What does it mean to be a patriot? Writing: I am a patriot of my country what it means to be a real patriot of my homeland.

What does it mean to be a patriot? Writing: I am a patriot of my country what it means to be a real patriot of my homeland.
What does it mean to be a patriot? Writing: I am a patriot of my country what it means to be a real patriot of my homeland.

Poltinin D., Chalatov M.:

What does it mean to be a patriot today?

Being a patriot means being the owner of your country, not a guest. In case of danger, it is necessary to protect it, carefully treat her gifts. Patriot in my understanding is a person who works and is socially active, builds his future, connecting him only with his subtraction. It will make much more than a person who is ready to defend the country's prestige. It is much more difficult than just to talk about love for a homeland look into the explanatory dictionary of Dala: "Patriot is the one who loves his fatherland is devoted to his people, ready for sacrifices and feats in the name of the interests of their homeland." Modern life is different from the preceding epochs with a frantic rhythm, individualism, the value of material goods. And at the same time, she leaves a place for a feat. Being a patriot or not depends on the person himself. Hero can be anyone who makes good deeds from a pure heart. After all, big heroism is born from small deeds. Being a patriot, in my opinion, it means "not to litter in the forest." Do not call the Russian Federation "this country". Hurt for your national team at the World Cup. Maintain our actions, not foreign politicians in conflict situations. And, of course, refrain from sophisticated swearing and sour sarcasm to our state. From my point of view, patriotism begins when you realize that for some reason you need this country, and not in the form of ruins and poverty, but in the form of a place of residence (as far as possible) your relatives, rhodations, acquaintances, people alone You have nationality, with common historical roots. When you realize that in this earth, your ancestors are processed and for which they fought, who fed them and who accepted them. And when you realize that you want to lie in the same Earth, you want this earth to feed and raise your descendants. It doesn't matter how you came to this - by logical awareness, which otherwise can not be, or exclusively emotionally (come once again in the favorite forest of mushrooms and seeing cutting down in the place of the forest). And when this feeling becomes unconscious when you are ready to take an automatic machine and go to protect your home, perfectly knowing the uselessness of this step and realizing that you have no chance to survive - you can talk about patriotism at this stage.

What does patriotism appear in today?

If we proceed from the generally accepted that patriotism is a love of homeland, then it is necessary to determine what is invested in the concept of "homeland". I believe that the Motherland is a place to the fate of which a person is experiencing a spiritual relationship. Motherland is native expanses and a fatherland. But this is more than a settlement or place of residence. First of all, the Motherland is people. Hence it becomes clear that heroism for the benefit of the Motherland is aimed at the benefit of people and, first of all, close. For the Russian man, the Motherland has always been holy and worship and defended it as a shrine. It is in such an understanding of the Motherland, in my opinion, takes his beginning patriotism. At the same time, patriotism is not just a love of homeland. This is a willingness to overcome any tests with the country (protect it from enemies, raise from the ruins, defend the honor and rights of the state in the world arena), respect for its history and traditions, the desire to serve the interests of the country (to benefit, take responsibility, Work for the benefit of the Motherland for yourself, loved ones, Russians ...). Patriotism implies not only a sense of pride for the country, but also the willingness to be with her in a difficult moment. I asked my friends: "What is patriotism and your heroes today." The answers were mainly reduced to the fact that patriotism is love for homeland. About 5% of respondents could not define the concept of "patriotism" at all. At the request of the list of famous heroes most often called the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. On the question of whether heroes in the twentieth century, many said they were not. The same who agreed with the statement that heroes still have, led only one or two surnames. The Great Military and Labor Past of our country knows a lot of heroes: sailors, panic, Suvorov, Nakhimov, Stakhanov, Sakharov, Zhukov, Kutuzov, Ushakov and many others. These people once glorified our country on the world stage. Their heroism is immortal. At the same time, we, the generation that grew up in the 21st century should be aware that modernity gives examples of the manifestation of patriotism. Who are they modern patriots and heroes? My list of heroes is great, name only some, whose exploits I especially remember. The unconditional heroes of modernity are officers and soldiers of the 6th round of the 2nd battalion of the 104th Guards Parachute Regiment of the 76th (Pskov) Division of the Airborne Forces, which February 29 - March 1, 2000 entered into battle with a significantly superior detachment of Chechen squad The militants led by Hattaba, under the argument in Chechnya, at an altitude of 776 - Lieutenant Colonel M. N. Evtyukhin, Major S. G. Young, Captain V. V. Romanov, Senior Lieutenant A. M. Kolgiatin, Lieutenant A. V. Vorobyov, Lieutenant D. S. Kozhemyakin, ordinary Alexander Sosconinsky, Andrei Porshnev and many others. Leonid Mikhailovich Roshal (born in 1933) - Soviet and Russian pediatrician and surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Public Actor, Director of the Moscow Research Institute of Emergency Children's Surgery and Traumatology, "Children's Doctor of Peace" (1996), Expert of the World Health Organization.

