Old Russian nicknames. Slavic male names: how to choose the right old Russian name for the boy

Old Russian nicknames. Slavic male names: how to choose the right old Russian name for the boy
Old Russian nicknames. Slavic male names: how to choose the right old Russian name for the boy

In our age, educated parents pay more attention to the Old Slavonic names, giving them to their children. Thus, they return to the original Russian traditions, which have existed ancient on Russia in namescence.

Old names in a new time

The new sound in the modern world acquire the names of Vsevolod and Milan, Mstislav and Darina. Such a living interest of modern residents to a rare, long-not-used vintage names is not surprising. In search of a name for his child, parents seek to make it original and unusual. In addition, they want the name of the baby to be a temper and poetic. In addition to the above, modern parents and content, semantics names are not forgotten.

Slavs used to give births to children with meaning. At the same time, the name had to have only positive energy. Version names are responsible for all these requirements. The Russian person is intuitively understood by their meaning, and the beauty with which they sound will not leave anyone indifferent. Version names (male and women) Today, many parents are considered as the best names for their children.

Double name

The name determines the fate of the person. It serves as a key to his inner world. The ancient Slavic tribes adhered to the tradition of double name, which was based on the faith in the mystical relationship of the name and man to which it was given. It is no coincidence that a man had two named: one was false - for everyone, and another secret - for himself and the nearest friends. Names had to serve as protection against evil spirits and bad people. Often, the first false Slavic name was targeted by unattractive (malice, Kriv, Bolyak, Nekras, famously).

It was believed that the name is the key to man, and not knowing the essence of the individual, it is much more difficult for him to harm. The rite of secondary name was performed at achieving adolescent age when all the main character traits are already formed, and one can already judge what of them from prevailing. Based on these features, the name was given.

The meaning of the Old Slavic names

Let's analyze the Old Slavic names and their meanings.

According to its meaning, the Alpistric names are conditionally divided into several groups:

  • Names repeating the names of various representatives of flora and fauna (raven, eagle, nut). Nowadays, such names are not used.
  • Old Slavonic names, reflecting a variety of human traits. For example, Veselin can mean "cheerful", and the name of the brave means "courageous"; Dobrolyub means "loving and kind." In the modern world, the names of this group were widespread.
  • Names related to various mythical characters. Basically it was the names of the ancient Slavic deities. So, Lada is the Slavic goddess of love, Yarilo - Slavic Sun God.
  • Interesting Vine Slavic names, indicating how, in order, a child was born in the family. The logic was absolutely simple. The first son received the name of the first, the second son called the second, the third - the third and so on.

For more detailed study of Slavic names and their meanings, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the following lists.

Men names

The Old Slavic names of the boys and their meaning:

  1. Bazhan. This means "welcome child."
  2. Belopes. It is "enlightened".
  3. Borislav. It is believed that it is interpreted as "fighting for glory."
  4. Vsevolod. The interpretation of this name is "Everybody".
  5. Radiant. Means "radiant, glowing."
  6. Radimir. The meaning of the name is "rejoice in the world, concerned about the world."
  7. Svyatopolk. So "commands the holy regiment."
  8. Troyan. It has the meaning of the "third".
  9. Chadomir. Derivative from two words: "Peace" and "Chado."
  10. Jarea. Explained as "wearing yarm".

Women's names

Old Women's names and their meanings:

  • Bogdan means "given by God himself";
  • Vera. It matters "storing loyalty";
  • Dalina. Means "long";
  • Tree. The name happened from the name of the tree - ate;
  • Zlata. Interpreted as "gold colors";
  • Lana. It is "cute";
  • Loved. Is derived from the word "love";
  • Milada. Interpreted as "sweet";
  • Stanislav. It matters "Holy Glory";
  • Yuna. Derived from the word "young".

Divorous Slavic names and their meaning

One of the largest groups of Slavic names is the names with two bases. So far, the era of Christianity began, the names of this group had the greatest distribution.

