If there is a black band in life. Black band in life: what to do to get rid of failures

If there is a black band in life. Black band in life: what to do to get rid of failures
If there is a black band in life. Black band in life: what to do to get rid of failures

"The trouble does not come alone" - I think many will agree with this saying. Indeed, it is worth a certain negative event and suffered as in a fairy tale: "The farther, the worst." It happens so that it seems to be "falling" below, it is not necessary, so no, an inventive life will come up with such a "juicy ground", which is being enveloped so that the previous one will seem just a childhood failure.

So though, why one grief, clings the other, and then, in turn, the following, sometimes turning life into one solid black stripe?

Someone will say that the wine from all karma, someone will write down everything on damage, the supporters of Zelanda will say that the whole thing is "pendulums", but a skeptic will say: "This is a simple chance." And you know, perhaps, all of them, in part, no one knows exact explanation, and all these items really work, especially if you believe in them.

  • Try to me, with a specialist in "Poleukham" from life and all sorts of "black stripes" (as well as gray, black in Krapinka, with circles and all other dark shades), and not just a home-grown fighter philosopene, namely, practice.

Well, I had practices: "The wagon, yes a small trolley", suggest:

As a child, I suffered 13 inflammation of the lungs (not counting other small sores and diseases later), doctors with their "experiments" (without the knowledge of the parents) almost threatened me and did so that I had a little shaggy from all people. Ground, my pain is gone, but my fears turned into complexes and phobias. Everything around seemed painted in dark tones, despite the many all kinds of events, my body stuck not only pain, but also emotions.

In childhood, carrying a glass with water and overpaying through the sleeping on the staircase drunk neighbor, I fell (since he began to swear at that time), and I fell so that half of the broken glan was sticking out in the center of my forehead.

So I began to be afraid of drunk

Despite the fact that Mom worked on one and a half bets, took part-time at home - the lack of money was always. And the father often drank and was constantly in a variety of ways (sometimes for years), in search of: Whether herself, or just for pleasure. It seemed to me that I would live in some constantly dark strip, which simply not end. Negative events simply changed each other and I got used to all this that I began to perceive all this as in the order of things.

It was then that I began to be interested in self-development, NLP, Esoteric, then I first began to think about it: why everything gets everything, and others have nothing more, despite the many efforts attached for this. And you know, then I managed to get out of the series "Chernihi" - became a sociable, merry and quite an optimistic young man, believing that life consists not only from black stripes, but also from bright joy, anticipation of good and of course love.

But in life everything is cyclically and the second staining strip, Or rather, I "Ogreb" the second life lesson after the army, when I was 25 years old. Then I was already married and my first son was already born.

First, I then lost myself, in the second my mother fell ill with cancer and for several months "burners" in illness, died in my arms. A few months after the death of Mom, the father dies (blood clots in carotid arteries). In the interruptions between these events, my cousin is dying daughter (sudden death syndrome). Well, in the last, we divorced my wife and fellow from my wife about the parent apartment starts at me (she and the child were spelled out in the parent apartment).

This black strip lasted for several years without a lumen and sometimes it seemed to me that I would just go crazy. I was then simply confident that some kind of damage to me and once smash the mirror in the bathroom once, I was already thinking that everything was probably the next I already. I start running through the grandmothers in the hope that the witchcraft spells will be removed and all adversity will be held. As it turned out - nothing helped, but only faith helped me, faith in the fact that God would not leave me, faith in what everything will be fine and ......., But, Stop - all this deserves a separate history.

For the most impatient to write about my today:

I'm fine, I have a small family: I, my wife (younger for 9 years) and my big joy is a seven son, Yaroslav. Senior Son (from the first marriage) will soon be 19 years old, he lives in another city, but he gladly comes to visit me and I love him very much.

Parental apartment then was not fully in full, but I have my own, however, while a small apartment (in the nearest plans extending the living space).

I work in a small furniture firm with a director's deputy, a lot of work, but I hope that the prospects for the future are even more. Despite all his employment, sometimes it stretches into your blogs, with the hope that someone can come in handy.

  • Recovering a little from the topic of the story about his life I pursued the goal not to boast of you and show myself from the Red side - to take away, I just wanted to say and show all the reader of my blog:

"There is no impossible in life - everything changes in it, because this is the main law of physical matter. In life there is a place to all: and joy too, and no matter how hard you were hard, remember: everything ends and the black stripe too, but for what time it will delete - it depends primarily from you. The world is not against you, he is neutral, but in what color to paint it - choose to you. After all, the truth is that in your power to choose what thought or emotion can be supported, and what kind of trying to deceit as unnecessary? ".

Hell and paradise already exist within you - just choose what to support you.

If you liked it, then read further if not - Well, I do not insist, everyone has his own truth, choose another way - the benefit of them is a lot.

Before the start of the main story once again emphasizes you that I do not climb in the awesome debris of reasoning, I just write about my experience, about those conclusions to which I came to date, I will try to give you a "confidence" in myself and I will describe you "Sticks" that work for me.

