Which offers are called definitely personal. How to identify types of one-part sentences

Which offers are called definitely personal.  How to identify types of one-part sentences
Which offers are called definitely personal. How to identify types of one-part sentences

What are the criteria for distinguishing between the types of one-part sentences? Why are one-part sentences called that?

The composition of the sentence can be different: either two grammatical centers (this is the composition of the subject and the composition of the predicate), or one center (only one composition with one main member).

That is why such concepts as two-part (without the letter "ha" inside the word) and one-part (connecting vowel "o") sentences appeared.

Friends invited us to the theater. Snow field with frozen waves of crust, suddenly turned pink from the cold sun.

Students confuse these two two-part sentences with one-part sentences for a reason. The subject in the first sentence does not look like a noun, and in the second sentence it stands very far from the predicate, expressed by a personal verb in the form of the past tense of the neuter singular.

Secondary members are grouped around the main members of the sentence: agreed or inconsistent definitions are next to the subject, circumstances and additions are next to the predicate.

So, one-piece sentences have a special structure: there is only one organizing center, the second is absent, and this does not create any incompleteness. They can be common and non-common suggestions.

Thick fog. Drizzle. First autumn morning. Monuments of military glory.

These four sentences are nominal (they are also called nominative or subject). The main member - the subject - is expressed by a noun in the Nominative case (singular or plural). The first sentence is distributed by the agreed definition of LIGHT. The second is not widespread. The third is spread by heterogeneous agreed definitions FIRST FALL. The fourth has minor members of MILITARY GLORY.

What is the meaning of nominative sentences? They name objects and phenomena, claiming their existence in the present tense.

Silence . Grey sky . Geese caravans. Here comes the fall.

Only four short sentences, but the result is a description of autumn nature!

Very similar to two-part sentences with personal pronouns I, WE, YOU, YOU are definitely personal sentences with the main member - the predicate. Compare: I love thunderstorms in early May. I love the storm in early May. In the second example, attention is focused on the action, and the statement becomes dynamic. Definitely personal sentences do not require a pronoun, since in the form of a verb an indication of a certain PERSON is already given. Using the substitution method, you can remember the four already named pronouns.


Predicate form


Calmly catch rudd after rudd and suddenly feel push.

A simple verb predicate is expressed by a verb in the indicative mood, in 1 person present tense singular

We want to go with a radio operator and a guide to the mountains.

A compound verb predicate is expressed by a verb in the indicative mood, in 1 person future tense plural

Go down home and take your fishing rod.

A simple verb predicate is expressed by a verb in the imperative mood, in the 2nd person singular

Guys, urgently return to the library of books!

Simple verb predicate expressed by a verb in the imperative mood, in the 2nd person plural

Under no circumstances should you confuse definite personal sentences with incomplete two-part sentences: In the morning got up early and began to kindle bonfire. Remember: past tense forms have no FACE!

Uncertain-personal sentences are opposite to definite-personal sentences in their meaning: the action is performed by unidentified PERSONS. The facts and events are important here, not the persons themselves. You can substitute the pronoun THEY.

In the ward for a long time remembered his stories. to me instructed to prepare report on the life and work of K. Paustovsky. Are waiting only the arrival of the head physician. His grabbed and carried away somewhere.

In the first sentence, a simple verb predicate is represented by a verb in the 3-person plural of the past tense. In the second, the compound verb predicate is expressed by a verb in the form of the 3rd person plural of the past tense. In the third, the simple verb predicate is in the present tense 3rd person plural. And in the fourth, homogeneous simple verb predicates are in the 3rd person plural future tense.

Proverbs and sayings express general judgments that can be applied to any PERSON. These sentences use the same forms as in definite personal and indefinite personal sentences.

A bottomless barrel of water will not fill... Smart head revered from a young age. After business for advice don't go... What kind of birds will not see in the spring forest!

Notice the last example: it provides a broad generalization that addresses everyone's experience. There is no aphorism inherent in popular expressions.

The most numerous and common type of one-part sentences are impersonal sentences. The predicate denotes an unconscious state or process that occurs without the participation of the PERSON at all. No subject can be substituted!

The predicate has the forms of an impersonal verb, a personal verb in an impersonal meaning, a state category, a short neuter participle, a negative word or an infinitive.

