Soil-climatic conditions of the non-black-earth zone. Section I.

Soil-climatic conditions of the non-black-earth zone. Section I.
Soil-climatic conditions of the non-black-earth zone. Section I.
Unbarginous zone. An exhaust zone occupies an extensive territory. In the European part it includes 29 regions and autonomous republics of the RSFSR, seven regions of the South-Western District of the Ukrainian SSR, as well as the BSSR and the Baltic Republic. This is an extensive agricultural area with great potential for the further development of agriculture and animal husbandry. The territory exceeds 280 million hectares, about 70 million hectares occupy agricultural land, including arable land of about 45, Cenokos about 13, pastures and pastures of about 12 million hectares. The zone is not homogeneous by natural and economic conditions, specialization of farms and other indicators. In many areas (with the exception of southern and southeastern) there are great opportunities to increase the areas of agricultural land, including Pashnya. The southern and southeastern areas have few forests, are characterized by large lands plow and the dismemberment of the terrain, which contributes to the development of water erosion.
There are ferrous-podzolic and other soils characteristic of the taiga-forest zone, in the south in the forest-steppe zone - gray forests. Soils have a different mechanical composition - from heavy loams to sophies and sandy, often they are low-cultural.
The climate when moving from the west to the East becomes more continental. The average precipitation decreases from excessive in the north-west to insufficient in the East and Southeast. By years, the amount of precipitation greatly fluctuates.
The cultures of moderate climate are growing on arable land: grain (from winter wheat and rye, from Yarovy - barley, oats and in southeastern regions - wheat); grain legumes (peas, lupine, etc.); Feed crops (annual herbs - Wicco-oatmeal, pea-oat and other mixes, perennial herbs - clover in pure sowing, clover with Timofeevka, clover with oatmeal and other grassmes, on weakness soils - alfalfa); Silosal cultures (corn, sunflower, etc.); Feed root roots (beets, carrots, trouser, etc.). This is the main zone of the cultivation of potatoes and many cultures: flax dolt (the most important technical culture for these conditions), cannabis, sugar beet, etc. From vegetable crops grow cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, dining room carrots, green crops, in some areas - onions. Successfully developing vegetable life of protected soil. Fruit growing is more widely represented in southern regions. Most farms (97% of the collective farms and state farms of the zone) specialize in the production of milk. Developed meat animal husbandry. Such specialization requires expanding the production of feed on natural forage facilities, cultural pastures and arable land.
Many collective farms and state farms are still characterized by diversified production. This is manifested in the cultivation of a large number of different cultures with small stakes in the structure of sowing areas. Intensification of agricultural production requires further concentration and specialization of crop production. A reduction in the number of cultivated cultures and an increase in their share in the structure of sowing areas, as well as a change in existing crop rotations.
The most important task of collective farms and state farms of the non-sinnamine zone is a further increase in grain production, especially fodder. This task is solved by different ways: improving the structure of sowing areas, the expansion of crops crops, an increase in yield. The last path is the main one. To do this, it is necessary to create a high anger by making a large number of necessary fertilizers, loving acidic soils, the implementation of reclamation and cultural work, growing only zoned highly productive varieties and hybrids of cultivated plants. In an increase in the production of crop production, the development of new lands is of great importance, the transformation of "inconsispens" into arable land and other agricultural land.
In the nuclear area, there are improved grain, fruit and disappearance of agriculture system. Improving agriculture systems will be carried out against the background of wider use of fertilizers, improving the soil processing, performing land reclamation work, the development of crop rotations with occupied couples, growing more productive agricultural crops.
