What was the epics in short. Epics

What was the epics in short. Epics
What was the epics in short. Epics

Epics - poetic heroic epic of ancient Russia, reflected events historical life Russian people mainly the XI-XVI centuries. The name is common: antiquities, old people, older. In scientific I. research and popular literature until the 40s of the XIX century. They were more often called: Bogatyr fairy tales. To universal use, the term episodes entered in the second half of the XIX century. V. F. Miller, and after him, other scientists believed that this term was first introduced by a collector-foam folklore of the 30-40s of the XIX century. I. P. Sakharov, who used the expression "Words about the regiment of Igor" (see "Only, Songs on the episodes of this time ..."). The last signs of Soviet researchers showed that the terms "epics" and "excellent" as the names of the ancient Russian epic songs used writers and researchers XVIII - early XIX. in. In some areas, these names are found in the folk language.

The origin of the epic

In folkloristic, there are different views on the occurrence of epic. Some researchers (V. F. Miller, B. and Yu. Sokolov et al.) It is believed that the genre of the epics developed in conditions Kievan RusSimultaneously described events, and in subsequent time received only development.

Other scientists (M. E. Khalasky, S. K. Shambinago, etc.) argued that the epics were mainly created in Moscow Rus.

Recently was put forward interesting theory, which claims that the epics were mainly formed in the Middle Ages, after the fall of Kievan Rus, as heroic songs, the United States of Kiev and Kiev Prince Vladimir. According to this theory, the epics were found as songs about the past, and not about modernity. "Epic Time" of the epic - the epoch of the Kiev Power, drawing in the eponym, as a time when the people committed feats and restored justice; This epic time was opposed to modernity with its separath policy of princes and Tatar Igi in Russia.

Undoubtedly, it should be recognized that by the origin of the epic - epic songs feudal rus. how special genre They received initial development in the process of creating an ancient Russian state. In its development, there are several stages corresponding to historical reality and reflecting it. Continuing the tradition of epic creativity of East Slavic tribes, from which a few centuries later developed a Kiev state, the historical epic of the Domongolian period of Russia, how to judge the texts that came to us, represented the sum of individual songs that glorify the power and greatness of the Kiev state. During the Tatar yoke, the concept of Kievan Rus, as the epic time of epic, is planned, and the cyclization of the epic, raising the patriotic feelings and aspirations of the people; At the same time, the mainly Russian epic becomes the image of the herouniting everything best forces States for crushing enemy enemy. In the same period, the development of ancient Russian cities as important state and cultural centers leads to lighting in the epic of public and family life of Russia, its ideological and cultural life. Both of these periods were the heyday of the epic epic. And although we do not have records of the epic, made until the XVII century, the stability of the content and form of the ancient Russian epic allows us to consider the basic composition of the epic as the folk creativity of medieval Russia.

In the conditions of the Moscow state and after the reforms of Petrovsky time, the genre of the epic continues to live and develop, but basically displays the same historical eventsAs in previously created works. The new texts of the epic appear in most cases as the retells of the ages and the fabulous epic. The epics in Moscow Rus, undoubtedly not remained unchanged; They were brought to the features of modern public and political struggle, culture and life; They comprehended as works talking about the present, although they also narrated about past times.

Classification of epic

According to its nature, the eponyms are divided into heroic, the main theme of which is the fight against the external enemy and the protection of Russia, and the novelist, which are mainly describing the public and family life medieval Russian state.

Due to the fact that the main blows of the enemy were accounted for South Russian Principles and Northeast Rus, the heroic Thames of the Bogatiry epic, telling about the protection of the Motherland from the enemy, focus around Kiev. This is the so-called Kiev cycle of epic.

To the Kiev cycle of the epics, the main characters of which are Ilya Muromets, Dobryia Nikitich and Alyasha Popovich, adjoin the Galico-Volyn epics. Difference galico-Volynsky The epic from Kiev is that they usually talk about the fight against the enemy who attacked from the West (see the epics about Prince Roman).

