Musical works about the spring of Russian composers. Theme of the lesson: "Spring music in the works of Russian and foreign composers"

Musical works about the spring of Russian composers. Theme of the lesson:
Musical works about the spring of Russian composers. Theme of the lesson: "Spring music in the works of Russian and foreign composers"

As an artist describes the nature of paints, the composer and musician describes the nature of the music. From the great composers, we got all collections of works from the "Seven Year" cycle. Music of spring nature makes it possible to feel real breathing and trepidation of spring.

A. Vivaldi "Seasons of the Year." Spring.

Written in 1723 cycle from 4 concerts "Four Seasons" is the most famous work of Antonio Vivaldi and one of the popular works of the Baroque era. "Spring" is the first concert from the cycle "Seasons". In the first part of the "Seasons" concerts, the famous composer expressed all the power of spring, accompanying three works by poetic sonnet, colorfully describing the phenomena of nature. Sonnet Vivaldi also divided into three parts: in the first part, the nature protrudes, freeing from the winter captivity, in the second - peaceful sleeping sleeping sleeps, and in the third - shepherd dances with nymphs under the cover of spring.

Concert №1 Mi Major "Spring"

According to the idea of \u200b\u200bVivaldi, each season corresponds to a certain region of Italy, and for spring is the romantic Venice and the shores of the Adriatic, where sea landscapes and sunrise of the sun awaken are especially beautiful.

Spring is getting better! And the joyful song

Full nature. Sun and warm

Murbs of streams. And festive news

Marshmallow spreads exactly magic.

Suddenly the velvet clouds run out,

As the Blagovest sounds heavenly thunder.

But quickly runs the vortex mighty,

And twitter again floats in the blue space.

Dyhanye flowers, herbs rustling,

Full nature of dreams.

Sleeping a shepherd, the charter,

And there is a slightly audible dog.

Shepherd dogs sound

Delivering buzzing over the meadows

And nymph dancing magic circle

Spring is distilled by wonderful rays.

Not only the old baroque form of the musical concert "Spring", but also the solo sound of the tools: the delicate sounds of the violin are replaced by an alarming gobone, bass join gradually, imposing on the melody where "lightning" and "thunder" are depicted. The melody in the first part of the spring cycle - Allegro, it often changes the rhythm, crushes, clearly audible "voices and trills of birds", "murmur of the stream", ease of the breeze. The second part is Largo, melodic, over the sound of music there is a three-space texture. The top layer is a melodic solo violin, singeredness and sadness. The average layer of texture mimics the quiet rustle of foliage and herbs, the sounds of monotonne and are well combined with the bass of the third formation - the rhythmic, depicting a slightly audible "Tanking PSA". The third part of the cycle on the tempo and the dynamics of sound reminds the first, but here is noticeably rhythmic braking at the end of each melodic wave. The main hero of the Spring cycle, Vivaldi chose a soling violin, dividing each "month" into three stages: exposure, development and reprint.

P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons". Spring

"Lark song". March

"The field is taken by flowers,

In the sky there are light waves.

Surface larks Peña

Blue abyss full "


The first play from the spring cycle is dedicated to Marta, when gentle and fragile flowers make their way from under the snow, returned from warm bird edges, and the larks fired under the affectionate rays in the forest in the forest. The singing of the lark symbolizes the spring, so the lyrical and leopard melody resembles a bird roll ring, a free flight over native expanses and creates a lung, a little sad and dreamy mood. The light trills gradually subscribe, night comes in the forest, and everything gets away in anticipation of the next day. The epigraph of this play by the composer was used poem of the poet of Apollo Maikova, telling about the flight of the Lark in the sky, happily singing praise in the spring, blooming colors and generous sun.

"Snowdrop". April

"Blue clean

Snowdrop: flower,

Or beside a density

Last snowball.

Recent Tears

About the mountain was

And the first dreams

About happiness in other. "


As soon as the fields come out with the fields and forests, and the glades begins to break through from the old leaves and the needles of the green grass, snowdrops appear. Nature awakens, sending his first messengers to the light. Like a snowdrop flower, a month of April is very loved by the Russian people, especially women, the poets are devoted to him, emphasizing the whiteness and transparency of bells resembling that Spring finally entered into their rights. The beginning of the play of the Tchaikovsky "March" permeated with touching motifs, it looks like a quiet, dizzying waltz, which is replaced by emotional chords, and then muted sound major notes. At the beginning of the first section of the play more air, the game becomes more emotional to the middle and descends to the lower octave, and then returned to the light and sensual waltz. This musical work is also dedicated to one of the poems A.N. Majkova, in which the snowdrock is compared with the hope, and practically miserable snow with forgotten the sorcesses and anxiety.

