Whether the man is superfluous. Is it possible to consider the image of Oblomov negative

Whether the man is superfluous. Is it possible to consider the image of Oblomov negative

Roman Goncharova "Oblomov" is a socio-psychological novel written in the 19th century. In the work, the author affects a number of social and philosophical problems, including the issues of human interaction with society. The protagonist of the Roman - Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is "an extra person," who does not know how to adapt to a new, rapidly-free world, change itself and its views for the sake of a bright future. That is why one of the most acute conflicts in the work is opposed to the passive, inert hero of an active society, in which the bugs cannot find a worthy place.

What is common in Oblomov with "superfluous people"?

In Russian literature, such a type of hero as "an extra person" appeared in the early 20s of the 19th century. For this character, it was characterized by alienation from the usual noble environment and in general the entire official life of Russian society, since he felt boredom and his superiority (both intellectual and moral) over the rest. "An extra person" is full of mental fatigue, can say a lot, but do nothing, very skeptical. At the same time, the hero is always the heir to a good condition, which he, however, does not try to increase.
And indeed, Oblomov, having received an inheritance from their parents more than the estate, could easily settle things there in order to live in full-time from the farm. However, the spiritual fatigue and the boring hero of the boredom prevented the beginning of any cases - from the banal need to get out of bed before writing the letter to the elder.

Ilya Ilyich does not associate itself with the society that Goncharov brightly depicted the first works when visitors come to the broom. Each guest for the hero is like a cardboard scenery, with which it practically does not interact, setting between the other and herself a kind of barrier, hiding behind the blanket. Oblomov does not want as others to go to visit, communicate with hypocritical and not interesting people who disappointed him even during the service - coming to work, Ilya Ilyich hoped that everything would be the same friendly family, as in the crushing, but faced With a situation where every person "for himself". The discomfort, not the ability to find his public calling, the feeling of unnecessaryness in the "Nefrug" world leads to an escapherm of the hero, immersion in the illusions and memories of the beautiful Oblombovsky past.

In addition, the "superfluous" person always does not fit in due time, rejecting him and acting on the system dictating him and the value of the system. In contrast to the romantic tradition, they always seek forward, leading their time, Pechorin and Onegin, or the character of the Enlightenment of Chatsky, towering over the mosted in ignorance by society, Oblomov - the image of a realistic tradition, the hero seeking not in front of transformations and new discoveries (in society either in his soul), an excellent distant future, and a faith-oriented and important thing for him, "Oblomovochina".

Love "Excess Human"

If in the question of the temporary orientation of the bugs differs from the "extra heroes preceding it, then in love affairs their fate is very similar. Like Pechorin or Onegin, the bugs are afraid of love, is afraid of what can change and become different or adversely affect his beloved - until the degradation of her personality. On the one hand, parting with the beloved is always a noble step from the "extension hero", on the other, this is the manifestation of infantilism - Oblomov was an appeal to the "Oblomovsky" childhood, where they decided everything for him, they cared for him and everyone was allowed.

"An extra person" is not ready for fundamental, sensual love for a woman, for him it is important not how much the real beloved, how many independently created, inaccessible image - we see the feelings of Onegin to Tatiana, and illusory, "spring" feelings Oblomov to Olga. "Extensive person" needs a muse - beautiful, unusual and inspiring (for example, like Bella with Pechorin). However, not finding such a woman, the hero falls into another extreme - finds a woman who would replace his mother and created the atmosphere of distant childhood.
Not similar at first glance and Onegin are equally suffering from loneliness in the crowd, but if Eugene does not refuse secular life, then for Oblomov, the only way out is immersed in itself.

Is the man of obcomments?

The "extra person" in the broom is perceived by other characters other than similar heroes in the preceding works. Oblomov - a kind, simple, honest person who sincerely wants a quiet, calm happiness. He is sympathetic not only to the reader, but also the people around him - no wonder because of school years, his friendship with the gallery and Zakhar continues to serve the Barin. Moreover, Olga and Agafia were sincerely loved by Oblomov precisely for its mental beauty, dying under the pressure of apathy and inertness.

What is the reason that from the very appearance of the novel in the press criticism was determined by Oblomov as a "excess person", because the hero of realism, unlike the characters of romanticism, is this typed image that combines the features of the whole group of people? Depicting Oblomov in Roman, Goncharov wanted to show not one "extra" person, but a whole social layer of educated, wealthy, intelligent, mental people who could not find themselves in rapidly changing, new Russian society. The author emphasizes the tragedy of the situation when, without knowing how to change together with the circumstances, such "brooms" slowly die, continuing to hold on to the long time, but still important and heating the soul memories of the past.

