Quest on Russian folk tales scenario. Quest game for children of the preparatory group "Travel to a fabulous country

Quest on Russian folk tales scenario. Quest game for children of the preparatory group "Travel to a fabulous country

Abstract quest-game "Travel to a fairy tale" for the middle group

The abstract of the quest-game based on Russian folk fairy tales.
Safonova Tatyana Anatolyevna, teacher-psychologist, MBDOU № 28, Krasnoyarsk.
Work description: I offer you an abstract quest-game for children of 4-5 years (middle group) on the topic "Journey to a fairy tale". This work will be useful to teachers-psychologists and educators. An abstract quest-game is proposed to your attention, which is aimed at developing the cognitive activity of middle preschool children in the process of gaming activity.
Integration of educational areas: "Socio-communicative development", "speech development", "cognitive development", "artistic - aesthetic development".
Development of cognitive activity of preschool children in the process of gaming activities.
Create conditions for the active cognitive activity of children;
instill interest in folk creativity, to fairy tales;
Promote rapprochement and organization in a group, master the ability to work in a team.
Alenushka from the fairy tale "Gus-Swans"
Koschei the Deathless
Baba Yaga
Cat scientist
Children of the senior group.
Spatial environment:
Five locations located in kindergarten recreation. Locations are stylized in fairy-tale design: trees, tree, baby jaga, waters, oak, oak with a gold chain for a science cat, Lair Kostya.
Subjective practical environment:
Five locks;
Five keys;
Book of fairy tales;
Box with tactile filler (beans);
Small toys (fabulous heroes);
Schemes-pictures for making a story;
Lotto game "Three Bear";
Fabulous chest.

Quest game move:

Alyonushka comes to the group from the Gus-Swan's fairy tales and tells the story that Gus-Swans stole her favorite book with fairy tales and hid in a fabulous forest in a chest under five castles. And to get this book you need to find five keys. And to help in search of a map on which the path to the cherished chest is indicated.

First location.
The first key is at Alenushka, but before you give it to the guys and send them to the road, you need to check whether they know a lot of fairy tales. Alenushka offers children to tell a few fairy tales with a support for the scheme. After completing the task, gives the first key and card.

Second location.
Koschey Immortal offers in his magic chest to search for fabulous heroes. Magic chest - a box with tactile filler (beans).

Third location.
Water lonely sits in a swamp and he is very sad. He with the guys playing the Lotto "Three Bear". After completing the tasks, gives the third key.

Fourth location.
Baba Yaga wanted funny dancing head guys to skate and knock off the way. But in children a map, they carefully follow how many keys still need to be collected to get the cherished book.

Fifth location.
Here is an oak with a gold chain. Cat scientist reliably the chest guard. To get the last key to get and the chest open need all the riddles of the cat smart to guess.

All obstacles overcame and the cherished book with fairy tales received.
Reflection: In the group with the educator discuss where they were and what was remembered.

Quest of fairy tales. Scenario for children

Quest is a completely new form of both training and entertainment programs that allows the guys to fully immerse yourself in what is happening, because what can be more exciting good game?
New? But what about our old "Cossacks-Robbers"? Isn't it possible to unfold your favorite game with the eldest generation? And searching for treasures in pirates games? It is important that we, relying on the foregoing, can more successfully teach our children, applying new-old technologies!
And if you carefully examine the oral folk creativity, that all folk tales are written on the principles of a linear quest: it will not fulfill the Ivanka three conditions - will not find Vasilis ...

Quest on the fairy tale "Repka"

Purpose: We instill interest in folk art, to fairy tales. Development in children of communicative skills, skill work in a team.
Educational. Promoting the formation of the ability to apply the knowledge gained in non-standard practical tasks.
Educational. Combine children, bring them pleasure, promote the rapprochement and organization of the group.
Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, murka, mouse
The heroes of fairy tales gathered to pull the repka. But the grandfather is old - he forgot where the repka sowed ... Accordingly, it is necessary to find it and will have to make our little heroes.
The grandfather opens the secret to children that every hero has a fairy tale has a piece of map. Collecting the map you can find a place where the repka grew up! And sends kids to the grandmother!
Station No. 1 Grandma
The grandmother was very delighted with children and her task for young assistants was seized. She prepared for them riddles about vegetables.
I got out of fame,
Head Bela, Kudryava.
Who loves soup
I look for me in them. (cabbage)

She hides from the sun
Under a bush in deep mink,
Buray - not a bear,
In mink - but not a mouse.