Pulled evening coolness. Three weeks later It happened me to pass by this backwater. Over your offer worth considering... Has become It's difficult to breathe in the thick of the downpour. Not drunk to the heart of spring water, not bought for future use of wedding rings. I have No rulers and compasses. Stand in place!

The first sentence contains a description of the state of the environment, the second, third and fourth have an indication of an unmotivated action and a person's state. The result of something accomplished is the predicate form in the fifth sentence. The word NO conveys negation. Finally, the infinitive verb expresses the inevitability of some action.

Use examples of one-piece training sentences.

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1. What is the difference between one-part and two-part sentences?
In a two-part sentence there is both a subject and a predicate, that is, the grammatical base consists of two different main members; in a one-part sentence, there is only one main member, which takes on part of the functions of both main members of a two-part sentence. Example: Evening has come. - a two-part sentence: evening - subject, come - predicate.
I walk along the alley. - one-piece proposal; the main term "I am going" is a verb of the present tense, it can be seen from it that the action is performed by the speaker ("I").

2. What are the types of one-part sentences.
Names: Evening. Silence. Quiet evening.
Definitely Personal: Go get some bread. I love the storm in early May.
Vaguely Personal: There was a knock on the door. A stadium is being built opposite.
Impersonal: It's cold. Day is breaking.
Generalized personal: Chickens are counted in the fall.

3. Tell about one-part nominative sentences.
One-part sentences are often found in our speech. A group of names stands out among them. They differ in that they seem to lack the predicate. However, it appears, one has only to transfer the action to the past or future. Example: Winter. (present) It was winter. (past tense)
One-part nominative sentences are often used at the beginning of a text to describe a place or time in which an action takes place. But they can also be an independent means of expressiveness, as, for example, in A. Blok's poem "Night, street, lamp, pharmacy ..."

4. List the types of one-part sentences in which the main term can be expressed by a verb.
The verb can express the main term in

  • Definitely personal sentence - 1 or 2 person singular or plural or imperative mood ("I love a thunderstorm in early May ...");
  • Indefinite-personal sentence - 3rd person plural or past tense ("In the house they are again making noise and having fun");
  • In an impersonal sentence - an impersonal verb or an impersonal form of an ordinary verb (I like to walk in the park ");
  • Generalized personal proposal - all these options in a generalized sense ("Semenro does not expect one").
5. How do definite personal, indefinitely personal and impersonal sentences differ in meaning?
In a definite personal sentence according to the form of the verb, it is clear who performs or will perform the action named by the predicate: "I am walking along the shore once." - it is clear that I am going.
In the vaguely personal, it is not clear who is doing or performing the action: "There is a knock on the door." - who knocks? It is not even known, one or more people.
In an impersonal sentence, there is not and cannot be a subject, since the action happens as if by itself: "The patient is shivering." - but no one makes him shiver, it happens by itself.

6. In what forms of verbs is the main member expressed in definitively personal and indefinitely personal sentences?
In definitively personal sentences, the main term can be expressed by a 1 or 2 person singular or plural verb of the present or future indicative mood or an imperative mood: "You walk along the path and think about life." "Tell me a story!"
In indefinite personal sentences, the predicate can be expressed by the 3rd person plural verb or by the past tense: "The fur coat has already been bought."

7. What one-piece sentence is usually used at the beginning of artistic descriptions (to indicate the place and time)? Give examples.
Most often, nominative sentences are used for this purpose. For example, in a poem by Anna Akhmatova:

Twenty first. Night. Monday.
Outlines of the capital in the darkness.
Some bummer has invented
That there is love on earth.

8. What one-piece sentences can be used to describe the state of nature, the state of man and to characterize his environment?
When describing the state of nature or the state of a person, impersonal sentences are usually used: "It's good in the forest!" "It's getting dark." "The patient is in a fever."

9. Imagine that the student is unable to distinguish definite personal sentences from vaguely personal ones. How would you explain to him how they differ?
Definitely personal and indefinitely personal sentences can be distinguished by the form of the verb in the predicate position (definitely personal: 1 or 2 person, indefinitely personal - 3 person) or by meaning. In a definite personal sentence, it is clear who is performing the action: the speaker himself ("I'll go to the rink today") or his interlocutor ("Go to the rink!"). In the vaguely personal, it is not clear who is performing the action ("They are sawing wood outside the window" - who is sawing?)

