the Royal Arts Academy and lead the Cathedral Choir.

However, the reform activity of Mendelssohn in Berlin met violent resistance, and he decided to return to concert activities. In 1842, he and his wife once again visits England, where his concerts still enjoy great success. During this period, Massadson's creativity writes music for theatrical productions: "Antigona", "King Edip", "Sleeping in the summer night".

Last years in Leipzig

In 1843, with the active participation of Mendelssohn, a conservatory was opened in Leipzig - the first higher musical educational institution of Germany. Schuman, David, Mossels and other major musicians of that time were invited as teachers. A year later, he again gives concerts in England, and on his return it comes to the king of a resignation from the post of Berlin Kapelmeister.

In September 1845, Mendelssohn returns to Leipzig, where he occupies the former post of conductor of the concerts of Geevandhaus, teaches the conservatory and writes the oratoria "Eliya". The writing was completed in 1846 and first fulfilled in Birmingham. Upon returning to Leipzig, he is adopted for the creation of the third part of the trilogy - "Christ", but the composer's health is shaking, and he suspends work on the oral record. In 1847, Mendelssohn is last rising to England, where he condurates the oratoria "Elijah" in Manchester and Birmingham.

On May 14, 1847, the older sister of Mendelson Fanny dies at the age of 42. Shocked by this news, the composer stops concert activities and is leaving for some time to Switzerland. On October 28 of the same year, a stroke happens in Leipzig, and on November 3 - the second. The next day, Mendelssohn died.

In the house on Goldshmidtstrasse 12, where the composer died, today is the Museum of Mendelssohn.

Mendelssohn through the eyes of contemporaries and descendants

The reputation of Mendelssohn in the circle of contemporary musicians was very high. Robert Schumann called him "Mozart of the nineteenth century", the young Hector Berlioz wrote that the pianistic art of Mendelssohn is just as great, as his composer genius, and the last Orator of Mendelssohn "Elijah" responded as "elevated magnificent and indescribably luxurious in harmony."

Soon after the death of Mendelssoh, however, his work was tasty and ambiguous evaluation in the article Richard Wagner "Jewry in Music": Recognizing Mendelson "Rich Specific Talent", Wagner accuses him of imaging Johann Sebastian Bahu and with condemnation declares that "Creative efforts Mendelssohn, aimed to be unclear, insignificant ideas found not only an interesting, but disconnecting expression, a lot contributed to the promiscuity and arbitrariness in our musical style, "putting these properties of Mendelssoh's music into direct dependence on its nationality. However, it is noted that the actual ratio of Wagner to Mendelssohn was not so unequivocal. On the defense of Mendelssohn from Wagner, in particular, he always appreciated Mendelssohn Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, ironically writing: "It was not ashamed of the high-level Jew with such cunning echoes to settle humanity with his instrumental essays instead of sleeping with German honesty to sleep like a wagney in long , difficult, noisy and sometimes unbearable boring operations! "

The merit of Mendelssohn and as a conductor: under his control, for the first time after a long break, the writings of Bach and Handel were fulfilled, as well as the Du-major Schubert Symphony.

Main Works of Mendelssohn

Operas and Zingshpili

  • "Two nephews, or uncle from Boston"
  • "Wedding Camacho"
  • "Love Soldier"
  • "Two teachers"
  • "Stray comedians"
  • "Return from foreign" (recycled to the vocal cycle, Op. 89; 1829)


  • Paul, Op. 36 (1835)
  • "Elijah", Op. 70 (1846)
  • "Christ", Op. 97 (not finished)
  • Te Deum.


