Learning in statenly draw girls with nice and air. How beautiful to draw a figure of a man's figure in full growth in a phased pencil for beginners and children? How to draw body, hands, feet of a man in clothes? How to draw a man girl in side

Learning in statenly draw girls with nice and air. How beautiful to draw a figure of a man's figure in full growth in a phased pencil for beginners and children? How to draw body, hands, feet of a man in clothes? How to draw a man girl in side

The proposed few simple ways with detailed examples and the recommended execution sequence will quickly learn to draw girls in dresses.

Phased sample drawing

To understand how to draw a beautiful girl in a dress, it is enough to disassemble at least one detailed example. The technique proposed below will allow you to quickly and simply draw a beautiful silhouette that then you can give new outlines and details.

Below is a sequence how to draw a girl in the dress in stages.

Stage 1.
It should be started with a schematic image of the poses and face of a person with simple lines.

Stage 2.
Small details of the face and hairstyle are being worked out. Refine clothes and shoes. Excess work lines can be deleted. The resulting image is complemented by the desired color.

Draw a pencil

A good example, how to draw a girl in a pencil dress, begins with a schematic, but surround image of the figure. Then running the parts from top to bottom, starting from the head. After the face and hairstyle should clarify the lines of the hands and the outfit, then the legs. At the end, if necessary, you can make the image clarity, more precisely draw elements. Shadows, folds and transitions are added already selected colors last.

Long and short dress

This sequence will allow you to learn how to draw a girl in a short dress and a long, using one base. To use it, you do not need to possess special skills and skills - it is for everyone.

The first thing is simple lines of man's pose. Based on this markup, the body, hairstyle, is depicted in more detail.

The billet on which the image of the outfit will be applied.

To portray an image with a short skirt, you need to do the same thing - to designate the contour of the desired outfit, remove unnecessary lines and clarify the entire drawing.

At the end it is possible, if you wish to paint, draw a face, or leave in the form of an outline, as in the example.

Ball gown

Explain how to draw a girl in a ballroom dress in this way, you can even a child. The main sketches are quite simple, and attaching a little fantasy you can diversify the drawing with new details, accessories and decorations.

Since the skirt of a long ballroom dress will close almost the entire figure, it is not necessary to depict it. For the base, the line of growth, head and upper body is sufficient.

First of all, the face is drawn.

Then a turn of clothing. Approve the shape of the upper part - the bull, sleeves and gloves - you can start up to the bottom. The final stage of the outline will be the study of folds, leafing of the lower skirt and slippers. After that, the finished image can be filled with color.

Wedding outfit

One way to draw a girl in a wedding dress is interesting to simple performance. So the bride is drawn, in a characteristic dress, with a bouquet.

The figure is first placed: the main parts of the body, the head, the position of the hands. After that, the contour of the silhouette is drawn.

At the end, work sketches are deleted, color is added to the finished image.

Russian folk dress

An interesting and detailed way how to draw a girl in the Russian folk dress is presented in the pictures below. It includes working out the ornament, clothes and jewelry characteristic of the traditional female suit.

In this clothes, the figure is hidden by a long skirt and lush sleeves. Therefore, it is recommended to start with the markup of the head and face. Small lines determines the location of the high headdress. At first, the face and kokoshnik should draw, as shown in the drawings.

The following contour indicates the pose of a person and an outline of the skirt. After that, you can proceed to the details of the traditional sundress. Top with an overwhelmed waist, lush sleeves, hem skirt - everywhere there is a small embroidery that gives the image of character. After drawing all these important elements, the finished drawing can be filled with color according to the selected manner.

We will draw a girl in a luxurious blue dress. Our lesson will consist of 9 step-by-step tips, with the help of which to draw a girl in the Baln Balnom dress will not be difficult.

So, proceed to drawing:

Stage 1: First, we need to determine the boundaries on which we will draw a dress and a girl. For this, we carry out several auxiliary curves here in this way:

Stage 2. Go to drawing directly the girl itself. We start drawing the contours of her face, in the figure below we increased the place of drawing to facilitate our task. We draw contours of the face with neat, smoothly curved, lines.

Stage 3. Now draw the face of our girl. All you need to draw at this stage is highlighted in blue. We need to draw the expressive eyes of the girl, her little spout and lips.

Stage 4. Sources Draw the knobs of our princess, one of her hands is elegantly raised up, the other hand is lowered down. Sweep your hands in the same way as they are depicted in the picture below

Stage 6. Now draw a magnificent dresses skirt without going beyond the borders of the auxiliary frame, which is drawn in the figure below in red

Stage 7. Drag some small decorative elements on the dresses skirt by our girl as follows:

Stage 8. Something clearly lacks our girlfriend ... Of course, we draw them as shown in the figure below. If it turns out not quite because in the picture, nothing terrible, you can draw your hair in your own way (longer or shorter)

Stage 9. Figure Girl in Baln Dress ready. Decrade our drawing in bright colors, and we look at what we did:

Related drawing lessons:

Today we will talk about how to draw a girl in a dress, using as a basis, as any other direction of painting, has its own characteristics and exceptions. Recently, many are fond of this subculture. And many are asked about how to draw anime girl, because by the part of work seems very heavy. We will try to open the curtain that hides the secrets of this type of art. So, enough to reflect on how to draw a girl in a dress, let's get on the point!

Step 1. First, we plan a basic sketch. How to draw a girl in a dress easier? As a basis, we take the concrete position of the female silhouette: the hands behind the back, and the leg socks look inside. Create an appropriate form, draw the main circle for the head, while trying not to make it too big or, on the contrary, small. Then in the same width we apply two small circumference for the shoulders on paper and refer to the bridge between them. Testing the body of the shape, skirt and legs-sticks that look out from under it.