Axioms of light and dark stripes or golden, striped srici Oleg Plett:

  • M. ir in relation to us neutral.

He is not angry, and not good, he is a smooth account on the drum on us, he is exactly what we accepted it within themselves. The world around you is a reflection of your inner state.

  • IN era is a very strong "gin" in our hands.

What to believe is to solve only you. You believe in what everything will be fine - "According to your faith, you will be", believe that life is a brutal "thing" - to get your own, the law works in this case. I sincerely believe that God and all the bright forces are standing the mountain for you - be sure it is.

  • Love can all.

Love is not an egoistic thirst for possession, of course not. Love is the highest vibration energy. Love is not looking for and does not look, it is full and self-sufficient, she can turn any hell to blooming paradise. Love is God who loving in no way. God forgives us not for our actions, he forgives us because he is God (love). Closeart of energy to true love - maternal love. The more love in your life, the lighter, better and more even your life.

  • P approaching attracts similar.

Negative thoughts and emotions attract negative situations that, in turn, generate new negative emotions - it looks like a closed circle and if it is not interrupted - it can continue all my life. Conversely, joyful emotions attract good events. The output suggests itself.

  • Mniaya his thoughts, emotions and beliefs we change the course of our lives

Filter each emotion and thought, choose from them only positive and correct, cultivate them in yourself.

  • Well, the uvety guilt launches the punishment mechanism.

That is why it is so important to confess. Perceive your mistakes as important life lessons, and therefore, like any lesson it must be learned and understand the meaning of the experience. As soon as I realized my mistake - you broke the situation, you learned a lesson, and after that I had the power to forgive yourself and others.

  • Well Iv is real, you choose the best option from possible.

I've been about it more than once.

  • There are no snipe situations.

Closing one of the doors God always opens another.


You have an active always chance of your passive. So do not lie on the sofa - act.

  • N occasion do not do another for evil - evil kills.

Making another on evil - you don't do it first, who came across it to understand me.

  • L South Changes happen not instantly - you need time.

And this is good, otherwise if everything changed instantly - I wish we were then imagined. No need to complain that time is going, and nothing changes, you just need to believe that happiness is inevitable.

N and this first part of the post on this topic I consider closed, but on the next, I propose to go to practical work.

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The black stripe is customary to call the sequence of subjectively unpleasant events for man who knock out of the usual comfortable living conditions and lead to stressful state and neurosis.

Specialists in the field of psychology are closely associated with a psycho-emotional state of a person with events in his life.

These events include, for example:

  • disease
  • sudden dismissal from work
  • deprivation of the source of income
  • news of treason and t. d.

When such "surprises" follows continuously one after another or happen simultaneously, then such a segment is considered to be "black stripe".

Therefore, when the "black strip" occurs, psychologists are advised first to put their nervous system in order, that is, get rid of depression, nervous voltage and oppressed state. For this, psychologists recommend the following:

Disable your head from your problems and catch a wave of positive.

Make it is not easy, but perhaps. To do this, you can start watching positive and life-affirming films, read humorous literature and, if possible, to indulge in all possible.

Negative thoughts coming to the head, it is necessary to skip through yourself without lingering on them. A similar reboot should be given from two to three days.

No matter how ridiculously sounded and looked, every morning immediately after waking up and in the evening before bedtime, it is necessary to smile in front of the mirror. First, this exercise needs to be performed. for one minute. Then - to extend up to five Or longer at will.

Such an exercise is superbly relaxing and trains almost all the muscles of the person who in a person who is in the "black strip" turn out to be kept.

Live in present

Even the most unlucky person is available to joy and pleasure at every moment of his life. It is advised to emphasize psychologists.

For example, a cup of hot tea or a relaxing bath after a hard day can deliver extraordinary delight to notice and postpone in your memory.

If this is done methodically and regularly, then the number of light moments will begin to grow. Here the main thing is not to forget to celebrate everything that brings you joy.

Listing the list of thanks to yourself will not bring the desired effect. It is precisely the written listing of those of the flames that life gave you.

If there is no money on the gym or pool, then you need to start with usual walk half an hour a day, gradually moving to the jogging. Over time, your body will appreciate a similar gift and will attract the opportunity to deal with the sport that is suitable for you.

You should not expect friends and close to you will certainly support you and rushes to help. But priming its problems, as a rule, leads to the discharge of a copied voltage, and friendly participation fill the soul with warmth and gives strength.

In addition, after communicating with other people, as a rule, it turns out that something similar happened to everyone. This will help get rid of such a paralyzing feeling as shame.

After performing all the above written need to look at your life from the eyes of different people. You need to do this as removed as possible, as if you are looking at a feature film about your life, focusing on your feelings.

Start action is necessary in the right direction. Do not burden yourself with perfectionism. The main thing is to start. And luck and luck will certainly catch up.

Esoteric teachings are offered to first find the cause of the black strip, and then start the correction of a life situation.

The reasons for the negative events are classified on:

In this case, fate is tested for strength. This is possible in case of turmoil with business or in family relationships.