A plurality of names used by the Slavs are composed of 2 basics. For example, the name of the Lubomir is considered derived from two words - "Love" and "Peace", and Boguslav is derived from "Glory" and "God." It sounds very beautiful and at the same time the name has an absolutely understandable value. It is thanks to this Slavic names in our time they received a second life, having done very popular among contemporaries. Most often, these names are called children who were born in Poland, Ukraine, Serbia, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic.

These names are divided into two subgroups. The main group includes two-axis names (Tikhomir, Svyatoslav, Ratibor, Choshemir, Gostomysl, Yaropolk, Velimm, Vsevolod, Bogdan, Lyubomila, Dobhognev, and in the second collected names that are derived from the names of the main group (Dobrynya, Saints, Ratish, silence , Turbine, path, mileug).

History of Slavic names

Without a doubt, the names of people are connected by a significant part of the cultural life and the formation of folk traditions. In Russia, with the advent of Christianity, the Old Slavic names were almost completely committed by oblivion. There were even lists of the Old Slavic names that were banned by the Christian Church. About the reasons of what is happening to guess quite easily. Some of the names (Yarilo, Lada) was the names of the Old Slavic gods. Some of them constituted a group of people who, after the baptism of Russia, tried to promote the restoration of the Old Slavonic cult and traditions.

Today in Russia, Slavic names are not in fashion. They are called only 5% of born babies. It makes poorer Russian culture. Although the Old Slavic names (men) are no doubt are truly Russian.

The propaganda of Slavic names is of great importance. People are trying to preserve the Vine Slavonic Women's names, the full list of which can be found in special editions.

Some of the names are very popular. Let's talk about two of them.

Name name Bogdan

Bogdan is often becoming late and the only boy, the fruit of long expectations. Parents, sometimes regardless of their desire, are called the children who have born after big alarms and fears. In infancy, Bogdan is inclined to colds. At the same time, the mother, concerned about the health of the Son, does not refuse anything to him.

The role of the Father in Education is almost no felt. The child is tied to the mother, jealous of it almost to everyone. He lacks sociability, so it is not very good with peers. In school years, Bogdan is friendly with the prestige in the comrades of children who are able to stand up for him. Estimates on subjects are not very good. Despite the presence of abilities, prevents natural laziness to which Bogdan is inclined. True, over time too lazy dull.

In adulthood, Bogdan is a calm man with good self-esteem. He seeks to make a good job in life, make a career. A man has been sent to achieve heights in any particular specialty that does not require improvisation.

In the family of Bogdan wants to be a continued leader. He liked the submissive wives, allowing him to show his power. Such categorical is manifested not only in relations with his wife, but also in communicating with colleagues and acquaintances. Having a alcohol, Bogdan can get involved in the dispute for any reason without listening to the arguments of the opponent. At the same time, he possesses many features of the character that turn it into a good husband. For example, he exists perseverance in search of an additional earnings, being economical in expenditures. Bogdan loves to spend money only for rest for the whole family.

The meaning of the name Radmila

Parents continue to select Radmila - this is one of the most popular names. It combines 2 words: joyful and honey. Despite the fact that the girl is calm, you should not leave it alone. Because of her developed fantasy, it is not easy to predict that it will come to her mind when it will be given to itself.

It is predisposed to colds and other infectious diseases. Absolutely on dogs are afraid. Despite the size of animals, boldly it approaches them and strokes them.

Radmila sets adults a lot of varied, sometimes non-delete questions that are able to put in a dead end. Rejoices to communicate with outsiders, as parents sometimes tire the answers to numerous questions. Communicability Radmila saves for life. Radmila does not always feel pleasure when it turns out in the center of someone else's attention. It is inherent in power, but this feature makes it a potential leader.

Such ancient Russian names received distribution at the moment. Names have a long story, and, apparently, it will not end soon.

Names serve For people naming - when communicating and handling, and to distinguish one person from another - when listed, description or narration. But people are much more than names, so one name wears many different people. How then to distinguish them? Additional names and the whole of naming come to the rescue. On the name of the person in antiquity, the names of the USSR times and in the Tsarist Russia was speech. Continue the conversation on the topic history of the emergence of Russian names.