10 classes will be especially useful to familiarize themselves with the above arguments before writing an essay on the topic "Oblomov and" Extra People "."

Test on the work

At the beginning of the XIX century, a number of works appear in Russian literature, the main problem of which is the conflict of man and society that has erected its environment. The most outstanding of them were "Eugene Onegin" A.S. Pushnina and "Hero of Our Time" M.Yu. Lermontov. This is how a special literary type is created and develops - the image of a "excess person", the hero, who did not find his place in society, not understand and rejected by the environment. This image was changed as society developed, acquiring new features, qualities, features, until he reached the brightest and complete incarnation in the Romana I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov".

The work of Goncharova is the story of the hero, who has no decisive fighters, but there is all the data to be a good, decent person. The writer "wanted to ensure that the random image flashed in front of him to build in type, give him a generic and constant meaning," wrote N.A. Dobrolyubs. Indeed, the bugs are not a new face in Russian literature, "but before it was not exhibited before us so simple and naturally, as in Roman Goncharov."

Why can Oblomov be called "extensive person"? What is the similarity and the distinction of this character with his famous predecessors - Onegin and Pechorin?

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov - Peaceless, sluggish, apathetic, torn off from real life: "Lying ... was his normal state." And this feature is the first thing that distinguishes it from Pushkinsky and, especially, Lermontov's heroes.

Goncharov character life - pink dreams on a soft sofa. Slippers and bathrobes - integral satellites of Oblomovsky existence and bright accurate artistic parts that reveal the inner essence and external lifestyle of Oblomov. Living in the invented world, felling off with dust curtains from real reality, the hero dedicates their time to build unless plans, does not bring anything to the end. Any of his undertaking is comprehended by the fate of the book, which the brooms have read for several years on one page.

However, the inaction of the Goncharovsky Character was not erected into such an extreme degree, like Manilov from the poem N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls", and, as the Dobrolybov noted correctly, "Oblomov is not a stupid, apathetic nature, without aspirations and feelings, and a person is also looking for something in his life, about something thinking ...".

Like Onegin, and Pechorin, the hero of Goncharova in his youth was a romantic that thirsty of the ideal, which made it from the desire for activity, but, like him, the "color of life" Oblomov "blossomed and did not give fruits." Bakes were disappointed in life, cooled to the knowledge, realized all the timelessness of its existence and in the literal and figurative sense "lay down on a sofa", believing that this way could maintain the integrity of his personality.

So the hero and "lay" life, without bringing any visible benefit to society; "Speak" love, which passed by him. You can agree with the words of his friend of the gallery, figuratively prompted that the Oblomovsky "misfortunes began to wear stockings and ended in the inability to live."

Thus, the main difference between the "excess person" of Oblomov from the "extra people" of Onegin and Pechorin is that the latter denied public defects in action - real affairs and deeds (see the life of Onegin in the village, the communion of Pechorina with "Water Society") whereas the first "protested" on the sofa, spending his whole life in immobility and inaction. Therefore, if Onegin and Pechorin are "moral cripples" to a greater extent due to the fault of society, then obcomments are predominantly due to the fault of their own apathetic nature.

In addition, if the type of "excess person" is universal and is characteristic not only for Russian, but also foreign literature (B. Konstan, A. De Mussse, etc.), then considering the features of the social and spiritual life of Russia of the XIX century, one can note What is the breakdown - the phenomenon of purely Russian, generated by the reality of that time. It was not by chance that Dobrolyubov saw in the rubber "Native, People's Type".

So, in Roman I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" The image of the "excess person" gets its final embodiment and development. If in the works of A.S. Pushkin and M.Yu. Lermontov reveals the tragedy of one human soul that did not find his place in society, then Goncharov depicts a whole phenomenon of Russian social and spiritual life, called "Oblomovshchyna" and enabling the basic vices of one of the characteristic types of noble youth of the 50s of the XIX century.

Other works on the topic:

I. A. Goncharov, in his novel, explores human nature, and if in the images of Oblomov and Stolz, we will find as if two extremes (cordiality, but passivity and activity to the detriment of the soul), then in the image of Olga Ilinskaya, from my point of view, not Only the best features of the Russian woman, but also the best that saw a writer in a Russian man.

Love The strongest human feeling has played a big role in life. Oblomov. The love of two women with one smart sophisticated tender demanding other economic innovative host hero what he is.