All participants in hostilities in Chechnya, the liquidators of the Chernobyl catastrophe, flood rescuers and many of many other people who save others do not regret their own lives.

Patriotism is a constant work of the mind and soul, love and respect for the elders.

Lekhanskaya d.:

There is no single measure for patriotism. For everyone - he is his own. Some say that patriotism means that we should rule only the same as we, our nationality (but is it always the best option?). Others believe that a person should rule, always gradually defending national interests (and you are sure that national, and not personal?). Personally, I am close to another approach. Patriotism is when you are not only the "soul" for the country, and when you realize that it is happening with the country, and do it even in the detriment of yourself and the current situation / generation, but in the interests of future generations. Moreover, "the interest of future generations" is also supporting the current youth, and concern for old men as the carriers of popular traditions, as about the connection of generations, as a moral person of society, and concern for natural resources, the economic, scientific and military potential of their country. Patriotism cannot be calculated by the number of performances for anything or the volume of the scream, as well as the number of returns from there. Patriotism can be measured exclusively to specific cases - how many plants you built how many people gave a job, in which volume you prevented the export of raw materials (wealth of generations) from the country and what part of these resources (as a measure of export prevention) you turned into high-tech products with high Added costs at the expense of technologies and labor of citizens, how much taxes you paid, how many talented fellow citizens you helped how much orphanages you supported and how many orphans you helped find a family, how many teenagers you gave the opportunity to go to study / work instead of "hanging through the streets" and attain For drugs, how much did you save from extinction and returned to the youth, how many wild animals live in the forest or the reserve from you or the reserve, how did you finance the national science, art, mass sport, how many streets in your city you helped make clean, illuminated, ... And love. ... Love the street, and not dirt on it, and if they love - then the effort will make Whatever she was clean and pleased with the eyes.

Mishin a.:

We all were born in one country, we live here, growing. We all learn the history of our country, we are proud of it. But the most wonderful is when our souls are filled with a special feeling of centuries and millennia - patriotism. What does patriotism manifest? He manifests itself: in love for his Fatherland, in pride in his people, in love for the culture of their people. In love for his small homeland, where he was born and spent the first years of his life; In the wishes of the prosperity of his homeland, in activities for the benefit of the Motherland, in readiness to protect and protect their country, respect for the state-to-defenders of the motherland, the heroic fets of their ancestors. Teach patriotism, as learning mathematics and physics, it is impossible. The feeling of the motherland is not to memorize the list of rules and regulations. This is the air that we breathe. The sun that we see. The house in which we live. The feeling of the motherland permeates all of our lives. Modern life with its frequency makes us think about your attitude to the Motherland - the saint itself, which is in humans. I live in Russia. The history of my Fatherland is rich in examples of great victories and glory, adversity and suffering. Smart and courageous people worked for the benefit and the benefits of my country. Their work brings the glory of Russia. This is my homeland. It is beautiful and immense. I am proud of my country, her past and present.

Doynikova Valery

Being a patriot is to work on your country, on their people in their interests, respectfully and carefully applies to history and their past.

It is impossible to be a patriot, not feeling a personal connection with the homeland, not knowing how our ancestors loved and burned, our fathers and grandfathers. And we have something to be proud! Recall the feat of the people in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945!



Writing: "What does it mean to be a patriot"?

Your ocean coast stormed

We checked us on the strength of the Ural

But with its multicolor polar shine,

The whole of Russia Yamal covered.

We will never give you

Here are relatives for us

The most important wealth of the Great Russia

Stay, Yamal, forever!

Time move constantly. One generation is replaced by another. Russia is experiencing a lot of events. Today, in pursuit of material benefits, people forget about patriotism, love to their homeland, about the revival of our society ..

Being a patriot is to work on your country, on their people in their interests, respectfully and carefully applies to history and their past.

It is impossible to be a patriot, not feeling a personal connection with the homeland, not knowing how our ancestors loved and burned, our fathers and grandfathers. And we have something to be proud! Recall the feat of the people in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945!

Historically, the love of the Motherland, patriotism at all times in the Russian state was a feature of a national character. But because of the last changes, the loss of traditional Russian patriotic consciousness became increasingly noticeable. Meshchansky-philistine concepts reflected in the saying: "My hut from the edge, I don't know anything."

