He knew all formed Russia: Sculptor Alexander Pokeshin. School encyclopedia awards and titles

He knew all formed Russia: Sculptor Alexander Pokeshin. School encyclopedia awards and titles
He knew all formed Russia: Sculptor Alexander Pokeshin. School encyclopedia awards and titles

Born in p. Svetchkin Danilovsky y. Yaroslavl lips. In the serf peasant family of the hereditary layout M. E. Poskushina. Among the peasants of Danilovsky. Crafts of layouts, Kamenotesov and Plastellovs have long been traditional seizure. Primary education The future sculptor receives in a rural school with. Rybnitsa, where Sasha with his parents and brother Konstantin moved to live from nearby Svechkin. Noticing very earlyly manifested creative abilities of the Son, Mikhail Evdokimovich, with the consent of his landowners E. V. Olkhina, will take Sasha to St. Petersburg, where in 1850 it arranges his studies in the drawing school with the society of the promotion of art. Already during this period, such qualities of the nature of the future sculptor were revealed, such as fantastic hardworking and exceptional devotion to Russian art. Instead of the next three years, he brilliantly finishes schools in two years and in 1852 it was accepted for training in the workshop of the famous St. Petersburg teacher, Academician of the sculpture of D. I. Iense, which ends in three years instead of five. Under the leadership of D. I. Iense Podekishin acquires the phenomenal art technique of the ornament and skill of sculpture. At the end of the workshop, Alexander Mikhailovich was left by Iense as an assistant to work on the sculptural design of St. Petersburg palaces and mansions. With the assistance of the teacher Alexander on clusted with a large care of 500 rubles. March 20, 1859 receives E. V. Olkhina Volnaya from the landlord. As a student of Academician D. I. Yensene in 1859-62, he continued his studies in the sculptural class under the Imperial Academy of Arts, led by David Ivanovich. 1862 became a swivel in the life of a young sculptor. The Academic Council of the Academy of Arts suddenly acknowledges the guardian of a small silver medal for the bas-relief "Angels, who announced the shepherds of the Nativity of Christ." In the same year, the artist and sculptor M. O. Mikeshin who had noticed his talent invites anyone not a well-known young scaber to take part in the construction of the Grand Monument of the Millennium of Russia in Novgorod. According to Mikishin's plan, it was a huge bell, designed to gleate the descendants about the heroic past of Russia.

Outdoor 8 Saint. 1862 The monument in the number of Russian historical figures depicted was the largest sculptural product of Russian monumental art, becoming the first in our country by the monument, erected not a separate personality, but the state of the Russian state. In addition to the guardian, the whole Pleiad of the Darovyt Domestic Sculptors took part in his mind: R. K. Zalendan, M. A. Chizhov, I. P. Schroeder, N. A. Laversky. In 1864 for the sculptural sketches of "Delicaria" and "Amur and Psyche", the Imperial Academy of Arts awards the guideline of a non-class artist and rewards with a silver medal. In 1869 he awarded the title of class artist of the 2nd degree, and in the 1870 class artist of the 1st degree. In 1872, Alexander Mikhailovich receives a diploma academician sculpture for Bust Cesarevich Nikolay Alexandrovich and the statue of Peter the Great. In the same year, the Imperial Society of Natural Sciences, Anthropology and Ethnography, a great gold medal awarded his large Gold Medal, for the bust of Peter I and the sculptural group of Russian sailors. In co-authorship with M. O. Mikishin Guicerine creates a well-known pre-revolutionary monument to Russian Flotovodzo-Admiral A. S. Gragu in Nikolaev (solemnly opened on May 21, 1873, destroyed after 1917). Jointworking A. M. Pekpeshina, M. O. Mikeshin and M. A. Chizhova became the St. Petersburg monument to the Russian Empress Catherine II, established in the Square of the Alexandrinsky Theater 24 Nov. 1873. (Guicechina belongs to the nine statues of the associates of the Russian Empress). The world famous monument of A. S. Pushkin in Moscow, opened in the situation of a national celebration on June 6, 1880. The right to create a sculptor received after participating in an extremely tense competitive wrestling and convincing victory in the last third contest 1875 . All three competitions (1873, 1874, 1875) collected almost the entire color of the then domestic sculpture. Memories of A. M. Perekoshin are preserved, testifying to a severe moral atmosphere of competitive years: "For a number of years, the nights did not go as follows. There were three fevering contests. All the sculptors of that time participated in two of them. Oh, what heat was! Oh, what a turmoil! How much envy to each other; Everyone wanted to be sculptor, according to the expression of Belinsky, "New Monument". At the celebrations on the occasion of the opening of the monument, almost all the great Russian writers of that time were made with speeches. Known, for example, the famous speech F. M. Dostoevsky. Monument to A. S. Pushkin in Moscow - the first monument to the Great Russian poet in Russia. Multiplely acted in literary works, imprinted on reproductions, postcards, calendars, etc. Pushkinsky Bronze Pushkin became an integral symbol of Moscow. Less known to the guardian monuments of Pushkin in St. Petersburg (1884), in Chisinau (1885), in Ostafiavo (1913). In 1881, Alexander Mikhailovich received the first award at the international competition of projects of the monument to the naturalist Academician K. E. Bara. His discovery took place in Derpete (Tartu, Estonia) at the Cathedral Mount 16 Nov. 1886. The monument to the poet of M. Yu. Lermontov is also created and first in the history of Russia. It is open to the 16 Aug. 1889 in Pyatigorsk, also becoming an integral attraction of the famous resort. The monument to the Russian State Affairs Directorate, the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia, was wonderful in artistic terms. N. N. Muravyev-Amur in Khabarovsk (1891) is the largest monument in pre-revolutionary Russia: the overall height of the sculpture together with the pedestal was almost 16 m. At the same time, there was nothing official in the monument. The sculptor, along with unique portrait similarity, was able to reveal the unique spiritual essence of N. N. Muravyov-Amur and the greatness of his affairs. The beautiful statue that stood on the high shore was well visible even from the distant distance. In 1925, on the ruthless order of the Chairman of the Dalrevkom, Ya. Gamarnik, the monument of the Giant was destroyed, and for many decades, even the mention of him in print remained under the unlawful ban. Now for preserved