In the farms of the non-sinnamine zone there may be different types and types of crop rotations. In field crops, specialized in the production of grain, grain crops, including cereal and grain legumes, can occupy up to 80% of the crop rotation area and re-posted. Increase the saturation of crop rotations with grain crops, placing frills after grain legumes, cleaned by grain. In many areas on fertile lands and with high agricultural engineering, frozen grains, especially wheat intense varieties. On the light soils, it is advisable to place winter rye.
With a high agrotechnology and good soil refueling with fertilizers, winter crops are sown at busy pairs (clover, annual herbs, etc.), as well as after early fearful, and in some areas after grain legume crops, removed on grain. This allows you to get more products than when placing winter crops.
From the spring grain, the most treasured barley; Valuable Food Grain Culture - Spring Wheat; In crop rotation, it is placed on the best and good predecessors.
In many crop rotations, perennial herbs are grown, which are sown, as a rule, under the cover of another culture. On less fertile soils and at good moisture supply, they are spilled under winter wheat, and clover - in spring in early terms. With a high yield of the coating culture (more than 25-30 centches with 1 hectares), as well as with a lack of soil moisture in spring and summer (southern, and often central and northwestern regions) Perennial herbs should be peeling under spring cereals (barley) or annual herbs .
In field linen crop rotations, depending on the fertility of the soil fertility, Len-Dolgunets are placed on different predecessors: perennial herbs, disappearing cultures, winter grain, etc. In collective farms and state farms, this culture is most often sown by the reservoir of perennial herbs - one of the best predecessors in the nonherninone zone. Len-Dolgunets in crop rotations is still a small area, as a rule, not more than 14.3% (one field in sevenpol crop rotation). With complex mechanization and in factory cooking, the trust (the most progressive method) is possible greater saturation of the crop rotations by this culture.
The area under potatoes in field crop rotations can be brought to 30-40%, placing his early varieties in a steam field, and the rest are in the wet. With commodity sowing, potato landing is possible for two years in a row on one field. It should be borne in mind that the potatoes are better at light soils. There should also be heated by winter rye, oats, lupine, pendulice (stern pea), buckwheat. The saturation of the crop rotation of the potato (auscient culture), it is necessary to make high doses of organic and mineral fertilizers, soaring perennial herbs, siteral and intermediate cultures and carry out other techniques that contribute to an increase in the content of humus in the soil.
In special vegetable crop rotations, with high agricultural engineering, all fields can be held by vegetable crops.
Food crop rotations are widely recommended in farms with developed animal husbandry. They can be saturated with perennial herbs, leaving for 3-4 years of use, annual herbs, silage crops and root crops. Up to 7 thousand feed units with 1 hectares are obtained in theft crop rotations.
On weakly acid and neutral soils, corn-alfice crop rotations are possible, which make it possible to increase the collection of feed units with 1 hectare pashnya to 7-8 thousand and more when satisfying the need for protein. It is possible, for example, in the first three fields of crop rotation to heat corn on the silage, in the fourth field to the corn after the last soil loosening in the alarms to put the alfalfa or instead of corn to place a coating culture and from the fifth on the eighth field - grow alfalfa. The number of fields in the crop rotation can be reduced to two: on one soaring four years in a row, corn, on the other - four years alfalfa. Lucerne in this case is planted once every four years.
There may be other feed crop rotations to obtain green feeds in the green conveyor system, full-fed sterns in the form of briquettes and granules, monocorme, etc. In more southern areas, it is advisable in feed, as well as field crop rotations to have intermediate feed crops that can dramatically increase feed production .

