Healing properties of the shungite pyramid. Shungite pyramids

Healing properties of the shungite pyramid.  Shungite pyramids
Healing properties of the shungite pyramid. Shungite pyramids

One of the most effective means against geopathogenic radiation is a pyramid of shungite, it is able not only to reduce the negative, negative, environmental impact, but also to reflect, neutralize geopathogenic rays. Shungite pyramid will help you protect your home or any living space from the electromagnetic radiation of computers and televisions, refrigerators, etc. Also a pyramid of shungite helps you clear negative fields from coins, jewelry and other items. Place the pyramid on the student's desk, and it will help him to concentrate more easily, and the presence in the office will increase efficiency and harmonize the atmosphere.

Application of shungite pyramids

It is no coincidence that pyramids have become the most popular shungite products. Since ancient times, the pyramids have occupied a significant place in the development of civilization. Due to its shape and unique properties of shungite, the pyramid creates a torsion field around itself, reflecting geopathogenic rays. It is able to protect housing and industrial premises from electromagnetic radiation emanating from various types of household and measuring equipment. In addition, the shungite pyramid is a reliable shield against geopathogenic effects.

As a result of regular use of shungite pyramids, the energy of the body is aligned, its biofield is recharged and strengthened. Under the influence of the shungite pyramid, nervousness, overexcitation decreases, sleep is normalized, and in a state of activity, efficiency and tone increase. Shungite pyramid helps to reduce headaches, relieves vertebral and rheumatic pains, improves psycho-emotional state.

Tips for using shungite pyramids

The advice of people with the gift of extrasensory vision and influence, as well as of practicing researchers on the use of shungite pyramids, is the same. Below we provide the main of these recommendations:

  • The shungite pyramid should be placed next to the places where you spend a long time during the day (near the bed, on the desktop, etc.)
  • It is desirable that the faces of the shungite pyramid be strictly oriented to the cardinal points (north-south, west-east). To do this, when installing it, you need to use a compass.
  • It is advisable to place the shungite pyramid next to devices that are sources of various radiation: TV, computer, microwave ovens, electric ovens, radios and telephones, other household appliances that change the natural electromagnetic background.
  • The greatest effect of a shungite pyramid is manifested if it is located on or slightly below the plane on which the radiation source is located. For the best protection, place a pyramid between you and your computer (TV).
  • It should be borne in mind that the protective properties of the shungite pyramid are effectively manifested above the plane on which it stands, so it should not be placed on a computer or TV, but only on a table next to it.
  • Installation of shungite pyramids in the office effectively increases the working capacity of the people nearby. At the same time, the pyramid creates a field around itself that improves a favorable neuro-emotional state, activates positive thoughts and moods that contribute to the successful conduct of business.
  • It is recommended to place the shungite pyramid in the car. Its effect neutralizes the negative states of the driver while driving, which, unfortunately, cannot be avoided on our roads. The shungite pyramid has a beneficial effect on human well-being, coordination of movements, the nervous system, and reduces the risk of accidents.
  • Shungite pyramids are placed on the bottom of pools and baths (care should be taken not to accidentally step on the top). Water under the influence of shungite is purified and acquires special healing properties, exerting a deep beneficial effect on the body of bathing people.
  • Unpolished shungite pyramid can be used to prepare pyramidal shungite water. For this, the pyramid is placed in a vessel with water for 2 days.
  • To enhance the effect of the pyramid on painful areas of the body, it is recommended to attach the shungite pyramid with a base to the place where pain is felt. It is impossible to apply the pyramid with the top, since the effect on the biofield can be negative.

Massageusing a pyramid made of shungite stone

Shungite pyramid can be used for massage. A small polished pyramid that fits easily in the palm of your hand is good for this. Massage of the fingertips is very effective - this is one of the areas of accumulation of acupuncture points, the activation of which improves well-being, strengthens the immune system. The pyramid is placed on the palm of the hand, alternately pressed with the pads of the fingers on its top 3-4 times (start with the thumb). After massaging the fingers, it is recommended to do an exercise for the hand: alternately squeeze and unclench the pyramid with all fingers at the same time. This massage is recommended for relieving tension, stress, and cleansing the biofield.