"White Nights ". May

"What is the night! For all what a burden!

Thank you, my native impact edge!

From the kingdom of ice, from the kingdom of blizzard and snow

How fresh and clean yours departs May! "

Peter Chaikovsky lived in St. Petersburg for many years, so he dedicated one of his plays to the famous "White Nights", beginning at the end of May. Freshness of the night, when the street is light, almost like during the day, Tomny Nega of the last days of spring, for which the heat comes, the warm sun - all this is reflected in the inverted and baking music of the piano, complete contradictions. Then the melody rushes up, forcing it to test the sublime feelings and delight, then falls into a few octave, betraying the soul to heavy thought. The work consists of several sections, short, lyrical deviations, joyful chords, short reprises and a calm, slow finals, representing the viewer, a bright sky and strict northern beauty.

Astor Piazzolla "Seasons" Spring

The talent of the composer is in the ability to express those feelings and emotions that the writer conveys with the help of words, and the artist writes paintings with paintings, reflecting the condition of its inner world, sometimes contradictory surrounding reality. One of the ingenious musicians of the 20th century was recognized by the Astor Piazzolla Astor, who created his own and inimitable musical style. Astor Piazzolla turned the whole idea of \u200b\u200bhow real voluptuous music should sound, if you mix all three different in the form of the genre in one cocktail. So was born with nothing inclusive style - the amazing style of the game. It is based on several directions: tango, jazz and classical music.

This part of the cycle about the days of the year in Buenos Aires more resembles a classic tango with an emotional supervision, incendiary rhythm and a rapid pace that the accordion sets. The performance of this work can be heard in the interpretation of many orchestras, but the interest of musical critics causes not so much a new tango music, as a sharp change of melody in the middle and lyrism, which is replaced by passion from the first chords of the accordionist solo.

J. Haydn Oratoria "Seasons of the Year". 1st part: Spring

The 1st part of the instrumental entry "Transition from Winter to Spring" opens. Overture Composition Double: A heavy bass screensaver with a pumping atmosphere is replaced by a soft, light, tonal-stable motive. Instrumental accession has each part of the "time of the year", but only the first of them performs the function of overtures to the entire cycle. The main task is to set up a listener on the desired emotional tone, to spend it from the dark, covered with cold darkness of winter to life itself - a cloudless and joyful spring. A peasant speech is superimposed on the finals of Overtures - this is how the transition from entry into the main part. Coloring music is covered by changing the main votes: from the heavy Bass Simon to the tenor of Luke, and from it - to the gentle soprano Ganna. The end of the entry and finals of the first segment coincide in the chore of landpashings, welcoming the spring. The choir includes 4 votes, male and female, they enter the party not at the same time. The transition of violins and flutes begin, after which the dominant moves to the chorus. The song is lyrical, it meets the motives of folk music. The choir gives the position to a severe powerful bass of Simon, which takes off the solo part of the "time of the year". A clear rhythm, a square structure and adherence to folk chanting closer to the listener to the life of a cheerful pahar, whose role performs Simon. Common tone to the end of the "Spring" rises. And the peak becomes a choral song, which and ends the spring part of the oratorio.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Middle General Cossack School with. Znamenka"

Nerchinsky district, Transbaikal region

Project "Spring in Music"

Work completed :

Verkotrov Daria - Pupil

4 Klass


Trushina S.Yu.


Introduction (project relevance)

Objective, project tasks

Type of project

Subject area

( The objective area, the nature of coordination, the number of participants, the duration of execution)

Used resources

Stages of work on the project



Project Topic: "Spring in Music"

The relevance of the project:

The subject of the year has long been attracted by musicians, composers, performers.

And now Spring is a magnificent season. Spring for a long time gives us an optimistic mood, charges positive energy

Our ancestors tied the arrival of spring With the beginning of a new life. At this time, festivities were arranged. People welcomed the spring coming and drove the winter. And now spring carries a new life and cheerful mood.

And since the music and songs are the most fun art, I decided to take exactly the topic of the Spring in Music

Objective of the project:

Get acquainted with musical workswho tell about the time of the year "Spring"


Find and explore the theme of children's songs about the spring.