The psychological and spiritual state of the Russians today is a constant anxiety about the prospects for their own life and life of their loved ones. The acute problems that are not allowed to freely sigh into a separate person, nor the middle Russian family, nor the region, nor the country as a whole. The Russians do not feel their hosts in their own country, they become in her strangers: in large cities, and in the villages forgotten and the village.

It is necessary that Russian citizens can live in their own country to study in their own country, to work in their own country, protect their country and be proud of their country.

What is "patriotism" and what person can be called a patriot? The answer to this question is quite complicated.

Patriotism - human Human Feeling, it is so multifaceted according to its content, which is not definable in several words. This is love for native and loved ones, and to a small homeland, and pride for their people, the desire to make concrete everyday affairs to improve the state of their homeland, its insertion and arrangement (from maintaining order, tidy and strengthening friendly relations with neighbors in their The apartment, the entrance, house, courtyard to the decent development of the whole city, the area, the edges, are fragile as a whole).

Patriotism - intimate feeling, not necessarily noticeable surrounding, located deep in the soul (subconscious). The patriotism does not judge the words, but on the affairs of every person. Patriot is not the one who calls himself like that, and the one who will honor others, but above all his compatriots

Patriotism - feelingindividual , Everyone is manifested in different ways, and everyone understands it in different ways, but everyone unites one preservation and strengthening of their homeland. In our time, the word "patriot" sometimes have to hear with a mock, with irony, that in itself loudshot of all transparencies calling for patriotism. Or a person, calling his shortcomings or dignity, most often can hear about what is honest, smart, but few characterize himself, calling himself a "patriot" ..........

I would like to add, honestly, before I did not even think about Tatriot did I? It turned out, we need to find out only one thing: what is the homeland for you and does it cause a thrill in the heart?

Russia, Rus - my great homeland!

There is such a song called "where the homeland begins ...". So, my homeland begins with Yamal, from the hometown, where my closest people live.

Here on the day five weather: sow, itifies, watering, sprinkles. Clear cloud - a cold shadow will cover the tundra. Behind it, the second - sprinkles with frequent rain. The third is trying alder ice. Fourth - snow falls asleep. Well, if the fifth pass passes - then again the sun and warm.

Beautiful tundra !!!

Brighter it is in summer. On the puddles of motley birds: white, black, redheads.

Bright colors on the bodies: blue, red, yellow. But best of all the tundra in the spring evening. Plain becomes dark, and all the huge sky over it is gold. Infinite silence. And time stopped.

In the north they live courageous, bold people. Sawing nature requires the person to be brave, decisive, strong. In the north, people are divorced by deer. Deer is a very useful animal. He replaces the man and the car, he gives him meat and warm wool. The reindeer herds graze a flock of deer far in Tundra, there animals find their favorite food - Moss Yagel.

In Yamal, people who are engaged in gas production are gas producers. They produce gas for the country, which needs people.

And our tundra is good.
Bushes are trembling Fur Rysim,
Snowflakes are knocked slowly,
Bright in the sun as if beads.

In nature, everything is rational and wonderful, you just need to learn how to see this beauty, be able to take care of it, save for future generations. Nature is great by itself, and at the same time how much she carries the gifts to people! Communication with nature brings extraordinary spiritual power. It is not by chance that the holy people went in the deaf place to communicate only with God and Nature.

Previously, I did not understand the words of the Motherland. When my mother said: "There would be wings, would fly to the homeland," I did not understand her. But three years ago we went to visit her hometown. And I saw my mother rejoices every bus, each tree, knows all the paths in the forest, because she was born here, her childhood was held here. I was happy for my mother. I realized what a homeland is!

I am proud that I live in Russia, among these forests and fields, I want tofuture generations received from us the same beauty of their native nature!

For this it is necessary infinitely love your land, carefully treat it, multiplying her wealth.

We all have to become better, cleaner, kinder.

Enough to hate and blame Russia for the fact that she cannot give their citizens what other states can give. The life of the whole people and each person can only be in finding pleasure. We are surrounded by a lot of homeless, hungry, unemployed, weak people.

Yes, we must become tolerant to each other, forgive free and involuntary errors. And then people will believe in the kind, they will be happy! Well, and happiness is when you are healthy and live your loved ones when your family lives in prosperous when you are sure of the future when you love and loved. For Russian citizens, these values \u200b\u200bhave always been and remain!


V.G. Belinsky

Cool hour on topic : "What does it mean to be a patriot today?"