When testing for strength to man need to concentrate on their feelings and understand - Does it need a business or is it only a means for making funds for a decent life? Exactly the same question should be asked for the emergence of the "black strip" in his personal life.

With a positive answer you need throw all the strength to overcome obstacles. As a rule, this leads to a new turn of development.

Punishment for sins, mistakes, etc.

Here it is necessary to ask for forgiveness from people who you may have offended. It is not necessary to do this at a personal meeting. You can write a sincere note asking for forgiveness. And then burn it.

I can also write in writing ask for forgiveness from the universe about perfect sinsAnd then promise with the first opportunity to correct them.

Errors and sins must be corrected at the first convenient case, and the missed opportunities should certainly begin to implement.

In this case "Black band" pushes a person to change. A distinctive feature of such a "strip" is the collapse of life in different directions that do not depend on each other.

Here it is necessary to notify the highest strength that you are ready to take changes. Make it need again in writing. Put a note on a high place. For example, on the refrigerator. In this case it is just necessary to "push off" from the usual views on the world..

This kind of "black strip" may be associated with that some time ago you made a request to optimize some kind of sphere of your life. Now it is just left to survive "repair" or "relocation" in anticipation of a joyful event.

In this case, esoterics advise show patience and excerpt. It is also necessary to maintain a positive attitude and monitor its energy health.

The Orthodox Church will certainly support each Christian when contacting it for help in the face of the priest.

You can immediately apply for advice to the father. The following sequence of actions can also help:

  1. Post and compliance with the prayer rule In the morning and in the evening for at least seven days.

Then need come to church for evening serviceSupposing alms to those in the entrance. During or after service, it is advisable to confess.

To confession you need to prepare in advance by writing all the perfect sins on a sheet of paper. The priest after confession it is necessary to take a blessing for the sacrament. On this day, do not dinner, but after midnight, do not even drink water.

After completing the above, the listed life is usually beginning to improve. The main condition for further positive change is the adoption of common times a month and compliance with the tips of the confessor.

How to get rid of the "black stripes" with conspiracy?

From a magic point of view the cause of the "black strip" is field disorders in the form of unchalled, damage or curse.

From the evil eye or damage can help below the methods. From the curse can save only the church or the help of a qualified magician.

So, if you realized that in your life, the "black strip" began, then immediately roll yourself up fresh chicken eggwithout waiting for the optimal location of the shone in the sky.

It is necessary to do it in the field of the center of the chest, clockwise in relation to the body, within three days.

I skate egg, I roll out the witchcraft,

from the soul, is crazy, from the body.

Leave, the witchcraft is dark, the enemy is a mounted,

i'm on the honest, to the place of the enemy.

I cherish myself, I put on defending

himself from the troubles fence.

Neither the evil eye, nor damaging, nor curse.

As can be seen from the text of the conspiracy, it is also the prevention of some kind of curses.

After use on the egg you need write "All my troubles" And bury it away from the place of residence.

Also helps a conspiracy that you need send out loud during the morning shower for one week:

Water, water, hotels from me

Dark Ginger, life destruction,

So that I did not spoil,

So that it does not crude me,

So that I did not break

From side to the side did not throw.

Clear, water, all failures,

Smear, water, black stripe.

At the occurrence of the "black strip" in life, it is very difficult to take yourself in hand and stop giveing \u200b\u200benergy to neurosis and depression.

But only self-control and control over their emotions, feelings and actions can help the negative strip Life use constructively.

It does not happen so that in life it is always lucky. Black stripes happen to all. The main thing in such a situation is not to lower your hands.

What is a black band in life, almost everyone knows the hell. At some point it begins to seem that the whole world is configured against you. How to quickly overcome not the best times in your life and return to the white stripe?

"I am 30 years old, but nothing good happens in life, a solid black band. Recently broke up with a young man, and soon after that I was fired from work. Friends are all the time busy, all families, children, interesting work, and I am completely alone, no one needs. I decided while there is time, go to the doctor, so I have found a bunch of diseases from which you need to be treated. I'm in complete despair! "

"- I have some troubles lately - the husband lost his job, the father is seriously ill - it has to be near and care for him, I have a problem at work. Court with neighbors in the country area ...

I do not even have time to come to myself after another trouble, how the other begins. I recently broke my leg and my wallet was stolen with all salary. I live in fear and constant tension. It seems that the black strip will never end. "

Why the black strip comes

The black stripe is a series of non-rursing, problems with health, parting, financial losses. All problems, as a rule, converge in one point. For someone, the black stripe will be a serious illness, and for someone it will be a series of nutrition at work. It is important how you perceive failure, because there is no list of factors for which it would be possible to judge the beginning of an unfavorable period in life. Someone imposes negative thoughts because of small troubles, and someone does not consider the black stripe even parting with a loved one. Everything in your head is no longer.