  • "Christe, du Lamm Gottes" (1827)
  • "VOM HIMMEL HOCH" (1831)
  • "WIR GLAUBEN ALL" (1831)
  • "Ach Gott Vom Himmel Sieh Darein" (1832)
  • Valpurgiyeva Night ", Op. 60.
  • "Festive chants", Op. 68 (1840)

Orchestral writings

  • 13 Symphony for String Orchestra (1821-1823)
  • Symphony number 1 C-MOLL OP. 11, (1824)
  • Symphony No. 2 B-DUR (Symphony-Cantata "Pucnic Song"), Op. 52 (1840)
  • Symphony No. 3 A-Moll ("Scottish"), Op. 56 (1842)
  • Symphony number 4 A-DUR ("Italian"), Op. 90 (1833)
  • Symphony number 5 D-Moll ("Reformation"), Op. 107 (1832)
  • Overture C-DUR ("Support with Pipes"), Op. 101 (1825)
  • Overture "Sleeping in the Summer Night", Op. 21 (1826/1831)
  • Overture "Fairy Tale of Beautiful Meluzine", Op. 32 (1833)
  • Overture "Hebrides, or Fingalov Cave", Op. 26 (1832)
  • Overture "Sea Tish and Happy Swimming", Op. 27 (1828/1833/1834)
  • Overture "Ryui Blaz", Op. 95 (1839)
  • Music to the tragedy "Antigone", Op. 55 (1841)
  • Music to Comedy "Sleeping in the Summer Night", Op. 61 (1843, including "Wedding Marsh")
  • Music to the play "Ataly", Op. 74 (1843-1845)
  • Music to the "Edip" tragedy, op. 93 (1845)
  • Music to the play "Loreley", Op. 98 (1845)


  • Concerto for violin with orchestra D-Moll (1822)
  • Concert for violin with orchestra, E-Moll op. 64 (1838, Second Editors 1844)
  • Concerto for Piano with Orchestra A-Moll (1822)
  • Concerto for piano with orchestra No. 1 G-Moll, Op. 25 (1831)
  • Concerto for piano with orchestra No. 2 D-Moll, Op. 40 (1837)
  • Two concerts for two pianos with orchestra (E-DUR and AS-DUR) (1823-1824)
  • Concerto for violin and piano with orchestra D-Moll (1823)

Chamber writings

  • Seven string quartets;
  • String Ocet;
  • Two Sonatas for Violin and Piano;
  • Two Sonatas for Cello and Piano;
  • Two piano trio;
  • Three piano quartets;
  • Sonata for Viola and Piano

Works for piano

  • Preludes and Fugu OR. 35.
  • Variations: "Serious variations" op. 54.
  • Three Sonata
  • Etude
  • Capricchio
  • "Songs without words", eight notebooks
  • Rondo-Capricichiosis

Works for organ

  • Prelude D-Moll (1820)
  • Andante D-DUR (1823)
  • Passaclaus C-Moll (1823)
  • Three preludes and fugues, OP. 37 (1836/37)
  • Three Fugues (1839)
  • Prelude C-Moll (1841)
  • Six Op Sonatas. 65 (1844/45)
  • Andante with Variations D-DUR (1844)
  • Allegro B-DUR (1844)

Vocal and choral essays

"Sing on the square." Six songs. Op. 41.

  • # 1. "In the forest" (Sl. A. Plaid)
  • # 2. "Run with me" (Sl. Gaine)
  • № 3. "Hown other in the spring of the spring fell" (Sl. Gayne)
  • № 4. "Over its grave" (Sl. Gaine)
  • № 5. "May song" (Sl. L. Höldi)
  • № 6. "On the lake" (Sl. I. V. Götte)

"First day of spring". Op. 48.

  • No. 1. "Premonition of Spring" (Sl. L. Ulanda)
  • No. 2. "Snowdrop" (Sl. N. Lenaau)
  • № 3. "Spring holiday" (SL. L. Ulanda)
  • № 4. "Song of Lark". Canon
  • № 5. "Morning Prayer" (Sl. J. Eichendorf)
  • № 6. "Autumn Song" (Sl. N. Lenaau)

"Among the greenery." Six songs. Op. 59 (1844)

  • № 1. "Among the greenery" (Sl. Szezi)
  • No. 2. "Early Spring" (SL. I. V. Gote)
  • No. 3. "Farewell to the Forest" (Sl. J. Eichendorf)
  • № 4. "Solovy" (Sl. I. V. Guitet)
  • № 5. "Greens" (Sl. L. Ulanda)
  • No. 6. "Hunting Song" (Sl. J. Eichendorf)


  • Hear my prayer! (eng. Hear My Prayer, it. Hör Mein Bitten.). Salt Major, Woo 15, Psalm Translation Text 54 (55).