Names in ancient Rome

In ancient Rome, for people of the classes, there was such a procedure for naming: Predomenon (pre-name), nomen (name) and cognom (family name) - Guy Julius Caesar. Sometimes there was also the fourth name: Agnomen (nickname) - Publics of Cornelius Scipion African-senior.

History of names in different countries of the world

In most languages, the name is the name of the personal and name of the generic (by the Father, the Mother, at the place of birth): Isaac Newton, Prospere Merima, Mikhailo Lomonosov, Leonardo da Vinci, Lope de Vega.

The kings, kings, the rulers often replaced the nickname: Vladimir Monomakh, Dmitry Donskoy, Ivan Grozny, Pipine Short, John Unbounded, Henry Bowls, while the nickname, unlike the name, is always translated into other languages.

In some nations, it is customary to call the chain of names: Johann-Wolfgang Goethe, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, George Gordon Byron, Jose Raul Kapa Bablaca-and-Greupera (here and double surname). It happens that the chain of the names stretches and further; For example, the medieval alchemist Paracels was called: Philip-aureol-theofrast-bombaster Count von Gaugenheim, and in one drama Viktor Hugo one aristocrat is named: Hil-Basilio-Fernan-Ireneo - Felippe-Frasko-Fraskito Count De
Belvera. Even in the XIX century, the heir to the Spanish throne was name: Don Pedro - D'Lalkantara - Maria Fernando - Gonzago-Xavier-Miguel - Gybriel-Rafhazel-Antonio - Joaon Leopoldo Francisco - D'Saxi - Saxen - Coburg-Gota de Braganz -E-bourbon! (This reports L. V. Uspensky in the book "What does your name mean?", 1940)

Names in ancient Russia. Names before the baptism of Russia

What is the situation with the names in Russian? Before making Christianity in Russia (20th century) In the medium of privileged classes, there were such names as Lubomir, Ostrichp, Svyatoslav, Rostislav, Yaroslav, Lyudmila, Rogneda, Voylava and the like. With the adoption of Christianity "Eastern Rite" at the Kiev Prince, Vladimir also appeared new names that were in church canons and therefore called canonical; They were given when making the "sacrament of baptism".

In ancient rus these Names served as legal names of people and put in acts, tramps and in other documents in the first place. However, the habit to the old names that did not mean in the lists and the canons of the Church has long been kept in Russia, at least until the XVII century. At the same time, double names are constantly in the ancient documents: "... the name is Milonoga. Petr for baptism. " Or: "... waiting for a surfaction, and in the baptism of Mikula" in t. Th. Thus, for several centuries, along with canonical names: Alexander, Alexey, Daniel, Dimitri, Konstantin, Nikita, Nikolai, Peter, Roman, Sergey, and T . P. - In the go there were non-canonical names that were more used in domestic communication and in second place in gramons: the first, the second, the Tretyak (in chronology of birth); Waiting, unexpected, necha (according to birth circumstances); Guban, Ushak, Plekhan, Shcherbak, Nesmeyan, Ugryum, Bulgak, Evil, Eastom, Druzhina (physical and mental properties); Wolf, horse, thrush, ERS (by the name of animals, birds, fish); as well as tail, frost, fur coat, gun, etc.

IN stories of Russian names These names resemble the nicknames rather, which, however, could not only distinguish people with the same canonical names, but also to move later in the last name what we will talk about the next time.

Judging by the above examples, it can be seen that the names of their own, as a rule, come from nominal, but since their own names are moving from one people to another and live in centuries in a different language environment, most often they "mean" in some Another language, in the given language, this borrowed name is only its own and does not mean anything, but only calls.