Bioenergy experts revealed the most common causes of problems

Accident. Indeed, everything can happen purely by chance. Even the most fortunate people can meet with some kind of problem, and then with one, and more. Usually, the accidents are confused with some kind of Kari God or Karma, but it is not always the case. If your soul is clean, then you should perceive problems in life as an accident, if there is no other explanation.

Karma. The karmic problems are almost all people. They can be hidden because you can't know for sure what happened to you in past lives. You can call it as you want. If you are a believer, it can be punished heaven for you, for example. If you are an atheist, then consider it an energy balancing, because everything in the world should be in the balance sheet. Perhaps in the past you made some kind of act that was strictly negative, bad. It doesn't matter if you believe in it or not, but in the universe everything should be in the balance sheet, therefore, perhaps you are experiencing a black strip.

Test. Perhaps you yourself create such conditions for which it is not so easy to live. Maybe now you are aimed at performing some tasks that are not easy for you. It is difficult for you, it's hard, but this is a purely your choice that you simply forget.

Instruction of the universe. Perhaps the universe with the black strip trying to show you that you go through the wrong path. This is a hint that you can not go there where you are aiming.

How to get out of the black strip

To do this, you need to comply with some important rules.

Try to keep calm. This is very important because when a person is experiencing too much, anxiety bursts his mind, depriving his ability to attract positive in his life. Here, in all its glory, one of the laws of the Universe is revealed - the law of attraction. If you think you are a loser or failure, it will be. Do not let the problems kill your smile and faith in yourself.

Take these problems. They have already happened, they are already with you, so that concentrate on them to solve as soon as possible. You do not have time to think about the reasons - you need to spend energy on the right things. With the reasons, you will understand later when everything decorates. Do not think that you are alone. The troubles happen to everyone, everyone has bad periods in life.

Analysis. According to many spiritual practices, any situations, even the hardest, are not just like that. At first, there is always a small signal - some sign that you need to pay attention to this sphere of life.

If we ignored the warning and did not change the situation, the signal should be more accurate, then even stronger, and also, and then - a catastrophe. It's like that little pebbles, who gone from the mountain, which can entail a terrible collapse.

If something is not laid, do not rush to despair, think what a signal gives you life to change everything for the better.

If you can't find a job for a year already, maybe you need to do your own business or finally implement buried talents? If you unexpectedly get sick before some important event, maybe this is a signal that it is time to stop and think about your life? If you have problems in relationships, maybe the past insults live inside?

The history of celebrity life is full of stories that they have forced them to make a different kind of trouble.

1. The journalist turned out to be in the hospital, which was raised a terrible diagnosis, could put on himself a cross and go to sorrow, but she begins to write novels and becomes a famous writer.

2. The mother of two children left without means to the existence of her husband who threw her husband, does not want to live on the black strip and becomes the owner of a successful company.

3. A businessman from whom a wife left for his best friend, and also grabbed the business, leaves to the village, begins life anew and understands what true love and family.

As often in life, losing something, we understand that, letting it go, they have acquired much more and got the opportunity to truly happy. Big problems become great opportunities if we carefully analyze what happened and in any event we find a positive intention.

Transfer. Our thoughts attract all that resonates with them. For example, a heel broke. It is bad if you are in a hurry to work. It is very bad if you are in a hurry to work where the chef is waiting for you with very important customers. It's terrible if you have a tights in your entirety, and it is today that you forget the wallet, and not to buy new tights - just like shoes.

At that moment, when the heel breaks, you start thinking about the consequences that may entail this incident. And in advance set yourself to the negative, and as a result, you look bad in the meeting, behave uncertainly, the contract breaks down, the chef is dissatisfied.

Then everything is happening that you were afraid in our terrible fantasies, because they themselves painted a minor event in black, concentrated on it and thus reiterated this black strip with their negative energy.

Thus, you yourself make your choice and go to the black strip. If you learn to block negative thoughts, and even better - to translate them into a positive channel, then opportunities to get into the black strip will be much smaller.

Therefore, the best way out of the black band is to immediately go to the white. If you feel that you start tightening the bog, tell me: "I move to a parallel world, where in my life only positive events (you can enlist them and present in detail)".

Do not allow negative thoughts to master you. It is easily transferred to a light strip and stay there longer.

For example, you are in a hurry somewhere and discover that the passage on the subway ended. Naturally, at this moment you see a huge queue in the cashier. You understand that everything is a failure, you are late, etc. In general, you launch a chain of negative events.

The best thing to do is: you see the queue and say affects affirmation. For example: "Thank you for developing the circumstances for me always the most wonderful and favorable way." There are no more about anything, but simply persistently repeat this phrase, distinguishing all other thoughts.

And then different events development options are possible. For example, you can simply give a ticket, sell without a queue, the queue can start moving quickly, you can call and say that the meeting is transferred ...

But maybe such that you are trying in line, late, and your opponents are late even more, and you will have to wait. Or they are not late, you will dispel the meeting, and then it turns out that it is very good everything turned out, because they wanted you.

In general, nothing is just like that, and in every situation there really lies positive.

Use affirmations more often, make a habit of repeating them. Invent these positive phrases to various life situations.