Sizes of shungite pyramids

There is an opinion that the size of the pyramid should correspond to the proportions of the so-called "golden ratio". The Egyptian pyramid of Cheops corresponds to these proportions. But in fact, thousands of other ancient pyramids have different sizes and aspect ratios, so it would be a mistake to consider the proportion of the "golden section" to be the only correct one. Undoubtedly, the radius of action of the pyramid depends on the size, mass, and also on the crystalline form of the substance from which it is made.
The radius of action of the shungite pyramid, depending on the length of the side of the base:

Length - radius
4 cm - 1.6 m
5 cm - 2.8 m
6 cm - 3.8 m
7 cm - 4.5 m
8 cm - 6.5 m
9 cm - 8 m
10 cm - 10 m
15 cm - 17 m
20 cm - 22 m
25 cm - 27 m

It has long been established that pyramid-shaped objects have a positive impact on the environment. It is known that all material bodies are capable of radiating energy to one degree or another, creating a certain energy of the surrounding space. At the same time, the material from which the pyramid is made is very important. It can be made of branches and feel the beneficial influence of its shape in such a pyramidal hut. Pyramids made of plywood, cardboard, paper have a healing effect, but stone pyramids have the best effect on the human body, on animals and plants.

Researchers have found that the field of the pyramids has a conical shape, and all energy flows coming from it converge at one point. Only one ray emanating from the top of the pyramid is directed upward. This ray was discovered earlier by the Egyptologist Enel, who, through his studies, showed the ability of this ray to kill pathogens and cancer cells, and also showed that the pyramids have a biofield that has a strong positive effect.

If the pyramids of rose quartz, jade, lapis lazuli, coholong and other stones create a positive biofield around themselves in a radius of 0.5 to 3 m, depending on their size, then shungite pyramids heal the space around them at a distance of 5 m or more. In fact, its effect extends to the entire room. True, this happens when the pyramid completely repeats the proportions of the Cheops pyramid.

Since the shungite pyramid has such amazing abilities - it absorbs negative energy and erases any negative trace - scientists began to test it in contacts with geopathogenic zones. And it turned out that she has completely unique capabilities. Experimental data confirm that the shungite pyramid is a reliable shield against geopathogenic phenomena that form in nature due to faults in the earth's crust, underground rivers, mineral deposits and other unexplained reasons. It has been established that if a person is daily within the radius of action of a geopathogenic zone, then his body is invisibly attacked by geopathogenic rays, causing inexplicable malaise, apathy, headache, and weakness. As a result, the immune system weakens, disharmony appears, and the manifestation of diseases becomes more frequent. Medical research shows that geopathogenic radiation causes cardiovascular diseases and up to 60% of oncological diseases.

It is enough for the shungite pyramid to stay in the room (apartment, office) for a few hours - and you will feel how this place has "cleared". Nervousness disappears in people, conversations become calmer and more reasonable, efficiency increases. People seem to be fueled by internal energy. These little black figures manage to draw in all the negative energy. Can you imagine how good it is when such a pyramid is constantly on your desktop? After a difficult or unpleasant conversation, put your hand on top of it - and overexcitement, bitterness or discontent is gone!

People engaged in bioenergetics and extrasensory perception use the shungite pyramid for the development of clairvoyance, as well as in the treatment of serious diseases, including cancer. In addition, charged pyramids are used to remove "spoilage", "evil eye", to protect against other negative influences on the human biofield.

A small pyramid near the dentist's chair will relieve acute pain during the procedure and will facilitate faster wound healing. Being on the table of a psychologist or psychiatrist, she will help to establish contact with the patient, relieve emotional stress.

We also recommend installing the pyramid in those places where you spend more than an hour every day - next to your bed, desk, electrical appliances, computer, etc. The pyramid should be at the same level with you (not higher or lower) and at a distance not exceeding 50 cm. For example, you can put a pyramid between you and a computer, TV, and other devices that are a source of electromagnetic radiation. You can put the pyramid near your bed or near your resting place. The presence of the shungite pyramid in office premises harmonizes the atmosphere. Nervousness, dissatisfaction, overexcitement disappear in people, and efficiency increases.