Russian canonical names are borrowed from Greek, Latin, Hebrew, from the ancient Germannsky, where they were simultaneously and nominated (as in Russian: faith, hope, love). Here are some examples:

  • greek: Georgiy ("Agriculture"), Alexander ("Music Defender"). Apollo ("Pewberry"), Arkhip ("Chief of Connection"), IPPOLIT ("straightening horses"), Philip ("Horse Lovers"), Nikifor ("Victorious"),
  • latin: Victor ("Winner"), Victoria ("Victory"), Valentine, Valery, Valerian ("Healthy"), Marina ("Marina"), Juvenali ("Youth"),
  • hebrew: Anna ("grace"), Gabriel ("Divine Warrior"), Mikhail ("Divine"), Maria ("Gorky").
  • old History: Igor (one of the names of God-Rulerizz in connection with the nine Var - "Militant, Strength"), Oleg, Olga ("Sacred, Majestic").

It is quite clear that in the Russian names of Anna, Mikhail, Maria, Nikifor, etc. there is no numerous meaning. These are just names.

Many Slavic names are translations of foreign language, for example: Zlata - Greek. Christ, Bogdan - Greek. Theodore (Fedor), Militsa - Greek. Harita, Vera - Greek. Masteris, Hope - Greek. Elkis, love - Greek. Agap, Lat. Amate, etc.

Many Russian names have parallel options that have arisen due to the different transmission of the same foreign name: Evdokia Avdota, Ksenia-Assigna, Glycryia - Lucheria, Anastasia - Nastasya, Georgy - Yuri - Yegor, Paraskeva - Praskovya, etc.

The initial type of many borrowed names has changed a lot in the practice of Russian language, for example: Joseph-Osip, Eleazar - Lazar, Dionysius - Denis, Kosma - Kuzma, Emmanuel - Manuil, Evstafiy - Ostafius, Stachey, Johnan - Ivan.

Pre-revolutionary years

The desire to update the repertoire of the Names manifested itself in a pre-revolutionary time when the fashion went to the Old Russian names, although many of them were Neslavian in origin, for example, Oleg, Igor (fashionable poet of that time Igor Northgen wrote: "How good I am separate that Igor I am , not Ivan ... "), At the same time," Romantic "and" exotic "names are also included: Tamara, Isabella, Valentina (at the same Igor Northerner:" Valentina! How much passion! Valentine! how much fodder ... it was At the concert at the Medical Institute ... "). How not to remember Nastya from the play of Gorky "on the bottom" when the baron says about her: "Today Raoul, Tomorrow Gaston ... Rock Love, Lady!"

1920 - 1930

In the 20s, the thrust for the "romantic" names intensified. It was possible through the newspaper "Izvestia" to declare the name of the name. And the faces and mattres began to change their names for Evelyn, Leonor and Venus, and Terentia and Sidoras - on Alfredov and Richards (remember the loser from the film "Music Story" Alfred Tarakanova ...).

Moreover, two more types of names appeared.

1) names from the nominal and derivatives from them, which responded to the ideology and phraseology of the revolutionary era of the 20s: work, international, struggle, communar, tractor, detector - for boys; Spark, Star, Tractor, Ideal (!) - For girls ..;
2) Names formed from the personal names of the revolutionaries and their own, generated by the revolutionary epoch: Marxina, Engelsina, Lenin, Comintern, Okabrina ...

In addition, due to the general trend of the business language of that time to abbreviations and abbreviations (that is, the symbols for first letters) appeared names from abbreviations of names and slogans: Vlad (and) Len. Maple, Borzamir, Dazamira, Zanarkz, Remium, Renata, Gertruda, Lagshmivara ...

As well as abbreviations from the first letters of names and slogans: Viracl, Vilora.

Many parents put their children in a ridiculous position, since "solidify" the ideological meaning of the name was very difficult, but to attribute it to a well-known number of names is much easier. So, Gertruda ("Heroine of Labor") coincides with the German name of Gertrud, Kim ("Communist International Intication") - with Korean, Renata ("Revolution - Science - Labor") - with Italian, and wearing these names seem, alas, foreigners !

The same happened with abbreviations and flippers: Vilora is perceived as an Italian name. Ninel - as French, Viracl - like Greek (Wed Hercules, Pericles), Borzir - like an Old Russian (cf. Ostromir, Yaromir), and Lagshmivara suggests India ...