In terms of syntax, a sentence is one of the basic units of a language. It is characterized by semantic and intonational completeness and necessarily has a grammatical basis. In Russian, the predicative stem can consist of one or two main members.

The concept of one-part sentences

The types of one-part sentences with examples serve as a visual illustration of the theoretical material in the "Syntax" section of the Russian language.

Syntactic constructions with a stem consisting of a subject and a predicate are called two-part. For example: I do not like a fatal outcome(V.S. Vysotsky).

Sentences based on only one of the main members are called one-part sentences. Such phrases have a complete meaning and do not need a second main term. It so happens that its presence is simply impossible (in impersonal sentences). In works of fiction, one-piece sentences are very often used, examples from literature: I melt window glass with my forehead(V.V. Mayakovsky). There is no subject here, but it is easy to reconstruct it: "I". A little darkened(K.K. Sluchevsky). This sentence does not and cannot have a subject.

In colloquial speech, simple one-part sentences are quite common. Examples of their use prove this: - Where are we going? - To the cinema.

One-part sentences are divided into types:

1. Nominal (with a stem from a subject).

2. With a predicate at the base:

  • personal;
  • impersonal.
  • But they called all three daughters witches(V.S. Vysotsky) (predicate - the verb of the past, plural, pronounced nakl.).
  • And let them talk, let them talk, but no, no one dies in vain(V.S. Vysotsky) (in the role of the predicate - the verb in the present tense, in the 3rd l. And plural).
  • They would give me a plot of six acres not far from the car factory(Sholokhov) (verb-predicate in the subjunctive plural).

Features of generalized personal proposals

Some linguists (V.V. Babaitseva, A.A. the forms of expression of the predicates in them are identical to the definite and indefinitely personal and differ only in the semantic load. In them, the predicate has a generalized meaning. Such constructions are most often used in proverbs and sayings: If you love the tops, love the roots. Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends. Once he lied - he became a liar forever.

When studying the topic "One-Piece Personal Proposal", examples are of great importance, because they visually help to determine the type of syntactic construction with one of the main members and to distinguish them.

Impersonal offer

One-piece impersonal sentence (example: It gets dark early. It makes a noise in my head.) differs from the personal in that it does not and cannot have a subject.

The predicate can be expressed in different ways:

  • An impersonal verb: It was getting dark. I'm sick.
  • A personal verb that has passed into an impersonal form: It hurts in my side. There was a rumble in the distance. You are lucky! I can not sleep.
  • Predicative adverb (category of state or impersonal-predicative words): It was very quiet(I.A. Bunin). It's stuffy. Dreary.
  • Infinitive: Don't bend over to the changing world(A.V. Makarevich).
  • The negative word “no” and the negative particle “neither”: The sky is clear. You have no conscience!

Types of predicate

In one-part sentences

In Russian linguistics, the predicate is represented by three types:

  1. Simple verb. Expressed in one verb in any form.
  2. Compound verb. Consists of a linking verb and an infinitive.
  3. Composite nominal. It contains a linking verb and a nominal part, which can be expressed by an adjective, noun, participle or adverb.

In one-part sentences, all of the indicated

Chilly(one-part impersonal sentence). An example of a predicate with an omitted verb link in the present tense, but which appears in the past tense: It was cold. The nominative part is expressed

In a definitely personal proposal: Let's join hands, friends(B.Sh. Okudzhava) -predictable simple verb.

In a vaguely personal sentence: I don't want to listen to any of you(O. Ermachenkova) - predicate - personal verb + infinitive.

Nominal one-part sentences are examples of a compound nominal predicate with a zero verb link in the present tense. Indicative particles are often placed next to the nominative: Here is your ticket, here is your carriage(V.S. Vysotsky). If nominative sentences are presented in the past tense, then they are transformed into two-part sentences. Compare: There was your ticket, there was your carriage.