This method gives us the opportunity in the embryo to stop negative thoughts and allows you to remain on the bright side of life.

Physical activity. When a person has already fallen into a black stripe and she completely absorbed his moral and physical strength, it is very difficult to analyze anything. In this situation, the best way is to make yourself do something physically complicated, but not requiring large thinking. It can be anything.

To begin with, perhaps simply cleaning the apartment and clearing all the duties formed. By the way, this action will help clean the house from negative energy.

It can be sports. Their use is that the "hormone of happiness" is produced, which helps us think positively, which will make it much faster to overcome trouble, and the good physical form contributes to the improvement of mental health.

From the same point of view, dancing occupations are very useful, which make it possible to clean the brain from negative thoughts. Enthusiasm will appear over time, and at first it will have to make yourself do something, thereby "pulling" himself from the bog of trouble.

Creation. Creativity can distract from the most negative thoughts and situations. Under the work implies any activity that gives you true pleasure.

When the goals are clear, the result is obvious, and tasks and skill are in the balance of each other, the person concentrates his attention and completely immersed in his business. In a person's consciousness, there is no place for distracting thoughts and extraneous feelings. The feeling of time changes: it seems that the clock is flying like minutes.

The harmonious combination of physical and mental energies leads to the fact that life is finally becoming life.

At such moments, consciousness is filled with various experiences, and these experiences are in complete agreement. In contrast to the fact that we are often experiencing in everyday life. At such moments, our feelings, our desires and our thoughts harmonize with each other.

Forgiveness. Often, troubles and failures appear in our lives if our heart is crowded offended, angrily. All this negative, hiddenly hiddenly inside, finds an incarnation in the events of the surrounding world. This is because the world is our peculiar mirror.

To attract good events in your life and get out of the black strip, forgive everyone who is angry, ask for forgiveness from them, and also forgive yourself for allowing you to have such emotions.

It is not necessary to do it at all. Well, even if you do this job for forgiveness in your soul. It can be imagined that we give a symbolic gift to the offender and thank it for taught you to be a generous person.

Perhaps the forgiveness procedure will have to do many times for many days so that you can truly feel that your shower has freed from negative cargo. As soon as this happens, a place for happy cases and light strips will be liberated in your life.

Thanks. The method is that you, as soon as you notice some hint of trouble, immediately begin to lead yourself as if everything goes great, and thank the fate for it.

For example, you got sick. In addition to the main treatment, send all your thoughts to recovery. Repeat about yourself the words of gratitude to the universe for being healthy. For example: "Thank you for feeling great, alive, healthy." The text depends on the nature of your illness. You need to do it often - especially when you want to sink and complain.

If the trouble happened to your loved ones, this technique also works, only you need to thank not for yourself, but for what you are worried about. By the way, if you expect some unpleasant news, events, you can use this advanced technology.

Get yourself such a useful habit as daily thanks for everything that happens with you - for a good day, friends, husband, health, work, etc. This attitude to life helps to keep only on the light side and never fall on black strip.

Vera. In this case, the main thing is to convince yourself that everything is fine with you, and most importantly so that there is no doubt about it. Faith works wonders. If you are a believer, it's even better - go to the temple, flow the soul in front of your favorite icon and be sure that God will help. It is clear that usually changes in one moment do not occur, but if you continue to believe - changes for the better will come inevitably. Early your faith in the indisputable truth: "I'm fine! It doesn't matter that today I lost money, it was necessary, it was especially lost - this is a bribe of my fate - to lose in small to acquire in the big one. As you understand yourself - impose yourself faith in the best in any case, even when you all go out of hands badly.

This faith is simply for ears pull you out of the failure band in the gold strip of luck.

Confidence, confidence and once again confidence. The state of your spirit in the role of the winner, the owner of his life is painting and makes wonders. You start to perceive differently, you begin to notice and just good luck begins to turn to your face. Self-confidence will reduce you with the right people, your energy will rumbles in another quality, accelerating failures as the wind clouds.

We encounter failure joyful. This is a very effective and powerful ride. Its meaning is that an event that causes negative emotions in you is to meet (convince yourself, play out a positive emotion, joy. . I know that at first it is hard, unusual and illogical, but the garbage is worth it. If every failure to meet joyfully and with a smile, then any troubles run away with horror from you.

Yes, it went all on x ... Many have noticed such a thing: you are worried about, worry, you are not sleeping at night - everything is not yet uploaded to anything early, but it's only in the shower to come with it, spitting on everything and send much away and everything is solved by itself in the best possible way. Spit on everything and do as it should

Non-time - the thing is contagious, however, as luck. It has been proven for a long time, so try to avoid losers and on the contrary to rotate in the circles of lucky. Especially carefully select the interlocutors during the feasts - it is then that there is a greater energy exchange with each other. It will not be superfluous to watch the channels and programs where you often show beautiful and rich houses, happy families and about lucky.

Count yourself, communicate and friends with people whom we are accustomed to call the lucky and then you will definitely become the same lucky as they.

