Image of rainbow for children. Drawing on drawing "Rainbow arc

Image of rainbow for children. Drawing on drawing
Image of rainbow for children. Drawing on drawing "Rainbow arc

Rainbow is a magic bridge between the sky and the earth. Let's wait for the rain and draw this miracle of nature along with children.

The appearance of the rainbow in the sky is a very unusual natural phenomenon! How to portray this magic on paper?

In addition to the traditional drawing method there are "secrets", which will help to interest small artists with creativity.

You can draw not only paints and pencils! Show the child that plasticine can also be a fine tool.

Tabs will help stencil. At the same time you can learn the sequence of colors.

Whole scope with cotton wands and let each draw your color.

Wooden blade, sponge for washing dishes - Here is a homemade roller. Squeeze paints from tubes on the palette, carefully dip the sponge and ... Voila! Rainbow ready!

You can come even easier. On the edge of the sheet, apply droplets of thick paint in the desired sequence, and then stretch the line or piece of cardboard.

The amazing result will turn out if you draw a rainbow comb.

If smooth transitions need and want to fill a large format in one way, take a wide brush.

Moisten the paper well. Leave for a few minutes so that all the "puddles" absorbed. Let the watercolor flows - the rainbow will be very beautiful!

Some seamless and firming materials - and here you have a real rain-generator in your hands!

This avant-garde picture is made with the help of wax chalk and hair dryer. When heated, the wax melts, the dye flows, time to only set the desired direction.

Dear readers! Create your own rainbow world with children! Let the gray weekdays do not interfere with seeing the world other.

Rainbow is an amazingly beautiful natural phenomenon. Those who were lucky enough to see him often want to capture this magic, but the camera does not always turn out to be at hand. In this case, a great way out will learn how to draw a rainbow. Moreover, in this case, you add a part of yourself to the natural beauty of the rainbow, your creativity.

Rainbow and Tuchci - draw together

So, let's start our bright lesson. As you know, the rainbow appears during or immediately after the rain: the white sunlight passes through the water droplets, as if through the lens, it is refracted and forms a kind of color spectrum. Because when we understand how to draw a rainbow in stages, I will show a challenge of Tuchka - it will clearly show that the rain just ended.

Let's start with Tuchuk. And, more precisely, with Tuchka - it will be small, neat, fluffy on the view.

Then at some distance you draw another one. It is important that both tuchs were on the same level.

Between the two tuckers, I will depict a rainbow. It will consist of seven arcs - one for each color.

Now color the drawing. Colors will go from top to bottom in such a sequence: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple.

On this all - drawing is ready.

Cheerful clouds with rainbow mood

Often in cartoons, many items are depicted animated, with cute faces. In our case, it will be tuchs - they will admire the rainbow. It will be fun, and at the same time we will learn how to draw a pencil rainbow.

Draw the outlines of Tuchk. They will be fluffy, soft, with smooth bends. In size, they must be approximately the same.

Now I will draw them "faces". One tucca eyes will be wide open, and the second will be buried from pleasure. But the smiles they will be equally cheerful.

Now the rainbow is a wide smooth arc, divided into seven segments. And you still give the clutches of the paws that they will hold on to each other. And a small heart in the center.

Add paints to our masterpiece. Of course, here we need seven traditional colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple.

All, we coped - everything is fully painted.

Rainbow, Sky and Sun

In the first two sections, we painted exclusively rainbow and clouds. Now let's go a little further: add the sun and the sky. So the picture will look more thorough, and so it will be possible to learn how to draw rainbow with paints.

First, make items you are interested in. First of all - clouds and multicolored arc.

Then painting the rainbow in the correct order.

Then Dorisuha a few more clouds and a sun with a smiling little face.

Now it is necessary to finally paint the picture: the sky should be blue, and the sun is yellow. Any paints are suitable: watercolor, gouache, acrylic, butter, etc.

Bright rainbow drawing for novice artists

If you are just starting to learn artists' skill, then you should not spend all the time with the geometric figures and the development of technology. Yes, of course, this is important, but it is necessary to find time and for something bright, interesting, creative. For example, it will be great to learn how to easily draw a rainbow.

First, draw a long narrow cloud. Unlike previous sections in which the arc relied on two little clouds, here it will be only one.

Then we draw an arc separated into segments and hiding for another tucca sun with a smiling face and long rays.

After that add colors. We already know how to paint the rainbow, it remains only to bring the clouds to the clouds blue, and the sun make orange.

All, we fully coped with the task.

Fields after the rain - draw along with children

The combination of endless fields, leaving the distance of a trail, adherent at sunset sky and rainbow, is truly unearthly beauty. And if you want to understand how to draw a rainbow an example, then make it on such a beautiful example will be a very successful idea.

So, let's begin. The first thing will be depicting fields and a path - the terrain will be hilly, with smooth bends.

Then we work with the upper part of the drawing - the clouds, the sun.

Now we will work with paints. Single places here will not be: the pinkish sky, red, orange and green fields - no gray, despondency and sadness.

Everything, our beautiful autumn landscape is fully completed. Be sure to praise the child for being able to depict such beauty.

How to draw a rainbow? This question is asked for parents many children. Meanwhile, the task of an adult is not easy to explain to the child, how to make a similar pattern, but also to explain in parallel, which is the natural phenomenon.

What is Rainbow

Such a beautiful phenomenon like rainbow, like both adults and children.

The kids are useful to tell that this colorful arc occurs when the rays of the sun illuminate the cluster of water droplets in the air. You can observe this phenomenon only during or after rain. Water drops through which sunlight passes, reflect it at different angles. As a result, a colorful arc is obtained - a spectrum of seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple.

