Shura Balaganov - Son of Lieutenant Schmidt. Balagan Shura - all the details about the character

Shura Balaganov - Son of Lieutenant Schmidt. Balagan Shura - all the details about the character
Shura Balaganov - Son of Lieutenant Schmidt. Balagan Shura - all the details about the character

Shura Balaganov was a small rogue, industrially focus and cheap sprues. When they met the Ostap Bender, Shura prompted money from state organizations, pretending to the son of Lieutenant Schmidt.

Bender inspired a Shura on large affairs and Balaganov told him about his acquaintance with a man who told him about the business of Koreiko. Taking the team of Panikovsky and Kozlevich, Shura, together with the Great Combinator, went to Chernomorsk to take away part of the money from the underground millionaire.

Bender, elevated Shura over Panikovsky, gave him a responsible job: first the post of borcemaker "Antelope GNU", and then the post of Commissioner for the Black Sea branch of the Arbatov office on the harvesting of horns and hoofs.

After a long misfortune and the death of Panikovsky, Shura surrendered and threw Bender, who paved the persecution of Koreiko alone. After that, he began to lead the life of the homeless and when the rejected Bender accidentally met him, the Shura was over the night at the station.

Bender, who missed Balaganov, ozited him, giving 50 thousand rubles, but the delightful Shura could not overcome his miserable instincts and, being in the tram, mechanically pulled the wallet from the passenger. He was caught.

About the person of Shury

Balagan Shura was a strong guy with red-headed head. He did not have education and, in general, his horizon was extremely narrow.

"... Balaganov shook his head mournfully. From the world foci of culture, he, besides Moscow, knew only Kiev, Melitopol and Zhmerinka. And in general he was convinced that the land is flat ..."

Balaganov did not have a high dream and was ready to be content with small. When Bender asked him about the amount of money necessary for him for happiness, Shura informed him about 5 thousand rubles a year (although the amount for that time is decent - 3 annual salary of the engineer).

Shura was not the leader and willingly obeyed Ostapa (he suppressed him during the first conversation). Nevertheless, he had enough organizational abilities to hold a conference of Rogulikov and to achieve the division of the USSR to the plots so that numerous children of Lieutenant Schmidt would prevent each other. In addition, there was enough shrore character to suppress Panikovsky and defend their second position in the "Shayka". Although, thanks to the suspicion of Shura, the latter sometimes drank it around the finger (scene with the "Great Blind" and "Gold Gray").

Despite the criminal lifestyle Shura Balaganov was not a bad man. Just laziness and weakness did not give him the opportunity to make money honestly. When Panikovsky began to scold Bender Shura objected him:

... After all, Bender made a person from you. Remember how in Arbatov you fled with Gusem. And now you serve, get a bid, you are a member of society ...

When the same Panikovsky did not want to share with Kozlevich, Shura almost broke it for it:

...- And Kozlevich?! By justice! ..

Even when Panikovsky persuaded him to steal the "golden" giri at Koreiko, Balaganov offered him to give part of the mining commander.

Shura was a pretty peaceful guy. After Panikovsky died, Shura sincerely upset and cried. And after seeing Bender after a long separation, he sincerely delighted him and rushed into an embrace.

There were no individuals with the courage of Shura, which was manifested during the attack on the underground millionaire.

... And the valiant sons of Lieutenant Schmidt, desperately, approached Alexander Ivanovich ...

Selected quotes Balaganova

How to save bread ugly?

I also want in white pants

And damn it, it is impossible to beat.

- Panikovsky beat!

The chef lost!

- I do not understand anything! No, it's not gold! - saw, Shura, saw!

Three hours already drink, and it is still not gold.

Private owners love cash.

Barrell, boiled! - Joyfully screened by Balagans. - I got it!

Yes, so, - Shura jumped, - more in trifles.

I will not go. You do not be offended, but I do not believe. I do not know where to go. We are all a break. I'll stay.

Balaganov in movies

Very bright image of Shura (just like in the book), created Leonid Kuravlev ("Golden Calf" (1967)) (this role could well get a completely different actor - by the time of filming, Vyacheslav innocent actor was almost approved for the role of Shura).

Uncently played by Balaganov a good actor Evgeny Nerladsky ("Idiot's Dreams" (1993)).

Very far from Kuravlev and Nikita Tatarenkov ("Golden Trank" (2006)).

P.S. Monument Shur Balaganov opened in Berdyansk (Zaporizhia region, Ukraine) in 2002. In the hand of Balaganova, a mug with kvass, and next to Ostap - an empty chair with the inscription "Beer only comes from the trade union." This monument is close to the monument to Lieutenant Schmidt, who studied in Berdyan gymnasium.