The purpose of the classroom

    Education among students feeling patriotism,determine the role of patriotism in the lives of modern society.

Challenge challenge:


    To acquaint students with the concept of "patriotism", with the main features of the Patriot and his personality, with the role of patriotism in the future of the country.

    To form a positive moral assessment of such qualities as decency, honor, loyalty to debt.


    To shape the concepts and ideas associated with patriotism.

    Develop the volitional qualities of students, independence, the ability to overcome difficulties using problematic situations for this, creative tasks


    Education of conscious love for homeland, respect for the historical past of its history;

    Educating the culture of communication, develop communicative qualities.

Equipment : Computer, multimedia projector, multimedia presentation "Motherland this is

Form of : class hour

On the desk: " Patriotism, whose one would be proved in a word, but»

V.G. Belinsky

Patriot is a man, animate in patriotism, or a person who is dedicated to the interests of some business, a hot loving something. "

Dictionary S.I. Ozhegova

Classroom time


Greeting teacher:

Good afternoon, guys, dear guests.

I suggest you watch a video and think about the question:

What is the topic of our class hour?

(showing the video "Motherland it is - we")

I. .Introduction

The theme of patriotism is now burning and sick theme for our country. How to awaken in the child a sense of love for homeland? It is "awaken," because it is in every soul. It is impossible to make love the Fatherland. Love must be educated. It will not be an exaggeration to say that the "problem of patriotism" has become almost the most discussed in our country. For everything and the whole today internally interpret about falsepatriism, true patriots, to which they count themselves, trying to explain what it is and is expressed to their love for the Motherland. Especially fashionable becomes a win-win patriotic subject on the eve of the elections, which is understandable. Other's

conversations about patriotism cause only a curve smirk.

"What could be patriotism in the state, which is so drawn with his citizens?" - They say older people and with sigh remember those times when the birthplace and its achievements could really be proud of. The younger generation increasingly contemptuously calls her country "Rashka" and dreams of "dumping".

That was what was the goal of our class hour "What does it mean to be a patriot today?"

The purpose of our meeting is that you guys have aware of people proud worthy, I want to live in you pride for your country for yourself. Only proud, worthy of becoming a patriot of his country.
And for the beginning, let's understand in detail what the concept of patriotism and who is such a patriot?

The words of Vissarion Grigorievich are taken to the epigraph to the class hourBelinsky - Russian thinker, criticism, philosopher, writer

"Patriotism, whose one would be proved in a word, and the case"

V.G. Belinsky

I wrote out from the dictionary of Ozhegov that

"Patriotism - this isdevotion and love for their Fatherland, to their people. "

Patriot - A person, animated patriotism, or a person who is dedicated to the interests of some business, a hot loving something. "

II. . Information block

1. Respect for the past of your country.

"The history of the Russian people is unique, special, distinctive. With her millennia, our ancestors were created, they formed statehood, the lands were collected in the grains, the Russian thawed, increased the culture, the Russian character was evoke. What we got from past generations is mined by the work and blood of millions of people.

W. vaciation to the past is the indispensable composite respect for its contemporaries, to itself. An example of a selfless service of the homeland is for the younger generation our grandfathers and fathers, stood in a heavy battle with the enemy in the fields of the Great Patriotic, freedom and independence of the country. Someone from wise said: "Where the cultural and historical past of the country aroused by oblivion, the moral decomposition of the nation is invariably begins.

Do you need to spend the past today, respect it? Is it not more correct to build a new life without relying on the experience of our predecessors?

Output: At all times, people relied on the experience of their predecessors. Citizenhood lessons, patriotism should be started with a conversation about the historical past, without which it is impossible, neither the future.

People who are not indifferent to the fate of the country, the people, do not forget their history, to be ashamed of it, as you should not forget and be ashamed of your parents.

In the last election of mayors of cities, the elections came a little more than 20% of those who have the right to take part in the elections.

How can this be explained? How can you treat those who do not go to the elections if it is necessary to apply any sentence to them? Who walked to the polls?

Output: In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Part 2 of Article 32), citizens have the right to elect and be elected to state authorities and local governments. Thus, participation in the elections is the right, and not the obligation of a citizen.

We often do not understand that they are unspelled in the elections they provoke the creation of such a system in the country, which will not contribute to their prosperity and well-being. Therefore, participation in the voting is an active part in the life of your country, feeling it in an integral part.

3. Service in the army.

In Soviet times, it was very honorable to serve in her, and on the one who did not take some kind of stroke there. Now the prospect is to serve, even one year, does not cause much desire and even more so pleasure. Interested in the opinion of parents of future conscripts, sociologists heard very contradictory arguments "for" and "against" service in the army.