Six choirs. Op. 88.

  • № 1. "New Year's Song" (Sl. J. P. Geleb)
  • # 2. "Happy" (Sl. J. Eyhendorf)
  • № 3. "Shepherd song" (Sl. L. Ulanda)
  • № 4. "Forest birds" (Sl. Brush)
  • № 5. "Germany" (Sl. J. P. Geleb)
  • No. 6. "Wandering Musician" (SL. J. Eyhendorf)

Four choir. Op. 100

  • № 1. "Memory"
  • No. 2. "Praise Spring" (L. L. Ulanda)
  • № 3. "Spring Song"
  • № 4. "In the forest"

Jacob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdi is an outstanding German composer, who also became famous as a virtuoso pianist, a talented teacher and conductor. He is considered the largest representative of the romantic direction in classical music. In addition, Mendelsson founded the Leipzig Conservatory and became its first leader. The composer lived a long life, but left behind a rich creative heritage, including a popular violin concert of Minor and Overture to the spectrum "Sleeping on a summer night", in addition, his famous "wedding march" for all times became a hit number one. However, Mendelssoh has another merit, for which all humanity is immensely grateful. He re-opened the world for the time the work of the great Johann Sebastian Baha.

A brief biography of Felix Mendelssohn and many interesting facts about the composer read on our page.

Brief biography of Mendelssohn

Felix Mendelson was born on February 3, 1809 in Hamburg in a wealthy and influential family of a Jewish banker. His father was Abraham Mendelssohn, and the grandfather of Moses Messelson, the founder of the movement of the Jewish Enlightenment, the philosopher and preacher of the idea of \u200b\u200bviolence. After a couple of years after the birth of the boy, his family appealed to Lutheranism, after this event to the main family name was added second - Bartholdi. From the small years, Felix was brought up in a favorable environment promoting the enlightenment created for children by their loving parents. He got an excellent versatile education, had the opportunity to communicate with the famous representatives of the intelligentsia, the outstanding philosopher of the modern Philosher Friedrich Hegel and the musician Karl Celhter was part of the house.

The mother of the little Felix was the first to notice the tendency to music from the future composer and his native sister Fanny. It was she who became their first teachers who instilled in children a sense of excellent and laid the foundations of a note letter. When Lea realized that he had given everything that he could have given children to study for the outstanding Berlin music teacher Ludwig Bergeru. The theory of them was engaged in the Chercheter himself. Also, the boy wished to master the violin, which first-class teachers also helped him, and then switched to Alto, which in the future will be his favorite musical instrument.

According to the biography of Mendelssoh, at the age of 9, Felix first spoke in public as a pianist, and in just a year she conquered the audience with his vocal abilities. At the same time, its early writings appear: Sonatas for violin and piano, organ composition. Heinrich Heine already called the young talent "Music Miracle." At the same time, the composer is engaged in concert speeches in concert performances, appears before the public as a conductor and the performer not only other people, but also his own creations, and in 1824 his first independent opera "Two nephews" was played on stage.

The creativity and views of Mendelssohn, in addition to education and communication with the smartest people of that era, have always affects travel. Parents always tried to show the boy light, and when she was 16 years old, Father Abraham took him to a business trip to Paris.

At that time, the city was considered a cultural center of Europe, the famous composers - Rossini, Meyerber lived in it. The head of the Conservatory in Paris gave the highest assessment of his success, but on Mendelssohn, French musical traditions did not have a special impression. This is telling his personal correspondence with friends and records of his sister Fanny. Nevertheless, useful links in the Supreme Society of Creative Intelligentsia Felix was able to start.

Mendelsons returned home to Berlin at the end of the same year. The young man is re-sent to the Goethe and his guest for the first time performs a concert for piano. In August 1825, he finishes work on his first serious work - Opera in two parts of the Kamacho wedding based on Don Quixote.