The image of Oblomov consists of some parts. There are brooms of a moldy almost wondrous felling awesome piece of meat. There are bugs in love with Olga Oblomov who is deeply touching and sympathetic in his sad comium.

In the center of the novel. Goncharova Oblomov is a complex and controversial image of the landlord. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. In the first part of the novel, seemingly the most obvious features of his personality ladless contemplativeness.

I want to write about two women who played a huge role in the life of one person. This person. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov The main character of Roman I. A. Goncharov and one of my favorite literary characters.

Autumn evening. There is no one at home, and I read Roman Goncharov. Strange after all the same Hero - Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. He patiently demolides all the blows of fate, humiliates with constant inhoras in the village and laziness of Zakhar, so that he is constantly cheating, they bloom, they abuse him inherent in kindness. He does not seek to achieve wealth, fame, position in society.

The main task of his novel "Oblomov" Goncharov considered a truly human "norm" of being, lost in the modern world, and the hero responsible for this "norm". But the peculiarity of the embodiment of this author's plan was the fact that the "artistic ideal" of the individual is unattainable. It seems to fall into two parts, two main images - Oblomov and galley, which are depicted based on the principle of antithesis.

The plot and composition of the novel of Oblomov Roman Goncharova "Oblomov" strictly and clearly subordinate to the division of the Russian calendar for four years of year. This is said by the composition of the Goncharovsky masterpiece. The events occurring in it in spring on May 1 begin. For the summer you have the most stormy action - the love of Oblomov and Olga.

There is no doubt that to solve the artistic task, which he set up the gonchars in the novel "Oblomov", was needed not just a beautiful and clever woman, and a woman, the image of which would be as close as possible to the ideal. The author did this: Olga in his development represents the highest ideal, which only a Russian artist could cause from that Russian life.

Andrei Stolz is the closest friend of Oblomov, they grown together and carried their friendship in life. It remains a mystery, as such dissociate people who have such different looks for life, could maintain deep attachment.

The Personality of Oblomov is far from ordinary, although other characters treat him with a slight disrespect. For some reason, they read it hardly not flawed compared to them. This is exactly what was the task of Olga Ilinskaya - to wake a breakdown, to force him to manifest himself as an active man.

The image of Oblomov in Russian literature closes a number of "extra" people. A lackless contemplator who is not capable of active actions, at first glance, does not seem like a big and bright feeling, but is it really? In the life of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, there is no place for global and fundamental changes.

Roman I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" permeates patos of social criticism. The collision of two heroes (Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stolz), two opposing lifestyles can be considered in a broad social plan.

A person in many respects forms childhood. Hence the value of "Sleep Oblomov" in the novel. It's not by chance that Goncharov called him "Overture of the whole novel." Yes, this is the key to all of the work, the attenuation of all its secrets.

Mini-essay "Bugs and his surroundings" Author: Goncharov I.A. Oblomov is the backwardness that prevents historical progress. Oblomov - Frequently soft, he does not lose conscience; Subjectively, he is not able to create evil. The storyline draws a spiritual launch of the hero, there are Barzness and slavery in it - he is a slave of his sofa, laziness.

The image of Oblomov is the greatest creation of I. A. Goncharov. This type of hero, in general, is not new for Russian literature. We meet with him and in the comedy "Lazy" Fonvizin, and in Gogol "marriage". But the image of Oblomov from the same name Roman Goncharov became the most complete and multifaceted embodiment.

The first impression that makes the reader of the Hero of Roman I. Thrycharov "Oblomov", is the impression of laziness, immobility, boredom.

"Sleep Oblomova" is a special head of the novel. "Sleep Oblomov" tells about the childhood of Ilya Ilyich, about his influence on the nature of Oblomov. In the "Sing Oblomov" showed his native village of Oblomovka, his family, the way they lived in the Oblomovsky estate. Oblomovka is the name of two villages who own broom.

Reasons that prompted Oblomov write a letter Olga. How does missions appear in front of readers in his letter.

Before you start your reasoning on the topic: Do I need missions of Russia? I want to tell about I.S. Goncharov and his great work. I.S. Goncharov writer second half of the 19th century.

Roman "Oblomov" Goncharov began writing in 1846. At this time, Russia was a feudal-serfacea country. The oppression of serfs has reached its limits.

The novel "Oblomov" was created on the eve of the peasant reform, in 1859. The main idea is to show a detrimental effect of serfs on the life of peasants and landowners. This is the most influence on the example of one landowner Oblomov.