For curly khokholok
Fox made of mink tops.
To the touch - very smooth,
Taste - like sugar sweet.
Great kids copered grandmother handed them a piece of cards and guys went further.

Station №2 granddaughter
The granddaughter loves to dress up, and she asked the guys to decorate her berry earrings. Here the guys tried to fame with plasticine decorated for granddaughter earrings with various berries of currants, strawberry, etc. The granddaughter attening gave the next piece of the card.
The guys followed the next station.

Station No. 3 Bug and Murka
The third piece of the card is kept by the dog and the cat! They give children a task to play "Cats-Mouse". Here we will need a little bell and something to tie your eyes.
In this game, children played for a long time! I am pleased to catch each other !!
Praying, the kids get the third piece of the card and run to the mouse.

Station number 4 Mouse
The mouse hid the map in their reserves. The mouse asks to help her go through grain (macaroni to postpone, and leave buckwheat)! There, at the bottom of the mysteries, the guys found the last piece of the card.
Combining all the found pieces found, the guys went searching for the Santa Republic.
Relief is found. And of course, small surprises for children were planted with repka!
Thus, conducting classes in the form of a quest game, traveling to stations you can diversify classes and even by spending them on a walk We turn the usual day to an exciting adventure.
The quest makes it possible as a riddles to include activity, design tasks, which allows participants to independently develop new knowledge.
Quest, as universal gaming technology, allows you to unobtrusively involve players in a variety of types of children's activities in a short time.
You can not doubt it to say that when the child grows, he will behave in his professional activity just as he in childhood behaved in the game: plan, predict, to achieve results and improve its physical and moral qualities.
Those. Quest-Games One of the interesting funds aimed at self-education and self-development of the child as a personality creative, physically healthy, with an active cognitive position. What is the main requirement of GEF to.

1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Education in the Russian Federation", N 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012
2. Polit E.S., Buchakina M.Yu., Moiseeva M.V., Petrov A.E. New pedagogical and information technology in the education system / studies. Manual for studies Ped. universities and incl. Kvalif. Ped. frames / ed. E. S. POLAT - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2001.
3. Collection of Russian folk fairy tales.
4. Osyat S.A., Sultanbekova S.S., Zakharova T.V., Yakovleva E.N., Lobanova OB, Plekhanova E.M. Educational quest is a modern interactive technology // Modern problems of science and education. - 2015. - № 1-2.;


Municipal Preschool Educational Institution

"Kindergarten №8" Cherry "G. Rtishchevo Saratov region.


Quest - game in the senior group

"On the roads of fairy tales."

Prepared a teacher:

Balashova O.V.

2015-2016 uch. G.

The game for preschoolers is a way to know the surrounding, games have a great pedagogical value - they develop in children a mixture, excerpt, self-control, sense of humor, organization. "

N. K. Krupskaya

Games occupy the most important place in the life of the child.

Quest is an adventure game in which you need to solve problems for moving along the plot. The bottom line is that, as a rule, there is a certain goal, to reach which you can consistently solve the riddles. Each mystery is the key to the next point and the next task. And tasks can be the most different: active, creative, intellectual. Games are built on communication interaction between players. Without communicating with other players, it is impossible to achieve individual goals, which stimulates communication and serves as a good way to rally playing. Immersion in the atmosphere of the game would be incomplete without unexpected meetings. Quest is an adventure game, requiring a player to solve mental tasks for promoting the plot, implies the activity of each participant. This is a game in which the intelligence of participants is involved at the same time, their physical abilities and imagination. In the game, it is necessary to show resourcefulness, to train your own memory and attentiveness, to show an entrance and intelligence. Quests help to cope well with the team building, help them improve successful interaction in the team, feel and forming mutual assistance, separation of responsibilities and interchangeability, and, if necessary, learn without panic mobilize and very quickly solve non-standard tasks with which participants hardly faced in everyday life. In each quest for children, elements of learning and recreation are necessarily combined.