The biography of Mendelson states that in the summer of 1826 in a matter of weeks the composer writes one of the most recognizable his creations - an overture to the comedy Shakespeare "Sleep in the summer night". 12 minutes of compositions open the listener a wonderful world, full of slightly naive youthful dreams. In 1827, the scenic interpretation of the "Kamacho wedding" was planned for the first time. The premiere of the performance took the world, the opera earned good reviews of critics, but because of the permanent backstage intrigues and intricacies, the second statement was torn. Mendelssohn remained so disappointed in his creation, which is forever to write operas, and focused on the instrumental works. In the same year, a young musician adopts the University of Gumboldt in Berlin, where he listens to the lecture of one of the very first teachers of Friedrich Hegel.

From the early years, Mendelssohn became interested in creativity undeservedly forgotten at that time I.S. Baha . Back in childhood, the boy's grandmother presented him with a manuscript " Passion passions ", And the music notebooks with the writings of Baha, in the role of a study manual in class, gave him a goal. Later, in 1829, under the leadership of Mendelssohn, the public again heard "Passion in Matthew" and this event went into the history of music.

Concert activity

On the wave of success from the show "Passions of Matthew", Mendelssohn is first going to a concert tour to London. Here, he repeatedly performs with its orchestral works that has become the famous and recognizable overture to "sleep in a summer night", and also performs favorite works Beethoven and Weber. Musician concerts are so popular that after London, he rides to conquer Scotland, later, being under the indelible emotions from a trip, he will write "Scottish" symphony. Home to Berlin Mendelssohn comes with a European scale star.

Visit to England was only the beginning of the tour of the composer, which he sponsored his father, after it he goes to conquer Italy, and on the road he visited Guitet. In 1830, Mendelssohu received a proposal to take a vacant position at Berlin University, where he had previously studied, but he rejects him in favor of the tour.

All summer of 1830 flies in the roadside: Munich, Paris, Salzburg. In Rome, the composer remains until the end of winter, where he is working on an entry to Hebride and writes notes to the "First Walpurgian Night". The way home in the spring of 1831 runs back through Munich, where Mendelssohn gives a number of piano concerts. He is all immersed in a passionate feeling for the beauty of the dolphin von Shaurot, he devotes her a new keyway concert, he laughs him on a piece of paper and executes the King of Bavaria.

Incredible success of Mendelssohn

At the age of 26, Felix Mendelson becomes the youngest leader of Geevandhaus. He immediately finds a common language with the orchestra, he manages to curb and configure musicians to himself who do not even notice. Concerts in Gevandhaus under the leadership of Mendelssohn quickly acquire pan-European significance, and the composer himself becomes prominent person. In Leipzig, Mendelson managed to work only during the holidays, it was then that he finishes conceived in the Düsseldorf period of Triptych on the religious theme "Elia Paul - Christ".

Soon after the death of his father, Mother Felix takes a promise from him to find a suitable wife, and in the fall of 1836 he was combined with a marriage with a girl from the wealthy family - Cecilia Jean-Reno. In the family life, Mendelssohn gained long-awaited harmony. His wife was not distinguished by a special mind, but was a caring and economic, besides, he has repeatedly stated that highly educated ladies from the highest society he is deeply disgusting. Five children were born in marriage, and the published Mendelssohn screams in family happiness new creative ideas. In 1840, it applies to the first institution in Leipzig in Germany, which was then founded three years later.

In 1841, the King of Prussia Friedrich Wilhelm IV raises Mendelssohn to Berlin, who, according to his idea, was prepared the honor of becoming the main music center of all Germany. He instructs the composer to reform the Royal Academy of Arts. Mendelssohn decisively takes about the case, but his activity is stumbled upon such a fierce confusion from the Berlin creative intelligentsia, which he leaves attempts and leaves Berlin.

Last period of life and creativity Felix Mendelssohn

In 1845, King Saxon convinces Mendelssohn to return to Leipzig. He again assumes the leadership of the Heavandhaus orchestra and retains this post for his time remaining. In 1846, he ends his work on the oratory "Elia" and presents it to listeners in Birmingham. After, in letters to his brother, he will write that the works ever created by him had no such success as the premiere of Elia. A few hours in a row while the concert lasted, the public was sitting without lying, being in constant tension.