There is no impossible in life - everything changes in it, because this is the main law of physical matter. In life there is a place to all: and joy too, and no matter how hard you were hard, remember: everything ends and the black stripe too, but for what time it will delete - it depends primarily from you.

Hell and paradise already exist within you - just choose what to support you.

Axioms of light and dark stripes

  • The world towards us is neutral.

He is not angry, and not good, he is a smooth account on the drum on us, he is exactly what we accepted it within themselves. The world around you is a reflection of your inner state.

  • Vera is a very strong "Jin" in our hands.

What to believe is to solve only you. You believe in what everything will be fine - "According to your faith, you will be", believe that life is a brutal "thing" - to get your own, the law works in this case. I sincerely believe that God and all the bright forces are standing the mountain for you - be sure it is.

  • Love can all.

Love is not an egoistic thirst for possession, of course not. Love is the highest vibration energy. Love is not looking for and does not look, it is full and self-sufficient, she can turn any hell to blooming paradise. Love is God who loving in no way. God forgives us not for our actions, he forgives us because he is God (love). Closeart of energy to true love - maternal love. The more love in your life, the lighter, better and more even your life.

  • This attracts like that.

Negative thoughts and emotions attract negative situations that, in turn, generate new negative emotions - it looks like a closed circle and if it is not interrupted - it can continue all his life. Conversely, joyful emotions attract good events. The output suggests itself.

  • Changing your thoughts, emotions and beliefs we change the course of our lives

Filter each emotion and thought, choose from them only positive and correct, cultivate them in yourself.

  • The feeling of guilt launches the punishment mechanism.

That is why it is so important to confess. Perceive your mistakes as important life lessons, and therefore, like any lesson it must be learned and understand the meaning of the experience. As soon as I realized my mistake - you broke the situation, you learned a lesson, and after that I had the power to forgive yourself and others.

  • Living present, you choose the best option from possible.
  • There are no hopeless situations.

Closing one of the doors God always opens another.

  • By making decisions.

You have an active always chance of your passive. So do not lie on the sofa - act.

  • Never do another for evil - evil kills.

Making another on evil - you don't do it first, who came across it to understand me.

  • Any changes occur not instantly - you need time.

And this is good, otherwise if everything changed instantly - I wish we were then imagined. No need to complain that time is going, and nothing changes, you just need to believe that happiness is inevitable.


Often in the life of a person it happens that it is haunted by a series of troubles: financial difficulties appear, worried about health, there is no personal life. All this accumulates and can go into a depressive state when the hands are lowered and there is no desire to change something - it remains only to sail downstream, often - to the bottom.

There are several psychological and objective signs of bad luck:

  • Aggression towards other people. It can be motivated and unmotivated: a person annoyed to any little things, suits scandals, often quit to others.
  • Disappointment in yourself and the surrounding world. This is due to problems in achieving the goals set: either a person does something wrong and you need to change tactics, or they are too unreal and does not correspond to its capabilities.
  • Diffidence. This quality is usually formed in childhood, and then even a talented person, seeing great opportunities in front of him, does not use them, believing that he will not succeed.
  • Excessive closedness. A person closes in himself and tries to fight the surrounding world, thereby depriving himself supporting friends and loved ones.
  • Sensation of devastation. When a series of failures pursues, a person gets used to this, as a result of which he appears such a feeling, and he ceases to notice nice little things.
  • The presence of ill-wishers. It also happens that people from envy or dislike attract other damage, and then even a volitional and talented person notices the disorder in the affairs.

Having found two or more signs, it is worth thinking for what reason is the failure band, having previously studied the causes of this phenomenon.

Causes of failures in life

From a psychological point of view, the most important reason for bad luck is lazy: a person knows what he needs, but does not want to do anything to do so, as a result, in the absence of the desired desired, it develops a loser syndrome.

This is hard to confess even himself, but it is precisely such a reason that the main thing is considered. You can also allocate several others:

  • Pessimistic look at life. If a person does not know how to notice the beautiful, then, even having millions of bank accounts, family and excellent health, he will consider himself unhappy.
  • Imtensifier. To achieve the desired, often need to be less shy and not be afraid to ask other people about help.
  • Poorly developed intuition. It most often helps in matters of business and helps to avoid rash steps.
  • Inorganizedness. It prevents everywhere: both in work and family matters. Having a lot of free time, a person cannot embody and half planned on the day, because of which they accumulate and turn into a large com.

  • Damage. It can be hooked even on the most beautiful man who does not have open enemies, just from the feeling of envy, and then his position can deteriorate sharply.
  • Self-headed. It is characteristic of unnecessarily emotional people who rejoice in new shopping and achievements.

Also one of the reasons is bad karmic heredity, which can be changed only with the help of special rituals and conspiracies.

What to do to attract good luck?

To attract good luck, many magicians use different rituals, adhering to the following rules:

  • Faith due to magic. Without it, even the strongest conspiracies will not give the right effect.
  • Complete silence indoors. It is not allowed to find outsiders nearby. Mobile phones, TV and other techniques must be turned off.
  • To attract good luck rites should be carried out on a growing moon.
  • Before holding a ritual, put clothes without belts and buttons, because They block the stream of energy.