Comprehensive development of children in various directions (physical, cognitive and socio-communicative);


creating a positive emotional attitude;

development of social and communicative qualities by

collective solutions of common tasks;

  • solving problem situations;
  • the ability to perform various game tasks;
  • extension of the horizon;
  • development of logical thinking, fantasy, imagination;
  • enrichment of the vocabulary;
  • incusional children's interest in reading;
  • upbringing respect for fairy tales, feeling of admiration, faith in miracles;
  • improving movement coordination;
  • education of the sense of partnership and mutual execution.

Presenter enters in a suit baboons jagi):

I feel like a humane spirit smells. Hello, hello, my panty. What did you get sick? Probably, I was very pleased. And who am I, at least recognized? That's right, Baba Yaga. And where am I from? (From the fairy tale) is also true. Do you like fairy tales? Do you know them? Okay….

Today I was asked (as the smartest and beautiful) to carry you on the roads of fairy tales. Only here are the roads are not easy. You will need to really try, remember a lot of fairy tales, answer cunning questions, help fabulous heroes. And for this you will get a surprise from me at the end of the way: a magic book.

- To get to the fairy tale and do not get lost, you need, kaudati, guess the riddles of the gate of the gate - two of the Lartz, the same from the face. Only here they are afraid to seem to you, so they became invisible and stand here next to me, waiting for their turn. But the voices did not lose, so listen carefully and guess right. For the right deposits, I will give you a hint: Map with route.

(Enroll the riddles)

A little wife did not
And Used Beetle!
Together with the swallow
Highly under the clouds. (Thumbelina)

Granddaughter to grandmother went
Pies suffered her.
Gray wolf followed her
Deceived and swallowed! (Little Red Riding Hood)

From the flour he was a liver,
On the window was booze.
Ran away from grandmother with grandfather,
And the fox he became a dinner. (Kolobok)

Driving a guy on the furnace.
Rolled around the village
And married the princess. (Emel)

To the forefront fores
And curve pipe smoke.
There Yaga - Forest grandma -
The ovens yaws sweetly. (A hut on chicken legs)

(Magic music sounds)

  • Here you coped with the first task, my yakhontovy. I will open a secret to you: this is Vasilisa to recover me sent me to you, so that I experienced you, and if you don't like me, here I am and cards in your hands: I love some, my berries, perched on a shovel, yes to plant the oven .. . Well, get my tip (gives the map).

We consider the map.

Guys, do you like to travel? Then we will go on a journey, but the beginning you need to check your readiness for it.

Exercise "We have a good posture."

We have a good posture - stand straight, hands along the body.

We reduced the blades - to reduce the blades. (Hands to put to the belt). - 2 times.

We are looking at socks - turn on socks around yourself.

We will go on the heels. - Turn in the opposite direction on the heels.

We are cheerful and cheerful, we begin our journey.

Our path is not close: we will go a meadow, a field, through a dense forest. (Ordinary walking pairs).

Here we are in nature. Let's look around in binoculars - what a beauty here. (Turns of the head left and right).

And what fresh air. You need to breathe (make some deep breaths and exhale).

Here the road goes through the meadow with beveled grass. (Walking alternately: then on socks, then on the heels).

Look, and here the grass has not yet squatted, it is very high. (Walking with a high hip lifting).

We almost got to the forest, but huge bushes rose on our way. We need to jump over them and we will be in the forest. So we are in the forest.

Find a task "Whose things are it?"

- Let's see how you canlearn one ZabiyakaI joined for boasting and disrespect for the eldest: he seem to see him, he invents decent people.