The mechanical processing of the soil is of great importance. In the areas of excess moisturizing the soil treatment, they strive to reduce the negative effect of excess moisture, in arid - accumulate, save and productively use it. When choosing techniques and tillage terms, the pecunctuator features, the term of its cleaning, the state of the soil, including the degree of cloghood of weeds, natural conditions, features of the subsequent culture, etc.
In the northern and northeastern regions, after cleaning many crops, it is advisable without prior discrimination to make plowing in possible early time. The stubborn sterns necessarily only in the presence of rhizuy and corneupry weeds. On heavy soils, with excess moisturizing, the main processing of the soil is limited to the brush, carrying plowing on the spring. After harvesting from the weeds of the disappearance (root crops, edge), it is possible to abandon deep treatments, exercising only pushing.
In the central and especially in the southern regions, where the post-harvest period is longer, pushing is combined with subsequent deep rehabilitation; After early crops, half-foot processing of the soil is possible.
The stubborn sterns must be carried out after the harvest of the predecessor and no later than the beginning of September in the central and partially more northern regions and mid-September - in the southern. In a later dates, the breath is ineffective. Complete plowing must be completed no later than mid-September, and even better in the August term.
Peresty perennial herbs raise under spring cultures in the eastern regions no later than the first half of September, in the central - no later than mid-September, in Western - in the second half of September; Under winter crops - immediately after the first hide.
When processing clean vapors, the moisture content of the soil and the amount of precipitation in the warm period of the year are taken into account. They are often determined by the possibility of plowing, peeling, two and multiple brushes or the refusal of them and carrying out only layers of layers without turnover. When placing winter grains at busy pairs, as well as in the cultivation of intermediate crops, the soil treatment is carried out immediately after harvesting the precursor. In the northern, northwestern and other areas with excess moisturizing, techniques are used to remove excess water tillage. Water erosion of soil is developed in the southern and partially central regions. Therefore, anti-erosion soil treatments are needed and other techniques.
There are many light soils in the zone, they should not plow them every year. Deeply plowed only when chosen organic fertilizers. After potatoes, root, corn, corn and some other crops, if the grain crops are placed after them, the plowing can be replaced with a cut to a depth of 10-12 cm. Deep plowing with preliminary brushing is always required when the fields are clogged with rhizomic or root and weeds.
In the zone, it is necessary to widerly use high-speed soil processing, allowing to increase the optimal moisture content of the soil for machining; more use various aggregates, such as the combined RVK-3 unit, especially before sowing winter and intermediate crops; reduce the number of soil treatments (minimal processing), especially in fields with disappear crops; Replace plowing after a wicco-oatmeal mixture in a busy disk or other techniques.
These activities give the best result on the focused soils, well-filled with fertilizers, when using various means of combating pests, diseases and weeds.
The zone is very effective organic and mineral fertilizers, especially against the background of high agricultural engineering. According to the Central Institute of Agricultural Services of Agriculture, 1 C mineral fertilizers in conventional tuks give an average increase in yield (in C 1 hectares): rye 1.3-1.5, barley 1.2-1,7, potatoes 6- 7, cabbage 12-18, carrots 10-13, hay of natural hayfields 1.5-2.5. The best use of mineral fertilizers contributes to systematic making of organic fertilizers, and on acidic soils - limestone materials.
Fertilizers and other agrotechnical techniques can also dramatically raise the productivity of natural hayfields and pastures.
Experience of advanced farms. Many collective farms and state farms have achieved great success, receiving on large areas on average (in C with 1 hectares): grain 30, potatoes 200-300, hay of perennial herbs 50-60.
More than 30 grades of grain with 1 ha are growing farms located in different areas of the non-black-earth zone, for example, the collective farm named after Lenin Novomoskovsky district of the Tula region, the collective farms "Covenants of Lenin" of the Krasnocholm district of the Kalinine region, "forward" of the Shacksky district of the Ryazan region and others. In the collective farm name Makarov of the Odintsovsky District of the Moscow Region in 1975. The yield of winter wheat of Ilyichvka variety on an area of \u200b\u200b9 hectares was 89 C with 1 hectare. This became possible due to the implementation of a number of economic, organizational and agricultural events. Among the latter, correctly selected precursors in the developed crop rotations, the rational processing of the soil, the scientifically based fertilizer system, as well as the lift of acidic soil, if necessary, their drainage and irrigation, the cultivation of highly productive zoned varieties and hybrids, the active struggle against pests, diseases, weeds.
In the collective farm "Light way" of the Molodenensky district of the Minsk region of meat and dairy specialization in the ninth five-year period, the average yield was (in C with 1 hectare): grain 40.7, potatoes 267, perennial herbs (green food) 185; In 1976, respectively, 42.1, 312 and 250. The collective farm consolidated 2621 hectares of agricultural land, including 1407 hectares of Pashnya. Soils in the farm dend-podzolic, loamy and sandy. The average annual precipitation is 600 mm.