After graduating from touring, he starts up to the third part - "Christ", but health brings the composer, and he is forced to interrupt the work. The musician part is tormented by the attacks of a bad mood and all increasing headache, so the family doctor prohibits him touring activities. In October 1847, he suffered a stroke, and immediately after him on November 3, the second. On November 4, 1847, in the early morning of 39, the life of the composer Felix Mendelssoh did not become. Until the last sigh, his beloved wife Cecilia was next to him.

Interesting facts about Felix Mendelsone

  • In 1821, a teacher of the theory Certer presented Mendelssohn famous Goethe, who very positively reacted to the works of a novice musician and later became his senior comrade and mentor.
  • In addition to the tendency to music, Mendelssohn loved to draw. He perfectly owned a pencil and watercolor, his letters to friends and his relatives, he often supplied with drawings and humorous notes, which testified to the severity of his mind and merry moral.
  • On May 11, 1829, the first from the time of the death of Barlin passed the presentation of the "Passions of Math", under the administration of Mendelssohn. The impression that caused a work was so powerful that the Academy decided to the annual inclusion in the repertoire. It was after this presentation that the Bakhakh movement of the XIX century is being revived, and Mendelssohn receives world recognition.
  • In time, when Mendelssohn accepted the leadership of the Leipzig Geevandhauz, he had many proposals for the inclusion of the works of talented young and already experienced composers. One of those who offered their works was and Richard Wagner With its early symphony. To his indignation, Mendelssohn sifted somewhere. This can explain the strong dislike of Wagner to the composer and its sharp criticism after the death of the latter.
  • According to Father Abraham, it was the eldest daughter Fanny filed the greatest hopes in the musical terms. However, at that time it was unthinkable to make a woman to make a musical career. Fanny remained a talented, but unprofessional composer.

  • During the tour in Paris, Mendelssohn presented a "reform symphony" to the public, which failed at the stage of rehearsals with the orchestra. This event was the first serious creative disappointment, after which Mendelssohn was deeply visible.
  • After a successful performance in London, Mendelssohn received a very advantageous offer to occupy the place of the main conductor of the Rhine Festival in Dusseldorf. And in 1835, after the speech at the Cologne Music Festival, he receives a proposal to take the post of head of the orchestra of the symphony concerts of Geevandhaus in Leipzig and immediately takes it.
  • From the biography of Mendelssi, we learn that 1836 the composer receives the title of Doctor of Philosophical Sciences.
  • The image of Mendelssohn is often idealized, describing his exemplary family man and a calm person. The letters of his nephew ruffle this image, reports that the composer was subject to sharp mood drops, sometimes fell into a sullen state or began to mumble incoherently. Perhaps this behavior gradually led to a deterioration in health and led to death at an early age.
  • All children of Mendelssohn, besides the second seniority, who died from a long disease, lived long lives and became respected representatives of science, culture and art. Cecilia's wife survived his beloved husband only six incomplete years.
  • Many years after the death of the composer, it turned out that he could not be such a faithful spouse for his wife, as was customary to be considered. In documents that allegedly exist, but have never been submitted to the public, it is argued that Mendelssohn had a deep emotional connection with the Swedish singer Jenni Lind. It is curious that the famous storyteller Hans Christian Andersen was also in love with her. In letters to the beloved Felix Mendelssohn allegedly prayed her about dates and threatened in case of refusal by suicide. After the appearance of such rumors, there were doubts that the death of the composer came for natural reasons.
  • On May 17, 1847, Mendelssohn received the most terrible blow, to survive which was no longer able due to undermined mental health - at the age of only 42 years old, his native soul is dying - hot fanny sister. After leaving both parents from both parents, she personified his relationship with his family, and after her death, the composer, according to his own words, lost his "I".

  • Under the Nazi mode during World War II, the name of Mendelssohn, Jew on origin, was crossed out of the pages of the history of German music, and the monument established before the building of the Leipzig Conservatory was demolished and sold for metal.
  • Under life, the composer's reputation was very high. His colleagues and students respected. However, after the death of Mendelssohn on all his work, Richard Wagner, who called the works of the musician "meaningless brand", collapsed on all his work. He blames him for meaningless copying of great classics, and the futility of claims to genius associates with his Jewish origin. However, contemporaries have repeatedly noted that Wagner was not quite sincere in his attacks, and his true opinion was often disked with his pompous words.