(On a chalkboard poster with drawn carlson, decorated with a hatching hat, Yaga woman's nose, Cheburashka's ears, a leopold bow, cat boots in boots, with a basket from a red hat)

The task is: you need to clean one subject, guessing it according to my stories and songs of fabulous heroes.

1) "There were three sons at Melnik, and he left them, dying, just a mill, donkey and cat."

- What fairy tale read excerpt? ("Puss in Boots")

- And what kind of thing helped the cat in boots make the heroic acts? (boots)

(Baba Yaga removes the boots from the poster)

2) Song of Cheburashka sounds.

- Which hero sang this song to himself? (Cheburashka)

- What is the Cheburashka famous? (ears)

(Baba Yaga removes ears poster)

3) Song Kota Leopolda sounds "if good you"

- And who is this good one, my sweets? (Cat Leopold)

- Well, what about the subject of clothes can always find out the cat Leopold? (Bantu)

(Baba Yaga removes a bow with a poster)

4) Song of the Red Hap

- Girl sang in a dark forest:
- Grandma I will bring pies!
Cap - Like Raspberry!
Probably, is this Malvina? (No, it's a red hat)

- And what is the subject here from the Red Cap? (basket)

(Baba Yaga removes a basket with a poster)

5) - And this hero, if he dries, then everything will become bad. I have long said that he came to his ear on his ear! Therefore, I'll tell you better:

- In one fabulous city there were shorteys. They were called them because they were very small. One kid was the most famous, and called him so that he knew nothing.

- They guessed, who is it? (Dunno).

- And the most outstanding part of clothes? (hat)

(Baba Yaga removes a hat with a poster)

6) Sounds a couple of chastushki from grandfather.

- This is from my beloved .... Answer who sings? (Grandmother-eating)

- What gives us such grace and beauty? (nose)

(Baba Yaga removes the nose from the poster)

- So, and who did it happen to us?

A kid with him a long time ago
He flew to him into the window. (Carlson)

- What is missing carlson? (propeller)

(Baba Yaga attaches propeller)

And with this test you coped, my attentive. Stark will go further, so I will stay completely hungry ....

And we encounter the bear.

Hands per head put

And go to go.

(Walking on the outer sides of the foot)

Bunks quickly jump in the field

Very fun on the will.

We imitate the bunny


(Jumping on two legs with the promotion forward).

Ahead of the bush

Looking red fox.

We are chanterelle

On the socks run.

(Light running).

Before us with water.

Where did we get? What is it? (children's responses) Yes, guys, we came to the swamp. See, frog. What do you think from which Russian folk tale is this frog? (Princess Frog).

Baba Yaga: The princess frog for you has prepared a task. Game "Find your fairy tale." Before you, illustrations from Russian folk fairy tales. Name them. Now I will give you cards with the image of the heroes of fairy tales. While the music sounds, you walk. Music stops, go to the illustration of the fairy tale from which your hero. Be careful!

(Kids are playing).

We walk, we are stepping

Hands above raise

Do not lower your head.

Oh, on our path the stream flows.

Rod in the forest runs

And somewhere he is in a hurry.

Faster and faster,

Bul-Bul-Boule - Water is mongrel.

(Jumping from island to island).

(Children fit the oak).

Baba Yaga: What is this tree? (children's responses) Let's go to see who is waiting for us here.

(Children go to the tree, a scientist cat is sitting on Duby and reads a poem).

Cat: "At Lukomorier Oak Green,

Children chain on oak volume

And day and night cat scientist

Everything walks around the chain around ... "

Baba Yaga: Guys, how interesting. This is a scientist cat.

Cat: Mr-r! Yes, I'm a scientist cat, and where are you from where and where to keep the way?

(Children's responses).

Cat: Mr-r! And the road there is not enough, it is useful to rest in front of it. Sit on the grass and rest a bit, and I will tell you a song to you with a tale.

(Children sit on the "clearing", and the cat sings Russian folk lullaby "Bai-Bayushki, Bai").

Educator: No, no, we can not fall asleep, we have a lot of tasks ahead.

Cat: Well, then fulfill my task.