Get acquainted with modern, pop songs about spring, learn song performers

Get acquainted with folk songs associated with the theme of spring

Spring in the songs of the Great Patriotic War

Instill love for music and songs of different composers

Type of project: Information, partially search

On an object and meaningful area- music

A monopred-purpose project (a project in the framework of one study subject (academic discipline) is fully stacked in a class-paper system.

By the nature of coordination

Project with open , explicit coordination - (the project coordinator controls the work of the participants, openly performing its functions)

By number of participants

Personal (individual) - one participant

By duration of execution

Short-term - 1 week

Used project resources:

Materials, photo Internet, Collectons of songs Cabinet music

Stages of work on the project.

Children's songs about spring.

Spring-Krasnova goes

Spring girl

Spring song

Spring drops

Sunshine laugh

Sun bunnies

Spring pole

Cheerful drops

In spring

Long-awaited spring

Hello, cute spring

Rejoice in spring

Spring tango

Rouh runs

It becomes spring

Caps, link icicles fun

Song about the spring from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear" (sunny bunnies "

Performers of songs- "Multi-thesiest" "Wizards of the courtyard", "Pre-Misk".)

Spring pop songs

"Song of the Spring" - Hell Vedischeva

2 Spring came to my edges - Vladimir Troshin

"Pro Spring - Polina Gagarin

"Song about the spring" Sergey Trofimov (Trofim)

Spring - Group "Paints"

"Song about spring" from the movie "Spring" Love Orlova

"Chumacher Spring" Potap and Nastya

"When spring comes" from the movie "Spring on Zarechnaya Street"

"You see" the group "Root"

3. Spring Images in Classical Music

1. Among the bright musical paintings associated with the image of nature, the cycle of P. Tchaikovsky "Seasons". Three plays - three months of spring "March" (Lyonka's song). April (Snowdrop), "May" (White Nights)

2. Spring Antonio Vivaldi from the "Seasons" cycle

Vivaldi Spring Returns Nature again to life after long months of cold and frosts.

4. Concerto No. 1 Mi Major "Spring" A. Vivaldi

3. Johanna Sebastian Bach, Johanna Sebastian Bach, is an excellent spring composition, which causes the mood of spring and its prototype

4. Works of Edward Grieg "River" and Piece "Spring"

River flows and day, and at night, its path blocks different obstacles-stones, ravines, mountain dark gorges, but the play ends fun.

5.Romans "Spring Water" S. V. Rakhmaninov

4.. Folk Songs related to the theme of spring

(Attachment 1)

Ukrainian folk songVesryanka (Appendix 2)

Songs - Sillaries - Russian Folk Songs - Westerns

(Appendix 3)

Russian folk song "Oh, running water"

(Appendix 4)

5. In the songs of the Great Patriotic War

Song "May Waltz" Joseph Kobzon, Lev Leshchenko

(Appendix 5)

Song "Spring Victory" - Eduard Hil

(Appendix 6)

Multi Case "About Thus Spring"

(Appendix 7)


Spring is a time when the world returns to life. That is why this wonderful time of the year inspired composers of different countries and eras to compose songs, classic musical works about spring.

This project theme will be used in music lessons in 3 and 4 CL.

Used Books

Site "Everything for Children" -

Songs about spring-

Website for children and parents


(Attachment 1)

Spring-red yes on the district
Oh, if, oh, Lyuli, yes on the zarechya she went!
Yes, on the district she went, so you carried us,
Oh, if, oh, Lyuli, what did you carry us?
And I carried you oh yes three wetgers,
Oh, whether, oh, Luli, yes three wetgers:
First West - Clear Sun,
Oh, oh, oh, lyuli, clear sunshine;
Other replacement - warmty fly,
Oh, oh, oh, lyuli, warmty,
The third wague - nightingale sings,
Oh, if, oh, Lyuli, yes with a quieter!

(Appendix 2)

It became clear the sunshine to the soldering, silent,
Land like a gold to pour, pour.

Louder became pigeons to fade, grow,
Cranes returned to us again, to us again.

And in the forest, snowdrops bloomed, bloomed.
Much color of the earth near the earth.

Oh, you, clear the sun, sleep, sleep!
Bread, Earth-Mother, Urod, Rud!

(Appendix 3)

You're duashchka,

You are flying!