Located next to the bed of a sick person, this pyramid will nourish him with internal energy, giving strength to recovery. Placed on the student's desk, it will help to concentrate more easily and complete assigned tasks faster.

It is always useful to have a shungite pyramid even just on the table!

We advise you to acquire several pyramids. Especially for the kitchen, where there is a lot of equipment that "phonates". Electric kettle, microwave oven, refrigerator, many have TVs in the kitchen. And also in rooms where there is a TV or computer. You yourself will feel that it becomes cozy and calm in these rooms.

For effective action, the pyramid must be accurately oriented to the cardinal points. To do this, it is installed so that the side of the base lies on the north-south line. However, in panel houses, where the effect of metal structures is strong (in brick, this effect is less), the compass needle will deviate from the correct direction. The most accurate reading can be obtained by positioning the compass equidistant from walls, ceiling and floor.

Periodically, once every two to three weeks, it is recommended to take the pyramid out into fresh air, and keep it for at least one hour to cleanse and restore its protective properties. Shungite pyramids can be polished, in their properties they are no different from ordinary ones, only they acquire a more beautiful mirror-like appearance.

Shungite pyramid, immersed in water, activates it and makes it a unique medicine. This requires a small shungite pyramid measuring 40 × 40-50 × 50 mm. The pyramid is placed on the bottom of a glass jar with a capacity of 3 liters, where water is poured. Then the jar with water is placed in a bright place for 48-72 hours. After that, the water becomes biologically active, superior in strength to other types of water. It is ready for external and internal use. " Doctor-bioenergy therapist M. V. Glazkov, who tested the quality of such water, writes: “The tests of pyramidal shungite water showed that when the water was“ charged ”within 48-72 hours, the maximum structuring of water and its mineralization occurs. With further infusion, the water gradually begins to decrease its activity in proportion to the infusion time. For therapeutic purposes, pyramidal water is recommended to be taken at 100-150 g 3 times a day, regardless of food intake. The beneficial effect of this water on the entire body is noted: the general condition improves, nervous tension is relieved, a surge of strength is felt and energy increases. Due to the intake of water, drug therapy provides a faster healing effect. It is possible to achieve a stable remission faster in a number of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, biliary tract, kidneys, in violation of metabolic processes. "

With the help of pyramidal and shungite water, the treatment of skin diseases is greatly facilitated, and irrigation of the head with it reduces hair loss. Hair becomes elastic, healthy shine appears, gray hair disappears. Facial skin rejuvenates, wrinkles are smoothed, skin elasticity is restored.

In alternative medicine, in particular bioenergy therapy, pyramidal water better (in comparison with ordinary water) perceives information, this or that program, which the bioenergy therapist lays down when treating a patient.

If you don't have a shungite pyramid yet, it's time to get one! Polished pyramids do not stain the surface, leaving it completely clean.

The pyramid also symbolizes a constant upward striving to achieve the goal. It can also be just a beautiful souvenir as a gift!

Use shungite, be healthy, because being healthy is so nice!

The shungite pyramid not only reduces the negative impact of the environment, but also neutralizes geopathogenic rays, helping you to protect your house from electromagnetic radiation: computers, refrigerators, televisions, telephones. But not only…

Evil eye, damage, secret envious and envious women, sorcerers and homeless women. Evil competitors. Do you want to protect yourself from them forever, just like psychics do?

The pyramid, made according to the proportions of the golden section, creates a powerful torsion field. This field is so strong that most people feel it when they bring their hand to the top of the pyramid.

This torsion field creates a protective barrier against electromagnetic radiation. And also a powerful barrier from the so-called energy-informational aggressive attacks, which are popularly called damage, the evil eye and curses.

Most people with extrasensory abilities know that a person who is within the radius of the pyramid is practically invulnerable to the so-called “black magic” (aggressive energy-informational influences).

We often ask buyers how they learned about the pyramids. Most answer that a psychic friend advised. Or recommended by those who have psychic friends.