We learn the color of the spectrum

Drawing with children - Cheerful lesson for parents and useful for children. All seven colors of the spectrum to the child will be easy to remember thanks to the old count: every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits. In it, all the words indicate a certain color. After that, together with the baby, you can proceed to creating a picture, because how to draw a rainbow, knows every adult. But this does not know the child.

How to draw a rainbow in stages

For completely small children, you can show a few simple ways. How to draw rainbow paints. This will require a simple album sheet, seven colors corresponding to the colors of the spectrum and ruler.

In the same magic for the children, the method can be drawn by a rainbow using a small roller and mixing paints in the order of the spectrum. Such a drawing can create the kids themselves. With the proper level of accuracy, the picture will look very decent - it can even be made to the frame and hang in the children's room.

Children are useful for the development of hands of hands to learn how to draw a rainbow pencil. For such a drawing, the child has to apply more effort. That is why painting with colored pencils recommend many pediatricians.

For such a picture, you can take seven colors in the hands immediately and spend the arc line with one movement. And it is possible and pour each layer of rainbow separately. It is useful to give freedom to a child - let him use his own fantasy and decide how to do better. Parents can help the baby turn such an outline in a real picture - just draw clouds, sky, sun and land.

Dear friends and guests blog "Music Soul"! Today I offer you a selection of pictures of one of the most beautiful phenomena of nature - rainbow. You are waiting for a photo of rainbow in nature, poems about the rainbow of life and the rainbow of happiness and a little legends about the rainbow arc.

Rainbow - Thug Happiness

Nicolas Valentin (C)

The rainbow symbolizes the meeting of the sky with the Earth. According to the Bible, the rainbow appeared after the World Flood, as the sign of God and his promise - never to send a flood to Earth. The rainbow is a symbol of peace and happiness, in contrast to lightning, which expresses the anger of heavens. After all, the rainbow appears after the thunderstorm against the background of the peaceful and updated, clean after the rain of nature. Rainbow is a bridge between the worlds, as a sign of God's Mercy and Love to us.

Colors of Rainbow Dougie.

Remember, a children's school that helped us remember the seven colors of the rainbow?

Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits.

And there is another count, I learned about her only now -

How once jacques-rings urban broke lamp

Colors and in the first, and in the second phrase are listed in accordance with the order of color in the rainbow, which begins with red. The first letter of each word indicates a certain color. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple. Although in fact, the rainbow color spectrum is continuous, these colors of the rainbow gradually pass one into another. The colors in the phrase are listed in accordance with the order of color in the rainbow, which begins with red. Red is the light with the greatest wavelength.

In Christian symbolism, 7 colors are the images of seven sacraments and seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.
And there is such an interpretation of the color of the rainbow - the red rainbow personifies the wrath of God, orange - happiness, yellow - generosity, green - hope, blue - tenderness, blue - the peace of natural forces, purple - greatness.

Color rainbow arc life.

In the Slavic legends it is believed that the angels are descended by this magic bridge, water from earth rivers and seas are gaining water, so that this water sheds into Earth to the Earth in the form of rain

In Bulgaria, believed that if a woman who was born only girls would go to get a drink on the place where the rainbow "drinks", then boys will be born

In China, the Rainbow is a rainbow heavenly dragon, whose tail shines all the colors of life, uniting Yang and Yin.
In Africa, it is believed that the rainbow is a snake that covers the rings of the luxurious color of the earth and worshis the heavenly treasures.
The Indians considered the rainbow the staircase into the sky, if being strong and bold, you can reach the sun. The rulers of the Inca wore an image of the rainbow on their emblems and herbs, they believed that it was the rays of the sacred sun.
Residents of the island of Nias believe that the rainbow is a huge transfusing network that catches people's souls.
In the Scandinavian mythology, Rainbow is a "trembling path", a three-color bridge connecting two worlds. Souls went to the afterlife. Before the end of the world, this bridge collapses.
And in Christianity, the rainbow symbolizes forgiveness, the pact between God and man.

Poems and photos about the rainbow

Juan Ramon Jimenez - poems about rainbow

With rainbow manits me game
on the harp in remitant clouds,
Gold and silver music
Over the eternal shiny burning.

In the crossed of these rays
Double I would announce your Duma:
High cloud of my days
with rainbow on heavenly cooler;

you, which is negated by the window -
Vision of nights volatili
Your reflection in my heart,
My aspiration to the clouds.

Sh. Patnikov - poems about the rainbow

I do not go to

Catholic chubs
I go B.
When he ends
in the sky are postponed
I believe in that
She painted her "

F.I. Tyutchev - Poems about the Rainbow

As unexpectedly and bright
On the wet sky blue
Aerial upgraded Arch
In his per minute celebration!
One end in the forest won
Other clouds left -
She grabbed her full
And heightly exhausted.
Oh, in this rainbow vision
What a burner for eyes!
It is given to us for a moment,
Catching him-catch soon!
Look - it turned out,
More minute, two - and what?
Gone, somehow leaves everything
What you breathe and live.

A selection of pictures about the rainbow.

If the rainbow holds for a long time, no longer watch

Rainbow is the personification of all colors of life.

If you look at the top, then the rainbow is not a bridge, but horseshoe for happiness
Sh. Patricks

Rainbow - pictures and proverbs

If the rainbow is more red, then wait - the wind.

High and steep rainbow to the sun and clear weather, and canopy and low - to rare and gloomy.

Rainbow spread across the river - wait for clear and sunny weather,
And if the rainbow shines along the river - then wait for heavy rain and bad weather.

Rainbow stands from north to south - to the rain, from the east to the west - to clear weather.

If you take a shovel and go to the end of the rainbow, you can find a treasure