models Monument is recreated as a copy. The same fate and the Tspekeinsky monument to the Russian industrialist and the philanthropist I. G. Kharitonenko. Open in May 1895 in the Sumy of the Kharkiv lips., In N. The 20s by decision of local Bolshevik leaders a monument was dismantled and integrated. Nowadays his copy is recreated. The monarchical theme is the main in the work of the sculptor, which was especially thoroughly silent in post-revolutionary art historical literature. Here, the guardianship created the largest works. The most famous and generally accepted in artistic attitude before the revolution was considered to be the guardian monuments Alexander II and Alexander III. Total to date 12 such monuments are known. The "the greatest monuments in Russia" called Moscow Monuments Alexander II in the Kremlin (open on August 16, 1898, created in collaboration with P. V. Zhukovsky and N. V. Sultanov) and Alexander III near the christ of Christ the Savior (opened on May 30, 1912), Practicing, according to the plan of the sculptor, a special historical mission of Russian autocracy. These monuments became places of universal pilgrimage of Muscovites and guests of the capital. The Moscow Vedomosti newspaper celebrated: "More than a month has passed since the opening of the monument to Emperor Alexander II, and meaning every day you see all the same strings, almost crowd of the people. Instruitively observe the mood of the crowd. This is not a simple inspection, the audience goes quietly, with some reverence, the conversation occurs almost in low voice. " Less than the famous Moskovsky Pokeshine Monument to Catherine II (1896). After 1917, he was saved from the destruction of the sculptor S. D. Mercurov and others. Representatives of the Armenian diaspora, now located in Yerevan. Created by A. M. Guiceal Monuments Alexander II were established in Astrakhan (1884), Pskov (1886), Chisinau (1886), Czestochowa (Poland, 1889), Buturlinovka (1912), Vladimir (1913), Rybinsk (1914) and DR . cities. The guardianship belongs to the sculptural finish of a number of Moscow buildings: the buildings of the State Bank, the Exchange on Ilyinka, the Nellobin Theater, the mansions of Eliseev, Prov, Mazurin, Malkiel, Shcherbatov, etc.

Monument to Alexander II in the Kremlin

In the pre-revolutionary period, the name of the sculptor was very popular in monarchical circles. He was favorite representatives of the tsarist dynasty. At the request of Emperor Alexander III, it was a guardian who was instructed to create a Moscow monument to his father - Emperor Alexander II. In Moscow, the sculptor patronized led. kn. Sergey Aleksandrovich. After 1917, most of the barbaric custodial created by the revolutionary vandals were destroyed. The first victims of the cultural terror were his monuments by Russian kings, demolished in accordance with the decree of V. I. Lenin "On the removal of monuments, erected in honor of the kings and their servants, and the development of projects of monuments of the Russian Socialist revolution", from 12 Apr. 1918. In 1919, the familiar sculptor with his family was forced to return to his native village, where he slowly died in terrifying poverty and without medical care. Already in the 20s, many milestones of his creative biography were deliberately silent and distorted. The official Soviet art historian has been created and strongly promoted the myth of guardianship as the "author of one ingenious monument". The modest grave of the sculptor is in p. Rybnitsa Yaroslavl region

Pothein Alexander Mikhailovich (16( 28) November 1838, D. Svechkinino Danilovsky County of the Yaroslavl lips. - March 4, 1923, p. Rybnitsa Danilovsky County of the Yaroslavl Lip. (Nowadays the Nekrasovsky district of the Yaroslavl region), buried at the local cemetery near the Spasskaya Church) - an outstanding Russian sculptor.

Born in a serf family, got free in 1859. Danilovsky county was the center of construction waste in the Yaroslavl province, and among the builders, layers and plasterers prevailed. Many houses in Moscow and St. Petersburg were separated by stucco, made by our countrymen. Among the Lepasikov-Wastenikov was the father of Pokuke's Mikhail Evdokimovich. Together with his father, Alexander lived in St. Petersburg in the 1850s. Training began in the drawing school under the imperial society of encouraging art, finished it in two years instead of three. She then studied at the school D. I. Yensene, where from the modeling of ornaments switched to sculpture.

Already in the first independent work, the Talent of the sculptor, and the teachers encourage him to their independent creativity, appeared in the first independent work. The fortress could not go to the Academy of Arts and therefore Alexander visited only the sculptural class at the Academy, who was led by Iense. This was his artistic education, the rest is talent and huge hardworking.

In 1861, the sculptor marries the Zolotosveka E. I. Guskin. Meeting with M. O. Mikeshin was the next stage in the formation of a paddle as a sculptor. Mikeshin offered him to perform a figure of Peter I at the Millennium Monument of the Millennium of Russia (Novgorod, 1862). Joint work with Mikishin continued at the monument to Catherine II in St. Petersburg (1873), where Pokeshine performed nine figures of the Empress Supporters. In 1872, for the statue of Peter I, Pekpeshin receives the title of academician.