Novelistic epics, as a rule, talk about the life of Novgorod and his people. The peculiarity of Novgorod epic is due to the historical fate of Novgorod. It is known that Novgorod and the Novgorod land were delivered to a special position in relation to tatar Iga. Novgorod lands, especially the incense lands of the Russian North, have suffered at least from Tatar yoke. It is quite clear that the topic of family and public life for Novgorod lands was usual and at the time of the invasion of the Tatar. The most famous epic of the Novgorod cycle about Sadko and about Vasily Buslaev.

Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga, Ivan-Tsarevich - stories with the participation of these characters Most people are heard in early childhood. However, the folklore world is much richer, it contains not only fairy tales, but also songs, ballads, epics. Not everyone can give the right answer to the question about, in the literature, what is its role. So what is this genre?

Epics in Russian literature: history

This term became used only in 1839, it was invented by the folklorist Ivan Sakharov. Previously, works related to this genre, named "old men", "antiquities". The most ancient of them were known in the 10th century, in those days they were told under the accompaniment of hussley. In the future, the tradition to use musical accompaniment Ugasl. Publish such stories began only at the beginning of the 18th century.

So what was the epics in the literature? The definition briefly sounds like an epic legend, which is one of the varieties of oral folk creativityhaving a heroic-patriotic character. The main characters similar stories Began primarily the warriors. Plots associated with the life of ancient Russia allow you to better imagine the image of the thoughts of people who lived in the IX-XIII centuries.

Features of the genre

The eponymists in Russian literature were mainly described by heroic events, they often considered some kind of fascinating historical incidents. The plots were taken from both the history of Kievan Rus and from the events of prehistoric times. Among the characters of such works, in addition to courageous heroes, struggling with evil, are present fantastic images, For example, snakes Gorynych, nightingale-robber. Also, the roles of heroes got real historical persons like kiev princes Igor, Vladimir.

What was the epics in the literature? It is also a work that has no author. The legends traveled from generation to generation, turned out new fascinating details. People who performed heroic songs are respectfully called "Factors". They were required not to memorize the works, and the ability to colorfully transmit them to prevent distortion of meaning.


Trying to understand what the epics in the literature, it is necessary to imagine the structure of such text. Mostly the work has three composite element: Sevets, stained, ending. Stories began with Sevea, which presented a kind of entry. From Sevea required not to tell about the plot and attract the attention of the listeners.

What is the epics in literature without a coverage? We are talking about the story itself devoted to the listeners in the main events that were described in folk works In the embedded form. Before the ending was also present, which is a kind of summarizing. Also, the role of the ending could take on the boom.

An example is typical bogatyr epic - A story describing the struggle of Ilya Muromets with a terrible nightingale, who knows how to destroy life with a whistle. The Great Bogatyr, of course, takes the monster captive, breaking through his lair, and then deprives him of life. The same category includes as much as famous work On the battle of Dobryni with the snake.

Social epics

Socio-household works also enjoyed great demand. An example of such epics can serve as the history of the Sadko-young gifted Huslar, who can not acquire fame. In the end, the young man honors the patronage of the marine lord, impressed by his talent, but escapes from him and returns to his homeland, refusing from the proposed inflexible treasures.

The characters of social epic mainly became peasants, merchants, meet among them and princes. In addition to the above mentioned Sadko, such heroes, like Mikula, Volga, were honored popularity. Social I. heroic works The equally attractive to the quality drawing characteristics of the main actors.

So what was the epics in the literature? A brief answer is a work, permeated by patriotism, faith in the celebration of good and defeat evil.

Epics - Pooh epic (narrative) genre of folklore. In the center of the epics there is a hero who defends his land from enemy invaders, or a succeeding, rich merchant, symbolizing the wealth of Russian land.

Cycles epic

On the issue of the time and place of the occurrence of epic, there is no unambiguous point of view. It is believed that epics arose about 9-10 centuries on southern Territories Ancient Russian state and from there came to the north of Russia. The greatest spread of the epics received only to 13-15th centuries. There is a point of view, according to which the epics came on Russia from the East.