And no decrypts of the type of Vilora - "V. I. Lesnin - the Father of the Revolution "El Dissars -" Baby, go for the revolution "do not help here. The type of word solves everything for this language. Therefore, it was so quickly ideal turned into IMU, Ninel - to Nina, and the struggle - in Boris.

In the names of the Soviet era of the 60s, a big film was observed. Basically, it, of course, were canonical names like Alexander, Vasily, Ivan, Peter, Paul, Sergey, and Natalia, Tatiana, Vera, Hope, Love, Anna, Maria, Catherine ...

From these names, there are already pronounced modifications for a long time: Sasha, Shura, Vasya, Vanya, Petya, Pasha, Natasha, Tanya, Nadia, Masha, Katya ... These names are familiar and ordinary, they are the most durable in the Russian history of names and exist dozens of centuries. It is these names that are still distributed in Russian.

According to the materials of the magazine "Family and School", 1962

Ancient Slavic female names.

Bazhen - women's form names.
Beloral - enlightened.
Beloslav - women's form named Beloslav.
Berislava - Women's form named Berislav.
Bleslav - Women's form named Bleslav.

Bogdan - Women's form named Bogdan.
Bogmila is a nice god.
Boleslav - Women's form named Boleslav.
Borislav - Women's form named Borislav.
Boyana is a female form of the Boyan.

Bratislava - Women's form named Bratislav.
Bronislav - Women's form named Bronislav.
Vedan (Vedenoe, Vedeno) - Vyaching.
Wardow - famous management.
Majaean - polite, pacifying his feelings.

Velizer - multisage, illuminated.
Velimira is the Women's form named Velimir.
Velislav - Women's Form of the name of Velislav.
Vezsesslav - Women's form named Wentseyslaw.
Faith - faith, faithful.

Veselina (merry) is a female form named after Veselin.
Vladimir - Women's Form of the name of Vladimir.
Vladislav - Women's form of the name Vladislav.
Wiself - Women's form named Wistoislav.
Ovsevda - annoying.

Blood - Women's form named after UNILL.
Vslav - Women's form named Vslav.
Blue - meek.
Gorislava - Women's form name Gorislav.
Gradislav - Women's form named after Gradislav.

Granite - the female form of the name Gestravlav.
Darren (Darina, Dara) - Women's form named after Daren.
Dzvestislava - recreated.
Dobrovlade - owning kindness.
Dobroar - alleeping good.

Dobrolyuba - loving good.
Dobromil - the Women's form named knows.
Dobromir - Women's form named Dobromir.
Dobroslava - the female form named Dobroslav.
Dragomir - Women's form of the name of Dragomir.

Zhdano - Women's Form of the name waiting.
Leader - priestess alive.
Zvenislav - the leading glory; glorifying.
Zlatoceta (Zlata) - gold color.
Zememir is an illuminating world.

Spark - Women's form names of Sundar.
Casimir is a female form of Casimir.
Krasimir - Women's form named Krasimir.
Lada is a favorite, sweet. The Goddess of Love, the Radiam of the Gods.
Ladomila is a cute goddess of Lada, merciful.

Ladomira - Women's form named Ladomir.
Ladoslava - Slavs Lada.
Razbear is radiant, illuminating light.
Lyubava (love) - Favorite.
Lyubomila - Favorite, honey.

Lubomir - Women's form named Lubomir.
Lyuboyar - Loving Yaril.
Lyudmila - Lyudmil's female form.
Lyudomira - reconciling people.
Milada is a sweet goddess of Lada.

Milan (Milena) - the female form named after Milan.
Miloslava - Female form named Miloslav.
Miroslav - the female form named Miroslav.
Mstislava - the female form named after Mstislav.
Nadezhda - Hope.

Nekras is a female form name Nekras.
Ogneslava - famous fire.
Fireyar - Fireyar Women's Form.
Oversale (pre-wave) - preceding glory. Historic Personality: Dance - Svyatoslav Igorevich's wife, Mother Yaropolk Svyatoslavich.