Finally secured a high guard place in the history of Russian art. Work and victory in a multi-stage contest for a monument A. S. Pushkin. During the work, about 30 projects made of clay and plasticine were performed. The opening of the monument took place on June 6, 1880 and caused an unprecedented public resonance. Two years after the opening of the Pushkin's monument in Moscow, Pekpeshan wins the anonymous competition of the monument projects to another Russian poet - M. Yu. Lermontov. The opening of the monument took place on August 16, 1889 in Pyatigorsk. In the process of working on the monument to Lermontov, Pekpeshin took part and won the international competition for a monument to the famous scientist scientist Karl Ernst Baru. The opening of the monument took place on November 16, 1886 in the city of Derpete (now Tartu).

By the beginning of the twentieth century, the Peksinshin acquired great popularity. He was called the "best Russian sculptor", he was the regional tsarist name, was awarded the orders of St. Vladimir 3rd and the 4th century, St. Stanislav 2nd and 3rd, St. Anne 2nd Art. In 1912, the guardian was assigned the rank of a valid Stat adviser and a lifetime pension was complained.

After the revolution, 1917, the sculptor lost not only pensions, but also at home, and the workshop. During searches, the library and archive were cleared. The guardian returns to his homeland, where he lives in extreme need.

Unfortunately, the fate of many works of the guardian turned out to be no less tragic than the fate of the sculptor himself. During the years of Soviet power, acting on the basis of the Leninsky Decree 1918 "On Monuments of the Republic", which assumed the destruction of monuments to the kings and their servants, were destroyed by the monument to Alexander II on the territory of the Kremlin and Alexander III near the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. In the category of "servants of the kings" and such notable figures of the Russian state were also hit, as the Governor of Eastern Siberia N. N. Muravyev-Amur and Admiral A. S. Greig, whose monuments (in Khabarovsk and Nikolayev) were also destroyed in the 20th Years.

For the funds collected by the public, in recent years, the Topperyss Monuments N.N. has been restored Amur Muravyevsky in Khabarovsk (1991) and I. G. Kharitonenko in Sumy (1996). The question was raised about the restoration of the monument to Alexander III near the Cathedral of Christ the Savior (but in 2005 a monument to Alexander II of the modern sculptor Alexander Mukhvishnikov was established in his place). Until recently, almost unknown, even specialists remained a monument to Catherine II performed by guardian in marble and established before the revolution in Rostov-on-Don on the initiative of the Armenian community of the city. After the revolution, the monument was designed to recycling on a marble crumb, but a miracle survived in the art gallery of Yerevan.

Not only in monumental sculpture manifested himself. All his life, he did not stop working in the field of decorative sculpture and stucco, performing orders of the workshops of Moscow and St. Petersburg. It was established that in Moscow he participated in the decoration of the buildings of the Exchange on Ilyinka, the State Bank on the Neglinnaya, the Nellobin Theater on the Theater Square. And another little-known face of the workshop is a glass sculpture: portrait reliefs and busts that have survived in the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg and the Yaroslavl Art Museum.

The RGB has a small archive of a guard. In the homeland of the poet in the village of Svechkin and p. Rybnitsa preserved several memorial houses associated with the name of the sculptor. In the building where the sculptural and craft department of the Rybnitsky Primary School was located, the branch of the Yaroslavl Art Museum was opened, the memorial house-museum A. M. Peppeoshin was opened.

This man never lived on Tver Boulevard, but everyone who passes through the boulevard, who stops in Pushkin Square speak about him.

Alexander Mikhailovich Podekishin.

He was born on November 11 at the old style of 1838 in the village of Candeck Danilovsky County of the Yaroslavl province. I do not think that his father, Serf Mikhail Evdokimovich Pekpeshin, did not think that his son, recorded under No. 9 in the estate of the surviving adviser Olkhina, will be a famous Russian sculptor. Olkhina belonged to the whole family of guardian. She gave the peasants to the farm fishing, and the father of the sculptor was an experienced leppolor at the St. Petersburg Bronze Cohun Bronze Plant. The modeling, the craft of Kamenotesov and Plastellovs has long been traditional to travel the peasants of the Danilovsky county. Mikhail Evdokimovich earlyly noticed the talent of his son and, with the consent of his landowner E.V. Olkhina, gives him to teaching the modeling to St. Petersburg, where in 1850 it arranges his studies in the drawing school with the society of the promotion of art.

In someone else, Cold St. Petersburg, Peksinshin works by a boy on blisters in the workshop of the sculptor D.Iiensen, which is known at the time. He is noticed, trust copying gypsum ornaments. When the father of Alexander Mikhailovich died, care for the whole family left in the Yaroslavl province fell on his shoulders. The guardian money earned sent to his relatives, and the remaining crumbs postponed. He wanted to get rid of fortress dependence, and two years before the manifesto 1861, Pekpeshin buys freedom.

1862 became a turning in the life of A.M. Poekushin. He is 24 years old. The Academic Council of the Academy of Arts suddenly acknowledges the guardian of a small silver medal for the bas-relief "Angels, who announced the shepherds of the Nativity of Christ." In the same year, the artist and sculptor M.O.Mikshin who had noticed his talent, invites anyone not a well-known young sculptor to take part in the construction of the Grand Monument of the Millennium of Russia in Novgorod. According to Mikishin's plan, it was a huge bell, designed to gleate the descendants about the heroic past of Russia.

Outdoor September 8, 1862 Monument in the number of Russian historical figures depicted was the largest sculptural work of Russian monumental art, becoming the first in our country by the monument, erected not a separate personality, but the state of the Russian state. In addition to the guardian, in his mind, a whole Pleiad of Darovyt domestic sculptors took part: R.K. Zhaleman, M.A. Chizhov, I.P. Shrör, N.A. Laveretsky.