There are four eight-dollar crop rotations from alfaling biennial use. Wintering rye seed only at busy pairs (wintering on green food), potatoes - after winter rye. After potatoes, a barley with alfalfa subbones are placed, along the layers of alfalfa - sugar beet and on the turnover of the layer - tark grain.
The farm is widely used by stamping and deep chilly plowing - up to 25-28 cm. Under sugar beets placed on the reservoir, the main soil treatment is carried out by type of half paragraph: after lifting the layer of alfalfa, the field is cultured in two directions.
Early spring fields under sugar beets, potatoes and spring grain crops are cultivated in the unit with "Zigzag" harrow in two directions, under the fatal crops - deeply perepay with simultaneous harrowing for the sealing of fertilizers.
Immediately before sowing all agricultural crops, with the exception of potatoes, the soil surface is treated with RVK-3 aggregate. The high level of mechanization allows all field work quickly and in optimal terms.
Fields are well refueling with organic and mineral fertilizers. In 1976, 17 tons of organic and 4 c mineral fertilizers were made on 1 hectare of Pashnya.
The farm has been manufactured by 1620 hectares of acidic soils at the rate of 4 tons of lime per 1 hectare. Seed seeds of only zoned varieties. Weeds are missing. The degree of energy transportation of the economy allows all field work to carry out at optimal terms and high quality.
In the collective farm "Red volunteer" of the Smolensk district of the Smolensk region, for which 2398 ha 7, potatoes 241.8, and in 1976, respectively, 40.4; 7.7 and 181.
The collective farm has meat and dairy specialization with developed flax. The soil of the farm is ferrous-podzolic, loamy. The average annual precipitation is 550-600 mm.
The farm has been mastered by four field and two feed crop rotations with two fields of perennial herbs (clover with Timofeevka).
In the field crop rotation, winter cereals are placed on a busy pair (annual herbs) and an unparing predecessor (barley). Perennial herbs are leaning under winter grains, Len-Dolgian placed on the reservoir, on the turnover of the layer - potatoes. After the potatoes, barley sowed in a vapor field, after it for the next year there are winter out; Close crop rotation with springtime grain.
The main processing of the soil (plowing) is carried out, as a rule, in the fall (chil) to the depth of the arable layer -20-22 cm. After cleaning winter cereals, which are not filled with perennial herbs, be sure to be stamped with a subsequent deep pill. In the spring, plows with simultaneous harrowing only in one of the steam fields where barley sowed. Depth of spring sucks 12-14 cm.
In all fields, where there was a zyab, necessarily early harrowing and subsequent pre-sowing cultivation with harrowing. Before sowing flax dolgunca and often grain crops necessarily rolling soil. In the widespread field (potatoes) in the spring after early harrowing, the chicks make fertilizers and close up their extremity to a depth of 14-16 cm. Immediately the surface of the soil is harrowded. After landing, there are two trustees and several post-lead cultivations, and later - a dip.
Much attention is paid to the limestone of acidic soils and applying fertilizers. The farm has been manufactured 1020 hectares of acidic soils (6 tons of lime per 1 hectare).
In 1976, 14.9 tons of organic and 220 kg of the active substance of mineral fertilizers were added per 1 hectare of Pashnya. In the disappearance field, at least 60 tons of organic fertilizers are plants, the rest are in steam fields.
Only highly productive zoned varieties cultivate. Sowing of crops are weak. Agrotechnical techniques are carried out in a timely manner and high quality.
In the collective farm "Avangard" of the Chkalovsky district of the Gorky region during the ninth five-year period, the average yield was (in c with 1 hectares): grain 32.1, including winter wheat 35.1, flax-dollar (fiber) 7.6, corn on Silo 463, perennial herbs (hay) 47,3,1976, respectively 45.3; 55.3; 9.0; 403 and 51.4. 2629 hectares of agricultural land are fixed behind the household, including 2110 hectares of Pashnya. The soils are ferrous-podzolic, the medium cynical. The average annual precipitation of 500 mm. Field of flax-milk direction.
In the collective farm on the entire Pashny Square, six fruit of sevenpol linen crop rotations were mastered. In the vapor field sowing barley. The clover with Timofeevka, occupying two fields with long grains, occupying two fields by perennial herbs. On the reservoir of perennial herbs placed Len-Dolgunhanets, on the turnover of the formation - potatoes, and on the third year - spring cereals.
The chille plows under the spring cultures to a depth of 20-22 cm, and the layer of perennial herbs - by 18-20 cm. Much attention is paid to pre-sowing soil processing. Spring chill are harrowing, then under spring grain crops and Lena Dolguzane, the soil is cultivated with simultaneous harrowing; Immediately before sowing, it is treated with the RVK-3 unit. In the vapor and disappear fields after spring harrowing, it is carried out by a drop in 18-20 cm in the depth of 18-20 cm with the simultaneous making of organic and parts of mineral fertilizers and harrowing.
Potatoes before shoots and on shoot harrow and later plunge twice.
Plants are well provided with nutrition elements. In 1976, 12.8 tons of organic and 3 c average substances of mineral fertilizers contributed to 1 hectare of Pashnya. The collective farm systematically lime acidic soils. Only in 1976, 185 hectares of acidic soils were suspended at the rate of 6 tons of lime per 1 hectare.
Grow only zoned varieties. Sowing clean from weeds. Energy-related economy allows you to carry out all field work timely and high quality. Constantly maintained communication with scientists and implements agricultural science.