Power - Women's form names of Peresvet.
Radmila is pleasing solar grace.
Radmire - Women's form named Radimir.
Radislava - Women's form of immune Radislav.
Radmila - caring and cute.

Radosveta - sanctifying joy.
Joy (glad) - joy, happiness, sunny.
Rostislav - Women's form of the name Rostislav.
SveTISlava - Women's form name Svepslav.
Svetlana - Female form named Svetlan.

Svetlozara (Svelozara) - Women's form named Svezar.
The light is a female form named Svetogor.
Liton - sunny.
Snezhana - White Hollow, Cold.
Stanimir - Women's Form of the name of Stanimir.

Stanislav - Women's form named Stanislav.
Tikhomira - the female form named after Tikhomir.
Challava (Cheslava) - Women's form named Chawl.
ChernAVA - dark-haired, dark-haired; Avesh Mary.
Pike - personalized animal name. Earth embodiment of the genus.

Yaromila is a cute yarile.
Yaroslav - Women's form of the name Yaroslav

Science about own names is called onomastics. This term is connected with the Greek word of Ohomom - a name. People's names are part of the history of peoples. They reflect their life, beliefs, aspirations, fantasy and artistic creativity of peoples, their historical contacts. Any word called by a person surrounding began to perceive as his personal name, and, therefore, any word could become a name

The formation of a system of Russian personal names began in the pre-Christian period of the history of Russia, but the names are fundamentally changed with the adoption of Christianity.

Among the modern Russian-speaking population are the names
Calendar (: Ivan, Andrei, Yakov, Yuri, Tatiana, Maria, Avdoty, Elizabeth), Vine Slavic (Stanislav, Radomir, Dobromil, Rada),
Staroral (waiting, Peresvet, Lada, Lyubava),
Newly formed (Vilen, Avangard, Ninel, Era),
Borrowed in the 20th century from Western European and Eastern languages \u200b\u200b(Albert, Ruslan, Zhanna, Leila).

95% of the Russian-speaking population of the USSR in the 1980s were carriers of calendar names

Among the ancient Russian names are allocated the following groups

Numeric names:
Perva and the first, second, Tretyak, Fourth, Fifth and Pyat, Shestak, Semi and Semyama, Osm and Oshmak, Devyatko, Ten. They reflect the birth of children in the family.

Names, data on external features, hair and skin color:
Chernysh, Chernya, Chernywa, Bel, Belya, Belyak, Belukha.
Also there were names related to the peculiarities of the physique: Mal, Malyuta, Malaya, Long, Dry, Tolstoy, Head, Golovach, Loban, Capless.

Names related to character traits, habits and behavior:
Fun, Eastom, Creek, Skryab, Molchan, Ulibar, Bulgak (Restless), Lajaana and Nesmeyan.

Names, reflecting the desiredness or unwaniness of the appearance of a child in the family, the attitude of parents to the child:
Bogdan and Bogdana, Bazhen (desirable), Baluba, Lyubava, waiting and unexpected, wants, Cheyan and Necha.

The names associated with the time of the year in which the child was born:
Weshnyak, Winter, Frost, Sandetteer.

Names related to animals and floral world: Bull, wolf, pike, cat, cat, stallion, cow, sparing (from sorrel), grass, drinking. It is assumed that such names may reflect the remnants of the chateable beliefs of Slavs.

The names associated with the beliefs that the "bad" words are able to dismiss evil spirits, illness, death:
Goryaj, Nemil, Nekras, Dislike, Revolution, Evil, Tugarin (from Tuga - Sadness).

Names associated with neighboring peoples:Chudin (from the name of the Finno-Ugric tribe), Karel, Tatar, Kozarin (from the name of Khazar), ontoman (from the name of the Turks - Ottoman). The history of the emergence of this group of names is unclear: perhaps it was security names (data not to quarrel with neighbors) or wishes (so that the child was like something like that in honor of whom the name was given); Perhaps these names are associated with mixed marriages.

