How to create a second page "in contact"? How to register two pages? How to create a new page in the VC.

How to create a second page
How to create a second page "in contact"? How to register two pages? How to create a new page in the VC.

Since 2012, the registration of new accounts on the social network VKontakte is impossible without activation by the mobile number. Such a decision on the part of the social network was made in connection with the increase in the number of automatic bots. Thus, it served how to work out business to many SMM specialists who used new accounts to promote groups and pages. But not everything is so bad as it was possible to solve. It turns out that there is an effective way to create a page without using the phone number!

Purely technical number is still needed - such are the rules of the social network. But why use your number when you can do without it?

The standard method, of course, will not be agreed. Although finding SIM cards in free access is fairly easy, it will require additional investments. In this connection, it was invented where more than a sophisticated option to get a lacquer account.

The method of which will be discussed below does not violate the existing Rules of VKontakte. There is no need to bypass the current functionality of the social network or try to harm other users. Such registration involves authorization through Facebook.

Register a new page via Facebook

As it is easy to guess, for the implementation of the conceived, the presence of a page on another popular resource is necessary, that is, on Facebook.

Here are quite pitched stones with which they will have to face registration. We will have to use real mail and number to get a page on Facebook, but all the works will be only rewarded. But first things first.

So, everything starts with the registration of the account in the American social network. Many have it, others could register "wrong" and this account will not suit. Now let's get to the details.

Taking into account all the nuances of registration on Facebook, we can say that this process does not take much time. Here, as in VC, during the receipt of a new account you need to take care of the presence of a free phone number. We assume that you do not have a similar SIM card. For this reason, it is necessary to immediately go to the consideration of the TextNow resource. It provides free calls over the Internet. Here you can get a free room. Go to the corresponding site and find the "Sign Up Free" button, which is located on the right side.

The resource is notable to the fact that it is even asking for real user data, it is not necessary to introduce them. The reason lies in the fact that there is no verification of the information received through confirmation of email confirmation. Simply put, you can create countless accounts. It should not be completely underestimated by the resource, so enter the data that is able to resemble real. After all fields are filled, click "Sign Up".

After downloading the next page, we will be asked to enter the code of the region where you live. Enough to write 305. It is directly related to the United States. Click "Continue".

Next will be notified of the successful creation of a new account. Now you have a mobile phone number you want to copy, because it will be needed to register an account on Facebook. Link with the site is better left open. * In the new tab, go to and create a new account. The best solution will use the real name and surname, otherwise the system will not accept a new request. In the diagram with the phone number, copy the ready-made data obtained on TextNow. Do not forget to put at first +1. Specify the date of birth, click "Create Account".

Returning back to the site with the received number. There must fly messages with the number to confirm the registration on Facebook. Copy the combination of five numbers.

There is a notification of registration, and the offer should find friends. Lower this moment for later.

Registration in VKontakte via Facebook involves importing data from one system to another. Thus, we need to confirm the newly minted account using email.

The correct solution will use a pure e-mail address or one that has not previously been used to authorize in VC. Create a new mailbox can be on any suitable resource. In the example, an option with a patron VK, Mail.Ru will be considered.

We go to the main page of the resource and find the "Registration in the post office" button.

It is necessary to fill out all the available fields, including to poke the item "I do not have a mobile phone" and finish the started with "Register".

A trap will appear, which must be entered in the field located nearby.

It remains to bind a newly formed mailbox to the Facebook system. To do this, you will need to visit the settings located in the upper right corner of the site.

We find the "General" tab, Count "Contact Information", make changes with "Edit". We are celebrated in the "Add Other EL. address…".

We enter a registered mailbox back mailbox.

Confirm the changes using a password from the social network.

Open mail and confirm the changes made. The email address becomes part of the Facebook account.

At this point, the preparation of the page for subsequent imports in VK. There is also a problem with which you need to be considered. The full version of the site does not miss to register accounts, whose mobile number belongs to the services of free telephony. Most likely, a similar scheme was disclosed and now there are a number of restrictions.

The output from the current situation is unexpected - it is necessary to use the mobile version of the network located at It remains for small.

The risk to scream for this ban albeit is present, but it is insignificant. It is important that the blocking does not add to the mobile version of the site, otherwise it will be impossible to register this way.


Using leisurely consecutive actions, it is possible to get a new account for only 5-7 minutes. This applies to the registration of the phone, a new page and subsequent mergers between the email address and data from one social network on the other.

Using such a simple method, you can create over 100 new users per day, and then start their promotion with the help of related services or free software.

We need such accounts first for promoting pages, groups and public. And to get benefits from them just register on one of the stock exchanges.

An ordinary user to communicate with friends is enough one page in any social network. But to promote own goods or services of one profile will be little. What if you use one SIM card? How to create a second page in VK for one number? Are there any such ways?

