Find an organization by registration number. Information about legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in respect of which documents for state registration are submitted

Find an organization by registration number.  Information about legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in respect of which documents for state registration are submitted
Find an organization by registration number. Information about legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in respect of which documents for state registration are submitted

Information on individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. from Kontur

Only here you can find detailed data on the IP!

The most convenient search. It is enough to enter any number, surname, title. Only here you can find out OKPO and even accounting information. Is free.

What data you need to enter (you can choose any of the parameters):

  • Name of company
  • Code (INN, OGRN)
  • Legal address

What data can be obtained:

  • Full brand name
  • Abbreviated corporate name
  • Legal address (according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities)
  • Main industry (OKVED)
  • Region
  • Telephone
  • Name of the legal form
  • Authorized capital (according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities)
  • Net asset value
  • Other messages and documents

The inclusion of information in the Unified Federal Register of information on the facts of the activities of legal entities is carried out on the basis of Article 7.1 of the Federal Law of August 8, 2001 No. 129-FZ "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs" (as amended by the Federal Law of July 18, 2011 No. 228 -FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation regarding the revision of the methods of protecting the rights of creditors in the event of a decrease in the authorized capital, changes in the requirements for business entities in the event of a discrepancy between the authorized capital and the value of net assets") from January 1, 2013 (paragraph 2 of Article 6 of the Federal Law). Law of July 18, 2011 No. 228-FZ).

Rosstat website

You can also use the Rosstat website (you need to click "get data on codes" at the top) (For Moscow, but there may be other regions). Find out by the TIN number of the IP or Organization your statistics codes (OKPO, OKATO, OKTMO, OKOGU, OKFS, OKOPF)

FTS website

Unified State Register of Legal Entities

What do you need to enter? It is enough to enter ONE of the fields: Name (just Yandex, Gazprom, etc.) and / or OGRN / GRN / TIN and / or Address and / or Region and / or Date of registration.

What information will I receive?

  • Name of the legal entity;
  • Address (location) of a legal entity;
  • OGRN;
  • Information about the state registration of the organization;
  • Date of making an entry in the USRUP (registration of a legal entity);
  • The name of the registering authority that made the entry (Tax);
  • Registration authority address;
  • Information on amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • Information on the state registration of changes made to the constituent documents of legal entities;
  • Information about licenses, about registration as policyholders in funds, information about registration.

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Identification of taxpayers, both individuals and legal entities, was introduced in 1993. The obvious reason for this step was the need to make transparent accounting of taxpayers in the state and to facilitate the work of tax authorities.

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The correct decoding of the term is “ tax identification number". The task is realized by assigning a unique number to each taxpayer to create a clear structured accounting of all enterprises and individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activities in Russia.

For what purposes a TIN may be needed

An identifier is assigned to an enterprise at the time of registration and accompanies it throughout its existence. In accordance with its name, this number is an integral feature of a legal entity and can confirm its identity at any time. For example, if there are several companies with the same name. Their registration at the same address is not excluded, but it is excluded that two enterprises have one identifying feature.

TIN for enterprises and organizations consists of a dozen numbers: AAAABBBB10, where the first digits (AAAA) correspond to the code of the tax department that assigned this number to the legal entity, the second four digits (BBBB) correspond to the number of the entry in the accounting registers assigned to this and only this enterprise, the number 10 at the end is the estimated number that is displayed by a certain algorithm.

The subdivision of the tax authority indicates the number when issuing a certificate (or sends it by mail) that the company is registered with tax. In addition, this number must be indicated in every document issued by the tax authority.

Thus, TIN is a universal distinguishing feature of any legal entity or individual. It is assigned when the enterprise is created and exists throughout the entire operation of the enterprise. Upon termination of its activities in accordance with the established procedure, this number is declared non-existent.

This indicator is necessary to clarify data about an enterprise - a potential partner, for tax accounting and settlement transactions, being a mandatory bank requisite.

On ways to clarify the TIN of organizations

There is a significant difference between the identifier of an individual and that for a legal entity. It consists in the fact that the TIN of an individual is personal data and is not published. The identifier of a legal entity can be made public and it is not difficult to find it, if necessary.

Information on the complete data of the legal entity can be found on the Internet.

TIN is unique for all organizations and it is possible to clarify the compliance of the declared data using it. If you need to conduct a transaction through a banking institution, you must specify the TIN. In the absence of such information, it can always be clarified on the network.

This will take much less time than a call to the organization of interest, especially since the employee who answered the phone may not know the number you are interested in. In addition, he may accidentally or deliberately make a transmission mistake.

The identifier by name can be obtained by visiting the nearest branch of the Federal Tax Service. Despite the fact that this data is freely available, before going to the tax office you need to bring your own documents with you. To obtain the information of interest, you must:

  • arrive at the office of the Federal Tax Service;
  • introduce yourself by presenting your documents;
  • ask the person in charge to check the TIN of the organization you are interested in.