International independent

Ecological Political University

International Independent University

Of Environmental & Political Sciences

By subject:

Rational environmental management

"The problem of rational use of lands of non-black earth"

Performed (a): Student (ka) of the III course

Specialty: SC service and tourism

Sopolunova Julia Vyacheslavovna

Checked: teacher

Scherba Vladimir Afanasievich.


1. The composition of the non-Black Zone.

2. Characteristics of non-black earth.

3. Problems of rational use of lands of non-black earth and ways to solve them.



Land -universal natural resource necessary for many industries of human activity. For industry, construction, land transport, it serves as a soil on which production facilities, buildings, structures are placed.

Land - a kind of resource. First, it cannot be replaced by other resources. Secondly, although the land is a universal resource, each of its plot can be used most often for one purpose - under arable land, hayfoshos, construction, etc. Thirdly, land resources can be considered exhausted, since their area is limited to the size of the earth sushi, states, of a particular economy. But, possessing fertility, land resources (namely soil) with its proper use and agricultural engineering, regular fertilizer, soil-protecting and meliorated events renew and even increase their productivity.

1. The composition of the non-black earth zone

Non-Black Earth, Non-Black Zone - Agricultural and industrial area of \u200b\u200bthe European part of Russia.

A total of 32 subjects of the Federation, incident, including 32 22 areas, 6 republics, 1st land, 1 Autonomous District and two cities of federal significance. The area is 2411.2 thousand square meters. KM

Received a name on the prevailing type of soil as opposition to the black soil.

Includes four economic areas:

Northern Economic District

Northwest Economics

Central Economic District.

Volga-Vyatsky Economic District,

as well as individual regions of Russia:

Kaliningrad region

Perm region

Sverdlovsk region


Northern District

Republic of Karelia

Komi Republic

Arkhangelsk region

Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Vologodskaya Oblast

Murmansk region


Includes the following subjects of the Russian Federation:

Leningrad region

Novgorod region

Pskov region

St. Petersburg

central District

Includes the following subjects of the Russian Federation:

Bryansk region.

Vladimir region

Ivanovo region

Kaluga region

Kostroma region

Moscow region

Oryol Region

Ryazan Oblast

Smolensk region

Tver region

Tula region

Yaroslavl region

Volga-Vyatsky district

Includes the following subjects of the Russian Federation:


Kirov region

Nizhny Novgorod Region

Nechuro-earth is a huge territory extending from the shores of the Arctic Ocean to the forest-steppe zone and from the Baltic Sea to Western Siberia. Non-sinone is named so according to the soil cover, in which podzolic soils prevail.

Since the most ancient times, non-black earth played and plays a large role in the history of Russia, in its economic and cultural development. Here, in the Interfichrian Oki and Volga, in the late XV century there was a Russian state, from here then the population was settled in a vast country. On this territory, for centuries, the people defended their freedom. The industry of Russia originated here.

Nowadays, nonhernochima retained a primary role in the political, economic and cultural life of the country. Large cities are located here - the training centers of qualified personnel, the most important industrial bases, the most mastered areas of the people, good haymaking and pastures for livestock, as landscapes of non-sensions are mostly favorable for the life and economic activity of a person.