Just a couple of years ago, the social network profiles were recorded on an email address. But the administration of the VC made mandatory identification by number. For most users, the innovation did not create any difficulties. But administrators and moderators of groups, SMM managers and people who have turned VC from the site to communicate to the main place of money, had to face many problems. Bots - profiles of non-existent people. They are used to send invitations to groups, add to friends. Bots are often bath. Sometimes it is impossible to restore the page after blocking. Previously, the "fallen fighter" quickly replaced a pair-three new ones. But when the process of creating a second page sharply complicated, I had to spend time to search for ways to bypass the system.

Owners of old pages whose registration falls for 2010-2011 was lucky. Five years ago, the questionnaires were tied only to email. If your basic profile was created in those years, then break the head, how to make a second page in contact, do not have to.

Just register by the usual scheme, tightening the account to the acting phone number.

Of course, do not forget to specify the present name, the name. In this case, the new page will be easily restored after hacking. Enough to contact the administration and provide photos of your real-time documents.

But so lucky not everyone. Many have already managed to score the main number in the system. Are you one of them? Do not despair. Let us try to deceive the social network algorithms. How to start another second profile? Need a page tied to the telephone. As we found out, you already have it. Action plan:

  1. Come in the profile settings.
  2. Change the first or last digit in the specified phone number.
  3. Save settings.
  4. Register the second account on the old phone number.

The option of registration of two pages of VK on 1 number is not always running. Someone from users is lucky, and there is no one. What if you are not lucky? Read on!

How to create a second page in VK without a phone number?

We will have to install a specialized application to significantly expand the social network functions. For example, read other people's posts, one click unsubscribe from dozens of publics and, of course, register 2 pages for 1 number.

After installing the application, you must complete the authorization and select the "Create a New Profile" function. A familiar registration page with forms for filling will appear on the screen. Come up with password, login, enter the required information. The final stage is the entry of the phone number.

The program is bypassing the VC algorithms, allowing you to bind a second account to the number that you have already used to register early.

Part of the applications to create the second page in the VC without a phone number is actually a conventional virus. His main goal is to steal the data from your work accounts. Before using a similar program, make sure that it is really working. Read user feedback on the network.

You already know two ways as one number to register two VKontakte pages. None of them gives 100% guarantees for success. Want to protect the second profile in the social network from hacking, blocking and restore on occasion? Exit only one.

One phone number - one social network profile

In connection with the advent of thousands of fake pages, the VK administration tightened the conditions for using the social network. By registering an account on a non-existent number, you risk losing it at the first blocking. For example, for sending invitations to your group. Is it possible to create two pages of VK for one number? Can. Is it worth investing in the promotion of the bot whose life will be short? Decide yourself. New SIM card is worth a penny.

So that the number is not blocked, it is enough to replenish it to a minimum amount and make a couple of outgoing calls per month.

Having real phone numbers in the hands of you in a few minutes you can create so many working profiles VK, how much you need, using your real name, surname and photo. If they are subject to blocking, you can always restore them by contacting the administration, and then use the troubled customer database!

Everyone wants to become popular, especially at a young age. Dreams to be an universal object, get a lot of letters from fans. Being for thousands of people. VKontakte users also apply to this number. Now there are many ways how to make a page popular. Those who want fame, popularity can achieve it with the help of social networks. Here can get fans even an ordinary girl or boyfriend.

How to make a personal page vkontakte popular for free

  1. First you need to correctly fill out a personal page. Information is the most important thing. Your subscribers will judge you on it. Therefore, you need to tell about yourself all the most interesting.
    Do not write something banal. And tell us about your life, hobbies, preferences, the best features. The audience can only be attracted by sincere.
  2. It is necessary to put on its own photo. To the same, the photo should be interesting, this is the main key to success.
  3. You do not need to bother people with the same type of photos. Look at the pages of famous bloggers. What attracts you there? Try to make unusual, beautiful photos.
  4. You can spend direct air VKontakte. Talk to your fans, answer questions you are interested in, be helpful.
  5. Do not forget to be active. Write about life stories, facts, informative articles.
    Find out what's interesting to the audience. Communicate with them with questions.
    After all, every person likes attention.

The most important thing is that you need to remember: Be active and attractive, interest and interest.

Pick up an effective way for you, go to the goal without stopping. You can achieve anything, the main desire. But, choosing a way, you need to decide: you want, what would be respected and loved for your skills, achievements, goals. Or you want just fame, a huge number of comments, messages.

Registration in contact is simple, however, until recently, create your own page, it was possible only at the invitation of friends. Now, you can register in contact for free, right now, because the administration of the social network eliminated this obstacle.

How to register in contact - Instant registration

To register Vkontakte, we turn to the main page of the official website of this social network: (Follow the link, or, copy and paste into the search string).

Start registration of VKontakte ru

You will see on the right, the window " First VKontakte?"(Instant registration), for beginners. This window you need! Enter the name, surname, specify the date of birth and press the green button to continue registration.

Now you need to enter a mobile phone number on which the code will come to confirm registration. Nowadays, without compliance with security measures, do not do! Therefore, one page number can be registered only one page in contact.