The foot of this monument placed numerous figures of Russian military leaders, scientists, statesmen and writers, among whom was Figure by A. Pushkin. It was the first image of the poet in a monumental sculpture.

At that time, A.M. Poekushin had a lot of work, many orders. He makes Bust Cesarevich Nikolay Alexandrovich, for which he receives a diploma of the cademic card of the sculpture, the statue of Peter the Great, Petra I and the sculptural group of Russian sailors, a monument to Flotovodtsu-Admiral A.S.grigu in Nikolaev, Monument to Empress Catherine II in St. Petersburg (guardianship belongs to nine statues Supporters of the Russian Empress).

And in 1873 the competition was declared for a monument to A.S. Pushkin in Moscow.
Memories of A.M. Poekushin are preserved, testifying to a severe moral atmosphere of competitive years: "For a number of years, the nights did not go as follows. There were three fevering contests. All the sculptors of that time participated in two of them. Oh, what heat was! Oh, what a turmoil! How much envy to each other; Everyone wanted to be sculptor, according to the expression of Belinsky, "New Monument". At the celebrations on the occasion of the opening of the monument, almost all the great Russian writers of that time were made with speeches. Known, for example, the famous speech F. M. Dostoevsky. Monument to A. S. Pushkin in Moscow - the first monument to the Great Russian poet in Russia. This monument has become an event in Moscow's life, and all Russia.

The guardian belongs to the less well-known monuments of Pushkin in St. Petersburg (1884), in Chisinau (1885), in Ostafiavo (1913).

In 1881, Alexander Mikhailovich received the first award at the international competition of projects of the monument to the naturalist Academician K. E. Bara. His discovery took place in Derpte (Tartu, Estonia) at the Cathedral Mountain on November 16, 1886. The monument to the poet M. Yu. Lermontov is also a guardian. It is open on August 16, 1889 in Pyatigorsk. The monument to the Russian State Affairs Directorate, the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia, was wonderful in artistic terms. N. N. Muravyev-Amur in Khabarovsk (1891) is the largest monument in pre-revolutionary Russia: the overall height of the sculpture together with the pedestal was almost 16 m.

At the same time, there was nothing official in the monument. The sculptor, along with unique portrait similarity, was able to reveal the unique spiritual essence of N. N. Muravyov-Amur and the greatness of his affairs. The beautiful statue that stood on the high shore was well visible even from the distant distance. In 1925, according to the ruthless orders of the Chairman of the Dalrevskom, I.Gamnik, the monument of the Giant was destroyed, and for many decades, even the mention of him in the press remained under the unlawful ban. Nowadays the monument to the preserved model is recreated as a copy. The same fate and the Tspekeinsky monument to the Russian industrialist and the philanthropist I. G. Kharitonenko. Open in May 1895 in the city of Sumy Kharkiv province, in the early 1920s, by decision of local Bolshevik leaders, the monument was dismantled and integrated. Nowadays his copy is recreated.
The most famous and generally accepted in artistic attitude before the revolution was considered to be the guardian monuments Alexander II and Alexander III. Total to date 12 such monuments are known. The "the greatest monuments in Russia" called Moscow Monuments Alexander II in the Kremlin (open on August 16, 1898, created in collaboration with P. V. Zhukovsky and N. V. Sultanov) and Alexander III near the christ of Christ the Savior (opened on May 30, 1912), Practicing, according to the plan of the sculptor, a special historical mission of Russian autocracy. These monuments became places of universal pilgrimage of Muscovites and guests of the capital. The Moscow Vedomosti newspaper celebrated: "More than a month has passed since the opening of the monument to Emperor Alexander II, and meaning every day you see all the same strings, almost crowd of the people. Instruitively observe the mood of the crowd. This is not a simple inspection, the audience goes quietly, with some reverence, the conversation occurs almost in low voice. " Less than the famous Moskovsky Pokeshine Monument to Catherine II (1896). After 1917, he was saved from the destruction of the sculptor S. D. Mercurov and others. Representatives of the Armenian diaspora, now located in Yerevan. Created by A. M. Guiceal Monuments Alexander II were established in Astrakhan (1884), Pskov (1886), Chisinau (1886), Czestochowa (Poland, 1889), Buturlinovka (1912), Vladimir (1913), Rybinsk (1914) and DR . cities. The guardianship belongs to the sculptural finish of a number of Moscow buildings: the buildings of the State Bank, the Exchange on Ilyinka, the Nellobin Theater, the mansions of Eliseev, Prov, Mazurin, Malkiel, Shcherbatov, etc.

In the pre-revolutionary period, the name of the sculptor was very popular in monarchical circles. He was favorite representatives of the tsarist dynasty. At the request of Emperor Alexander III, it was a guardian who was instructed to create a Moscow monument to his father - Emperor Alexander II. In Moscow, the great prince Sergei Alexandrovich patronized the sculptor. After 1917, most of the targeted barbaric was destroyed. The first victims of the cultural terror were his monuments by the Russian kings, demolished in accordance with the decree of V. I. Lenin "On the withdrawal of monuments, erected in honor of the kings and their servants, and the development of projects of monuments of the Russian Socialist Revolution," dated April 12, 1918. In 1919 The sculptor with his family was forced to return to his native village, where he slowly died in terrifying poverty and without medical care.

