What Russia sings. Types of choir - Mixed Women's Mens Ryazan People's Choir named after Evgeny Popova

What Russia sings. Types of choir - Mixed Women's Mens Ryazan People's Choir named after Evgeny Popova

Depending on the floor and age of singers, the choir can be classified as follows:

· mixed Khor. (The most common type of choir) - consists of female and male voices. Women's voices make up the parties of soprano and alto, male voices make up the parties of tenors and bass. Inside each party, there is usually a unit for the first (higher) and second (lower) voices: soprano I and II, altage I and II, tenor I and II, bass I and II;

· choir of boys and boys - consists of the same four main parties, which is mixed, but the batch of soprano execute boys - the droplets, a batch of alto-counterators - the young men singing Fallete; Party of tenors and bass in such a choir, as well as in mixed, are performed by men;

· male choir - consists of tenors and bass, with a division of each party into two voices: the first (high) and second (low) tenor and the first and second bass. The party of the first tenors can be expanded at the expense of pingers singing (falsetto) an even higher batch, on the Testament outside the usual male voice range;

· female choir - consists of soprano and alt, with the division of each batch into two voices: the first and second soprano and the first and second altasis;

· children's choir - consists of two parties: soprano (distances) and alto, sometimes from three - soprano (distorts) I and II, and alto; Other options are possible.

In terms of the manner of singing distinguish:

· academic choirs - singing in an academic manner based on the reference of the European academic (opera-concert) singing tone;

· folk choirs - singing in a folk manner.

By the number of participants distinguish:

· chamber choirs - from 12 to 30-50 participants;

· big choirs - from 50 to 120 participants;

· summary choirs - Up to 1000 participants are going to time from different collectives. Such compositions have the status of "Happing Perfomance" and do not actually relate to the executive art, as they are rather a propaganda-educational direction.

Choirs may have different status.

· Professional choirs. Can be both independent and supported by the state. Consist of professional singers. Lead regular concert activities.

· Amateur choirs Combine people for whom singing in the choir is a hobby. There may be at the palaces of culture, clubs, municipalities, in organizations and institutions, with non-communication educational institutions (very common form), etc.: Choir of students, choir of employees, choir veterans.

· Church choirs. Their main activity is to participate in church services. Church choirs of a high musical level may also lead concert activities. In church choirs they sing both professionals and amateurs. The artistic director of the church choir - the regent - should be not only a Khameister, but also an expert in church service.

· Training choirs There are in music educational institutions (musical and pedagogical schools, colleges, conservatories, music academies, institutes of art and culture, etc.), preparing professional personnel in the field of choral art and musical education

Three) or more people performing the same batch.

Most often choir includes four choral parties: soprano, alta, tenor, bass. But the number of parties in principle is not limited because each of these main parties can share for several relative to independent parties (this phenomenon of musicians is called divisions): in Parcered Concerts Vasily Titov 12 and more choral parties; "Stabat Mater" Kshyshto Penderec is written for a triple choir of 4 votes in each (a total of 12 choral parties).

The choir can sing accompanied by or without tools. Singing without accompaniment is called singing a Cappella. Instrumental support may include almost any tool, one or more, or a whole orchestra. As a rule, at the chorus rehearsals in the process of learning a work written for the choir with the orchestra, the orchestra is temporarily replaced by piano; Also, the piano is used as an auxiliary tool when learning choral works A Cappella.


One of the first singing collectives were the ancient Greek choirs used during the tragedies. But unlike modern dramaturgy and the theater, he himself was not a character, but fulfilled the role of public opinion that determined the choice of other characters. Ancient Greek Choir always sang in one vote either without accompaniment, or under the Whale, also playing in unison with the choir.

Early Christianity took over the ancient tradition, and before the X-XII centuries, the choir sang only in unison or octave. Then the separation of votes to low and high and the appearance of various parties for them began. Until XV (and in church chants - until the XVII century), only men were in the choir (the exception is the monastery choirs).

Types of choral collectives

Under name type of choir Understand the characteristics of the performing team on the components of the groups of singing votes. It is known that singing voices are distributed into three groups - women's, male and children. Thus, the choir, uniting the voices of one group, is called homogeneous, and a choir having combinations from female (or children's) and male voices or singing voices of all groups is called mixed. Four types of choirs are common in performing practices: female, male, children, mixed.