After that, press the button: Get the code.

Enter the code obtained in the SMS and click "Send Code".

Another window will appear - the password. Here you need to come up with a good password so that no hacker can figure it out! When, a comment will appear strong password, it means everything is fine!

Now click on the site, and before you, your new page will open under the heading "Welcome"!

You will be asked to specify some more information about yourself, upload photos, find and import your friends from other social networks.

Attention! Touch the visitors who wanted to register in the VC very quickly! If you reached this part of the lesson - you already, registered! Now, you can go to your page at any time, login and password. Do not forget to write them! You can add the rest of the information gradually, with subsequent starts to the site.

Adding information to your VKontakte page

So, you decide to add information to your recently created VKontakte page. To do this, click on the little triangle in the upper right corner, next to your name.

A menu appears in which click Edit.

On the page that opens, on the right, find the section you want to edit. For example, I chose the Education section. In the window that appears, we will see 2 tabs: 1) secondary and additional education, 2) higher education.

Search classmates

To find classmates to you, and you, too, specify the school in which they studied. For this, first, from the list, select the country in which they studied, then the city. If there are no cities in the list, then enter its name.

The list of schools of your hometown will appear. Find your school. Then select the year of release. If you had several parallel classes, then specify the class (A, B, B).

Search for classmates

In order for you to find classmates, specify the university in which they studied.

To do this, select the Higher Education tab.

Choose a country and then the city in which we studied. A list of universities will open. Choose your university.

A list of faculties of your university will appear - select your faculty. Then the department.

Search for friends in other social networks

At this step, you can add friends from other popular social networks.

With subsequent starts, you can update information, change the page design, and, do not forget to periodically change the password from your account.

Video: Registration in contact and filling the questionnaire

In the video tutorial we show:

  • check-in VKontakte, filling up the questionnaire, free and fast,
  • how to add a photo by performing all the requirements for photos placed on the social network,
  • how to edit information about yourself
  • how to comply with security requirements for your profile not hacked.

Logging to your page in contact

Things apparent for experienced users of the computer are not always obvious to novice users. Therefore, I decided to show the entrance to my page in contact the next day, after registration.

Logging to your page in contact

Over the window of the instant registration that you filled out, you will see the contact window. Enter:

  • Login. This is the phone number specified during registration, in international format. It begins for Russia from 7, for Ukraine from 380, etc. Without gaps and hyphens. (+) At the beginning it is not necessary to install, but if you put it, it does not interfere with proper identification.
    You can, as a login, enter email specified during registration.
  • Password. You, I hope it, recorded it.
  • Press the logo button and you will open "My Page", that is, your personal page in contact.

Social project technical support called "VKontakte" is overflowing with applications on various issues. The most frequently asked can be considered: it is possible to register with several people from one computer. That is, the IP address in this case will be the same.

Naturally, one of the users this question will consider insignificant and uninteresting. From the multimillion audience of the Russian social network there are a decent number of users who with a computer on "you".
Guide "VKontakte" made a lot of effort to create more amenities for users, especially when registering. It is known that such a process is very easy. However, the more users are registered here, the stronger the need for assistance, explanation and tips to pass registration.

Consider problems that may appear in this social network user with the same IP address. At the beginning, it is necessary to tell in detail about what is in contact of several people with the same IP address. You can give the most common example: a big family bought only one computer. You begin to register in contact, after that your example follows Brother with a sister who do not have your own PC, but you have a guest with a certain periodicity.

In a large number of cases, employees of the support service are asked how to register a large family with a single PC. In this case, the emphasis on the fact that each user of the site should enter a personal profile, and not on someone else's.
Everything is very simple. Much depends on the technical features of the Internet browser used (a program that allows you to go online). Now a huge number of modern browsers differs among themselves only by several small features. In the memory of this software product, personal information of a particular user is always stored. Similar Internet browsers include Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, as well as Opera.

In the end, you can observe the situation when any of the browsers records your personal information with the login and password. When visiting the social network, this data is used automatically. It turns out that only the last browser user turns out to be on its own page.

In such a situation, the registration of a new user can be carried out according to a well-known scheme.

At the top of the screen there is a wide blue strip on which special tabs are placed (" people», « community», « games», « music», « help», « go out"). Here you will need to click on the last key " go out" In this case, you will leave your own page and find yourself on the VKontakte home page. To be called the start page will be ""The inscription" Welcome».

In the center of the page there is a registration form where you need to specify your name and surname. On the blue strip, the "Register" key is displayed, click on the key " Register"And answer questions.

To complete registration, you need to specify your mobile phone number, will come to it 4 -Matic confirmation code.

We introduce the received code into the form " confirmation code"And press the button" Send code" In the next SMS message you will receive a password to enter your account in contact, the login will be your phone number.

In this case, the number of registrations from one computer and the IP address does not matter. It can be concluded that a large number of users can register from one computer.