You are Fleight

On the blue of the sea

You take

Keys Spring,

Closed winter

Digging Summer!

* * *

You are bee

Yaraya's bee!

You fly over the sea,

You bring the keys

Cooks are gold.

You are closed ziminka,

Ziminka student!

Peretheko's revenue,

Pottusko warm

Pottusko warm

Summer Her Bearing!

* * *

Forky, Forky!

Fly to us

Bring us

Summer warm!

Carry away from us

Winter cold!

We are cold winter


Hands, legs frozen!

(Appendix 4)

1) Oh, the water runs the stream, there is no snow, there is no ice

Oh, water, oh water, no snow, no ice -2 p.

2) cranes and nightshushki small

Cranes, cranes, and Solovushki small -2 p

3) we sing the spring, the spring is a red call

Oh, oh, oh, we sing a spring red call -2

(Appendix 5)

Spring forty-fifth year
How did Blue Danube waited for you
Narodes of Europe Freedom
Brought a hot sunny May
On the area of \u200b\u200bveins saved
Gathered the people of old and young
On the old harmony wound
Waltz Russian played our soldier ....

(Appendix 6)

Spring Victory, Spring Victory

Burning carnations and tulips

Spring Victory, Spring Victory

Bow you low, our veterans!

(Appendix 7)

And all about that spring

I saw in a dream,

Came Dawn and the world


That blizzard shall

That the Verba bloomed

And my great-grandfather

home returned ...

Come in spring

How is my great-grandfather

And in the house of the native

Open the door ...

I remember the light

Distant years

In his country

I will believe...

I Organization of the beginning of the lesson

Introduction to theme lesson (slide 1)

The man loves his land, because it cannot live without the smell of the leaves, without a ringing stream of the stream, without a blue corner of the cornfield in the field. Without rivers and mountains, people like without friends.

In our country, there are many artists, composers, poets that can convey the beauty of our native land.

Seasons - autumn, winter, spring, summer - replace each other. In the spring, the earth is wound off, nature awakens from long winter sleep. Summer is the time of the hot sun, swimming, walking in the shady forest. Autumn brings people a rich harvest: full baskets of berries and mushrooms. And in winter, nature is reworked again in sleep. And every time of year is perfectly in its own way.

U: Look at the pictures(Slide 2).

What time of year is depicted?

D: Spring.

How did you determine for what features?

What does the spring happen to nature?

How do we learn that Spring has come?

How do we dress in the spring?

U: Right. Guys. And today we will travel to the world of paints and Sounds of spring.(Slide 3)

Who is there from the roof

Will hang in the cold?

Who has this spring

Water drips from the nose?


I play joining.

What is this song?

- "Sunny drops."

We repeat the words. (to each couplet - illustration)

W: What kind of music in character? What is the mood in it?

D.: Music fun, belling, joyful, cheerful.

W.: Music sounded equally in character or not?

D.: In the sewer smoothly, in the chorus - passionately.

W.: What does chorus depict?

D.: How drops fall.

W: This song is called"Sunny drops" (slide 4).

This showed us the spring composer Sergey Sosnin. What can be present picture?

D.: Sunny, funny, joyful day, drip icicles, ring, run, murmur streams.

II listening music

Spring - This is a bright birthday holiday of nature. Nature wakes up. A man in spring is easier to breathe. In the spring, a new life blooms on Earth, the kidneys are blooming on the trees, the grass of grass appears in the field; Butterflies, beetles crawl out of cracks and warm in the sun. The first snowdrops appear:

In the forest, where birks crowded with a gurby,

Snowdrop looked blue eyes.

First of course

green put up the leg,

Then stretched out of all his little forces

And quietly asked:

"I see the weather warm and clear.

Tell me, is it true that this is spring? "

So, Listen to the Spring Song, look into her paints, and you will understand what poultry churred, murmurs the stream, quietly whisper the first leaflets of Birch.

Listen and see spring!


Music sounded. When you listened to her, what picture of the spring nature did you introduce?

What music is in character? (smooth, singing, gentle)

Pace? (not very fast)

Dance, song or marching? (dance)

In the rhythm of what dance is executed? (Waltz)

This music was written by Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky. Tchaikovsky called her play "April. Snowdrop"(Slide 6) From early childhood, Tchaikovsky loved to watch and enjoy in Russian forests by this miracle of nature, as under the blow of the light spring breeze, the petals reveal the first colors-snowdrops.