  • mixed Khor. (The most common type of choir) - consists of female and male voices. Women's voices make up the parties of soprano and alto, male voices make up the parties of tenors and bass. Inside each party, there is usually a unit for the first (higher) and second (lower) voices: soprano I and II, altage I and II, tenor I and II, bass I and II;
  • choir of boys and boys - consists of the same four main parties, which is mixed, but the batch of soprano perform the boys called by the discounts, alto party - low boys; Party of tenors and bass in such a choir, as well as in mixed, are performed by men;
  • male choir - consists of tenors and bass, with a division of each party into two voices: the first (high) and second (low) tenor and the first and second bass. The party of the first tenors can be expanded at the expense of pingers singing (falsetto) an even higher batch, on the Testament outside the usual male voice range;
  • female choir - consists of soprano and alt, with the division of each batch into two voices: the first and second soprano and the first and second altasis;
  • children's choir - consists of two parties: soprano (distances) and alto, sometimes from three - soprano (distorts) I and II, and alto; Other options are possible.

The minimum number of singers in one choral party is 3 people.

In terms of the manner of singing distinguish:

  • academic choirs - singing in an academic manner. The academic manner of singing is based on the principles and criteria of musical creativity and execution developed by the professional musical culture and the traditions of the centuries-old experience of opera and chamber genres;
  • folk choirs - singing in a folk manner. Genre signs of Russian folk choirs are: support on the local or regional tradition of household folk singing; Use of natural register sound of votes; Precision-polyphonic songs of the song as the basis of choral polyphony.

Types of choral singing

By the number of participants distinguish:

  • vocal choir ensemble - from 12 to 20 participants;
  • chamber choirs - from 20 to 30-50 participants;
  • medium chores - from 40 to 60-70 participants;
  • big choirs - from 70 to 120 participants;
  • summary choirs - Up to 1000 participants are going to time from different collectives. Such compositions have the status of "Heppining Performance" and do not actually apply to the executive art, as they are rather a propaganda-educational direction.

The choirs may have a different status, for example, professional, amateur (amateur), church and training choirs.

see also

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  • Anisimov A. I. Conductor-choirmister. Creative-methodical notes. - L.: "Music", 1976.- 160 p.
  • Vinogradov K. Work on diction in chore. - M.: Music, 1967.
  • Dmitrevskaya K. Russian Soviet choral music. Vol. 1.- M.: Soviet composer, 1974.
  • Dmitrevsky Choir and managing chorus.- Muz Mugiz, 1957.
  • Evgrafs, Yu. A. Elementary theory of manual control choir. - M.: Music, 1995
  • Egorov, A. A. The theory and practice of working with choir / A. A. Egorov. - L.; M.: Gosmuzizdat, 1951.
  • V. L. Choir performance: theory. Technique. Practice. - M.: Vlados, 2003.
  • Ilyin V. Essays of the history of Russian choral culture. - M.: Soviet composer, 1985.
  • Cossacks S. A. Conductor choir - artist and teacher / Kazan. State Conservatory. - Kazan, 1998.- 308 p.
  • Cossacks S. A. From the lesson to the concert.-Kazan: Publishing House of Kazan University, 1990.- 343 p.
  • Krasnoshekov V. Questions of cholar. - M.: Music, 1969.
  • Lokshshin D. Wonderful Russian choirs and their conductors. - M.: Muzgiz, 1963.
  • Nikolskaya-Beregovskaya K. F. Russian vocal choral school: from antiquity to XXI V.- M.: Vlados, 2003. ISBN 5-691-01077-8
  • Memory A. V. Sveshnikova. Collection of articles ed. S. Kalinina.- M.: Music, 1998.
  • Memory N. M. Danilina. Letters, memories, documents. - M.: Soviet composer, 1987.
  • Pigners K. Manual Choir.- M.: Music, 1964.- 220 s.
  • Bird K. Masters of choral art at the Moscow Conservatory. - M.: Music, 1970.
  • Romanovsky N. V. Choir dictionary. - L.: Music, 1980
  • Samarin V. Choir. - M.: Music, 2011.
  • Sokolov V. Work with choir.- M.: Music, 1967.
  • Tenet-Barteneva L. B. Lebedev Konstantin Mikhailovich. (Essay on the vital and creative path of the outstanding choir conductor and the teacher). - M.: 4 Branch of Milivdata, 2002
  • Shamina L. V. Work with amateur choral team. - M.: Music, 1981.- 174 p.]
  • Roman, Gogo. : CD-ROM / per. with it. B. P. Yurgpson, Extras. Rus. Deposit. - m. : DirectMedia Publishing, 2008.