Did Obloma have a clarification in life at least once? Yes, and not once. Life revived his life. The love of two women is one: sophisticated, gentle, elegant, and the other: economic, innocent, sincere. Who can understand Ilya Oblomov?

The image of Oblomov is the greatest artistic generalization that embodies the typical features of the character generated by the Russian patriarchal landlord.

"Sleep Oblomova" - a magnificent episode of Roman Goncharov "Oblomov". In my opinion, the dream is nothing more than the attempt of the Goncharova himself to understand Ce; E the essence of Oblomov and Oblomovshchina.

Miracle happened: the man was born. Who will he be? Does he benefit society? Will be happy? So far, no one else knows ... A miracle happened: they were raised from a man's man. What was laid by nature: Golden Heart, the ability to experience strong feelings, kindness, but at the same time laziness - it remains.

What are the vital ideals of the gallery? (According to Roman I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov") Author: Goncharov I.A. In the novel I.A. Blugovarov "Oblomov" Andrei Stolz is an antipode of Oblomov. Each feature of the gallery is a blatant protest against the qualities of Oblomov. The first loves an active and interesting life, the second often flows into apathy, he, as if snail, which is afraid of getting out of the shell.

Problems of Roman I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov" Author: Goncharov I.A. "Oblomov" was published in the "domestic notes" since January 1859, parts, for four months and caused a stormy response of criticism. In the work of Dobrolyubov "What is a breakdown?" The problems of the novel was considered in sociological terms, Tin Oblomov was interpreted as an embodiment of all the lengthy vices of the nobility, the philosophical aspect of Oblomov remained without consideration.

Scene antithesis in the novel "Oblomov" Author: Goncharov I.A. 1. Oblomov - Stolz. 2. Oblomov - Olga Ilinskaya Stolz is not a positive hero of the novel, his activity is sometimes reminded of the activities of the Sudrinsky from the despised gallery of the St. Petersburg environment of Oblomov: to work, work, work again, as a car, without rest, entertainment and hobbies.

Oblomov is opposed in the novel Andrei Stolz. Initially, he thought Goncharov as a positive hero, worthy of antipod of Oblomov. The author dreamed that over time a lot of gallets will appear under Russian names. "

An essay on the topic - Shipov and Stolz should be re-released - the main characters of the Roman Goncharov "Oblomov". The author comes to the conclusion that the way of life is his purely personal matter and to re-educate Oblomov and Stolz not only useless, but also inhumanly.

(According to one of the works of Russian literature of the XIX century) ... At the base of Nature, Oblomov lay a clean and good start, filled with deep sympathy to everything, which is good and what only turned away and responded to the call of this ... Heart.

"Oblomov" is a socio-psychological novel written in the 19th century. In the work, the author affects a number of social and philosophical problems, including the issues of human interaction with society. The protagonist of the Roman - Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is "an extra person," who does not know how to adapt to a new, rapidly-free world, change itself and its views for the sake of a bright future. That is why one of the most acute conflicts in the work is opposed to the passive, inert hero of an active society, in which the bugs cannot find a worthy place.

What is common in Oblomov with "superfluous people"?

In Russian literature, such a type of hero as "an extra person" appeared in the early 20s of the 19th century. For this character, it was characterized by alienation from the usual noble environment and in general the entire official life of Russian society, since he felt boredom and his superiority (both intellectual and moral) over the rest. "An extra person" is full of mental fatigue, can say a lot, but do nothing, very skeptical.
At the same time, the hero is always the heir to a good condition, which he, however, does not try to increase.

And indeed, Oblomov, having received an inheritance from their parents more than the estate, could easily settle things there in order to live in full-time from the farm. However, the spiritual fatigue and the boring hero of the boredom prevented the beginning of any cases - from the banal need to get out of bed before writing the letter to the elder.

Ilya Ilyich does not associate itself with the society that Goncharov brightly depicted the first works when visitors come to the broom. Each guest for the hero is like a cardboard scenery, with which it practically does not interact, setting between the other and herself a kind of barrier, hiding behind the blanket. Oblomov does not want as others to go to visit, communicate with hypocritical and not interesting people who disappointed him even during the service - coming to work, Ilya Ilyich hoped that everything would be the same friendly family, as in the crushing, but faced With a situation where every person "for himself". The discomfort, not the ability to find his public calling, the feeling of unnecessaryness in the "Nefrug" world leads to an escapherm of the hero, immersion in the illusions and memories of the beautiful Oblombovsky past.