How to get out of financial problems: a strong conspiracy

This ritual appeared a few centuries ago, but now does not lose its relevance. To carry out it, you need to do the following:

  • We take into the hands of a new gold color chervonets, clamp between the palms and say, bringing the coin to the lips: " All that happily bothered, blow, and I attract money and good luck »;
  • We change the coin, delivering another of the wallet. In total, repeat the manipulation of 3 times.

Conspiracy for good luck and happiness with a candle

The ultimate goal of this ritual depends on how the color will be a candle.

  • Red helps to find love.
  • Green - improve financial condition.
  • Yellow - strengthen health.
  • Purple promotes spiritual development.
  • White makes a person by force for the successful completion of all cases.

How is the rite:

  • We present our perfect state, at the same time we light the candle;
  • Concentrate on the sensations of emotions, representing that the desired already exercised;
  • We look at the burning candle and say: " Like the fire calmly goes and money (health, success, etc.) will come back to me. Amen! »;
  • Flames. Prayer is desirable to read at midnight before bedtime.


Often the reason for failures is precisely the evil eye or damage, which can be determined and removed as follows:

  • Pour holy water into the glass, put it next to you, take boxes of matches;
  • I burn 9 matches, throw them into a glass and read: " Not ninth, not eighth, not the seventh, not the sixth, not fifth, not the fourth, not the third, not the second, not the first " All matches should be horizontal. If at least one of them in the vertical means, there is a damage, and the more standing matches, the more stronger.

To remove damage to bad luck, say " Good in my gate, evil left forever ", After which they are dialed in the water with a finger the crosses on the chest, sunny plexus, forehead, wrists, and shoulders. Finally, we make 3 throat, and the rest water is poured.

Fortune attraction rite

There is another way to get out of a series of failures - to hold this ritual who often enjoy different categories of people, ranging from large entrepreneurs and ending with students.

How it is done:

  • We take a not too deep plate, we embarked in it 3 spoons of salt slid, then - a similar amount of sugar and rice;
  • We open the pin and stick it into the formed slide, we leave everything in this position for the night;
  • In the morning we press the pin to your clothes on the inside.

Conspiracy for good luck in love

Permanent Fiasco in love relationship oppresses and makes think about the fact that luck for some reason turned away.

To attract it, you should use such a rite:

  • We wait for the new moon, at midnight I burn the candle in front of the window;
  • We read a plot;

"From this hour, my order, for fate order.
Find and file me narrowed
I am one intended.
My word is firmly, white magic fastened.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

  • We blow fire. We spend the ritual daily until the candle is completely burning.

There is another ritual who helps to attract good luck not only in love, but also in other cases:

  • Immediately after waking up, we pronounce prayer without getting out of bed;

"Guardian Angel of the Slave of God (the name given to you when baptism).
I pray you about help.
Give me the opportunity to find love
And know happiness. "

  • We read "our father" and go to do your affairs.

Talisman for luck

In addition to reading conspiracies, you can independently make a mascot for yourself, which will attract luck, love and money:

  • We take tight threads of three different colors: blue, red and green;
  • Tie a nodule at one end, weave the braid from the threads, thinking about what purpose you need to achieve as if it happened: wealth, marriage, etc.;
  • Having finished weave, we combine both ends, making a bracelet;
  • We put on the bracelet on the ankle of the left leg and we carry until the goal is reached, after which it burns, thanks to the universe.

Any talismans need to be recharged. To do this, it is enough to periodically put from next to bed next to a pillow and think about the goals set, or leave for the night on the windowsill during the location of the moon in the growing phase.

There is another way - a mental reunion with a talisman. Here it is necessary to take it in the hands, focus and as if conveyed to him mentally his positive energy and faith in a good future.

When will the white band come?

It all depends on whether a person who reads conspiracies, the rules for holding rituals, as well as from faith in a good result. Typically, positive changes become noticeable almost the next day: it is possible to achieve a salary gain, find a good job and even win in the lottery.

As for good luck in love, it may appear both the next day and in a month. Lonely people meet a pair, married people strengthen family relationships, and those who are not in marriage can push their half to marry.

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Everyone experienced what is black and white stripe in life. When everything is fine, people do not think about luck. However, every time unforeseen and unpleasant happens, it is felt instantly. When a person is constantly pursued by trouble, he is convinced that he began a solid black strip. Where does she come from? Is it terribly? How to get rid of black stripes in life? Read more.

What is a black band?

These are daily problems and trouble facing many people. Black stripes are long chains. That is, one problem begins the second, then the third, etc.

Because of the black stripes, people are crumbling. Problems can be associated with health, with money, etc. The person got ready to go on vacation, bought air tickets, ordered a hotel and suddenly sharply fell ill. This is not a black stripe. If the trip is postponed regularly for various reasons, then it is worth thinking.