Yes, the snowdrop is the first spring flower, so gentle and beautiful, which inspired to create a musical work of the Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Repeated hearing.

Now we will listen again. The smoothness of the melody will hand over the movements of the hands.

Who performs?

Ensemble. (Show illustration)(Slide 7)

What tools sounded? (show on the stand)

Illustrations (slide 8)

And now, we will travel to the world of paints and Sounds of Spring. We will listen to her song and peering in her paint.

Presentation "April.Dechnic" (performed by F - BUT)

Learned the work?

Who performed? (F - BU)

What is the name of?

Who wrote?

III game on children's musical instruments

U: And on what tools do you know how to play?

D: Metallophone, xylophone, Maracas, Rumba Rumbers

(I show the tools - the children call)

(execute "Rondo" Mozart on children's musical instruments)

IV execution

U: Guys, do you know how to celebrate the spring before? These days, children ran flies on the village with birds made from the dough. They were scattered in the field so that the Earth gives a rich harvest. Others put on long sixts and silent so that the birds seemed flying. At the same time, the guys sang songs - shakes. What were these songs called?

D: Westerns.

U: Tell me what is special in spring?

D.: In the spring, the persistent, exclamation intonations are repeated many times.

All the lively rejoices in spring. Spring brings joy and feeling of flourishing nature. Let's sing a song so that Spring heard how we admire it and admire the sounds of spring.

VI Music and Didactive Game

But not only composers reflected paintings of nature, seasons in music.

Spring worried the heart of real artists. I suggest you imagine that you are artists. It is better to understand, to feel it will help us with the music of Ramiressa "Lark".

W: Whatever you take paint to portray the sound of spring.

Light or dark?

(Music sounds - children lay the cards of the right color)

D: Light, warm tones, because in the spring it comes to life, wakes up, rejoices.

VII execution

U: Spring has come. Everything is rejoicing. Nevertheless, it is symbolic that it was in the first days of March that the brightest, gentle and affectionate holiday is celebrated.

Who do we congratulate?

Yes, we congratulate moms. Such gentle tender, beautiful, as Spring itself. (Song fulfillment)

VIII Summing up.

Our lesson came to the end. We opened a secret today: Spring's sound is passed not only by words, but also paints and music.

With music of which composer got acquainted?(Slide 9)

What is the name of?

Who performed?

Our lesson approached the end, but the journey into the spring world of nature did not end. Listen and see spring. And you will tell about your unusual observations in the following lessons. (Slide 11)

On this, our lesson is finished, but I would like to deliver another little joy to all those present guests your favorite song. (Performed song at the request of children "Great mood "

Elena Avdeeva

Purpose: Formation of the basics of musical, artistic and aesthetic culture.



Continue to accumulate the experience of perceiving works of world musical culture;

Deepen the ideas of children about the pictorial abilities of music;

To acquaint with works of art, find out how poets, artists and musicians reflect spring in their works;

Remember Creativity P. I. Tchaikovsky about the spring, give the ideas about the work of A. Vivaldi, S. Maikapara, E. Griega.


Develop the ideas of children about the visual capabilities of music;

Develop the aesthetic feelings of children, the feeling of excellent in life and art;

Disclose the expressiveness and beauty of artistic words, painting, music


Bring up musical, artistic and aesthetic taste;

Brief interest and love for music and visual arts.


"Communication": Develop a figurative speech in search and application of epithets, comparisons that characterize images of nature created in music, poetry, painting.

"Art Creativity": Cross the children to transfer images of nature in the figure consistently a musical image.

"Cognition": Expand the presentations of children about seasonal changes in nature.

Music material: "March. Lark song, "April. Snowdrop "P. I. Tchaikovsky; Spring A. Vivaldi, "Spring" S. Maikapara, "Spring" E. Grieg, "Spring Water" S. Rakhmaninova.

Methodical equipment: Footage from the Album P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons", video of the Album A. Vivaldi "Seasons", video of E. Grieg "Spring". The slides of the reproductions of famous artists on the topic "Spring" I. Levitan, I. Shishkin, Savrasova. Portraits of composers.

TSO: laptop, screen, music center.

Materials for children: Paper sheets, colored crayons, pencils.

The music director proposes the guys to go to the rural library. Children to the music of S. Rakhmaninova "Spring Waters" enter the reading room of the library.