170 years ago, on November 28, 1838, Alexander Mikhailovich Pekpeshin was born in the village of Svechkino Danilovsky district of Yaroslavl province in the fastep peasant peasant family. Most know about the work of a guardian only on the monuments of Pushkin in Moscow and Lermontov in Pyatigorsk. But how strange the fate of a person in Russia is strange: the serfdom, the son of the serf, Alexander Mikhailovich was able to get out of the people and become a world famous sculptor - Emperor Nicholas II helped Alexander Mikhailovich Chin of a valid Stat adviser and a lifelong pension in the amount of three thousand rubles ... and ... died on March 4, 1923 completely forgotten by everyone in a terrifying poverty. So the Soviet power thanked the sculptor for his A.S. Pushkin and behind the monuments to the kings of Russia ... paradoxically?

Opecin A.M. Monument to A.S. Pushkin in Moscow

Crafts of Kamenotesov, Lepschikov and Plastellures have long been traditional traveler among the peasants of the county, where Alexander Mikhailovich Pretcheshin was born. A talented lepreger was the father of Alexander - Mikhail Evdokimovich Pekpeshin. Ase diplomas The future sculptor has compiled from the son of the priest of the village of Rybnitsa, here he graduated from rural school.

Noticing early the creative abilities of the Son, the father received from his landowner E.V. Olchina permission to his studies in St. Petersburg. Accompanied by the cousin Grandpa Luke Afanasyevich Sasha in 1850 went to the Russian capital. In St. Petersburg, his father arranged Sasha in a drawing school with the society of encouraging art. Instead of the last three years, he brilliantly ends up a school in two years. Then for three years instead of five, he finishes the well-known workshop of D.I.Iensen, the student of the Danish sculptor B.Torvaldsen, where it is taught by the art of the ornament, and proceeds to the study of sculpture. At that time, the guardian was 17 years old.

At the end of the workshop, Alexander Mikhailovich was left by Iense as an assistant to work on the sculptural design of St. Petersburg palaces and mansions. With the assistance of the teacher Alexander on clusted with a large care of 500 rubles. March 20, 1859 receives E. V. Olkhina Volnaya from the landlord. As a student of Academician D. I. Yensene in 1859-62, he continued his studies in the sculptural class under the Imperial Academy of Arts, led by David Ivanovich. 1862 became a swivel in the life of a young sculptor. The Academic Council of the Academy of Arts suddenly acknowledges the guardian of a small silver medal for the bas-relief "Angels, who announced the shepherds of the Nativity of Christ." In the same year, the artist and sculptor M. O. Mikeshin who had noticed his talent invites anyone not a well-known young scaber to take part in the construction of the Grand Monument of the Millennium of Russia in Novgorod.

Villevalde B. Opening of the Millennium Monument to Russia in Novgorod in 1862

According to Mikishin's plan, it was a huge bell, designed to gleate the descendants about the heroic past of Russia. By the number of figures depicted, the monument is the largest sculptural product of Russian monumental art. In his creation, academician R.K. Zaleman, M.A. Chizhov, I.P. Shreder, N.A. Lavetsky. As a novice sculptor, Alexander Mikhailovich was entrusted to the implementation of only one figure - Peter I, standing with arms crossed. And it must be recognized that the Figure of Peter, made by guardian, was one of the most successful.

Mikeshin M.O. Monument "Millennium of Russia" in Novgorod.

Fragment of the Monument "Millennium of Russia" in Novgorod. Figure of Peter I is performed by the sculptor to the guardian A.M.

In 1869 he awarded the title of class artist of the 2nd degree, and in the 1870 class artist of the 1st degree. In 1872, Alexander Mikhailovich receives a diploma academician sculpture for Bust Cesarevich Nikolay Alexandrovich and the statue of Peter the Great. In the same year, the Imperial Society of Natural Sciences, Anthropology and Ethnography, a great gold medal awarded his large Gold Medal, for the bust of Peter I and the sculptural group of Russian sailors. In co-authorship with M. O. Mikyshin Guy, a well-known pre-revolutionary monument to the Russian Flotovodzo-Admiral A. S. Gragu in Nikolaev is being created.

Opecin A.M. Monument to the Russian Admiral A. S. Gragu in Nikolaev.

Nikolaev city. In 1873, at the intersection of the Admiral and Cathedral streets, the majestic monument was erected by Admiral Gragu of the work of M.O. Mikeshin and A. M. Poekushina. Money for its construction was collected by sailors and residents of Nikolaev. In 1922, the monument was removed, and in his place they put a monument to the leader of the revolution. The stoves with inscriptions were dropped into the income, anchors and trophy guns were transferred to the historical and archaeological museum.

At the same time, Mikeshin, a wonderful artist, the author of magnificent sculptural portraits, but not too good a meader, invites Poskucein and Chizhov to work on the monument to Catherine II in St. Petersburg. Matvey Afanasyevich chizhov sculpture the sculpture of the Empress, and above the nine sculptures located around the pedestal - Rumyantsev, Potemkin, Suvorov, Dushavin, Dashkova, Bez, Bezzky, Orlova and Chichagov, worries Pretchers.

Monument to Catherine II. St. Petersburg. Photo 1890

In 1862, it was one hundred years from the day of the modernity of Empress Empress Ekaterina II. To commemorate this event on the sketch of the artist M. Mikeshin, the sculpture of the Empress was cast in St. Petersburg in St. Petersburg. The work of Mikeshin was successful: the sculpture was awarded the medals at the World Exhibition in London and liked Emperor Alexander II. At the initial plan, the monument to Catherine II was assumed to establish in the royal village. But the city did the city of the Duma applied to postpone the monument to St. Petersburg, even the place was chosen for him - Square in front of Alexandrin theater

Fragments of the monument to Catherine II. St. Petersburg. The figures are made by the sculptor to the guardian A.M.