Wedding Marsh Mendelssohn

Not many composers can boast such a sign and recognizable work as the "wedding march" of Mendelssohn. If you count about how many times it was executed for all time in different parts of the planet, then this record will not be able to beat any other masterpiece of classical music. However, the author himself did not even know what kind of success was waiting for his creation, and during the premiere, where this melody was performed for the first time, the public did not appreciate it. It is worth noting that the "wedding march" is not an independent work, but only a part of the music to the comedy Shakespeare "Sleep in the Summer Night" and initially he did not personify the touching moment of marriage of two loving hearts. The march sounds during the marriage of the heroes of Shakespeare - the Donkey and the Magic Queen and is nothing but a mock and satire over a lush ceremonial. Marsh acquired its current value after the death of the composer when the future king of Prussia Friedrich III and his bride is elected as a wedding music and his bride English Princess Victoria. The girl was very interested in music and responsibly approached the selection of works for the marriage ceremony. Having gone all the samples, she stopped the choice on two compositions, one of which became the "wedding march" of Mendelssohn.

Mendelssoh's music can be found in many filmmakers and cartoons. Directors of many countries and decades quite often appealed to the creativity of the composer.

Composition Film
4 Italian symphony "Grand Tour" (2017)
"Thank you for the exchange" (2012)
Wedding March "Velvet" (2016)
Mercer series "Simpsons"
"The Big Bang Theory"
"Handsome" (2015)
"Mentalist" (2013)
"Fallen Bride" (1999)
Songs without words "Resistance" (2011)
Lewis (2010)
"Once" (2007)
"Reen and Steampi Show" (1995)
"Chokutnaya" (1993)
Concerto for Piano №1 "Remember" (2015)
"Tests Kate McCall" (2013)
"With you or without you" (1999)
Concerto for violin MINOR "Mozart in the jungle" (2014-2015)

Name: Felix Mendelssohn (Felix Mendelssohn)

Age: 38 years

Place of Birth: Hamburg, Germany

Place of death: Leipzig, Germany

Family status: was married

Felix Mendelson - Biography

The man who at least once was present on his or someone else's wedding, probably heard the famous march for the marriage, written by the composer Mendelssohn. Felix Mendelson was a virtuoso performer, masterfully conducted and helped the development of young talents.

Childhood, family

In the city of Hamburg, in a Jewish family, which kept all traditions, a child was born. Grandfather was a philosopher, father - a banker who is fond of art. The boy's childhood was happy and cloudless until the head of the family was alive. Heavy experienced his death Little Felix. But the mother, raising his son and daughter for all the years, became a friend and assistant. Sister Fanny The future composer loved very much. When the musical abilities of the son, the mother began to train his music herself, and then agreed with a pianist and famous composer Ludwig Bergeru.

And the mother was not mistaken, forming in this way, the biography of his boy. After all, from seven years, Felix has already played perfectly on the instrument, and from ten charming present at concerts. Piano was not the only tool on which Mendelssohn was able to play. He loved the alt, who owned perfectly. Education had worthy, showed himself in mathematics, and in painting, loved literature, owned many languages. From 11 years, Felix studied at the Berlin Supan Academy.


About Mendelson as a musical genius spoke very early, he rapidly broke into the world of music. At the age of 17, he wrote several musical plays and the "first symphony", an overture to the work of the "Sleep of the Summer Night". At the age of 20, he conducted an orchestra, perfectly coped with the oldest work of Baha, which conquered the entire composition of the Academy. In the biography of the composer of the Career Graph, became replenished with new records. Felix is \u200b\u200bprescribed to the post of music director in Düsseldorf, two years later becomes the leader of the Gevandhaus in Leipzig.

Being in such a meaningful post, the composer promoted the music of his good friend Robert Shuman. He founded the conservatory in the same city, at present she was assigned the name of the composer Mendelssohn. Then created a music classic school. The composer decides to travel through European countries, which gives him new sensations and new images.