The main reasons for the reluctance to give their children to the army, in the opinion of the parents surveyed are:

    The army is a waste of time. "

    Scary for the life of children "" is not sure that this will be some kind of benefit for the Son and the country. "

    It's all about the current state of the army: when reforms will be held in it, then it is necessary to serve. "

    Santa in the army.

    There is one chaos. "

    I am ready to serve once again, if only he did not serve. "

And what opinions do you stick? If you had the opportunity, would you serve?

Output: Today, the Company discusses the issues of reforming the Russian army, its upgrades, and even possible inclusion of girls into conscripts. Let's hope that the transition of armed forces on a contract basis will solve many problems accumulated in the modern army will make it more efficient and mobile.

4. Tolerance in the national question.

Patriotism should be distinguished from nationalism, chauvinism and racism, which are based on the ideas of national superiority and exclusivity, the opposition of one nation of the other. In the sense of the multi-fold of the national composition of its population, Rossi, perhaps, there are no equal: here we live in a peacefully and work on the side, they are built at home, children are growing together, and they are grieving together because of common people more than a hundred nationalities.

The national question in Russia will still stand sharply, because we are a multinational state. It is not by chance today we are so often talking about tolerance so much. To a question of sociological research "Why do people experience hostility to representatives of other nationalities?" 46% of respondents said that such a reason is that they are not considered with the customs and norms of behavior adopted in Russia, do not know how to behave, alien for this country, are therefore not her patriots. That is, it is talking about what in his behavior, in a variety of forms, they behave differently as the majority of Russians.

The national policy of the state should not just help their citizens give answers to questions: "Who are we? Where? ", But also explain the historical and relevant meaning of the state's existence.Have you ever encountered a national problem in your life? Is the fact that the approval that representatives of other countries cannot be the patriots of Russia?

Output : Belonging to your country, should unite people to their state. In the history of Russia, there are many examples of selfless love and devotion to it from representatives of national minorities. We do not remember the nationality when it comes to different kinds of achievements: in sports - Marat Safin, Kostya Dzu; In the literature - Chingiz Aitmatov, Musa Jalil; in medicine -, Leo Baryia; In science -ldau. Patriotism is a constant work of the mind and soul, love and respect for the eldest, everyday efforts in order to ensure that our common homeland - Russia becomes more powerful and more painful, so that citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of their nationality, live better and believed their children and grandchildren to .

5. Support for the domestic manufacturer.

Surprisingly, but today the majority of Russians are expressed by the support of domestic producers and restricting access to the Russian market for imported goods. This is evidenced by the data of the survey conducted by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (WTCIOM).

Almost unanimously, the Russians declare the desire to buy Russian products (only 93%), which speaks of the support of the domestic producer, and speak out for the restriction of import of imported goods.

Support for domestic manufacturers should not be to limit the access of foreign goods to the Russian market. This opinion was expressed by the President of Russia at one of the press conferences in the Kremlin. Russia must create competitively capable products.

The president also said that this principle should act in relation to Russian culture: "The dominance of foreign television, cinema and book products cannot please our manufacturers." In addition, in the sphere of culture, Russia can successfully compete with other countries.

Output: Perhaps the statement that the support of the domestic producer should be considered as a manifestation of the patriotic principle, is not entirely true, but also harmoniously. By making a choice in favor of Russian products, we are thereby carrying out not only support, but also provide trust by the manufacturer, give him a chance to catch up and overtake your competitor in its industry. And the development of all sectoral structures makes the state the strongest and powerful power.

6. Vera in the revival of Russia as a strong power.

Take a look at the map of our country, huge spaces. Extensive plains with full-flow rivers, dense forests and endless steppes spread out in our country. Mountain ridges are looking to our country with a stone belt. The bowels of the plains and the mountains are pantry with the unpretentious riches of coal, oil, metal ore, gemstones. Russia is an immense country. Its area is 17 million km². Imagine that we take a trip from the north to south of Russia. We have to overcome the distance of about 4 thousand km. And if we fly on an airplane from the west to the east, then on the way we will be about 12 hours, flying over the expanses of Russia 10 thousand km.But why then we live so bad ? Why is the standard of living of the Middle Russian, so far, much lower than in any developed country?

Yes, this country must be preserved, who wanted to encroacitate our country. There are them now ...

    Do you believe in the revival of Russia and what do you think you need to do for this?