Monument to Catherine II. St. Petersburg

The monument was opened on November 24, 1873 in the atmosphere of special solemnity - at the perimeter of the square installed the honorable guard, a congestion went from the Kazan Cathedral to the monument, the sacrifice was coughing, Salute was stopped, the illumination arranged. At the opening ceremony, the entire royal family was present.

Opecin A.M. Peter I around 1872

(Omsk Museum)

Opecin A.M. Sculptural bust "Peter I" 1872

The sculptor talent was diverse. They performed a great many marble and bronze busts: Aristotle, Plato, Zhukovsky, Vyazemsky, Shuvalov, Mikishin, Laman and others. Alexander Mikhailovich and his assistants belong to the sculptural finish of many Moscow mansions, buildings of government agencies and shops. He was also the author of many amazing jewelry: decorations for lamps, vases, lars, decorative sculptural compositions of silver, figurines, large silver dishes with chased images and so on. In church orders, he performed sculptural crucifixes and kits for monasteries and temples.

Opecin A.M. Monument A.P. Volynsky, A.F. Khrushcheu, P.M. Yeropkin. St. Petersburg

Opecin A.M. Monument M.Yu.lermontov. Pyatigorsk

On August 16, 1889, a monument to M.Yu.Lermontov, the first in Russia, was opened. This event was preceded by a long 18 years, during which funds were launched throughout the country to create it. The statue of cast in St. Petersburg from bronze.

1875 year. The deafening success of a young brew in the competition for the construction of a monument to A.S. Pushkin in Moscow - the first in Russia of the monument to the Great Russian poet - called the storm of crosses among the then celebrities. Especially indignant to the defeated Mark Antontocolsky, defeated Mark Anticoline. Did not like the Pokeshine model and Pavel Tretyakov. "This is not the figure of the poet, but a decent statistical person - that's all," wrote Ivan Kramskaya Tretyakov. The consequences did not slow down to affect: the leadership of the Academy of Arts in a sharp form demanded from the Winner sculpture to immediately release the workshop.

Alexander Mikhailovich recalled: " During a number of years, the nights did not go as follows. There were three fevering contests. All the sculptors of that time participated in two of them. Oh, what heat was! Oh, what a turmoil! How much envy was to each other; Everyone wanted to be a scribe, according to the expression of Belinsky, "New Monument".

Unknown artist. Opening of the monument A.S. Pushkin in Moscow on June 6, 1880

Monument to A. S. Pushkin in Moscow - the first monument to the Great Russian poet in Russia. Multiplely acted in literary works, imprinted on reproductions, postcards, calendars, etc. Pushkinsky Bronze Pushkin became an integral symbol of Moscow. At the orders of the city authorities, Pushkin monuments and busts were created by Alexander Mikhailovich and for other cities of the Russian Empire - St. Petersburg (1884), Chisinau (1885), Ostafiavo (1913).

Monument to Alexander II in the Kremlin. Moscow

Laid in 1883

Consecrated and opened in 1898

The figure of the king liberator is dropped in 1918

Sen and Gallery finally disassembled in 1928

But the monarchical theme is most important for the sculptor, which was thoroughly silent in Soviet art historical literature. The "the greatest monuments in Russia" called Moscow Monuments Alexander II in the Kremlin (open on August 16, 1898, created in collaboration with P. V. Zhukovsky and N. V. Sultanov) and Alexander III near the christ of Christ the Savior (opened on May 30, 1912), Practicing, according to the plan of the sculptor, a special historical mission of Russian autocracy. These monuments became places of universal pilgrimage of Muscovites and guests of the capital. The newspaper "Moscow Vedomosti" noted: " More than a month has passed since the opening of the monument to Emperor Alexander II, and meaning every day you see all the same rimpets, almost crowd of the people. Instruitively observe the mood of the crowd. This is not a simple inspection, the audience goes quietly, with some reverence, the conversation occurs almost in low».

He set monuments to Alexander II in Moscow (1898), Pskov (1886), Chisinau (1886), Astrakhan (1884), Czestochowa (Poland, 1899), Vladimir (1913), Buturlinovka (1912), Rybinsk (1914) and in other cities of the Empire. Each of them was unique; Very beautiful and elegant, for example, was a Czestochov monument, created for donations to the Polish population.

Prayer before the opening of the monument to Alexander III

Opecin A.M. Monument to Alexander III

The monument existed only six years and was destroyed in 1918

Since September 1894, Peksinch has become a valid member of the Academy of Arts. Just for the Moscow monument to Alexander III, Emperor Nicholas II complained Alexander Mikhailovich Chin of a valid Stat adviser and a lifelong pension in the amount of three thousand rubles. "The best Russian sculptor" calls his newspapers.

Opecin A.M. Catherine II.

Sculpture miraculously survived in Soviet times. From her should have been made by 40 Bust Karl Marx. Saved her sculptor Merkulov.

1917 ... Earned with many years of honest labor Money Alexander Mikhailovich, who kept in the state bank, were revoked. Own house of guardian in St. Petersburg expropriated. Lost sculptor and personal workshop. Under the guise of searches, a custody family has repeatedly robbed. Many humiliations survived Vladimir Alexandrovich Pekpeshin, the son of the sculptor, an official at the office of the Moscow Governor General. All the guardian monuments of Russian kings, statesmen, the famous industrialists were demolished after a special Leninsky Decree dated April 12, 1918 "On the withdrawal of monuments erected in honor of the kings and their servants, and developing projects of monuments of the Russian socialist revolution." Only Moscow Monument to Catherine II survived, established in November 1896 in the Moscow City Duma. The Museum of Fine Arts, surrendered to the Museum of Fine Arts, the monument was secretly sent secretly to Berlin, where he still is. His name was not even mentioned in a multi-volume "history of Russian art", although the monument to the Great Poet still remains one of the main attractions of Moscow.