One-piece and incomplete sentences

Incomplete two-part sentences should be distinguished from one-part sentences. In one-part, in the absence of one of the main members, the meaning of the sentence does not change. In incomplete sentences, any member of the sentence can be omitted, and the meaning may not be clear outside the context: Opposite is a table. Or: Today.

In some cases, it is difficult to distinguish between definite personal sentences and two-part incomplete ones. First of all, this applies to predicates expressed by a verb in the form of the past tense. For example: I thought - and began to eat(A.S. Pushkin). Without the main context, it is impossible to determine whether a verb is used in the 1st or 3rd person. In order not to be mistaken, it is important to understand: in the form of the past tense, the face of the verb is not defined, which means it is a two-part incomplete sentence.

Differences between an incomplete two-part sentence and a noun phrase are especially difficult, for example: Night. Frosty night. and Night in the village. To avoid difficulties, it is important to understand: a circumstance is a secondary term related to the predicate. Therefore, the proposal " Night in the village "- two-part incomplete with a compound nominal predicate, in which the verb part is omitted. Compare: Night fell in the village. Frosty night. This is a nominative proposal because the definition is consistent with the subject, therefore, the adjective "frosty" characterizes the main term "night".

When studying the syntax, it is important to perform training exercises in, and for this it is necessary to analyze the types of one-part sentences with examples.

The role of one-part sentences in language

In writing and speaking, one-piece sentences play an essential role. Such syntactic constructions in a laconic and capacious form make it possible to formulate a thought brightly and colorfully, help to present images or objects. They give dynamism and emotionality to statements, allow you to focus on the necessary objects or subjects. By using one-part sentences, you can avoid unjustified pronouns.

The concept of one-part sentences. All simple sentences, according to the nature of the grammatical basis, in Russian are divided into two types: two-part and one-part. Unlike two-part sentences, single-part sentences have only one main term. Moreover, the absence of the second member of the sentence does not interfere with conveying a logically complete thought in a one-part sentence.

For example: Early Spring. Flowers are planted in the flower beds. Everything darkens later.

In one-part sentences, the main member can act as a subject and predicate. Depending on whether the subject or the predicate is in the sentence, sentences are called nominal or verb, respectively. A distinctive feature of single-component verbal sentences is that they are subjectless. A one-piece verb sentence includes a conjugated verb that acts as a linking verb.

Differences between one-part and incomplete sentences

In the definition of a one-part sentence, one should know their main difference from incomplete sentences, which also have only one main member. For example:

1) Plum trees are planted in the gardens.
2) What do gardeners do in the fall? - Plum trees are planted in the gardens.

In the first case, we see that an established action takes place, who performs it is not important in the sentence. In the second case, the sentence indicates an action that certain gardening subjects perform. The subject gardeners is missing from the proposal, but it can be easily reconstructed using the previous proposal. This means that the second sentence belongs to the category of two-part incomplete, and the first one - one-part.

Groups of one-part sentences. According to the way of expression and the meaning of the main member, one-part sentences are divided into the following groups:
1. Definitely personal. I love the winter forest. I contemplate the stormy sea.
2. Vaguely personal. A new store is being built in the village. They sing songs on the outskirts.
3. Impersonal. Day is breaking. It gets dark. I would sleep well. I'm cold.
4. Designations. Summer. Here comes the heat.
5. Generally personal. You never know where you will find your true happiness.

In one-part sentences with a verb predicate, only action is expressed, there is no doer. In impersonal one-part sentences, the person who performs the action is not provided at all. It is important not to forget that in sentences like I am cold, “me” is a person who only experiences the state, but does not create it in any way, and cannot act as the subject. In generalized personal sentences, the main term indicates an action performed by a wide, indefinite range of subjects.

A one-part sentence, the main member of which is a predicate and which is represented by only one word, is called a nominal sentence.

For example: Morning. Freezing. Night.

It is a logical system with which schoolchildren in Russia become closely acquainted starting from the 8th grade.

Parsing includes full description of the offer:

  • by the purpose of the statement (narration, question or urge);
  • by intonation (exclamation, non-exclamation);
  • by composition (how many parts it consists of: simple, complex);
  • by the type of grammatical basis (how many main members in the basis - one or both: two-part, one-part);
  • by the presence of minor members (common, non-widespread);
  • by the presence of complicating structures (complicated, uncomplicated).