Step 2. Determine the position of the head. Add a chin lines to the main circle, then several curves of lines crossing the future face to make the image realistic.

Step 3. Using guide lines, draw the outer part of the eyes, the nose (although it is possible, you will still have to redo it), smile. We plan a mouth line (it should be slightly overpriced, because the girl's mouth will be slightly ajar).

Step 4. Now create circles of the iris eye. Take a small hollyk to designate the mouth and draw a language. Also apply two lines over your eyes.

Step 6. Now we can erase the initial and guide lines of the head. After all, a person who knows how to draw a girl in a dress, aware of the inadmissibility of "draft" on the finished figure.

Step 7. All major lines should be as clear as possible, so we carry them into a bright handle or soft pencil. Next, draw the sleeves of the dress, not hurt head lines. We start with circles for the shoulders, indicate the waist line and the length of the dress.

Step 8. Before we turn to the bottom, let's finish working with the top of the body. We draw several strands of hair looking out of the back. We apply on paper the neck line and the neck of the dress. Make sure that the outfit of the heroine looks maximum volume.

Step 9. Before starting drawing the bottom of the dress, you must know where to direct the folds of the folds. Each of them must be continuous.

Step 10. Pictulate folds is the easiest way - only taking a pencil from the entire length of the dress, while not expressing a large pressure.

Step 11. Before we finish drawing the bottom of the dress, you need to portray your feet and feet.

Not to all of us the Almighty gives the talent of the artist, but sometimes, probably, everyone wants to take a pencil into the hands and draw something unusual and beautiful. Often we do it at the request of our children: Little fantasies will be able to persuade anyone, even the most fundamental person to become an artist.

Today we will look at how to draw a girl in a dress. How to do this if there is no big artistic talent?

What is the basis of the picture?

There are several ways to draw a girl in a dress. To begin with, prepare an album, one simple and box of color pencils.

Include your fantasy at full power. At this point you can safely experiment, and the more you will do it, the more unusual your drawing will turn out.

Draw a beautiful girl in a dress

In order to draw a beautiful girl in a dress, it is also necessary to prepare a sheet of paper, pencil, erase erase and circula. Now proceed to the very moment of drawing.

That's all, the whole drawing is practically complete. Now you can add any elements of jewelry in the outfit, and your work will have a finished look.

Phased drawing

Consider gradually how to draw a dress for a girl and the figure itself.

Drawing Girls in Dress - Video

How to start a drawing from the dress?

Each method of drawing is different from the others with its own stages. One easier to start the image of a girl with the details of her shape, from the shoulders or head, and some prefer to draw a dress first. Above we disassembled options, how to draw a girl from head and body, now consider the second option.

To begin with, we will prepare everything that has been listed above. Next, we will try to draw a dress itself. Start better from the skirt, or rather the bottom of the dress. Then start trying the top of the outfit, leaning on the selected Staja. After the dress is ready, proceed to the drawing of the head, legs and hands.

Thus, we will be able to first choose the style of the dress itself, and then draw all other parts of the body. So it's easier to create a whole image of beauties.

You can use various items as decorations to the dress. So, for example, a small bow on a ballroom dress or beautiful beads on the evening dress will look great. You can also add various decorations in the hair. Drawing a beautiful hairpin or rim in the shape of a crown, you will make a queen from this girl.

You can draw shapes in various options for clothing. So, many like it when the girl in a ball dress is depicted in the picture. You can make such an outfit so unusual and wonderful that the drawing will be able to hit any beauty and uniqueness.

Try times over again!

Many options for such drawings can be made with your own hands. No need to visit special drawing courses, everything can be learn at home. If something is not turned out the first time, do not worry and try to draw again. After a short period of time, you can easily draw any girlfriend or a girl for a very short time.

Use various styles in drawing, do not need to be afraid that you will not succeed. Just take a pencil and start drawing. In case something will not be obtained, there is a faithful friend - this is an erase erase.

Dare and draw, sometimes we are so lacking in the life of a fairy tale, and on paper create such beauty easily. Thus, you can surprise and please your child if the drawing is done for him, and you yourself will get excellent experience in drawing, which can come in handy in life.

There is nothing better than the work that is done with your own hands. And if everything happens, you should not stop there. Experiment and leave your interesting fantasies on paper.

Drawing a figure of a person is one of the main sectors of fine art. Already creating the first drawings, any kid is trying to portray a person, for example, his mother, his dad, brother, or grandmother. Of course, not immediately children can succeed in the image of people. As a rule, the first figures of a person, made by kids, are distinguished by primitiveness, schematics and monotony. Experts explain this by the fact that young children have not yet accumulated a sufficient number of vital observations of the movements and the proportions of the figure of the person.
In general, a person is the most difficult object for drawing. Therefore, you should not wait from the child that he immediately draws a masterpiece. Parents should help the baby, and then he will surely enthrall drawing and learns more or less realistic to portray the human figure.
So, for drawing a person will be needed:
one). Colour pencils;
2). Gel handle (black is better fit);
3). Pencil;
five). Eraser;
6). Paper having a fairly smooth surface.

If everything is prepared, you can proceed to work:
1. First, depict a small oval;
2. To oval, draw a straight line;
3. Slightly below the head. Draw a bell, depicting the dress;
4. Under the bell tip schematically draw both legs;
5. Thin lines depict hands;
6. Draw your hands;
7. On the head of the girl, draw a handkerchief;
8. Instruct the bangs. Then depict your eyes, nose and mouth;
9. Draw a girl's outfit in more detail, as well as depicting the flowers it collects;
10. Circle all the contours of the handle;