Shungite pyramids are also widely used to harmonize residential and work premises, as they help to eliminate the impact of the negative field formed as a result of negative emotions, quarrels, anger, resentment.

As a rule, the appearance in the room of just one pyramid of the right size provides a favorable environment for work and rest. The relationship between all the people in the room will soon improve, conflicts stop.

The effect of the shungite pyramid on the body

The human body reacts sensitively to the appearance of a healing energy field: immunity is enhanced, all systems are recharged, well-being improves, efficiency increases, the nervous system is strengthened, signs of overexcitation such as insomnia or headache, irritability, anxiety are removed.

The pyramid effectively protects any premises from the electromagnetic radiation of televisions, computers, microwave ovens, refrigerators, and electrical measuring instruments.

Attention! All the declared properties are met only by pyramids made according to the proportions of the golden section! That is, in the same proportions as the Egyptian and Mayan pyramids were built.

Pyramids with different proportions are useless!

How to reliably protect your home, workplace and car from the harmful effects of household electrical appliances?

Studies were conducted in which two focus groups participated. People from one group were given a pyramid made of shungite in front of a computer, another group worked as before - without pyramids. Every day, both groups filled out a questionnaire and were examined using the Voll device.

A month later, it turned out that the group that used the pyramids felt much better, got tired less, did more in the same time, and got sick less. Going home in a good mood and without fatigue has become the norm for them. As a result, the relationships in the team and at home have improved.

People from the second group (without pyramids), as before, did not feel very well during work. At the end of the working day, we felt tired and irritated. As a result, tensions at work and in the family.

The result of the study showed that the action of the shungite pyramid repeatedly charges the body with vital energy, protects against harmful environmental influences, has a healing effect.

Pyramid on the child's table, helps him to concentrate more easily and to cope with homework faster.

To improve relationships in the home and create a warm family atmosphere it is advisable to put a shungite pyramid in every room, especially in the kitchen and bedroom.

How to choose a pyramid?

Most often they take pyramids of 10, 11 and 12 cm at the base. 10 cm - if there is only a TV in the room. 11 cm - if the TV and computer are together, 12 cm - if the TV, computer and other electrical appliances.

How long does the pyramid last?

The pyramid runs forever. By purchasing it once, you get lifelong protection that can be inherited.

Calculate for yourself, the cost of a 12 cm pyramid at the base, if you use it for 40 years, is less than 40 rubles a year or less than 4 rubles a month (with this money you can only buy a bag in a store). A pyramid of 10 cm will cost you 1.7 rubles a month.

To recharge the pyramid, it is enough to lower it once a month under running water (you can use a tap) and then set it in the sun.

Which pyramid is better - polished or unpolished?

There is no difference in action between an unpolished and a polished pyramid. Only in appearance. The unpolished pyramid is matte and gets a little dirty, while the polished one is shiny and does not get dirty.

How important is the ideal shape of the shungite pyramid?

Of course, shape is very important. But you should know that shungite is a rather soft material. It has a hardness of only 3.5 to 4. It can be quite difficult to give it an ideal shape (all pyramids are made by hand). Small scratches and micro-chips are absolutely normal for shungite.

There is no need to be intimidated by this - in the end, the width of the base and the correctly aligned corners of the top are important. And thanks to the unique bioenergetic properties, shungite more than covers all micro-distortions.

Are inclusions in shungite normal?

Interspersed is the best proof that shungite is natural. In nature, it almost never occurs without an admixture of quartzite and pyrite.

Therefore, these two minerals are present in small amounts in almost all large shungite products.

Shungite pyramid will help you not only to protect your home from harmful radiation from electrical household appliances, but also to harmonize the atmosphere as a whole. Also, the shungite pyramid will help you clear jewelry and other items from the negative field.

Shungite pyramid place it next to where you spend most of the day (on your desk, next to your bed, etc.).

It is advisable to place the pyramid next to a source of electromagnetic radiation (TV, computer, telephone, other household electrical appliances).