Output: The youth totals for the revival of Russia as a strong power, as well as for economic and financial stabilization in Russia. Thus, in their aspirations, values \u200b\u200band life plans, young people are very close to the older generation, and in this sense we can talk about the revival of continuity. And for the revival of Russia, it is only necessary to work. A lot and benevolent. Stop hope for someone (we always know what you should do someone, just not to us), but to equip your life and the life of others, to be the source of the best cultural traditions and moral cleanliness.

Class hour: "What does it mean to be a patriot today?"

Cool Guide

Vasilinina Olga Vasilyevna, biology teacher


  • 1. Formation of the young generation a sense of patriotism, respect for their native country, its history;
  • 2. The ability to navigate in the public environment, have its judgments and views, possess social responsibility for their thoughts, actions;



· Increase of intellectual level; manifestation of independent creative activity;


  • · Develop the ability to work with various literature;
  • · The ability to use personal experience, take opinions of another;
  • · Continue the development of information technology skills.


· Educating the culture of communication, develop communication qualities (the ability to communicate in the process of paired and group interaction);


  • · a computer,
  • · Projector,
  • · Screen.

Preparatory part of the event.

Conducting a questionnaire, data processing

The class is divided into groups and gets a task.

Conducting an event

I'm a patriot. I am Russian,

I love Russian land.

I believe that anywhere in the world

The second is not squeezing.

N. Kogan

It was these words of Nikolai Kogan, I would like to start our conversation: "What does it mean to be a patriot today?"

Student: Look at the explanatory dictionary of Dalya: "Patriot is the one who loves his fatherland is devoted to his people, ready for sacrifices and feats in the name of the interests of their homeland.

Teacher: We will try to figure out our thoughts, feelings, relationships to this concept. Therefore, I invite you to a free microphone today.

Sample student responses

Student 1. "Patriot is a person who loves his homeland, ready to defend her, but not necessarily with a weapon in his hands. Know and take the history of your country, as if they did not speak about it - this is important, and especially today. "

Student 2.. "Patriot in my understanding is a person who works and is socially active, builds his future, connecting him only with his subtraction. It will make much more than a person who is ready to defend the country's prestige. It is much more difficult than just talking about love for homeland. This is real patriotism. "

Student 3. "Being a patriot in our time is very difficult, around a lot of temptation - chase for money, leading to escape from Russia. Being a patriot means being the owner of your country, not a guest. In case of danger, it is necessary to protect it, carefully handle her gifts "

Student 4. "Unfortunately, sometimes patriotism is interpreted wrong. On the screen we see the groups of "skins", which with solid confidence in their rightness, score to death in any other people of other nationality. "Russia for Russian!", "Clean Russia from black!" - They scream ... Wonderful, of course, that in people there are a desire to ensure that the greater percentage of the country's inhabitants were Russian ... But this does not mean that you need to exterminate others! There is a sea of \u200b\u200bways ... Violence - the worst of them ... You know, a lie always cuts the rumor ... Therefore, it is vigilantly and violently that they hide behind the word "patriot".

Student 5. "Probably, few of us asked themselves this question. And why? Apparently, we are so busy everyday worries and problems that not before. What is the main thing now for our parents? Give us, children, good education. And children go crazy on American films and proudly declare: "We are not patriots" and not all parents are scared by hearing this phrase. Or maybe nothing to scare? It is still unknown that I wanted to say a teenager. "I do not like my country" or "I want to live in a rich and prosperous country." And yet it is safe to say that Russian people are patriots. Not at the bottom, no. " Patriotism Education of the student

Student 6. "The first thing that comes to mind when we talk about patriotism is America. That's whoever loudly declares the world that they are patriots, so these are Americans. Patriotism has become a visiting card of the United States. Americans remove films on patriotic topics, write about it in the press "

Student 7. "I do not agree with such conclusions" in my opinion, it is an abnormal or pathological patriotism. Iraq's bombing because of the alleged weapon there is a mass lesion and Yugoslavia because at all just like that - the president did not like it - the same consequences of their "patriotism". Their "patriotism" has nothing to do with real patriotism, so I think we have nothing to learn from Americans.

Student 6. "It is not necessary to look for flaws in others. We must not criticize and hate someone else, but to do it better.

Student 8. "A real patriot, in my opinion, should at least know the history of his country. How can you love your homeland without knowing nothing about her? !! It is possible to consider people who allegedly fight for the purity of the Slavic race, do not know the story of this very race, they are written on their faces: aggression and desire to fight no matter with whom. Here is a statement that you can read on the fence "Bay Jews", - this calls us some other "patriot". And, probably, he did not occur to him that knowledge of the native language is included in the list of claims imposed by a true patriot. And the real patriot will not yell on every corner about his passionate love for the debris, he will just be silent to do his job, thereby actually helping the country.