Upon joining a person in an independent life, in a wider social circle, his name was often complemented (and sometimes replaced) to others.
For a significant number of such nicknames, it is impossible to establish the causes of implications: they were given due to specific cases, according to any individual reasons.
However, among socio-domestic names, some groups are also allocated: self-associated crafts (fur coats, spoon, dutho, blacksmith), with a public situation (Prince, Tsarevich, Baryshnik), with origin (French, Tula), with character traits, sometimes consistent Words in portable values \u200b\u200b(truth, flea, crow), as well as with appearance (large, undertaking).

Among the pre-Christian names are the mansion names of the ruling dynasty Rurikovich and nobility. These names are distinguished by the fact that almost all of them are dibasic, and for the formation of these names, words sublined in meaning were used, symbolized power, glory, military valor. Such names include Vladimir, Yaroslav, Izyaslav, Yaropolk, Ostromir, Svyatoslav, Svyatopolk, Vyacheslav, Vsevolod, etc. The number of such names is small, and they had limited use, as a rule, only in the people of noble classes; And each branch of Rurikovich had his own set of similar names. Some of these names after the canonization of the Russian Orthodox Church of their carriers were among the Christian names; Others were forgotten for a long time and only in the 20th century again entered Russian nameslines.

To the pre-Christian period of the history of Russian names and the first borrowed names in ancient Russian language. They are also associated with the Rurikovsky dynasty: These are Oleg, Igor, Gleb, Olga and some others. All these names were borrowed from Scandinavian languages \u200b\u200band, being names for nobility, also had limited use.

Most of the old-Russian names under pressure from the church gradually came out of use.Even in families, Rurikov's family gradually refused their traditional dynastic names in favor of Christian.
With the baptism of the prince, Vladimir Svyatoslavich was given the name of Vasily,
Olga - Elena (957 year)
Sons of Vladimir Svyatoslavich - Boris and Gleb, respectively, received named-novel and David.
Prince Vsevolod - Gabriel.
Grandmaker Vladimir Monomakh - Mstislav Rostislavovich received the name of George.
However, in history, only pre-Christian names are preserved, which are at our time.

To the choice of the name, people always treated with caution, because this is an energy information program that is set from birth and accompanies a person throughout the life path. On behalf, the nature and fate not only its carrier, but also the whole country. After all, the more people have strong and "good" names, the stronger the country.

Rus was famous for his people, there was no so much warrior anywhere, and today we offer to remember and consider forgotten male names. They almost all went into oblivion. When the baptism of Saint Rus occurred, Greek, Jewish, Roman and other, alien origin came to replace them.

Why forgot old names?

With the baptism of Russia, it was replaced by faith, a uniform God for all people came to replace the pagan gods. Until the baptism of many people were called in honor of the pagan lords, so, for example, the name of the Yaromir occurred, and it consists of two parts - the name of God Yarilo plus the world. By changing faith, people wanted to completely eradicate old deities, erase them from memory, so they even replaced the names. Bogatyreys and Magi are baptized and called them as a new Christian faith prescribed.

Men's Slavic names and their values \u200b\u200bhave almost completely forgotten. Many parents mistakenly believe that they call their children old, forgotten, but still real Slavic names. For example, the same Ivan is the name known from a plurality of fairy tales, which is considered Russian. Yes, it is Russian, but not Slavic, and happened from John, the Jewish name, and appeared after baptism.

Such "erroneous" names can be attributed to many more, for example, Matvey, Zakhar, Luke, Daniel. Overview of men's Slavic names and their meanings - in the future content of the article. We will look at the most "strong" and beautiful, and future parents will be able to choose from the list of the present Old Slavic name.

How to recognize?

Men's Slavic names were particularly carefully chosen, and their values \u200b\u200bcarried the sacred meaning. You can recognize such a name, and very simple. For example, the name Casimir is Slavic. It consists of "seems" or "causing" and "peace", that is, "showing the world." But Parnas is a name that is considered to Slavic, such is not, since no sense of hearing is caught.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the sound "A" was very rarely used in ancient Russia in the complaint of the baby. More often chose softer - "and", "e", "I".