Probably, if you call this young man with a full name - Alexander Balaganov, it is unlikely that anyone will understand, about whom, in fact, are we talking about? But Shura Balaganov is familiar to everyone - this is the famous partner of the Osta Bender, an unlucky fraudster, the former son of Lieutenant Schmidt, a stranger hunter million, and later - an ordinary petty pocket. Spectators and readers first meet with Shura in Arbatov, in the Goskontor, where he habitually arrived to poke money, pretending to the son of the legendary revolutionary Schmidt. It was a breathtaking man with "crop-eyed eyes" and "Vcoto-like palm", dressed in a summer shirt "Paraguay", pants with a sailor valve and bluish canvas shoes. Confident in its rightness and belonging to the family of the "Unforgettable Hero of Lieutenant Schmidt", Shura came for money. Alas, he was ahead - Ostap Bender, also at the time of Lieutenant Schmidt, who retold in the son of Lieutenant, has already laid money and coupons for food in his pocket of his jacket.

That is how these two - Bender and Shura Balaganov, who for the last year there were two criminal records, and at the time of the meeting with Ostap he had no money for the whole week. In general, he to some extent she considered himself a "primient Schmidt". It was Schura that began to work "the son" before others, and later it was he who became the organizer of the conference, which ordered the work of all the "sons" in the regions so that the annoying linings did not happen. I must say that Shura worked on this project - the conference of the sons of Lieutenant Schmidt, "and it was he who developed all the new principles of work, which were adopted. And if Ostap knew nothing about the Convention, then Panikovsky, who also appeared on the pages of the novel, and in the film, everything knew everything perfectly and broke it intentionally, and it was for this Shura from the very beginning, Mikhail Samuelich didn't love. However, even with all the dislike, they had to work in a pair - Bender once again gave the tasks of Balagan and Panikanovsky, and one of the most unforgettable episodes with the participation of this couple is an episode with "gold weights" when and sounded the legendary phrase "saw, Shura , saw! " And the largest masterpiece of the acting duet Kuravlev-Gerdt is definitely an episode "Who are you?" Who are you? "

The character of Shura is a duplicate, he does not remember the bad, rejoices with a small and completely infertility. So, to the question of what amount of money he likes, Shura, not thinking, calls the amount of 5 thousand per year. By the way, it was Schura who said Ostap about Alexander Ivanovich Koreiko, with whom he somehow happened to sit in one chamber.

As Assistant Shura is incredibly good - he is full of strength and energy and does not have a special fantasy, and therefore performs all tasks exactly as required. Only a few times, he doubted the leadership of Bandera due to the permanent provocations of Panikovsky, but whenever it was corrected and continued to help him sincerely and badly. He did not differ in either an education, or awareness and perfectly knew that, and therefore left the cargo of decision-making to others, I was completely small in my life.

As a result, a million "on a saucer with the Golden Kater" Shura Balaganov never saw - after the death of Panikovsky, he burned out in the jet of Bender and decided not to follow Ostap. By the way, at the funeral of the Panikovsky Balagans, I sincerely cry, leaving the old man all his meanness.

Next time, Shura meets with Ostap in Moscow, when the rejected Bender presents the Balagan to the truly generous gift - fifty thousand rubles. Alas, not to go Shuren rich - the psychology of the petty pocket dog holds it further, and in the tram he makes a penny theft on which it comes across.

The last time the spectators see Balaganova when the policeman leads him. It is easy to guess that the further life of the Shura will be not too diverse - he will produce with small stealing and deception, to go to jail, to steal again, to prison, and the thoughts about to disrupt the truly big kush never take him a redhead Head.

The film "Golden Calf" came out in 1968, and for more than 45 years is one of the most beloved Russian comedies. Leonid Kuravlev himself somehow noticed the viewers most of all lovers in his execution of crooks and scammers, although he played them in his career not so much. And Shura Balagans performed by Kuravlev was already forever in history - the statues of Shura Balaganov stand in several cities, including Berdyansk and in Bobruisk.

The works of Ilf and Petrov about the adventures of the Great Combinator conquered not one generation of readers. The heroes of the novels "Twelve Chairs" and the "Golden Calf" have long been living their own lives, translating in theatrical productions, movies and televisionils. Their replicas and monologues went to the people, turning into sayings. Each character is interesting and possesses its colors. But the hero of this article is the nearest communicator Bender, Shura Balaganov.

About the character

Shura - a young strong guy with an angular figure, red curls and friendly character. The mind does not shine and does not really think about tomorrow. Small thieves, who had already had several convictions behind the shoulders, recently began to industrial in deception of officials. Having issued himself for the son of the heroic lieutenant Schmidt, Shura received the provincial cities and villages from the authorities and villages. During one of these visits to the Chairman of the Executive Committee of Arbatov Shura Balaganov and met with Ostap Bender. But if Balaganov was one of the 34 professional sons of the legendary revolutionary, Bender took advantage of this scheme for receiving money during the search period for a new idea. Which, in fact, appeared at the great combinator thanks to Balagan. After all, it was he who told Bender on the existence of the underground Soviet millionaire Koreiko. So, from a small Zhulika Shura turned into a Millionnaya Project concessionaire and the right hand of the Commander, and there was a wealth in front of a saucer with a blue car.

How much money is needed Shura Balaganov for happiness?