The epics are customary to divide into two cycles: Kiev and Novgorod. In the epons of Kiev cycle in the center of the narration are located old Russian warriors (Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyasha Popovich) who protect the ancient Russian cities of Kiev, Rostov, Murom from foreign invaders, which are conventionally called Tatars or are embodied in the image of idolism of the dies. All images in the epic are extremely summarized. Russian Bogatyr is not a concrete person who has a really existed person, and collective image The perfect Old Russian war with an unprecedented force, wisdom, a sense of justice and always ready to stand up for his native land.

The epics of Kiev cycle are generalized reproduced real historical events. The ancient cities, which were in the south and in the central part of the ancient Russian state, were constantly deposited and captured by Tatars, Polovtsy, Pechenegs and other nomadic tribes. Old Russian princeswho managed cities were separated, i.e. Communted among themselves. They did not want to protect his native land together. But there were always wars, the warriors who collected the army and led him to the enemy. About such heroes, the people and lay the epics.

The epic of the Novgorod cycle tells about the wealth of Novgorod - shopping centerwho was in the north of the Old Russian state, about the talent and delete the Russian people, who was embodied in the central image of the Novgorod epic - the merchant Sadko, who wins the underwater king.

Basic researchers and collectors

The main collectors of the epics: Kirsha Danilov, Kireevsky, Rybnikov, Hilferding, Avenairius, Khalansky, Shane, Kostomarov and Mordovseva, E. V. Bars, Efimenko.

Researchers of the epics: K. S. Aksakov, F. I. Buslaev, L. N. Mikov, V. V. Stasova, Veselovsky, Kotlyarevsky, Rosov, O. Miller, D. Kvashin-Samarin, Yagich, B. Putilov.

Representing a legend of any a significant event or telling about the life of the character. Often, these poetic works are distinguished by so exciting plot that they are reading with interest and modern people. We will get acquainted with the peculiarities of the genre and the main artistic techniques.

Unsana - What is it?

The definition of epics can be formulated as follows: This is a song, praising Russian princes, warriors, the fame of Russian weapons. The plot of the works wears frankly patriotic character, the forces of evil ultimately turn out to be defeated, good triumph. The researchers believed that in these songs they reflect quite specific historical events that took place in the real past, but intertwined among themselves in the folk consciousness.

The term itself was introduced into the theory of literature Ivan Sakharov in the 30s of the 19th century, before that, the genre was called as "old man."

Features of the genre

Having considered the definition of epics, lay out a number of features of this genre of Russian folklore:

  • The presence of a plot.
  • The main character or heroes come into a duel with the forces of evil. Most often tells about princes, heroes, other defenders of Russian land, ready to come to the rescue in a difficult moment.
  • Posted by tonic verse, the number of strokes from 2 to 4. And the number of syllables in the lines could be different.
  • All events are set in consistently, special attention is paid to the description of the place of action, details.
  • Texts have no specific authorship, each of them was written by several people and was passed from the mouth to mouth, from one generation to another. Each storyteller could add something to the content, and some details, on the contrary, forget. That is why approximately 40 Russian scenes folk epic, and the texts themselves are more than a thousand.
  • To perform such songs was entrusted to specially trained to the scope.

These specific traits They will help to distinguish the epic from songs, tales and other genres of oral folk creativity.

Construction specificity

What was the epics, we have already considered. Learn this folk song will also help the specifics of its construction. So, each text includes three main parts that are presented in the table.

Each epic was built in accordance with this structure. The genre is distinguished by an abundance of details, a description of nature, studies of character characters.

main characters

In determining the epics, another sign is very important - the main characters. Most often it is a warmy, who have unprecedented force, courageous and fair. They are ready to challenge as a mighty enemy and stand on the protection of the poor and weak to death. To the number itself popular characters The famous Russians should be attributed to the Good Nikitich, Ilya Muromets, Alya Popovich. In each image, the Russian people sought to present the features of the perfect defender and assistant. Many heroes had a heroic horse to become the same fearless and mighty.