Educator: What, cat?

d / Game "Fabulous Lotto"

Cat: I call the first word of the name of the fairy tale, and you guess the full name of the fairy tales.

Snowy ...

Children: (Snow Queen)

Scarlet ...

Children: (Scarlet Flower)

Zayushkina ...

Children: (Zayushkina Hut)


Children: (nasty duckling)

Red ...

Children: (Red Hood)

Boy. ..

Children: (boy with finger)


Children: (Dr. Aibolit)

Tiny ...

Children: (Trochchka Havroshchka)

Cat: Well, coped with the task, well done! You can continue your way further.

In the slide, we are walking now,

Wings will develop their own.

I breathe exactly, deeply,

We go straight and easy.

(Walking on the stairs). We reach the intersection.

Baba Yaga: We and we reached the intersection, on the poles the signs. Read them: "Go left - you will find a beautiful toy," you will go right away - you will break up with a friend, "you will go directly - you will do a good deed."

Baba Yaga: P fuck, what do you propose to choose the road? Why? I have a magic wand. If it lights up, then you have chosen the right path. (The wand lights up). You have chosen the right road.

Return to Baba Yaga's hut.

Baba Yaga: And in the house I have Vanyushka, I was brought to me geese-swans. He walked around the roadway. Can you walk on the road? If you want to free it, you need to perform my tasks. Agree?

The game "confusion". N. it is necessary to remember and give correctly the names of fairy tales.

  1. "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Nikitushka";
  2. "Ivan-Tsarevich and a green wolf";
  3. "By dog \u200b\u200bcourage";
  4. "Wolf and Seven Tigry";
  5. "Pasha and Bear";
  6. "Gus-Crow".

Well done, coped! And now I will experience you, what are you strong and clever.

(Play in the game "Baba - Eugene").

Baba Yaga : Well, it is necessary! Not expected! You really bold yes clever! Well, and the last match with me cannot be won.

(Game "Peretsyani Rope").

Baba Yaga : Sure! Have delighted! Won old woman and glad! You are young, strong, deft, and I'm old, unhappy granny - Jagus!

With all the tasks you coped, take the boy, I hope, on the way, he will not walk one, and even play there. Get my magic book.

Baba Yaga gives a magic book, and in it candy, treats for children.

Return to kindergarten.

"Quest-game for fairy tales."

for children of early old school age.


Abdulina Z.Z.

purpose: Creating conditions for the development of children's interest in fairy tales through the quest-game.



To form knowledge about one of the genres of the folklore fairy tale;

Top up literary baggage fairy tales, riddles, stories;


Develop the ability to competently, expressive its thought, speech, logical thinking;

Create conditions for the development of memory, attention, imagination;


Rail a sense of partnership and mutual assistance.


Music design:

"Visitingfairy tales » Composer V. Dashkevich.

Quest game move:

All children gathered in a circle

You are my friend and I am your friend

Right with your hands take

And a friend of the arc will smile.

Guys and you love fairy tales? In an old, long-standing times did not know how to write people or read. And in order to hang their babies, adults began to invent them fairy tales, booms, fun. Kids grow up and their kids tell me, transferred "From mouth to mouth". And these kids are their children. In Russian people talethere are various items possessing magic properties: Tablecloth - self-primary, magic wand, boots - swords, magic fruits and fruits, flying stupa, etc. Magic objects help the heroes to overcome difficulties, obstacles, surpass the extraordinary power, which can not succumb to the usual person.

Magic properties are endowed, most often the most common household items, which each heroes use each day: buckets, oven, mirror, tangle thread.

And most importantly, that magic fairy tales Always end victory "of good" over "Evil" and in the end fairy tales The main character is waiting for a reward.

There are many fairy tales in the world,

Fairy tales love children

Everyone wants to visit them

And play a little

Behind the glomerus we will go,

In good fairy tale!

(While we walked behind the glomerus on a magical path, our parents were preparing to meet us in a fabulous country)

Russian folk tales teach us to distinguish good from evil, because there is no wonder in many fairy tales you can read phrase: "The fairy tale is a lie, yes there is a hint of a good young lesson."