Signs of black stripes

If you have one problem replaces another, think about it. Perhaps the black strip has come. However, unpleasant moments can be avoided. It is necessary to listen to your heart and the actions of others.

If you feel that you are awaiting trouble on the road, try to postpone the trip for a more suitable day. Often a person feels inexplicable tension. At such moments it is necessary to change thoughts and actions. If you want to avoid trouble, listen to everything that happens around you.

When there are many problems, it seems that the black strip pursues you. However, there are no unsolvable problems. If you have lost your phone today, and tomorrow the handbag is not a problem, you need to be a more attentive person. This situation does not concern the black strip.

Causes of black stripes

Life is experiencing every person to endurance. When you move to a specific purpose, it is necessary to patiently endure all the adversity. After all, on your path, obstacles will be preserved to overcome them.

Often a person fate presents certain opportunities and chances. You must use them. If a person does not understand the background, then will regret what he did not. However, fate rarely gives a second chance. She punishes a person with different troubles.

Insecurity often does not allow their lives. For example, a person came to get a job, but he is afraid of praise on the interview, tell us about his good qualities, then he will not receive a position. Uncertain people are hard in life.

Negative thoughts attract only bad energy. After all, it is not in vain: "Thoughts are materialized." If you do not know how to think about good, you will not be able to achieve a white strip.

The meaning of life is success. If you know what you need and for what, then the black strip ends. If you do not have the point of life, you will often go to hand with a black stripe.

Life with positive

Have you visited the black band in life, how to get rid of it? Probably, each person thinks over this issue. First of all, you must believe in the best, only then you can establish your life.

Any test is given to a person not just so, but for something. Fate checks for strength. For some reason, many are confident that the black strip will pursue all his life. This is not true. Try to look at things with a positive. If something unexpected happened, think about it. Most likely, you will find an answer in the analysis of your actions.

There is an opinion that if for some reason your trip was postponed, it means it is not needed. Perhaps you escaped a terrible fate. Therefore, you do not need to be angry with an evil rock due to the fact that you could not go or go somewhere.

Watch for unforeseen circumstances from different angles. Each person is given so much tests as it should be taken under power. Therefore, more problems than is supposed, you will not have. Try to live beautifully and look at certain moments with humor, then do not notice how your life will work out.

Life for yourself and happy moments

It's not scary if you were visited by an unsuccessful black band in life. How to get rid of it, tell me yourself. First of all, believe in everything good. Surely you have those moments or people for which you need to live.

Patience, love, faith and hope for the best will win all the failures. Fate will reward for good qualities. After all, if you are responsive and kind to others, then they will come to your help at any time. However, it must be remembered that next to you should be not just comrades, but loyal and reliable friends. After all, much depends on them in the life of every person.

Children, parents, friends - here, about whom you need to remember and for whom to win the lane of failures. After all, you have no closer. Therefore, live in for the sake of people and people close to you. Together it is easier to make any problem.

Ebidden from the black strip

Scary when a person visited a chain of failures. The lost wallet is a trifle compared to what you have to worry about people. For example, at one moment a person was left without a roof over his head or found out that he was severely ill, and then follows a series of trouble. That's when the black band came in life. What to do in such terrible situations? This is a psychological question for which there are answers.

First of all, it is impossible to despair and lower your hands, because life continues. Think that the black strip can not be eternal, she will soon end. Only positive thoughts will instruct you true. No psychologist can help. Everyone should think about himself at such moments about her loved ones.

Always confidently go to your dream and do not lower your hands. Only then can you do something. After all, even disabled people work, provide family and rejoice in life.

Do not communicate with that person from which one negative is coming. He only brings you disappointment and grief. Such people usually take positive energy from a person.

Create more often with optimists who know exactly their goal, it is stubbornly to it and achieve good results. They will help you understand yourself and raise the optimistic spirit.

Believe in yourself. You can not consider yourself a loser with a lot of problems. Many people themselves create such situations from which it is very difficult to get out. Never think bad. As mentioned earlier, thoughts are material, so you only attract bad energy.


If a black band has come in life, it is urgent to get rid of it. If a person is always positive and cheerful, then he does not notice small daily problems. There is an opinion that, if you are too confident in success, then someone will smooth. Therefore, let him go to her to do, and time will put everything in its place.

Not everyone gets thought positively. It is for this that there are friends who will help to cope with crowded problems.

Some people believe that all the troubles are not a black stripe. What it is? Elementary testing for strength.

All people live and have every many problems: financial, domestic, etc. This is a normal life. If you do not pay attention to the minor troubles, then it will seem to you that the black strip is not at all.

Try not to paint your thoughts into black. If you go to work and are ready to prepare in advance that the boss will make you a claim, do not doubt, and will happen. When focusing and you know exactly what the day goes well, you will not have any conflicts with anyone, you will be surprised, but it will happen.

Try not to be afraid of your future mistakes. You only learn a lot on them. Remember, you are a successful and purposeful person who has temporary difficulties. They are quite solvable. Calm down, think about everything and forward - to a new dream.