Student 10. "And I believe the knowledge of state symbols is also a manifestation of patriotism. We conducted a small sociological study at school.

Studying the opinions of students of our school, the results were as follows:

  • 1. 98% of respondents, know what is depicted on the state coat of arms;
  • 2. 100% know the colors of the state flag and their location;
  • 3. 95% may be called the first coupling of the state hymn;
  • 4. Feelings that are experiencing when they see or hear state symbols - pride, admiration, sympathy
  • 5. To the promotion of ribbons (tricolor) with national symbols, most respondents are positive.

Teacher: Conversation can be continued for a long time. There will always be their own "for" and "against", there are other interpretations of the problem. In the classical sense, the word "patriotism" never changed its meaning.

Pupil: Recall the words A.S. Pushkin:

"I wonder that in the world I would not like to change the fatherland or have another story, except for the history of our ancestors." Let us turn to the history of your ancestors: in the war against Napoleon patriots died for Russia, millions of patriots died in the Great Patriotic War ... They were all ready for a feat for the sake of their native land ...

(Bell ringing sounds, and a student against this sound says words about A. Nevsky).

Student: Prince A. Nevsky lived only 43 years old, he became a prince at the age of 16, at 20 he defeated the Swedes in the battle of the Neva River, and at 22, he won his famous victory on the Ice of the Church of the Lake. And his name was glorified. And then he would remove Russia with his careful politics, gave her to strengthen, recover from ruin. He is the Rentation of Russia's Renaissance!

Pupil: My homeland, my Russia in those people with whom she can be proud ...

Tchaikovsky music sounds, against the background, she read words about N.I. Vavilov

"Let's go to the fire, we will burn, but we will not give up our beliefs" - these words belong to the great Russian scientist Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov. All life and his work was confirmed by these words. The world-famous botanist, genetics, traveler and researcher, Nikolai Ivanovich in 1929. To become academician of the USSR. He is the first president of the All-Union Agricultural Academy of the USSR. The purpose of his life was science. He never forgot that he is a citizen of his country, even when he was arrested in 1940 and was accused of leading the anti-Soviet counter-revolutionary organization. He perceived his homeland, somehow the only thing that could not sell nor to sell, although he was offered the best laboratories of the world. In prison, he continues to work a lot, writes the book "History of Development of World Agriculture", more than a hundred lectures in genetics. Being in the Summer Camera, Vavilov wrote: "Having extensive experience and knowledge in the development of crop production, I would be happy to give myself completely my homeland." He died of hunger in 1943 in Saratov prison ...

Teacher: Examples of true patriotism can be continued ...

My village over the sky is clean

Do you remember the formidable battles?

Under blue, under Obelisk

Lying your defenders.

72 Warrior of the Soviet Army fell by death by brave in January 1943, freeing the livenka from the fascist invaders. These are soldiers and officers of the 48 Guards Red Banners of Suvorov and Kutuzov of the Krivoy Roshovsky Rifle Division.

On all the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, about 2500 liberty warriors fought. Not returned 613.

Pupil: We can read about the expathes of Russian people in books, ask veterans, or visit the museum.

There is a museum and in our village. The main direction of the work of our Museum is military-patriotic. Most of the expositions are associated with the military exploits of countrymen and the military period of the history of the village.

From the archive of the museum: "We have a photo Ivan Ivanovich Ponmarøva former Sailor of the Northern Fleet. After the injury, I got into a small division. I did not think, did not guess that he would have to be the first, before the front part, with a joyful news about the close liberation to enter his native village. And it happened so. Intelligence went threesome. The commander of the Drobizko group, who knew German perfectly, radio and the charter of the fascist army. Checkered German raincoats with deep hoods hiding from unauthorized eyes Soldiers' soldiers and gray sinels. And so the native village of Livenka. The house in which was born and grew. Just did not recognize him at once the sailor. Night dark. And published it seems that the house is non-residential. The windows are laid by bags. They approached closer, knocked. No one opened for a long time. Finally, the absenteey, the door opened. They met him wary. According to the voice, they did not recognize, and the little kaganette made from the cartridge sleeve, illuminated only a small circle of the table. German raincoats caused suspicion and fear.

  • - Father, respond. This is me - your son Ivan!
  • - My son died - a senile voice responded from somewhere from a long corner,
  • - I did not die by the bat, alive, here he is.

Speaking shutter steps, father, pure eyes, went to the talked, spent his hand on his cheek and said:

  • -Right! Ivan, Mountain in place. But suddenly frowned:
  • - So what are you? Germans sold? He raised his voice.
  • - No, Batya, we are our Soviet. Task with us.
  • "Well, if the son is so, then the son is still cautiously spoken.