Guys, the tangle led us to the apple trees, see who meets us? (Masha and the Bear) And from what kind of tales are they? ( "Masha and the Bear")

Apples on an apple tree are not simple, but with riddles.

Masha guess the riddles.

There is no river nor a pond.

Where to get drunk?

Delicious water

In a hole from the cooler. ( "Sister Alenushka and Brantz Ivanushka")

On the window he confessed

Took it later and gave himself

To eat fox. ( "Kolobok")

She flew Arrow and got into the swamp.

And in that swamp caught her someone.

Who, having sneaked with green skin

Made a cute, beautiful, pleasant. ( "Princess Frog")

Opened the door of Kozdyat

And everything was gone somewhere. ( "The wolf and the seven Young goats")

Helped us apple trees,

Helped us the stove

Helped good, blue river,

We all helped us, all we were covered,

We got home to Mother and Pathushka.

Who blamed the brother? Name the book! ( "Swan geese")


Driving a guy on the furnace.

Rolled around the village

And married the princess. ( "By whining the vein")

It is necessary to run a jurisk

Petushka speeds savory

He was in a hurry

Poor suppressed ( "Cockerel and bean grains")

Sits in a basket Girl

Behind the teddy bear behind his back.

He himself without knowing

Carries her home ... ( "Masha and the Bear")

Well done, all the riddles guess! Our path continues.

Behind the glomerus we will go,

And where will you get?

The tangle led us to you to the hut, and who sits near him? (Baba Yaga)

Baba Yaga:

What expensive guests to me please! As I am glad, but it was forgotten me at all. What the reached bypass bypass, be afraid, they consider worship. And I am not like that. I'm even very good! Fairy tales read. Want to tell? And no, I better check, do you know well fairy tales.

Baba Yaga showed us illustrations to talesAnd we gave them out.

Baba Yaga:

Well done! Good know fairy tales!


Well, that, Baba Yaga is not angry at all. Guys, let's play with her in the game "The grandmother Malania"?

The game "Grandmother Malania" (Everyone gets into a circle, in the middle of which is a child depicting Grandma Malanu. Children in a circle, together with adults, begin to sing a funny song, accompanying its expressive movements).

Malania, the old woman (Children move in a circle, holding hands).

Lived in a small hut

Seven sons

All without eyebrows (close your eyebrows.

Here with such ears, (show "Big" ears)

Here with such noses, (show "big nose")

Here with such a mustache, (Show mustache)

With such a head (show "Large" head)

With such a beard, (show "Long" beard)

Did not eat anything (squatting)The whole day was sitting,

She looked at her

Done like this. (repeat for leading any movement)

Baba Yaga:

Thank you guys, you have fun you. Waiting for you to visit, to new meetings!

For the glomerus we will go

And where will you get?

And led us a tangle to Vasilis Will.

Vasilisa Vasilisa:

Hello, guys! My name is Vasilisa to do. I came to you from a magical fairy tale. Rumors have reached me that you love to play fairy tales. So I want to play with you "Guess".

What song sang a bun?

What sang a goat to your goats?

What did Masha Show, sitting in the box?

What words helped a wolf to catch fish on the tail?

What asked the beasts in the fairy tale "Teremok" Before entering there?

What words did Yemel pronounced so that everything is done by itself?

Well done! I am very pleased with your knowledge! Magic tangle calls you on the road, and I say goodbye to you, to new meetings!

You rolling, rolling the tank,

Through the field and the lasticy,

Show us all the tracks,

Where would our legs go.

And led us a tangle to visit Lesme.

I am old, Old Leshe

I live in MKU Forest,

When comes evening

I'm sad.


Was Koshiy yesterday at a party.

What did you run, just ah!

All pictures confused,

Tales all my he confused.

Pictures you must collect

Russian fairy tale.

Suddenly, for all of us, a gray goat came to Lesmet. It turns out he was looking for guys.

Sereny Kozlik:

Fabulous residents got into trouble! We must help them! I received letters with a request for help, but from whom they came, I can not understand. Please help me!