No less color and negative characters Russian folk epic. So, the nightingale-robber is the owner of an unprecedented force, his weapon is a loud whistle, from the sound of which ordinary warriors fell out. And only the bogatyr Ilya Muromets managed to defeat him in an honest battle. The fire-haired multi-headed snakes Gorynych became an opponent of Dobryni Nikitich and died of his hand. Alyosh Popovichu had to fight with Tugarin Zmeyshevich, an evil richoy, in which the fear of Russian peasants was reflected in front of nomad raids.

Popular artistic techniques

Definition of epics gives only general view About the genre, in more detail to understand the question will help the analysis of the original art techniqueswho used ancient narrowers.

Opening sound is created not by rhymes, but musical verses and consonents. Special flavor attached to the use of unusual comparisons, colorful epithets, ancient vocabulary. In order to present the hero in the best light, and his opponent - equal to him, strong and powerful, the ancient teachers used the reception of hyperboles - exaggeration.

To draw attention to some important detail or event, often applied to a three-year reforter. This technique is not used in the same text, often the same speech revolutions move from the epics in the epic, creating a holistic epic picture.

These are rich folklore works And with words with diminishing suffixes that help the storytellor to express their attitude to what is happening: Ilyushenka, Mikulushka Selyaninovich, Dobrynyushka - these forms indicate that the teacher is experiencing sincere love and sympathy for characters.


The epics in Russian literature, depending on the place of action, belong to one of the two cycles: Novgorod and Kiev. Some researchers allocate later reservoirs - community texts.

Classify works can also be content. Thus, such cycles are allocated in literary studies:

  • About Alese Popovech.
  • About Ilya Muromster.
  • About Dobryna Nikitich.
  • About Russian heroes (Sadko, Mikula and Volga Selyaninovich, "Vasily Buslaev", "Solovy Budimirovich" and others).

The definition of epic and the description of their features allows us to conclude that in these works of folklore special meaning had every word. Texts were transferred from mouth to mouth, so there is nothing surprising to use permanent epithets, triple repetitions - so it was easier to remember. The epics provided a key influence not only on the development of literature, but also on historical science As a source of knowledge about life and everyday life.

The epics - Russian folk songs-legends about heroes. They belong to K. epic poetrywhich expressed some historical realities and dreams of the people about a strong and good defender. In the eponymists, the reader also finds household details of that time. There were epics in the IX-XIII centuries.

Since its appearance, they are called antiquities. Such a name confirmed the fact that the plots of the epic were not invented by someone stories. In the old days, the events of the distant past, which in such a song form were transmitted from generation to generation. Such "conductors" of the epic text were narrowers. They hooked these works under the accompaniment of string musical instrument - Hussley.

The heroes of the epics were heroic, who could cope with any enemy. Therefore, the epic warriors get the opportunity to protect the honor, dignity and human rights of the people, they are merciless to enemies and to all who are attempted to freedom of man. Bogatyri are endowed with such unusual qualities and abilities whom ordinary people Never had. It is to describe their appearance that such a reception is used as hyperbole.

The hyperbole is a phrase that encompass exaggeration to create a specific artistic image. Hyperbolic is an image of an aliens, which is able to easily throw the closet in ninety pounds. Main epic herders There were Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich.

The phenomena described in the epic song briefly said, as a rule, about a small episode from the life of one hero. Therefore, in several epic, it is possible to make a more complete appearance of representatives of Russian hero.

The events described in the episons were, as a rule, the patriotic shade. Mighty warriorsnor a moment hesitated, got up to defend native land and the sovereign. The ruler of the Russian state in the eponymists was Vladimir Red Sunny.

The epic verse had its own characteristics. It was built by one scenario. The work began with the occasion, then followed the main part of the text, and it ended with the ending (described the feast or the hero was surprised by the strength of his opponent). The epic verse had its special melody, so the epics were not told, but said Naraspov. Despite all the poetic funds, which uses a teacher in the epic work, it remains clear and affordable to any listener.