An excerpt characterizing the choir

Only recognition in it of this feeling forced the people with such strange ways from the ease of the old man to choose him against the will of the king into representatives of the People's War. And only this feeling put it on the highest human height, with which he, commander-in-chief, sent all his strength not to kill and exterminate people, but to save and regret them.
Simple, modest and therefore the true majestic figure could not lie in that false form of the European Hero, the MNIMO managing people who came up with history.
For Lake, there can be no great man, because the lacker has its own concept of greatness.

November 5 was the first day of the so-called Krasnoy battle. Before the evening, when after many disputes and mistakes of the generals, which came there, where necessary; After the mailings of the adjutant with anti-science, when it became clear that the enemy was running everywhere and battles could not be and will not be, Kutuzov left the red and went to the good one, where the home apartment was translated.
The day was clear, frosty. Kutuzov with a huge retinue of those who are displeased by him, shook behind him, the rode on their oily white horse was driving to good. Across the road crowded, heated by the fires, the batch of the present day of the French captives (they were taken on this day seven thousand). Not far from a good, a huge crowd of torn, joined and loanted than prisoners, rushed talking, standing on the road beside a long row of dug french guns. When the commander-in-chief approaches the saying, and all the eyes stared at Kutuzov, who in his white with the red shaft shaft and cotton coin, the hump of the rubber on his stunned shoulders, slowly matured on the road. One of the generals reported Kutuzov, where the guns and prisoners are taken.
Kutuzov seemed to be concerned and did not hear the words of the general. He pushed displeased and carefully and intently peered into those figures of prisoners who represented a particularly pitiful look. Most of the French soldiers were dismissed by frozen noses and cheeks, and almost everyone had red, swollen and fostered eyes.
One bunch of French stood near the road, and two soldiers - the face of one of them was covered with sores - tearned a piece of raw meat with her hands. Something was a terrible and animal in a breakdown look, which they threw on passing, and in that evil expression, with whom the soldiers with sores, looking at Kutuzov, immediately turned away and continued his business.
Kutuzov looked attentively for a long time on these two soldiers; Even more wrinkling, he squinted his eyes and shook his head thoughtfully. In another place, he noticed a Russian soldier who, laughing and drill on the shoulder of the Frenchman, something gently told him. Kutuzov shook his head with the same expression again.
- What are you saying? What? He asked the general who continued to report and paid the attention of the commander-in-chief to the French taken banners, stood before the front of the Preobrazhensky regiment.
- A, banners! Said Kutuzov, apparently with difficulty taking off from the subject that occupied his thought. He frightened himself. Thousands of eyes from all sides, waiting for his lay watch, looked at him.
He stopped before the Preobrazhensky regiment, sighed heavily and closed his eyes. Someone from the Sweet waved, so that the soldiers who held the banners approached and put them with antiques banners around the commander in chief. Kutuzov covered a few seconds and, apparently reluctantly, submitting the need for his position, raised his head and began to speak. Crowds of officers surrounded him. He was attentive to look around the circle of officers, having learned some of them.
- Thank you all! He said, turning to the soldiers and again to the officers. In silence, who came across it, was clearly audible to his slowly acarred words. - I thank everyone for a difficult and faithful service. Victory perfect, and Russia will not forget you. You are fame forever! - He paused, looking around.
"Naked, naked his head that," he told the soldier who was the French eagle and inadvertently lowering him before the banner of Preobrachters. - lower, lower, so here. Hooray! Guys, - by quick movement of the chin to turn to the soldiers, he said.
- Hooray Ra Ra! - Thousands of votes were roaring. While the soldiers, Kutuzov shouted, bent on the saddle, bowed his head, and his eyes lit up with meek, as if mocking, glitter.
"That's what, brothers," he said, when he was silent voices ...
And suddenly, the voice and expression of his face changed: he stopped talking to the commander-in-chief, but he spoke a simple, old man, obviously, that the most necessary desired to report now to his comrades.
In the crowd of officers and in the ranks of the soldier there was a movement, to clearly hear what he will say now.
- But what, brothers. I know hard to do what to do! Be patient; Not long left. We spend the guests, rest then. For your service your king will not forget. It is difficult for you, yes, yet you are at home; And they see what they reached, "he said, pointing to the prisoners. - worse than the latter. While they were strong, we did not regret ourselves, and now you can regret them. Also they are people. So guys?
He looked around himself, and in persistent, respectfully perplexed views, he read sympathy for his words: his face became all the brighter and brighter from the elder meek smile, the stars frolic in the corners of the lips and eyes. He paused and no matter how in bewilderment heada.
- And then say, who called them to us? Fill them, m ... and ... in g .... - Suddenly he said, lifting his head. And, waving Nagaika, he gallop, for the first time in the whole campaign, went away from the joyful crumbling and roar hoarse, who upset the ranks of the soldiers.
The words spoken by Kutuzov, were hardly understood by the troops. No one would have managed to transfer the content at first the solemn and at the end of the sootimously Starikovsky speech of Field Marshal; But the heart meaning of this speech was not only understood, but the very thing is the very feeling of a majestic celebration in conjunction with pity for the enemies and the consciousness of his rightness, expressed by this, precisely by these Starikovsky, good-natured Russian, is the most (the feeling lay in the soul of every soldier And he expressed himself a joyful, who had not been shouting for a long time. When, after that, one of the generals with the question of whether the commander-in-chief will order a stroller, he turned to him, Kutuzov, responding, unexpectedly sobbed, apparently being in strong excitement.