So, by the type of grammatical basis all syntactic constructions fall into two categories, which, according to all the main programs established by state standards, are studied in grade 8:

  1. Two-part (the sentence has a subject and a predicate). Example: A magpie flew into the forest. (The subject magpie, predicate flew away)
  2. One-part (there is no subject or predicate in the syntactic construction, however, the absence of the main member of the sentence does not affect the completeness of the meaning of the construction). Example: I was given an apple. (Predicate gave, subject is not formally expressed).

Types of one-part sentences

In turn, all one-piece sentences fall into two categories:

  1. Nominative (nominative). The grammatical basis of this kind of syntactic constructions consists of only one main member - the subject. Example: Frost and sun! It's a wonderful day! (A.S. Pushkin).
  2. Predictable. The grammatical basis of such constructions consists of one predicate. Depending on the grammatical meaning and form of the main member, predicate sentences are divided into several groups, which can be presented in the following table:

In addition, some scholars-philologists single out another group of one-piece constructions in which only the predicate is formally expressed - infinitive sentences... The predicate in the sentences of this group is expressed in an independent indefinite form of the verb and denotes a necessary or desirable action (in terms of grammatical meaning, such an infinitive is close to the imperative mood of the verb).

Example:We need to finish the job. However, pupils of grades 8-11 should only take this remark into account, since the school curriculum does not imply the study of infinitive constructions as a separate category and includes them in the group of impersonal ones.

One-piece definite personal constructions: meaning and structure

One-piece definite personal sentences reflect the statements of the direct participants in the conversation or the thoughts of the subject. They are used when the most important thing in the design is the action, and not the one who performs it. These sentences are close in meaning to two-part ones, since the subject, although not formally expressed, is conjectured unambiguously. Nevertheless, one-piece constructions are more concise. Their use gives dynamics and energy to the statement. How do you learn to recognize such constructions?

Definitely personal sentences can be simple - have a single grammatical basis - or be part of complex ones. Example: I know, you will go out in the evening beyond the ring of roads, we will sit in fresh heaps under a nearby haystack. (S. A. Yesenin)(There are three grammatical foundations in this complex sentence: 1) “I know”, 2) “You’ll get out”, 3) “Let's sit down”. All three parts are one-piece constructions with the formal expression of only the predicate. In all parts of the predicate form, the possible subjects are precisely determined. Consequently, all three sentences in a complex are one-part, definitely personal).

Most often one-piece definite-personal designs are common- in addition to the main ones, there are also minor members in their structure. Example: Am I driving along a dark street at night ... ( Predictable - "food". I am going (when?) - at night (circumstance of time). I am driving (where?) - along the street (the circumstance of the place). Down the street (which one?) - dark (agreed definition)).

One-piece definite-personal constructs: formal expression

To be able to distinguish definite personal sentences from other types of one-piece syntactic constructions, 8th grade students should be guided by the following rule. The grammatical base does not have a pronounced subject, but it is implied in its exact form (in other words, one of the words can be substituted for the predicate: "I", "we", "you", "you").

Predicate expressed by a verb, always stands in the indicative or imperative mood, present or future tense, in 1 or 2 person, in any number. Attention: the main member of a sentence in a definite personal construction can never stand in the past tense, since such a form can imply different subjects.

Definitely personal suggestions: examples

Definitely personal proposals are often found in Russian literature. They are especially widely used in poetic forms, since in order to maintain the rhythm and size of the work, the author must choose the most capacious constructions that require fewer words without losing the main idea of ​​the work. Often such syntactic constructions help the author to use many figures of speech: rhetorical addresses and exclamations, parallelisms, rows of homogeneous members.

It is necessary to bring a few examples with definitely personal suggestions, since theoretical knowledge, supported by practical elements, is memorized much faster.

The selected constructions relate to different styles of speech: several examples are taken from the texts of fiction, the rest are from everyday speech situations (colloquial style). This suggests that one-component definite personal sentences are widespread not only in fiction, but also in everyday communication, official papers, since they give the statement an intonation of confidence, create the impression of a conversation, and also help convey the state of mind of the author. The universality of such constructions is obvious, which means that the study and understanding of them is necessary for an educated person.