In addition, the "superfluous" person always does not fit in due time, rejecting him and acting on the system dictating him and the value of the system. In contrast to the romantic tradition, they always seek forward, leading their time, Pechorin and Onegin, or the character of the Enlightenment of Chatsky, towering over the mosted in ignorance by society, Oblomov - the image of a realistic tradition, the hero seeking not in front of transformations and new discoveries (in society either in his soul), an excellent distant future, and a faith-oriented and important thing for him, "Oblomovochina".

Love "Excess Human"

If in the question of the temporary orientation of the bugs differs from the "extra heroes preceding it, then in love affairs their fate is very similar. Like Pechorin or Onegin, the bugs are afraid of love, is afraid of what can change and become different or adversely affect his beloved - until the degradation of her personality. On the one hand, parting with the beloved is always a noble step from the "extension hero", on the other, this is the manifestation of infantilism - Oblomov was an appeal to the "Oblomovsky" childhood, where they decided everything for him, they cared for him and everyone was allowed.

"An extra person" is not ready for fundamental, sensual love for a woman, for him it is important not how much the real beloved, how many independently created, inaccessible image - we see the feelings of Onegin to Tatiana, and illusory, "spring" feelings Oblomov to Olga. "Extensive person" needs a muse - beautiful, unusual and inspiring (for example, like Bella with Pechorin). However, not finding such a woman, the hero falls into another extreme - finds a woman who would replace his mother and created the atmosphere of distant childhood.

Not similar at first glance and Onegin are equally suffering from loneliness in the crowd, but if Eugene does not refuse secular life, then for Oblomov, the only way out is immersed in itself.

Is the man of obcomments?

The "extra person" in the broom is perceived by other characters other than similar heroes in the preceding works. Oblomov - a kind, simple, honest person who sincerely wants a quiet, calm happiness. He is sympathetic not only to the reader, but also the people around him - no wonder because of school years, his friendship with the gallery and Zakhar continues to serve the Barin. Moreover, Olga and Agafia were sincerely loved by Oblomov precisely for its mental beauty, dying under the pressure of apathy and inertness.

What is the reason that from the very appearance of the novel in the press criticism was determined by Oblomov as a "excess person", because the hero of realism, unlike the characters of romanticism, is this typed image that combines the features of the whole group of people? Depicting Oblomov in Roman, Goncharov wanted to show not one "extra" person, but a whole social layer of educated, wealthy, intelligent, mental people who could not find themselves in rapidly changing, new Russian society. The author emphasizes the tragedy of the situation when, without knowing how to change together with the circumstances, such "brooms" slowly die, continuing to hold on to the long time, but still important and heating the soul memories of the past.

10 classes will be especially useful to familiarize themselves with the above arguments before writing an essay on the topic "Oblomov and" Extra People "."

Oblomov and "extra person" What is common - an essay on the topic |

The main character of the novel of the Russian writer I.A. Balryov, Oblomov, can be called "existential" by a few reasons.

One of them is pretty obvious. Roman was published shortly before the Great Peasant Reform. Against the background of all the characters, and especially in the contrast with the active, very active and purposeful gallery, lazy bugs are in front of the reader with an obvious leier, superfluous, with a completely stupid man.

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By virtue of its particularly soft noble education, bugs are not capable of any real act. While everyone works, achieve some goals, the bugs are in a state of stagnation. He petrified, lies on the sofa and does nothing. Because he is so soon and died. An unnecessary man cummed his life, could not make any great cases, did nothing useful.

On the other hand, bugs are not lazy. They own some notality, notion. Lying on the sofa is his familiar, usual, completely normal condition. Betterness, in fact, is neither bad and nor good. This is, above all, the lack of evil. Oblomov - a person who tries to reduce the measure of his presence in the world, a person who is deprived of an incentive of action, like any inhabitant, by the way. Everything that happens around him, he perceives very flirting. Oblomov places thoughts about the purpose of man in the world, about the meaning of existence without motivation for action. Oblomov is an extra person. He is destined to live in this world, where all events once and forever took place, where all the tasks have already been solved, where "live", in the poetic sense of the word.

Thus, Oblomov, I think it is still possible to be called a "excess" man. He is not like everyone else, he understands life differently and does not want to fake under the world in which all others exist. That is why Oblomov is dying early, not capable of one, incomprehensible, overcome the world, full of vulgarity and lies.