Shungite pyramid gives a greater effect if it stands on the plane on which the radiation source is located or slightly lower. For better protection, place it between yourself and your computer.

Please note that the protective properties shungite pyramids appear more strongly above the plane where it stands, so do not place it on a computer or TV, but only next to it.

It is desirable that the pyramid is oriented to the cardinal points (north-south, west-east), for this use a compass.

If you put the pyramid on the table for a student, then it will be easier for him to concentrate. And the presence of the pyramid in the office will increase efficiency and improve the atmosphere.

Real Karelian Shungite directly from the deposit here: http://karelshungit.com/16-piramidy-iz-shungita

Pyramids can be made from different materials and have different proportions. Conversations that one pyramid is correct and the other does not have any basis. The force of action of a pyramid depends on its size, the angle of rise above the surface, as well as the material from which it is made. Scientifically proven and not always explainable properties of pyramids fully apply to shungite pyramids. In this case, the magical power of the pyramids is multiplied by the unusual properties of the shungite rock. Made in strictly defined proportions of sides and angles (according to the principle of the golden ratio), these pyramids have a strong energetic effect on all living things and even inanimate objects. It was found that the radius of the "positive" biofield around the shungite pyramids exceeds the radius of action from the pyramids made of other minerals. So around the pyramids of quartz, lapis lazuli, jade, the radius of action extends to 0.5 - 3 meters, and around the pyramids of shungite - at a distance exceeding 5 meters.

By regulating the volume of vitality, the shungite pyramid charges the body with bioenergy. The energy field of the pyramid, "tuned" to a certain frequency, interacts with the body according to the principle of feedback. By tuning into the frequency of the cell and entering into resonance with it, the pyramid helps it to achieve an energy balance. As a result of regular use, the energy of the body is aligned, its biofield is recharged and strengthened.

The pyramid acts most effectively on a person who is in a relaxed state. To do this, you need to sit comfortably on a chair without crossing your legs, put your hands on your knees, palms up. Put one palm on top of the other. Lower the pyramid onto the upper palm, close your eyes and focus on your sensations. Perhaps after a few minutes you will feel a slight throbbing, warmth in your palms. Then there will be muscle and nervous relaxation, a feeling of lightness and weightlessness of the whole body.

Protective properties

Experimental data confirm that the shungite pyramid is a reliable shield against geopathogenic phenomena that form in nature due to faults in the earth's crust, underground rivers, mineral deposits and other unexplained reasons. It has been established that if a person is daily within the radius of action of a geopathogenic zone, then his body is invisibly attacked by geopathogenic rays, causing inexplicable malaise, apathy, headache, and weakness. As a result, the immune system weakens, disharmony appears, and the manifestation of diseases becomes more frequent. Medical research shows that geopathogenic radiation causes cardiovascular diseases and up to 60% of oncological diseases. Shungite pyramid is one of the most effective means against geopathogenic radiation. It is able to reduce the negative impact of the environment, reflect, neutralize geopathogenic rays. A person who is close to the pyramid improves immunity, improves overall health, relieves nervous tension, eliminates headache, insomnia, and improves tone.

The shungite pyramid is capable of protecting residential and industrial premises from electromagnetic radiation from televisions, computers, microwave ovens, refrigerators, and electrical measuring instruments. In addition, the shungite pyramid removes the negative "field" from jewelry, coins and other small items. For effective action, the pyramid must be accurately oriented to the cardinal points. To do this, install it so that the side of the base lies on the north-south line. However, in panel houses, where the effect of metal structures is strong (in brick, this effect is less), the compass needle will deviate from the correct direction. The most accurate reading can be obtained by positioning the compass equidistant from walls, ceiling and floor.

It is recommended to install the pyramid in those places where you spend more than an hour every day - next to your bed, desk, electrical appliances, computer, etc. The pyramid should be at the same level with you (not higher or lower) and at a distance not exceeding 50 cm. For example, you can put a pyramid between you and a computer, TV, and other devices that are a source of electromagnetic radiation. You can put the pyramid near your bed or near your resting place. It is important to remember that the pyramid should always be at the same level with you.