And only in the morning, when the coming troops were traded at the intelligence signal, the Palatovka station was traded and liberated the Livenka, believed his father that his son Ivan was a sailor, alive, alive.

For his combat journey, Ivan Ivanovich was awarded the Government of 9 medals among them: the medal "For military merit" and the medal "For the defense of Stalingrad", as well as the Order of the Red Star and the Order of the Patriotic War of 2 degrees.

Now our countryman is not with us, but we cannot forget about his role in the liberation of the village. Indeed, precisely thanks to the skillful actions of the interlocks, the Soviet troops knocked the opponent from the village with the least losses. And we should not forget our countrymen.

The poet B. Kovtun has such lines:

Not bread than one we are full!

And if the emptiness is in the soul -

Then we will also be forgotten

There will be no cross over us.

Teacher: Memory, memory, memory ... It is like fires on the snow, which will hurt and be lit, warming up the heart of the older generation, and mounted the youth that goes on their own roads.

Pupil: And who keeps this memory, who completes the material, is engaged in educational work? Is it possible to consider these people with patriots of their small homeland? Who are they? To understand this, we invited the director of the Museum - Kononov Alexander Vasilyevich to our meeting. (Speech by the director of the museum Kononov A.V.). Photos of history teachers - founders of the museum.

Pupil: Let us dwell at the "Warriors - Internationalists" stand. At one photo of my father - Kirillov Sergey Fedorovich. He performed his military debt in Afghanistan. I applied to him: "Dad, how do you think the service in the army is patriotism. After all, today, many young people, having received a diploma of higher education and finding decent work, do not want to serve in the army? There are, of course, those who are just afraid that can return from there with disabilities. Do you think they are not patriots? " - (video or maybe the presence of a participant in a class hour)

Pupil: Our group with the same question appealed to the head of the Cadet class Adamov Sergey Dmitrievich. Here is his thoughts:

  • "In my opinion, the ideal indicator of patriotism army service is not." Under patriotism, I understand the human activity for the benefit of the birthplace, regardless of the profession or position. Because it works effectively, the activity of the entire state depends. Therefore, patriotism is a full-blooded person's performance for the benefit of his people and the state. The story knows the confirmation of this. Take, for example, the national militia during the Great Patriotic War. Part of people from its composition were not at all military personnel, but it did not prevent them from being unprecedented courage and heroism. Is this not a manifestation of patriotism?
  • - And working in the rear for 20-22 hours a day, giving the front so necessary ammunition, medicines, uniforms. Peasants who have flown from hunger, but supplied food to the front.

They did not serve in the army, were not military personnel, but can you blame them in the absence of patriotism?

  • "Therefore, if a young man received a diploma of higher education, it works with a complete return for people, for his country it can be considered a patriot. Even if he did not serve in the army, the language will not turn to blame him in the absence of patriotism "
  • - Another thing, the protection of the Motherland. In this case, the service in the army is indeed the main component of the patriotic education of a person. Fear of the army, the young man must overcome, and the state should take care of this - not allowing "grandfathers". And with disabilities can be done on the street or in the meadow. So, let's not go anywhere now? "
  • - I think that in a responsible moment for my homeland, every citizen should stand up on the defense of his people and the state. For his effective protection, the young man must complete military service. Here the state must occupy a hard position. And in this case, the refusal of service is to really be viewed as the absence of patriotism "

Associative series will be

"Patriot, who is he?"

  • 1. Everyone who loves the place where born and grew up
  • 2. The one who loves and does not forget his mother, his home
  • 3. Who is proud to realize that there is no one in the land of our country.
  • 4. The nature of Russia is fabulously rich. One who not only loves, but also protects nature.
  • 5. Ready to defend the Fatherland
  • 6. Adjusts Prestige Your Countries
  • 7. Know the state symbolism
  • 8. Ready to give his homeland all the forces and abilities
  • 9. Patriot He who decorates his homeland
  • 10. Builds his future, connecting it only with his fatherland
  • 11. Knows his native language
  • 12. He knows the history of his country, proud of its ancestors.


Patriots are not born, they become. And how many whoever spoke about patriotism, all these words. Truth in the shower. As Sergey Yesenin said, "let we be a beggar, let us be cold, hungry, but we have a soul, we will add - the Russian soul from themselves." It was with such thoughts and a hymn was created by his small homeland "Livevsky Waltz" by our countrywoman with the hope of Andreevna Bittytsky (students perform a song).