Lydia Romanovna (librarian). Hello guys. Today we will talk to you about the perfect time of the year - about the spring.

Spring water

Still in the fields white snow,

And the water is noisy in the spring -

Run and wake a sleepy brag,

Run and shook and say ...

They say to all ends:

"Spring is coming, spring goes!

We are young spring messengers

She sent us forward! "

Spring goes, spring is coming!

And quiet, warm May days

Ruddy, light dance

Walking fun behind her.

F. Tyutchev

Librarian. Guys, do you like spring? Why do you love her? (children's responses). What signs of spring do you know? (children's responses).

Do you know guys that very often composers, artists, poets turn in their work to the images of nature? (Yes).

MUZ. Hands. That's right, guys, after all, every time of the year it is beautiful and attracts its diversity of paints. With the onset of each season, we have different feelings, moods, sensations, whether it is winter, summer, spring or autumn. And today we will talk about the spring, about how artists, poets and composers are about how and transmitting spring in their works. Guys, you noticed what a wonderful melody sounded when you entered? It resembles water streams, stormy burglars. It seems that we are standing near the stream, and the melody seems to repeat the overflow of moving water (the work of S. Rachmaninova "Spring Water" sounds).

And now I suggest you to listen to the familiar works of the famous composer (the children look at the video of the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky "March. Song of the Lark", "April. Snowdrop". Call works, composer. There is a conversation about heard).

Librarian. You know guys, many poets dedicated their poets in the spring (reads a poem about the spring by choice, shows portraits).

MUZ. Hands. Guys, I suggest you too read poems about the spring.

Children read poems.

Librarian. And about the spring there are many proverbs and sayings, maybe you know any?

Children are pronounced in turn.

Early spring is a lot of water.

Spring will show everything.

Geese are highly flying - water will be much; Low - little.

Spring red flowers, autumn - snaps.

Early swallows - to the lucky year.

Librarian. Well done, sayings and proverbs about the spring you know. But many of the pictures are written about the spring (there is a demonstration of paintings written by famous artists). Artists depicting nature, very much, this is I. Levitan, I. Shishkin, Savrasov, Jouv, and others. (Shows portraits of artists).

Spring artists are different: it and bright, stormy, and multi-water, and sunny, and joyful and sad (children tell about what they see in illustrations).

MUZ. Hands. And now we will listen to two more works about the spring. The first work is called "spring," Her composer Samuel Maikapaar wrote (S. S. Maikapara sounds "Spring"). Tell me what music is mood? (Gentle, fun). Yes, the music is welcoming, light, joyful, gentle. What picture see you? (swirl swirls, birds sing). Harked the spring sun, and nature awakened, everything was revived. Here's how music sounds can portray the picture of nature. But listen to the play of Edward Griega with a similar name - "Spring" (children listen to the work of E. Grieg "Spring"). Guys, did you notice that the first play is bright, gentle, and the second is more loud, stormy? In the play of Grieg, we hear different moods. The music is gentle, the magic, as if nature is just falling down (the beginning of the play sounds, it is powerful, formidable, stormy, agitated (a fragment of the middle part sounds, then enthusiastic, fresh, open, bright (the fragment of the third part). This music breathes spring freshness. It seems that everything around flourishes. Here are the guys, we see how the composers are composer with the help of musical sounds. As with the help of brushes and paints, artists write their spring creations, and poets, using the word, compose their beautiful verses of the spring. .

Teacher. Yes, spring runs, rushing, revives everything around. Spring is felt in everything, in the singing of birds, in the murmur of the stream, in colors, in swelling the kidneys. Well, now I will imagine that we are artists and we will draw our spring. She can have different. You can portray the arrival of birds, appearance of colors, transparent streams, etc.

MUZ. Hands. And so that you would be easier to present your spring, the music of the Italian composer A. Vivaldi will help you, which is also called "Spring" (the music of A. Vivaldi "Spring" sounds).

Children perform work.

Librarian. Guys, you are great, spring you got different, and cheerful, and sad, and bright, and perky.

MUZ. Hands. Guys, let's remember who made of great composers, artists, poets with the help of the word, sounds and paints of the spring (children's answers).

Correct guys. Spring in their work is bright, early, fast, rapid, hurried, sad, murder. We want to wish you so that this spring for you was also fun, sunny, joyful and of course happy.

Our meeting came to an end. Thank you.