Under the threat of hungry death, Peksin turns out the statements to the Soviet government and the chairman of the artists section: "I In order not to die with hunger, together with my family, it is forced to sell everything that is only possible, inclusive to the weary, now and this source is stopped, and I am 80 years old, patient, weak, with heart disease, with malnutrition legs, forced together with three daughters, also sick (one kidney disease, in another pulmonary tuberculosis in the strongest stage and the younger of the same heart disease with the same edema as I), slowly die with hunger".

Opecin A.M.

In 1919, an optimal sculptor, together with his family, was allowed to return to his native village, where he slowly died in terrifying poverty, devoid of medical care. " He buried alive. It was terribly affected by his real existence. The apartment in which he lives with his daughters is cold, they have almost hundreds of clothes, rolled off his shoulders. Nutrition - how not to die with hunger. The absence of all signs that European-known sculptor lives here, the author of the monument to Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and a number of other monuments. Traveling life in the terrible torment of the great worker Yaroslavl A.M. Poekushina. Who can, help him! ", - Brought on March 8, 1923, Yaroslavl newspaper" Peasant Cooperator "Certificate of Local Localand A.I.Skrebkova.

On March 4, 1923, Alexander Mikhailovich Pokukeshin died in a rustic wilderness. He was destined to be born in a simple peasant hollow and die in her. Only close relatives were accomplished on the last path of the Great Sculptor. "Completely forgotten by everyone !!!", - with bitterness exclaimed in the letter one of the daughters of the guardianship.

Memorial House Museum of Sculptor A.M. Punching is a monument of wooden architecture of the beginning of the XX century.
The museum opened in 1988 in p. Rybnitsa Yaroslavl region.

The grave of the sculptor Poppeskin A.M.

In the world, a lot of monuments can be found, which not only amazing the imagination by their greatness, the deposit of lines, but also help trace the development of the art of sculpture in centuries. But what do we know about those people who create these monuments that invest a particle of their soul into a favorite thing?

In this article we will recall the famous Russian sculptor. Opecin Alexander Mikhailovich - who is he, what contribution to world art, and what work became famous?


Born A.M. Opecin on November 28, 1838 (according to other sources of 1833) in the small Volga village of Svetchkin (Yaroslavl province). He took place from the peasant family. His father was the serfs of Catherine Olkhina, a skillful self-taught meader.

Since childhood, Pekpeshin showed art talent and taste, approaching simple peasant problems creatively. He successfully graduated from rural school. It was difficult to not pay attention to the gifting of the boy, so the Father, who often happened with the instructions of the Baryni in St. Petersburg, decided to send the boy to learn. Having achieved agreement by E. Olkhina, young Pokeshin at the age of the 12th age went to the drawing school of the Imperial Society for the promotion of artists.


Training in St. Petersburg was easy. And instead of the three years, he spent only two. A.M. Potcheshin showed outstanding abilities during his studies and conquered the hearts of famous artists and professors. One of them was the Danish sculptor David Jensen. After graduating from the drawing school, he invited a guard to his workshop as a volunteer leap.

Further education and career for the young sculptor were impossible, since according to the documents he was still serf. To solve the problem of the guardian, there were money for redemption - 500 rubles. For this, he worked a lot by performing additional orders and getting a salary.

Strong emotional tension, daily studies, constant safety and malnutrition significantly weakened the body of the guardianship, and he was seriously ill. Only the concern of friends on the academy and young age helped to overcome the disease. And in 1859, the wilna was signed by the guardian. Now he was free and could continue the creative way as and where he wants.

The new Alma Mater was the Imperial Academy of Arts. In parallel, the young mepery continued to attend the workshop of Jensen and diligently won the title of one of the best Russian sculptors.

A family

In 1861, Alexander Mikhailovich married. Unfortunately, the sources do not contain accurate data on his spouse and children. It is only known that the guardian has a big family, a few daughters. Regular income from creating decorative sculptures helped it helped.

Opecin Alexander Mikhailovich was a deeply believer man and a convinced monarchist. His creativity was highly appreciated in the imperial family. During the complex period in Russia, the family of the already famous Russian sculptor was betented and starvated. For the state account, she moved from the revolutionary St. Petersburg (then Petrograd) to the native province of the guardianship. And later in Rybnitsa received a house in free use. Alexander Mikhailovich was in old age and was no longer engaged in his beloved craft. However, the drugproof allocated academic lads for his family.

In 1923, Pokeshin fell ill with inflammation of the lungs and died. He was buried in the same village of Rybnitsa, next to the Spasskaya Church, in which he was baptized. Half a century later, a modest tombstone appeared on the grave of the sculptor. And in 2012, an unknown fan of creativity of the guardian was allocated money on the granite tombstone with the inscription: "Great sculptor from grateful descendants."

Carier start

Opener Alexander Mikhailovich, as an artist and a petcher began early. Already by 17 years, he created himself the authority of a talented master. However, it was 1862 by turning in fate. The bas-relief "Angels, who energized the shepherds of Christmas" became a kind of starting point in great art for a young sculptor.

Soon, his famous artist Mikhail Mikeshin noted him and offered to take part in the creation of a monument in Novgorod "Millennium of Russia" - large-scale project at the time of the project. Of course, cooperation with Mikishin had a serious influence on the guardianship. However, at the same time it is also a sculptor. The style of a young brewer was largely formed and under the influence of the creativity of the Russian sculptor-realista, the Mark of Antocolsky, in particular, its statues of Ivan the Terrible and Peter I.