From the sky of the stars, our hero was lacking, was content with small and plans did not build. Therefore, the idea of \u200b\u200breceiving a million, which Bender voiced, first perceived with distrust. After all, the amount of five thousand rubles a year was the limit of his desires. In addition, Shura has not yet been configured to meet people of such a scope and with such ambitious plans. However, he could not resist the great combinator with confidence in the success of the great combinator. And in the company two more characters - Panikovsky and Kozlevich - went with Bender in search of the promised million.

Natura takes him

Balagan Shura: Quotes

The novel "Golden Calf" is perhaps one of the most cited works of Soviet literature. Everyone who read this book has their favorite passages and statements that have not lost relevance to this day. Of course, most pearls belong to the chief hero - the descendant of the Terrible Yanychar and the son of Turkish-shaped. However, other characters authors were not sentenced with coronary phrases. Here and our hero - Shura Balaganov - distinguished by the statements, many of which became popular and went into the people. For instance:

  • So what to do? How to save bread ugly?
  • What can you do - poverty!
  • Maybe all the same take parts?
  • Wow, how I will heal now!
  • Barrell, boiled!
  • Is there a plate?
  • Five hundred thousand on a saucer with a blue car.
  • Private owners love cash.

Cinema Character

On the screen is embodied by Shura Balaganov Actor of the Cinema, Honored and People's Artist of the RSFSR, Leonid Kuravlev. Interestingly, another wonderful Soviet actor - Vyacheslav innocent was practically approved for this role. No less bright character of Panikovsky, whom Zinovy \u200b\u200bGerdt played, could be filled with Rolan Bykov. But fate ordered otherwise, and it is now difficult to imagine the second son of Lieutenant Schmidt and the Botto Old Man Mikhail Samuelich in a different performance. For his many years of creative activity, Leonid Vyacheslavovich created a lot of images on the screen, but Balagan Shura still remains one of the most striking. The actor once noticed that, in addition to other roles, he had a three times chaplain, surprisingly, who was these characters in his performance, loved the viewer.

Balagans in Fine Arts

Not all characters of literary works receive folk love captured on canvas or in sculpture. The heroes of the novels "Twelve Chairs" and the "Golden Calf" are rightfully carrying the title of folk favorites. Therefore, it is not surprising that they are devoted to sculptural compositions in several cities of the former Soviet Union.

In the city park Berdyansk there is a composition depicting the sons of Lieutenant Schmidt - Bender and Balaganova. In Bobruisk, they perpetuated Shuru, in Cheboksary - the Great Combinator and Kisu Vorobyaninov, in Kiev - Panikovsky, and in Odessa, even one of the twelve chairs.

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    Shura was a healthy with a redhead head, not distinguished by a special ingenuity and education.

    "... Balaganov shook his head mournfully. From the world foci of culture, he, besides Moscow, knew only Kiev, Melitopol and Zhmerinka. And in general he was convinced that the land is flat ..."

    Nevertheless, before meeting with Bender, Shura organized confectention of the children of Lieutenant Schmidt and implemented the idea of \u200b\u200bsplitting the USSR to the plots, in order not to interfere with each other. This suggests the meetings of his leadership qualities. With the first communication with Bender, Shura behaves rather unleashed and even makes fun of the great combinator, which shows the independence of Shura. True, with further communication with Ostap Bender, it completely evaporates under the pressure of the strong personality of the latter.

    According to Bender, Shura "Pijon", since his thoughts of chalk. He was satisfied to be a small rogue. The limit of the dream of Shura was the money amount of 5 thousand rubles per year. In addition, the activities of Shura, there was a dead end.

    "... You are a Pigeon," I repeated Ostap, "and the son of the Pijon. And your children will be pigeons. The boy! What happened this morning, it's not even an episode, and so, a pure randomness, the artist's capricious. Gentlemen in search of dozens . I'm not in my character to catch such a meager chances. And what kind of profession is this, forgive the Lord! Son Lyucenant Schmidt! Well, the year is still, well, two! And then what? Further your red curls are hung up and you will just start beat.
    - So what to do? - worried Balagans. - How to save bread pressing? ... "

    Shura was not a lucky rogue. He had several convictions and, apparently, often came across his crimes. It is in conclusion that he will also receive information about Koreiko.

    Shura could not go for all for the sake of principle, for the sake of a big goal and when their enterprise began to endure the collapse, leaves the leftup and returns to her old life.

    Shura, pretty kind and harmless. He often regrets Panikovsky, tries to be in his fair and his sense of gratitude is characteristic. He truly glad to see Ostap, when he finds it after the successful completion of the Money taking from Koreiko.

    Shura - a loser, and having received a huge amount of money from Bender, he comes across the petty theft and his police takes place. His surname largely reflects his character.

    A very bright image of Shura turned out to be performed by Leonid Kuravlev.


    Private owners love cash.
    - I recognize. I recognize my brother Kolya!
    - How? All hill? Are you still a Melitopol to give you? Or Bobruisk?
    - So what to do? How to save bread ugly?
    - ... After all, Bender made a person from you. Remember how in Arbatov you fled with Gusem. And now you serve, get a bid, you are a member of society.
    - Three hours already drink, and it is still not gold.
    - And Kozlevich?! By justice! ..
    - Kozlevich Ohmyurili Xendsee ...
    - Maybe all the same take parts? ...