November 8th last day of Krasnoy battles; Already mumbled when the troops came to the place of overnight. The whole day was quiet, frosty, with falling light, rare snow; By evening it began to figure out. Through the snowflakes, a black lilac starry sky was visible, and the frost began to enhance.
Mushkathersky regiment, who came out of Tarutin, among the three thousand, now, among the nine hundred and man, came one of the first to the appointed place of the night, in the village on the big road. Apartmentgers who met the regiment, announced that all the horses were engaged in patients and dead French, cavalrymen and headquarters. There was only one hut for a regimental commander.
The regimental commander drove up to his hut. The regiment passed the village and in the extreme hords on the road put the guns into the goats.
As a huge, polynomial animal, the regiment began to work the device of his lair and food. One part of the soldiers dispersed, knee-deep in the snow, in a birch forest, who was right from the village, and immediately heard in the woods of the ax, Tesakov, crackling bumps and funny voices; Another part broke up near the center of regimental carts and horses put in a pile, pulling boilers, crumbs and setting food horses; The third part crumbled in the village, arranging the premises of the staff, choosing the dead bodies of the French, lying on the outstands, and capening boards, dry firewood and straw from the roofs for fires and plentine for protection.
A person fifteen soldiers behind the hut, from the edge of the village, with a cheerful cry, a high shed woven, from which the roof was already removed.
- Well, well, at once, weave! "Voices shouted, and in the dark night swinging with a frosty grade a huge, slapped with snow of the canvas. More often and more often the lower stakes calmed down, and finally, the woven fell along with the soldiers, steady. I heard a loud rude joyful cry and laughter.
- Take two! Rockham Sovage here! That's the way. Where do you climb then?
- Well, at once ... yes stand, guys! .. From the cover!
All silence, and a quiet, velvety nice voice drank a song. At the end of the third stanza, the gaze with the end of the last sound, twenty votes smoothly screamed: "Uuu! Going! At once! Fucking, kids! .. "But, despite the friendly efforts, the woven moved little, and heavy puffiness was heard in the established silence.
- Hey you, the sixth company! Dami, devils! Fates ... We also use it.
The sixth company is twenty people who go to the village, joined the dragged; And a woven, a seeding of five lengths and in the soot of the width, bent, put on and cut the shoulders of puffed soldiers, moved ahead along the village street.
- Go, or something ... Fad, Eka ... What did you get? That then ... funny, ugly swearing did not shovel.
- What's wrong? - Suddenly he was heard the entry voice of a soldier who came down on carriers.
- Lord here; In the hives, Anaral himself, and you, devils, devils, Maleshniki. I'll! - shouted Feldfelf and implaced the first soldier in the back of the first soldier. - Is it quietly impossible?
Soldiers were silent. The soldier who hit Feldwebel began to drink, wipe the face he rushed into the blood, stumbled upon a woven.
- Hit, Damn, Holds like! Already the whole face rinsed, "he said a timid whisper when Feldfelbel moved.