2. Characteristic of non-black earth

Nechrochoamye is an important agricultural area. Here is 1/5 of the area of \u200b\u200bagricultural land of Russia. The development of agriculture here contributes to good moisture, almost complete absence of drought. True, the soil here is poor humus, but when conducting the right landing can give good yields of rye, barley, flax, potatoes, vegetables, forage herbs. But from the first half of the 60s, there is a decrease in the growth rate of agricultural products. The reasons for this are also in the unfavorable exposure to a person on landscapes of non-black earth, and in the social sphere. The outflow of the population of agricultural regions in the city was very unfavorable. The length of the rural population has decreased here in recent years on average by 40%. The reasons for this can be the most different: reinforced industrial construction, more favorable living conditions in cities, weak development of the social sphere in the villages. As a result of the lack of working hands, agricultural land declined, weakened attention to anti-erosion work, it began to have a fear, overgrowing of fields. This ultimately led to a drop in the productivity of agricultural land and the lag of agriculture of this area.

In order to solve the problems arose, a resolution "On measures for the further development of the economy of the Necharchornia" was adopted. It assumed the following measures: improving the living conditions of people, especially in the districts of the North;

improvement (amelioration - a set of measures to improve soils with the goal of long-term increase in their fertility) of land by draining and irrigation, fertilizer, limeting soils, effectively combating erosion, tree-to-shrub vegetation, snowstaving and regulation of snowstaving, field enlarges and improving them forms;

3. Problems of rational use of lands of non-black earth and ways to solve them

In the depths of the Neckoranime, the iron (KMA) deposits are located, the stone (Pecher's pool) and the brown (Moscow region pool) of coal, the apatity of the Kola Peninsula, the soles of the Lake Baskunchak. Between the Volga and the Ural Mountains, as well as in the northeast of the region, oil is produced. Most deposits are located in well-developed areas. It increases their value.

During mining of minerals, there is a violation of land, the destruction of their fertile layer, the creation of a new form of relief. With a mining method of mining, large areas occupy blank breed dumps. Careers are formed in the areas of open development on the surface of the Earth. Sometimes it is extensive pitting depth 100-200 m. And more. Many disturbed lands in the pool near Moscow, in the areas of developments of building raw materials and peat. The restoration of these disturbed land (their recultivation) is now paying great attention. In their place are created reservoirs. They return to agricultural and forestry use. For densely populated areas, this is especially of great importance.

The problem of non-monarchy is associated with the use of natural resources of this region, primarily with the development of agriculture in it. The soil here is not so fertile as blacklooms, however, soil and agroclimatic resources allow growing rye and barley, flax and potatoes, vegetables and oats, feed herbs. Forest floodplain meadows are good hay and pastures for livestock. However, agricultural products are not available here.

For the further development of agriculture, non-garnexime needs rational use and improvement (amelioration) of land, road construction and improved living conditions.

The main type of land reclamation here is the drainage of excessively moistened lands. Along with the drainage, fertilizers and facilities are required, in places irrigation and the fight against soil erosion, the cleaning of stones and the chipping of woody vegetation, snow-setting and regulation of the snowmall, the consolidation of fields and improve their shape.


Land degradation occurred throughout the history of mankind. Numerous studies have shown that only for the history of agriculture as a result of the development of erosion processes, secondary salinization, the degumination of soils and other phenomena, humanity has lost more than 105 billion hectares, which significantly exceeds the entire world area of \u200b\u200bPashnya. According to the calculations of the soils every year in the world, about 8 million hectares from agricultural use due to its development by settlements, transport hints, mining developments and other objects.

Rational use of land: Expansion due to wheat areas under oats and barley, as more yields and suitable crops; Rational use of land under the crops of flax, potatoes, vegetables. However, the adopted transformation program was failed to implement, since the economic crisis of the 80s. Deeply affected the whole country. It is impossible to solve the problem of non-black earth in some kind of one area. Only the complete recovery of the economy will help in this.

The problem of rational use of land resources, their protection against destruction and increase soil fertility is one of the most important tasks of scientific research. They involve a whole complex of science - agrochemical, biological, chemical, economic. Geography both complex science and its industry directions - soil geography, hydrology, geomorphology, climatology, geography of agriculture, etc. Only as a result of comprehensive studies, and areas requiring highlighting works can be studied and identified, and their consequences are predicted Impact on other components of natural complexes.