Updated: 2016-11-20

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The main hero of the Roman I. A. Goniaov is Ilya Ilya Oblomov, good, soft, kind-hearted ҹelovka, able to experience the oustness of love and friendship, but unable to cross themselves - get up from the sofa, to do any activity and even settle your own business. But if the bug novel appears before us as Lessel, then with each new page we are increasingly penetrating the hero in the soul - light and ҹista. In the first chapter, we meet with nomavy people - familiar Ilya Ilyaҹa, surrounding it in St. Petersburg, engaged in a barren bustle, creating the visibility of action. In contact with these people, the essence of Oblomov is increasingly revealed. We see, ҹto from Ilya Ilyaҹa has such an important casuala, which is a few, as a conscience. With each stroke, the ҹittel knows the Oblomov's ҹuznaya soul, and it is this that Ilya Ilya is distinguished from the crowd of nicknamed, breakdown, heartless, and the people who took only their person's person: the soul is so open and easily shone in the eyes, in a smile, in every movement of his head, his hands. Having excellent domestic casualties, bugs are also educated, smart. He knows, this is true of the true values \u200b\u200bof life - not money, not wealth, but high spiritual casuals, flight of oust. So, so much is so smart and educated ҹelovka does not want to work? The answer is simple: Ilya Ilya, just like Onegin, Peҹorin, Rudin, does not see the meaning and purpose of such labor, such a life. He does not want to work so much. This is not a permitted question, this dissatisfied doubt is depleted by the forces, go on activities; Hands are descended from ҹelovka, and he throws work, without seeing his goals, wrote Pisarev. Goguarov does not introduce into a novel by a single excess person - all the heroes every step more and more open to us Oblomov. The author introduces Jas with the gallery - at first glance, the perfect hero. He is hardworking, breaking, practitioned, punctual, he himself managed to break through his way in life, gave capital, earned respect and recognition in society. Is it all necessary for it? What good brought his works? What is their goal? The tasks of the gallery is to settle in life, that is, to find enough livelihoods, family status, ҹin, and, having achieved all this, he stops, he does not continue its development, he is content with the fact that it already has. Is it possible to call this ҹelovka ideal? Oblons can not live for the sake of material well-being, he must constantly develop, improve his inner world, and this cannot be achieved, because the soul does not know the borders in its development. It is in this bugs that surpasses gallets. But the main storyline in the novel is the relationship between Oblomov and Olga Ilinskaya. It was here that the hero is revealed to us from the loud side, its most cherished corners of the soul opens. Olga awakens in the soul of Ilya Ilyaҹa Lucky Caudi, but they live in the Oblome-Move for a short time: too different were Olga Ilyinskaya and Ilya Ilya Oblomov. It is characterized by harmony of mind and hearts, will, which hero is not able to understand and accept. Olga is full of vital energy, she strives for high - art and awakens the same omests in Ilya Ilyaҹe, but he is so far from her lifestyle, it is soon again changing romantic walks on a soft sofa and a warm bathrobe. It would seem that there is not enough breakdown, one would not marry Olga, who accepted his proposal. But no. He does not go like everything. Oblomov decides to interrupt relations with Olga for the sake of her good; He comes as many people familiar to us: Peҹorin, Onegin, Rudin. All of them leave loved ones, not wanting to make pain. In relation to women, all the ruble behave equally shamefully. They do not know how to love and do not know, ҹ It's looking for in love, then just as in life in life ..., - writes Dobrolyubov in his article What is Oblomovna?. Ilya Ilya decides to stay with Agafei Matveyevna, to which also nourishes ҹuzness, but completely different, ҹ to Olga. For him, Agafia Matveyevna was closer, in her very moving elbows, into carefully stopping in all her eyes, in the standard walking from the kitchen in the pantry. Ilya Ilyaҹ lives in a cozy, comfortable house, where there was always life in the first place, and the beloved woman would be the continuation of the hero. It would seem to live and live a hero for a long time and selfishly. No, such a life in the Wheat House was not normal, long, healthy, on the contrary, she accelerated the transition of Oblomov from sleep on the sofa to a mustache - death. Reading the novel, unwittingly ask for a question: will it all be so pulling to the broom? Oyadno, ҹto each of the heroes finds in it to the store, ҹostotot, revelations - all that is so lacking people. Everything, with the Volkova and the horse Agafej Matveyevna, was looking for and, most importantly, they found the necessary for themselves, for their heart, soul. But anywhere there was no bug, there was no such ҹelovka, who would truly opened the hero. And the problem is not in the people around him, but in it itself. Gongyarov in his novel showed different types of people, they all went before the broom. The author showed us, ҹto Ilya Ilyaҹu there is no place in this life, as well as Onegin, Peҹorin.