On stage, slender rows are women in identical beautiful dresses. Behind them, rising to small elevations, men in strict black suits.

Watching the hand of the conductor, and the choral singing rang. The word "choir" that happened from Greek choros. And Latin chorus. , What means crowd, meeting, Call the teams of people performing vocal music and works, composed for this team.

Of course, not every team can be called a chorus. There are vocal ensembles, consisting of several, sometimes more than ten, man. The choir differs from them a much large number of performers.

All partners of the choir are divided into several groups, most often - by four. In the children's choir, voices are divided into high and low; High voices - soprano, low-alta.

Adult choirs can be different in composition: male, female and mixed. All major voices are present in the mixed choir: soprano (high women's), alta (low women's low), tenor (high men) and bass (low men). Sometimes, if the executable composition has not four different parts, but more, each of the groups is divided into the first and second voices: the first and second soprano, the first and second altas and so on.

For choral singing, composers compose special works: songs, choirs, choral poems. D. D. Shostakovich wrote 10 choral poems for the words of revolutionary poets.

Choir is one of the main "acting persons" of many operas. Without it, no mass scene does not do. Recall at least the "scene under the chicks" from the Opera of the Mussorgsky "Boris Godunov", where the picture of the national excitement is shown. The image of the rebels of the people passed through the choral song "diverged, laid down ...".

M. Mussorgsky. Choir "Hyda! Diar to, raised"
(Opera "Boris Godunov" 4 Action, 3 Pictures)

Majestic Choir "Nice" sounds in the final scene of Glinka Opera "Ivan Susanin".

M. I. Glinka. Choir "Walk"
(from the epilogue of the opera "Ivan Susanin")
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Choir is an indispensable participant in the execution of an oral and cantat, where he is given a very large place.

Some choral works are written without accompaniment. This performance is called and Capella.

The choir reminds the perfect polyphony tool. All means of musical expressiveness are available: transparent pianissimo and majestic fortissimo, colossal increments and instantaneous discardedness, slowing down or accelerating the tempo. Choir sound can transmit the thinnest shades of feelings embodied in music, can draw picturesque musical paintings. No wonder choral singing is one of the most beloved forms of artistic amateur in our country.

By its manner singing choral groups differ from each other. The choirs that perform classical music and modern works are "covered", "round" sound. This is the Leningrad Academic Chapel named after M.I. Glinka, the Republican Chapel named after A. A. Yurlova, a large children's choir of central television and all-union radio, the choir of boys of the Moscow Choir School named after A. V. Sveshnikov. Folk choirs sing in a special manner, so-called open sound. Remember, for example, the sound of the Choir named Pyatnitsky, Northern Folk Choir and other similar music teams.

Definition of the concept of "choir"

A.A. Egorov in their work "Theory and Practice of Working with Choir" defines the choir as a more or less numerous group of singers who perform the vocal choral product. At the same time, each party comes in several homogeneous voices. This choral team, as a vocal organization, is significantly different from the chamber vocal ensemble (duet, trio, quartet, etc.), in which each individual party is always charged only to one performer. The most typical, clean view of the choral team is a Cappella choir, i.e. A team singing without instrumental support. Another type of choir collective is a choral team with a piano, an ensemble of instruments or orchestra - is no longer quite independent: he divides his performing tasks with instrumental support.

V.G. Sokolov: "The choir is called such a team, which sufficiently owns the technical and artistic and expressive means of choral performance necessary to transfer thoughts, feelings, ideological content that are laid in the work."