Works of Mendelssohn

The composer continues to create symphony inspired by the journey and concerts. He began to receive orders for his music. Even the King of Prussia made his order. Felix took part in many festivals of music, the musician knew in England, he had heard his creations and enjoyed his conducting. All the works of the composer were created on the basis of classical literature, charming nature, great art and history of the world. Many musical critics include the work of Mendelssohn by the period of romanticism, he, like most composers of that time, used to create their famous songs of Heinrich Heine.

Wedding Marsh Mendelssohn

When the composer created his overture to "sleep in a summer night", he already conceived his "wedding march." This masterpiece was already ready, he sounded in the play of Shakespeare, but for some reason he did not immediately become popular and beloved for the numerous public. On the marriage after the first of his sound, the march again did not fix it. After fifty years after this case, the wedding march found its application. But the couple first chose the march for her marriage, went down in history. It was a girl and a young man from Tiverton city. Marsha's popularity was added by the wedding ceremony of the Royal Persians in the capital of England.

The bride itself - the British princess chose music for wedding. She had a choice between the opera and the work of Mendelssohn. The music of the composer Wagner accompanied the bride who was walking towards the altar, Felix's solemn march in all declared that the marriage took place. The music sounded when the young came out of the church. Wagner waited for the death of a brilliant Felix and pounced with a sharp criticism of Mendelssohn's music, he could not forgive the fact that the young genius of the Jew, and that his march for the wedding was still the best and supplanted Wagner's music from the marriage ceremony.

Felix Mendelson - Biography of Personal Life

Felix Mendelssohn's family life was so happy that his wife was his muse. It was during this period of his creative biography that the most lyrical works are created, full of love and life. Cecile Genrene was a very beautiful, brought up and a calm girl. Five children were born in the family.

last years of life

When Mendelssohn was once again in London, he felt ailment. Felix was very worried about the death of his older sister Fanny. Together with her, the particle of his soul died. He tried to live, but to no avail. So lasted 5 months, the music was composed of tragic, the insane grief was felt in everything. The composer was depressed, quickly tired. Personal doctor advised to stop concert activities. Felix started to lose consciousness. In such a state, giving one-room replies, he met his death. At that time, the composer was in Leipzig, and he was only 38 years old.

Mememanson was a good conductor and often included fragments of his theater music in withMendelssohn was a good conductor and often included fragments of his theater music in his symphony concerts. In his best samples, Mendelssohn's music is characterized by slim and balance of forms, the restraint of expression, the grace of melodic lines .... MMW Symphonyconcerts.



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Felix Mendelson Bartholdi 1809 - 1847 Presentation Prepared Gerasimov Natalia Teacher Kirillova O. A. GBOU School No. 633 Moscow 2016

Mendelssohn was born in a family with long cultural traditions. The grandfather of the future composer is a famous philosopher; Father is the head of the banker house, the person enlightened, a subtle connoisseur of the arts - gave his son an excellent education.

In 1811, the family moved to Berlin, where Mendelssohn takes lessons from the most authoritative teachers - L. Berger (Piano), K. Ceter (composition). In the house of Mendelssov, Gayne, F. Hegel, T. A. Gofman, Brothers Humboldt, K. M. Weber. From 9 years old, Mendelsson performs on a concert pop, in the early 20s. The first essays appear. In 1833-36 Mendelssohn takes the post of Muzik-director in Dusseldorf. Mendelssohn sought to attract the attention of the listeners to the greatest works of the art of the past (Baha, Handel, Gaidna, solemn Mass and the ninth symphonybeethoven).

In Leipzig, Mendelssohn gives concerts of piano music, performs the organ works of Bach in the Church of St. Thomas, where the "Great Cantor" served 100 years ago. In 1843, at the initiative of Mendelssohn in Leipzig, the first conservatory was opened in Germany, according to the sample of which conservatory in other German cities were created. The constant voltage, the intensity of the performing and pedagogical activity, gradually fell out the forces of the composer. Heavy overwork, loss of loved ones (the sudden death of Fanny sister) was brought over the death. Mendelssohn died at the age of 38.