-"Save us a gray wolf". (Cats)

-"Very upset. Inadvertently broke the testicle ". (mouse)

-"It all ended well, only my tail remained in the hole". (wolf)

- "Dear grandparents, do not worry. I invented how to fool the bear. I'll be home soon". (Masha)

-"Help, my brother turned into a goat". (Alenushka)

-"The disgrace, someone ate my porridge and broke my chair". (bear)

Thank you guys for help! Love, let's go out fabulous residents! Goodbye to new meetings!

You rolish, rolish the tangle,

Through the field and fishing line.

For the glomerome, we will go and go where?

I am Marya Spring

Beautiful Russian!

And I can do everything, and I can all!

Weaving covered, I'll win it stars

Forests and fields, as well as the moon.

Cake to bake, samovar i put

And all of you will invite you all to the feast.

Marya Skarnica:

Guys, help me please.

In the forest, I found items, but I do not know whose they are. They lie here in this basket.


Well, what guys will help Marya Prikernitz find the owners of these items? (Yes)

Marya Skinnik in turn gets objects from "Magic basket", what about children speak: What fairy tale lost things.

Pie - "Masha and the Bear", "Swan geese".

Egg - "Ryaba chicken.

Repka "Repka".

Apple - "Swan geese".

A fish - "Fox-sister and gray wolf", "By whining the vein".

Rocky - "Fox with a rill".

Three spoons - "Three Bears".

Marya Skarnica:

Well done boys! Many fairy tales you know. Tell me, most importantly in Russian folk tales? (good wins evil)

It's time for me to say goodbye to you. Before new meetings in a magical country fairy tales! I wish you a good way, and I will give a sweet gift to the track!


So comes to the end our journey to fairy tales. There are many fairy tales today. With whom from fabulous heroes we met? (Masha and Bear, Baba Yaga, Vasilisa Wheave, Leshe, Sereny Kozlik, Marya Snorper) What words do fairy tales end? ( "Began to live - wait, yes good story". "That'sfairy taleAnd who listened- well done ".)

Where is our magic tangle?

Rolling, rolling,

Magic tangle

Right to the house, on the threshold!

There are many fairy tales in the world

Good and funny.

And live in the world

We can not without them.

Let the heroes of fairy tales

Give to heat

Let good forever

Alla Krasikov
Scenario of entertainment "Quest on Russian folk fairy tales" for senior preschool age

Educator GBOU School 1130

Krasikov Alla Nikolaevna

Entertainment for senior preschool children:

« Quest in Russian folk tales»

Tasks: Secure content knowledge russian folk fairy tales, Develop logical thinking, visually - motor coordination, the ability to navigate the terrain.

Characters: Explorer (group teacher, Baba Yaga, kids group.

Attributes: Envelope with a letter; Suit Baba Yagi; picture apple, by the number of children; balloons, by the number of children; Puzzles SO fairy tales"Kolobok", "Repka", "Swan geese", "Ryaba chicken, "Teremok"; Scheme with drawings of all listed tales and with a picture of women Yaga; big Stone; Chest curtain; note with riddles about stone, letter; Color chalk; candy candy; basket with candy; Empty boxes, three different keys.

Children get a letter from women Yagi.: "Dear Guys! Koschey immortal angry that in tales good always wins evil and stole fairy talesso that they are all forgotten. Check. Get out of the garden into the dark forest, look for Babu Yagu. She will tell you how to find fairy tales

The guys are going and go to the site. There are Baba Yagu.

Educator: Baba Yaga, Hello! A letter came to the guys to the group. It says that they disappeared fairy tales. That stole them to blasphemes immortal and that you can tell where to gowhere fairy tales.

Baba Yaga: Fu-fu-fu, who came to me, not lasting, not called? Fu-fu, feel russian spirit smells. I can you promptwhere fairy talesYes, only you will play my bricks with me. If you win - I will say, and lose, I grind and eat. Well, what do you agree?

Baba Yaga tie his eyes and spin it. She tries to catch the guys, but she does not succeed.