Magnical Slavic names were most often consisted of two bases, and their values \u200b\u200bwere immediately understood. The first part was basic and was given at birth. The second part was added when the child grown to a certain age, and she symbolized merits, the sphere of influence or any subject. Message, that is, people are insolvent, nonsense, remained without the second part of the name.

How did children make in Russia?

Men's and chose their parents and reflected the delivery of employment. For example, peasants who were engaged in agriculture, fishing and hunting, made children without special tricks, and their sons were called the hare, catfish, pike. Many surnames occurred from the peasant names.

Often since the birth of the baby was made so that he was not smoothed - the name was the exact opposite of appearance, character and mental abilities. Thus, the boys were called fools, nozzles, malicious, necris and other ugly names. P

omery, when the guy was passed on to the upbringing of men, he was already magazed so that the name reflects the essence of man. Future governors became Yaropolkov, Dobhnovy and Ratiba. The hunters were given the names of the brave, standing, eagle, wolf and other similar. Futive priests were added by the "Holy" particle, hence the name Svyatoslav - the present, the Vine Slavonic.

Often in children's families called the name-number, which on the bill was born. There were quite a lot of children, so parents were not bored with the choice. So appeared first, seconds, trains, fasteners and others. Over time, the name has changed to twisted, but family members continued to call a man as they were based on birth.

Grozny Slavs

Men's Slavic names were played a big role, and their values \u200b\u200bwere fully revealed the essence of character. If a boy to seven years was strong, grew and strongly, he was passed on to raise a squad. And there the guy was made on the basis of his qualities. For example, Dube is strong and powerful as oak. Gorislav - persistent, like a mountain, but at the same time a nice guy! Dobhnev is an angry, but in the name of good, that is, all enemies will amaze for their homeland. Winter is calculating, persistent and cold. Mstislav - famous for its revenge.

Boys with disadvantages

If a child was born in the family with physical disabilities, he was called the same way as ordinary children, that is, the name at which they would not be smoothed, but it was already reflected the essence. For example, the non-burning - blind, invisible, blaspheme - skinny, Nekras is ugly, ugly. When the child is adult, his name also changed. Usually boys with disadvantages grew in good, filled with love for all guys. So the Bogomiles appeared - cute for the gods, peace-loving, loving, peace-loving, blesses - the famous kindness, sister and brotherhood - beloved by brothers and sisters (that is, with all people).

Names that have come down to us

There are also male Slavic names that are popular today, and their meanings are interested in many. The list is small, but everyone has at least one familiar with the name of the name as Vladimir, Vsevolod, Vladislav. They reached us, as such names wore rulers, representatives of rich and noble families, governors. Less popular for today - Vezseyslav, Borislav and Borimir.

Examples from fairy tales

Some male and female names and their importance existed even after the baptism of Russia. These are the deception names that infant babies to stay away from them, evil forces and evil eye. You can remember the fairy tales of such heroes as Ivan-Durak, Koschey, Tsarevna-Nesmeyan. Even in the literary work, the Vine Slavic name-freezing - Mazay, that is, is smeared.

Beautiful men's Slavic names and their meanings: List

Today, the Slavic names are gaining increasing popularity. In cultural self-determination, a large role is played by returning to its roots. Of course, we are not talking about full failure of the usual names, just among the ancient and forgotten there are many beautiful:

  • Borislav - Fight, Glory;
  • Bogdan - Dan (donated) by the gods;
  • Burislav - such a bore, uncomplicable;
  • Veleslaw - Great, Nice;
  • Vsevolod - all who owns;
  • Dobrynya - kind;
  • Zlatan, Zlatodan - precious;
  • Mstislav - irreconcilable, glory, revenge;
  • Ratmir - protecting the world;
  • Sveoslav, Svetosar - Light, illuminating the world;
  • Svyatopolk (Light Bolt) - commander;
  • Svyatogor - Saint, mighty, powerful;
  • Tikhomir - calm;
  • Yaroslav - nice, bright;
  • Yaropolk is a formidable commander, warrior.