1. Rakovskaya E.M. Geography: Nature of Russia, a textbook for the 8th grade of general education institutions. M .: "Enlightenment", 2004

2. Abramov L.S. Basics of constructive geography. M.: "Enlightenment", 1999

3. Dronov V.P., Rum V.Ya. Geography of Russia: population and household, textbook for the 9th grade. M.: Drop, 2002.


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Nechuro-earth, or, more precisely, an unborn zone is a huge territory extending from the shores of the Arctic Ocean to the forest-steppe zone in the south with its black erect soils and from the Baltic Sea to Western Siberia. There are 28 regions and republics, as well as the Perm region, the Nenets Autonomous District and the two cities of federal significance. It includes an unborn zone in four major economic areas - North-West, North, Volga-Vyatsky and Central. The total area is 2824 thousand km 2. It is more than France, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Germany, combined. There are about 60 million people in the nonhernozem, that is, more than 1/3 of the population of Russia. Since the most ancient times, the olden-ground zone has played and plays a large role in the history of our Motherland, in its economic and cultural development. Here, in the interflucery Oka and Volga, at the end of the XV century. There was a Russian centralized state. A Russian national culture has been created in the non-black earth, from here the Russians settled in a vast country. On this territory, for centuries, the Russian people defended their freedom and independence. The industry of Russia originated here, large Russian cities have grown and develop.

And in our time, the Neckochinee retained a primary role in the political, economic and cultural life of the country. The center of Nechrennohemia, St. Petersburg, the Urals are the most important industrial bases, the forge of scientific and working personnel. The capital of our Motherland is the capital of our Motherland - Moscow, the second on economic and cultural significance of the city - St. Petersburg and the largest cities and industrial centers as Nizhny Novgorod, Ekaterinburg, Perm, Yaroslavl, Izhevsk, Tula, and others.

Nechrophone - an important agricultural area of \u200b\u200bRussia. Here is 1/5 of the country of agricultural land.

The development of agriculture here is favorable by the presence of huge arrays of arable land, many meadows and pastures, as well as good moisturies, almost complete abuse. True, the soil here is poor humus. However, the soils of non-sinomime in climate favorable areas during the necessary land reclamation (drainage, limeting, making mineral fertilizers) can give up to 80 c grains and up to 800-1000 c potatoes with hectares.

The development of agriculture of non-black earth extension based on its intensification, land reclamation, complex mechanization and chemicalization is the level of the national problem.

The development of non-black earth will take more than a decade. It is necessary to increase the production of a variety of agricultural products.

But the accelerated growth of grain production, meat, milk, potatoes, vegetables, other products is only one of the parties to raise agriculture of non-black earth. After all, all the products obtained need to be preserved and recycled. Therefore, new elevators for grain, meat processing plants, dairy plants, storage facilities for potatoes and vegetables are being built here.

It is especially important to organize large mechanized farms in milk-meat animal husbandry - the main branch of agriculture of the non-black earth. The population of this zone is the largest consumer of milk and fresh meat.

Work is underway to change the structure and geography of cultivated cultures. Thus, they are expanding due to wheat area under oats and barley, as more crop and, moreover, work suitable for feeding, work is underway on a more rational placement of industrial crops (primarily flax), on the concentration of potato and vegetables landings.

The priority task is to master new non-black earth lands under arable land, improve existing arable land, increase its fertility. Another important task is to create cultural pastures.

In front of the non-black minced task, the transformation into a district of highly productive farming and animal husbandry, as well as the development related to them, industries.

Perform the tasks of conversion of agriculture of non-black earth definitely without the active participation of young people. This goal will be attractive for young men and girls, there is an opportunity for everyone to attach their knowledge, energy, to show love for work on Earth.

The Middle North-West, small towns and the countryside between Tversule, Pskov, St. Petersburg and Cherepovets are the Russia, which is already 100 years old. Maybe all 150 - although the population has increased here until the first world, with the beginning of the stormy industrial development of the country and the emergence of railways (that is, from the 1860s), both capitals began to actively pump up the population of these swampy, non-fermentation lands.