Baba Yaga: Oh worry my grandmother, purses. Only I can not show the way, and then I will turn me to the snake in the snake to the snake Mig.

Educator and children: How should we be where to go? Clear us grandmother beauty!

Baba Yaga: Okay, already, shoot. Guess the riddle - I will give you tip.:

Brother with sister

Misfortune is big

But they will not be denied

Magic stove,

Dairy river

And apple tree, in a difficult road.

(tale Geese - Swans)

Baba - Yaga: Proper, guys! Here you are the first fairy tale found, - gives children a card with the image fairy tales. - In this fairy Tale and First Tip. Go, apple trees are looking for. And I will not say anything else.

Guys with an educator find an apple tree to which pictures of apples are attached. Children tear apples and find a picture with the next fairy tale"Teremok" and tip.written by apple: "In the grass, under your feet you look, a vessel with tip you are looking for».

Children are looking for bottles on the glade. They are pieces of puzzles. The guys must fold the puzzle and find out the following fairy tale"Kolobok". In one of the bottles prompt"Miracle Tree". The guys must find a tree jammed by balls. Take balls and some of them find new parts of puzzles with fairy tale"Repka" and drawing that suggests In which direction to move (staircase, and on her key with a key).

Children move to the entrance to the kindergarten and find the staircase on which there are many boxes. In some boxes, the keys are hidden fairy tale"Ryaba chicken and wonding - tipswhere to move further:

Its in the mountains is complete.

It often falls on the bottom

Gorge from cliff steep.

He is solid, small, big.

In the form of different it happens.

His off the road is cleaned.

(A rock)

Paper bird lies on the table,

I am writing an address on a white wing.

Paper bird

I will seek a friend.


Educator suggestsThat you need to find a stone with a letter and offers children to look for him at the garden of the garden. Children bypass around the kindergarten and find a stone on which posted:

You will go left - you will lose horse.

Right go directly - you will find sweets.

Go rightly - find the treasure in the sandbox.

Arrows are drawn from the stone in three directions. If children choose the road leading to the sweets, then find a basket full of empty candy. If you choose the path to the sandbox, then find a sandbox with the bumps. Begin to dig sand and find the chest, closed on the castle. Reflecting how to open a chest, children remember the keys found in the boxes. Of the three keys, only one is suitable. Children open the chest and discover the scheme on which everyone is depicted fairy talesthey found but in one "Window" The diagram shows Baba Yaga. Children with the educator conclude that you need to return to the Baba Yaga on their playground.

Baba Yaga: Well, what darkens came? BUT fairy tales, all friends found?

Children show Baba Yaga scheme with fairy tales.

Baba Yaga: How did you find the road like fairy tales collected?

Children remember the route in which they walked.

Baba Yaga: Ay Well done guys. Everything fairy tales found. Here and the death of Koshcheev came, well, so I reward you for it (Burn).

Sorceress baba, sorceress grandfather,

There are no eight on the side of your.

Gray fog, evaporate!

Candies Mountain, appear!

Treats guys and says goodbye to them.

Publications on the topic:

Scenario of the literary quiz "In Russian People's Tales" for children of senior preschool age "Literary quiz on Russian folk fairy tales" for children of senior preschool age MDOU kindergarten combined species number 46.

The abstract of integrated classes for the middle group "Journey to Russian People's Tales" The abstract of integrated classes for the middle group of kindergarten "Journey to Russian folk fairy tales" (occupation with elements of mathematics.

Fisminochka card file to Russian folk tales for younger preschoolers "Kolobok". Kolobok, Kolobok, Warm and ruddy (tilting to the right, left) Jump Yes, jump, jump Yes, scuffed our friend (jumping and running.

COMMUNICATION OF THE ODO of Communication for Senior Preschool Children "Traveling in Russian People's Tales" The abstract of organized educational activities for communication for children of senior preschool age on the topic: "Traveling in Russian.

Abstract Classes "Acquaintance with Russian Folk Suit" for children of senior preschool age Acquaintance with the Russian folk suit Objective: to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe history and features of the Russian National-Malnal costume. Form