Mendelssohn genres attracted various genres and forms, performing funds. With an equal skill, he wrote for a symphony orchestra and piano, choir and organ, chamber ensemble and voice, discovering genuine dating versatility, the highest professionalism. At the very beginning of the creative path, at the age of 17, Mendelssohn creates a "sleep in a summer night" overture - a work that struck contemporaries by the work of the idea and incarnation, the maturity of composer equipment and freshness, the wealth of fantasy.

The main works of the Opera and ZingChpili "Two nephews, or Uncle from Boston" "Wedding Camacho" "Love Soldier" "Two teachers" "Stray comedians" Oracteria "Pavel", Op. 36 (1835) "Elijah", Op. 70 (1846) "Christ", Op. 97 (not finished) Cantata "Valpurgiyeva Night", Op. 60 "Festive chants", Op. 68 (1840) Chamber writings are seven string quartets; String Ocet; Two Sonates Orchestral Composition 13 Symphony for String Orchestra (1821-1823) Symphony No. 1 C-Moll Op. 11, (1824) Symphony No. 2 B- DUR "Poobnaya Song" (1840) Symphony No. 3 A-Moll ("Scottish"), Op. 56 (1842) Vocal and choral works "sing on the square." Six songs. Op. 41 "First Spring Day". Op. 48 "Among the greenery." Six songs. Op. 59 (1844)

Waltz Mendelson

For the first time, the "wedding march" Mendelssohn sounded in 1843 at the wedding ceremony of Prince Tezay and Princess Ippolites. True, the prince and the princess were not real. They were Heroes of Comedy W. Shakespeare "Sleeping in the Summer Night." Mendelssohn created music on request Prussian King Friedriga Velgelma IV. The performance was successfully put in Potsdam, throughout Germany, in Italy and at the homeland of Shakespeare of Great Britain. At the age of 17, he already wrote an overture to this comedy. Music to the spectral was so good that she listened out of comedy.

From the moment of writing W. Shakespeare "Sleep in the Summer Night" passed more than 400 years, but this play-parable sounds surprisingly modern.

Mendelssohn was a good conductor and often included fragments of his theater music in his symphony concerts. Bright, reconciling music is a distinctive feature of Mendelssohn, not only as a composer, but also as an esthete person. The outer simplicity and the straightness of its exceptional melodism is filled with a rare on the wealth of internal content, and high sincere romanticism is amazingly combined with a unique depth. The total number of composer works exceeds 770 works. The total number of composer works exceeds 770 works.

Somehow, on tour in London at the concert, the Maestro visited British monarchs, including the very young princess Victoria. The girl was especially delighted by the "wedding march." Princess remembered him after many years when Mendelssohn was no longer alive.

To his marriage, she very carefully chose music: to the altar of the bride was under the solemn choir from the opera "Lorangery" Wagner, and at the end of the ceremony, Mendelssohn's festive sounds sounded.

The first time as a wedding march of Mendelssohn was used during the wedding of Dorothy Kareny and Tom Daniel in the Church of St. Peter in Tivurton (United Kingdom) on June 2, 1847. But the real popularity of the march found after the princess of Victoria and the Kronprint of Prussian Friedrich sounded at the wedding of the Prussian Friedrich on January 25, 1858.

Nakhodka Princess Victoria picked up all the highest European society. This tradition has been preserved until now.

The march was in demand in Russia. This solemn music was welcomed by the young after the wedding.

And yet .... he became the regimental music of the Liebe - Guard of the Cossack Regiment, whose soldiers assured Emperor Alexander II, that they are "on war, like a wedding"! After that, he officially appointed a march of this shelf "Wedding March" Mendelssohn.

The composition of Mendelssohn proclaims the birth of a new family and successfully serves this case for more than 160 years!

In its best samples, Mendelssohn's music is characterized by slim and balance of the forms, the restraint of expression, the grace of melodic lines, rationally economical texture - the qualities that he perceived from the Vienna Classics.

Founder of the First German Conservatory (1843, Leipzig). In still life, he was recognized as one of the best and talented composers of Germany.

the only nineteenth-century musical adderkind, whose talent could compete with the genius of Mozart, he is one of the most talented and prolved composers of classical music.