The presence of the shungite pyramid in office premises harmonizes the atmosphere. Nervousness, dissatisfaction, overexcitement disappear in people, and efficiency increases. Located next to the bed of a sick person, this pyramid will nourish him with internal energy, giving strength to recovery. Placed on the student's desk, it will help to concentrate more easily and complete assigned tasks faster.

Periodically, once every two to three weeks, it is recommended to take the pyramid out into fresh air, for example on a balcony, and keep it for at least one hour to cleanse and restore its protective properties. Shungite pyramids can be polished, in their properties they are no different from ordinary ones, only they acquire a more beautiful appearance.

Healing properties

Being unique regenerators of vitality, shungite pyramids charge the body with the missing energy, which leads to a decrease in headaches, vertebral, rheumatic pains, improves psycho-emotional state, increases tone, normalizes sleep, increases efficiency, stabilizes pressure, cleans the respiratory tract, increases activity, including number and sexual.

In order to use the pyramid for medicinal purposes, it is enough to apply its base to the painful area and hold it for 15 minutes several times a day. Perform the procedure until complete recovery.

It should be remembered that before starting to use the pyramid for treatment, it is recommended to consult a specialist who will conduct bioenergetic diagnostics (using Voll or Biologos devices) and, based on the results of the examination, will select the pyramid and the treatment method.

In the shungite pyramids, the magical power of the pyramids is multiplied by the extraordinary properties of the shungite rock: the body is charged with the bioenergy of space, the power of which is many times greater than that of the earth.

The pyramid acts most effectively on a person who is in a relaxed state.

To do this, you need to sit comfortably on a chair without crossing your legs, put your hands on your knees, palms up, one palm on top of the other. Place the pyramid on top of your palm, close your eyes and concentrate on your feelings. You can feel a slight pulsation, warmth, tingling in the palms. ... Then comes muscle and nervous relaxation, a feeling of lightness and weightlessness of the whole body. Perform this procedure at least twice a day - in the morning and in the evening and you will be surprised at the result!

The action of the shungite pyramid is multifaceted, it charges the body with vital energy, protects against the harmful effects of the environment, and has a healing effect.

For medicinal purposes, it is enough to apply the base of the pyramid to the sore spot and hold it for 15 minutes several times a day. At the same time, pay attention to the fact that the top of the pyramid should not be directed at the people, animals and plants around you.

To improve sleep, a pyramid is placed at the head of the bed.

The pyramid on the student's or student's desk helps to concentrate more easily and to complete study tasks faster.

The shungite pyramid protects premises (residential and industrial) from electromagnetic radiation from televisions, computers, microwave ovens, refrigerators and electrical measuring devices.

To improve relationships in the house and create a warm atmosphere, it is advisable to put a shungite pyramid in every room, as well as in the kitchen.

The presence of the shungite pyramid in the office harmonizes the common space, the tension in the team disappears, the efficiency and stress resistance increase.

When holding meetings and business meetings, it is also recommended to use the shungite pyramid.

The radius of the energy impact of the shungite pyramid exceeds the radius of the action of the pyramids made of other minerals.

How to choose a pyramid of the size you need?
Shungite pyramids are chosen taking into account the ratio of 1cm - 0.5-1m, that is, 1cm of the pyramid face acts at a distance of up to one meter.

It is enough to put a small pyramid with a base size of 3 cm in front of the computer, in a room or office - based on the corresponding area.

To reduce the risk of accidents, a 4-5 cm pyramid is installed in front of the driver in the car.

As you know, many road traffic accidents occur not through the fault of pedestrians or drivers, but when crossing geopathogenic zones. They affect the condition of the driver crossing such an abnormal area. A person's pulse, blood pressure changes, attention is scattered, which leads to an increase in the risk of accidents.

The shungite pyramid protects people in the car and neutralizes the effect of geopathogenic zones, having a beneficial effect on the human condition, coordination of his movements and the nervous system.

How do I clean the pyramid? Periodically, once every two to three weeks, it is recommended to take the pyramid out into fresh air, for example on a balcony, and keep it for at least one hour to cleanse and restore its protective properties.