That's all there is to it. However, if due to some circumstances it is inconvenient or undesirable to appear at the tax office, such information can be found online and free of charge. The FTS website has a page where all data about any enterprise can be obtained by its name:

  • website address;
  • on the website, which belongs to the unified federal register of legal entities, you can also obtain the necessary data.

The methods for obtaining data on both sites are the same, but the information of the Federal Tax Service is more complete.

The algorithm for retrieving information on these sites by name is simple:

  1. Go to one of the specified addresses.
  2. On the FTS website, in the "Search by" field, select "Legal entity name". There is no need to do this on the website of the Federal Register.
  3. Enter the name of the company in the "Search" field.
  4. When searching on the FTS website, you will need to enter the number from the picture.
  5. Press the "Login" or "Search" button.

As a result, data will be obtained in which all search words appear. There are several such names of organizations. The FTS website makes it possible to narrow the search by entering additional information, for example, the address of the organization, codes, abbreviations of the form of ownership. The most reliable result can be obtained by specifying the address: region, city, etc. The bottom line is that in one region it is impossible to register two enterprises with the same name.

In this way, unambiguously correct information will be obtained.

Search by business address

You can find out the TIN and the name of the organization, knowing only its address. There are also two options for this:

  1. Visit the tax office. The FTS database contains not only TIN, names of organizations and other information, but also addresses assigned to them. In this case, it is necessary:
    • Arrive at the office of the Federal Tax Service.
    • Introduce yourself and show your documents.
    • inform the responsible employee of the address of the enterprise and ask to clarify the TIN. The requested information will be provided.
  2. To search for an address on the Internet, you need to go to the Federal Register website indicated above.
    • In the line "Address" you must indicate the address that is available.
    • Click "Search".
    • As a result, all data about the organization located at the specified address will be given.

If you are not sure about the accuracy of the name of the business, but the address is known, it is better to enter it in a simplified way. Street names can be identical to the names of lanes, dead ends, etc., so it is easy to make mistakes. You should enter an address with certain conventions, for example: "Tver Decembrists 12", and having received a list of possible options, choose the appropriate one according to indirect data.

In the case when there is no company name in the found options, you need to look at the type of activity. As a rule, this data is sufficient.

Determination of the organization's TIN by BIK

BIC is a bank identifier. There is no direct search for this code, but finding it in a roundabout way is not difficult:

  • if there is a BIC, most likely the name of the bank is also known. It is enough to call this bank and ask to clarify the required data;
  • when the bank is unknown, you need to enter this code into the search engine in the form of "bik ... ... .." and the system will display the name of the bank and all the details associated with this code, including the TIN.

Identifier by OGRN code

Codes and TIN are closely interconnected. Find out the identifier by OGRN is available on the same sites as by the name of the company. For this it is enough:

  1. Login to any of the sites listed above.
  2. If the search is carried out by the Federal Tax Service, type in the "search by" option "OGRN / INN". Enter the OGRN code in this field.
  3. On the FTS website, repeat the numbers from the picture.
  4. Click "Search" ("Login").
  5. The search result will be reliable data about the organization that is of interest to the seeker, including the TIN.

Indicating an incorrect TIN, whether intentionally or unintentionally, may be part of a scam when concluding contracts of one nature or another. The reason for the check may be:

  • indication of a residential apartment as a legal address, as a rule, enterprises prefer to have their own office;
  • if the owner of the enterprise holds several responsible positions in it, especially those related to material responsibility, for example, director and chief accountant;
  • if the organization is registered immediately before the conclusion of the transaction, such a "office" may turn out to be an ordinary company - one-day.

Search by OKPO code

It should be borne in mind that this identifier is assigned only to persons, enterprises and organizations that do not form a legal entity. In this case, you can specify the TIN of such a formation. Knowing, you need to request and receive data from enterprises and information about financial statements within 15 minutes.

Checking the validity of the code

You can check the correctness of the identifier yourself by calculating the last two digits using the appropriate method. However, it is much more convenient to use the capabilities of the site http://www.egrul.ru_test.inn.html. For this you need:

  • enter in the TIN field;
  • click the "Check" button.

The system will show the result of the check. If everything is fine, then you can check all other data of the organization.

It should be remembered that it is important to correctly indicate the TIN, you cannot save time and not check the ID of the transaction partner, this can save you from unplanned losses and troubles associated with such a situation.

Where to go to solve such a problem

The above described step-by-step actions to clarify or clarify the TIN. The choice of options is small, these are:

  • official websites of the FMS or the federal register;
  • personal visit to the tax office.

On the sites, you can quickly and effortlessly get complete information about the subjects of interest.

When visiting a branch of the Federal Tax Service personally, you may need to write an application for the issuance of such a certificate. You will have to wait about three days for the answer or receive it by mail within five days. The method of receiving the answer will need to be indicated in the application.

All information of this nature is provided free of charge.

The Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE) contains complete open information about legal entities legally carrying out entrepreneurial activities on the territory of the Russian Federation. Registration of legal entities is carried out in the bodies of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. The registers are also kept by the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. The data of the registers are used to verify the counterparty, to exercise due diligence, to confirm the powers of the Manager, to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for a legal entity, for other purposes for which it is necessary to provide official registration data of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

On the CHESTNYBUSINESS portal, you can get free information on state registration of legal entities, full open data of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

The data on the portal is updated daily and synchronized with the service of the Federal Tax Service of Russia *.

To obtain data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, use the search box:

To do this, enter the TIN or OGRN of the company in the search box.

If you do not have exact details, it will be enough to enter the name of the company. If the name is widespread and a list comes out at your request, it is advisable to clarify the request:
... enter the name of the company + the surname of the director (for example: TEKHPROM IVANOV)
... or: the name of the company + its location (for example: TEKHPROM MOSCOW)
... or all parameters at once (for example: TEKHPROM IVANOV MOSCOW)

With the help of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, you can get the following up-to-date information about the Counterparty - a legal entity free of charge:
... The state of the legal entity (active, liquidated, in the stage of reorganization, etc.);
... Date of registration, tax authority that carried out the registration;
... Legal address (address of location), number of organizations registered at this address;
... Authorized capital;
... Full name of the Head, his position;
... Founders (participants) of a legal entity, their number, size of share in the authorized capital;
... Economic activities;
... Licenses issued to a legal entity (if any);
... Branches and Representative Offices (if any);
... Registration in off-budget funds;
... other official public information.

Changes to the registers, changes in any data, are carried out only by the Federal Tax Service after the official request of the Head and the submission of the appropriate form for changes. For example, changes to the company phone number specified during registration are only possible by filing Form P14001. Registration of changes in the tax office is carried out within five working days, then ready-made amended documents are issued.

We wish you fruitful, comfortable work with the registers of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of the Federal Tax Service of Russia on the portal!

* The data of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities are open and are provided on the basis of clause 1 of article 6 of the Federal Law of 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ "On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs": Information and documents contained in state registers are open and public, with the exception of information, access to which is limited, namely information about the identity documents of an individual.

To obtain information on the legal entity you are interested in, please refer to the website of the Federal Tax Service (www. which is given below. The service allows you to find the taxpayer details of the organization on by TIN, OGRN.

Providing information from the USRIP: when the tax authorities will demand payment

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, in its letter No. 03-01-11 / 8697 dated February 17, 2016, specifies when a fee is charged for providing information from USRIP about an individual entrepreneur. The agency recalls that the fee for providing information from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs on paper is 200 rubles. The amount of payment for urgent provision of information is 400 rubles.

Moreover, the collection of such a fee does not depend on the legal status of the applicant. Accordingly, such a fee may be charged, including from applicants who are individuals who are not registered as individual entrepreneurs.

At the same time, the provision of information about an individual entrepreneur contained in the USRIP in the form of an electronic document is carried out free of charge on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

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Obtain information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP on a legal entity / individual entrepreneur in the form of an electronic document

The certificate in pdf format will be signed with a strengthened qualified signature of the tax authority, which is equivalent to a certificate on paper, signed by the handwritten signature of an official of the tax authority and certified by the seal of the tax authority.

Find out INFORMATION from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities about companies or individual entrepreneurs from the website of the tax

Search is possible by one of the listed fields "Organization name", "OGRN", "GRN", "INN" or "KPP".

Note: Please note that when searching by name, you should enter only its original part without quotation marks and an indication of the organizational and legal form (LLC, CJSC, OJSC, etc.), and also take into account that the search is carried out by the full name of the company ... The organization's address of interest is determined by the query result.

In addition, information can be provided to you in the manner prescribed by Art. 7 of the Federal Law No. 129-FZ and approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2002 No. 438 "Rules for maintaining the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the provision of information contained therein." In accordance with clause 23 of these Rules, information is provided by the registering authority about a specific legal entity upon request, provided that a document confirming payment is provided simultaneously with the request. The fee for providing information to individuals in the form of an extract from the state register is 200 rubles, for urgent provision of information 400 rubles. The request must be addressed to the registering (tax) authority at the location of the organization.


The search is performed by any requisites: name, address, full name, TIN and other parameters. Financial condition, bankruptcy filing, enforcement proceedings. At the same time, you can write a combination of several requisites in the search bar! Search for any person by Surname. Search for an entrepreneur. And more . More than 10,000 companies are already working in Focus!

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Information about legal entities and individual entrepreneurs

Search by OGRN, TIN, name, full name of the director and address

Basic information about the organization based on information from the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation and Rosstat including:

  • name, address, information about the state of the legal entity,
  • basic details (PSRN, INN, KPP, OKPO and others),
  • management and founders of the organization,
  • information about issued licenses,
  • branches and representative offices,
  • activities,
  • management company, registrar of joint-stock companies and much more.

As well as important information from special registers of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation:

  • legal entities whose executive bodies include disqualified persons,
  • addresses indicated during state registration as the location of several legal entities,
  • information about individuals who are founders (participants) of several legal entities,
  • information about individuals who are heads of several legal entities,
  • a unified register of small and medium-sized businesses.

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