Of course, there were non-fermented and swampies before St. Petersburg, but before the appearance of St. Petersburg, it was a border crossing and at the same time the main trading path to the West, and at the same time a bridgehead for the development of the riches of the wild lands of the North and even Siberia (which was once served as the basis of the wealth of Novgorod). Frequent wars did not really hurt the deep areas, military actions were mainly conducted at the borders, military garrisons in numerous fortresses created jobs and attracted government financing. The Big Damage region was punishable by Ivan the Terrible and the subsequent Livonian war, and after her, the University, but later these lands were recovered quickly, and in the XVII century, Novgorod remained the second largest city in the country. The most securely located Tver Principality had a little more fertile soils, trading revenues there were slightly smaller, and after entering the Moscow principality, it finally became part of Central Russia. With the advent of the Northern Capital, the regional centers of Pskov and Novgorod lost most of their importance, but for the North-Western depth, the construction of St. Petersburg was rather a plus - a large market for local products appeared, primarily for the Forest and Forest; Gradually mass became riding to the city (waste). Tver, on the contrary, with the development of the Volga trade and the construction of artificial waterways between Moscow and St. Petersburg entered into a new phase of heyday. An important and profitable fishery for the local was also the maintenance of large roads from the new capital - primarily to Moscow, and from the end of the XVIII century and in Warsaw.
But the emerging railways led to the fact that passenger and cargo traffic began to pass these places with transit - neither the Yamsk service nor postal stations were no longer required, and industrial development increased the number of jobs in the capitals many times, and local began to go there not Seasonal earnings, and more and more and more often forever. The Tver region continued to flourish and at the end of the XIX - early XX century, Tver managed to take advantage of all the advantages of the industrial revolution in Russia.
But the first strong blow to these Lands inflicted the First World War, who was imperceptibly transferred to the civil action - the first time for two hundred years in these parts. First, the first world brought here large infrastructure projects - primarily the construction of rockades (i.e. parallel line of front) railways. However, the civil war did not allow them to complete them, they were carried out only partially (not counting the fully built lines of Narva - Pskov and Pskov - Polotsk). Starting from the second half of the 1920s, the outflow of the population began with a new force, the industrialization of the 1930s almost did not affect these regions, as a result, in 1939, the population of these land was significantly less than the figure of 1913. Tver has greatly increased in the wave of industrialization And developed quite in line with the rest of the country. The Great Patriotic War is completely derived from the near North-West (including the Tver region). Almost everything was destroyed, the cities were detected, much has not been restored (for example, many ancient architectural monuments in small towns, the plots of railways Novgorod - the old Russ, Gdov - Pskov, Pskov - Polotsk, Pskov's tram systems and Staray Russa).

Oddly enough, this is a rare case - in the USSR, they sought to eliminate all the consequences of the war and, as a rule, really eliminated them. Moreover, when the case concerned the railways - they were not reasonably considered as the basis of the country's transport system. The North-West Enginee became the only region, where during the years of Soviet power the density of the railway network did not increase, and significantly decreased. Despite the large military destruction, the Tver region continued to stand mansion and remain more prosperous - post-war recovery was quickly replaced by the further development of the region. But since the 1960s, the overall crisis of the rural non-black earth, which touched Piscuples and Novgorodchin began, and then the Tver region especially strongly - the land here is worse, while not far to major cities where a significant part of local youth is leaving. The 1990s fully predictably aggravated the trend. There was already a lot of victims and the Tver region, formerly more prosperous - it became among the leaders in the number of villages, annually becoming abandoned, and the roads and the state of the improvement of cities here is the worst in Central Russia.

The deepening effect on the region has the proximity of Moscow, working here as a vacuum cleaner on pumping the most capable and promising population.

As a result, the rural area was immented, and the Pskov region entered world textbooks on demographics (in a hundred years more than a fivefold decrease in the population). The central part of the Leningrad region (suburban zone of St. Petersburg), Novgorod (late industrialization of the 1960s and tourism), Pskov (tourism), Tver and individual cities of the Tver region (surviving industry) have almost suffered. Pskov region poorer, but generally more well-groomed, in the Novgorod region - a striking contrast between the people who look no worse than Peter Novgorod and killed, almost an impersonal countryside, the Tver region, which, according to statistics, richer than Pskov and Novgorod, looks much worse than its northwestern neighbors.

Probably, the north-west of the old-earth zone is the only part of the country, definitely only lost during the years of Soviet power. A certain symbol of what we have lost since 1917.
All this began to be created as a preface to the post about gdov, but it turned out so much what had to be taken out in a separate post. About the gdov himself and the mound of the lake - in the next part.