For the entire creative path of Pekpeshin created several dozen masterpieces. For some of them, Russian sculptor received awards and titles. But, unfortunately, a considerable part of the monuments was demolished in the revolutionary period. Such, for example, was a monument to Alexander II. It was opened in 1898. The bronze monument rummaged at the South Kremlin Wall.

The wider fame of the guardianship was brought by work demonstrated at the World Exhibition in Paris. This includes a chased dish with the image of historical scenes, which was done according to the model of the Master.

It is impossible to deny that a huge contribution that was introduced to the development of Russian and world sculpture, Alexander Mikhailovich. Its sculptures are distinguished by a simple, discreet, but at the same time deeply individual manner of performance. The list of works includes monuments to famous poets A.S. Pushkin and M.Yu. Lermontov, the naturalist Karl von Bara and Admiral Gragu, the bust of the Countess Shuvalova and Zesarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich.

However, the creativity of the sculptor is considered critics as less successful and expressive. So, for example, the monument to Emperor Alexander III was not very highly appreciated by contemporaries.

Statue Peter I.

Pecchin loved to work with portrait sculptures of famous especially successful became his work dedicated to Peter I. The statue depicts the king sitting on a chalet in uniform and bottle.

The sculptor was strikingly managed to capture the busty and the mobility of the character who possessed Peter the Great. However, as mentioned already, this is not the only portrait masterpiece created by the master.

Monument to Pushkin

One of the most significant works that Pockeyshin created is a monument to Pushkin. For its creation, the sculptor began in 1872, throwing all other projects. Long three years left for the development of a monument sketch. For this, the master had to explore not one dozen portraits of the poet and his work. After approval of the candidacy of a guardian in 1875, he began to implement the sketch. In Assistants, the sculptor took the architect I. Bogomolov.

Only five years later, all the works were finished. And on June 6, 1880, a monument to the Great Russian poet A.S. was officially opened on in Moscow Pushkin. The bronze monument was majestically towered on the pedestal and immediately caused a mass delight of citizens.

And today, the Russian poet in bronze execution is thoughtfully on one of the main streets of the capital in elegant surtuk, on top of which a wide-grade raincoat will be thrown. In Posa, it is felt by ease, a liveliness. Easy tilt head and Pushkin's glance express inspiration and noble grandeur.

Pushkin's monument to Pushkin himself considered one of the most serious and grand work, to the implementation of which he invested not only his time and strength, but also part of his soul, love for poetic art.

Monument to Lermontov

In 1889, he turned to the work of another famous Russian poet and the source of inspiration and endless dooms of the verse - the Caucasus was partly captured in the composition of his composition.

Looking at Monumental Lermontov, who involuntarily catch himself thinking that the poet after some wanders sat on the rock and, bowing his head, admires the snow-white hats of the mountains. His look expresses deep thoughtfulness and inspiration. Some fans of the sculpture counted that the monument to Lermontov captured the poet quite sad and ugly, with sharp features. While portraits he says more about softness. However, this is the creation of an artist in an individual manner and perception and remained decoration of the city.

Monument to Muravyev-Amur

The largest construction in pre-revolutionary Russia and in the work of a guardian (16 meters in height) was the monument of the Count Muravyev-Amur - Governor of Eastern Siberia. After his death in 1881, Emperor Alexander III decided to perpetuate the memory of approximate. Therefore, in 1886, he announced a contest for sculptors. Among them was the "Golden Trinity" of Mikeshin, Anticoline and Pecchin.

Alexander Mikhailovich's project recognized the best. The monument laying occurred in 1888, and three years later he was officially opened in Khabarovsk and installed on the Khabarovsk Rock. The figure of the count rose on the pedestal, his eyes were directed towards China. Pedestal decorated five memorable plates with the names of officers and civilians who actively participated in the accession of the Amur region to Russia. However, in 1925, in connection with "Decree of the monuments", the monument was demolished and given to the local history museum, and later separated on scrap metal.

Decorative sculpture

A special place in the work of the guardian was occupied by a decorative sculpture. It was she who was the subject of his tireless attention, improvement and the main source of income. It was thanks to her Alexander Mikhailovich, at a young age he was recognized as a talented leppol.

After the skillful performance of the bas-reliefs and the famous seven figures for the monument Catherine II in St. Petersburg, the guardianship was instructed to arrange for the iconostasis in the Resurrection Cathedral. And he coped with this masterfully.

In portrait busts that were created by the sculptor, a realistic approach was noted with a subtle reflection of individual traits. In the remaining copyright works of decorative sculpture, art historians emphasize the artistic expressiveness of images and elegance, softness of lines.

Awards and titles

  • In 1978, the illustrated (artistic) envelope with his portrait on the front side was released in memory of the sculptor (to his 140th anniversary).
  • In 1986, Astronome Lyudmila Black opened an asteroid, which called the name of the Russian sculptor.
  • Since 1993, the Yaroslavl Prize named after the guardianship has been awarded with outstanding cultural figures.
  • In 2013, Olga Davydova's book was published about the life and work of the sculptor. By the way, the author published essays on guardianship several times. This book contains a description of the most significant periods of life and works of the Great Master. To create it left without a small 30 years. And the reason for the publication served immediately two dates: the 175th anniversary of the birth of a guardian (according to the sources of 1833) and the 90th anniversary of his death.


An example that Alexander Mikhailovich, revealed to the world, his biography and achievements in art, is a truly feat of a serf peasant. He one of the first came against the public system and proved that neither social status nor any other restrictions interfere with a person to engage in loved business and create something beautiful, leaving the memory of himself on this planet. And even if they forgot about Russian sculptor after numerous praises and ranks for several years, art historians are confident, the trace of it in monumental-sculptural art is definitely deep and has no memory boundaries.