P.G. Chesmenov: "Choir a Cappella" is a full combination of a significant number of human voices, capable of transmitting the finest bends of mental movements, thoughts and feelings expressed in the compliance with the essay. The choir is such a meeting of singing, in the soundness of which there is a strictly balanced ensemble, accurately verified system and artistic, distinctly developed nuances.

Thus, the choir is an extremely capacious concept. It is usually considered as a musical-singing team, whose activities are the creative process of choral musitization (or choral acts). The basic basis of each choir party - unison, suggesting the full fusion of all vocal cholar components of the performance - sound formation, intonation, timbre, speakers, rhythm, diction, otherwise the choir is an ensemble of vocal unison. Choral performance of expression by two formations of musication - singing without accompaniment (a Cappella) and singing with the accompaniment. Depending on the intonation method, in a natural or templar strictly, the role of intonation increases. Accurate intonation (STROY) and balanced sound (ensemble) in the choir - the main conditions for its professionalism.

The coordinated choir team is always perceived as a vocal orchestra consisting of human votes, and therefore requires itself a permanent and systematic attention of the Khomaster / conductor from the instance of the choir to a concert speech on the stage. Building in the choir depends on the skill and training of singers participating in it, as well as from the personal and professional qualities of Cerizer-Khmeuser, his will, knowledge, experience. The synthesis of two types of arts (music and poetics) makes specific features in choir creativity. The logical and meaningful combination of music and the word determines the concept of the vocal-choral genre. A good choir always distinguishes technical and artistic and expressive execution, where, along with the problems of the ensemble, the tasks of musical and literary interpretation are solved.

    Khor., -but, mN. choolds and choolds, m.

    1. East. Mandatory collective participant of the ancient Greek tragedy and comedy.

    2. Singing team executing vocal works. Gypsy choir. Conduct chorus.The theater had an exemplary choir and first-class soloists. Yuriev, notes. || Music play, designed to perform a singing team. I wrote for a school anniversary not to cantatat, but just a choir that pupils should sing on the holiday. Tchaikovsky, Letter N. F. Mecca, 27 Saint. 1885. || what. Totality Sounds published, sounding at the same time. Birds quickly slapped into water, and soon their satisfied mocking joined the numerous choru of duck votes. Korolenko, in desert places. A minute rearranged the silence of a deep charm, immediately replaced by choir enthusiastic exclamations. L. Andreev, Angel.

    3. whom or what. Study. A group of musicians playing on the same tools (as part of the orchestra or separately). And together thundered from the balcony, the environment of the comforting ring of plates, spoogles and knives, the whole choir of Ulan trumpets. Lermontov, Tambov Treasury. || what. The combination of the same musical instruments performing a musical work sounding at the same time. Choir of violins.Vakhanki with screams and laugh were the grape feast, and the Choir of Timpanov, Flute and Lire merged noisily with distant echo. A. K. Tolstoy, Crimean essays.

    4. overgrown; whom. A combination, a group of people according to express judgment, opinion, etc. About one of the heirs of heirs Angry Choir Ties an obscene dispute. Pushkin, Evgeny Onegin. || what. Many identical opinions, judgments, etc., expressed simultaneously. Choir ridicule.Killed! .. What is now sobbing, empty praise unnecessary choir. Lermontov, death of the poet.

    5. what. Trad.-poet. Cluster, many (heavenly shining). Cobed night, all the sky is clear; Heavenly wondrous chorus flows so quietly, so according to. Pushkin, Evgeny Onegin. Quietly swim in the fog chorey slim shone. Lermontov, demon.

    6. in meaning Narch. chorus. a) all together, in several votes (about singing). My neighbor was tightened by a thin voice of a guy Burlats song, and everyone picked up a chorus. Pushkin, Captain's daughter; b) all at once, at the same time, together (about how to say). The rest of the barns of the Choir thanked the Capitone Averyanich. Ertel, Gardenini.

    7. MUZ. In stringed musical instruments - pair, tripled, etc. Strings.

    [Greek. χορός]

Source (print version):Dictionary of the Russian language: in 4 tons / wounds, Institute Linguistich. studies; Ed. A. P. Evgenaya. - 4th ed., Ched. - M.: Rus. Yaz.; Poligraphressurs, 1999; (electronic version):